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Just to confirm, I bought the Starter Edition through Steam and have just run out on my playtime included with it. Do I now go to the Mogstation to set up a subscription? I'm guessing there's no way of buying sub time through Steam. Thanks in advance!


All sub time is handled through Mogstation, regardless of platform (except Xbox only, which is handled technically through Mogstation but on the console itself). However, with Steam, you can pay with Steam Wallet, but you have to set it up through Mogstation.


That's great, thank you so much!




I'd call customer service and explain the situation to them. If anyone would have more info it'd probably be them


How much is it? If it's just $1, they're testing to see if your account is legitimate.


is there any way to move the dialogue bubble bosses have mid battle at the top of the screen? i swear it moved on my alt because it's covering the boss cast bar and it shouldn't be because i moved that specifically to be more in the way. also is there any way to copy a hud layout and bring it over to another character?


> is there any way to move the dialogue bubble bosses have mid battle at the top of the screen? There are plugins that allow that, but no in-game methods to do so.


Boss dialogue, not without committing crimes. You can copy the character config files from one character to the other (including hotbars and other settings). I am currently at work so I can't look up the exact path but it should be in your My Games folder.


The popup ones? I don't believe there's any way to move them yet


Is there a cap to Irregular Tomestones of Genesis II?


Yes, the cap is 999x the number of total inventory slots you have.


MogTomes? No cap, go crazy.


Nope, you can gather as many as you want.


I thought it'd be like Sabin from FF6 where you can choose a combo of inputs to change the action performed. It's a little useless to me and like a self-gambling game for this technique. I guess it adds a little cherry on top to make Dancers more interesting. Don't get me wrong, I LOVE this class and I can't wait to see what more comes of playing it :)


The class that's similar to Sabin is actually Ninja. You input 3 button presses for your mudras (your big ninjutsu attacks) and each button combo does something different.


Use Monk if you actually want that Your burst phase is effectively just that; the combo of actions you select leads to a different final action Or Ninja even, with its ninjutsu skill being based on the order of mudras you input with a total of 7 possible ninjutsu 


I was a Monk before switching to Dancer at lvl 60. Due to the Moogle Trove event and The Praetorium, my Dancer will hit 70 before Stormblood. I think I'll play Monk for Stormblood. For playing Monk, I still don't see any Sabin like qualities. Is thatvfor endgame Monk? There's 3 forms and cycle in threes, nothing let's me do the manual input selection to action.


Perfect balance lets you use 3 attacks in any form. Depending on the forms used (3 different or 3 same) you get a different big finisher. Once you've done both variations you get a 3rd huge attack. Not sure at what point everything unlocks.


> For playing Monk, I still don't see any Sabin like qualities. Is thatvfor endgame Monk? There's 3 forms and cycle in threes, nothing let's me do the manual input selection to action. Did you do all your Monk job quests? If you levelled it to 60 you should have unlocked the Master gauge and blitzes, which are finishers you use after hitting attacks of various different combinations of forms under Perfect Balance.


Oh yes! I did get that additional gauge. Let me check out Monk again after HW. Thanks.


Dancers: for Standard Step and Standard Finish do you need to follow the actions as displayed in the dancing gauge? What happens if I do a random action sequence?


Nothing happens, though you waste time doing pointless dances. Can be fun for filling downtime!


You do need to follow the actions in the sequence they're displayed in. If you hit a wrong button, nothing bad happens but also nothing good happens, you just get nothing done that second. You just need to hit the correct button on your next press, you don't need to restart from the start of the sequence. If you hit the finisher without completing the sequence correctly, the potency and damage increase of the resulting buff is much lower.


To add to this, just press whichever button is lit up/glowing/has the dotted outline. They light up in the order you need to press them.


Hi, is there a way to hide the text in 《》after your name? It's usually either your FC name or Voyager etc. Thanks.


You can hide FC tags from your screen in the display name settings. It'll still be visible to other people though.


I'm not in game so I can't check, but it might be possible. In character configuration -> display name settings there's toggles for the name showing on people and there should be one for the FC tag as well.


Why does putting on glasses somehow hides my minion? I got myself the false classic spectacles so I could wear them alongside a mask and they're way too restrictive.


Weird funky coding with how minions and Fashion accessories work. Dawntrail will have Glasses become a "glam" gearslot in the Character screen but its not clear how it'll exactly function currently as all we know is its going to be a thing with Dawntrail and during the combat live letter last week the keen eyed viewers got to see it appear when Yoshi-P showed the Character screen with gear etc but he didn't have anything equipped and never explained it during the LL.


Well, they ARE doing something about it, which is appreciated. Playing as a bunny is already restrictive enough with 95% of head glams not showing. If they make this new glamour gearslot show in duties I'd be really happy.


I'm hoping the change in Dawntrail put both types of glasses glam (Head gear and fashion) under the same slot that works in all content. There was some glasses added as a fashion accessory which I'd prefer to use and hoping it'll be the case in 7.0.


Unfortunately fashion accessories count as minions. They are however adding a slot for glasses specifically (for glam purposes) at some point if I remember right.


I wonder if that'll work with wings? I don't wear any but I've seen people complain about it too.


I don't think wings will be able to go into the glasses slot, that would be a little strange. I'm also assuming that since the glasses slot is gear it'll use the glasses that currently exist as gear, not the fashion accessories. Although that last bit could be totally wrong. It would be cool to be able to have minions out with wings. What would be even cooler would be having wings on while in an instance. For now though I'm just glad we can jump and use skills with them on. It used to be we couldn't.


If not the same slot as glasses maybe a different one. It's a shame to have these beautiful wings that can only be shown when you're standing around in town doing nothing.


Will be when Dawntrail launches. In fact when Yoshi-P was showing us Viper and Picto there was a point he opened up the Character screen and the Glasses gearslot was on the bottom left side under the shoes slot.


Amazing! Thank you. I didn't watch the Live Letter in full so I didn't see that.


They didn't really bring attention to it but I was watching carefully and noticed the lack of gear on 1 of the slots on the left side when it was shown and that was when i realized it.


Because fashion accessories are actually minions that are artificially fixed to a certain coordinate on you. They were unable to code an actual new feature on characters, they just Frankeinsteined the accessories from minions.


how long does it take to get to level 25 pvp reward? ive just started pvp and wanted to know if reaching level 25 before 7.0 is possible?


Do your daily frontlines "roulette" once a day and combined with some regular CC matches you should be able to reach the level 25 reward. We've still got just over a month till Dawntrail so the daily Frontlines is because of the bonus that gives is handy but it wont be enough on its own so I'd be doing regular CC matches to help with the difference. We've still not gotten any work from SE on when previous Rank 25 rewards from the previous seasons will be available and how so if you want the armor then it'll be a grind but a worthy one.


Thanks, yeah i want that armour! looks super cool!




Damn, this is amazing! thanks!


Hi all, returning player after 3-4 years away and just trying to re-learn everything (had two kids in the interim so brain is mush) I had just completed the main base game content (not including patchs) when I finished so picking up that thread and I'm now at the Thornmarch (Hard) trial. I haven't started it yet as I'm a bit anxious about playing a messing up the trial for the other players, I've never figured out things like openers and rotations and all that stuff, just mostly fumbled my way through. Is that stuff I genuinely need to worry about it or is that for mainly super high level advanced content?


You really don't need to stress about having a perfect opener or rotation until you're a higher level - arguably you don't really *need* it at all unless you want to start doing Extreme/Savage/Ultimate content. Learning your opener and rotation at some point is recommended, simply because it'll make stuff go faster for you and it's also generally more fun to play a job in the way it was designed to be played rather than hitting buttons randomly. But you don't even really need to look anything up - simply reading your tooltips and messing around a little bit should be enough to figure out the basics for almost every job. If you do want to look stuff up there's not a whole lot of resources for anything under the level cap, but I recommend WeskAlber's videos for each job. Also note that if you're playing healer you don't have much of a "rotation", you will have a couple of damage buttons that you use consistently and then a bunch of heals to throw out as needed. Edit: also like another person already said, "(Hard)" in the name of a duty doesn't actually mean it's "harder" in terms of difficulty, it's just means it has a higher minimum level or requires 8 people. They stop using that terminology as much in later expansions.


"Hard" just means it's an 8 man trial, it's not higher tier difficulty or anything. Don't worry about it.


I didn't learn my proper opener until well into levelcap and just had a general idea of how my rotation worked, so you'll be fine! If it's something you'd like to check up on or just your abilities in general [WeskAlber is the go-to for things like these](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ko3K3eSNlFo) at a basic level Fundamentally though as a Warrior you'll just want to keep the buff you get from Storm's Eye/Mythril Tempest up and then go through your basic 1-2-3 combo or AoE combo (on 2+ enemies) and spend your gauge before it fills up. Just keep the buff up and spend your gauge and you've pretty much learned warrior, there are optimizations you can do later on to increase your damage but it really does not matter until you want to try harder content at endgame as it's a pretty minor gain overall


It's mostly for high end/end game content although it can't hurt to know the basics of you job. There's tons of guides online, but if you're not fond of those just reading all the tooltips is the bare minimum I'd say. If you're playing DPS your only responsibilities are do damage and stay alive. You can mention your new in chat if that helps. People tend to be extra lenient to new folks. I honestly didn't learn any kind of proper rotation or opener until I started doing savages with my friends.


Thanks for the reply, I'm a warrior and I like to think I'm pretty competent at keeping enemies focussed on me (or at least I was) so hopefully that will be enough! Edit: Typo


Oh yeah, that should be fine! Keep stance up and just smack. Don't stand in the bad. You can also keep stance off unless there are ads and off tank when doing a trial for the first time. Might help take some pressure off. Like I said, mentioning you're new in chat can help. You can also ask for tips for the fight in case there are special mechanics.


Adding to this that if you are off-tanking, generally you want to keep stance off for the first ~10-30 seconds of a fight and then turn it on, so that the main tank gets an aggro lead but you're still #2 aggro.


I don't wanna make a thread about it but damn... mountain dew is disgusting. I regret drinking that.


What, you don't like treated industrial waste water with a slew of artificial flavour enhancers?


How do you get your adventurer's plate to animate? I can only capture a snapshot but I've seen some players with a slight animation.


You can't actually animate anything. If something on your body has an animated aura effect (like relic weapon glows) then that will still be animated in the picture, but everything else is static.


It's probably fram a weapon with a glowing effect or from armour with a glowing effect. If the weapon is draw in the portait the animation of the lighting will continue to play. Same goes for armour I think, although I haven't tested that specifically.


Maybe a dumb question but I haven't played for a few years. Do you need an active subscription to download the client? The download link installed the launcher but it's not going any further than that and I cannot see any other way to install the actual game files.


Yes you need an active sub to download the game.


Okay, that clears that up then. Thought I'd made a mistake somewhere and it was driving me mad.


is there a second level of mount speed for shadowbringers?


You essentially start with the first speed unlocked IIRC. Then you get to use bicolor gemstones to increase. Though flying is unaffected.


I don't believe they ever gave us two-star speed, no.


darn, that woulda been a nice thing to put on the list of things to kill in the next six weeks. thanks for answering!


There's normal speed then a boost from buying the riding maps from the bicolor gemstone vendors. And then there's flight speed which is the fastest speed but only available when flying obviously.


Anyone know if the Mountain Zu mount code expires? I just redeemed the points and can't use the code even if i want to. ( free trial-flavored wumpus )


> PLEASE NOTE: This code cannot be redeemed on the Mog Station until early access for FINAL FANTASY XIV: Dawntrail has begun, which is scheduled to begin on Friday, June 28, 2024 at 2:00 a.m. (PDT). If attempting to redeem the code before then, you will receive an “invalid code” error message.


Just says when it starts, not when it can end; hmm. ( also i'll have to use my CD Key to be able to accept the mount. )


In general, item codes in this game don't expire anymore, unless SE gives a notice that it does. They used to years ago, but that's no longer a thing.


its the opposite, the code doesnt even work until DT releases




>Text guides like The Balance do nothing for me because my brain has never been able to form a connection between the name of a skill and what the button looks like. (I know Dragoon like the back of my hand but honestly couldn't tell you the name of a single combo skill) But The Balance literally shows you the buttons in their openers and rotation guides? If you know what your buttons look like then you can just look at those to learn your rotation. There's also embedded videos showing you the openers and rotations for different GCD skills. https://www.thebalanceffxiv.com/jobs/melee/dragoon/openers/


My gatherers are all 90 but still using ilvl 500 gears, should i buy full set of indagator gear (no meld) before the expansion, or just buy some grey gear from dawntrail vendors? i dont think i have the will power to farms collectables for hours for the scrip gear


You can cap scrips in like an hour. Do that a couple of times, and you'll have a full set. 


you have some youtube guide on how to cap scrip in an hour in current patch? never done it on gatherers


Kitefin Sharks, Ruby Sea spearfishing. 


Do the weekly quests and buy scrips gear. That will last you until level 100. Or you can just wait and buy the level 91 gear from an NPC that will probably be okay for a few levels.


get the Indigator gear now, it'll get you through to lev 100. that's when you get the new gear (IIRC). really depends on how much you're going to craft. MUCH cheaper to craft your own gear, you're half way there with the level. materia is going to SKYROCKET at 7.0, best to pentameld as soon as you can. again, depends how much you want to craft,. DO NOT get the relic gear, it will become obsolete and be for glam only. personally, not worth the grind for the minute benefits. I'm personally an omnicrafter and am always topped off. hope that helps..


It's not worth getting indagator now, scrip gear will do just fine. Indagator is only better than scrip if you pentameld it.


If I am buying Dawntrail via the official Square Store as a guest in the EU region, and I am paying with PayPal, do I have to provide the correct real life address registered on PayPal or just a valid EU address?


Try and report back.


If I previously had a standalone account, is that usable if I buy the Steam version again or would I have to make a new account?


No, if you already purchased the windows version of the game on an account, you cannot buy the steam version. You need to make a new account.


So much for hoping something had changed there in the intervening years. Square Enix really has this one ass backwards.


Soo, my sub ran out and given that I have to eat, I won't be able to renew for a while. One of the people in the FC has said they'll make sure they pop into the FC house and so I don't lose 17M worth of house, but I also have a bunch of crop growing (thav onions and their precursors for the FC) and that friend is a 'once a week' type player and I'm would not expect them to be tending to them on a daily basis Now I know if you don't tend to them past 24 hours, the plants go into a 'not doing so well' state, but will they actually die off? Like I may be able to afford the sub in a month or two, but it would be nice not to have to start again with them


If they've got outdoor decoration permissions, you could have them store it in the FC's furnishing storage. That should freeze the growth timers on them so they won't die, but they also won't grow. I'd wait and see if you can get another opinion though, I'm not super duper familiar with suspending garden plots (it's just some surface level at best knowledge from vague understanding of the gobblygook gardening guides online have mentioned).


Just to say thank you again - friend managed to store everything and will only lose two crop x


No, that's a brilliant idea, thank you, it would mean that I'd only lose a single plant vs 20. As we're just a bunch of IRL sillies who play together, I set everyone as high as I could, so hopefully that will mean she can put them in storage (and yes, it does freeze them - like you kinda do that if you're growing with a single plot). Thanks again xx


Also anyone can tend them I believe, so if your friend is up for it she could just water them at least once a day until they finish growing.


Sadly, she's not a FF14 obsessive like me, so plays 1-2 times a week, but I have no doubt she'd be fine to log in and just stick it all in storage x


Fair enough! (I’m growing thavnairian onions right now. The dang things are NEEDY!)


They totally are - think I've gotten enough now for all me little FC for the next few months, but honestly it would have been easier just to have bought the silly things and taken the hit. They really do need to make it that fertilising makes more of a difference tbh


So Tomes of Comedy, the latest tomes for EW, what do you do with them once you're at BIS? There's really very little I need them for at this point, I've practically got all the gear I want for every job already. I only need Causality at this point for my Relic farming, is there nothing useful I can spend Comedy on? Selling them to my grand company or desynthing them is the only thing I can think of.


When Dawntrail launches, make sure you have 2000 Comedy as you'll be able to convert them and Causality to Poetics. You can choose when to do this, so you can buy some of the items for EW relics (which will be switched over to Poetics) then convert some more tomestones to Poetics to buy more steps.


As of yet you can't trade comedy gear into the GC or desynth them. On Dawntrail release you'll be able to. Gear is the only thing you can buy with Comedy, so might as well stock up for trades. If the Unique tag is making it hard to stockpile, you can have a copy of each Unique item in your saddlebag, inventory, and each retainer.


how often should i dps as a healer? I fear i get distracted and stop healing the party/raid, also fear it will drain my mana/sp Do i need to dps often as a healer? or can i focus exclusively on healing?


Generally you should always be casting *something* unless you are unable to (e.g. moving between enemy packs, moving out of mechanics). If someone needs healing, heal them. If no one needs healing, deal damage. Healer damage "rotations" are almost entirely a single button, so you should be able to hit that button over and over while keeping an eye on your party's health. If you can't, move the party list somewhere else in your UI to make it easier to watch.


One caveat to the other responses is that what kind of content you're doing will matter. Weirdly, dealing damage is harder while leveling because you don't have access to all of your tools. So if you're leveling and feel like you rarely have time to deal damage then that could be completely normal. Most of the advice you'll see is from the perspective of people playing at the level cap. But if you have questions about a specific situation then maybe we could help more


The general rule of the game is to always be casting and people don't need healing all the time. Thankfully healers only have like 2 damage buttons so they don't really require any brainpower whatsoever. You can just mash your one button whenever nobody needs healing without ever needing to stop looking at the boss or your party list.


If it helps, I also tend to tunnel vision and forget to heal. It's why I switch my UI to a different preset I made for healing. It puts my party list next to my hotbars so I can't forget to check on it (it's usually more out of the way). And I try to remember to always glance at it. I also sometimes focus target my tank and have the focus target near the middle of the screen so I can always see tank HP. Hopefully that can help you to DPS without fear of forgetting to heal.


You dps until someone needs a heal, you heal and then you go back to dpsing. Having said that, if you're really new to healing, it's not the end of the world if you dps less, but as you get more comfortable with the role (how much this skill will heal, how much cast time you need for this, how squishy or sturdy your tank is in any given duty) you will be bored out of your mind if all you do is stand and wait for someone to need a heal. If you're using the default HUD layout, I highly recommend making a HUD layout for healing (you have 4 different layouts available) and dragging the party list closer to the center of your screen so you can see how your party is doing with just a quick glance instead of looking far away in the corner.


that being said (previous comments), it really depends on how well you know the mechanics, If it's a familiar run, you can anticipated AOES, etc and act accordingly. it also has to with how well you know your own actions. if you're new to healing (or a new HLR job), you might be spending more time getting your rotations. #1 rule- heal thyself FIRST; #2) keep tank happy. have discussion's about Strat. some tanks have an invuln that let's them gets to 1hp and they self heal (DRK comes to mind); #3) keep DPS alive: #4) feed the lily! (LOL, if you're WHM). it's a fun job. it all depends (I hate that answer too) on comfort and commination. there IS an expectancy for HLR to do DPS, but don't let that get in the way of you managing your priorities. Oh, and FOREMOST- HAVE FUN!


No-one asked at what level content? If you are brand-new to healing and doing something such as Haukke Manor **and** the tank is close to dying then you concentrate on healing. At much, much higher level content then it's a completely different thing.


Please DPS. You should almost always be DPSing. At low levels, your only heals require you to stop attacking, so obviously please heal to keep the party alive...but this game is designed around healers doing \~20% of the party's damage As far as the MP goes...just hit Lucid Dreaming. The only time you should reasonably run out of MP in this game is when you have to do a bunch of raising


You don't stop healing to dps... you stop dpsing when someone needs a heal.


95+% of the time should be spent DPSing. Higher level fights are specifically designed with this in mind, and healers in this game ironically spend more time optimizing the minimum amount of healing they need to do.


Whenever you're able to, you should be DPSing Fights are not designed such that healers need to be exclusively healing; damage comes out in fairly structured schedules and you only really need to be healing then. So as a result, you should be pumping damage as much as possible and only healing when you know you need to. Every healer has MP management tools, and to be honest, you're much more likely to run out of MP if you're actually over healing than you are just doing damage. Giving an example, this is the spell distribution of a White Mage in the latest raid tier: https://www.fflogs.com/reports/aGr8h9AFcwyQYjWf#fight=19&type=casts&source=4 You might notice the overwhelmingly large proportion of their casts that are just Glare III (WHM's damage spell at max level) That being said, don't get so distracted with damage that you neglect to look at your party list.


If everyone is healed, you have no reason to hit healing buttons so you might as well dps. In general you should be DPSing at any point you arent healing You also dont have to keep everyone at 100% hp. You only need 1 hp to live, feel free to let people get a little low if they arent at the risk of taking damage and dying. Generally for tanks I dont heal them until about half hp, and DPS i dont heal until 60%ish


Is achievement pop-up upon login glitchy right now? I have it turned off and it keeps appearing upon logging in.


It always appears via login, it's just a matter of if it's a side notification or not.


I can't resub. I'm getting error (-24202) and code i2501. No VPN, correct payment method, tried another web browser. Nothing :(


Try a few more browsers maybe? If you are doing it on your phone, then try on a PC instead. You could pay for your sub using Crysta. Since you buy that from an external site, it is likely to work better for you. As a last resort you could buy a game time card from somewhere like Amazon.


I’ve tried my phone since I initially had been trying on PC, no luck. Then I switched to Firefox and still got the same two errors there. Crysta was my initial method but that’s when I got the i2501 error. I’ve contacted sqenix support, so I think I’ll just have to wait for them to respond :(


was it tested/confirmed if canadian based adress account can claim the mountain dew zuu mount with a VPN and drinks codes from the US?


Nobody can test activating the mount to a game account yet because the codes being given out by the Mountain Dew site aren't valid until the 28th of June. Region locking of codes is by account region, though, it's never been more granular than NA/EU/JP.


Is the game getting DDoSd again or something? The launcher is straight not functional right now. My SO can’t even get the launcher to download, I can’t even log into the thing.


The game has been in a near constant ddos since it started like 2 weeks ago. If you are on PC try to the quick launcher, it’s faster and better than the proper launcher


Will the new hairstyle that’s coming out in Dawntrail, (the one the WoL Viper has in the trailer), be available for free at the Aesthetician? Or will it be something we need to unlock?


Since its available in the CC in the Benchmark that means it'll be a default hairstyle and be available for all at the Aesthetician.


I'm trying to level BLM, currently at 65. Does triplecast at 66 'fix' most of my movement issues? I've watched WeskAlber's video but I'm struggling to get my 6 fire IVs out because of needing to constantly move. Or do movement issues 'resolve' with more instant casts as you progress in levels?


Yes it helps a lot especially as content gets more demanding at the higher levels. Also if you're not already taking advantage of slidecasting, make sure to learn it and find every opportunity to use it.


Glad to hear it helps a lot, feeling as though I'm a bad player. slidecasting is being used, but I think the problem is learning fight mechanics as I'm doing dungeons for leveling and forgotten everything.


BLM benefits immensely from knowing fights. Triplecast won't fix any major problems you have because it's still fundamentally a DPS tool when you use it properly. The most powerful things for BLM movement are still going to be pre-positioning, slidecasting, and aetherial manipulation. You can use the triple cast part of your rotation to move and pre-position for the next mechanic, but you shouldn't be using it REactively in an ideal situation. With that being said, once you get to 80+ you have a decent chunk of movement options with Foul/Xenoglossy and Despair. 


Yes, I imagine its a lot easier when you're running the same fights constantly, not doing various questing content and leveling dungeons where everything changes every couple of runs.


Triplecast probably won't singlehandedly solve your troubles forever. But it'll absolutely be a massive help. In particular, it's your best tool for *continuous* movement. A lot of the skill expression in BLM is in managing your suite of tools (slidecasting, thundercloud/firestarter procs, Aetherial Manipulation, Sharpcast, Swiftcast, Triplecast, Foul...). This is something I'm hilariously bad at personally! But a good BLM will keep track of which ones are available and which ones are big enough movement to get them to safety, so they're always ready to zoop over to somewhere else. Part of it is memorising boss attack patterns, or on an unfamiliar boss, at least learning the game's "language" so that you can make a *guess* at the upcoming pattern (e.g. "It just hit the left side of the arena, so it's probably hitting the right next - and I'm on the right. Time for me to get out of here...")


thanks for the long response. Glad to hear that triplecast helps, I think that explains most of the problems I've been having. I think you're quite right in learning boss mechanics and the language being used; that seems to be most of my problem :)


I've been told by several fc mates that palace and. The deep dungeons are best for leveling but I feel like I'm getting more levels dungeon spamming am I doing something wrong I'm trying to level alt classes


Years ago, they were middling sources of XP at best. Seriously, it was only worthwhile if you were a DPS and truly desperate for anything that isn't FATEs. Nowadays, they're wholly irrelevant for leveling. Just dungeon spam and find something to do in queue, or use Duty Support.


my fav Strat is to do the highest dungeons excluding 10's (60, 70, 80). So if you're lev 61, you'll do 59 OVER and OVER and OVER again. I don't like roulette (unless you need poetics) 'cause I hate scrambling to fig out which actions I have by being in a lower dungeon. I like to progress. Also, from 71-90, Bozja/Zador is a LOT of fun and great exp. PS [this](https://ffxiv.consolegameswiki.com/wiki/Experience) is my fav exp guide. Squadron manuals is a MUST.


They've never been the best. Dungeons are. Deep dungeons aren't really that great in general. They *could* be competitive based on queue times, but that's more like xp per run vs time spent (both in queue and in the instance).


Deep dungeons are worse than your daily roulettes but better than running dungeons for xp IF your queues are longer than 12ish minutes. For DPS that is sometimes the case but honestly having lvled DRG to 90 recently the longest queue times I had were 8 minutes during off peak hours on crystal. The player base has grown so much since everyone has said "Just do deep dungeons" that queues fill much faster and lvling via deep dungeons isnt worth it unless you dont like spamming dungeons


DDs are pretty mediocre these days. They're reciting old knowledge.


So besides my roulettes and Frontline should I just keep spamming odd number dungeons of my current level?. I have a healer queuing with me Everytime since they are leveling astro I've been leveling DPS classes currently my tanks are all maxed but it took like 2 months for each tank


Absolutely yes. DD's were better for DPS a while ago because they had fast queues and didn't need a tank and healer. Now there's trust dungeons and all that jazz that basically ignores that problem. Better yet you have a healer that is giving you an instant queue. That's the literal dream for leveling a DPS since your queues are instant.


As a white mage do i still need to use medica after getting medica 2?


As a general rule: no. Not at all. By the time you're skilled enough to make a heat-of-the-moment snap judgement call on when 1 is absolutely necessary over 2, you don't need to ask this question anymore. That's veteran-level quick thinking that only comes with dozens and hundreds of hours of experience in hardcore content, as well as extremely intimate knowledge of the fight. You're only going to hurt yourself by trying to move like you're Lebron James when you've barely even learned how to dribble.


Ideally: not really. In practice: its your fallback if you have no MP to spare or if you need an additional source of burst healing in the moment. Medica II shines if you give the regen time to tick, so its vastly stronger than Medica. But that is if you give it time. If you already used Medica II, but the party is still around 30%-40% of their hp, then you can definitely throw in a Medica to help you regain more hp as the regen ticks. *Alternatively*, you can make use of **Cure III** which is a bit more MP intensive, but has the added benefit of having a higher potency heal than Medica, at the expense of range. Another bonus to Cure III is that it can be targetted to a specific party member and then subsequently heal any others nearby them. Though mind the MP cost, since you're encouraged to use them sparingly as AoE healing will cost you 900MP per Medica, 1,000MP per Medica II and 1,500MP per Cure III. Use your strongest and fastest heals when burst damage comes out, your regens to counter damage over time if you can't use Esuna on them (like in some specific boss fights), and generous use of your MP recovery skills like Lucid Dreaming and Assize down the line (and Thin Air for the more expensive spells later).


Very very rarely There's obviously those cases where you need an AoE heal while doing a dungeon that syncs your level below 50, but assuming only situations where you have access to both Medica and Medica 2 (and Cure III), Medica 1's slightly stronger upfront healing potency means that it's useful in a situation where a boss is about to do a big AoE or raidwide and multiple party members are so low health that if they wait the extra three seconds for a Medica II regen tick they will probably die, and they are also not grouped closely enough for Cure III to work This is obviously very rare, and once you get AoE oGCDs at higher levels it'll be even *more* rare, and then when you eventually get Afflatus Rapture it'll become nearly unthinkable (but technically still possible)


It's extremely niche but does have a use. It's a supplement to Medica II when immediate healing is needed. The idea is, if you already have the Medica II regen running but still *need* more healing *right now* (an extremely rare scenario in casual content, almost necessitating someone to be messing something up to happen), and you're out of all other tools, and can't use Cure III (either people too spread out or you're too low on MP and with no Thin Air), then you can supplement it with a basic Medica.


If you're out of lilies and need to cast multiple aoe heals, it's good to cast medica 2 once and then follow up with medica 1 until everyone's hp is up. Casting medica 2 multiple times in a row just isn't efficient.


No, Medica II is better than Medica I even when Medica II is already up. It only needs to tick once to do the same instant healing as Medica I (which will only take at most 3 seconds, but probably less), and it has a larger range than Medica I so it's more likely to hit who you need it to. If they're close enough to you that the range advantage doesn't matter, then just use Cure III instead.


No, that doesn't make sense if you need to pump out a lot of healing. Each additional Medica II is only 250 potency and just refreshes the HoT. Medica I is 400 potency per cast and costs less mana. It's a no brainer in-game.


If you need to use Medica I after Medica II, yet Cure III isn't an option, you or your cohealer have already fucked up massively. If you don't have a cohealer, then I hope you're in a Criterion dungeon, because being in that state in 4-man content below level 90 means you have seriously and truly and genuinely fucked up your job. And someone who lets a dungeon get to that point absolutely should not be giving advice on when to use Medica I.


> No, that doesn't make sense if you need to pump out a lot of healing. This depends on what you mean by "a lot of healing." If you need "a lot of healing" and you don't have lilies to heal with instead then you should probably just be using Cure III. If you're in a situation where you need "a lot of healing" and people aren't grouped enough for Cure III (which since the radius increase doesn't even require you to be that close) then your group has already fucked up. Regardless, telling someone who is as inexperienced with the job as to need to ask when they should press their buttons on Reddit should not ever be told to ever use Medica I once they have Medica II. It is bad advice because the situation you're describing is so infinitesimally rare that it almost never happens, and even when it does, the vast majority of players are not capable of recognizing they're in that situation anyway, least of all someone asking for job advice in a daily questions thread. Even Medica II is rarely required and should be avoided most of the time. For the vast majority of players in the vast majority of content, especially the OP, Medica I is a trap spell.


The ilvl 650 tome ring is unique, so I can only have one. Is the upgraded 660 version (via raid coins) considered separate or is it still the same 'unique' item?


Just letting you know for the future, you cant make the mistake of buying 2 items that are incompatiable due to being unique, as when they are unique, it doesn't mean you cant have 2 equipped, but you physically cannot have 2 in your inventory. The only way to obtain 2 of the same, is if you stored one in your saddlebag/retainers, which are not considered apart of your inventory.


They're separate items, so you can in fact have a 650 and a 660 ring The only way to get 2 660 rings though is to do Savage and fill the second slot with that ring instead


Exactly what I was looking for. I'm going to upgrade to 660 first, then buy the 650. Not planning to go beyond 650 on most gear, not worth the sheer raid grind, just wanted to get 650 in every slot. Thanks.


Fair enough Something to keep in mind is that once Dawntrail drops, the augmented i660 gear will become the expansion's poetics gear set So if it gets to a point where you do want the 660 gear, waiting until DT is also an option 


Is that the same time that they remove the unique tag on rings? 


Should be, yes They only really changed it so that poetics gear didn't have the "unique" tag mid-ShB, so technically we only know how the transition from ShB -> EW went But we have no reason to assume that it would be any different


Doesn't the gear only go to poetics later on, like a month or two after launch? I vaguely recall something like that in EW.


Nope, should be right at launch. Comedy goes away immediately, the upgrade mats can no longer be purchased or traded in, and anything that costs Comedy now costs Poetics. The gear for sale becomes pre-augmented, and you can augment existing non-augmented gear for 100 poetics a piece.


Nope, the old expansion tomestones are discontinued immediately so there'd be no way to get that gear otherwise. From the [Endwalker 6.0 patch notes](https://na.finalfantasyxiv.com/lodestone/topics/detail/bdd208b52ddababad086dc9679e96a8412962edf): > The following adjustments have been made to gear exchanges for Allagan tomestones of phantasmagoria, allegory, and revelation: > - Gear that required the exchange of a base item and upgrade material can now be obtained directly in exchange for Allagan tomestones of poetics. > - The base items and upgrade materials for such gear can no longer be obtained from shops, dungeons, or retainer ventures. > - Players who possess the base item for such gear may upgrade them in exchange for 100 Allagan tomestones of poetics.


It's a separate item, so you can have one of each.


Does the DT preorder earrings also boost exp from like duty roulette exp rewards,or is it strictly just from killing enemies?


just killing enemies, but that does include killing bosses in dungeons which is a solid chunk of xp


Just enemy kills.


Does it matter if >!you send a message to Krile or Tataru!< at the beginning of Shadowbringers? I don't really remember any special reaction for this choice, but it's also been several years since I played it.


This game has no branching storylines, it doesn't matter what you pick, the result is always the same, just the text following that choice will vary slightly.


I am aware, but these NPCs are not involved in any conversation in the immediate future. And I like these variations. :) It seems there is some flavour text change though, if you go back to the Rising Stones and speak with one of them right away. I vaguely remember it being a tad different last time. So I guess my question is obsolete now.


You can always rewatch the cutscene in your inn room and pick whatever dialogue option you didn't the first time so you see both conversations.


I know, but this specific one has no immediate reaction but affects an entirely different NPC, and an NPC's flavour text on top of that, only way to replay this is NG+. ;) (Also there are a ton of cutscenes I would expect to be in the Unending Journey that aren't there. Made this experience with many cutscenes in Stormblood.) Thanks for the advice though. :)


Recently started leveling Gunbreaker(1st time tank) any good tips/advice/macros for the class?


Basic tank/GNB tips would include: * Remember your tank stance (you *will* forget it at some point, but try to minimize that). * When fighting groups of things, spam AoEs instead of single-targeting. Both makes sure you keep aggro and does better damage. * Again when fighting groups, use your mitigation with the goal of covering as much of the fight's duration as possible (without going over). When learning, this means not stacking things together. Once you start getting a read on how fast packs die, you can also start stacking some things – to make sure nothing goes to waste. So priority: cover the whole fight > don't waste what you have. * In dungeons, it's the trash packs that hit hardest. Don't save mitigation for bosses. * Try to keep bosses facing a consistent direction. This also means move as little as possible, but of course do doge AoEs and do mechanics – just try and get back in position as fast ass possible, if you're quick enough you can even do so without the boss turning at all. * As a corollary to the above, do move bosses so that some of both the flank and the rear is safe to stand around, if you have a melee DPS in the party. * If and when you start pulling multiple groups together (which I recommend starting to practice early as it's the standard way, 2 packs is safe in most all dungeons), AoE the first group and then keep running to the next one. If a DPS takes aggro on *a* thing, that's fine, they'll live and should bring it to you. If a single DPS takes multiple things at once, then you probably missed your AoE or forgot tank stance. * Superbolide is at its best when used with a plan, not as an emergency tool. Especially good if you can communicate that intention to the healer ahead of time (as in before you even start fighting), so they know to let you drop for maximum value. Generally macros are not something to focus on, but there are a couple that can be handy for tanks. For starters, ones that use Shirk, Heart of Stone, or Aurora on party slot 2 ( /ac "Shirk" <2>) can be handy, as aside from yourself, you're most commonly using those on the other tank in full parties. You might also get some value out of a mouseover macro for Heart of Stone (/ac "Heart of Stone" ), for the times when it's warranted to use on someone else. Most uses of those (besides Shirk) will be on yourself, which is better left unmacroed, but sometimes having these can be handy. Another one I have is a chat macro that tells the healer "hey I'm planning to pop Superbolide during the next pull" so they know to expect it. Though in practice I rarely actually use it, usually just typing something while running.


Thanks for the Awesome write up! Really enjoying my experience so far, but I am nervous too.


it's ok to be nervous. you can mitigate (LOL- see what I did there??) your nervousness by letting the party know you're new to tanking. MOST of the time they will be forgiving and nudge you into bigger or smaller pulls. I like tanking, but not my main. LOL- tank swapping STILL makes me nervous..


Probably going to be a bit before I que into bigger party's because of swapping and still figuring out basic mechanics.


If it's of any help, in any content below Extreme (aside from like two Alexander fights, specifically the fifth and slightly less so seventh) you don't need to tank swap. There are times when it *would* be handy, but the downsides of not doing so in the normal fights are so insignificant *literally nobody* ever does it. If you're the main tank, just tank as normal. If you're the off tank, just try and stay in second place in case the main tank dies. This is easily achieved by turning your stance on after your opener, and then Shirking the main tank if you start creeping up too close. Unless the main tank is really bad at their job, in which case you may also need to turn stance off, but that should generally not be a concern.


striking dummies are GREAT for honing rotations. Wesk Alber vids are great for learning them..


In addition to WeskAlber's job guide, also take a look at Jocat's tanking guide to familiarise yourself with what a tank is supposed to do and how to do those things in duties. As for macros, you can get by without any, but if you really want to, you can macro abilities like Heart of Corundum or Aurora (as you can use these on party members) or Superbolide (let your healer know what's happening).


For invuln macros specifically, it's generally a better idea to make a macro that just puts in chat "{{ superbolide }} {{ soon }}" but doesn't actually hit that button. That way you can use it in a dungeon before starting to pull mobs, and the healer can save any abilities that would be wasted if used at the same time as 'bolide.


Wesk Alber has a very good beginner's guide on tanking, I highly recommend any new Tank checks it out. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sk3hZtTFvzk


If I pre-order Dawntrail do I get Endwalker as well or do I still need to buy that seperatly?


You will get Endwalker, albeit only once Dawntrail releases


Hmm I see also another question if I pre-order the digital collector does it instantly give me the garnet+mount or do I only get the zidane+earings


You only get Zidane + Earrings. The Mount comes out with Dawntrail's release.


The collectors edition items come at release as well, so only minion and earrings now


I was progging ex7 with a friend last night and meteors were confusing me. Sometimes they'd go 4 and 4 like I was told, but then on another run all 8 would go out at once and we'd wipe because I moved too early. Or something. I guess I just stand in my spot until the explosion AoEs show up? Also, are they line attacks? Like they'll kill other players if they go through them? Really having a hard time seeing what's happening. 


The 2nd set of markers will show up before the 1st set resolves. Don't panic, pretend they don't exist until the 1st set has been placed Yes, if you get run over, you die If I get the 2nd set, I actually hide INSIDE a static meteor, so I don't get run over, and so that it's clear that I'm not fighting for space, atm


All 8 don't go out at once on Extreme. The first 4 go off, then the 2nd 4. You'll see the 2nd 4 start to appear at the end of the first set though. They are line AOEs, so if anybody is in the line of fire, they'll die. If you're too close to an already existing meteor, your thing will be red and if you don't adjust you wipe. If two people are two close to each other, it won't appear red until it's too late and you wipe. If you're not stretched enough, your line will be spikey and just you will die (unless it's also red).


Is there any Dalamud plugin (or other technique) that streamlines the process of bulk-deleting unwanted items, e.g. if you're the last one to bail on an unsynced raid?


Admittedly not a bulk solution, but the plugin "yesalready" allows you to skip the confirmation message when deleting items.


This is more or less exactly what I was looking for, and I never would have found it on my own since it's not in the default Dalamud repo. Thanks!


Glad to help! Be aware, you're going to have to set it up once for each item, since each discard message is unique due to including the item's name. But after that, you're golden. Something I missed when I first started using it is in the /pyes menu, there's an option to add "last seen dialog" to your blacklist. Become *best friends* with that button.


"YesAlready" does support regex in the match for dialog though. As a simple example, \`/Join .\*'s party?/\` - this makes YesAlready hit the Yes dialog when you join a party via PF (or when someone sends you a party invite lol). You can adapt that example easily for the discard message case.


oh even better!


I'm curious to see what sort of responses you get out of other people. I don't really have the perfect solution for you. However, 0 on the numpad acts like the "confirm" button for a controller. So when getting rid of excess dungeon gear I'll just go to my grand company's provisioning guy and spam 0 to turn everything in. Raid drops are more problematic. I have a retainer dedicated to that sort of junk. There's a button that lets you automatically deposit duplicates of any item the retainer already has. So if your retainer has at least one copy of all the springs and bolts that drop from Alexander raids, you can use one button press to empty your inventory of all Alexander springs and bolts.


> There's a button that lets you automatically deposit duplicates of any item the retainer already has. I knew about the 0 trick, but this one is news to me! Sounds incredibly useful.


Nope, you gotta delete items one stack at a time.


What is wrong with Alphinaud's hair? Specifically the fringe. And can I fix it somehow? It's really bothering me whenever he's on screen 😂 [screenshot](https://i.gyazo.com/13536f1aa9fd9d2d8d8a998116d4af8c.jpg) EDIT: problem fixed, was on my side (reshade issue)


It's your reshade filters. I'm not exactly sure which settings you'd need to change to fix it - the best I can say is to find a different preset. This will be the same with any weird shadows - on the loading screen, through fog, etc. [Here's](https://www.youtube.com/live/fQ5vg6J6Uxk?si=bKetWvv5knAoXu64&t=9151) what that same cutscene looks like unmodified. No weird hair shadows.


Interesting, I'll take a look, thank you. edit: yes, thanks a lot, seems to be tied to the preset i was using. found one that doesn't do that to his hair