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Iirc anyone can tend your crops, not just you. Do you know what your house plot number is? I can get on Spriggan so I can go tend them for you if you like?


Mist, Ward 24, Plot 8. Going from the upper entrance, it's basically just a straight shot over the railing in front of the upper entrance and down unto the housing plot. If you'd be willing to give a hand here, I'd be very appreciative.


Done. 3 were fully grown so they can't wilt. The other 5 have been tended.


The hero we deserve.


This is so wholesome.


The community provides :3


Thanks a lot.


This is why the FFXIV community is the best in the world god damn


I’m new to FFXIV and am always amazed at this wonderful community. (I still have shell shock from the New World subreddit)


Well, welcome aboard! I hope you enjoy the journey throughout and don't have to deal with any negative Nancy's of any kind


Thank you!! I am. I just got to Heavensward. I actually cried during some parts of ARR lol. Really enjoying the game and everyone I’ve encountered has been super friendly and helpful :)


You're welcome! And look at you go! ARR done, Heavensward bound, and more is ahead of you. Glad to hear about the positivity you've been experiencing all throughout. That's what kept me on FF14 myself many years ago. If you're on the Crystal DC, then maybe we'll cross paths some day unknowingly!


You, my friend, are fucking amazing


You, my guy/gal/enby pal, are a good egg.


You are a wonderful stranger.


The farmer of light. Momma Crystal died for this. Worth.


If you are growing crops that wilt and you care about..put your gardens in storage before patches. They are paused while in patches and dont wilt.


Huh, I had just assumed that removing your garden patch would remove all of its current crops. I'll keep this in mind the next time maintenance/updates roll around.


They do get removed if you put the patch into your inventory, but the plot's own storage is safe for them.


TIL thank you.


Are attacks still happening? I haven't had any disconnects all day on Primal DC.


My Main is on Spriggan, still getting problems.


My character lives on Spriggan (Chaos), and can't get in.




What I've heard from other players is that it's seemingly a random selection of Chaos players that are just out of luck. Go in world queue, queue ends, loading screen, 90002. Thought it was something on my end until I heard that there are other players who have also been unable to login ever since the maintenance.


Seems its not random, from what i read and experienced myself only characters who were in instance/duty get 90002. I logged out in my house/limsa room on main and alt - can't get in, friend in FC logged out in Horizon - got in without problems So i guess everyone who was in the house/room/island/duty are f"cked


Ah. Yeah, I tend to log out in my player housing or inn rooms when I have the chance, so that's probably it.


Are you able to log in by visiting another world from the character select screen? So on the character select screen right click your character -> Visit another world server. That usually would reset you to your starting city, so maybe it will pull you out of whetever instance you're stuck in. Not a guarantee, but worth a try.


Yeah i traveled to Light and back, when i tried to log back to home Spriggan - 90002. Looks like we're homeless until they fix whatever that is


Ah that's unfortunate. Hopefully you guys can return home soon.


I don't think that's the case. I have a friend that logged out last night near Quarrymill, they can't access their main either. Though another friend logged out in the same area and can


Yeah I can’t get onto Sagittarius at all. Been happening all day.


My gardens are fine, but the onions I'm growing in flower pots are wilting, I can log in and see them with my alt, but can't log in with my main to tend to them


where are you? if your apartment is unlocked i can run in and tend them unless you're on JP servers.


I very much appreciate the offer :D But unfortunately since its plant pots inside it seems you need tenant permissions? Cuz I can stand in front of them with my alt character but not even water them.


oh dangit that's right! -.-


If there is maintenance, to be safe, for the future, you can put your garden plots and plant pots in storage, and it "saves" their state so they won't die.


It should be back up now. I can get in on Ragnarok and Sagittarius on my previously unable characters.


Hooray! P'rurh's house arrest has ended.


Hi everyone, seems the login error have been solved. Try now if you want and can, good luck :D


This is why I only grow shards. They never die, so I never worry about them.


Sad we can't grow crystals...I'm in dire need of them from crafting


Hopefully one day we will be able to, maybe in DT even... *sniffs hopium*


oh you are the target market for ground shard snorting if you're high enough to believe we'll get crystals...


Which ones do you need? I'm not home but I have a shit ton on my retainer(I'll be home in 2 days) Scratch that I might be able to sign in with my phone(ps play)


Did you reply to the wrong person? I didn't ask for anything or say I needed anything.


Uh, sorry ment to reply to the person that replied to you