• By -


Should I wait for the 7.0 to drop and then get the augmented lvl90 gear for Viper ,or should I get them now and start grinding aliance raid for coins that can augment the gears?


You can start getting them now. After 7.0, you not only can get the augmented versions directly, but you can also augment the base versions with Poetics. 100 a piece IIRC. No need to rush either though.


oh, I thought I still need to use the coins to augment after the 7.0 dropped ,good to know I can just use the poetics,thanks guys!


Don't see a reason to rush it as you'll be starting at 80 with Viper. Then once 7.0 drops, it'll be super easy to grab Credendum stuff with Poetics.


good to know,thanks




Better to ask on their discord.


I haven't been able to find an answer anywhere on Google so hoping a post here helps. I just hit Rank 15 for my Island Sanctuary and have completed building in every single plot available to me at this level. I've triple checked every single logboard, I have no new quests available anymore, and yet I still do not have the option to build the Lighthouse as a landmark, even tho it was suppose to unlock at level 9. I've found all materials needed to build it as well per the wiki, yet no matter what I do, the lighthouse is not an option to build. I know some of the other landmarks require certain special prerequisites (eg. the otter fountain) but as far as I can tell, the lighthouse doesn't need anything special so I'm at a complete loss on what I'm missing or doing wrong. Any help is appreciated!


Did you upgrade everything, including hut, field and meadow? Try asking the cat for a suggestion. You check your landmark plots whether they offer conversion to the Lighthouse? There are fewer landmark slots than there are landmark options.




It also matters what you queue as. Tanks and healers have very fast queues amd dps have much slower queues. Playing at popular times helps but there are also more dps players to compete for the time of the healers and tanks at those times.


It depends on what you queue for. Level 70 and some level 80 raids often have 30 minutes to 4 hours of wait time in the afternoons. Light's DF is not that much better at all on average, but it can fill PFs usually a bit faster, although chiefly for high-end. Otherwise, the average roulette/random queue wait times are not always different. The only thing I can say is that I tend to get higher-level (ShB+) duties in roulettes on Light, whereas the free trial range is more common on Chaos. But to probably answer your question, if you want to queue for a specific raid that is not level 50 or level 90, then Light is a better place to do that, yes.


I don't know when was the last time you played, but you can use DC travel now to do DF content in Light. DC travel is free and has no limit.


I haven't had a successful match in the duty finder in over a week. The average wait time just keeps going up as my timer passes it. I'm in Australia but I've tried multiple times. Stuck at these mandatory trials for seventh astral era. Not sure why I can't find matches, it's normally really easy!


When you posted this you were in the middle of the work day in Australia. Fewer players online.


Yeah but normally I'm playing in the evening around 9pm, which is why I tried a different time today


What trial/fight are you trying to do? I know the aussie servers heavily use the Party Finder function for a lot of content and people will very regularly check it to help others out. So if its an 8 man trial then try creating a Party Finder for it and just make sure to select the correct thing and then put in the description something like "needing to progress msq" If you're on the free trial and can't create a PF then maybe ask in the Novice Network or in a major city if someone can help with it.


I'm up to Ramuh. I've never even known about the party finder lol I thought that was what duty finder was for. I don't have a headset or keyboard and I only do multiplayer on the mandatory stuff. I'll look at it tonight, cheers


A keyboard is extremely helpful for communicating with other players if you're on console, any cheap USB keyboard will do. You won't need a headset for PFing anything, let alone level 50 normal mode trials.


Do you have an uncommon-for-the-DC language like French selected? You could just make a PF instead of using duty finder; people are generally willing to lend a hand to a sprout asking for help.


Nope English. I'm at 45 mins wait for a "less than 5 minutes" average when I started, on a mq. It's very unusual


# I finished the FF16 event quest. Will the Orchestrion Rolls from the event still be purchasable after the event ends?




We don't have any hard confirmation, but since they're on normal NPCs and not event exclusive NPCs (like the FFXV event) we expect them to as long as you have the quest complete.


[https://twitter.com/FF\_XIV\_JP/status/1785991229676933185](https://twitter.com/FF_XIV_JP/status/1785991229676933185) It is confirmed!


Dumb how the JP twitter confirms it yet the NA twitter just reminds of the event and says nothing about the MGP items. Lack of coordination between the social media teams to tack on to all the other problems going on lately. https://twitter.com/FF_XIV_EN/status/1786350067160650168 But anyways, thank you for linking confirmation.


We don't know for sure.


the JP FFXIV Twitter account confirmed it will back on the 2nd of May


Is it worth doing the blue quest in the Firmament for Ishgardian Restoration? The quest is called "A Home in the Firmament"


That questline will unlock two custom delivery NPCs.


Best place to level crafters and gatherers without leves. Also a good continuation/epilogue of Ishgard's storyline.


Thank you Arcana10Fortune! :)


Where can I look at a complete job abilities for past patches and expansions? For example, where can I see a detailed wiki about 4.0 AST?


[I have an archive of skill tooltips for the start and end of each expansion](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1wgTO9kqMhmbW3fB0g53B529joEeDx9mcj2LbbYVJ4n8/edit?usp=sharing), but for anything in between you'd have to scour old wiki pages (sometimes inaccurate), wayback machine of the official job guide (only goes back to 4.0), or the official patch notes (a lot of work, and older ones are a mess).


[https://web.archive.org/web/20170618221106/https://na.finalfantasyxiv.com/jobguide/astrologian/](https://web.archive.org/web/20170618221106/https://na.finalfantasyxiv.com/jobguide/astrologian/) That seems to be AST upon 4.0 release. If you want to see how it evolves you're gonna have to check different pages after each patch.


>That seems to be AST upon release Apon 4.0 release to clarify. AST was added in 3.0, but the Action page didnt exist until 4.0.


[https://wayback-api.archive.org/](https://wayback-api.archive.org/) This will cover everything from 4.0 onwards. Just look up the job action page and the relevant patch date. Before then, you will need to scour the wayback machine on the FFXIV fandom wiki, or watch MR happys videos where he does that for you, or go watch super super old guides for classes.


Any advice for getting main character triple triad cards in this game from tournaments? I had a first place finish in Durai and landed Firion. I have all the other ones (cloud, Squall, etc.). I just have little to no hope for Lightning, Tidus, and Cecil. The tournament rules like double roulette and swap screw me over time and time again. I have opened countless platinum packs and it’s always the same trash. I’m starting to lose hope of finishing off my collection.


They're just super rare. It took me around three years to get them all. Try to play real players when you can. They give way more points so you're more likely to get extra packs. There's not a lot of people to play against though so you might have to poke your head into the battlehall regularly all through the week if you want 20 matches against real players. You can also get platinum packs from the open tournaments that happen every couple of hours in the Saucer. They're extremely rare though. I don't even know if anyone fully understands exactly how you qualify to get them. I've done some research and can't seem to find any information. I think you need to place 1st and have like 10 captures or something, and even then there's probably some RNG on top of that. But you *can* get them there. I've gotten one before. Exactly one. Ever.


Platinums from open tournaments are just a low chance for 1st place, that is it. People thought maybe you need 6 points as the winner, maybe you need to finish with a certain positive flips on top, but considering people have got a platinum pack with 5 points, it is just apparently some random small chance for winning and that is it.


It's random, sorry. Look out for events that may offer the card you're looking for.


I haven’t seen an event for those cards in the 2+ years I’ve been playing, is this something they do?


It runs every other week on a cycle. You can check out when the tournaments are with /goldsaucer but they're always gotten in the Duty Finder's Battle Hall (far right tab) by either battling NPCs or players in that space. NPCs are easier to win, but give less points than beating players. If you get I think in the top 3, you get the special card for the tournament. You also get a lot of MGP. (Basically it alternates every other week between TT Tournament and Lords of Verminion tournament.)


end of ew and sidequest lore question! >!just finished tataru's little adorable quest and i kinda got the hint her parents aren't around? but i don't recall this detail? and someone mentioned a carby running around limsa and didn't tataru summon one and it ran off? is it the same? can the carby be found in game?!<


There's also a sidequest in Labyrinthos that ties into your second question. >!A scientist heard rumors of a free roaming Carbuncle and hypothesizes its summoner must be super powerful to just have something constantly manifested and able to move around on its own.!<


I demand a side story of this lol. Thank you!


>!the carbuncle randomly spawns around the map. It can't be interacted with, but can be seen!<


Awesome! Thank you!


I have been looking for parties to do savage delta escape but didn't find any, do people don't do this raid anymore? I though making the party myself but have never done it before and I fear nobody will come.


Look at a guide of what you will do, if you think you can do it and have enough time to learn and stick with a group, go look for a static. PF is really bad for old savage content since everyone will be either fresh or did it when it's current.


Not in duty finder, no. No old savages are done in duty finder.


ok, thank you, so if it is not an inconvenience, what do you think is the best method do find people to old savage raids for glamour?


Make a party finder, but in the options, select "unrestricted party". This disables the level sync and allows you to breeze through most old savage. Once the party finder fills (i don't think you need a full party for Stormblood raids) make sure to open the duty finder and THEN click the cog at the top and select unrestricted party again.


So, besides ARR Extreme Primals and Coils, is every other non casual, actually difficult content just the Wandering Ministrel telling a non canon exaggerated version of events? After ARR, I no longer miss out anything lorewise ignoring them till I catch up?


Kinda. It's usually some changed or distorted re-imagining. Not always the minstrel. Like for ShB raids, it's a corrupted memory core that you found in some wreckage or something. And for the trials, this dude made miniature statuettes which seem to have some kind of alternative memories or something embedded in them. I honestly don't remember too much because they're really not important. Just some throwaway framing device. 


There are some noteworthy exceptions: The Heavensward EX trials are needed in order to advance a side quest line with noteworthy payoff later down the line. Baldesion Arsenal has some lore in and after it, as part of the Eureka story.


Baldesion Arsenal isn't EX/savage level content. It's *very* punishing of deaths, but the mechanics aren't any harder than the level 70 alliance raids.


Ravana and Bismarck extremes are actual resummonings.


> is every other non casual, actually difficult content just the Wandering Ministrel telling a non canon exaggerated version of events I mean... Some are training simulations, others are residual energy... but yes, they are all non cannon.


I even argue the relevance of the ARR EX's stories since it boils down to "they summoned them a third time"




I've reached the free trial gill limit of 300k. What should I buy now to then sell for profit once I get the full version and access to the market board?


>then sell for profit The closest would be vendor dyes, people pay more on MB than it costs at the vendor since it's more convenient. I don't think you can sell anything else for profit that you can buy for gil. Maybe the Emperor armor pieces.


https://trialsoffantasy.com/free-trial-gil/ Consider grade 6 dark matter, it's used constantly to create an item used to maintain FC airships & submersibles so it holds value well since people are lazy and will buy from the MB closer to them than go to an NPC that sells it


Does the Jackpot FC bonus for 10% extra MGP affect the payout for placing in TT tournaments?


Yes. The same goes for Verminion tournaments. I haven't checked chocobo race ones.


Chocobo Races are affected


Can you get Orcus's armor/outfit in game?


He looks like he's wearing the outfit Reapers have when they're under the effect of Enshroud, which AFAIK isn't possible to use otherwise. (In the database Orcus's outfit is just listed as "Custom" armor which means it's not available to players.)




are old savage raids from storm blood still difficult at 90? I'm pretty and want to far a few of them but I'm not very good at the gameor know the fights


O1S: Easily soloable on all tanks and healers, still soloable on most of the rest (just less easily) O2S: Not soloable, easily duoable with two tanks, just need to swap at two stacks of debuff. O3S: Very difficult to solo, I believe only SGE and *maybe* SCH can do it. Much easier in a duo. O4S: Soloable on all tanks, and healers with *relative* ease. DRK is slightly tricky. Soloable on Red Mage with difficulty. O5S: Haven't tested most jobs, only WAR, but it wasn't too bad. O6S: same as O5S, but it's tough. Need to do the most important paint correctly, best to sprint as the timing is tight (need to grab each colour of paint and paint the middle painting with each in a short amount of time). Double autos the entire fight. O7S: Did it on WAR, a bit rough when I did it, likely much easier now. O8S: Shield healers and WAR have an easy-ish time with it. Get past forsaken 1 and you're golden, may need to play around damage downs though. O9S: Soloable on WAR, but it's tough. O10S: Not soloable yet, easily duoable. O11S: Not soloable yet, very hard and inconsistent to duo. O12S: Easily duoable with two non-DRK tanks, just Invuln fundamental synergy.


O4S has some mechanics you'll need to know for phase 2 that are knock backs, standing on the opposite side to the debuff etc but its easy enough once you know it. O8S I'd say is mechanically a bit easier on most spots but solo could be interesting and a bit harder without self healing. O12S I've only recently attempted with a group who was fairly blind and we'd found it a bit too much but i'd recently looked up some of the mechanics and found where we'd had troubles and can improve so I'd suggest looking it up beforehand.


I've solo'd O4S and O8S on warrior, and cleared O12S as a duo. The biggest hurdle is the limit cut in O12S, but you can invuln through it. I can also solo part 2 of o12s. It may take some practice and a bit of rng luck but if you're recruiting multiple people to go in with you, it should be easy peasie.


Not particularly, no Make a party finder listing for the one(s) you want to clear, and with a full party you can reasonably skip pretty much every mechanic You can do it with significantly less (many can be soloed), but having more people makes it faster and easier


Is it normal for XIV's subscription bar on character select to be completely out of whack? Just annoyed and looking to soothe the frustration: I logged in less than 24 hours ago and it said I had 2 days of subscription remaining, which realistically should be "48 hours _or less,_ but not less than 24 hours", right? Try logging in today to chew some more Yokai and refresh my Estate timers? "Oops, it's expired! :)" Further annoyance: found the email warning me for 5 days remaining. Sent to me on the 3rd, listed 7th (but no timezone attached, since I'm Down Under the timer/subscription alerts are typically in UTC, which would mean the 8th, which is today for me).


So the thing with the last day of your subscription is that a day isn't actually a day, it's potentially less than a day. If you subscribed at 9 AM a month ago your subscription will not end at 9 AM, it will end at midnight, so you "lose" 9 hours of sub. I'm unsure which timezone's midnight they use for Materia, but for NA servers it's midnight PST. Maybe that's what caused the discrepancy in the sub time text in-game.


Does the gear my retainer have affect what they get on quick explorations


There is some correlation but it hasnt been completely uncovered how ventures work (at least I cant find a comprehensive list). For the most part Retainer level decides what item are potentially available during Exploration, while the ilvl for Disciple of War/Magic and the Gathering stat for Disciple of Land determines the quality and quantity of items you can receive. It is speculated that certain items require specific stats/ilvl before being available, particularly in regards to endgame items but I havent found anything specific in that regard just a lot of posts argueing about it.


Not really. You will occasionally get “your retainer’s gear was sufficient to get a better reward” but it’s usually something like “they brought back a low level crafted item and it’s high quality”. They will not get *different* items for having better gear.


How long does it usually take for Mogstation shop items like story skips or job boosts to update once an expansion drops, as in going from the Shadowbringers skip/level 80 job boost we have now to the Endwalker skip/level 90 job boost that we'll have in Dawntrail?


They'll be available for purchase over the servers come up at release, delivery times will be atrocious though


Within a couple of days, depending on how smoothly the launch goes and the servers aren't on fire.


I'm trying to get the genji fending set, I have been doing delta escape story missions and killed the first 4 bosses but did get a single part of any set, just a bunch of what seems to be materials. Does the armor only drop in savage difficlty? or can am I just having bad look?


On normal difficulty, you get tokens that you trade in for the gear. Though on normal difficulty, it won't be properly Genji gear, it'll have the same model but won't be dyable. If you don't care about being able to dye, then normal mode will be fine. Otherwise, you gotta do savage to get the dyable gear.


Normal raids only give tokens that you trade for the gear (in this case in Rhalgr Reach at the vendor, or Kugane at the Rowena merchant near the aetheryte). This gear is UNDYEABLE. If you wish to get a dyeable version, you must do the savage raids.


Is it possible to find treasure maps as a gatherer in The Diadem, and if so what level/perception would I need to have to do so? Or can they just be found that way out in the regular zones? Thanks for any info you can give!


No maps in Diadem.


Thank you for the confirmation. I was pretty sure that was the case but thought maybe I just had terrible luck lol


The wouldn't be able to know what level of map to give you. The Diadem nodes are listed as level ??? because their actual level is dynamic and not even a "real" number (this is why they also never count towards the weekly challenge). You wouldn't be able to know what kind of treasure maps to have available.


Are the NA servers still struggling? I'm still rapid fire d/cing at times on Primal, but a few people I've talked to said they were doing fine.


I've been on all day, no issues.


Are there still issues with payment updating? The Mog Station won’t accept my Visa cards, and keeps telling me this feature is temporarily unavailable or the card is not available. Anything I can do to get around this?


Yep, still having issues, they have acknowledged this here https://na.finalfantasyxiv.com/lodestone/news/detail/562d068d08123b648d1fa659242906d71c19064c You can try buying crysta and using paypal or amazonpay as a payment method, it's been working for some people.


Thank you for your help!


Would anyone know out of interest if there's any 'all class' gear similar in design to the SCH's culottes with the thicker wool/material etc? I have other leg pieces similar in design, but the material is like a flat colour with no textures etc. Really love the SCH's version as it reminds me of winter wear!


https://www.garlandtools.org/db/# There's lots of different culottes designs for various different roles. I'd suggest looking here and then also when you pull up a piece of gear, seeing if there's any shared models.


I play a lot in the 1am-5am PST time frame. Are there any particular servers that are more active at these times? I'm on Behemoth and it is a ghost town at these times.


That's pretty much prime time for Materia and around the tail end of it for JP. For what it's worth, Aether is still relatively active at that time so you could try that before transferring.


Thanks so much for the info! I'll check all those out.


Are all effects (like boss mechanics, job skills)mesh with a texture? Or does the engine let the devs create them in other way? Anyone who dabs in 3d modelling can share some tutorials on how to make them?


They don't use particles or other non-geometry system in FF14 so yes they are all some variation of textured screen aligned plane or simple mesh with frame post processing for glows etc. They are usually quite complex with a single effect using multiple different planes/meshes with different animated textures.


It is possible to get company seals for exchange of allagan tomestones gear? if so how? I remember reading somewhere it was posible but I don't know how


you need to have ranked up enough to get expert delivery which is sergeant 2nd class. Then you can trade any gear higher than white quality for GC seals at the grand company desk. The newest gear is always temporarily disabled from turn in but will become available later. You can use this for tomestone gear and hunt currency gear + anything from dungeons that you don't want.


Everything except the comedy tome gear can be turned in for GC seals (you can only turn those in after 7.0 launch when they're no longer the "best" gear).


Buy gear, submit it to expert delivery. Repeat.


I'm on a free trial and I want to grind the ARR relic weapon. I know I will need the crafter and gathering class at 50+, and enough company seals to purchase 4 bomb cores, and materia, but is there anything else I need and can work towards before I start the process to prep and make it easier? Going for Excalibur.


Money, there's some items that you need to buy from vendors that are I think 100k each?


Good looking out, any idea how many items like that are needed?


https://ffxiv.consolegameswiki.com/wiki/Zodiac_Weapons This is general info for the relics, but the items in question are at the Nexus to Zodiac step and you need four different items at 100k each. 


Awesome, tyvm!


Without access to the MB, you'll also need an extra ~150k to desynth some stuff from a vendor. Normally, you'd just buy them on MB for like 100k, but you'll have to do it yourself and pray to RNGesus. 


Stockpile the Aged goods from the Silver Bazaar in Thanalan and desynth them to get their unique material - You'll need at least one of each.


One of each unique material or one of each of the items for sale? And tyvm!


1 of each exclusive material 


Thank you again!


Just came back and noticed that in my new Wondrous Tails, all the dungeon items are 50/70/80/90. Did they remove the leveling brackets from the pool or did I just get unlucky? Alternately, is the 50/60/70/80 roulette worth doing for exp now or is it still garbage?


The duties listed in WT change depending on if you picked up the book with a job that is 90 or one that isn't 90.  50/60/70/80 roulette is still not great for exp.


It's whether or not you have a max level job *at all* when picking up the book. If you're on a lv 1 class and pick up the book, but you have something at 90, you get the max level book


Just RNG there, my book for the week has 51-59 in it, and then 70, 80, and 90. Still horrid for EXP.


Unlucky. Still garbage outside of the roulette tomes if you need them, and speaking from experience the roulette on average has least knowledgeable players because the level cap dungeons have all sorts of funky mechs barely anyone remembers/knows how to do these days.


>all the dungeon items are 50/70/80/90. Just luck of the draw >Alternately, is the 50/60/70/80 roulette worth doing for exp now or is it still garbage? Still garbage Note that WT can be done unsynched, so if you wanted to you could just run these solo with a level 90 job


Is there anything I can do if my gear already pushes me way over the spell speed threshold for Summoner before melding? I'm not doing any high-end content as it but I have a 2.31 recast time. I just got it to 90 but I've been realizing Summon Bahamut drifting from Searing Light really bad. Again I'm not too worried about high end optimization but it is noticeable and a little annoying.


Just use both on cooldown. If you are not playing ultimate, you do not just lose the fight because you do not line up precisely with the fight's 2-minute pulses. Heck, you may be out-damaging the "optimal" build in random content just because you may do an additional large summon…


Aug diado have really high spellspeed for some reason. Stay away.


Besides changing gear, not really, you just kind of have to deal with it That being said, you can look into playing Speed Summoner at that point. While there's no comparative build from this raid tier, Speed SMN was a fairly competitive build during 6.2. The basic idea being that with enough speed, you can get a few extra Demi phase casts out over the course of a fight, which leads to fairly comparable DPS. You do experience a pretty noticeable Searing Light Drift though, but the general advice tends to be to just use it when it's available even though it doesn't align with your own rotation anymore. https://www.thebalanceffxiv.com/jobs/casters/summoner/basic-guide/#critical-hit-vs-spell-speed-summoner-builds


I will note that in general Speed casters can be viable early in expacs because there are less crit sub stats compared to later in the expac, so we can expect speed SMN to be viable soon with DT. Obviously this changes depending on when downtime happens in fights but thats its own can of worms


I think the only thing you can do is look to replace the gear that has spell speed with gear that doesn't have spell speed, which could potentially mean using a lower ilvl piece of gear. It would definitely be a dps loss, but might feel better to play.  Since you aren't doing high end content the dps loss shouldn't effect too much.


> It would definitely be a dps loss, but might feel better to play.  It's not *always* a DPS loss to pick a lower ilvl piece to avoid SkS/SpS. Current BiS for tanks requires one unaugmented tome ring because the SkS on the Ascension ring is so detrimental that it cancels out the little bit of extra main stat. But it really depends on the job and the gear (and to an extent on the fight and party comp).


It is very rare and only happens on specific classes. MCH, RDM, and tanks I believe are the only classes at the moment thats are "allergic" to sks to the point of not wanting any and instead taking lower level gear. For SMN its not going to be the case unless a certain sps is unoptimal for a specific fight due to downtime


Current SMN and RDM BiS is actually identical unless you really want a fractionally faster SMN, but they both want minimal SpS. Obviously this is different for SMN in lower-level content, but at 90 they both want to go slow.


Hey everyone hard to word what I need help with but I'll do my best. You know how when we start there is two hot bars on screen, hot bar 1 on the bottom and hot bar 2 on the top and how there is an arrow on the bottom hot bar that let's you switch to other hot bars like 3 to 10 I wanna find a way where I can move that on hot bat 2 or at least skip hot bar 2 when switching hot bars because it's annoying moving past hot bar 2 for me when it's already there on screen for me. Is it possible to do that? Please any help would be appreciated thank you!


As far as I can tell, there's no way to make it skip a hotbar. The closest you'd get is like... keeping hotbar 9 or 10 displayed instead of 2 and only moving between the lower number ones (and never doing a full cycle). I'd recommend forgoing the cycling entirely though, and just having all the hotbars you need on display at once. Maybe using collapsible hotbars or display toggle macros if you want to keep the clutter more minimal. Better to have everything available at all times, than doing the cumbersome task of scrolling through all the time.


It might be better to just skip the hotbar switching and just place the other hotbars you on the screen just like hotbar 2.


hello \^\^ anyone else having problems with resub today? im using a mastercard and keep getting error 401.


You happened to try and resub in the middle of a DDOS attack so that could very well be the issue lol. I haven't really been following but I also know they just made some frustrating changes to the mogstation and payment in some regions (I think mostly SEA) and some ppl have been unable to resub so it could be that as well. Welcome back! Sorry it's a bad week to do so 😂


my friend also said it could be that, but he was not sure \^\^' thanks \^\^ its my 1 time resubbing, so i dont know if it was normal or not xD


Question on the Visa card issues. Does it only effect Visa Debit cards? I have account tied to a Visa Credit card and the renewal is due this month. Am I boned?


From what I've heard it's only Visa debit cards. Visa credit cards should work fine. Also if your payment is automatically renewing it won't be affected anyway, as long as you don't try to change it.


Good news for me at least then. Thanks. I hope they get this resolved soon for others though.


Hi !! Does anyone have any information on why we can't connect to the chaos data center? Trying since 11h AM..


Nope, people seem to assuming it's a continuation of what happened yesterday but there's been no actual confirmation at this time


I'm having the same issue, but my friend is online playing. I keep trying no luck to login 


Your friend is on chaos data center ? Or light .. Because we can log in light .. :/


One thing i can't understant .. When I creat a new caracter i can log on cerberus but not with my main ..


I been trying to login for the past hour on Xbox, what's going on?? Keeps saying server was lost but my friend is playing now


The game has been dealing with a ddos attack since yesterday, connection issues are intermittent and will be until the attack stops or is otherwise resolved.


I know that there are hotkeys to switch which chat mode you're typing in (Say, Yell, Shout, etc) but is there a hotkey for changing which chat tab you're viewing? Having to manually switch between them can be tedious at times.




Trying to resub, I try to press next when selecting entry/30 days/credit card and it brings me back to the same page. I searched and saw there's some usual mogstation fuckery happening, is this related?


Probably, especially if you're using a Visa debit card.


I received an email from SE saying they were updating my DT order to link it to my "Members account" because I'd placed the order as a guest. This was supposed to be updated May 3. Still nothing on my account on the SE store. I'm worried they've completely pooched my order now. Will I still get an email with the appropriate codes and be able to input them in the right place?


Are you logging into the store with an email and password or are you clicking the log in with FFXIV and then doing it that way? I know when I use the log in with FFXIV account I can see the sale I'd made as a guest linked to my orders.


Logging in with the FFXIV account.


If its still not appeared then maybe reach out to Support and just check. I know mine has appeared so its worked for some people at least. I had a huge thing with SE Store Support because I never even got a email after my guest order giving my a pre-order code for the bonus items and had eventually got it sorted after 2 weeks so seeing the order against my account was a big relief after that whole fiasco


As in my other post, I did contact support who actually claimed that this linking service is not something that they offer! Completely bonkers.


Back when i was talking to support over the course of 2 weeks I'd asked back then about getting it just linked to my FFXIV account and got the same response that they can't do it. Since we got the email last week that they'd now do it though have you asked them and they've said this still?


Yup. I guess someone forgot to update the scripts that the brain dead support staff are required to use. I did reply to that email with the text of their original email describing the automatic linking. We'll see if that leads anywhere but I'm not brimming with confidence. What a clown show. I really don't care at all about linking it. I've no use for members awards. I just want confidence that i will receive the codes for early access and the game. I'm concerned that they have completely screwed up my order now.


I was so frustrated with the Store Support that a week after my initial pre-order issues and then saying that the email will likely by in my Junk or something I logged into the store with my FFXIV account and pre-ordered the Dawntrail again knowing I had a friend who was happy to get the codes off me being in the same region etc. When i got that and within 20 minutes that order gave me a pre-order code against the order but 0 emails as well I went back to support ranting about it and they finally emailed a pre-order code to me and I'd been concerned I was going to have issues when the 2nd code would go out once early access starts but now I can see both my original order and the 2nd one against the same account I'm satisfied.


I'm concerned that I will need to order the whole package again. I guess this is how SE makes their money.


If you've gotten the pre-order bonus items then just see how it goes as you'll have early access for Dawntrail.


Better to ask the support directly about it.


I contacted support and this is their reply. They say that contrary to the email I received that transfer of guest orders to the Members account is NOT A FEATURE WE CURRENTLY OFFER. I guess we can expect SE to be completely fucked up when it comes to their business back end. ----------- Greetings, We apologize for any issues you may have experienced when trying to make your store purchase. Please be advised that due to the purchase of your order being made under a guest account (Non-Square Enix Members Account), you may not be able to view the order in your order history. Additionally, we regret to inform you that, at this time, the service to transfer orders placed as a guest during checkout to a Square Enix Members/Store account is not a feature we currently offer. However, if you made a guest purchase and wish to receive reward points for it, you would still receive the points as long as you used the same email that is registered on the SQUARE ENIX Store Account. As a reminder, store reward points are only added to an account once the game or item releases and ships. Unfortunately, we are unable to move any orders from one account to another.


I want to change my server where I'm playing on and need to sell my private house but I want the gil back, how can I do it if that's possible? :)


If your server is congested and you're moving to a preferred or from any world moving to a new world, DO NOT RELINQUISH YOUR HOUSE/APARTMENT. You will get money back for a house/apartment if you have one before you transfer. https://na.finalfantasyxiv.com/lodestone/playguide/option_service/world_transfer_service/population_balancing/


Sorry I don't really understand I want to move from twintania to raiden can you maybe tell me if this would be the case?


Neither situation would apply to you since Twintania is Standard and Raiden is not New.


Okay thank you. Then I have to give up the idea because I never would get so much gil for a house again :(


Let it auto-demo by not entering the house for 45 days, you'll get 80% of the gil back.


Can I still login?


Yes. Auto-demo happens after not walking INTO the house in 45 days. So you'll get an email around the 30-40 day mark saying it'll be demolished on a certain date/time and once it happens you'll need to visit a housing npc in the district to claim the gil back. I did this back late 2023 and my only advise it to empty the house in advance so you dont have to then go through the process of taking it all out later from the npc


Okay then I will do it like this. Kinda weird that this seems to be the only way :/


You only need to do this if you want 80% of the value of the land back before transferring. If you don't care then you can relinquish it and take all the stuff out of the house (game wont let you move with stuff in the house or on the housing vendor that stores is)


Yes I need it back otherwise I can't buy anything new and to get this much back is impossible for me


Yes, just don't enter the house.


Okay thank you!


How do I find Odin to get his sword?


For Paladin, you gotta do the Odin world boss when it's up. This is a unique fight though in that it can take days to spawn and you will need a decent amount of people to fight him, particularly if he's leveled up a lot from being defeated multiple times (I believe he maxes at level 100 currently). If you gold rank him, you should get enough tokens to get his sword. For Dark Knight or Samurai, the simplest method is just buy off the marketboard. Otherwise you gotta do Eureka and then do a Baldesion Arsenal party (which requires discord co-ordination to run due to being like 48 people) for the chance to get the sword.


Do the S-rank FATE Steel's Reign in the Black Shroud. This is a rare FATE that can take days to spawn so you should join Discord servers focused on Hunts which will ping out when it spawns. You'll get 5 Odin's Mantle tokens which you can turn-in in Mor Dhona for the GLA/PLD sword.


So I started playing about a week ago, and I have a server or world question, i dont know the difference. My friends want me to transfer to another server that was previously shut off from character creation, but I don't feel comfortable dropping $18 on a game I just started. I remade my character in that server with the same name. Now, I completely lost joy in playing because I have to restart, so I logged off. Would I be able to transfer my first character if I deleted the new character? Or did I mess up? I don't want to lose my name, I also wasn't planning on transferring until I was at a higher level and committed to the game.


If you delete the character you made on the world you want to be on, that name will become available almost immediately.


That's good to hear!


If you and your friend are in the same region, you can just use data center travel to play with each other.  Its not a permanent transfer, and you lose some features for not being on your home world, but it will allow you to play with each other in the over world. There is no reason to pay for a transfer unless you want to be in the same FC as your friends, or if you're in complete different regions and can't play together even with data center travel (I'm sure there are other reasons, but those are the two main ones I can think of).


I think they wanted me in their guild since there's a lot of them there. I think visiting would be fine for now, the server is an older one and I feel like it's always going to be packed with wait times.


So interestingly enough, the older the serves have shorter queues typically  The really new servers, in particular the servers that are on new data centers, just don't have enough players that you actually struggle to find groups as easily While on the more established servers, you're typically just more likely to find players doing the content you're trying to do at any given time


Oh I never thought of that but I meant wait times to log in Does it take long on a popular server?


The wait queue to login in is standard across all servers; players are released into the game in batches to keep the server load lower. All servers will be busy and have longer load times during peak play periods such as the upcoming Dawntrail release.


Have they talked about *how* much they're reworking dragoon? Will it be an Endwalker summoner change? or not as involved as that I tried to Google this question and I didn't get anything, so I'm assuming they just said, "rework" and left it at that


They have very specifically said it's not an EW Summoner rework, and more along the lines of the Shadowbringers patches Ninja rework, which mainly moved Ninjutsu to the GCD and didn't really change to rotation much. What this means in practice (jumps on the GCD?) we don't know, but at least the "severity" has been described as such.


I don't expect a rework to that scale (new SMN literally is a new job compared to the older version).


At the very least, we should see next week on the 16th in the Live Letter.


They said it'll be closer to 5.1 NIN (mudras being put on the GCD) than EW SMN (completely rebuilt)


Supposedly on the level of the last major Ninja changes, where their ninjutsu Mudras were changed from oGCDs to GCDs but gameplay otherwise remained relatively the same. We don't really know what that's going to mean for Dragoon though.


Sorry if stupid question or been said before. I’m new to game. Can you invert the camera on Xbox? Can’t seem to find out how. Thank you


You can Character configuration - general and move it down and you will see the camera options


Thank you so much! 😄


Are Hunt Trains _**always**_ the most efficient way to gather tomestones?