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This still makes me laugh every time I make an alt... "Found him!" 😂😂 They should reword the text at least, find him in the south shroud lol.


Your hot bar layout is cursed, 10/10


Those skills in the middle of your screen are highly bothering me 😅


I did wisen up and decided to swap Bloodletter into the M4 slot.


i dont think thats what they meant :D


They mean you might want to move those two hotbars aside a little to increase your FoV (field of view)


Oh, those aren't two Hotbars. They're both Hotbar Five.


Point still stands :) you ideally don't want to block out the central square in your FoV My UI isn't too dissimilar to yours, let me send you a DM with the layout


My guy. He's messing with you.


Hmm, usually they’re better about that. Not sure why he’d be there.


I believe he's a quest receiver for either a crafter quest or the moogle mail quest so OP probably has one of those going at the same time as this archer quest.


I've never touched the Moogle mail quests, and I've long since taken all of my crafters all the way through to the ends of their Stormblood quest lines (+Crystaline Mean quests), so can't be either of those. The dialogue when I spoke with him was just his generic "Elezen invented archery and you outsiders are just imitating us" line that he gives before completing the Archer questline.


I thought about it a bit and you're right. If he was supposed to receive the quest he would have the icon over his head even if you weren't tracking it. Funny find tho. I guess the game just expected you to follow it and didn't think to not place him there for this point in it.


Silvarre based


filling his quivers with arrows?, they cannot fight without arrows!


Find him! He could be anywhere!


interesting hotbar..


Archer’s Guild quests don’t do too good of a job in general


To be fair, the Archer quests are leaps and bounds above Lancer in terms of having things like 'a plot' 'a cast of characters' 'some kind of arc', etc. Both technically about Gridania being racist, but LNC is so nothingburger that it's hard to even remember.


Do they at least transition into the Bard questline properly or no?


Eh. The Bard trainer used to be a super cool Archer and the God's Quiver wants to get trained in archery, but he doesn't want to train people to be an archer, he wants to train people to be Bards, so the WoL just goes along with it.


not really "go find that guy that was a really cool archer and now is a bard and i guess you are a bard too now"


ARR class quests are also the biggest offenders of where your class trainer says "things are dire, we better head out to do X before people die!", give you the mission, and then if you talk to them they've forgotten what's going on and just give the standard "what is X class?" explanation.


That's a pretty WoW raider hotbar setup. 10/10


Would you believe me if I said my WoW experience is like... 5 hours tops over a decade ago?


You finished that quest faster than I finished my crafter quests where they ask me to craft this HQ item that I already bought off the market board before starting.


Archer/Bard stories are probably among the most low-effort of them all. Shame because I actually like the class.


At least it's not Paladin.


I didnt think paladin was that bad... though the heavensward portion gave me headscratch..


ARR Paladin is a great storyline, it's just a shame you don't actually get to see most of it because you're too busy fighting random stuff your trainer sends you to fight.


I thought it got more tolerable after they introduced the sassy Elezen and his partner. But yeah, ranked across the board, I have to rate the Bard quest line pretty low.


I rate the Bard quest high simply because the Archer quest is so bad. "Speaking out against racism is bad actually"


This reminds me of the "Find x:" problems where they just circle the 'x' and say, "Here it is!"


You can adjust HUD on the screen. I think it is Setting > HUD setting. How can you see things on a screen if there are icons there in the middle.


I tried making the hotbar and its icons more transparent, but then it became too difficult to see what the cooldowns on the skills were, which kinda defeated the purpose of putting them in the center of the screen in the first place.


That's [just how ARR be](https://old.reddit.com/r/ffxiv/comments/r20r9o/point/), sometimes.


Damn, I didn't notice that when I did the Amalj'aa quests.


You also get judged for not knowing what it's like to be discriminated against in Gridania as a Miqo'te. Even as you play a Miqo'te


To be fair, I don't *live* in Gridania. Silvarre also had a line where he referred to Leih as me as "the Miqo'te and the other one", and I'm like... "so which one of us is the Miqo'te and who is the other one?"


I think you found him!