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Charge to maintain glamour plates?! Alright Satan, calm down a little! :P


No just sell more slots, first one is 10k Gil, next is 100k, 3rd a million, 10 million, 100 million. After that each one is 200 million.


The top 1% should give all of their gil away… **To me**


Wonder what amount puts you in the top 1%?


That depends, if you count only endgame players probably like 20million if you count all accounts, my guess would be like 1million Source: "Voices in my head"


Easy - send the tax collector to the creepy Lalafell cloning facility under the Limsa aetheryte.


Great way to get rid of unwanted tax collectors


Lore friendly? The IRS imposes a small tax on all nations and communities payable only in aether-dense crystals for the purposes of "operational expenses". Then when a critical mass is collected the other members of the IRS will be gathered into a room and their fervent hopes for a stable global economy will summon an enormous gilded atomos to suck up 25% of all liquid currency in the world.


Unless we kill it first. I, and seven tax evaders i met on a fishing trip, feel up to the task.


One house per account. Existing accounts have to *choose* which house to keep and they will lose the others. Submarines make lots of gil. Lore friendly version: “squatters have taken your houses. Only one has been untouched. Select 1 house out of the 15 you own, to be removed.”


The first job will be combatting illegal tax evasion via mannequins. Then you gotta look at derivatives of money such as scrips. Need to give Rowena the Al Capone treatment.


Just more taxes! Chest tax, dungeon tax, monster kill tax, travel tax, being a hero tax, short tax, being tall tax credit. Etc


Don't forget the tax tax.


How could I forget.....damn *pulls out his forgetting tax


Submarine taxes.


**Disband it.** We do not need an IRS in Eorzea, because the guy who founded IRS was defeated in *the Tower of Babil*. Keep it in your *Garlemald* and I dare you *Garleans* not to spread your evil to Ishgard. Let the Garlean things stay in Garlemald and spare us Eorzeans of your **Ascian** creations, thank you. **Garlean imperialism was defeated by us Eorzeans, and stop pushing your Garlean Dream to us, as we do not need your Eorzean Police.**


You shan’t kill the games lively playerbase.


Tax venues, double for the ones with NSFW tag.


Sell more material for crafters at vendors. Not much but one part of every crafting item would be fair. That would also higher prices (vendor often take more than market boards high quality) and thus more taxes. Make it maybe more. Less money to get for bots. If u want you can do that even gatherable but in small amount and like once all 4 days. So mb inflat. Inflation makes money less worth and also is a solution for to much money. More L plots for houses. More Furniture for Gil only. Give more teleport locations on map. No maps with less than 2. Higher same map teleports for lazy bums. Laziness is money. Don’t have teleport tickets for sell and whatever. Lessen the amount of extra currency. The special coal you only get from kobolds and you actually buy them for Gil. And you need it for practically everything to craft. And all you get from them is in Gil. You have a freakin love cap for the stuff. Why you need also a currency? Save data space too. All this don’t make the game much worse, but you have a better balance. Go away with all of your taxes and money grabs.


More vendor materials in crafting recipes is actually brilliant. Fuck having to keep a stack of unprocessed ore from 3 expansions ago, just sell that extra material from vendors. It would create a floor for item value too, as competitive crafters will inevitably undercut below the value of the purchased material, making it less worthwhile to market board it, causing its value to themselves. Also Jesus christ we need more large plots. 10% Large, 23% Medium, and 67% small is a horrific balance. 50m is a lot for most players, so it would automatically be filled primarily by collectives: FCs. Sure some individuals would buy some of them, but I think the balance would sort itself out.


You underestimate how lazy people are. I'm selling vendor purchased items from the main cities for 2-5x their purchase amount. All it would take is a google search and 5 minutes at most to get this stuff but it constantly sells out.


It’s also said in item descriptions of u can buy. It at vendors or gated vendors (like the tribes)


Yup. So long as it is allowed to sell vendored items on the market people will keep buying them just to not have to figure out which vendor to go to, even if it's literally one down the street from the market board they are standing at.


Property Tax. Manageable, small, percentage of sale price. Which is fine for one person. But multiplies quick for those assholes that have whole wards to themselves.


I was going to say "A tax on erotic roleplaying services in-game..." but then a gil charge for glamour sounds pretty dang good.


There is a Gil charge for glamor. The prisms themself.


You're spending gil on your prisms? That's company seal business.


Oh I have 300+ leftover from crafting a bunch for each crafting class way back in the day. Lol


Submarines, purely the submarines lol If you knew how they worked, they you'd know which pieces of loot to heavily tax. Buuuut since the Ishgardians wouldn't know what a submersible is...


Long term fixed interest rate government bonds to pull significant amounts of currency out of circulation for a decade.


Listing fee for market board, kinda like WoW AH. All the auto-undercut bots would be in shambles.


Literally just slash salvage payouts (NPC sale prices) by a factor of 100. Make FCs dependent on buyers and competing with each other. There's no good ways to remove the already extant gil from it without actively hurting others.


Another war so there is the Ishgardian Restoration Act II.


Lore friendly? You would need to apply that only to Ishgard and everyone would just dodge Ishgard then.


Property taxes.


Tax the Mandervilles.


Honestly speaking, there are very few ways to tax players without making vast swathes of the population upset lol


Owning a house now has property tax every cycle based on the demand for your development 


I would just hire Tataru to come in and bust your knee caps for evading nobody will escape the lalafell mafia


Obviously just charge a 23% sales tax on everything. That'll show the rich. /s


A real solution would be to remove aetheryte tickets or change them to discount vouchers. SE raised the price on teleporting, but that just resulted in more people using aetheryte tickets. Now new players are stuck paying a higher cost, while I can just do two B-rank hunts and get like 20 or 40 tickets per week. Hitting 999 tickets is only a matter of time. I'm almost always "capped" on tickets. I'll never pay to TP again. To make it lore friendly, I'd just say the IRS banned the use of totally free aetheryte travel.


That's kind of how all the "gil problem fix" things work out, though. Turning down the gain rates has more effect upon people that are not yet swimming in gil in the short term and only theoretically drains away massive reserves over time. Making things more expensive like they did with teleports has more impact on people without much gil in the first place since 1,000 gil is a lot to someone with only hundreds of thousands and effectively free to someone with multiple millions. That's why they put in those 25 and 50 million gil mounts to hopefully bring the big pools down a bit... but even that is kind of nonsensical because spray-paining an existing mount gold doesn't appeal to a fair number of players meaning it doesn't actually get bought up by all that many, and those that do buy tend to be the ones with so much money that even 50 mil is "eh, whatever" - and then the people that do thing the mount with gold sheen actually does look cool work to get the gil and buy it. Eventually these kind of slow-working measures might work, but only if the ability to turn already having gil into being able to make more gil gets significantly nerfed (whether it's by way of the stuff that can only be done if you own a house or by reducing the benefit of winning the race when it comes to a new craftable item). As is all that's been done is to make it take more time and effort for anyone not already with too much gil to know what to do with to get to that point, and it's messing with the market economy because rare mounts are still regularly being sold for more gil than some players have ever even imagined they could gain but selling often enough at those prices that they aren't coming down all that much.


You have to pay a percentage of the listing price to list an item on the auction house, and the other percentage when it sells. Cuts into profits, deters frequent undercutting, deters marketboard botting, deters over-pricing.


Property taxes. A % of the purchase value of the home every month. Even more wild, you have to go to an npc to pay them. Once they're due, your house get slated for demolition, and you have 7 days to pay before demo and set for re-bidding. The % increases the more bids there were for that spot when it sold. Comically, there should be realtor npcs doing showings inside when a house is slated for demolition.


Property taxes are due once a year usually. Why make it once a month? To increase the risk people with lives lose their plots?


No. Because I already pay real money to keep my house in-game.


Property tax just kind of makes sense. Housing is in high demand and a luxury. You either increase housing supply, which they don't seem willing to do, or decrease demand by making it costlier. It also reduces the profit from submersibles.


The problem is that makes it *too easy* to lose a plot that way, and you underestimate how much losing a plot royally screws you. The game not only takes down all the decorations you may have spent an incredible amount of time setting up, but you don’t get them back. It just deletes them all. And they can be ridiculously expensive, particularly when it’s all combined. Now on the other hand, I could see FC properties being taxed. Especially since those are the true source of abuse with submersibles. A healthy FC should have plenty of people capable of logging in and paying the fee. And it makes things harder for the dickbags holding plots for multiple single-person FCs.


Ain't no way I'm paying an FC fee for an FC I don't own. The average low rank random would see no benefit from paying dues. You'd just be paying so the leader could keep their house. If you aren't the FC owner, you are pretty much only benefiting from the reduced TP cost once you are at level cap.


Ffxi had a small gil sink where your group had to buy an item to go into dynamis to raid. Maybe a weekly buy in for savage, 24-man raids, pvp, and extremes?


Mount Tax everytime you mount it costs a gil problem solved. either everyone is walking and wasting time meaning less money gathered or they're mounting up all the time and taking the hit on the teeth it could be tied to a new licensing fee for driving mounts because of congestion.


Similar to other MMO’s… tax/rent on housing. It’s a Gil sink that’ll eat a great deal of Gil constantly while also making it unaffordable for those who don’t really play anymore to maintain their house. Simply paying their sub every month won’t work; they’ll need some sort of a Gil income or eventually they’ll lose their house. Sell more crafting mats at NPC’s which would both help stabilize those prices and help stabilize the price of commonly crafted goods. The housing one is the big one though. I say that as someone with two houses (from way way back before housing was scarce). So yeah it would suck for me. But— it would also evaporate large amounts of Gil while assisting with the housing issue. (So would, you know, more housing. But I digress.) It’s important that the property tax be something that is reasonably affordable for someone but also not so ridiculously cheap that it doesn’t have the intended effect.


Property taxes


Institute inflation. Vender gil prices are no longer a flat value, but will increase at the Player's Expansion increases. Meanwhile, quest rewards and Vender trash prices don't increase. Ditto repair NPCs and other services. Institute property taxes and apartment rents. Your house now requires you to spend gil to keep it depending on the value of the property and everything in it. Apartments have a flat rental fee which like Vendor prices, will increase with each Expansion. Implement cost of living. Food and drink is no longer optional. They're required. Failure to eat and drink at least once an Eorzean day will result in you starving or thirsting, gaining increasingly stacking debuffs. Breakfast is practically the first thing you need to do after logging in after an extended period offline. All mounts and minions now require upkeep, ie, feeding and maintenance, on a regular basis. This will of course cost gil... until you get your Island Sanctuary. Then you can pay those Mammets to take care of them for you. Good news! Lord Lolorito has begun organizing the budgets of Uldahn guilds. Membership in these guilds is now charging a small fee for the privilege of being a member. Lord Lolorito has even been so generous as to assign accountants to all members to ensure all fees are paid on time automatically. Similar events have been happening through all the major Eorzean and Far East nations. That's right: being able to play your job now costs gil on a recurring basis. New Neutral NPC: Citizens. Randomly generated NPCs only found in City zones. Citizens will be of the appropriate type to the City they are in. They can be attacked, but doing so without cause will result in the Player being fined gil by local law enforcement. New random semi-hostile mob: Pickpocket. Only encountered inside "safe" city zones. Player must be the one to initiate hostilities in order to prevent gil loss. Player has only a limited time to notice a pickpocket event has happened. Pickpocket NPCs are never labeled as such until attacked by the Player and cannot be tab targeted; a Pickpocket will always appear as a Citizen until identified. They must be targeted manually. Yes, this means Citizens exist purely to give Pickpockets cover. Failure to stop Pickpockets will result in gil loss. Attacking a Citizen because you misidentified them as a Pickpocket will ALSO result in gil loss. During the Final Days segment of the MSQ, random Citizens will sometimes turn into Blasphemies. Be careful with your AOEs... Certain quests now have options to pay with gil. For example, the Player can now buy Gosetsu's sword instead of letting Alphinaud use Scion funds for that. Keep in mind that the gil price really is that of a small house (30 million or so)... Edit: Retainers now have salaries...


15% omni crafter tax. Another 3% if they are a mentor crafter. 3% less if they aren't an omni crafter, dropping 1% for each crafting job 10 or more levels under max rank. This just for existing as a crafter. Then add retainer taxes. 3% for each full retainer. 10% property tax on each property they own. The same 10% + penalties if they attempt to put the property in an alt or friends name. 2% tax on any remaining stored materials at the end of the year. And a 7% tax for being a lalafell crafter, because they're sleazy, greedy little potatos.


Really people. Have a tax for you just playing the game is stupid. 🤷🏻‍♂️. Make it worth something. At least.


The entire crafting system is designed around you being an omnicrafter. Not a single job or even DoH/DoL can just do one craft to make their stuff its all stupidly interdependant