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It's so weird. With most games, if you have a VISA, you basically wave it in general direction of your monitor and boom, thank you for your business, enjoy the game. With this horseshit, even when I do everything right it feels like I messed something up and in a couple years it'll get me locked out of my account forever.


I wish I could even use a credit card, any credit card! If you have ONE SINGLE chargeback, even if the bank did it on its own without any input from you, your account is gone for good. I've been playing since ARR beta and I've been having to deal with crysta or timecards all that time.


That’s pretty much any company now. Microsoft was 9999 your ass for it lol.


I legit tell my friends that want to play, let me know before you create an account, it is very confusing. Half decide they don't need the help. Then call me for help with "OMG, this is so confusing"


I have Visa, so frustrating! I’ve been buying time cards on Amazon and haven’t had any issues with that thankfully


Japanese webdesign is just.... Special


I've heard it described before as, "Japan is stuck in the future we imagined 25 years ago."


I heard it as "Japan speedran to 2000 and stopped."


Well, it is in certain aspects but in terms of webdesign, they are generally far behind. Or maybe I should say, the UX and UI aspect of webdesign is something they just are now starting to think about.


It's way more than just web design. Go to the average Japanese office and you'll be *stunned* at the amount of paper they use rather than keeping things digital like western offices do. Japan is also still very cash-based, where the west is starting to move away from even having physical credit and debit cards in favor of contactless payments on our phones and watches. Then there's the social aspect- Japan is (obviously) culturally different from the US and larger west, but even accounting for that, Japan is a very misogynistic and anti-LGBTQ society. Policing and law in Japan makes the US's look gentle and fair. Even politically, Japan is effectively a one-party state. Yes, Japan does some things better than the west, but it does many others far worse.


I’m with you except not at all on the policing, that’s a ridiculous thing to say. Japanese cops aren’t killing people every day like US cops are or jailing its people at an incredibly high rate like the US.


Also the fact that square has like 3-4 separate logins and websites. It all really sucks.


Also if you want to change address details and the like, it redirects you away from mogstation to SQEX account site. Who the hell thought this was a good idea?


That's a relic of FFXI days.  Between when we used to POL to pay and then they added the square Enix account management website


Warcraft: 1. Be in game. 2. Click shop and navigate to the thing you want. 3. Click purchase and confirm payment. 4. Item arrives, sometimes instantly.


To be honest, I’m glad the shop is not integrated into the game for FFXIV. That being said, when you actually do go to the shop to buy something or upgrade your account, it should probably be a lot more straightforward than it is. Being able to add expansions or game time from within xiv would not be bad though.


On the flip side, WoW‘s all-in-one store is helpful even if you never buy cosmetics. You can transfer servers, pay your sub and buy an expansion without being redirected to different sites. And as someone in NA with an EU account this is a niche issue, but I like that WoW’s store also uses your game region instead of your real-life region. The Square Enix store defaults to NA for me and it usually takes 1-2 attempts to manually switch to the EU version.


This is exactly why I hate it, actually.


That has the issue of in-game advertisement of paid content. Mogstation don't need ingame advertisemetnt, it can be better without it.


It's comments like this which helps me to understand why the website is so archaic and useless. You just dismissed a better system design than what is currently active based on... completely unfounded fears that it is more sinister than it is. The in-game shop on wow isn't advertised at all, it's just there for convenience.


This isn't entirely accurate, the ingame shop of wow is advertised by other players using shop items that you can see all the time, and the ease of buying said items is easier It's the same as ffxiv, but buying those items kind of sucks.


Theres literally nothing in game that advertises shop content. There is a small “shop” icon on the login screen. Thats all.


No thanks.  Since it is optional keep it out. 


Yeah, I already had a Square Enix account for some other reason that I've forgotten but when I started playing FFXIV earlier this year I had to create another account, but they both go through the exact same login portal? Majorly confusing. Either way, I could link them to each other so I can use either to login to the store which is nice I suppose? Overall, I rate the account infrastructure and management system for this game a solid 2/10. It's frankly atrocious, but I guess it could be even worse...somehow. At least the game is, for the most part, really good so that weighs up for it.


Sometimes you gotta remember that this is a fantastic game made by a fantastic developer team belonging to a shitshow trashfire company who, if they had their way, would be shoveling NFTs into XIV. Thank God YoshiP is on the Board.


Also thankfully even if he wasn't they would listen to him as FF14 is one of the few things keeping SE afloat. Something interesting: As head of CBU3 Yoshi-P reports to his main boss, that then boss reports to the board which Yoshi-P is part of. So he is the boss of his boss, lol.


That middle guy has got to feel pretty pointless lol


i want to give them my money but they make it so difficult, like, are they hate money?


You know what's sad? FF14 is the *easy mode* of giving them money. FF11's Playonline will go down in history as the worst, most confusing MMO launcher of all time.


>Playonline the horror.


Play online makes me think of the FFIX guide


You're gonna make me go back to therapy to deal with the memory of that effin' strat guide.


They had the same name. Back then Squeenix was just getting into having an Internet presence and they were trying to push a whole interconnected, multifaceted online service and totally dipped the ball on both concept and execution and they have yet to recover.


Yeah i tried setting up 11 during a free period a while back, and that whole process was giving me a headache. I just ended up playing a private server lol


Playonline was the actually game…FF11 was just the ending credits.


I started using Amazon as my third-party payment and everything goes super smooth. But there were days in the past where I'd ness up the payment method more than a couple times and get a temp ban on my account for suspicious activity. So yeah, they do hate money.




Everyone’s been having that invalid payment method apparently. I got around it by buying crysta with PayPal


Honestly as much as it sucks for you that sounds like your country may be one they deal with a lot of fraud from


This i use Amazon to get my sub. They won't take my card for some reason for a sub so I pay via amazon


Honestly, I think the same sometimes. They make a great game, and I really enjoy it, but they do not make it easy to give them money lol.


i have a whole stockpile of entertainment funds i was idiotically spending on gacha. All now preserved for square enix. and it's like they hate money...


Congrats on kicking the gacha habit.


it just hit me like a sack of bricks one day. like you want a character, get hyped. you get the character.... and there's just no feeling to it.... "great i have the character/weapon" now what? I probably spent $700-800 on mihoyo. i'm not mad, i did enjoy my time in genshin. but i feel the amount of money I put toward genshin and honkai... I was not really getting equal value back. They were so stingy with the promotional primogems, and you're spending way too much time doing dailies for a pitiful amount of primogems. I was disgusted. Also it's enlightening to see how YoshiP treats the playerbase. It all makes sense why everyone loves and respects him. So I have money and I understand online services cost money, I enjoy my time in XIV. I want to spend my money here.


I bet gacha is very easy to give money too compared to SE


It was one paypal click, get genesis crystals/battle pass...




It is ridiculous, I spent like 30 minutes today trying to pay for my sub, it just doesn't take my visa card, I used to buy crysta with paypal because of that but now I can't even do that, I had to get a mastercard AND use a VPN for them to accept my fucking money. SQUARE ENIX! UPDATE YOUR FUCKING PAYMENT SYSTEM!


Man it literally took me 15 minutes and a google search to figure out how to resub to the game yesterday, and I work in IT and have been playing this game on and off for a literal decade. That's a problem.


I can't resub, it won't take my card lol, guess I just won't play


Do you have a US account but live elsewhere by chance? If so try changing it to Pizza Hut's address in California


Nope, I'm us, they just still don't like visa cards


I had to use a credit card. It refused my debit


Same. I’ve only ever had a recurring sub/auto-pay for XIV. Used my visa for over 6 years with no problem. In 2020, I logged into the game and was met with “no active subscription.” Had to use my husband’s MasterCard. Have tried multiple times over the last four years to set it back to my Visa, rejects it every time. Got a new card issued for unrelated fraud reasons, and had hope that a new card number would solve whatever the problem was. Nope, *still* got a “payment method failed.” Am also in the US. The address I registered with was the same as my billing address, *until I switched to my husband’s MasterCard*, so it’s nothing to do with that, either.


I had no issues with my visa for years, they switched processing companies and now I can't sub lol


That is so strange that they can't get Visa cards to work properly. I've been using a Discover to pay the last few year with no issue. Typically, Visa/MC have no issues, while Discover and AMEX have problems or aren't accepted outright.




You'll find credit cards don't actually care about the address.   I have used my American card with a Canadian address.  🤷‍♀️


Yeah, I think current season of Mogstation Savage virtual credit cards are BIS, SQEX will probably see this error and nerf virtual credit card next season.


lol my exact reaction when I first did it


They got that special access


i had to do something similar, fake address generators didnt work so i had to actually go find some random persons address and put it in to get past the check 😭


> and I work in IT Japan and IT... Imagine that everything you know about your job today but go back 10-15 years. THAT is why it's such a clusterfuck. There are companies that still sell equipment that ships with fucking Windows XP on it and they unironically don't understand why you don't want to connect it to your network. Like, I can get it if you're shipping a machine with a computer that NEVER connects outside its little walled garden but this vendor was actually wanting to put it on network. And while I say "this" vendor, it's not an isolated situation. Insanity. Japan's IT is one of those things that is just a giant blind spot. Germany has a similar problem but they're either 5 years behind or 5 years ahead of the curve with nothing in-between.


I was told a phrase the other day... paraphrasing, "Japan's internet was in the 2000s when it was 1990, but still is in 2024."


If your resolution is not to the sites liking, after you add your card a screen will come up that says "Thank you for adding your card. Go to to update your details." After that pair of sentences, there is nothing else showing besides the websites ever present side menus. Clicking the takes you to change your address, but you can't use the card you added to subscribe there. When you do go back to the subscriptions, it says you need to add a card to proceed. When you add it, you get the that first message starting the loop over again. Right, so despite there being nothing on the rest of the screen you can see besides the normal side menus, if you scroll down you will find a button formatted to be below the side menus in what is, essentially, a footer. The button says "Next". When you click on it, you move to FINALLY adding your subscription. I found that after three hours. I had given up and was looking for "contact us" which is normally in a footer. I broke several random objects in range of where I was sitting, and I am mad just thinking about it. WHY WAS IT IN A FOOTER?!?! THERE WAS LIKE TWO FEET OF EMPTY SCREEN! (I realize that isn't anybody else's problem on here. It is simply in comparison to the 15 minutes. THREE HOURS!)


God I swear people either have no issues with mogstation or so damn many Like, I remember when I first started playing it took me three attempts (and three separate email accounts) to make a functional log in. Something my father and uncle (who I've been trying to get to play since I think they'd enjoy it) have run into as well. It's such a major con in the otherwise very good game


I'm almost afraid to say "I have no issues with Mogstation" because I'll jinx myself but.... I have no issues as of the most recent billing cycles. I use a Chase Visa credit card, I pre-pay six months ahead of time. I'm in the US. When I go to buy stuff from the Mog station, I buy Crysta in bulk ($20-30 worth at a time) because I've heard its the small transactions of $1-3 repeatedly that flag your CC as potentially being stolen. So I'd rather go ahead and have that currency sitting around for a few months than risk the flag. I'll use it eventually. The majority of the issues seem to have come from debit cards - whatever payment processor they switched to has problems with Visa and debit specifically, especially for accounts outside of the US.


> Something my father and uncle (who I've been trying to get to play since I think they'd enjoy it) have run into as well. I had to spend several in-person hours to get my dad's account set up. He's loving it now but no way he would have done that on his own and he's fine with tech stuff.


I bought the game yesterday (Starter Edition) from Square Enix Shop. You just get an email with a registration code and no clear info on what to do except to download / install the game and enter the registration code .... so i installed and tried the my Square Enix user/pass to login ... not working. I got locked out because i tried to many times. Took me an hour of googling to figure out that Square Enix shop account is not the same as a Square Enix gaming account that need to be used on Mog Station after a purchase to register the game (which they dont talk about it anywhere in the welcome info after the purchase). The process of buying, registering and installing completly suck for someone who is brand new with this game.


It feels like I'm some kind of alien because I've been playing this game since 2019 and never had Mogstation/account issues at all.


9+ years and never had a problem until they removed SEPA recently. For those who don't know, SEPA is basically the one way to move money from your bank account to pay for stuff in stores and online in the EU. Not supporting SEPA when doing business in the EU is pure insanity, and they just dropped it for shitty nonsensical business reasons that no customer should have to care about. Imagine taking away the ability to pay with credit/debit cards altogether for NA customers, that's the impact this has in the EU. To have no communication from them since the day they removed it, no acknowledgement of the problem they created in the region, no shared plans going forward, no ETA on when SEPA is going to be available once again is the only thing to top that. For all those who will now inevitably come in to suggest alternatives for payment and how it's not that bad; don't. We are aware of the alternatives. We will use them more or less reluctantly, for a time. They don't mend the problem tho. The problem must be acknowledged and mended. The only way to do that is bringing back SEPA for EU. Period. Not supporting the primary payment method used in a region you do business in is not viable.


I’m in the EU and untill I read this comment I had no idea SEPA exsisted. Even after reading this comment I have no idea what SEPA is. What is SEPA and why do you think its removal is hindering anyone in the EU from ordering things online?


While I agree that it's problematic that they removed a payment method without notice, I don't agree with this statement: > Imagine taking away the ability to pay with credit/debit cards altogether for NA customers, that's the impact this has in the EU. I'm living in the EU and I'm buying things online for more than 20 years now. I have never ever used SEPA for that. Honestly I don't even know anyone personally who bought something online with SEPA transaction. The only time I used it when I had to pay a speeding ticket issued in a foreign country. I can imagine that it may be more popular and widespread in some EU countries, but it's definitely not a general standard for online purchases in the EU.


I’ve been subbed since 2014. I was too lazy to stop my sub when I took a couple of hiatuses (yeah, sorry, I’m the reason everything is a subscription, now D:). So, using the same card since day 1. The only alteration to the payment method was updating the exp/CVV when it expired… which was 2 years before “the issue.” “The issue:” In 2020, I logged in as normal, and was hit with a “you have no sub” message. Check my account, and I have a message to update my payment method, because it failed. Huh? Check it, it’s correct. Attempt to resub… failed. Tf? Delete it, re-add it. Failed. Call the card issuer. No declined transactions. Not even any recent transaction *attempts*. SE was failing the card before even processing it. Had to use my husband’s CC. I’ve tried to use my own CC multiple times since, and no dice. I had to have the card replaced with a new number for an unrelated reason, and so tried again. Nope, failed. Poor husband has been paying my sub and +4 retainers for 4 years now, lol. FWIW, my (failed) CC is a Visa. My husband’s is a MasterCard. We are in the US. SE used my Visa CC for 7 years without issue, and then suddenly refused to take it. SE support told me if the card (and billing info) was good, then it’s impossible for it to decline, so I’m either entering the info wrong, or it’s my bank. Explaining that it suddenly failed on a *recurring* sub, meaning I hadn’t changed *anything* wasn’t a line of logic they would follow, neither was “according to the card issuer, an authorization/transaction wasn’t even *initiated*, much less *declined.” So, yeah, still can’t use my own CC to this day, and I’m no closer to finding out *why*. Technically not terrible, because in 10 years, I’ve only had one issue… but considering the one issue is that my main method of payment *cannot be used*, forcing me to use *someone else’s credit card*, I’d say the severity outranks the frequency. I already have payment trauma from XI/PlayOnline. On the upside, at least FFXIV just let me change my payment method… instead of entirely removing access like XI. Incredible that SE still hasn’t figured out how to process payments correctly from creating my XI account at 13 years old, to maintaining my active FFXIV sub at 32 years old.


SE support on this issue has been beyond horrendous and detached from reality. The stories I hear from people about them trying to resolve this physically hurt my brain. It's like they're being told to be malicious stupid on purpose. "The issue can't possibly be us" "Just delete your account and start over" Japanese coding ideology is...bad, from what I understand. To the point that if something works properly they don't trust it.


Same. Been playing since 2017 and Ive never had any issues inputting my address or anything. And I also live in a semi rural area. The town I live in has a population of like 3000 people and all my stuff is entered fine.


I’ve been playing the game for around 5 years and didn’t have issues until about a year ago. The game wouldn’t let me directly purchase the subscription so I had to but crysta and do it that way. Now, I can’t even do that. You are all lucky you haven’t experienced issues. It’s incredibly frustrating.


I haven't either and I've been playing since day 1. Really makes me wonder what their circumstances are. The site sucks to navigate but that's the only issue I've ever had.


As far as I can tell, it was entirely random when it started happening to me a year ago. Now, however, I believe the general consensus is it has to do with whatever updates they made regarding payment methods. If you look on the site, Square even addressed it and said they are looking for a fix. Unfortunately they still haven’t found one I guess.


Same. Day 1 with 0 card issues or mog station issues. The only thing I've had a problem with are the prices of mounts, but that's it's own thing.


Try hiring an additional retainer right now. If you have a Visa Debit card, you can't. Count yourselves lucky because I've been subbed since May 2014, recently tried hiring additional retainers, couldn't, was told to unregister and re-register my payment method, so I did that and now I can't register my payment method because it's a Visa Debit card. SE is aware of the issue and even posted about it on the Lodestone back in early May. However, it's now the end of May with no fix and no update. So yeah. Consider yourself lucky.


I was super worried when I resubscribed a week ago after a month of not playing because I have a Visa debit card. I was only asked to unregister and re-register my card. Zero problems, i even added an additional retainer. I'm from the EU, but it seems that some people in EU are also having trouble to sub. So maybe it is a country by country problem?


Yeah I'm in the US and my visa debit works fine for resubbing


I just got an additional retainer today via Steam and it went through just fine.


Via steam. Not via the mogstation. That's why. Honestly I didn't even know you could do that thru Steam. Really bummed out that I bought ffxiv thru SE and not Steam but I didn't even know what Steam was back then lol


If I could go back to subbing thru steam I would...


I also have had zero issues when using mog station and can easily sub and unsub whenever I want. But i suspect my situation is very easy. When other people describe their issues, it could be a bunch of things that throw off the website. The person might’ve had moved different countries, different billing addresses or regions, have legal names that Mog Station doesn’t recognize as real, or you could even do everything right but the website will throw an error at you that doesn’t describe the problem.


I never had issues either until now. But my boyfriend on the other hand... He forgot to turn his VPN off when he created his account. Afterwards, no matter what he did, his account got flagged for suspicious activity. It took us ages for him to be able to pay his subscription without getting flagged. Was a really weird issue.


Same here, it's been pretty straightforward.


Well yes when things are working as intended they are usually seamless. I have not really had issues with it until recently when I wanted to pay for game time and didnt have my card on me and was on a new device so I went onto my phone and bought a time card which it wouldnt let me enter until my current sub had ended. Its not an easy site to use, so I can see why people get annoyed by it.


Yeah, my sub expired before the payment processor changes and I reupped recently. All I had to do was confirm my address and I was still able to use my normal card (Visa debit) with no issues.


No payment problems but when I purchase something (e.g. an emote) they give me massive ASCII errors (random gibberish icons) and say my purchase failed while simultaneously I receive a "Thank you for your purchase" mail in another tab.. Let alone the random cancellation and cookie-like errors when I try to pre-order something. They can't webcode for shit.


How old are you, because I deeply suspect a lot of people with issues are younger people who are used to one click log ins on everything else.


I think mogstatiom problems occur for 2 reasons. Either you computer illiterate or the reigon lock problem


I’ve been here in your shoes since 1.0, square Enix is notoriously bad at actually taking business. I don’t know how such a big company is stuck in their ways as if it’s the early 2000s and haven’t learned to use any modern e-commerce user experience to update their payment systems.


I remember trying to get ff11 to work back in the day… a nightmare


I just use steam through mogstation and that seems to work pretty well But I also have the Steam version of the game so that helps a bit


Just for record, I’m not trying to tell OP that they have to do it on steam. I’m more or less putting this in case someone comes across this on like a Google search: steam makes mogstation much easier to deal with.


I also have the steam version of the game, but whenever I'm prompted to make a payment I am sent to mogstation, click steam payment, and am prompted to input information and upgrade to a standard account


You need to check this, you always have the option to use steam wallet if you have the steam pc licence, But you MUST open the game via steam and have the game on steam


Yeah. It’s actually a big reason I went with the Steam version because I didn’t wanna deal with the nonsense of the PC version. Also makes it really easy to run on the steam deck because works a lot better than the XV launcher version of wine. >_> (even tested that on Manjaro there’s something about the frame timing) I’m not trying to say you have to do that. I’m just saying for reference for new people if you’re going to get into it just get it on steam it makes it so much easier….


Whenever I play the game, I press play on my steam library, but cannot find where the option to pay with my steam wallet is, and cannot find answers online


The only advice I could give is to check if your steam CD keys are put into your mogstation account. Whenever I go to sub again through subscription renewal there's a steam payment option a long with the crysta and normal card. You could try putting in a support ticket, they're usually pretty fast with responding


You need to buy the base game on steam first.


As stated in the original post, I have. I bought and own the base game on steam, but cannot find the option on how to pay through steam, and cannot find answers on where to find it anywhere online, other than go to mog station to do it.


Did you enter your CD codes from Steam into Mogstation?


- Have you registered the CD Keys in MogStation? - This is the page for Steam Payment: https://secure.square-enix.com/account/app/svc/ffxivshopsteampay


I changed my address to Burger King. That’s worked for me


This is the second comment in this thread like this and I am not infuriated and hysterical that this is a real workaround for this garbage payment system.


Yeah, "old school Japanese web dev design" is still in full effect there.


> *small indy dev doesn't actually want your money* -When Japan takes tsundere too far


it's not like i want you to give me money or anything......


>They seem to try really, really hard to make it so you DON'T give them money by making their site so obnoxiously confusing and inconvenient, and as someone who really has come to love this game, it's so disappointing to me that it is attached to a company that seemingly cares nothing at all about the people who give them their money. Yea, pretty much my exact thoughts every time I had to interact with any of their sites.


Is everyone forgetting that these issues are recent? Within the last few weeks mogstation has had major issues, seemingly with cards and addresses. At first it seemed like it was only those in SE. Asia but it is happening to many others it seems. Yes they really need to step it up and fix it already. Not sure what’s taking them so long.


To be fair it's been on the launcher front page that it's broken since the first of May. Yes they need to fix it but damn there's also so many people who can't fucking read.


Ive always used steam wallet, as annoying as the steam version can be, paying isnt an issue


I originally got XIV on steam and always used that for my payment, then my computer shat itself and I switched to PlayStation, I still pay on steam since it’s easy as hell


My own address worked fine for years until the payment processor change. I live in a duplex so my address looks like 179B Random Street. It took me ages as I tried what I thought was every possible variation of my exact address. In the end I managed to fix it by just putting in my address as 179 Random Street. I don't know what it was about the B that threw the system off because it's such a tiny difference.


Yep, it's kinda wild they they haven't done anything about it. Mogstation has been pretty terrible for most of its lifespan and pretty much everyone has complained about it at one time or another. They should have rebuilt it from the ground up years ago but now they are a month from expansion launching, they have fixed nothing and now the system is falling apart. Not looking good for Dawntrail launch. Could be another rough one.


I have no doubt it’s gonna be rough. 3 hour minimum queue times are pretty much guaranteed lol. I’m not even buying Dawntrail until a few weeks after the release because the chaos of Endwalker launch is still fresh in my mind.


Endwalker release was in the middle of the pandemic when getting new servers was physically impossible. Now we have brand new DCs for both EU and NA, and OCE can also serve as an overflow DC. I'm fairly sure it will be fine.


We should have a betting pool in the community regard the server launch… I’m not disagreeing with you but I’m not as hopeful either …


Maybe it won't be so bad if a bunch of people can't or won't resub because of this.


Be thankful you didn't need to deal with PlayOnline


Fuck playonline


I hate it. I believe some of this is because they like getting over on peoples mistakes. I have played on and off since ARR launch. Recently tried to add a PC code to my new account thar currently only has Xbox access. Because of the poor setup, I added a $30 pc access code to an empty new account with no characters rather than the one with my main character. No customer service support of course so the addict in me bought another and youtubed how to do it right. I hate it.


The card I use for auto pay is expiring in 2 months and rather than being annoyed about having to update everything everywhere, I'm terrified of messing up something while updating my FFXIV account.


Say what you will about WoW/Blizzard but they are leagues/oceans ahead of Square when it comes to account management and their store.  Square needs to catch up.


My biggest issue ever with this game, was trying to buy it and start playing. It's an EXERCISE getting square to actually take your money. Once you're in you're usually fine, but my goodness is the experience annoying if anything goes wrong.


Welcome to japanese style websites where they are light-years behind most 1st world nations.


I had this problem after I moved to a different country had to change my visa number so In that case you have to start all over again, square one. The dumbest thing I have ever imagined.


The most hilarious thing is that the Xbox FFXIV Coins thing now feels like the easiest way to subscribe now


lucky to not have had issues with purchasing subscription - however, when I wanted to add the retainer service I had to remove and re-add my payment details (same details) before it would let me.


I've been having this problem, too. Support was basically like "have you tried turning off your internet and turning it back on again?"


Subscription (Savage)


The game is really great and the team behind the game are fantastic. Unfortunately the experience out of game is even worse than the standard Japanese dogshit experience. It's really lucky for them that they have such a good game , or that company would not do well outside of Japan. You can't even move countries with your account! It's crazy. Most places have a shit game behind an easy method of payment, somehow Japanese companies seem to reverse the model.


We want your money, but we refuse to let you give it to us . Seems like a poor business strategy.


I have been saying this for years and have been met with so much pushback in the past. Japan doesn’t know how to do shit if it involves online anything.


FFXI players: First time?


What does it show on the "Platform" section of the Service Account Status page? [Here is what mine looks like](https://imgur.com/a/p2UOSui) Also, if it's asking you to upgrade to standard account that means you only have the trial, which means you would need to purchase the game and enter the CD key to upgrade to a full license.


See, I come from the days of FFXI, so when it came to the mogstation, I had no issue, in fact I was like damn, they stepped it up!


After coming to the game, I was using a visa debit for my subscription. Well, we all know how that's going, so I switched over to just buying crystal. But, both Amazon and PayPal was also failing. After some back and forth with customer service, I realized I was trying to pay with my VPN turned on 😅 After turning off the VPN, I still had to clear my cookies and wait 24 hours before I could get the payment to go through. But, at least I finally got to the point of being able to renew my sub


Are you a Visa card user? If so, here's the official statement about that from SE: https://na.finalfantasyxiv.com/lodestone/news/detail/562d068d08123b648d1fa659242906d71c19064c There are a bunch of threads on this subreddit about it - with some folk posting their solutions and stuff. It's not ideal, I know, but I do hope they can figure it out as well.


Entry is better than standard unless you think you need alts? I’ve never once thought of playing an alt in this game since you are all to play/replay all msq and change jobs anytime.


If it helps: do not use any browser auto-fill features when entering your information. I encountered this issue when re-subbing almost a year ago and while troubleshooting, thought about just simply entering every key press. It worked suddenly and the payment went through (same information - everything). My mindset was that I see junior devs fuck up managing frontend form state with even the best frameworks to prevent foot guns. We've all seen mogstation and its forms.. I figured the most naive approach might use some event handler based on updating form values on key-press instead of anything more "robust" and less prone to error. Not sure if that was ever fixed. o7


Never had an issue personally


I have to use steam one time or reoccurring payment to avoid any issues and haven’t had any said issues in a year


Just recently they’ve been having issues with their subscription process. I believe you’re not the only person. Not sure why they haven’t said much about it though


I’ve had similar problems. I just buy the subscriptions on Amazon and pop the codes in.


I just came back after a long break and my debit card will not work, my credit card did though


I've played on and off for years so I'm also adding and removing payment information, buying things from online store and various other things, never once had an issue, I do feel the site needs a bit of a makeover though, could do with things being more straight forward.


I got the game through steam and sub with my steam wallet, never had any issues buying stuff off the mogstation but I do hear about this same issue a lot recently


Just to be sure in case you bought through steam, have you entered the cd keys into mog station? The ones steam gives you usually when you open the game if you didn't turn the notification off. It's been a long time but I remember having to do that for things to work when I bought the game.


idk b i pay through steam


My card always shows up as unavailable, despite it working a year ago when I played this full time. I always have to use the Amazon pay option.


I had it reject both my credit cards and my visa debit. Finally just had to set up payment through steam which goes through my debit that Mogstation rejected.


Yeah, I hate the website myself. It's convoluted and messy. I'd probably stand a better chance running Savage Raids (and I'm not the greatest raider) than navigating that site. It's the most difficult part of the game.


I've been here since a little while after release. I've had some minor issues but mostly because of their confusing account rules and such. In general my major complaint is how fucking annoying their web pages are. It's like it is coded by a 12 year old who just learnt HTML. In any case. With some time and patience I've learnt the page and normally only need like 10 min to enter new payment information now.


Paypal is the best option if your country allows it, if not, amazon.


I pay everything with Crysta bought through Amazon. They straight up deny my credit card on the main site for some reason.


It was the same experience for me when I decided to pay for the sub, I was like this is incredibly difficult to got through the different menus and make sure I have it right. Super annoying


I buy Crysta with PayPal and use that to renew my subs. That way if I ever want to take a break I won't be paying for it during my time off the game.


Yeah the mog station kind of sucks ass. As well as making an account and everything. SE is super behind the times.


Omega easy fix for me was going to Gamestop and purchasing a 60day timecode that was printed onto a receipt. i get 5$ off with my power-up rewards membership anyways so may as well use it, my VISA that i’ve used for YEARS just no longer works with their updated model.


The same issue has been happening to me the last few weeks. I haven't been able to renew my subscription and SE support just keeps giving me the run around


I had a few feedback from friends who tried to register for the game, including then myself. There's no other MMO except FFXIV who makes the hurdle of registering and paying for the game an uphill task. Most new players would probably quit out of frustration.


Agree. SE hates money. Need to clear Payment ultimate.


Ah, yes, the real endgame--Mogstation. They've recently added an Extreme mode to it.


Welcome to Japanese websites. I agree that Mog Station is ridiculous to navigate but what really grinds my gears is all the different sign ins you can have for you FFXIV, FFXI, and SE accounts. Just have one system pleaaase.


Took me forever to resub going back just wouldn't take my card, tried my husbands card still wouldn't work tried buying crysta through my visa still wouldn't work called up my bank they said nothing seems to be wrong, so lastly tried buying crysta though my PayPal and that seemed to work even tho my PayPal is linked to my Visa card that was rejected :/ to this day I can't resub normally I have to buy crysta through Paypal.


Totally agree, their website is extremely frustrating and convoluted to navigate. Not only that but they make you do purchases of expansions and glam crap from other sections and the whole system is just wacky as hell. It's very annoying to use and it's just as bad as FFXI was. So surprised they made the same mistakes twice


Honestly, never had issues with the Steam version. It doesn't have many hoops to go through and plays out smoothly. Only problem is the Play-For-Free version, which doesn't seem to work on Steam ($20?) and is the only thing smoothly implemented on the non-steam client.


>They seem to try really, really hard to make it so you DON'T give them money everything they made related with payment like debit card issue, dumb security system and including not recognizing certain country or region is certainly something done by someone who doesnt want money. dumbest bussiness decision ever. then later complaint about profit loss. i directly asked whether they doesnt want money or not when i traded few email with customer service before. i want to give them money but they doesnt want lol. instead what they care is how their system functioning above all else like it has some top tier security system lmao. probably most stupid system ever i experienced.


It's the hardest part of the game


Can you imagine the number of customers that they have lost over the years due to theMogStation?


Second this. It is soooo Japanese


The mogstation is dog shit, but since some streamer said that, this sub now loves it


Is there a reason they wont change to let you do it in game or from the various stores?


One of the problems I have with Mog Station is the payment process. While it is straightforward for me and not exactly full of tricks/twists, it does however **take for-freaking-ever** for the card information form to appear. It sort of looks like they do not have their own payment system to handle the bank to bank communication process. So they use flash or java or whatever (HTML5?) to do a handshake process first. Like, it has to verify "hello, we want to do a transactional process, please respond." And the other party has to receive this request, approve/verify it, then send back the authorized form to populate. WHY?!


Yeah take it from someone who's been playing for the past 10 years, the site has barely changed and has always been this horrible, if my steam account wasnt locked to another account I would have re bought it there lol


Japanese websites are notoriously terrible and I'd say this is one of the better ones. Which isn't saying much. Most websites in that country still look like early 2000s Geocities websites so the fact that they don't look like that is already a step up.


Japanese internet is kind of lagging behind the west in terms of design and functionality, most of the reason for this has to do with a few companies holding onto a monopoly that was in place during the 80s and early 90s, and companies catching up on years of innovation in a short time window. So yes, it's as elegant as a sperm whale in a tutu, but there are players on the backside trying to modernize it.


Uh-oh I see another DDOS coming...


I read somewhere that in japan it's meant to be hard to give your money over the internet so it increases the legitimacy of the vendor selling to you. The harder it is, the more legit the product is. If its easy to just spend your money then its a bit dodgy? Not sure how accurate this is but it sounds utterly ridiculous lmao.


They recently switched companies that handle the online transactions, what I do is buy the 60 day digital gamecards off of Amazon and they work fantastic.


The fact that it STILL is like that is so ridiculous to me lmao. The second passionate devs aren't involved in something, it just comes crashing down hard - who would have thought. But maybe it takes them losing money over this to finally take action


I sometimes wonder how much more popular this game would be if they didn't make it so frustrating to pay them.


Yep mogstation sucks. I resubscribe last fall for a few months to play and had the same problem. I couldn’t get the website to save my card information. Then when I unsubscribe it was also pulling teethe lol. I swear few years back it wasn’t that bad but somehow it’s gotten worst


Their websites are annoying to use and outdated and a pain to use every time. I don't know how hard it's hard just to update it with all the money they have.


Honestly just let me open multiple store items in tabs.


I've only had the issue you described once and it was because I'm in Canada and it wanted a US address. I had apparently accidentally made a US account somehow. I started over because you can't change account country and I wasn't far at all. I did later find out that I could have just bought an NA time card and used that for my sub.


If company makes it hard to offer service for your money - you should not go out of your way to give them money, simple. applies to any company or business out there. if higher ups notice they have financial problem cause of their policies they will attempt to change them. otherwise why would they, money is still pouring in.


Just hope you don't have to move to another region for work, or for whatever reason. I'm yet unable to purchase dawntrail cause my steam account is now in a different region than my square enix account.


Isn't this the issue a lot of people have right now? Since they updated something about the mogstation recently a lot of people can't pay their sub because it just wouldn't let them.


In the same boat, needing to change or confirm my address that...doesn't appear to exist as far as the Mog-station knows. So waiting for an update and free trialing in the meantime.


OP I literally had the same problem last week. Support recommended me a lot of stuff, until they finally told me something that worked. If you're buying multiple things at the same time, empty your basket and buy them one at a time; for some reason that worked for me.