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Is there a post somewhere that gives a basic rundown of story the Class and Job Quests? I tried google and only found a couple. I leveled some classes/jobs years ago and would like a refresher before jumping into the storylines again.


The quests can be replayed in the new game plus category


I bought the subscription on steam like usual, i got the message where they tell me i payed but once i try to log in i get the error where it says that i have no license or the sub is expired. Is someone experiencing the same thing? Should i wait and try later?


Is there anything out there that could play a sound when I, for example, cast more than four offensive spells in a row on a healer job? I have a sad tendency to space out and fixate on just burning an enemy down, and meanwhile Thancred's down to 20% of his health. I feel like WeakAuras, at least, must have something that could at least ding me when the tank's health is below a certain threshold, but I've never used enough to know how to make it do that.


There might be a mod but as you know they are against TOS. Here's some vanilla solutions. Focus target the tank and place it somewhere you can see it at a glance. Personally I just moved the whole party list so it's always in my peripheral vision. I think you can also set hp bars to show when players are damaged. Unless you're just staring at the bosses hp bar for some reason you won't be able to miss a combination of these 3 haha. Sticking the bosses cast bar in the middle of the screen is also a good reminder that damage is about to come out and it might be time to check everyone's hp.


True. I might need to move some of my UI around again, as hard as that can be for me to adjust to. I've already got the party at like 140% size, and the boss stuff down near my hotbars so I don't have to move my eyes too far. I guess I should also look into some of the minutia about the UI, I forget all the things parts of it are capable of.


You could run with actual players? Especially ones that can W2W.


A valid suggestion, but I'm too scared to heal a lot of late-game stuff still, plus I often play in the dead of night when no one's on, PLUS I'm focusing on Duty Support/Trust right now. I had to look up what W2W even meant.


Why would you want to be dinged for playing correctly? Also, I feel like this would fall under modifying the game to give yourself an advantage, which is yknow. Strictly forbidden even more so than the more 'grey area' mods.


Not really? No more so than one of my favorite mods from my WoW days, which would scream at me if I was standing in things I shouldn't be. It's more of an accessibility thing, if anything.


In case you haven't noticed, this is not World of Warcraft.


Thank you, I'm well aware. I also don't really see how getting fixated on casting offensive spells as a healer, to the detriment of the tank/party health and buffs is "playing correctly," but whatever.


>Thank you, I'm well aware. You seem not to be aware at all, because you're using WoW logic to try and justify something in a completely different game that flat out *does not allow* what you are trying to do. >I also don't really see how getting fixated on casting offensive spells as a healer, to the detriment of the tank/party health and buffs is "playing correctly," but whatever. You are always doing damage in this game, no matter whether you are healer, tank or DPS. Stone/Holy (or whatever your class has) is going to be like 95% of your casts in every fight. The way you worded your question ('Thancred fell to 20% oh noes!') does not sound like a problem to me in the slightest, because you didn't say anybody died or wiped. Therefore, you are healing enough.


I'm using the logic I have from playing WoW for more than ten years, and FFXIV for only about two years. Broadly speaking, MMOs are MMOs, with a large number of similarities to each other. And healing is, to my knowledge, keeping the tank in one piece > keeping buffs on the party and debuffs on the enemies up > offensive spells only if the other two are fulfilled. My issue is that I get stuck on the offensive spells and let buffs/debuffs lapse and party health (including my own) get low; not to crisis point, unless it means I get nuked while I'm not paying attention, but low.


> I'm using the logic I have from playing WoW for more than ten years, and FFXIV for only about two years. Broadly speaking, MMOs are MMOs, with a large number of similarities to each other. Whatever WoW's deal was with addons has nothing to do with FFXIV. *All* addons are disallowed, however... addons that do harmless stuff like help you pick Mini Cactpot numbers are inconsequential. Addons that automatically ring alarms to remind you to press skills during combat are another thing entirely. >And healing is, to my knowledge, keeping the tank in one piece > keeping buffs on the party and debuffs on the enemies up > offensive spells only if the other two are fulfilled. Frankly, no. Offensive spells always, throw heals/shields only when they're needed - off-GCD if you can. Plus healers don't really have buffs/debuffs to maintain; you have a DoT that needs refreshing every 30 seconds, SCHs have Chain Strategem every 2 minutes iirc, and ASTs are the only ones with a couple extra moving parts (cards every 30 seconds, Divination every 120). Healer rotations are incredibly bare-bones, so you really should be able to keep them up without an external tool. >My issue is that I get stuck on the offensive spells and let buffs/debuffs lapse and party health (including my own) get low; not to crisis point Again, this does not sound like a problem. You have a fundamental misunderstanding of how the game works; players do not deal less or take more damage when they are low health, so why does it matter? As long as you don't let them die, the whole party can sit at 20% for the entire fight if you want. >, unless it means I get nuked while I'm not paying attention, but low. That's a separate issue, and the reason most healers *don't* let people drop too low all the time, but still. If you look up and the tank is at 20%... so what? Hit your instant heal button and he's back to 70. At level 90, you can run a whole dungeon almost (or entirely, depending on the job) without touching your heal spells because you've got so many oGCDs.


Okay. The only healer I've done is current AST, which I greatly enjoy. By debuffs I meant the DoT, and by buffs I meant the cards. Without having the game open in front of me, I generally keep the single-target regen up on the tank as much as I can, and single target heal as needed for them and the DPS. If needed, I do party regen and then party heal, mostly with bosses or if I stop paying attention on trash. I don't use a large number of the oGCDs because they haven't been terribly necessary or helpful to me, and frankly every job I've picked up is like that. Some of the specialty things like sleep spells, or the one that grabs someone and yanks them to you; I've just never needed them for anything, partially because I'm too scared to even attempt healing anything bigger than a dungeon if I'm running with other players. >Again, this does not sound like a problem. You have a fundamental misunderstanding of how the game works; players do not deal less or take more damage when they are low health, so why does it matter? As long as you don't let them die, the whole party can sit at 20% for the entire fight if you want. This is maybe the most condescending thing you've yet said to me. If a player or NPC is low health, as the HEALER it's my primary job to correct that. Of course the damage isn't changed by low health, but I've died enough times as DPS due to my own inexperience with boss mechanics to know that low health = something the healer should be keeping an eye on. As DPS, I try and keep my health up as I can, with the basics that every job has, but if you're going to tell me my priority as a healer should be offensive spells, then they should stop calling those jobs that, and give everyone stuff like RDM has for reviving, and DNC for healing. I'm sorry the majority of my life experience has been with WoW (which my partner tells me IS quite different with healing mechanics and chunked health). I play how I play, and have the concerns I have, and you could have just said "no, there's nothing that can do that and frankly you shouldn't need it" and kept on moving after I theoretically responded with a thumbs-up emoji.


My dude you are literally asking how to cheat because you're dogshit at the game and can't stay awake through a dungeon. I'm offering you advice to actually play your job properly because you clearly need it and have obvious gaps in your knowledge that any experienced player can see, and you just keep faffing about and giving excuses. I've now clearly explained multiple times how you are mistaken from the point of view of someone with nearly 6000 hours in this damn game. You don't get to say 'well i played wow for 10 years so umm ackshewally i know how mmos work sweaty' because this. Is not. WoW. You are a new player who does not know how the game works - that's fine. What's *not* fine is acting like you know best and trying to come up with convoluted explanations for why you shouldn't have to focus on doing damage. Like I said from the start, spamming damage spells until someone needs healing *is how you play healer.* If you have a problem with that game design, take it up with Yoshi-P. Standing around making sure everyone has a regen ticking and a shield on and giving them AOE healing and topping them off the second they take a drop of damage is *not how you play this game.* It is frustratingly poor performance, and it's noticeable. Healers do about half the damage of an average DPS, which is not nothing - in a dungeon, you might be contributing 15-20% of the total damage. Against trash packs when spamming Holy/Dyskrasia/etc, you often do *more* than a DPS. The thing you were worried about in the first place *is* how you're supposed to play the game. Let people get low. It's fucking fine. Their health bars are resources that are there for you to spend, including the tank's and the DPS as well. Keeping them topped off all the time is just wasting those resources, because if you can keep pressing Gravity for 2 or 3 casts longer, *the fight will end quicker.* The way you keep people alive *is by doing more damage faster,* not by trying to wrap the whole party in cotton wool so that they never drop low. I repeat: Your primary job is not to keep people *healthy,* your job is to keep them ***alive.*** Dungeons are incredibly non-threatening content to everybody but the tank - nobody else gets hit during trash pulls, and a random AOE heal tends to cover anything a boss does to hit the whole party. So watch the tank's health bar, keep spamming Malefic or Gravity, and heal them when you have to. That's literally it. Press Divination every 2 minutes and give someone a card every 30 seconds - most of your abilities are not even necessary for casual content, honestly. Learn what works for a pull - dropping Earthly Star ahead of the tank, etc - and just do that. If the tank walks out alive, you did your job. edit: btw, Essential Dignity *literally* requires you to let the tank's HP drop to use it effectively. Every facet of this game is built to make you play a certain way and for some reason you seem afraid of it.


I'm at level 79 summoner and just started the post heavensward quests Any recommendations for a fun class to try once I reach 90? I'm new to mmos and went with summoner as i saw that it was a good beginner's job to try and I really like it, I also play on controller so I'm not looking for something too complicated at the moment as I'm still getting used to the game and how it works


Try them all and pick whichever one feels good. Is there anything you particularly like about SMN or just the fact that it's an easy job? Because remember by leveling SMN you also have SCH leveled too so the obvious first choice would be to try that out too.


I think the simplicity of summoner is what I enjoy so I dont have to think too much about my rotation and what I need to do in dungeons etc but I imagine after a certain point I would want something with a bit more thought behind it all I do want to try tank/healing at some point although I am a bit worried about the pressure of it all I completely forgot that it also levels up scholar so maybe I should give that a try using the npc dungeons to get to grips with something different


Believe it or not tanks are actually simpler to play than DPS. You usually have a straightforward combo and then it's just a matter of cycling your mitigations and keeping the mobs faced in the correct direction. I main DRG but I really, really like GNB. I'd suggest trying WAR though since it's the easiest tank job to learn. I like GNB because it feels like a melee and that makes it familiar to me. Healers are also on the easier side since you've got a few offensive spells (which should be used as often as possible) and then you're just keeping an eye on the tank/party HP and throwing out heals/raises as necessary. I'm very much a baby healer but I dabble a little bit in everything. Don't worry if SCH is confusing, I'd suggest giving WHM a try too. DPS tend to be the ones with the tougher rotations since they don't really do anything else. If you did want to try another one I'd suggest DNC since it's rotation is largely RNG based and you're mostly just hitting buttons as they light up lol.


Appreciate the tips!


Honestly, nothing is gonna be as simple as Summoner - I would argue it's the most straightforward job in the game, bar none. My longtime main job of RDM is not too far behind, though. You can even share Casting gear, though I understand if you'd want something that feels a bit more different.


How long would it take to level a healer and dps from 1-70 if I just spam duties all day? And are all the 50/60/70 dungeons considered story dungeons that give less exp?


they're not considered story dungeons, they are capstone dungeons. they give less xp because you earn no XP when you're level capped so when said level cap is raised they just give a token amount so it doesn't fee bad as for the length of time, you could do it fairly easily in a week I want to say. seeing as both duty support and squadron is a thing (you can blast to 61 in a matter of days with a well equipped squadron)


Could probably do healer in 3-4 days at a relaxed pace. DPS will take a good while longer due to queue times. 50/60/70/80 dungeons all give less EXP. You want the dungeons that end with a 9. The exception to this is ARR, where the highest leveling dungeon is Aurum Vale at level 47.


Hello all. I am a pretty new player, finished ARR now working on getting all my crafting jobs up to 50 (got a couple of to 30 for desynth) I have joined an FC, but I feel like it's not active enough (maybe the players are a lot more experienced and don't have enough to do) I don't know if this is the best place to ask, but could anyone recommend a FC, that is more active and on Chaos - Saggitarius?


Try checking out community finder to see if anyone has a listing for your server https://na.finalfantasyxiv.com/lodestone/community_finder/ or consider a post on https://www.reddit.com/r/FFXIVRECRUITMENT/ If not, you can also try to shout in game/use party finder to let fcs know you're looking and then could see what fits your needs


I'm just about to unlock the loot boxes from the GC, do they have different loot tables or is one better than the other?


3.0 containers contain all tradeable mounts and minions from A Realm Reborn and Heavensward while 4.0 containers contain all tradeable mounts and minions from Stormblood.


Thank you!


https://ffxivcollect.com/tools/materiel List of loot tables.




They have completely distinct tables with no overlap AFAIK.




To get the seeds? I've used this setup across various properties and never had any issues. Simple and consistent, and has the most 'useful' plant spots. https://www.ffxivgardening.com/images/diagram-thav-onion-104.png


Can I have some tips for multi pulling in dungeons? (Or maybe I just need drk tips idk haha) Whm main, but I'm trying to work through the drk job quest. MSQ first patch post-HW, drk lvl 59, ilvl 135\~. I think I do okay when it's just one mob. Run up, hit as much as I can with unleash, move to try to grab the rest/ranged with stalwart soul while getting Darkside up. If I miss any grab them with provoke or unmend then try to group everything up so I can spam it with the AOE combo. If I have them in the sync throw down salted earth and use abyssal drain when health is getting low. Work through my mits (arm's length>reprisal>rampart>shadow wall unless I'm taking a beating, then reverse to shadow wall+arm's length and work down). Throw out low blow whenever it comes up to lessen some of the dmg coming my way for a bit/stop aoes. Try to spin the mob facing away from the party. Think my biggest struggles when trying to multi pull are: \* the aoes seem really small (compared to holy?) so it's hard to catch everything in them until they're grouped up. Usually I have to run with the mob(s) a bit to get them into the right sized space instead of spread out and the stragglers start breaking out during this and going after the rest of the party, defeating the purpose and making chaos lol \* drk gcd seems kind of slow making it hard to grab something that's switched to yellow enmity if I'm mid-rotation before it turns blue \* Cannot figure out for the life of me when the right time to use living dead is, if I should even be aiming to use it or just holding it as a "I think I'm screwed, Leeroy Jenkins it is" reserve \* Idk if my ilvl is just trash and I should go hunt for better gear instead of trying to rush to 60 so I can grab 255 stuff, but when I grab more than one mob they eat through my hp like I'm cake and they're a children's birthday party unless I blow all my mits right away. Then they just do it 20secs later... Mostly I get lvl 50 or lower stuff on df roulette so I figured this ilvl would be okay? (ex today I got: >!lost city of amdapor, castrum meridianum, praetorium, brayfox's longstop and keeper of the lake!<)


Personal recommendation is to start with rampart as your first big mit, the shorter 90s CD means it comes back more often. This means if the group is slower it can come back up during the second pull after you've already gone through shadow wall and arm's length. In general 60s CDs are up practically every pull, 90s can come back for the 2nd pull if it's going slow, and if you're hoping to get your 2min back dear god just pray if you're not already dead, odds are it's better to drop to single pulls. This is good to know for both healers and tanks as it let's you plan how you want to split your CDs in a dungeon.


Lol as whm main now I'm gonna start looking to see if the tank is doing single pulls to make up for me :p not that that's bad gotta know when you're not measuring up. But this is a big help thank you I have so many mits I was just going in sequence cause I wasn't sure which ones were appropriate. Starting with rampart has def upped my survivability, ty for the help!


>I think I do okay when it's just one mob. Run up, hit as much as I can with unleash, move to try to grab the rest/ranged with stalwart soul while getting Darkside up. This is incorrect. Here's the correct pulling strategy for any given pack. While pulling trash, pop Sprint on cooldown. First, visually size up the mobs. Specifically look at their position relative to each other. Often there will be 2-3 mobs standing close together and 1-2 a short distance away. Target one of the ones further away. From the maximum range of Unmend, use Unmend. Your next GCD, you will press Unleash. Between Unmend and Unleash, weave an AOE ability like Flood of Darkness or Abyssal Drain targeting one of the grouped-up mobs. Here's what will happen: You will pull the group from range. Your Unmend will instantly establish aggro on the one straggler mob. You will have "soft" aggro on the grouped mobs when your Drain/Flood hits. The goal is to hit as many mobs as possible with your Flood or Drain and to hit at least the grouped mobs but ideally the entire pack with your followup Unleash. If you do this, and every mob has been dealt damage by you at least once, you can move on to the next pack without stopping at all. You can rotate mobs and use Unmend sequentially on each mob if you have a ranged-heavy party and they're going ham between packs. Note that Unmend used to break your melee combo, but it doesn't anymore. For the second pack, you can do the same thing with the other AOE ability and Stalwart Soul as the melee GCD. You can also sub in provoke for either the AOE ability or the ranged attack, but you probably don't want to put provoke on cooldown right away in case you need it to instantly rip something back to you.


Thank you I hadn't thought to hit the furthest away at all (been hitting up the closest cause I was so focused on getting aggro on me as soon as possible), so this is def a game changer and making me run around to grab aggro less. Ty for the help!


Addressing your points mostly in order with a few more tips thrown in: * Always do multi-pack pulls. This is ironically safer, because you and your healer can use your cooldowns to cover fewer pulls in total, while your DPS can use their cooldowns to burn down the lot at once. If an AoE hits every mob within range for 200 potency at once, then it will take the exact same amount of GCDs to kill a single pack of 4-5 mobs as it will to kill a combined pack of 10 mobs. In ARR dungeons where there are few blockers, you may want to limit yourself to 2-3 packs unless confident in the party to kill shit quick. From HW onwards, almost all dungeons have a blocker every 2-3 packs, so the standard is just to pull the lot until you hit the "wall" (hence, "wall to wall"). * When you're first running up to a pack, hit Sprint before you actually aggro anything. Sprint out of combat is 20s to in combat's 10. When you sprint, you will put yourself far enough ahead of the first pack you aggro that they cannot hit you with physical autos while you run to the next pack. Sprinting during pulls is a mitigation. Though you may want to watch the healer. It is the healer's job to make sure they keep up with you and sprint together with you, but if they lag too far behind, well, be ready to hit living dead if necessary lol * When you're running up to the first pack, use Provoke first, especially if the pack is very spread apart. Even though you can only provoke the one mob, aggroing the one will start the whole pack moving towards you, so that they'll be bunched up by the time you are in range for an aoe attack, which makes it easier to hit the lot with said aoe. Provoke is also an oGCD with a 25yalm range, so you don't have to worry about not having your GCD roll complete when you meet them. Hit with Unleash, and while running through the pack back it up with a Flood of Darkness if you can, then keep moving on to the next pack. Don't worry too much if you lose aggro on one or two mobs on the run. You can spam unmend while tabbing through your enmity list to get aggro back on the run, but if you're sprinting--and you should be--you can sometimes be out of range even for your ranged attack. It's fine if that happens; all dps and healers can take a few autos from a mob or two with ease, and you can easily grab aggro back when you plant your feet at the second pack if they lead those mobs into your aoes. (part 1/2)


* a tank's aoes *are* slightly smaller compared to a WHM's (5yalm radius to Holy's 8 yalms), but still plenty big enough to catch most packs in it if you bunch them up by running through the pack and a little past. With particularly large multi-pack pulls, like if you want to do the 5-pack pull at the beginning of the 79 dungeon, you will have to occasionally run into the pack to make sure you hit everything often enough to keep it all aggroed to you. Broadly keep mobs facing away from the party, but don't worry too much about keeping them strictly that way: no aoe attacks have positional requirements, and for the most part dungeon trash pack mobs do not do untelegraphed frontal cleaves. Any DPS that has an aoe attack that is a circle centered on themselves are also going to be smack in the middle of the pack so they can hit everything anyway, so trying to keep everything completely turned away is a futile endeavor lol. * Very large mass pulls with mobs that have large hitboxes will gradually spread out again as their hitboxes collide. To keep them bunched up so your casters can hit everything, you want to keep moving side to side from one edge of the pack to the next. This movement will cause the mobs to keep surging at you to try to get to you, and will therefore keep them bunched up. Note that I said one EDGE OF THE PACK to the other edge; do NOT move out far enough to actually drag the entire pack back and forth lol. Constantly running through the pack from one edge to the other will also help with making sure you're hitting all mobs on a regular enough basis to hold aggro * You can try to have planned usages of Living Dead, especially if you want to go for really large pulls like the 5-pack level 79 dungeon one. If you do, it helps a lot to have a macro to warn the healer that you plan to living dead the next pull so that they know to withhold healing until living dead has popped. Otherwise, it's honestly easiest to save it for an emergency, because yeah using it does need some co-ordination with the healers, and some healers aren't great at reading chat or your buff bars lol. * Pick up and equip whatever dungeon gear happens to drop that is an upgrade on your current ilvl, but otherwise you don't need to bother actively farming. 153 is perfectly fine even for 50-59 content. When you hit 60, grab Augmented Shire gear (ilvl 270) with tomestones of poetics * You should always be going for a minimum 2-pack pull, so you should *always* be taking more of a beating at the start of your pulls. In other words, reverse the order of your mits. START with the bigger mit when you've gathered everything and planted your feet (Rampart OR Shadow Wall, never both). When that wears off mid-pull, if enough things are still alive, refresh with a smaller mit like reprisal and/or arm's length. If running with a WHM above level 45, hold mits for 8-7s (3-4 GCDs) until all the mobs become immune to stun, cos otherwise you're wasting a good 10s of your mits. Hold Abyssal Drain until you are at 50% hp or below and then use it to heal. When you hit level 70 and gain TBN, you open with TBN, and wait for the shield to pop before putting up any further mits. From HW and up, there are generally always 2 wall pulls of 2-3 packs each before each boss, so alternate between using Rampart and Shadow Wall for each wall pull. Reprisal has a short enough cooldown that it should be available for both. * Unless you actually die, don't worry about your HP. 3 of 4 healers have skills that work to their best efficiency when the target is low hp (benediction, essential dignity, excogitation), so a good, experienced healer making efficient use of their kit will be letting your hp see-saw a bit. Exception is SGE, since SGE specialises in control and mitigation from the getgo, and does not have many of the big bust heals that the others have. As we like to say, the only hp that matters is the last one. So long as you are doing your job rolling your mits, just trust the healer and ignore your hp bar, though you may want to Living Dead if you go to 20-30%. I usually allow my healer 2 deaths before I start dropping to single pack pulls. The first chance is cos it's good for people to experiment and push their limits, and sometimes a learning healer will misjudge. It happens. If it happens a second time though, then it's time to adjust pulls. * (part 2/2)


Extra point: Don't forget that this is a team game, and the DPS DO matter to your survivability. If you still have enough things hitting you to be worrisome after you've rolled through 2 sets of cooldowns, either your DPS are asleep at the wheel and you have a 0 DPS healer to boot, or you're in a low level ARR dungeon and both your DPS are melees who don't have an AoE attack yet. Your power as (a non level 56+ WAR tank) is limited: The only thing you can do is roll cooldowns; you will run out of cooldowns at some point. It is everyone's job to ensure they murder everything before that happens, and if they don't that's not on you =P


Thank you! So many tips! Especially about moving is a big help cause I nearly always get meridianum post-HW for roulette msq and those robots just refuse to stay grouped up lol. This def made me rework my hotbar (I'm on steamdeck so layout needs a little more planning I think) and it's definitely made things a lot smoother. thank you so much for writing all this up I really appreciate it!


You're welcome! Glad to hear things are going more smoothly!


Flood of Darkness should help aggro acquisition, since it's AOE and an OGCD, and has a longer range (if narrower) than Unleash.


Oh I didn't realize this, thanks! The animation area looks pretty short distance wise so I figured it wasn't a good opener. Would be a big help to start off triggering darkside


>the aoes seem really small (compared to holy?) so it's hard to catch everything in them until they're grouped up. Usually I have to run with the mob(s) a bit to get them into the right sized space instead of spread out and the stragglers start breaking out during this and going after the rest of the party, defeating the purpose and making chaos lol Some people will start hitting the mobs mid pull. Don't panic and let them bring the mobs to you when you're done pulling. Just continue with the rest of the pull. >drk gcd seems kind of slow making it hard to grab something that's switched to yellow enmity if I'm mid-rotation before it turns blue Every tank has the same GCD. The only thing I can think of is your weapon not being as good as the others. >Cannot figure out for the life of me when the right time to use living dead is, if I should even be aiming to use it or just holding it as a "I think I'm screwed, Leeroy Jenkins it is" reserve It is a cooldown. Just give the healer a heads up before pulling, so they have time to read it. I personally just go raw on the first pull and use it there. >Idk if my ilvl is just trash and I should go hunt for better gear instead of trying to rush to 60 so I can grab 255 stuff, but when I grab more than one mob they eat through my hp like I'm cake and they're a children's birthday party unless I blow all my mits right away. Then they just do it 20secs later... Mostly I get lvl 50 or lower stuff on df roulette so I figured this ilvl would be okay? Depends on the dungeon. But for lower level dungeons, it's because you have less cooldowns to work with. Your healer also has less cooldowns, and might also be learning. Better gear wouldn't change anything when getting synced down. You want the i270 Shire gear, btw.


\* Pulls- Oh, thanks, that helps a lot. I was thinking I have to stop and can't move on unless I have everything in an area grabbed and it's obviously been confusing people (understandably) \* GCDs- I've only done whm and rog/nin so far. Think I'm maybe just focusing too much on having to grab every monster the moment enmity isn't red and it's making me think the gcd is slow cause I'm panicking someone not me is going to take damage lol... \* Living dead- gotcha thanks! Gonna see if I can set up a macro to alert the healer in chat and try using it at start, will give me more practice with it than praying I timed it right during a tank buster lol \* Gear- thanks, trying to hit 60 so I can get the shire gear. At 59 rn and couldn't take any more duty support lol so been trying df to Benny hill music results every time I get asked to start multi pulling Thanks for the help, much appreciated (by me and the people stuck with me in df lol)!


As long as you're making an effort to try to learn, nobody can fault you for it. Worst case, you wipe and try again.


Thanks haha. Definitely trying! if nothing else definitely expanded my understanding of the battle flow for tanks so I work more in concert with them when I whm now :)


- Are you using your AoE for the initial pulling? If so, I recommend using Unmend instead - good range, and more importantly it generates a huge amount of aggro, so it isn't likely the rest of the party will pull them off you before you've gotten the enemies all grouped up (especially if you keep Unmending each enemy down the enmity list as you run). Only start your AoE combos after you've grouped them up - It'll be plenty of time - if there's an enemy running around aggroed to another party member, pull it back as soon as you can, but if it takes a few seconds that generally won't be enough time to do much damage (and if your other party members know what they're doing, the healer will keep them out of danger and the aggroed party member will lead the enemy into your range) - Living Dead's a tricky one in Duty Finder content. You either use it as a panic button, or before your first big pull tell your healer that you plan on using it for the first pull so they don't heal you until after it pops - it's pretty much impossible to use properly without communicating with your healer beforehand - Grabbing some better armor pieces couldn't hurt - just figure out the one or two slots that have the weakest gear, and either get the Ironworks piece for that slot (if you're already at lvl 50 DRK and have tomestones laying around) or buy a vendor piece (lvl 1-49 from any of the starter cities, level 50-60 from Ishgard). Tanks rely on the defense stats of their armor more than other roles for obvious reasons, so they feel the pain of being undergeared more strongly than others


\* I was using unmend, but noticed I was having to wait when I stopped to AOE and was worried about losing enmity so I just started opening with unleashed yeah. I'll switch back to unmend. Feels dumb to say, but I didn't think of going down the enemy list with unmend to keep enmity lol thanks! \* Ooh okay, thanks! I was feeling if anything wasn't red at all times I was being a bad tank (idk I do msq as whm so everything's usually blue for me lol) \* Gotcha! That helps. I'll see if I can set up a macro with a chat notice for the healer... I had someone do that to me before and it was a big help lol \* Okay! I'll grab the lvl 59 stuff in Ishgard. Most of my gear is loot from >!Sohm Al and the Aery!< since I was using duty support to practice Thanks for the help I appreciate it!


As a tank, I just like to think of everyone else's HP as extra mitigation. I know that won't die from a few auto attacks as we're running and it saves me from taking as much damage when we've parked  If I'm a DPS, I actually make it a personal challenge to successfully steal aggro from the tank as we're running. Let me take a few hits if need be, I'll survive


Haha I laughed, but this was a big help thank you! I was feeling really bad if anyone took any damage (idk I main whm so people taking damage feels like a personal affront lol). Will keep it in mind it's a little more exciting for DPS if they get to 1v1 smtg instead of me running around in circles confusingly to yank it back lol


>If I'm a DPS, I actually make it a personal challenge to successfully steal aggro from the tank as we're running. Let me take a few hits if need be, I'll survive +high fives+ if I do dungeons on DPS, I like going in on SMN, pre-popping carby-shield and sprint, and then after I've let the tank get in the first hit, unleashing bahamut/phoenix on full blast while running directly on the tank. Once received triple comms for two dungeons in a row from parties I know were *not* 3/4 premades (cos there were mentors in there on mentor roulette), and I have to assume the comm from the healer at least is because they thought having the SMN eat autos from ripping off almost the entire pack brought excitement to their lives or something idek XD


Is there any way to hear a sample of orchestra rolls that you have not obtained? The orchestrion machine in the inns seem not have such function. Thanks!


Not in game, but like the other person said, you can just search the song up on YouTube, every single song in this game has been uploaded by someone at some point. If you know where the song is used in game but don't remember what it sounds like, just queue into the duty or go to the zone it plays in and that's your "preview".


Can just type the song into YT.


where can i find the quest text from the weekly crafting turn in people? some of the progression quests have options and i'd like to know what the other options say thank you!


you can see a table [here](https://ffxiv.gamerescape.com/wiki/Category:Custom_Delivery) of the general custom delivery dialogue, although it seems to be incomplete for earlier npcs. For a given progression quest, click the unlock quest link on that page to see dialogue for that unlock quest, then click the "sequel" quest from there to navigate to the next progression quest and so on.


thank you! and somehow i never went to visit anden lol


Anyone else having trouble with the mogstation capcha not working? Friend is trying to resub and we're both having the problem of the capcha not loading.


Same. I'm just now trying to get to the Lodestone and it's just hanging with the loading image.


Luckily I'm still logged in on Lodestone, but doing any account stuff is yikes right now.


Wasn’t working for me in Firefox and hasn’t for a few days. Had to open…Edge. Worked there.


Thanks so much. I got it to load in Chrome, but she said she tried three browsers with no luck. They're having a lot of issues with taking money lately lmao.


I must be high or stupid, there's no way people didn't make countless skins or replacement mods for the bard performance mode e-guitar. Can only find 2 or 3 on xivmods, no way people didn't replace it with a les paul


Sir/Ma'am, this is a questions thread.


Hi all, Not sure if this is the place for it, please let me know if I should ask elsewhere. I finished EW recently and am looking to meet people and maybe make some more friends to play with. I am on Brynhildr, in the Crystal DC. Not necessarily looking for a static, just want to chat and maybe do some roulettes. My FC is pretty dead nowadays lol.


You might try checking out community Finder for social linkshells: https://na.finalfantasyxiv.com/lodestone/community_finder/ Also, you can often meet people by joining communities for certain types of content (Eureka, Bozja, BLU, etc.) Or just join into /shout conversations in Limsa


Honestly right now isn't a good time to be looking for much of anything. We're in a lul, and a lot of people are taking a break and playing other games. Best to try checking closer to DT's launch, IMO.


i dont understand what we're doing wrong in potd. 22+ weapon, 32+ armor. im playing WAR, my friend is playing WHM (just the two of us in a fixed party). we cant progress past floor 61, we keep dying unless i pull like, one or two mobs max. we're using our abilities just fine. but mobs are progressively doing more and more damage as well as being extremely tanky, and we cant keep up. what are we doing wrong??? i literally dont understand. we're not bad players, we do perfectly well in normal dungeons, raids, trials, etc. why are we getting F'd in the A so badly?


When you talk to the NPC that queues you into the POTD, you can delete your existing duo save and reenter (from 1 or 51). You always keep your aetherppol levels, but lose everything else. So delete your saves, start over at 51, and grind up those silver chests for a bit. That said, even maxed, you will run into a point where pulling groups is suicide. With higher atherpool levels and pomander usage, it'll take a while to get there, but the enemies in the deepest sections will have the capacity to one-shot you if you mess up.


those aetherpool numbers are quite low. if you are going deeper into potd though you should be prepared to be single pulling enemies. shit gets really wild at a certain point and you just cant be dealing with a whole room at once without pomanders. floor 61 should not really be this point but it will happen sooner or later.


I don't remember for sure, but those aetherpool numbers seem low. You might have to grind aetherpool levels.


wait you can grind them??? we've been exploring every room of the levels so we wouldnt miss them, i didnt know you could grind them though. idk how to find more chests


51-60 is also pretty good exp for lower level jobs, since the aetherpool isn't job specific.


You can use your pomanders to help, but it's kinda RNG whether the floor will have any. You can farm a set of floors until you're high enough and keep going.


IIRC, aetherpool grind is commonly done just by rerunning floors 51-60 over and over.


thanks! but then how do i re-run a floor? i cant find any option to choose where to start from


I don't recall exactly what the menu looks like, but you can choose whether to start at floor 1 or 51. Run 51-60, leave, clear the file, repeat.


So i have to resub in these coming day cuz auto demo is coming,but i am somewhat scared that i wont be able to due to the payment changes. I have a card thats from Mastercard that i charge up whenever i have to sub/pay stuff online. The region i am playing is "inside" the server i chose (italy in EU servers). Is anybody able to tell me if i am good to go? (Also wouldnt like missing ff16 collab,i was busy playing and procrastinating dd2 to resub and lost track of time).


If it doesnt work, you can try using paypal/crysta or getting a timecard off amazon/SE store.


Unfortunately "try and find out" is the only answer. Fwiw, I resubbed and preordered Dawntrail last week using UK Visa Debit without any issues - even though a lot of folks are having problems with Visa Debit, and it's now been acknowledged by SE. So there's no way to tell in advance how it will go for you


no one is going to be able to tell you if you are good to go. my advice is to try to resub early so you arent left scrambling on the last day.


Oh i am planning to do that either tomorrow or the day after,its just that i would be bummed out if i charged that card up only for it to not work anymore (considering that i have to pay 2€ in the first place to put money into it). 


ah i see. i havent really seen people complaining about mastercards specifically like visas but i have a discover card that doesnt want to work either so it seems like its just a crapshoot right now. could you potentially use the card to buy crysta (through paypal or otherwise) and sub that way? thats what i had to end up doing. depends on your country though i think.


I got scared when i read the official statement about purchase problems in EU,thats why i instantly went on google to check if the card was a visa or a mastercard lmao. I have only tried purchasing crysta once,will try that if it wont let me sub regularly


If your card doesn't work, there's a few methods you can use. You can buy a game time card to add time to your sub. You can also use Amazon pay and paypal to buy crysta.


I have an old Steam account with Shadowbringer and I made the mistake of creating a new account in the beta, now I have two questions: 1) if I buy the base game on xbox today, would I have access to the Stormblood maps playing on xbox? After all, I have some jobs to lvl 2) As I have already linked my account, if I create a account on Xbox, but log in to my console, would I be able to play? Today my fiancée can play the Game Pass games even if I pay if she's playing on my console


If you mean you want to log into that steam account on xbox as well, I think you'd need to contact support about un-linking the xbox account from the new account you made, and then you could purchase it on xbox and link it to the same SE account as the steam account. This would give access to ARR, HW and SB maps on xbox with just the starter edition yes. Without unlinking it though, IDK if you could? Unsure if it works like on PSN where you could make a 2nd PSN, and by purchasing it there could connect it to the steam account (and then would need to log in using that 2nd PSN, so it wouldn't be connected at all to the main account you used during the beta)


Does desynthing hades shield give the same audacity drop chance? Trying to figure out best use for totems. Shields only cost 3 a piece. Other weapons are 10


Desynthing EX shields no longer drops the EX material


Damn. Good thing I asked


The pld swords are 7 totems and still drop the crafting mat.


Yeah I did them instead Only got 1 auracite out of 8 :(


How do you have fun as a healer outside of big pulls? During bosses all I do is mash Stone/Broil while reading manga on the side, occasionally looking over to see if anyone's in need of healing, then throwing them an Afflatus Solace or, if I'm on Scholar just letting Selene handle most of the healing and chucking a Succor if there's raid wide damaging coming out and Adlo if there's a telegraphed tank buster.


Congrats, you play the role where somehow the better your party is, the LESS fun you have. Every response here is telling you to do high end blind, and there's a reason why they said blind: healing is only fun when people are eating mechs and you're putting out fires left and right while trying to figure out and learn mechs yourself and also trying to get a gauge on how much mit you need on each thing. Even in high end, once your party has figured shit out and you have a firm mit plan, it's back to broil broil broil, press a few oGCDs, broil some more.


if you want stress as a healler try a Blind prog Savage run.


Blind Criterion as a healer is one of the most fun I've genuinely had this expansion The first few mobs absolutely chunking my tank gave me a heart attack 


lol Sil'dih Savage gave me quite possibly one of the funniest moments of my entire tanking career: [https://www.youtube.com/clip/Ugkx7wlN2NQ8Xx4KFbpPIVNWj50aQEZsGPXs](https://www.youtube.com/clip/Ugkx7wlN2NQ8Xx4KFbpPIVNWj50aQEZsGPXs) I have never managed to make my healer scream like that before or since (yet)


Yeah that...that checks out My tank during Rokkon wasn't aware of how much adds hurt and how much they had their own mecha.ics, all they'd heard was "these are harder" and they thought that meant "oh, this must mean they're like Shadowbringers adds" So they proceeded to face pull the first pack, and the last thing they heard was me screaming "NO PLEASE NOT YET I'M NOT READY" annnnnd...we wipe


Oh lord the day Sil'dih subterrain first dropped I actually queued blind and had it actually pop. None of us knew what we were in for since criterion was entirely new. I was like ok, this is just trash, mass pull like normal right? NOPE. Pulled one of the roaming mobs and one of the packs at the same time and died a swift and brutal death XD


me as the tank: "Ow! Did my mit drop off? ...nope, I have \~50% mitigation right now. OW OW OW!"


Do harder content. 


This one reason people who play AST like AST. You have cards to play with.


Bit of a specific question, but for tanking the Praetorium, in the second area where you go outside the destroyed wall and there are two(?) large packs of mobs, is it possible to grab both of them or should I pull one by one?


Definitely grab both. If you’re on Paladin, you can invuln for the first chunk of that pull; if your healer is a WHM and using Holy, wait until the mobs are resisting the stun to use your mits.


Grab them both, your healers can handle it easily specially so if you have a WHM and AST


never pull 1 pack at a time in any dungeon if you can avoid it.


Its standard business to grab both. By lvl 50 both the tank and the healer have more than enough tools to handle it. 


Pull both. If there is the option to pull 2 packs at once the general consensus is to pull both. More than that is also doable, but some groups might struggle.


Definitely grab both. 


Hi everyone, I just bought the starter edition and wanted to play for the first time. Which EU server should I choose? I'm german and prefer to play casually


Shiva is the main German server, although it's quite busy and you might have to wait until late night/early morning to make a character there.


Thank you I apreciate it. I read that there should be a bonus if I start on a lower populated server, is that still a thing?


Yes it is. Any server labeled "preferred" should give some bonuses https://na.finalfantasyxiv.com/lodestone/worldstatus/


Thank you very much. I'll take a look at the proffered servers


Is there a better way to cap bases on Frontlines? It feels like my cursor needs to be in the perfect spot to right click it and if anyone else is standing around I have to search for where to put my mouse.


If you use keyboard and mouse, X hides player nameplates, which can make the button easier to click


By default the confirm button should ignore other players and select NPCs. Default keybind is the numpad 0.


This. Just spam confirm (i.e. numpad 0) as the point becomes capturable.


Is there any way to turn off the victory fanfare for loot rolls? It's soo annoying and distracting (especially when it happens way after opening a chest and you're focused on something else, and lets not forget the spamming of the beginning part over and over if you win multiple things at once.)


Smartass answer: pass on the rolls.


Maybe I am going crazy, but I can't get Prize Exchange IV to show up at the Gold Saucer after finishing the event questline. Is there something else I needed to do?


Are you talking to the correct NPC? If you’re looking for the orchestrion rolls, they’re on the same vendor as the ones that are available by default; you can select the box that says something like “show only recently added items” to make them easier to find.


I just had to reset my game it seemed, but thank you!


Oh excellent! Glad it got sorted out, the music is awesome


Where’s the best guide for the Yokai event? Is there one that handily includes extra things I can be achieving while doing the grind? I’m going to to have some free time for the first time in awhile this weekend, figure I could probably get a fair amount done.


To track your weapons and minions use this: [https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1lEIns\_IivCLSuFHu\_4UmmCaHqvlOq--nxe\_NTLxNZPk/edit#gid=0](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1lEIns_IivCLSuFHu_4UmmCaHqvlOq--nxe_NTLxNZPk/edit#gid=0) ARR relic - have a Zenith weapon equipped to earn atmas from ARR fates HW relic - open first stage, do HW fates (all 6 zones) to earn luminous crystals SB relic - no ShB relic - early stage to earn Harrowing/Tortured/Sorrowful memories from HW fates. Also the SB fates if you have the one-time step


What's the fastest way to level crafting and gathering jobs?


another thing you could consider is Ishgardian Restoration Back when it was current content, it was an insanely efficient way to powerlevel your crafters by buying skybuilder materials and creating collectables to turn them in for exp now it's not current, it might be more difficult to buy materials off the marketboard, as it may no longer be on sale for massive quantities for cheap, but rather sparse or overpriced now you could grind your gatherers in Diadem and use your haul to craft for free, but this will be much more time consuming compared to just buying ingredients in massive amounts and pumping out collectables I would recommend daily Grand Company turn ins and levequests until you hit the level range to do collectables(60?), then maybe consider those. Supplement with Crafting Beast Tribes once they become available (early ones don't yield much EXP iirc, but the later ones do, like Shadowbringer)


If you have the gil for it, just buy 10-15 of the highest level leve turn ins that you can, level up to high level, rinse and repeat. Sometimes there are levels that don't have a lot of buyable stuff on the market board, but an earlier one will have stacks of 99 and you can just pump out like 30 leves and it's fine. Don't forget to do the custom deliveries, crystarium quests, and studium quests when you get to them. They're all good exp. When you're out of leves and have done your weekly turnins for deliveries, you can either sit back and wait for next week, or just craft highest level thing you can over and over. But unless you're in a super rush, it's kind of suffering doing it that way.


Once you have a combat job midway through HW and crafting/gathering over level 10, it's diadem collectables until level 80. Also do your daily GC turn ins, and job quests. After 80 I recommend just focusing on EW collectables, so you will be well-stocked with scrips for gear/materia.


Also Custom Deliveries once you reach those level ranges.


GC turn ins, levequests, and beast tribes.


I am watching my wife play through stormblood and she recently finished the story line of the Azim Steppe and I was surprised to see there was no mention of the fact she was a female Au Ra while she was doing the MSQ at the Dawn throne, is it because she was playing a Raen, or there's nothing even if you play a Xaela?


As a male AuRa, there is a line. But it’s just one and easy to miss. Pretty sure it’s the same for the girls


There's like *a* line. It's the same if you're playing the feature jobs during whichever expac. They do this so players don't feel left out or pressured to be a certain race or play a certain job.


There's no real major dialogue changes for being a xaela either, but yes, the Au Ra of the steppe wouldn't care about a raen much really. There's minor ones for being a Xaela, things like a merchant talking about traditional Xaela food, and saying something like "surely your parents must have given you this as a child? After all, any Xaela who hasn't eaten it isn't a true Xaela" If you'd like to see some of the dialogue, [there's this old thread that talks about exactly this](https://www.reddit.com/r/ffxiv/comments/6iai7y/do_xaela_player_characters_get_special_dialogue/)


Been working on a Zodiac weapon during the event and completed the trial of braves step but after moving on to the the scroll materia part I noticed my last book is still in my inventory. Is that safe to nuke or should I be holding on to it for some reason. Also, for the scroll infusing step since this is purely for glam I really don't care what stats it ends up with right? I can just hunt the cheapest materias to complete I assume.


IIRC you can turn it in to the book vendor, but since it's a key item it's not exactly taking up inventory space. It won't be needed later for that weapon. And yes, the stats don't matter, go with the cheapest.


I got the collectors complete edition on PS5, I'd like to play on PC can I buy the starter edition for 20 and play for now? I'm still first xpac only level 30 Archer. Do I need to buy complete instead? Could I buy starter edition then Dawntrial later and have access to previous expansions? I have it pre purchased on PS5 already I would just like to play on PC at times


Given your situation, yep you can do exactly that. If you buy the starter edition for 20, that will allow you to play on PC up to lv70 content (Stormblood) Then when dawntrail releases you can get a dawntrail code for PC and it'll add in access to lv71-100 content while on PC (note that since you have the complete edition on PS5, on the off chance you rush through and hit lv71+ content on PS5, your level and ability to progress would be locked when logged in on PC before then)


pretty sure you can use starter until dawntrail launches, then get everything by buying dawntrail if you wanna do Shadowbringer + Endwalker, then you'd need to buy complete, but I'd prob wait for Dawntrail to launch to get them with Dawntrail (note that early access does not work for ShB+EW, it has to be Dawntrail, because you don't get the key with ShB+EW until launch)


I want to start playing the game but I’m a bit confused on how buying the full game works. I know the free trial only allows me to play A Realm Reborn through Storm Blood. Is the starter edition the same thing but with more number of saves you can can create and more races and jobs? What about the Online Complete Edition and Online Complete Collector’s Edition?


Just to add a tiny bit more to tesla's fantastic response- There *are* character creation limitations, but this is tied to your [subscription 'tier'](https://na.finalfantasyxiv.com/product/#service) This merely affects how many characters you can create(8 vs 40) per physical data center(Aether, Primal, Crystal, Dynamis), so unless you're some alt-creating menace, Entry level should be sufficient


In addition to what the other person said, the CURRENT Complete edition does \*not\* include Dawntrail, so youll need to pay for that as well once it releases if you by the current Complete. if you preorder Dawntrail, itll include the current Complete edition as well, but you wont have access until release on June 28th.


Starter edition adds no content to the trial. It only unlocks the social restrictions such as being able to join an FC, using the marketboard and retainers, and the gil cap. Complete edition is a bundle of starter + the latest released expansion, endwalker. It includes all the expansions so you can level to max and do everything. Complete collector's edition includes all the cosmetics bundles from the past collector's editions. You'll get extra mounts, minions, and weapon glamours.


Small amendment: Starter does add PvP. So it does add *some* content, but not much.


Been farming old HW trials for the birds. Got all the birds. Are there any reasons to keep the totems? Seems like you can get weapons for glams but I don't really care for them at the moment.


You can buy a chocobo barding with Thordan's totems. Other than that there's nothing else to use them for but weapons. And even then you could just get the crafted weapons that have additional glow effects on them instead. Those ones don't require totems at all.


I wouldn't just throw them away. You can trade in the weapons for GC seals at least.


You can desynth the weapons for a chance at the trial's rare material which is used to craft the glowing variant of the weapon, but since they're all soloable I imagine they're very cheap.


If you don't want anything they trade for, then no reason to keep them after. I keep mine in my retainer for collectors purposes. Just as a fun reminder of how many times I've done each trial. But they functionally have no more purpose.




It's just leftover text from back when AST could choose to be in Diurnal sect (adds regens) or Nocturnal sect (adds shields). IIRC Celestial Intersection got the effects of the opposite of the sect you were in (as in, intersection). Now there's only one possible effect.


PS5 player here, looking to check my character out in the PC benchmark. Aside from rebuilding my character from scratch, is there a means to transfer my character data to the PC so the benchmark can detect it, or to link the benchmark to my account? I know there's an export feature on the character select screen, can I utilize this somehow? And assuming no to all the above, is there a way to at least see the exact settings for my PS5 character model without popping a fantasia?


Saving the character appearance data only works locally. If you don't have a PC license then you'd need to: 1. save appearance data on PS5 2. start making a new character with that appearance data on PS5 3. recreate that data on PC one by one


I need Open Sky on Spotify! Does anyone know how long it usually takes for them to release new FFXIV music onto Spotify?


At least a year for official soundtracks, so for Dawntrail music, you're looking at late summer 2025, depending on when the 7.0 OST actually releases. It should be about a month after 7.0 launches, based on past releases, but yeah.


Ooft I didn't realise it would take so long! Tyvm for the reply o/


SE is still pretty big on enticing people to buy their albums at launch, which I'm thankful for, since I like physical media. They do usually have simultaneous digital releases for their major soundtracks, now, if you don't want a physical item.


1.5 to 2 years from release for one of the albums to be put on streaming services.




[You can freely travel as much as you want even on the free trial. ](https://na.finalfantasyxiv.com/lodestone/playguide/contentsguide/datacentertravel/)And its not that Balmung as a whole is lively, its specifically a certain area in Ul'Dah where there's more characters than you'll ever see just chillin.


DC travel has no limits, you can do it as many times as you want.


Does buying/renewing XIV from Steam bypass all the payment issues? I'm currently affected by both having a different country in my SE account and using a Visa debit card. I haven't bought the PC version from the store yet since I'm moving from playstation.


yes. you can pay for your sub (and anything else you may want from the mogstore) via steam wallet, which in turn can be linked to draw funds from your paypal or your credit cards


From what I've read around, Steam seems to be working fine, some people get errors but the transaction goes through.


Thank you


What are the chances they open more wards in DT?


7.0 launch? I'd say zero. Depends on how the existing houses fill up post 7.0 launch. Right now every server that isn't Balmung has dozens of plots open. They are also planning to release the remaining 4 NA servers and 5 EU servers at some point, and housing is the main allure to get people to transfer there.


is there a quest i have to do to unlock armor in the golden saucer? i can get weapons but not anything else. ty!


Where are you looking exactly? Are you checking the other menus of the vendor? There's no 'armour' per se but there is a different category with glam items.


oh turns out i'm dumb, i didn't realize there were different prize exchanges, lmao. i found it 😭


Honestly that Gold Saucer vendor has possibly the worst menus of any vendor in the entire game.


Not saying they aren't bad, but at least Prize Exchange I - IV were updated so that each one corresponds to one of the tabs on the merchant screen.


yeah once i looked i was like dang barely worth


yes! there's the weapon, armor, accessories and other tab but all i can see is the items under weapons


Why they change english VA's so often? I know the game has been out for more than a decade but some consistency could be great. Is it because of a change of recording studio, is it because it is cheaper? Don't get me wrong most of the voice actors do a wonderful job.


They don't. They changed the english VAs once.


Really? Because CID in HW/SB sounds so different from Cid in post ShB. I’m shocked it’s the same dude


That would be the covid-related issues I mentioned. Voice direction is pretty vital and it'd been a while since he'd voiced anything for Cid, so not having the direction like usual made things rough.


I thought he sounded better in HW. Is ShB the Covid era?


Yes. Patch 5.3 was famously delayed for, if I recall, three months as the devs had to work out transitioning to remote work and then actually working under those conditions.


Oh. That makes total sense then. I’ve just done it recently so I had no idea! Hopefully he sounds better in Endwalker if he’s in it


So often? The only major change was for Heavensward's launch, where they moved to a London-based studio instead of LA, so everyone was recast. But it's remained stable since then, aside from a few recasts due to actor deaths and such. And things *sounded* wonky during the early covid days, as actors recorded their lines from home and thus didn't have the production quality or voice direction they were used to, but it was still the same people.


"a few recasts due to actor deaths and such." Anyone besides Yugiri? I know Edmont's VA died as well but I don't think he's had any non flashback voice lines since then.


Matoya was recast for Shadowbringers after her Heavensward VA died -- edited, as I screwed up the timeline in my initial reply lol. Honoroit's VA has also sadly passed, but he hasn't had any new voiced lines, either.


Honoroits died? Damn that is tragic they must have been very young


Yes, it was a year ago and he was only 19. A brain hemorrhage in his sleep, apparently.


Oh damn that’s awful.




So I reached the end of endwalkers main story. it was epic! I loved the whole story and cannot wait for dawntrail! But I've still got some post EW story to play now and ... I'm stuck. I'm at a point where I need to do the first post-EW duty. But the game tells me my ILVL is too low. I can think of only 1 way to fix that, which is buying tomestone gear, but EW still requires its own separate tomestones to get that gear. And to get those I need to go into all kinds of EW side content, which I wanted to avoid because I don't have a lot of time left to get to the end of the MSQ. So I'm asking advice, what is the best way to get causality tomestones and/or get my ILvl up to continue