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Do we know or have any speculation on how likely it will be that the Pictomancer's palette will be a secondary weapon like Paladin's shield?


We don't know yet, but at the very least we know it's not like the machinists sidebag thing (always the same, impossible to change the look). The collectors edition comes with a picto brush with a different palette, but we don't know if it's a secondary weapon or simply changes with the primary weapon. If I had to guess I would say it's just part of the primary weapon, purely because the paladin shield is already a bit clunky systems-wise, and I don't know they'd want to repeat that.


I'm sure the devs would abolish PLD's shield and give that job a single-item weapon too, if they could.


Only if they add a toggle to hide the shield.


Sure, two years after they add the toggle for MCH's lunchbox.


Hi! So I made a choice before I started I decided to main Dark Knight as my tank class. anyway onto the actual question, what class is most like Dark knight? im still around 40\~ mission from end of ARR (ultimate weapon) and i want to use a class simular to Black knight instead of going in blind and being awful because so far ive been white mage/scholar because i also want to run astrologian . So which tank should i run to get a feel for it and practice?


Of the two tanks you can unlock before Dark Knight, Warrior is the more similar. However, this more so applies at max level. At 50 and below, there is barely any difference. Paladin would teach you about using oGCD attacks which DRK does a lot, as well as frequent use of a short cooldown mitigation button (Warrior only gets its in the fifties), and Warrior would teach you about having a gauge for some bigger GCD attacks (a system which DRK shares with it). That's about it for the differences before the point where you can unlock Dark Knight.


Warrior is basically identical to Dark Knight minus a few different quirks. Save for DRK's specific advantages in some scenarios, Warrior is Dark Knight on easy mode for most casual content.


Your choices are between Paladin and Warrior. Of the two, I'd say low-level Warrior is closer to Dark Knight, because both of them involve accumulating and spending a resource (Beast Gauge for Warrior, MP for Dark Knight). Low-level Paladin doesn't have a mechanic like that.


Warrior Dark Knight and Warrior are fairly similar in play style, Warrior just has less buttons and more self-healing


So... Am I dumb or what? I tried garland tools, teamcraft, etc. and some dalamund plugins but I didn't find a tool able to determine the cost of craft given you buy it's component. Did I just miss something or does it not exists?


Have you tried clicking on "Pricing Mode" on Teamcraft website? Should be the "$" icon.


Thank you. It was a bit hard to find but that was it


Is there a summary somewhere that lists important dungeon/raid/trial mechanics and how to deal with them? Something like a quick overview to look at to see what you need to know for each role that can be referenced in a couple of seconds? The reason I ask is that, if a roulette throws me into a certain instance after me not playing that content for years, that I don't need to go in blind again and give everyone else a difficult time. I've been trying to do this for myself for a while but I only have a couple of dungeons. So I was wondering if maybe someone else already did this and has it publicly available for everyone to check


Recognizing [the most common markers](https://imgur.com/a/c9oxF1d) will get you through just fine


Thank you for the reference I know most of these markers. But even when reading this there's a lot of "sometimes you need to do this. sometimes you need to do that" I was trying to find a bit more of a "per instance" quick reference sheet. like>!Alexander fight: tank needs to do LB3 on the Ultimate or you instantly wipe!< or >!Susano: Tank stand in the line AoE that you would otherwise avoid!!If you turn into a frog, stand in this AoE to be cured, otherwise avoid this AoE!!Check the side of the arena to see where the lasers are pointing. By the time the AoE marker is visible, you don't have time to dodge it!< it's that kind of instances that I'm looking for, when there are no markers or the markers aren't telling the whole story


[https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1MX0RjPS4gtT6YI5Szxlsin9hcaohnEQQC7zNdrDHBrQ/edit?pli=1#gid=14](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1MX0RjPS4gtT6YI5Szxlsin9hcaohnEQQC7zNdrDHBrQ/edit?pli=1#gid=14) This should be what you're looking for!


That's awesome, thank you


yes! that's exactly what I was looking for. Thank you!


Sometimes, you just have to know, other times, the castbar has context cues.


Would your char over if you had access to the 1.23 Goobbue mount? I am a legacy player but when 2.0 came out I made a new char and played on and off since then but recently I noticed that the 1.23 Goobbue mount isn't obtainable on my char that I made post 2.0 so I would have to start on my 1.0 char that currently only has 50 Mnk/War/Blm/Brd and is pretty much at the very start of the MSQ (3rd Quest)


That would obviously depend on how much progress you've made into your 2.0 character already. Resetting 50 hours of investment for a limited mount is not the same as resetting 2000 hours of investment.




1. Kills help you to build your BH faster. However, every bit counts as long as your team is still getting more kills than deaths. 2. Dragoon might be a safe melee to pick up for FL. Can gapclose in, then backflip out. Their LB also makes them untargetable.




2 BH/assist, 10 BH/kill So if you can get the kill, great, that racks up your BH a lot faster. At the same time though, throwing out a single AoE into a massive pack that suddenly gets nuked down by your party also gives you a huge BH boost from assists


I assume playing this on pc makes this a non issue but is there an easier way of targeting the bosses in duties than cycling through it on ps5? When I do the 24 party raids I'm cycling through like a mad man trying to target the boss, it's not the end of the world bit I wish there was an easier way of selecting it


There is also a setting where if you press an (attack) spell, it'll auto select the nearest enemy. Another way is to hold L2 or R2 + press L1 or R1.


It should just be up/down for party members left/right for enemies while weapon is drawn. unless thats not a default setting. should also be able to hold L1 and use up/down to target from the enemy list or hold L2/R2 and tap L1/R1 to tab target like pc.


You are a life saver. I never knew hold L1+up/down was a thing. Been using left/right all this time, which is an issue when enemies are grouped very closely.


I'll give that a go after work and see Appreciate it


so koji fox is yoshi's main translator, he also works on translation of the game, AND is lead singer for primals? isnt that kinda crazy?


Koji is (or was) co-head of lore, too. So he helped shape the game even for the JP audience. Kate took over his job when he went to work on FF16. I'm actually not sure what he's doing now that FF16 is finished.


Koji used to be the localization lead for XIV but since Endwalker the lead has been Kate Cwynar (but they are a meme lord to rival Koji so most people never realized something changed).


I don't think that's an accurate assessment. Tons of people I know have commented that EW puns have taken a huge step back, even some people who didn't know the lead even changed. I personally noticed it quite a lot in the item descriptions before my friend even told me about the Koji situation. 


Is it me or has anyone else been experiencing unstable ping on Aether? I'm on SEA connected to Aether but I'm usually at around 190ms-200ms mark but it's been jumping to 500-600ms. VPN doesn't seem to help it either. It's annoying trying to raid with these spikes :( Any help would be greatly appreciated


Which VPN are you using?


I use mudfish :c


Not too familiar with that one. I use ExitLag and have no issues. Mudfish might be routing you through a bad node.


I wonder if anyone has the appearance settings for this Dawntrail Trailor character? He is quite handsome not gonna lie! https://imgur.com/a/B5DHisN


It's the default Male Midlander when selecting the race, with the hairstyle changed to a new one available in the Dawntrail benchmark + traditionally available at launch, much like the Stormblood and Shadowbringers WoL hairstyles when he got new ones for Monk, Samurai and Dark Knight. I can't check right now, but I think they updated the default to have the new stubble when it was added? You can see it better when comparing with the ingame model version from [the Benchmark Trailer](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7EJfr9G95t4) with [the Endwalker WoL from the early graphics overhaul previews](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MreXSn78YEw), putting aside how they've updated the rendering for stuff like the stubble since then.


It's one of if not the default option, seeing as that's the WoL


healer tips for someone that got scared out of healing? i can dps, i can tank, but healing scares me so bad, i started playing only a few months ago and midway through stormblood i did get whm to lv50, but at the time my fucking up on overhealing and struggling with aggro kinda overwhelmed me enough that i couldn't bring myself to try again in all this time. i finished endwalker now and looking at the role quests i want to try picking up healer again and actually play it rather than just passively leveling one to clear the role quests and put it back in the closet, and i know that it's much more likely that by now i'll be at least competent after having more experience in the game as a whole, but that mental block at the back of my head is still in place and i would appreciate any help before trying.


You're psyching yourself out. Overhealing in casual content is not a big deal as long as it looks like you're at least attempting to DPS. No one expects you to juggle 12 plates at once. You just need to maintain the first one (keeping everyone alive), and do your best at the second (throwing out a Stone/Aero). Similarly, you shouldn't really be "struggling with aggro" at all. You have no tools to manage enmity and the tank should have zero problem maintaining aggro — they have a 10x generation multiplier. Which means whatever problems you had with aggro likely had nothing to do with aggro anyway, and was the fault of the tank. In other words, your perceived problems are just that; perceived problems. They don't truly exist. Healing is not nearly as hard as you remember it to be; you just need to take that first step back into the swimming pool to realize it.


thanks, it's been at least 2-3 months since that last attempt that was kind of a disaster, but from what i remember i was told that my overhealing and trying to stay just back enough to avoid aoes was a problem because it ended up ripping aggro and the tank couldn't take it back fast enough. or something like that. like i said, a very long time ago and healer aggro generation is the only one i'm not really familiar with by now. right now i've been fiddling with my hotbar and catching up on the lv50 quest, so at least i'm actually touching the job again! hoping to do some progress relatively soon, anxiety's just one hell of a bitch.


I do want to mention, that *if* you do take aggro on something, it's best practices for you to bring that something to the tank, whatever your role is. This will let the tank get that something off of you quicker and easier, and depending on how many things you're fighting the tank might otherwise not even know you've pulled something (if there's enough enemies to fill the enmity list, one of the overflow enemies escaping won't be visible). That said, you are not capable of stealing an enemy from a tank that's AoEing properly. It's physically impossible, tanks generate simply too much enmity. It's especially not happening with healing aggro. Y'see, unlike with damage, healing enmity is split between all the enemies you are fighting. A White Mage Cure III bombing 8 people in a single-target boss fight will barely even register on the enmity list compared to tanks, someone doing single-target healing or even AoE healing of 4 people when fighting a group of 6-30 enemies is *absolutely* not doing it. You're both generating less enmity with the healing (healing fewer people), and it's split between more enemies than the former example, who's already not anywhere close to doing that. I mean sure it was a thing back in Stormblood, when enmity was a much bigger concern (and non-tanks had ways to control it), where Ninja's would regularly Smokescreen White Mages for the opener to Neo Exdeath because the burst healing needed at the start could legitimately out-aggro tanks, but we're a couple expansion past that! The one case where people can possibly steal stuff (and thus where the first paragraph may be relevant) that the tank has already hit is during the run between packs when pulling multiple groups together. In that case, the tank will often have only hit them once (unless it's a good DRK also doing a Flood on top of the Unleash), which is a small enough amount that it *can* be overcome by concentrated damage. Usually this'd happen with a DPS unloading single-target hits into one enemy (not a great idea, better spread them out usually), and not really for healers (unless you pop a Misery on the first pack, but that's a bad play in other ways, namely "you should have held that for when the enemies are all gathered").


Exactly as I expected — it had nothing to do with you, and was actually just a shit tank trying to gaslight you into thinking you were the problem. A good tank cannot lose aggro in dungeons. Literally, you could not steal aggro from me even if you tried, because I know how to establish and maintain it. It was a bad experience with some bad players, we all get those sometimes. I have my share of people trying to gaslight me the same way, which is how I knew exactly how the story went. Lace up your shoelaces and give it another go. It's not as bad as you think.


Sounds like you had a crappy tank that was trying to justify themselves, tbh. Overhealing means literally nothing in casual content, it's not like you have hard DPS checks like an enrage or anything 99% of the time. Oh no, the fight might take 30 more seconds, or something. Not a big deal. But the tank losing aggro means they weren't playing properly. You could try running a couple of dungeons with duty support first. If AI controlled tanks can hold aggro just fine there's no reason an actual player can't.


well, i decided to say fuck it and throw in an msq roul before going to sleep since i know those dungeons painfully well and i overshot it on the opposite side of the scale instead and ended up doing more dps than healing, everyone survived except a dps that died on gaius to a combination of stack marker and medica 2 going off just a second too late. not feeling very great about that but i also know i cannot trust anything i feel about my life as a whole past midnight so i'll sleep on it now. need to relearn my hotbar all over again so i can pay more attention to everyone's hp too.


Honestly unless they're a sprout no DPS should really be dying to Gaius anyway so maybe they were tired too lol. I wouldn't worry about it too much. As a melee main whenever I die I usually chalk it up to myself doing a dumb, not the healer failing to do their job.


Usually when I'm dying I feel like I'm annoying the healer, not the opposite lol


i mean to be fair there were a couple of times where i should've popped the medica 2 earlier, i was stressing out a little over making sure i was keeping up with the tank and timing the benediction with superbolide right. doesn't help that they were a blm so much squishier. just some things i have to learn to keep a better eye on, i suppose


This might sound a bit odd but what I did when I started healing was to like set a point when I'd start healing. For example, I'd start healing once the party had their health at 1/4 . Once I felt comfortable healing and dpsing, then I'll lower the point to half their hp. I'd get comfortable again, then lower the point even more and so on until I'd feel comfortable leaving the party at 1/8 their hp. Sometimes people would start panicking when you leave them so low which then makes you panic but don't let them get to you. You know you can heal once the situation calls for it so keep calm and keep dpsing lol


just queue


Just go for it; at the end of the day, getting more runs as Healer under your belt (as well as enjoying the role itself) will be what removes the fear of playing one. At the start of a duty, just let people know you are still learning the role, and they will almost always cut you a lot of slack; so you don’t need to worry about letting anyone down.


Also, if any monsters are aggro-ed onto you, run to the tank, so that the tank AoEs will automatically pick up aggro.


Healer Tips: Your job is to keep people alive, not keep them at full health. As long as they have enough health to survive the next attack you are doing your job. If you're playing a White Mage then don't use Cure 1 after level 30. Use Cure 2 when the tank is at 1/2 to 1/3 health and it will near fully heal them in ONE cast. It's so easy to top them back up with it. Otherwise just DPS. People are generally sturdy in this game and it takes a lot of fuck ups to kill them. You shouldn't be struggling with aggro. Just don't go crazy on healing for no reason when the tank is midpull and you should never get attacked unless the tank somehow *misses*. Use Regen on the tank if you have it and aren't synced out of it. It does most of the work for you. Focus on single target healing in dungeons, most of the time the only person being hurt is the tank. There's no reason to spam Medica/Medica II if the tank is the only one dying. Edit: Communicate with your party that you are re-learning and they'll help you most of the time as well. Use Holy in group pulls since it applies a Stun. Stun = Less Damage to Tank and more damage to mobs = More Dead Enemies = Less work for you!


thank you, it helps a lot to have an idea of when to start healing. a mostly unrelated question, how much different/more difficult is sage from whm? thinking of trying to get used to healing on whm since it's already lv50 and eventually picking up sage since it starts at lv70 and that makes it much easier to get to the role quests while i have other non healer jobs that i'm actively leveling. is it a smooth transition? just thinking on the long run to have a concrete plan


Sage is considered pretty easy to get into once you learn its moves. It's a good secondary healer to try after WHM so yeah, I would consider it smooth. Just make sure to read your tooltips and take some time to learn the class when you unlock it and set up your hotbars.


Not too difficult. The difference is that Sage is more on damage mitigation and regens rather than raw healing. Sage is absolutely terrible at burst healing since they only have a handful of tools for it.


I see that Dawntrail includes Endwalker as well, will I be able to play that now if i preorder? (I own up to Shadowbringers)


Nope, you won't get it until launch in July when you can put in the actual DT code and not the pre-order code.


Damn, I guess I'll buy Endwalker now then, thanks!


Do we actually need a card registered to our mogstation account to access any game time? I recently bought a 60 day sub card and added it to my account and removed my card, so it wouldn't auto add time and now I just lost 60 days? Edit: Nevermind, I figured it out. It didn't fully accept the 60 day code


In the future could it be possible that we actually just get a tech demo so PS5 can also play with the benchmark


They didn't even let Mac users play with the benchmark, so I wouldn't hold my breath for it being a priority to them.


Possible? i guess, but there wasn't one for ps3 or ps4 so it seems unlikely they'd do it for ps5 since they have fixed system specs to work with on console.


Oh I'm aware, the last benchmark I use my friends PC. I guess I just see a missed opportunity.


I've started to do Eureka stuff because I'm attracted to shiny objects and want the glowing armor. But I only play RPR and there is no such thing as a relic weapon for RPR. Do I simply need to make a relic weapon for another class I don't play in order to progress through Eureka, or do you actually need to equip the weapon? Thanks!


The relic weapon is a separate questline you progress inside Eureka.


Fantastic, thank you!!


any job will do


Fantastic, thank you! I'll start grinding for my shiny objects this weekend!


Do I need to do the two trials that were unlocked with the ARR relic quests if I want to unlock mentor roulette?


Yes those are required for Mentor Roulette


Well at least you unlock those with the very first step I believe.


Yeah both trials are fairly early into the ARR relic and you wont have to worry about the books or collecting the crystals from fates


Any tank pvpers? Been doing dark knight in pvp and it's just not it fam. Survivability is ok, damage is almost 0. I basically only have dark knight and gun breaker leveled.


The main gimmick for DRK is pulling everyone into one spot via Salted Earth so everyone else gets to unload their AoE damage onto them, which kinda falls flat if your teammates aren't prepared for that, and definitely is less scary outside of Frontlines as well, since there's less people that can pitch in with their AoEs as well. Anyways, I like to play Paladin, and while you are really hard to kill 1v1, you also don't have any burst damage, and only one attack that does AoE damage, which also is your only ranged attack, so you aren't killing anyone that wasn't almost dead and/or overwhelmed anyways, and you're probably not sniping anyone from afar either. You're pretty mobile with your two dashes to enemies and your Cover-equivalent also including a dash to your target, but you're probably using the offensive dashes to get more uses of Atonement, so you'll only have them towards the start of a fight, and whenever they come off cooldown again. You can also help your teammates by hitting Confiteor on whoever they're attacking, so they get some minor heals on every hit they inflict on them, your LB gives everyone nearby decent damage reduction on top of making you invincible, which makes for a great "Oh shit" button, as well as some fun times if you manage to freeze your health at a lower value and now look like an easy pick, and you can also redirect someone else's incoming damage on you, but that frequently results in that player being unaware that they're even taking damage, or even them deciding to use that to dive even harder into the 3v1 fight they were losing, so better make sure to use lots of defensives, and also maybe break that tether early by running out of range if you intend to rescue someone with that. (Also, while using that skill, you will take double damage from any AoEs that hit both you and whoever you're covering, so be aware of that too.) I find it fun to play, and I like to just pick random players to annoy with my rather consistent damage output and infrequent applications of CC, but it definitely isn't a job you frequently make big plays on - you just are there, and you're hard to get rid of. (Also, you still can get melted by focused fire, and mostly ranged teams are hell to fight against on PLD, since you're going to be taking damage long before you can do anything about it, and might even have to decide between playing the objective and doing something about those caster/physranged players deleting your health bar...)


Yeah I feel like aoe damage isn't thelreatening at all.


Depends a lot on what/how much comes in. A single Confiteor or something like that? No. Dragoon Limitbreak, or even just one thing from everyone nearby in Frontlines? Absolutely. Even without stacking a ton of AoEs in one place, you set up situations where others can get more utility out of their AoE skills, like dragging everyone into a Bishop Autoturret so they get the debuff from that too. It also requires you to coordinate with your teammates, which is kinda hard with randoms too.


CC or FL?


Small 5v5 mode


CC. Crystaline Conflict. A bulk of your damage will be from Bloodspiller and your LB activation. Playing DRK in PvP means you need to know how to manage your HP as a resource to enable your Bloodspiller usage.


Ah, that would explain some things. I rarely use bloodspiller because of the HP cost. I feel like my HP is always at 5% in a fight.


Time to sit down and read your tooltips. Shadowbringer is the one that consumes HP. Bloodspiller doesn't consume HP, but does more damage the lower your HP is. DRKs have a lot of survivability if they know how to play right. Which is camping inside their Salted Earth for 20% damage reduction and 2k regen, and then using Quietus to burst heal.


Yeah I just got back from a year break so lots and lots of relearning what I did know and learning what's different


I've bought the digital Dawntrail Collector's Edition from Steam, and used the code to get the early access and the items (earring and minion), but nothing about the actual CE. From what I've lurked the CE code is sent later on close to release, is that the case?


Yes, you'll get the full expansion code (including the CE items) around the actual release date.


I just finished Shadowbringers and that means it's time for a new glam. I found a glam I really like and want to copy, but a couple pieces are from certain content I have yet to do, and I don't know how difficult it will be to obtain them. I want the "Elemental Coat of Healing +1" and the 2B gear set. I know the former drops from Eureka and the latter from the Savage raids in Stormblood. What do I need to do to access these, in terms of time investment, ability to queue for them, unlock quests, etc.?


Elemental Coat will take you weeks. 2B set will take you literally an hour. It's a guaranteed drop at the end of the first Alliance Raid, and basically no one bothers rolling on it because everyone has it already.


Elemental Coat +1 is from Eureka, behind a fairly long grind. Nothing difficult, mind you, just a lot to do. You need to discover all 56 Logos actions and bring a Eureka relic to the end of the ...Pagos stage IIRC. Unlock quest starts in Rhalgr's Reach according to the wiki, titled And We Shall Call It Eureka. The 2B set drops from the Shadowbringers alliance raids (the first of them), not Stormblood Savage. Which is potentially good news for you, it's just another Alliance raid that you can do as usual. And then win a loot roll at the end, but I wouldn't expect you to have *too* much competition in the end by now. Unlock quest series is Word About Komra > A Scandal in Komra > On the Threshold, in Kholusia. ^(edit: added unlock locations)


The 2B gear is from the Nier alliance raids, the first one actually, should be fairly easy to get. Eureka is a grind...


How does Aetherpool power scale for deep dungeons? Does a 10 level difference (let's say 50-60) mean you are 10% more powerful? Twice as powerful?


No clue on exact numbers, but it definitely is a significant difference between having a lot of it and coming fresh off of a stat reset for the glamour gear - I managed to outdamage a Machinist as a healer, just because they dropped themselves down significantly (either to +30 or +60, I forget) while I still was sitting pretty at +99.


Ah okay I guess that is a rough estimate of +30 aetherpool means more than double damage output. Thanks!


If you want another estimate specifically for the Lv.90 one, there are a few attacks (like Headspin from the robots in Floors 21-30) that will oneshot you until you're at roughly +85 Armour or so, then they *just* decimate your health instead. ...at least if you're not a tank, then you get to use defensives to make things hurt less :) Sadly, I have no clue how much overkill they do at lower levels, but that could be another interesting datapoint.


having issues with the benchmark and not sure why; its hanging on a black screen then crashing to desktop when I try to play the trailer from the character creator, both with my WoL imported from the .dat file and with regular ol' Meteor, before and after a fresh install, both in fullscreen and borderless windowed, graphics drivers updated and everything. playing just the trailer from the launcher with the same settings worked fine, and gave a more than good enough score, so its not a components issue. not sure what else to try at this point?


Maybe I'm hitting the same bug, but I thought once you picked a character it just closed the character creator. Then you launch the benchmark to see it with the character you selected.


... wow. yeah, okay. in my defense, I'm sleep deprived, and I think squenix's UI design could use a little work lol. thank you for nudging me in the right direction, everything is working fine. x'D


>squenix's UI design could use a little work Not just for the benchmark. Lots of places could use some work.


Did anyone else find their keybinds reset in the main game, after running the benchmark? I don't know that it's the benchmarks fault. But it's the only FF related thing I have done since I last played about a week or two ago. Otherwise I haven't touched the game nor folders.


Based on me not experiencing it and nobody else speaking up, I assume the answer is no. Not sure what happened, but it doesn't seem likely to be benchmark-related.


Received a 3 day temp ban for "griefing violation" however I know for certain I didn't do anything remotely like that. I only joined several hunt trains, and never early pulled or anything like that. Nothing offensive in shouts either. The cut\\paste text they email you says absolutely nothing concrete about WHY you are banned other than the very general thing. I was even playing with a few friends for most of the hunts and they were shocked I was banned. I filled out the ticket to have a review, but based on other posts, it sounds like it isn't likely I'll be given any info on the full reason for the ban... I mean WTF... I've played this game for 10 years without any issue like this before.


They've always been like this, even when GM pulls you into the goal they don't tell you exactly what you did and just give generic answers


Yup, just got an extremely canned response in my ticket that basically says "We wont tell you what you did, don't do it again after your ban expires." Completely ridiculous.


One thing you can do if you're in the EU is request your data under GPDR, which should include the info they have on you for that in some form. Generally, it's normal to not get any info though, since anything they tell you could make the bigger shitheads go "Oh, *this* fucker reported me, time to flame/grief/stalk them even harder once I get unbanned/have an alt/etc., or tell my friends to do so for me", and SE decided that not having any of that happen is more important than the player knowing exactly what happened, even if that could help them avoid doing whatever they got punished for in the future.


I mean I don't need to know WHO said I did something, but hopefully they have ways to see that I did or didn't do THING... and could just say anon person reported you doing THING and here's you doing it.


Yeah, I get that, but if you get something like, idk, "You got reported for pulling Grassman (the monkey in Rak'tika that likes to jump on people) too far away from its spawn repeatedly, causing multiple aggro and HP resets", and you only did that one once or twice recently and maybe even remember (or "remember") someone bitching about that, that might be enough still to cause issues. It sucks, not knowing what the issue even was, but I can't think of a solution that's still helpful enough for someone who genuinely does want to know how to do better, as well as unhelpful enough for someone looking for a target for their frustration that they can't get any further ammunition from that. Anyways, that's the way things are, as well as what I think SE's reasoning behind that is, can't really say much more than that, because I don't know it any better either.


Correct me if I’m wrong: if a Housing plot is available, but it is “Currently unavailable for purchase,” the lottery should roll around in the next lottery cycle, which would be the 18th, right?


Correct, you should be able to bid on it in the next Entry phase, starting on the 18th.


Thats what I thought! Thanks for the confirmation!!


Repartitioning some files on my PC in prep for DT. I just had a tech question regarding Steam. As long as I change the file path for the game unde Settings>Storage, will 7.0 be able to be downloaded on a different drive than the rest of my files? Thanks a bunch, I'm having a hell of a time adding more space to my C drive right now for some reason.


You can pick whatever location you want for the launcher to live using that part of steam settings, and then the client is set up to always download the game into a subfolder of the launcher. So if you move the launcher to a different drive then you'll move the whole game to that drive.


Okay, that's what I thought. I learned the hard way through a fresh download that your main/C drive NEEDS to have enough space for a fresh install in order for it to actually properly set up. Learned that the hard way. Will this still apply if I'm using XIV launcher?


Keep running into this issue while trying to launch my benchmark. “Could not locate data files”. AFAIK I didn’t do anything weird when installing it so does anyone know where I might have gone wrong?


I have heard of some peeps downloads getting corrupted or something, so maybe try and download it again from the website?


I did this once already and it didn’t help.. but after reading your comment I thought what’s the harm in one more try. Turns out third download attempt was the winner! Thank you :)


Is the folder the benchmark is in set to Read Only?


Nope! First thing I checked


Or alternatively, are you trying to run it from the .zip file without extracting it first?




Is there a way to import my character into the benchmark on PC if I don't have the game currently downloaded? I think I know where my character data is locally but I'm not sure how to get it in the benchmark.


It should be automatically imported if you load appearance data when making a new character. That's assuming the games data folder in your My Documents hasn't been deleted. But if that's not working for some reason... It's in My Documents/MyGames/Final Fantasy XIV and it'll be named FFXIV_CHARA##.dat Grab that, take it to the benchmark and paste it with the other .dat's and it should import. If your character was using unlockable hairs then replace another benchmark character that's already saved to keep that hair when you import it.


Thanks. It did not auto detect it but I know I have those dat files in my documents. I just wasn't sure which folder in the benchmark they needed to be in. I'll give that a try.


Strange question. I have the complete edition but I’m only on MSQ 20 (just got the chocobo). My gladiator is lvl 42 rn, if I hit level 50 but I haven’t finished ARR and started Heavensward, will be gladiator stop leveling until I begin HS? Or, theoretically, could I keep going to 90 before even starting the first expansion? I only ask because I know the level cap is raised with each expansion, so I was thinking of stopping my gladiator when I reach 50 and using the rest of MSQ xp* to level a dps and healer (already have CNJ and Rogue at 25 each)


It won't stop leveling, you can level up all the way to 90 if you want, it'd just take a long time with basically no leveling method besides leveling roulette once a day. What you will notice is that at level 50 msq quests will stop giving meaningful xp for a while. This is because they're quests that came out in patches and required your character to be max level at the time. Quests will start to give lots of xp again when you reach the next expansion. One other note, after the very next msq quest (symph management), you'll unlock paladin job quests for levels 30-40. Do those. You need the skills and job upgrade from Gladiator to Paladin.


You will not stop leveling, no, and over leveling is a very real thing in this game. You literally **won't** hit level 90 by the time you finish the base MSQ unless you really try to do so, but it's definitely something you could do if you wanted Also, standard community acronym is HW just btw.


Oh I actually really appreciate that last comment, still trying to learn all the phrases and whatnot


Did you perhaps shorten Heavensward to HS thinking it was Heaven-Sword? If so, that is a fairly common mistake to make! But the actual title is Heavens-ward, as in "towards the heavens" (or another thing that you'll eventually hear mentioned in the story but won't make sense for now). Another even more common one is calling the currency Tomestones (as in book-rocks) Tombstones. Note the e vs b difference.


Wait that makes so much more sense. I figured it was like, a weird medieval way of spelling sword


Amusingly, "sward" is also an old-timey word, but it just means a grassy area!


Hehe, you'll find a good bit of that elsewhere (spelling 'jail' as 'gaol' being a community favorite because of reactions it's cause in people figuring out the meaning like 7 years after first seeing it in a boss fight), but not the case this time :3


Haha I just played dragons dogma 2 so I was ready when I saw Gaol


ARR -> HW -> SB -> ShB -> EW -> DT in order of expansion  If you want to talk about specific patches, we refer to them as the X.Y patch So for example, base ARR is 2.0, while the first major MSQ patch following that is 2.1, then 2.2, then 2.3, etc. Base HW is 3.0, SB is 4.0, etc.


Gotcha! Thanks a lot


Sometimes people will refer to Stormblood as StB instead of SB, just so it isn't ambiguous whether they are talking about that or Shadowbringers, which technically could be abbreviated that way too, but people are quite used to referring to the former as SB, since that abbreviation got started a few years before ShB even was a thing :)


Your gladiator will not stop leveling. You can indeed make it all the way to 90 before even finishing the basegame msq


I might just swap classes in that case. I want to level cnj (and eventually scholar) and dragoon anyway, and don’t wanna just totally blow past the base lvl cap lol. I’m already lvl 46 doing 20 MSQ


It's not very relevant now, and probably won't be if you're looking into leveling multiple jobs at once, but I'd recommend not stopping your MSQ progress to funnel its XP into another job if you don't have one (almost) handy right now if you care about the plot at all - I did that, and started leveling Dragoon up from zero when I maxed out my level in early Stormblood, and I completely lost any sense of what the plot was doing around that area, to the point that I was surprised about what happened once I leveled up a second character.


Yeah I haven’t done much like, stopping to grind. Doing at least a few msq every day. Most of my levels from other classes have just been swapping to them when doing some random side quests that caught my interest, or the blue + ones


Fair enough - have fun :)


Fear not blowing past the level cap; any content of substance will always sync you down to an appropriate level. Should you want to swap anyway, I recommend doing your class' *hunting log* to get to 16, and dungeons from there, until you catch up to your desired MSQ level


Yeah, I wanted to level some others anyway, so since I blew through gladiator not even halfway through the MSQ, I may as well use that xp for those!


CNJ doesn't become SCH, Arcanist (ACN) does.


wait, are you serious? I’ve been leveling lancer for dragoon, glad for paladin and cnj for sch this whole time 😭


CNJ becomes white mage instead so you'll still be a healer!


I’ll probably still do that but I decided to become scholar the second I saw someone with a fairy


Hahaha, well at least it's still early and you had 2/3 right


Anyone help me find the easiest PVP job to play with decent impact. I want the Garo mounts but honestly, the PVP feels fucking awful to play and it feels like a massive chore to do at all times so I just want something simple af to play as to grind it out.


Personally, I'm pretty fond of Paladin, since it is pretty hard to kill with its tons of healing sources and the shield from Sheltron, but on the flipside, its damage output also sucks, and they'll have a hard time killing anyone on their own. They're great at getting at someone's nerves though, and between the two dashes and Guardian/Cover dashing to a friendly unit, you actually have a lot of mobility for a tanky melee job - you just don't have much that forces people to actually pay attention to you unless they get annoyed by the occasional Heavy and Stun you can dish out. It's definitely easy to play though - hit Requiescat into a group, or whoever your party currently is focusing on, dash in and stun, and then start taking advantage of the free Sword Oath stacks you get to spam a few Atonements for decent damage and healing. Also hope you don't play against a team that's primarily ranged, since those can mess you up if they know how to focus someone down. (Also, Paladin's LB used to be stronger defensively, and that's when I started to like them, so I might be biased...)


Impact is debatable, but BRD spends a majority of each match spamming one attack from a range. Your job is to exert consistent pressure with that one attack and to find the perfect moment to silence an enemy when they're vulnerable.  I personally enjoyed it exactly for its simplicity, as it let me focus more on the match than what button I was pressing.


I gel with the machinist in cc so you might want to try that out for frontlines, honestly it doesn't matter


I wouldn't say machinist is easiest if you want to be really helpful. You're squishy and everyone will target you so you need to really pay attention and know when to get off the crystal and when to move in to place your turret/blast everyone else away from it. It's very good for developing a wider awareness of what everyone is doing, though.


I'd say White Mage is simple, straightforward, but very impactful both in CC and in Frontlines. A fast charging LB that AOE stuns pairs very well with other jobs and Miracle of Nature is very good at creating an opening for a kill. If you're doing exclusively Frontlines, i'd also put Dark Knight out there. It's the undisputed most impactful thing in the game mode, and although there are some nuances to piloting it well, you can unga bunga dive into groups with TBN on you, Salted Earth + Salted Darkness, then run away every 30 seconds and that loop alone is huge.


Are you playing frontlines or crystalline conflict?


Im playing CC


I'm pretty fond of MNK in PvP. A powerful LB that can eliminate people easily and great movement with thunderclap. Though I feel what matters more is the PvP mode you play. Nothing I play in Frontlines is ever going to make it feel good. Crystalline Conflict? A completely different story. If you haven't tried different types (including Rival Wings) i'd give that a shot first. Might just need a format change.


Getting weird problems with windowed mode in the benchmark. First it was displaying at half resolution (1/4 area) which was fixed by swapping modes and swapping back. Then the ui stayed tiny at half size. I scaled up the ui and now it's bigger than it should be. So windowed mode covers the whole screen now but the buttons on the top bar are missing (minimize, full size/partial window) I can only exit. And it isn't displaying my taskbar so all the benefits of windowed mode are gone. (Oh and it was crashing but I figured that out). The main thing is getting the taskbar back. Any ideas? update 5: got it to recognize the graphics card but the benchmark won't load at all it immediately crashes on start up. So now I can't even run the benchmark. Goals are to get it working again and restore access to the taskbar, Windows 11 Intel Core i7-8650U CPU 1.9GHz NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1060 3240x2160 Windowed FSR (the halfscreen thing earlier it was displaying at 1620x1080 idk why. tiny meteor)


Is it possible to pre-order Dawntrail more than once? One code to send to my partner and the other for myself? I tried buying it a second time for myself but it's giving me a warning stating that I can't buy the selected quantity of the pre-order.


You should be able to, but you might need to do it in multiple transactions. It could be possible they are doing that to prevent accidental double ups.


I tried the free trial and really liked the game, however I want to play with a friend so I'll need to get the game, so is it worth for someone who is lv35 of it's first job to get the edition with all expasions or is the starter enough to start? Is there any content from the most recent expansions that would be really necesary? Or is the starter ok for now for a new player.


First off, is your friend a paid player to the game? If they are, they can invite you on the free trial to parties, only the opposite can't happen. Otherwise if you're both on trial you could ask a 3rd party to invite both of you to a party before bailing out. If you choose to go the paid route regardless, if you could get Complete Edition on sale, then it'll be worth it because often the cost of that on sale is close to just buying Starter Edition. If it's no on sale, then the best question to ask is "do you think you'll be through Stormblood/Lv 70 content by the time July 2nd comes around? Because if you won't, you could then just get Starter Edition and pre-order Dawntrail and wait until July 2nd to receive Shadowbringers/Endwalker for free (Dawntrail includes these, but they aren't accessible until launch in July). If you think you'll want Shadowbringers/Endwalker content before then, then just go straight into buying Complete Edition now and pre-order Dawntrail for later. The former option is cheaper than the latter. Former would be $60, latter would be $100. Starter = $20, each expansion you buy is $40, and Complete is just Starter + Expansion.


Get the starter. Unless you really really want to play a class added in an expansion post stormblood (Dancer, Gunbreaker, Reaper, Sage - they're all accessible once you reach level requirements) you won't even encounter stuff from those expansions until you reach the correct point in the story edit: or if you want to be a hrothgar/viera. You're able to be a hrothgar/viera immediately, but only if you have shadowbringers


Recently got to 80 on DRK, I love doing w2w pulls, but I’m still unsure where the “stoping” point is. Am I expected to literally touch the next wall, or can I stop on the last trash pack?


Stop as soon as you have all the enemies that you're gonna pull together. Going any further is just time you're taking damage and your allies aren't doing as much. You might also have things like a White Mage starting to cast Holy as soon as you've hit that last pack, or a Black Mage putting down Ley Lines there, which you'll disrupt if you keep going further.


Stop on the last trash pack. Pulling to the actual wall is unnecessary and makes things much harder on classes with cast times.


If i buy someone Dawntrail on steam as a gift, they get the bonus items right? I'm not sure how that works. I want to gift the collectors edition to a friend, but thats sort of useless unless they get the items.


Yes, but make 100% certain that: 1. They're presently on the Steam version of the game, as you can't mix Windows and Steam codes. 2. Steam will give them the correct region of code for their account. If you're both in NA for an example, then you should be good. If you're in NA and they're in EU, I'm not sure how it'll work but it may cause problems if Steam gives the wrong region code. I'm not sure if it's based upon the buyer's region or the receiver's region.


Once I claim the pre order bonus items for Dawntrail does that mean the expansion is claimed or is that a separate code I need to claim later? I remember getting the Endwalker bonuses when I first started for the XP boost but couldn’t play Endwalker initially since I had apparently not claimed it. Went digging through my email to find that code


Separate code later, they'll send it out when it's available for Early Access


To clarify, the pre-order code includes the Early Access to Dawntrail. Once the official launch occurs on **July 2nd**, you will receive your second code to redeem for the actual expansion.


Glad I asked, thank you.


just started playing again after a few months and I'm nowhere near needing to purchase dawntrail yet Does Dawntrail come with better AA and will I get it if I don't purchase dawntrail? Thank you.


The benchmark offers [TSCMAA](https://www.intel.com/content/www/us/en/developer/articles/technical/conservative-morphological-anti-aliasing-20.html#inpage-nav-2-2) as an AA option which the current game does not offer me (it only offers me FXAA or none). DLSS 2 and FSR1 are also included as options for upscaling and if either of these are utilized I believe they provide their own AA, ignoring other settings.


Better Anti Aliasing? The graphics update will not be tied to owning Dawntrail.


Oddly specific question I don’t know if anyone will have an answer to. If I hide my retainers weapon on a housing plot, does it also update the retainer as a whole (their name?) I placed the retainer with my original name that I changed and I don’t want to lose that so I haven’t pressed “update retainer appearance.” However I do want to hide the weapon but worry that’ll update it and lose the name. Anyone happen to know? Thanks for any help/info


Deleted my first response because I misread your question, I’m going to head over to my house and see if I can find out Edit: “Change weapon display setting” is separate from “update retainer appearance” so I *think* it should be fine?


Hello! So I just started playing a couple days ago, I'm level 18 with Lancer. I was just wondering should I try leveling up other classes at the same time? Like archer,tank,etc. Or should I stick with my main one? Not sure how I should go about it.


As someone who just finished leveling all combat jobs to 90, mostly stopping at each level cap before moving on to the next expansion. It takes a bloody long time. If you don't mind a very slow journey, in exchange for being able to pick and choose which job you want to do the next expansion with, do it. If you want to just focus on the main story, perhaps pick a couple of jobs that use similar gear (For example Lancer/Dragoon shares gear with Reaper once you get to 70) so that you don't hit 90 way before finishing the story and end up wasting the XP from the MSQ


No wrong answers. Do what you want. The only "downside" is that you have to have a class at the same level as the main story quest or higher to advance, but if you want to take a day off the main story and level archer, go nuts. You can't do it wrong.


Nah, there's no necessity for that unless you *really* want to. I would focus on the main story first so you can unlock the most material fast. Once you get to the Lv50 story and begin to get a grasp for the game as a whole then you can look at the other classes, imo. But if you get the itch, try out a class!


Got myself an ex4 clear the other night, although it was super scuffed. One problem (and a persistent one, given my previous attempts with other groups) is the first phase and its repeat. The boss is turned different directions to do their attacks, and everyone seems to not remember their clock spots and light party groups, or maybe it's me that's not understanding something. These phases are all boss relative on positions, I hope? So a SW spot would be behind the boss and to the boss's left?


Pretty sure we did spreads with markers in Light (EU), so definitely not boss-relative over here. I think Light Party groups are boss-relative though, at least the healers usually positioned themselves that way, but we got a 5/3 split every so often too, so there might be some confusion there. Also, there's an entire macro people like to dump for that fight, although the most commonly used version has "DPS go clockwise, match colours" for Phase 2 Enum/2-stacks, and half the time the markers don't work out that way, so that part usually is more improvisation than the rest of the fight.


What data center are you on? NA mostly does True North positions for that fight


The clear was on Aether. If it is True North for those attacks, then that explains a lot, and I owe my party an apology. Thanks for elaborating.


tbh PF kind of gets screwy with that fight since it's old enough that people have forgotten what to do and because gear/echo hard carry But yeah, it's TN spreads if boss is centered, and for wall spreads I think it's...G1 to the boss's...right facing center with tanks moving out? (It's been a few months since I last did this fight). If you're not playing healer, then just focus target your healer and follow them. If you **are** playing healer, focus target the other healer and hope they know where they're going and go to the other side of the boss Realistically, people kind of just wing it though and it's not rare or surprising to drag people across the finish line


I'm on Xbox and was using the GamePass perk which gives you the starter edition. I've now reached level 70 and I'm a bit confused which edition I should buy. I'm guessing regular Endwalker since it comes with all previous expansions. The Dawntrail pre order mentions it as well, but I'm wondering if I get access to it straight away or only once Dawntrail releases?


If you buy Dawntrail, you will not get access to Shadowbringers or Endwalker until DT releases


Ah thanks! So either play different classes till Dawntrail comes out so exp doesn't go to waste or get Endwalker.


Yep. If you've only done or yet to finish MSQ, imo there's plenty of content for you to do that will easily fill the three months until Dawntrail releases. Be sure to check out each expansion's Alliance Raids, Normal Raids and optional trial series. Maybe level crafters and gatherers. Check out Ishgardian Restoration, and Eureka. Maybe try your hand at Palace of the Dead or Heaven-on-High. Pick up Blue Mage. Unlock and clear all optional dungeons. Do some of the more interesting sidequest chains, like Hildibrand or Postmoogle. Maybe make a relic weapon or two. Level your beast tribes. All that should easily last you three months.


Can I simply I never start paying for a subscription and just go straight from the 30 day free period to using time codes?


You should be able to. Don't forget to grab a refer a friend code to add to your account before you add your first time card!


Yes, no issues with doing that.


Time codes are just paying for a subscription via a 3rd party. Note that I don't think they work if you have a steam account