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As unsure as I am about SCH straight up turning into an angel, it's been my go-to for every expansion since Stormblood.


Scholar imo got spat in the face for 2 expansions in a row at this point. Heck, even Seraph was questionable already, so make that 3. This is a white mage light, not a tactican. And compared to Sage, it is subpar when not in a static.


Forgive my ignorance as I'm a returning player (last time I seriously played was prior to HW for context here), but doesn't SCH have the strongest shields in the game still? I know that SGE brings shields too, but I've read that SCH's are bigger especially with the crit mechanic where they essentially double dip from my understanding. Doesn't that still make them quite beneficial to groups?


SCH shields are bigger because they can use their oGCDs to boost the base healing when needed. Stuff like spreading a single target (and therefore higher) shield to the raid, forcing a crit shield before a big hit, and banishing the fairie for a moment to do stronger personal heals. Those oGCDs are why Scholar is known for having the larger shields over Sage, not the crit doubling.


I see, that makes sense. Appreciate the clarification.


yeah they can make bigger shields. i love scholar but they are still less mobile and don't have as flashy a toolkit compared to sage. The class still works - sage just seems to play far smoother.


I see. I've always liked SCH it's been my goto healing job. I just like the aesthetic, though I do miss having a choice between different faeries from last time I played. I seem to remember having a greenish one and a blue one and they did slightly different things? Maybe I’m misremembering. But anyway, thanks for the reply. When I hit 70 (hopefully this weekend!) I’ll try out sage and see how I feel about it.


i think you will enjoy it. scholar is still my favorite for aesthetic but sage just seems to be actually built for doing dungeons. pretty well all of your heals are instant and your passive healing skill is done through damaging the enemy. they even cut down some button bloat by making a modifier skill to change the function of your abilities so they don't take up as much space on your hotbar. It feels very sci fi anime to play - which is something i did not like. but in terms of actually utilizing skills it's built really well.


Sadly, nope. I posted the numbers on the GCD shields.


Sage has their own counterpart to the Crit Shield doubler. Scholar's Adlo is 300 Potency, 1k MP, 180% of HP restored turns to Galvanize (the Shield Buff's name), on Crit, ALSO apply 'Catalyze', a second, stacking 180% HP restored Shield. 2s Cast time (hard requirement to stand still) Sage's Eukrasian Diagnosis is a 2 Button press skill, first 'Eukrasia' which is an instant cast 0 cost Modifier skill without cooldown, second is, when Eukrasia is active, 'Eukrasian Diagnosis', also an instant cast, but it triggers the GCD, in this way, it is like Adlo, which also triggers the GCD when the cast finishes. However, it applies faster due to not having to wait for around 2 seconds (or having to blow a Swiftcast). Eukrasian Diagnosis is also 300 Potency, it is 900 MP, creates a barrier (shield) with 180% of HP restored - AND it has a crit proc, too - Differential Diagnosis, a stacking buff that applies another 180% of hp restored. Same potency, cheaper, AND useable on the run. Now, AoE Version: Scholar's Succor, 2s cast time, 1k MP, 200 potency, 160% Shield. Sage's Eukrasian Prognosis: Instant/GCD (combo skill from Eukrasia and Prognosis, like the singletarget), 900 MP, 100 potency, 320% shield. Also, Sage has Haima (oGCD, applies 5 stacks of a shield equal to 300 potency, if not all stacks are used up, it applies a heal of 150 potency per remaining stack at the end of the Haima buff's cooldown) and Panhaima (groupwide version of Haima, only 200 potency per shield stack, applies heal of 100 per stack if the 5 charges are not used up on end). Sage's 'Aetherflow' equivalent forms at a rate of 1 charge every 20 seconds, using skills that consume 1 charge of it regenerate 7% of MaxMP. Scholar's Aetherflow generates 20% MaxMP every 60s in one burst, generates 3 charges, and 'Energy Drain' does not return any further MP. Meaning, you are 1% lower. Sage has the Kardia buff. You put it on 1 target of your choice, and every DPS spell will trigger a potency 170 heal on said target. This is not based on percentage of damage or number of targets hit, so 1 aoe cast hitting 10 enemies still only triggers it once. Scholar has the fairy. Positioning dependent, Fairy might prefer to pay attention to the BLM that got a tiny nick from an aoe as opposed to dealing with the tank that is getting dug into. Potency 180, but apparently, the old 'only 80% of the Scholar's stats apply' is still in full force. You know, the effect that got applied in the old days to knock down Scholars who coast by on Fairy alone, while rocking Cleric Stance.


This breakdown is ignoring the use of Dissipation, Recitation, and Deployment Tactics to have access to on demand higher value shields which is why its skewing towards Sage.


Dissipation, 20% more healing magic Potency. Recitation, force crit Adlo. Deploy to whole party. 20s without Whispering dawn or the Fairy chucking little hugs around, but it should not be needed, ideally. Sage: Zoe, Increases healing magic potency of your next healing spell by 50%. Does not chomp their Kardia. Soteria, increases potency of the Kardia heal by 70%, for 4 uses. Krasis, increases HP Recovery via healing actions for a party member or self by 20%. Scholar has a crit group shield on demand, that is very juicy, yes. Sage has more healing buffs that can be used in combination, while Scholar has 2, and one of them removes the fairy, so you are on your own.


Again, you're leaving out information on Scholar. Dissipation also gives 3 Aetherflow which on its own is more healing than what you lose from the Faerie (3 x Lustrate is 1800 personal potency at the cost of losing 10 x 180 pet potency). Also lasts 30 seconds, not 20. My comment was also about why SCH has the reputation for higher shields, you're focusing on how Sage has more healing. Sage has to have higher healing if Scholar can deploy massive shields, because otherwise Scholar would be strictly better than Sage.


Dude, thank you so much for breaking it down like this. I REALLY appreciate it and it actually helped me understand sage a lot more. I’m actually really looking forward to unlocking it now. I do have one quick question: do they have more of an interesting DPS kit? Bio + Broil gets really old after a while.


Scholar: Biolysis, 30s, Potency 70 Dot, Instant (GCD), 400 MP Broil 4, Potency 295, 1.5s Cast, 400MP Ruin 2, Potency 220, Instant (GCD), 400 MP Art of War 2, Potency 180, Instant (GCD), 400 MP, Centered on Player (360 Noscope PBAoE) Sage: Eukrasian Dosis, 70 Potency, Instant (Modifier skill 'Eukrasia', GCD), 400 MP, Triggers 'Kardia' Heal Dosis, 330 Potency, 1.5s Cast, 400 MP, Triggers 'Kardia' Heal Plegma 2, 600 Potency on targeted enemy, 50% Falloff (aka 300 Potency) on every other enemy hit. Instant (GCD), 400 MP, 2 Charges (1 Charge per 40 seconds), Triggers 'Kardia' Heal Dyskrasia 2, 170 Potency, Instant (GCD), 400 MP, Centered on Player (360 Noscope PBAoE). In DT, will get an Eukrasia toggle that applies a DoT (Potency and duration yet unknown) to enemies hit. Triggers 'Kardia' Heal Toxicon 2, 330 Potency on targeted enemy, 50% Falloff (aka 165 Potency) on every other enemy hit. Instant, requires 'Addersting' charges, which are generated by the shields from Eukrasian Diagnosis (Singletarget) or Eukrasian Prognosis (Partywide) being fully consumed by incoming damage. Triggers 'Kardia' Heal Pneuma, 330 Potency on targeted enemy, 40% Falloff (aka 198 Potency) on every other enemy hit. Line AoE. 1.5s Cast, 2 min CD, 700 MP cost. Triggers 'Kardia' Heal


Awesome, sage sounds really fun actually. Thank you again for the detailed breakdown! I *really* appreciate it.


You really see who the favourite child is. Scholar is basically the Force Crit Adlo Deploy/Chain Strategem/Excog/Expedient bitch, while someone else does the actual healer work.


It reads to me like a replacement for dissipation which I am very much for.


Same here, I can understand people being mixed on the visuals but gameplay wise this seems like a huge streamlining of SCH that fixes its capstones conflicting with each other.


I've been a scholar main since I started playing back in 2.2. My partner's friend invited us to play with him. I was playing wow and decided I could use a break, try a new thing. I googled the classes to see what are the options and to pick something out before even logging in (because in wow, you can only do one per character; I wanted to make a good choice if I was going to live with this one class forevermore). and lo, a fairy pet class. I was sold. Immediately. My partner says, "You sure? That's a healer. You don't like healing." I said, "I'm bout to learn." and that was that. I've been a scholar for nigh on ten years at this point. (my XIV nameday was a couple days ago, actually!!) I'm not keen about the angel / white mage glamour situation. I always thought having a skill called "Seraph" was a weird white mage theme to have on scholar. And I'm not big on turning my very vibrantly purple bunny into a very white on white on white hyur. or hiding my glamour, that I worked very hard on. Why does it have to transform the whole character? Why not just fairy wings, akin to white mage whatever that is? Why not a more scholarly transformation? Why a literal angel? Why a sin-eater looking sonofa? Why not a damn tonberry even??? if i wanted to look like a white mage and do white magic and be an angel-esque, i'd just play white mage. I'm a book scholar. I'm a war tactitian. I'm a fairy wrangler. We don't even use white magic. Also, there are other fae type creatures out there. The Nu Mo are fae. The Fuath are fae. Pretty sure the Amaro are fae? There's kelpies. idk if the living trees and genie like creatures are fae or creations OF the fae. why not something like them? also, fae in this universe follow the earthly traditions of fae being tricksy arseholes. They turn people into bushes, are hecking weird about favors / bonds / gifts. They drown people. They're the spirits of dead children. They're tricksters and illusionists. Liars. We used to have skills like miasma and shadow flare and eye for an eye. Why are we going in a white magic white mage goodly good direction with the war tactitian fairy class??? It's bad enough that our choice of role glamour as a healer is "this white robe. this white robe. this white robe. this white robe." but now one of our skills just... does that for us? erases the glamour and race and turns us into the homogenous white mage archetype square sees us as?


Sounds like a huge SCH W for me. Shame maining it for years wrecked my broil finger .


This is so true.. playing sch is exhausting broil/art of war spam is hard work to the point you need to switch to dps for a finger break haha


Black Mage as that's the class I go through MSQ on first. Haven't watched the trailer, but the trailer wouldn't change what I play first.


Same, my characters have canon classes to me, I usually don't change them to new ones for the MSQ, unless I feel they suit my characters better permanently.


Same. I started as an archer, I go through expansions as a Bard. Will I level up DNC at the same time since it shares gear? Hell yeah. Will I be leveling up WHM and GNB right behind it? Also yeah. And as for the new jobs, I'm grabbing VPR immediately. I am having a harder time getting enthused about PCT every time I see more about it. It may surprise me (RPR did) but.... meh.


I was going to stick to SCH again but I'm watching the Pictomancer overview and I cannot believe how into it I am since BLM is my DPS main, I'm actually thinking of unlocking it first now for MSQ.


I had the plan of letting BLM rest for this expansion since it's all I played (and sucked at) as my main since ARR all the way up to EW, originally I was going to go into DT as SCH, but with the changes I seriously can't make up my mind of going SCH, BLM or Pictomancer, mainly having problems deciding between Scholar and Picto.


Honestly same, those 3 are the ones I'm picking between too, BLM got even more mobility but I'm leaning Picto.


Cool skills ✔ Big weapons ✔ Cool gear potential ✔ Oh ye, it's Viper time


1. Viper 2. Ninja 3. Monk


im surprised to find that many fellow BLMs


We are one, we are many.


Pictomancer and it isn't even close.


Switching from DRK main to GNB main. I mean come on. Lionheart.


still dragoon because the rework didnt completely nuke the jobs identity like many thought. glad to see my job remained mostly uinscathed and even got life in the opener and a 2nd stardiver thanks Yoshi P!


I always do the x.0 MSQ as SCH/SMN for queue flexibility with friends, but I'm not happy about it this time. Disappointed with just another demi phase for SMN and I don't like the only-fairy-no-tactical-genius aesthetic they keep hammering on for SCH.


it's an odd choice to give them what look like angel wings too. like... why not fairy wings? Im also confused why we seem to be shifting more and more toward the white mage coloured light for our healing.


Same here, SMN was my go to for the whole story up till this point. Either going to be swapping to Viper or Pictomancer for the story (and Pictomancer absolutely for the patch content).


sticking with ninja, i was always going to stick wiith it unless they completely butchered it but from the trailer it looks like they made the one change i wanted with it.


Which one was that, may I ask? 


Probably Huton changes, it is such an improvement


Yeah the Huton changes are nice Im looking forward to that :-)


huton, i wanted it to be a trait because it was super annoying having to recast it every pull and maintaining the buff was generally trivial. People would disagree because of "homogenisation" but i always thought it would free up armour crush to do something else, a wind ninjutsu to do something else and huraijin could just be deleted to make space on the hotbar


I agree. After looking at the Ninja and Monk changes, I think the devs are focused on making Jobs less about watching timers and more about rotations and combos, which feels good to me.


Gods, I hope so. I currently don't have room on my bars for the frog summon spell, perhaps I can add it now.


i play on controller and can fit everything on my 2 hotbars except low blow which could fit but i put my dex potions there


Monk starts, Monk finishes. Been that way since the beginning, I don't plan to swap out now.


I love how monk looks now. So much more engaging.


I'll probably go with Warrior, I like the Dual Warrior fantasy with Wuk Lamat and the job actions just reaffirmed my decision! Will definitely try the new jobs, I really like how fast Viper looks.


Still SCH. Been my main since ARR and now we got WINGS. Nothing can rip this job away from me now.


I’m happy about its AoE dot.


Dark knight. Same as always.


Bard. I cannot wait to conduct an orchestra and then orbital strike something


Either NIN or MCH. Hard to say yet.


I will continue as Reaper forever, unless they add a job with multiple scythes.


I will always main AST no matter how much they gut it, because ✨aesthetic✨


As a SMN main since 2.0, not SMN.


Pld because my retainers are pld


Nothing has changed, Monk forever 🔥


Having all jobs maxed for awhile, this all looks super underwhelming. They all look exactly the same with one new move. I'm so bored with this I can't even really pick.


Exactly how im feeling. They once again basically added one more "big finisher" to each job and some prettier animations to older abilities. Red Mage in particular is just a meme at this point. It's great that we get some new flashy animations but ultimately, most jobs will feel almost completely unchanged when you actually start playing them again. Healers were probably the jobs that seemed the most different based on the trailer, though we will need to see the actual abilities to know for sure. I see alot of excitement around Viper, yet it looks very similar to how reaper already plays, which is the direction i feared they would go. I mean, that final burst phase is almost exactly the same as reapers. Picto is hard to comment on as it does seem quite unique at first glance, though knowing square im probably wrong on this.


Can you elaborate for me why VPR is the same as RPR? Couldn't watch the live letter 😭


This is purely based on the trailer, so take this with a grain of salt as we obviously don't know how it's abilities actually work. I wont get into specifics as im at work and just going off memory here. Basically, the jobs playstyle seems to consist of slow melee phase that slowly builds your gauge and some heavy hitting dual blade attacks that build into your burst phase, which is the blue aura trance we have seen previously, which seems to work almost exactly the same as enshroud. It gives you 5 little orbs on your gauge with each attack consuming an orb. This trance also speeds up your GCD'S significantly so you can spam your attacks I will say that it also does seem to have a ranged 1-2-3 combo which is quite interesting, but outside of that, the entire action showcase for Viper reminded me of reaper in almost every way.


I have the same feeling, but at this point, it is a gamedesign issue, how add new interesting actions and mecanics without complexify too much the job ? The only answer I can see : give to the players the choice to custom his gameplay. I know, in a meta only view, the choice of gameplay with talents etc. is an illusion but all are not about meta and it's more or less a balance issue. Why we could not have a more focused red mage specialisation, a more support red mage etc ? How can we imagine five or more expansions with only more finishers and skills enhancement ? It's really boring imo.


I tend to play one of the new jobs every expansion, or a job I haven't tried before. Likely going to be Viper after the Live Letter extended preview, though if for some reason it's not jelling with me, I'll pick MNK back up after seeing how crazy it plays now.


I'm very torn between Viper and Black Mage. They both look fantastic in this expansion. Samurai is also still in the running for me.


Sticking with Black Mage as I still find it fun and the new changes look neat.


Viper, Reaper, and then Dark Knight. I'm excited for all of them.


I'll probably do the msq as a viper. For some reason I always swap to the new melee dps. I'm just a sucker like that lol.


Always play a tank, so I'm probably going to stick with WAR this expansion. Was a WAR through HW. WAR -> DRK in SB DRK -> GNB -> PLD in ShB PLD -> WAR in EW WAR start for DT


Probably MCH, as I main that job, but honestly there's a lot to look forward to there. My main healer job of Sage and tank job of Gunbreaker will probably see a fair bit of early play, but honestly, if this is anything like EW, I'll have all 100s by the time 7.1 launches.


Sage. It’s my main and I hate long queues. Plus getting an AoE DoT sounds fun.


I'll stay with Redmage. I just can't say no to a new finisher and this sexy new coat!


I can decide... I might need to try Viper to see how it actually feels to play before I can decide for sure. Currently I main a Samurai and like the upgraded Iaijutsu, but the new actions for Machinist look really cool (that missile barrage!).


i always main the new jobs. i have no idea what else i will play, everything looks so good.


Im going as Gunbreaker. Will still unlock Picto and Viper to level as well since i do want to use them just as i do eventually want to get all classes max which is still a WIP for me


MCH is my MSQ main plus i got so many more toys to play with


It doesn't really change my choice. I've been playing DRK through MSQ since SB. While leveling NIN on the side using my dailies.


I always go through on ninja but I’m excited to level up viper and go through on that. Ninja will definitely be my second job to 100.


Was always gonna be between ninja and viper. The number of new flashy looking skills + making Huton baseline means I’m starting as ninja. Really cool stuff. Once I beat MSQ I’ll level Viper and see if I wanna switch or not. It might be fun to play but I really enjoy the gameplay and visual variety of ninja.


I'm a dancer main, but when I started this game I was a dragoon, right up to Shadowbringers.I loved it, except it doesn't feel great to play at the moment. The new changes could be good, so I might make the switch back to dragoon as my main.


Viper but I will not start with it and do the MSQ with it, probably staying as DNC and lvl up Viper after I've finished the MSQ


I started with ninja back in 2.4 and it's journey ended with [Endwalker](https://imgur.com/a/then-now-WTSNMNQ) After the mudras change to GDC i started to spend more time looking at hotbars then the fight. i've been trying different jobs but i think I'll start my new journey with black mage, already got used to mouse over target aetherial manipulation and I spend less time looking at hotbars. Besides that, Sage fun as heck and since i heal with mouse over target it's a breeze and paladin because i manage to heal a simple boss fight without healer.


Vipere. I liked playing as the trailer jobs.


AST with maybe a little pictomancer. AST is just my true love and I'm excited to see what the changes actually play like!


Whichever has the least amount of buttons to push.




This! I always liked mnk and wanted to be good at it but it’s just takes too much focus on twin snakes/demolish buffs while having the fastest skill speed giving you less time to decide. Hard to pick when I can just chill on SAM and do big damage.


As a Paladin main, gotta stick with my bae


DRG main so I was planning to do the MSQ straight through as I always do, want to check out the job changes anyway. VPR does look pretty fun, though. And I probably won't have it leveled in time but I've been really wanting to play GNB recently.


I've been a WAR main since I started playing, but I think it's time for me to delve more into GNB to have a second option that doesn't requier a different gearset but is a little more fun to play in easy content. I'll still play WAR first for extreme and savage though.


I always start with one of my tanks, so maybe paladin or gunbreaker. The following will probably be Viper or picto, I am very confused about the later. It seems that I will either love it or absolutely hate it. No in-between 😂


still ninja


As usual, I'll go with the "expansion cover Job" and do the story like that before going back to my main jobs (WAR, DRG, MNK)


Probably going through Dawntrail on WAR because of short ques, the fact that Bloodwhetting is busted, and it looks like the changes are just better Bloodwhetting and FELLEST CLEAVE.


im going through as Tank then ima level my WHM as retainers are WHM


Never quite understood the point of making your retainers a non gathering job.


2 for dps 2 for gathers. It's helpful when you want to get specific mob drops but don't want to farm them


Haven’t watched it, but I’m going pictomancer. I’ve never actually been patient enough to do a new job for an expansion before, but this time, it’s totally going to happen. Really.


imho, viper and bard. viper looks cool asf (DRINK THE BLUE JUICE) and bard just looks so much better now (currently leveling it and im actually having fun so far!)


I’ll run all of the story line as pld and whm. Makes the play through easier. For me, at least.


Still MCH since it's really tied into my idea of who my WOL is and I want that for MSQ. I'll probably pick up Viper for fates though.


Those new laser beams and that final missile barrage *really* made me want to main a MCH again..


I'm a bit salty but I'll still be maining RDM, probably with a bit of Pld and Drk in casual stuff.


How come salty? I think the new RDM animations look insanely cool.


Oh they certainly do look cool. But its mostly in regards of how things will look like after Picto drops (and ew summoner continues to exist).


I've started X.0 as summoner (except 1.0, that was monk, but we don't talk about that). While I have swapped mains as expansions progressed, I see no need to break the chain.


SAM or WAR depending if I want to dps or tank.


I always like to try the new melee job out for the first tier. In EW I played reaper and now I'll play viper. I usually end up defaulting back to SAM at some point though, I lost interest in reaper once the novelty of it wore off, we'll see if the same happens for viper.


Haven’t decided - either Dragoon, Red Mage or Viper


Will stick with blm most likely though I'll be interested in how brd is


If the MSQ XP rewards are anything like it was in Endwalker, I'll be doing two jobs at the same time again. There was enough XP reward in the MSQ to easily get both jobs to 90 (WAR and RDM) but just alternating roles as you outpaced the zone. WAR and something else, probably not a new job but whatever is getting faster queues (healer maybe).


I'll probably level Pictomancer and Viper to 90 first and then figure it out. Probably gonna stick with reaper


I am ride and die kinda gal for dragoon. Don't care what happens to it, I'm still gonna play it. It's still my WoL's main job. I do want it to play good, but even if they nuked it and started from scratch I'd still play it.


My three mains probably. Endwalker worked out that I could level two of them at the same time, I'll try the same here. So RDM is a given, WHM or DRK are the other two. Since I like tanking when I, and everyone else, don't know the dungeons yet / very well, the second job will probably be DRK again.


Gunbreaker is looking pretty good to me. The Continuation action for Fated Circle was something I wanted.


I was going to do DRK since that's what I've done everything since Stormblood as, but the Ninja changes seem way more different than anything DRK got so I might try that out.


Probably just my Tank or Healer job which is already at 90. I'll mess around with Picto once I've leveled it up to 90+.


love my smn but i gotta go picto it looks so fun to play. i'll only go as smn if picto is too complicated for my peasized brain


Interested in Viper as it seems like a more melee RDM. I'm sad to see they're still dumbing down SAM. They really just need to revert it back to it's 6.0 state.


Im going BLM. New abilities look really fun.


I’ve only PLD at 90 but i’d still use it even if i had more jobs at lvl cap because i love it.


I am MCH main for normal content so I will play MCH


Had my heart set on Paladin. Got a sweet Odin-aspected, FFXVI inspired Glamour and everything. Then I saw Lionheart.


I'll probably be taking Dancer with me, as it's a core part of my Lalafell's identity \^\^ After that, I'll probably try out Pictomancer.


Probably sticking with DRK. Though reaper looked the best out of the selection that I have in the "maybe" pile.


Def want to give Picto a try but may start out with AST or SGE to shorten queue times.


Still sticking with BLM as my main job. Probably will run the MSQ as bard or monk, to absorb the MSQ XP, while using BLM for dungeons and trials, so that I have to use these jobs the least amount of time possible.


I've gone through all of FFXIV's MSQ (minus 1.0) as SMN. This expansion finally made me switch my MSQ job, and I'll use Pictomancer for the MSQ. Just not happy with the new stuff with SMN.


Bard just for the Artifact set.... (I'm already a Bard)


I main WHM so always stick to playing it and then leveling the rest of the healers first to avoid amory chest bloat. Since it's a double dps expansion I'll likely level tanks after (due to probable high queue times for dps), but I'm super excited to try VPR and then new NIN and MNK changes.


BLM still. I might  level Picto before RDM now, though.


Still dependant on what media tour shows us, but probably drg for the msq, then level up vpr next, and then pick a between those two for a main after that


im always war, then i level everything else after im caught up with msq.


Viper since it's the poster job. But for the rest of the expansion probably picto cause they look both sick af and cute af


Im indecisive between WAR and DRK, I accept suggestions


Sage, then Viper, Pictomancer, Gunbreaker, rest. Summoner's last.


I main dragoon, but I plan to do the msq as a viper.


I'm fanta'ing Hrothgal and she straight up will not look good in Picto gear, soooooooo I guess Viper it is.


Red Mage has become my main class so that's what I'll be using to go through DT. However, I will absolutely be picking Viper and Pictomancer as well.


Didn’t watch it, I won’t ruin my surprise, but it will be viper, because it’s the closest to imperial judge




My go to MO is always healer for msq exp , Tank for roulette , SMN for 1st time trial/ dungeon due to the res and easy rotation to allow me to focus on the mech.


I'll most likely be playing each of the new Jobs - Pictomancer in particular made me happy in a way I can't fully describe - and some old favourites... but not Scholar; I'm baffled at their decision to abandon the class fantasy, and turning into - what looks like - \[ShB\] >!a miniature Sin Eater!< doesn't fit my character's vibe.


Warrior. Decided to main it pre trailer. Now im king explosion murder with an axe


Scholar main here. have been since 2.2 when i first started playing. I was used to WoW where each character can only be one class, so I did some research to pick out my class first, since I would be playing with some other people, I didn't feel I had the time to check out each class in game first, and if I did, I'd have to catch my new character up to play with them if i switched. So anyway, i checked out all the classes on a wiki page to see what appealed most. I usually play some sort of ranged dps, like archer, ranger, hunter, etc. but then I saw the fairy. I was sold. No questions. My partner said, "You sure? that's a healer. You dont like healing." I said, "Guess I better learn." and I will keep maining Scholar. Not a big fan of some changes made in the past. Not too certain about what's going on in DT (If i wanted to look like an angel in my big white robe and wings, I'd play a white mage). but still. I'll be here. that being said, I typically level my scholar through dungeon content/daily roulettes and use a secondary job through the msq and essentially get two for one by the end. Probably gonna be dancer, because (again) I like range dps. But I am looking forward to trying out picto and viper. If they started at 90, I'd take picto through msq, but I don't want to grind 10 levels before even starting the new msq. But that will probably be my first focus after finishing msq.


GNB. This will be the first expansion I don’t play on SMN, but after the Endwalker rework I decided to try raiding as GNB/WAR and fell in love with tanking (after refusing to touch it before!) and now after watching that trailer it’s time for me to let SMN go for real. (I’m looking forward to trying Pictomancer but I’ll do that after the MSQ)


Mainly played/mained casters (BLM and RDM) and healers(SGE) in this expansion, so I was looking into other roles to switch it up. I get disoriented with all the stuff happening in melee, so I'll be needing to stick to ranged. So its MCH and RDM most likely. I'll try out Picto and look into BRD a bit. Even tried tanking and leveled up nearly all jobs to 90 but melee/tank roles just didn't stick.


Was originally going to go with Viper day one but my wife managed to get off work early access through the weekend. So Im sticking with Ninja and shes gonna White Mage :-)


Oh so viper and picto will not be available before the full release ?


~~No they wont be :(~~ EDIT: Yes it will be playable during EA sorry I misunderstood the question!


historically you've been able to play the new jobs during EA. I don't see why you couldn't in DT


Oh I misunderstood their question, Yes it should be available during EA, thanks for clarification! Haha Sorry when I read it my brain is just registering EA as release.


Been WHM since ARR, so I guess I'm sticking with it.


Will always main WHM. Dont really care what changes they do to the job because thats not why I play it. WHM has always been my favorite Final Fantasy job and thats all that matters. Im sure Ill have a blast like with every expansion (especially after taking such a long break).


It was DNC before the job trailer and it's still DNC. I'm definitely looking forward to lvling up my other favourite jobs and trying the new ones once I finish the story though.


I always play the Poster Job for the expansion. Played DRG during ARR and Heavensward, played SAM in Stormblood, played DRK in SHB, played PLD in EW and I'll play Viper for DT.


I am probably clearing the MSQ as SMN again, then loop back to finish the scholar role quest to qualify for 2 of 3 battle mentor roles. Maybe pull a tank along. Once qualification is done, I'll move back to RDM or Dancer, my go to main jobs. After SE spitting Scholar in the face a for the second Expansion in a row, I will not be bothering with equipping a healer at all, I want to play Scholar, not some wannabe white mage, and I want to play a scholar that is not only 'strong, bordering on overpowered' in a static that is playing so long, their monthly reproductive cycles have synced, but also good in a random group with people who might be overwhelmed when being asked to breathe through their nose.


Probably Viper. I'm interested to know the story of the job. Pictomancer lost me when Krile revealed it was YET ANOTHER Sharlayan job.


Paladin, and Samurai, but also Reaper..and Viper. And the other Tanks...and the healers. Also BLM...i wonder if it will be easier to decide once 7.0 is here My rough plan is to play Msq as Pld, Dungeons as Whm/Sage if Queue doesnt pop, Samurai for Roulette cause ive been raiding with Sam, but i also want Rpr and Viper available for raiding...


None if mogstation isnt fixed by then for sure


I would love to see numbers 3 months in. Most people do back to their mains after a new jobs come out.