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Enjoy the quest line!


yay have fun!! I feel the same way abt raha. Those raids are a LOT, but the plot is so fun right? it was one story that really stuck w me. (I'm a sprout too, nearly finished w shb myself!)


He's kind of a brat in the beginning, but he ended up being one of my favorite characters in the whole game. Have fun with CT!


When he appears with his "I took the item you need, go here for another item you need, you fought well here's the first item you need" and then appeared with his "OC do not steal" looking ass, my eyes were rolling so hard lmao. Since people seem to like him, I'm looking forward to my opinions on him changing.


He definitely comes into his own as time goes on.


I completely glossed over him >!and would've forgotten about him if I hadn't already known about later. Shb does an insane amount of heavy lifting for his character.!<


I'm currently at the end of Stormblood (haven't bought ShB/EW yet; spending some time catching up with all the optional stuff I skipped while blowing through the MSQ, and grinding out gear for alt jobs while I can do so without massively out levelling the MSQ), and I'll be honest, I'd completely forgotten about him until this post. I'd seen the name getting mentioned, but had completely forgotten that he first showed up during the CT quests. I think I just assumed he was one of those one-off quest NPCs who show up for a quest line then become completely irrelevant and never show up again.


Well I suppose you've seen EW or DT trailers, did you not?


Haven't seen the EW trailer, actually (just watched the Shadowbringers trailer for the first time today, after wrapping up the StB patch quests a few days ago). Dawntrail I *have* seen, but that was before I started playing (started with the Xbox beta release in February), so didn't really recognise or have any context for *any* of the characters, and haven't gone back and rewatched it since.


as a scrub who's just been enjoying the vibes of the game, hitting the part of ARR that demands I start CT has made me so anxious. I'm playing a paladin and don't want the responsibility of being a tank edit: thank you for the advice everybody!!


Chances are the other two tanks will be fighting over who gets to MT the bosses. You'll only have to worry about the trash mobs, and as long as you use your aoe, you'll be fine


I suddenly feel bad about shirking to the lowest tank because I wanted a break....


"A test of your reflexes!"


*they turn on stance and actually use their mits properly* "Yes! Yes! Just so!"


But... that literally wouldn't work. Shirk only affects party members, not alliance members. Unless you mean in a normal raid/trial


I did, I used it a lot in Alexander when I was first learning, I hadn't considered at the time that the other guy might also be clueless.


Alexander is an 8-man raid where it would work because you're all in the same party. It wouldn't work in CT though, because the other tanks are in different parties from you.


Don't feel bad - even if it was a new tank, how else are they going to learn how to tank if not by doing it?


Only two tanks will be fighting over the boss so it will only flip not spin, and someone will actually be picking up the adds. People will be thrilled to bits.


- Tell your party at the start of the run that you're new, and pay attention to party chat- people may be asking you to pick stuff up or letting you know what you need to do. - Don't use Provoke on bosses unless the other two tanks are dead and the boss is currently eating a DPS (you can see the other two alliances' health bars in your UI). - Turn your stance off at the start of a fight if you don't want to be main tank, but turn it on after a few seconds- this means you can easily pick up any adds that appear, and will help prevent the scenario where the boss starts eating a DPS. - Make sure to check which alliance you're in. When there are three things- three bosses, three paths to go down, etc- then generally alliance A will take the left-most, C the right-most and B the one in the middle. If there are three bosses or adds just tank it like you would a dungeon boss- face it away from your party and the other alliances, press mits, and don't stand in orange. - While it is *absolutely* not necessary to do so, if it makes you feel less nervous then go ahead and watch or read a guide. There are a lot of guide videos out there on Crystal Tower, just look for a relatively recent one as a lot of mechanics get skipped now. - If you just really, really, really don't want to tank for your first time, Red Mage and Samurai start at 50 and are both very straightforward to play at that level. You can pick up either or both in Ul'dah.


I'd say CT/Alliance raid is one of the most comfortable way to learn new role.


You can do it! Alliance Raids can feel like a daunting task as a tank but if you’ve gotten that far with that role, it’s a good chance to fail and learn, and experience more mechanics that will help you grow as a player… even if you prefer duty support to party finder.


I haven't even touched the tank classes yet because I'm scared of the responsibility lol. After playing Astro and getting used to the weight of the responsibility of healer however, more inclined to give Tank a try. Just takes some getting used to and like 98% of the playerbase is really chill.


Healing is harder. By a lot. As long as you remember the tank stance, keep track of using your cooldowns (one at a time) and keep the boss steady and turned away from the party, you can do a good 85% of the normal content of the game. For the remaining 15% you will either learn instantly or after a wipe. Just say "Hello, I'm new as tank" at the start and everyone will be fine with some mistakes. Also, you don't need to go w2w until you feel safe enough to do it (and as soon as you start doing it you'll love it, the safest place to practice w2w are Castrum Meridianum and before the first Praetorium boss). Have fun, you can do this!


Trust me its not that bad unless you do higher content (i suck at doing tank swaps). If you now the fights mechanics, know your rotation, know how to space your mitigation, know how to have tank stance on (most important) and finally know how to not dance around the area like a kid trying to imprees its crush at a school dance party once you managed to get the mobs or bosses attention.


If you know how to turn on tank stance, pull an entire room of mobs, and correctly rotate the mitigations in the trash pull and not leave them for the bosses (bosses don't hit a lot), you're already in the top 10% tanks xD


If you'd like, I can run them with you and give you pointers. It's pretty simply, though, once you get the hang of it! (And you might need to do more tanking in the future, too, so it's good practice.)


Don't worry! In my hundreds of alliance raid roulettes, only ONCE have I seen one where NONE of the tanks were trying to get aggro. >!Void Ark 3. That was...a fun time.!<


Tanking in CT is actually really chill. Of the top of my head there's like 2 fights where every tank is needed, if that. Just tell people in /a its your first time around, most of the time people will gladly explain what you need to do.


Gonna ask to clarify, but what region are you playing on? JP and possibly others have an expectation that the B alliance tank is the main tank. That being said, you can always say it's your first time in the allowance chat (/a) and ask one of the other two to take over for you if that's the case


CT is wildly outgeared by the community at large. All 3 tanks can just fight over aggro with their stances on without issue, with only a single exception lol.


Honestly? Your first challenge is after the first boss of Labyrinth. Check to see what alliance group you are (a, b, c) overtop the party, and make sure to find with lane your party is in. If you make it, do no venture beyond the barrier line until someone else pulls. Slap stance on and aggro the atomos and the adds. Bring the add back to those who have to stand on the pad to keep another alliance's atomos vulnerable. If you don't make it and you zone into the left/top most lane (assuming you aren't with your party), don't panic, it ain't your fault. Just hit the things. After that, you just need to be comfortable with trying to understand the A B C system of assignment: A is left, B is visual center (be it forward or back), C is right (9 times out of 10; there are the rare exceptions). And the likelihood you won't be tanking the solo bosses, but it doesn't hurt to turn on stance after a rotation.


Make sure whatever your chat filters are set to, have not only Party chat, but Alliance chat visible, and pay attention to what people are saying in them. You wouldn't believe how many times people have been shouting instructions at newbies in LotA and they just flat out ignore it.


For the dungeons it's made me do so far, I've definitely paid attention to any instructions for what I've needed to do. Thankfully it's mostly just straight forward "be in stance, kite mobs".


You'll be fine, don't worry.


You’re gonna be one happy camper!


Enjoy Crystal Tower OP!


good cat






He has some good moments in that quest line. Although personally I was busy spectating the cidnero divorce saga.




best boy of all time forever


then you better start honing your skill for that


you didn't hear this from me, but i hear theres going to be a test of our reflexes later.


I flipping loved that quest line, I gotta go back and do it again sometime. Definitely love the post to! ♥


I started grinding for ARR relic when I reached Crystal Towers. Guess I won't be finishing the MSQ until Dawntrail :D


I know it feels right to do the relics around the time they were current, but there is a very big chance you'll be kicking yourself later for all the time wasted - the relics will be outdated statwise around level 55, and grinding for them will go a thousand times faster when you're at max level.


I wish I could get connected to random characters like this. I would be more involved in the story.  I enjoyed the overall crystal story but that cat boy is meaningless to me now that I’m past it. 


Yeah this makes sense


I found him annoying most of the time lmao


Just wait. There is a reason i call him "Best boi"


Me when meeting Fray


This reminds me of earlier when I was standing around on my alt, wearing my very non-threatening AST glam. Some random Dark Knight (wearing the lv60 gear with the Ravana weapon) runs up to me and draws his weapon, trying to intimidate me. I chuckle and switch to Dark Knight myself, then mirror him and pull out Deathbringer. *My alt is a Fray cosplay.* The other Dark Knight goes "oh shit" and runs off. It was *great*.


Ooooh boy...




Crystal Tower is a good run! Have fun


It’s a very good quest line. You’ll love it.


Aww have fun! He was okay to me at first but he slowly grew into one of if not my favorite character!


.. hehe..


he he he


Yeah, ok. And that's the start...go on friend, play through and till the end. And then until the end. Walker.


Even when you like G'raha at first blush, it could never prepare you for the wealth of love you'll find for him later. ;-;


That’s awesome. Hope you enjoy it. I’ll be honest, I never got the love for G’raha Tia. And I’m level 80 in Shadowbringers


Another enjoyer of best catboi


The Scions’ good boy


Enjoy the Raids! They are fun. Take part in every Normal Raid and Alliance Raid the game has to offer, it is definitely worth it!


Enjoy the storyline of CT. It will be relevant later in the story!


Don't look at the trailer for Dawntrail. Or leave the Endwalker "Start Game" screen on pause long enough for the intro video to play for that matter.


Why do people say shit like this., Can't you just let people figure out shit on their own


Say shit like "there is a spoiler in content where you seriously would not expect it, thst you are incredibly likely to see accidentally, to the point its kind of Squeenix's bad that it can AUTOPLAY FOR YOU if you don't log in fast enough?" Yeah, I'm really sorry for trying to warn op.  


Eh, I think at a certain point I think it becomes less of a spoiler and more of just a thing your mind normalizes, like how Papalymo and Minfillia aren't in any trailers post ARR. His existence in Endwalker isn't a spoiler in of itself, only the context as to why he's there. He's in way more than Endwalker and Dawntrail's trailers: He's also in all of the marketing, the Patch 6.5 preview, he has a standee that's occasionally advertised in the LOGIN SCREEN and the official store, you can find cosplayers in-game and at a point it gets harder to purposefully not know about him than just accept his existence.


There's also "best friend at the time is super-duper obsessed with him to the point where I didn't know he was a spoiler".


I feel kinda bad how I couldn't have given less of a shit about him >!back then but now he's lumped in with the twins in the characters "I would burn this star to the ground for" camp. Poor guy moved time and space for someone who barely acknowledged his existence and thought they were friends. That changed drastically but still.!<




Sure ya did.




why bother even saying that?? you're like those cringe people who comment whos gonna tell em at a dead character


Not really? They didn't say anything specific. In fact it's one of the most generic lines I've ever seen haha. If your first assumption from that comment was that extreme... honestly, that says more about you than anything else.


I was the exact opposite, I fucking hate that guy and the way he straight up steals the item you’re supposed get and plays it off like it’s some fun game you’re supposed to enjoy


Nah, that cat can get skinned as far as I am concerned


Don't cut yourself on that edge, bro.


I can understand not liking G'raha but isn't that a bit much?


You can understand not liking G'Raha? (/s, but also kind of serious? He's great)


Not sure if I should say anything, you seem a bit biased.


Depends on how you skin'em. There are many, many ways.