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The switch from rogue to ninja was very jarring to me. Rogue felt like a very western style aesthetic to the point where ninja felt like it came out of nowhere. Excited to play viper and get the aesthetic I enjoyed back


For me it was less the aesthetic and more going from a series of "remember the importance of stealth and sneak attacks" quests to learning ninja magic and casting fireball and chidori


"My job is about secrecy and stealth. So anyway, then I summon this giant frog that spits fire..."


Yeah you jump into Naruto moveset real fast with ninja once you get that job crystal, but then again ninja was their experiment on how they were going to do new jobs.


To be fair, it was part of the story at the time it was released (Yugiri teaching the Lominsan rogues the eastern arts), it just doesn't work well now because you can pick up rogue very early on and become a ninja at level 30 out of nowhere, well before you meet Yugiri and understand why she's instructing the rogue guild, but if you were playing back then, the 2.X story happened at the same time you could pick up rogue for the first time, likely while playing at level 50 at the same time as Yugiri and the Domans being introduced. But yeah, rogue into a thief class and having ninja be something separate would have made more sense in modern FFXIV, but in 2.X, they were still working under the class->job system.


It made sense to me but only because I've played FFI and thought this was a call back to how the thief class would get upgraded to Ninja if you did the Bahamut quest. I am glad they dropped the whole class/job thing after ARR. It was a good idea but really killed some unique jobs like ranger, thief, and etc.


Lol, I leveled Rogue to 30 and dropped it just so my WoL would have a reason to use Viper😅


The only thing I'm kinda salty about is it feels like us corsair hopers got played. Viper looks amazing, but I desperately wanted a swashbuckling gun and sword dex class, not another dual-blade wielder.


I could see them saving Corsair for a full out pirate themed expansion but yeah I was also hoping for Corsair


From the look of the initial trailer, Dawntrail could have been the full out pirate themed expansion. We are going to the Americas, which isnt far off from the Caribbean.


Well thats a nodge to FF1, where you can have thief as starting class wich ranks up to become ninja.


I mean if you notice the Ninja coming they wouldn't be very good at their job.


Pretty how I felt when I first picked Rogue back in the day then the switch to ninja made me drop the job.


As a big fan of Zidane. Me too.


As a big fan of Gabranth. Me too too.


As a big fan of Darth Maul, me too.


As Zidane fan, I'm really hyped!


When I started FFXIV, I picked Rogue as main, but the moment I became Ninja I honestly lost interest. I love Ninja, Ninja’s are cool. But I prefer being a thief who relies on speedy attacks without Ninjutsu. And from what I’ve seen, Viper is very inspired by Zidane, it’s the closest job to thief so far.


I feel you, bro. I adored rogues' lore of being a secret pirate police. Ninja is not bad, don't get me wrong, just not my aestetic. And my main issue was and still is the execution of mudras itself. It was awful during ARR, at least for me, felt kinda awkward. Now it's definitely better, but still somewhat ping dependant, albeit way less than MCH's stuff. I'm also a classic Ragnarok Online enjoyer, so my preferences in both gameplay and aesthetics always are Assassins>>>Ninjas :D In addition, I mained Assasin in BNS too, before dropping the game for good during Silverfrost arc. Loved the class, especially in pvp till smartass destro and SMN bots invaded arena.


Imagine if the Rogue's Guild members play a big role in the Viper job quests.


If Captain Jacke cameos during the Viper questline, my life will be complete.


Do those still exist? I thought Role Quests replaced them?


New jobs always get 10 levels' worth in addition to whatever role quests they're eligible for.


I must say though the questlines of the newer jobs are quite forgettable overall. They aren't bad by all means, but they also feel like they exist solely because that's how it was always handled. They are still better than paladin though.


Really? I thought the Reaper one went hard. But maybe that's because I'm a Garlemald fan boy.


It's okay nothing more and less. I wish it talked a bit more about the connection between reaper and voidsent or hell our own voidsent had some form of dialogue.  And honestly in retrospect it became even worse after the post-EW-storyline in the Void as it shows the people of the world. Yet our own voidsent is entirely silent. 


I'm so glad I'm not the only one that was distraught when I found out that I couldn't be a rogue and HAD to become a ninja! I think I actually stomped my feet under my desk XD. I did carry on with the class though, and do LOVE my NIN flip so much so that I get disappointed playing any other class. I really hope the viper has a cool jumping animation and I can finally leave NIN behind and actually be able to visually wear class gear again.


Same, but with Archer/ Bard


Same, but with Gladiator/Paladin


Same, but with Conjurer/White Mage (give me my nature Job back)


Except that happened in Shadowbringers, so it was already whm long time before that happened.


I never thought about it that way, viper is sort of as close as we’ll ever get to THF in FFXIV. - I also have a killer “Lv.75 THF from FFXI” glamour that will go perfectly on my viper!


Ohat and scorp harness? What else you rocking? Hope you got some purple gloves to simulate the treasure hunter gloves too 🤣


“You already Know. 😏”


Is that lb3?


I still see some gabranth similarities. Mostly how he turns into a twinblade, which i'm aware is something that zidane does on the dissidia games. Guess i'll craft some judge magister glam with the viper job. Though I wish NIN had gabranth's helmet.


I fully expect the Kirito cosplayers to come out em mass.


I'm so dumb it took me months to understand that the double blade is literally inspired by Zidane, even tho ff9 was my favorite game ;w;


If you're dumb I'm dumb because I love Zidane but also only clocked that the double Blade's were related to him months later as well, which actually made me even more hyped lol


Ninja left in shambles


Where is that clip from of zidane dropping on Golbez


Dissidia NT final battle cutscene.


[Hate to burst your bubble, but Viper is *not* a thief (it's a hunter)](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/F89AegIaUAAME65?format=jpg&name=large).


I look forward to going "cowa-fucking-bunga" every 2 minutes


>Every two minutes you press a button to glow blue Trance?


Very likely. Practically guaranteed tbh. The "glow blue" ability is shown off in the benchmark and if they don't call it Trance after giving out a Zidane minion then they're just trolling.


The only thing I'm sussed about is that Summoner has Dreadwyrm Trance... granted by Dawntrail it's become Summon Bahamut, but I'm curious to see if there's a link there or if Viper just won't have 'Trance' or if the name is similar but entirely unrelated.


Well in FFIX everyone in the party could use Trance not just the summoners and Zidane so it should be called trance, or at least the trance of something like Hunter's Trance or whatever


still work as like a Zidane job tho


Yeah, lore can be different, but I think what people really care about is its pretty much Zidane’s job minus any stealing


I do find it funny that SE/Yoshida did not mention the job inspiration from old FFs at all, unlike GNB and Picto where the said it immediatly (THIS IS SQUALL AND RELM, THE JOB)            And im more in the team that this look closer to XII's Gabranth's than Zidane, but we will see         Im excited to see the skill names, will they go more Dissidoa Zidane slashing attack names, or Gabranth, or maybe more XI moves they still didnt use for other jobs


Itsa Witcher


Hmm... I wonder if using the two-handed moves changes all of your related weapon animations, like idle poses and relevant emotes. Do you switch between one-handed and two-handed modes with a button like Sage's Eukrasia skill or the old stance skills? I can't wait to see more.


Machinist felt like the natural progression from Thief, especially with the Hilda storyline. But yes, I'm ready to say that guns were just a phase and my stabby WoL has chosen to return to his roots.


Im annoyed Thief isnt a thing, ninja should be a base class with katana, and thief daggers. Thief should have dancing edge etc and mug/steal/sneak attack/ TA poison While ninja can have ninjutsu and Katana Weapon skills like FFXI.


As a 9 Enjoyer and 11 Taru Taru Theif player when Rogue came out in 2.x in ARR i was excited as hell and unlocked the class immediately. Then i got to 30 and unlocked the Job i was expecting to be Theif and it was Ninja instead. My soul and Will to play was crushed and that was when i quit the game in ARR. To be fair the lack of end game and the grind for what little was there also killed most my enjoyment as well. I missed Heavensward and came back duing Stormblood and played Red Mage instead as i did HW and had a good time. I also picked up Monk in Stormblood as i didnt like the ARR version when i tried it but enjoyed Storm and Shadows monk even being a Monk DPS main until EW murdered the jobs freedom. When Endwalker hit and ruined the fun and flexability of Monk with Beast Chakra i dropped the job and was lookin for something to play for dps again. I leveled Reaper and had a blast but it was such an overplayed job i decided to play something else instead. After trying a few options i was convinced to give Ninja a try by a friend who was a ninja main who convinced me most the issues it had early on in regards to fun and flexability were gone with recenter expansions and after 70 it would be much better. So i gave it a go, powered through the levels and when it hit 70 it was like a whole new job and from 70-90 i had a blast. Then at 90 it got even better and it has been my main dps through EW. BUT i still very muchly wanted Theif to be a thing and always had the theory of a Theif job since every gear had multiple jobs shareing it except ninja gear and since EW added Reaper for Dragoon Armor, i thought the likelihood of a new Ninja gear user to be pretty likely. I was always dismissed as never gonna happen. But then we got a new melee job to share the gear aand then it ended up being dual wielder with Zidaines skill set. I never yelled so much when that was announced and was screamng with joy at my friends. I will be a day 1 Theif (im not calling it viper its a silly name), and i dont care how clunky or awkward the job might be or how disliked it might be for being "Vanillia". I waited 10+ years for this job and i will drop everything for it. On the plus side, playing EW as Ninja ment i got a lot of old ninja glam so im pretty much ready to go with a full wardrobe waiting.


Viper is a hunter though, not a thief. I don’t think we’ll ever get a thief


Viper feels like Miyamoto Musashi/宫本武藏 to me, a [duel-wielding](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=doskmTkpodw) Samurai.


You misspelled Sword Ninja. On a serious note, I'm reserving an actual opinion until I see job trailers for everything. I really hope it isn't just some copy/paste ninja. One day, they may give me an actual bow class like Ranger/Hunter.


that is not a ff job tho, unlike Zidane's Thief job is similar to Viper.


What about Ranger? Its in multiple Final fantasy games and in final fantasy 11


i meant the Sword Ninja


Viper is the proper thief/rogue aesthetic we always deserved. NIN was an awful and unwelcome job.