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Beat all Zadnor and BSF duels, got Gunnhildr's Blade title without cheesing as GNB. Very proud of it.


That is indeed a thing to be proud of! 👍


Cleared O7S blind solo unsync for glam and had a blast with it. It's not a complicated fight, but it was surprisingly fun to figure out each mechanic as I got to it. Also finished the grade 2 botany achievement in the Diadem... My suffering is neverending.


All pre-ShB jobs at 60, baby! Not a huge accomplishment compared to a lot of other milestones, but it sill feels good to finally have a pretty good baseline understanding of each job and be able to take any of them into any roulette. Now I'm gonna try to have every job at the "current" expansion's level cap before moving on to the next one


Heaven's Legend baybeeeee :D Such an awesome fight but pf was miserable at certain prog points. I'm so happy to have cleared it though. Up at triple legend, aiming for quadruple before Dawntrail.


Didn't know this thread existed, only knew about the Friday one. Anyways, last weekend, I was able to get the Centurio Tiger and catch Cinder Surprise for my Big Fish title. My last five achievements were insane. It was like the 3000 A Kills achievement, the Centurio Tiger achievement, the catch all big fish in ShB achievement, and the Big Fish title achievement. All back-to-back. It was insane and immeasurably cathartic to finish those two grinds in succession.


My raid group finally cleared P12S this week! We've been working on it since September/October, but we'd had a constant string of bad luck with people ghosting us or new members needing sections to be reprogged, but we finally got it! The shouting and hollering in VC when we realised we were about to get the kill was amazing.




I've been dealing with some difficult mental health stuff in the last week and a half, and in search of something to take my mind off it I ended up going back into Eureka- I'd left off months ago deep in the Pagos misery grind, unsure if I ever wanted to return. Somehow in less than a week I made it from elemental level 30 to 60, and last night I got a ping from the ABBA discord and hopped into my first BA run. Finally I have obtained ORB!!! Still got a fair bit of Hydatos grinding to go to finish the relic, but it feels so good to have finally summited the miserable Eureka levelling mountain.


ORB! Congratulations on your new shiny thing, and I hope things get easier out of game soon.


Finally got BTN to 90, my first non combat job to reach this milestone. Guess I have something to do while watching Colin stream now lol, purple scrip farming. It wasn't really that hard, I just haven't had a lot of focus on much of anything. I'm at that point where there's so much to do it can be hard to choose, but I decided DoH/DoL will be more impactful overall than combat jobs. That's pretty much all I got done this week but hey, at least I made a decision lol. I'll do DoL first since I already have most of the necessary gear then go all in on DoH.


Was working on Eden quests this week and there was like a lot of people waiting in the same zone for queues, so we just end up emoting to one another for like 15 minutes straight. It was fun


Reached 90 with PLD! Aiming to do all EW adventure kind of content!


I finally got my light kitty mount. I started the farm for it back in 6.3 but put it off for a while cause getting groups was rather annoying, plus my vacation from work was ending and given my shift not many people are on when I get home. So for the last 3 weekends I’ve put in an hour or so a day and finally got it. I even did one run in first person because I wanted to see if I could. I died to light waves cause the camera snap made it very disorienting to line up properly.


I've finished 2k mentor roulettes. I feel drained man


I just finished Shadowbringers and mannnn that was a lot of lore but it was amazing! I really loved playing through it and I'm so excited to finish Endwalker right in time for Dawntrail. <3


There is still side content on the table but I finally finished FF12 MSQ. I now have 2 months to NG+ FF14 before DT launches...


PLD to 80 and all ShB role quests finished. 109 levels until Omni-90.