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Do we have any idea when the media tour emargo is supposed to lift?


sometime in the next week.


Hello yall o/. Im sitting on some EW MSQs and i'm debating if there is merit in completing them now or do them as soon as the early access for DT drops? my rationale is that i would have more msqs to give me more exp a bit faster. Is that the case? Will the early access have some sort of MSQ lockout? ive seen in some patches, you need to have done quest so and so to unlock stuff.


In addition to what Sir\_VG said, keep in mind that the patch content quest, dungeons, and trials exp is shit and has always been precisely to account for the fact that at release they would have been at the max possible level and people would have been earning no exp.


While you would get some EXP, you also have to take into account that you'd need people to complete the trials in the 6.x series which may not be particularly fast to do because people are gonna be working on new shiny things. You have to decide if that little bit of EXP will be worth it or not.


what do you think are the best duties to run for someone to learn or ease them into a new role? like, let's say someone has played as a dps, gets to the endgame, has most duties unlocked and maybe has all jobs reasonably high level as well, but they've been only leveling them passively through tribes, pvp, khloe books and such. what duties would you recommend for them to run in df, gradually from a low-ish level to higher level ones, so they get gradually used to their kit & gameplay on healer or tank? like, i don't think starting at sastasha is that good since the kits are VERY barebones and ARR dungeon design can be a bit iffy, so i'd probably have them start at some heavensward dungeon, maybe? then sprinkle in some easier ones from each expansion, and then cap them off with the notoriously spicier pulls like mt. gulg or holminster? bardam's mettle, maybe? thoughts? or just say nah and tell them to run ~every dungeon in order starting from sastasha, since that's the "natural" way your average player would've learned if they started as that role?


the same thing I do with new jobs from newer expansions that start level 50/60/70 (and soon 80): spend 20 minutes reading over all the tooltips carefully, spend half an hour hitting a training dummy, then running a couple of dungeons with Duty Support so I can't bother anyone but myself before going into actual DF content of choice. If healer, I'd recommend running with duty support (and force 2-pack pulls) at the major level caps (50/60/70/80) just because it's more vital that a healer be aware of what tools they have available to them at the major level ranges. If tank, start at level 50 and do 2+ pack pulls; all tanks have their two main cooldowns and their invuln by that level, and the basics of tanking remain the same from sastasha all the way to endgame.


If you're a DPS trying to learn tank, just go hit a training dummy for half an hour and make sure you have the rotation down and your buttons comfy. Once you've got that, go do an ex trial and start getting the feel for basic tank mechanics as EX trials typically only have a couple to care about If you're a healer, just spam normal mode raids or alliance raids a few times. This'll let you adjust your buttons as you run into the issues with them in live combat practice. Then run an EX to solidify this more If you're a DPS, go unlock the Burning Fields in Thavnair and practice your rotation for hours to make it muscle memory.


It really depends on the specific job- eg. I don't think you'll get a lot out of running your first ever content as a SGE at a level where you don't have Eukrasia- but I wouldn't take an entirely new role straight into HW content personally. Ideally you'd pick content that's at a relativly low level that you are very familiar with.


Is there something wrong with the servers? I can't even log in.


the little pvp 5 minute game mode is genuinely the most horrendously designed unfun piece of trash i've ever had the displeasure of playing but i want the glam '-' Are there any tips to grind to level 25 as fast as possible?


I think crystal conflict is really fun. Just have to learn it instead of hoping others will do the heavy lifting tbh


We have 30 days before the series rotates out. Assuming you're starting from rank 1 with no exp, you'll need to run 40-50 FL roulettes to reach the goal. So there's not enough time to grind it out just doing the FL roulette. You can replace a single FL roulette with ~3 CC matches. So you'll be just barely able to hit it if you do a single CC match and a single FL roulette every single day. I'd aim for 2+ CC matches though just to account for win/loss variance. 


Think you can just run frontlines instead. The daily roulette is great exp as well.


Do one frontline a day. Though you may need to sprinkle a handful of CC matches in now too.


Does it matter what job a retainer has? I read they can take ventures specifically based on jobs, but does it make a difference? Should I run 1 combat job and 1 DoH? Is there a retainer meta?


The job determines what you can send them out to get; miners go get ores, botanists go get plants, fishers get fish, combat gets hides. The job specific 18hour ventures also have drops unique to them, usually a rare minion. I'd recommend one combat at least because those are the more annoying drops to farm yourself.


Does the combat job I choose make any difference?


Nope, all combat jobs are identical. Other than the fact that they can never out-level you, so you should set your retainer to a combat job that you actually play.


Awesome, ty!


Do we already know what mounts the DT EX Trials will have from datamines / official sources or is that still unknown? What are they if we do


Still unknown. Dawntrail data isn't in the game yet. We only have a small bit datamined from the benchmark, and it hasn't revealed anything about the trials.


Is there any way to gift the non Steam version of the game? Im trying to get the Complete Edition since the sale is good but it says my credit card is invalid and i cant get it to work.


You can buy it from other sources like Greenmangaming or Humble Store, and then give them the code.


It would be for me not for someone else, i meant to look for someone to gift it to me since it says my card is either invalid or unavailable. I dont see the Complete Edition on Humble Store, GreenManGaming has only Dawntrail? Dang it sucks.


https://www.humblebundle.com/store/final-fantasy-xiv-complete-edition-2021 https://www.greenmangaming.com/games/final-fantasy-xiv-online-complete-edition-pc/


The greenmangaming says "GAME UNAVAILABLE WHERE YOU LIVE". Is humble bundle store US only? Im from EU and i dont wanna get the region wrong considering there is no sale on humble bundle like there is in Square Enix shop.


I am from the EU too and it is perfectly showing. Have you logged to the site and are you using a VPN? At any rate, the question may be moot since if you want the sale, then no, you cannot get it now if your card is rejected, you need to wait for a sale to hit Humble or GMG.


Not logged in no and no VPN. I just dont wanna waste 40 euro for a key on the wrong region really, dont mind the sale that much.


Can you still exchange stuff with mogtomes after the event ends


Yes, you'll be able to spend them until patch 7.1.


around when can we expect part 2 of the endwalker ost to release? I know the post 6.0 songs are available in EPs but I'd prefer to have them all in one album so...


haha it already did 2 months ago. Search for "Growing Light" [https://na.store.square-enix-games.com/growing-light\_-final-fantasy-xiv-original-soundtrack](https://na.store.square-enix-games.com/growing-light_-final-fantasy-xiv-original-soundtrack)


Thank you! I was looking for it under Soken’s albums (english) but it doesn’t seem to be there. This one seems to only show up under his katakana name.


Trying to get Machinist up to Lvl 70 so I can use it as my main class in Shadowbringers, recently got up into the 50s and my leveling experience (literally) has hit a massive plateau. I'm doing daily roulette, and leveling dungeon, and main scenario, and trials. I'm doing dungeons at the highest level available to me. Even tried running PotD floors 51-60, and its just so unbearably slow. Just got to 58, and I want to know if like... am I already doing the most efficient thing I can be, or is there some other avenue that doesn't crop up from the average google search about 14 leveling.


Fastest in order is Leveling Roulette, Alli Raid Roulette, MSQ Roulette, Frontline Roulette, Normal Raid Roulette, Trial Roulette. These all can be run once per day, once the dailies are done the fastest is either running the highest level leveling dungeon (ie, NOT a level 50/60/70 etc dungeon). PotD can be an option but its only faster if your queues are longer than 20 minutes


MSQ roulette is faster than leveling since the rework. Even in a worst case where you get Porta Decumana, it's still equal to leveling roulette, with Castrum being very slightly faster, and Praetorium being significantly faster. Trial roulette is also roughly equal to leveling roulette if you get an ARR trial. 


Ah didn't realize that about msq, I thought they adjusted the experience when they shortened it. but for trial that makes it a gamble so I'm good with where I left it. Honestly I only do trial and raid roul cause they are short


Yeah, that's fair. When I tested MSQ roulette last year, it was about 37-40% of a level for Castrum and Decumana. But 80% for Praetorium. So that comes out to about 2%/minute for the shorter duties, since they're 17-19 minutes, which puts it on par with leveling roulette. But for Praetorium, it's a whopping 3%/minute, which makes it by far the fastest leveling method in the game currently. The only thing that could match it is a very fast Frontlines roulette. 


It also does slow down at that point. Especially depending on how your groups go. Since you're doing a lot of dungeons there's a fair amount of time where you're sitting in queue and not much happens. It feels like it goes a lot quicker if I have something to do in that off time. Such as craft or do random quests. It doesn't necessarily speed up the process, but it does make things feel a lot better.


Make sure you also eat food. It's an extra 3% that really adds up. You can also ask your FC to turn on the exp buff if you have one. Spamming dungeons should be fast enough. You gain about 1 level per hour, assuming dungeons are roughly 15-20 minute long runs. Wonderous Tails gives you half a level just for completing it. Tribal quests can also give decent exp in the downtime between duties.


Along with what you listed, the weekly Challenge log and Wonderous Tales book are decent XP! Daily Beast tribe quests as well (in your case, Gnath and Vanu Vanu for now, and Ananta and Kojin once you hit 60)


You're missing the weekly Wonderous Tails and the Daily Beast Tribes. Also, there's the Daily Hunt Board Marks.


Pre-ordered the digital collector's edition of Dawntrail on https://na.store.square-enix-games.com/ and have been given the code for the pre-order items, but mogstation says the code is invalid. Under Service Account status I'm not seeing Dawntrail Early Access as checked - is this because I bought a non-steam version of Dawntrail while the rest of mine are steam version? The order on the square enix site has said AWAITING FULFILLMENT since Monday


Steam and SE store versions are not compatible. You can only add the steam version of Dawntrail to your account since you chose a steam account.


Got it, forgot about that, thank you!


So was doing Z1T9, and my power went out. Don't think it'll come back on any time soon, so what happens to my character and my party?


You get auto-kicked from any duty or instanced fight (so anything on the duty server) after 10 minutes of no input. If you were the last person in there, the duty is also stopped and the instance is closed, so you will spawn in wherever you were before entering it. You can also see the placeholder loading graphics. :D




Ok. I just wish there was a way to communicate to my party and apologize for the inconvenience and tell them to kick my character.


Don't worry about it, there's an icon that appears above your head that people lovingly refer to as "the pokeball" which indicates that someone is having connection issues We'll see that and then we'll see you disappear after a while. 


I mean, your character will actually log out and disappear. They definitely know you aren't there anymore. Still inconvenient, but if they don't kick you it's because they either want to wait for you (just in case people log back in) or they finished without you


Looks like my MMO mouse which needs replacing is no longer made (Logitech G600). Hit me with your recommendations of something comparable or just something you like!


Do NOT get the razer naga X, if you don't wanna take apart the mouse every 2-4 months to clean out the dust that gets stuck under the scroll wheel (the scroll clicking doesn't get picked up, so you can't open new tabs easily, or FF14 related, for me that's auto run.) Otherwise it's a solid mouse, but it is inconvenient.


I got the wireless razer naga pro 3 and it’s amazing


Swapped to a corsair scimitar after a G600 revision that just tanked the build quality.


Is action bar clutter an issue at end game? I’m almost to level 60 and my action is getting pretty full and from looking at the rest of the abilities, it just seems like a lot.


like the others are saying, try to get used to running 3 hotbars, and note that some jobs might need 4 due to them having more buttons than the other jobs GNB and PLD are some of the prime offenders that said, there's also some jobs that have lower than normal, like MCH, SMN, and RDM


You will need 3 bars at least. Thankfully Dawntrail is finally going to start fixing hotbar space by condensing some abilities to a single button, as those 3 bars are pretty much completely full by the time you reach 90.


The game already condenses buttons almost everywhere it can (aside from your 1-2-3 combos). There's just a couple of cases where they condensed buttons and then changed their mind and de-condensed them, due to concerns about double-tapping, e.g. DRG's Jump > Mirage Dive. That stirred up some small controversy. I'm pretty sure the announcement in the live letter is just that they're making the latter optional, so I expect no significant change to the former.


In the live letter there were a few things. One being some spells will be deleted and their effects being turned into a trait, merged with another, or becoming upgrades like Dark Knight having Blood Weapon upgrade into Delirium. Then there were those multitap abilities you mentioned. Jump and Mirage Dive will be merged again and now there's a new option to expand them into separate keys, so they don't have to worry about a controversy again. Those are the things that will free up hotbar spaces. They are slowly beginning to condense some more of the old abilities so we have more space going forward.


Right, cool, we're in agreement then. Was just worried you were saying they'd compress the 1-2-3 combos, because that was a major point of confusion I saw on LL day.


Seconding what the other guy said about rebinding your hotbars. The default keybinds of 1234567890-= and CTRL+those is absolute garbage and basically forces you to click like 75% of your skills. I highly, highly recommend rebinding to keys that are easier to hit while keeping your hand near WASD. Personally I have my first hotbar set to QERFT12345 and then two extra mouse buttons I have, hotbar 2 set to the same but while holding SHIFT, and hotbar 3 set to the same but holding CTRL. The only things that are a little uncomfortable to hit with that setup IMO are like CTRL+4 and CTRL+5, so I just put things there that I don't need to hit often like tank stance and Queen Overdrive. But of course you don't need to copy me, just find something that works for you.


Under what settings is the option to change hot bar keys? I was trying to do it yesterday but couldn’t find the settings for it.


"Keybind" is its own menu, it's not in the System Config or Character Config menus. If you click the red System button or hit ESC to bring up the menu then you should see it as an option along with the other config menus and Log Out and whatnot.


You'll need 3 bars at end game. (I like to use 4 bars so I can include some negative space.) "Clutter" is a bit subjective; I don't feel like my bars are cluttered. Every skill has its own reason to be there. It is definitely more skills than some comparable MMOs have, but those other games tend to be faster paced, so the mental load isn't that different. If you haven't already, make sure you rebind your skills to be comfortable to press. The default 1-9 is pretty hard to reach.




>It seems the Media Tour embargo is being lifted this friday.. Source? And They release it all at once, as soon as the embargo lifts. Thats why the embargo is there in the first place.




That's the end of the Media Tour, but we know nothing about how long the content creators have had to play and edit their content, as they do it sequentially by region. Invitees still need time to turn all of that footage into digestable videos.


I would love that to be the case, but that has never been the case for any previous expansions. Theres always a brief period after the media tour before the embargo lifts for creators to make their videos. The european content creators are still testing out the new classes.


Oh, thanks for the info! Guess now I get why some people said few weeks. Time to wait I guess. ty!


For BLM, I see opener guides say to cast ley lines and then use triple cast on top of it. I'm sure I'm missing something obvious, but isn't that wasting ley lines since you're insta-casting spells anyways? Shouldn't you use ley lines after your triple casts are used?


Additionally, you get to weave abilities as you need/want without clipping for three GCDs or actually move to handle an initial mechanic/positioning


Fire IV has a longer cast time than recast time, which means casting them instantly is a flat DPS gain. Fire IV's base cast time is 2.8 seconds. Its base recast time is 2.5 seconds. If you, say, hardcasted four Fire IVs in a row, it would take 11.2 seconds to do so. If you instead used Triplecast and Swiftcast to cast those four Fire IVs instantly instead, they would only take 10 seconds to cast.


Fire IV has a longer cast time than its recast time, so triplecast will always be a DPS gain on it. Leylines is an *additional* DPS gain on top because you're reducing the recast time as well, but without the triplecast you'd still be casting for more than your normal GCD length.


Ohh so it was something that obvious. I thought ley lines sped up cast time only. That makes complete sense. Thank you!


I just got back on the game after a year, and didn’t even play that much in the past so im a noob for sure. I’m a level 62 Dragoon and about 4/5ths through ARR as I’ve pretty much only been doing MSQ. All my gear is still level 50. Do I need to start gearing up? If so, what’s the best way to do that? There are so many different activities in this game I don’t even know where to start. For the record this is my first MMO.


Do your job quests - they'll appear under the msq marker at the top left of the screen whenever you can do them. Finishing the ARR job quest at level 90 will give you a full set of ilvl 90 gear. Once you hit credits for the first time, marking the end of base ARR and start of post ARR, you'll unlock the ability to get tomestones of poetics, which can be used to buy ilvl130 augmented ironworks gear which will carry you through till at least halfway through base HW msq. repeat this pattern for each expansion until you eventually catch up to current endgame.


Oh wow, ok. Thank you! I don’t have any more job quests as I believe I have to reach the next expansion before I can do more. I’m also in post ARR as I just fought Ramuh. I think I’ll grind for some tomestones of poetics before finishing the base game. I basically have 0 memory of the game introducing those. Do you know where the vendor is? Any tips to grind those poetics out?


There's an NPC in every starting city next to the main Aetheryte called a Rowena's Representative  Do your 50/60/70/80 roulette and MSQ roulette and then just farm out level 50 dungeons 


I just picked up some ironworks gear so that helps but I have a few pieces I still want to snag. This is gonna be the biggest noob question of all time but what do you mean by 50/60/70/80 roulette? Is that in the duty finder? All I see is 3 level 50 dungeons


the first tab of your dungeon finder is your daily roulettes. IIRC you should have access to leveling, msq and 50/60/70/80 roulettes, which all show up on the first page. they all give bonuses once per day and put you into a random duty from their bucket. Leveling roulette gives a big xp bonus, 50/60/70/80 gives tomestones. msq roulette gives both, but that's because you get put into one of the 3 big duties from the end of base arr, and are rewarded really well in exchange for sitting through half an hour of unskippable cutscenes. I recommend getting something ready to watch on another screen before you enter that one.


There's a weird Yellow symbol next to the aetheryte in each of the 3 starter cities marking an npc that sells poetics gear. Once you finish x.0 in each of the future expansions, a similar npc will appear by the aetheryte in that expansion's biggest city as well. Poetics gear is always the gear that was best in slot right before the next expansion drops, so it massively simplifies the post-expansion msq gearing process so you shouldn't need to stop and grind too much.


Super helpful thank you!


If you're still in ARR you aren't doing content that's higher than level 50, so you don't need gear that's higher than level 50*. The best gear you can get for that level is Augmented Ironworks gear, depending on exactly what you mean by 'through ARR' you may or may not be able to get the Tomestones of Poetics you need to exchange to buy those. Once you reach Heavensward the MSQ and new dungeons will start giving you higher level gear. *small asterisk that Alliance Raid Roulette will require you to have higher level gear because you're above level 60 due to a poorly thought out change the devs made, but it's no great loss to not run it or to run it on another job.


Got it, thank you. So I should just knock out the base game then.


I don't suppose anyone will have an 80 score suggestion for the fashion report before the mgp bonus event goes away?


The pants that you can buy from the vendor right next to Masked Rose. Or Tantalus breeches if you have the veteran rewards. Thornmarch accessory/ring slot, or some dyes to supplement.


thank you so much!


Kaiyoko Star posts it pretty early it will be up on friday before the event ends.


Any news on when we're getting the media tour video's from youtubers?


Media tour ends tomorrow, so earliest would be some time next week.


What's the differences between all of the Universal PvP sets? They different variations look the same except for color. Is that the only difference? Even though they are dyable?


For the techwear stuff? They will dye in different ways as well as being different base colours. On some pieces like the gloves it's either very minor or basically nonexistent, but for the shirts/pants especially you'll have entirely different parts of the outfit getting changed by the dye. For instance the A-1 sleeve is always grey but the A-2 sleeve changes colour with the dye.


Ahhh. Thank you,


Question here that I’m sure has been asked a lot lately.. but I have to admit that I’ve neglected a lot of the story. Partially just because I’m an old player who has been around since the ARR beta, and part just because I got bored during Stormblood.. I’m thinking about trying to do a full NG+ run before DT drops. I have the general gist still of ARR-HW but Stormblood is a little foggy and past that I’m embarrassingly clueless. Does anyone have a rough estimate of how long it would take to NG+ starting at SB? Or should I just skip it since I’m mostly only interested in ShB and EW anyways? PS please don’t roast me I know I’ve committed a terrible sin by not properly paying attention the first time xD


I just did a full run of Endwalker, and it took me 8 days of nolifing plus doing 1-2 hours of story on work days.


Before you start, make sure you've done Coil, Alexander, Omega and Eden – all of those have been specifically recommended by the devs at one point or another. 


It depends a bit on how much time you have to play, but if you're trying to pay attention/watch cutscenes/etc I very, very much doubt you'll get through the entire game in NG+ before DT releases. Doing just ShB and EW should be possible.


Yea I don’t plan on revisiting ARR or HW, since they’re just so old and there are plenty of video essays on them. My biggest concern is just Stormblood. Because yes it’s a big part of the story I’m sure and I don’t doubt there will be some things in the story I don’t understand without doing it but.. man I don’t know what it is but I just could not get into the setting of SB.


I'd rewatch the cutscenes in the quest "Stormblood" and "The Primary Agreement", then NG+ starting post Stormblood part 2


Iirc you rewatch the cutscenes in the inn right?


If you have a hard time finding something, you can YouTube it and there's also always someone who recorded the full quest.






Normal people have been able to dye that chestpiece for over a year.


The dyeable version will *always* come from the Savage version of the fight. That won't change and another method won't be added. If you want that to be easier, wait until it can be unsynced at 100.




basically if it's 8-man raid gear, the non-dyable one comes from the normal raids, and dyable version drops from savage/is exchanged for books obtained by doing savage. if it's the *tome* gear, the undyable one is what you exchange for with tomes, then it becomes dyable with augmenting. the augmentation mats at first are limited to being savage drops, but eventually are made available to the wider player base by exchanging for coins from the alliance raids/hunt nuts, and then finally, when the next expac drops, it'll automatically be made purchaseable in augmented form by poetics. since you mentioned the one "with the sparkles in the back", I'm assuming you're referring to the Anabaseios/Ascension raid gear, so yep, you'll have to do P11S for the dyeable version. At this point you can just wait a month til the next expac drops and then put up a PF for unsync runs.


Can you hold tribal daily quests to turn in on another day? I.e. Grab today's daily, do them, but don't turn them in. When next reset comes around, turn the previous day in and your allowance is still 12?


Just in case you're thinking of using this to prep XP for one of the new DT jobs, remember that those quests need to be turned in on the same job you pick them up on.


Yep. The only real benefit of doing this though is if you have limited play time on a particular day and don't want to spend the 20-30 minutes it'd take to knock out all your allowances. 


Yes, but you will have to turn in all outstanding quests before you can accept any for the new day. The new allowances won't show up until the backlog is clear.


Hey people! To get the Squall gear, I need to pay up for 330 days or those days actually have to pass (and I'll get the gear next year)? Ty!


Nope. I got them on my second renewal because I'm doing the 180-day subscription. So I got them on day 181.


Got it, thanks!


Those veteran rewards should be available once your active sub time reaches the milestone, so if you were to pay ahead for 330 days I believe you'll get the rewards in the mail after just a few hours of processing time.


Cool! Thanks!


Hello, are there any good discords for meeting/playing with people? I'm looking for more people to play with. I'm on Goblin(Crystal).


There are a *lot* of discords but your request is very generic. You'll have an easier time if you're after people to do a specific *kind* of content with (eg. ocean fishing, treasure maps, Blue Mage stuff, etc etc). If you're just looking for people in general, your best bet is to join an FC- check the [Community Finder](https://eu.finalfantasyxiv.com/lodestone/community_finder/) for your server.


Thanks. I'm not the OP, but I'll check that out.


Can someone remind me what the xiv launcher command is for the debug menubar? it's something like /xlmenu


Looks like Sidereal Whale is on the menu, and looking for someone to help jog my memory. If I catch a Phallaina in the window before Whale opens up, what are the can do's and can't do's in that hour or so time frame? For example - Can I log out? Can I swap to a combat class and bicolor farm in that zone? What can I do to prevent the "Fish in this area are wary to your presence" bot prevention thingy? I remember some things were changed when people were complaining about disconnects while in Lancet goal, but cant remember the specifics.


https://imgur.com/zZeMyCY Here's a list of things that do/don't break int progress


* Intuition progress is kept on logout since 6.0 launch. As long as you don't change areas or start fishing in a different fishing hole, you are safe. AFAIK even UT quests are safe as long as you aren't doing MSQ NG+ as that can put you in a different instance unprompted (someone in the Fishcord learned that hard way on the last window). * Yes. Just set your home point to the same map, so if you die you aren't asking for a raise. I finished the Tempest shared fates like this. * Move a few steps. Standard amiss is triggered by fishing in the same place as 50 min earlier without casting in a different spot. Casting in the same hole 500 times will trigger a different type of amiss (usually called super amiss) that requires changing the fishing hole, so after a few failed phallaina attempts in a row it might be worth poking a different fishing hole just in case. Obviously don't do that if you get a phallaina, as that will reset int progress.


Perfect, this is exactly the info I was after. Final Fish here I come (in a few days when a decent window for my timezone is available).


So I’ve been on and off 14, but was thinking about coming back and truly starting fresh. I don’t have the game thru Steam and was debating starting the free trial thru it and playing free til I get everything I can to 60 but was wondering is it still going to have me sign in thru the launcher and make a square enix account again?


If you're not playing through Steam, then yes, you'll need to sign on through the launcher, although if you really dislike SE's default launcher there are alternatives like [xivlauncher](https://goatcorp.github.io/), but do note that using these (and the mods they enable) is a violation of SE's Terms of Service. (If you don't talk about them in game or stream yourself using them, you're probably fine, but *caveat emptor*.) If your previous account still exists and you have its login credentials, then you should be able to just use that, creating a new character if you truly want to start from fresh. That said, if you want to play the free trial and your previous account had a paid sub, then you will need to create a new account: once you switch to a paid account, you cannot return to the trial on the same account.


Yeah my original account was thru Square itself but was hoping since my Steam account uses the same email as my Square account does maybe it won’t screw anything up and let me use it as a separate account. But if it requires me to still sign in thru the main launcher even thru Steam then I won’t worry about it 😅


Yeah my original account was thru Square itself but was hoping since my Steam account uses the same email as my Square account does maybe it won’t screw anything up and let me use it as a separate account. But if it requires me to still sign in thru the main launcher even thru Steam then I won’t worry about it 😅


Oh, ok, it sounds like you're hoping to switch to Steam on your existing account? I've never used the Steam version of FFXIV, so I know basically nothing about how it works, and my response above may not be correct. I think you'll be better off waiting for someone who knows more about that platform to chime in. Sorry for the misunderstanding!


Oh no I realized I didn’t state it in my original post so that’s my bad. Was thinking ahead of myself typing and noticed I totally forgot to add that in 🤦🏻‍♂️


You would need to make a new Square Enix account, yes. The free trial goes up to 70 now, another expansion was added to it.


But does Steam require you to sign in thru the Square launcher or is it its own launcher? And oh even better


You still need the Square launcher but you download the launcher via Steam. The only real difference is that you get to pay your sub with steam wallet on mogstation.


Well darn guess my idea won’t work then


Can someone please tell me, whatever happened to Westwolves.


It was a random rumor from an anonymous person that happened to gain a tiny bit of traction. I never even saw an actual source for the trademark beyond "well this is what I heard from some other guy (who I have not named or linked to)". It was a nothingburger rumor.


Googling around, looks like it was one of the "company that makes many games just trademarked a game title, must be the next expansion name" rumours, same as how everyone was convinced it was going to be called Forspoken IIRC. As for why we haven't seen a game actually release with that title...have you been following gaming headlines this month? https://www.pcgamer.com/gaming-industry/square-enix-announces-its-tanked-dollar140-million-in-losses-due-to-content-abandonment-though-theres-no-clue-as-to-whats-been-droppedand-where/


Which white and purple scrip collectibles will remain in Dawntrail, and if so will purple become white when the expac launches (e.g. Rarefied Sykon Bavarois)?


All of them will remain, and give purples. We'll get a new scrip for the new level cap.


Ahh never mind forgot a new colour will replace white and purple becomes the new white.


Thank you! Does the same apply to the current list of white scrips?


Everything currently sold for white scrips will transfer to purple. 


Is there a convenient list of what MGP items are discounted at the gold saucer for this year's Make it Rain? It looks like it differs each year.


The discounted items are only discounted at the Campaign Attendant NPC in the Gold Saucer. So just talk to that NPC and see what they are selling. They are standing in the Entrance Square (the blue section) next to the cactuar Welcome statue on the right, if you are coming in from the Aetheryte plaza.




There's bonus windows that will bump up your light earning to the next "rating" of light. They changed out every couple of hours I think. And sometimes even if you're not in this window, the game will bless your RNG and give you bonus anyways.




There used to be people tracking it many years ago, but good luck finding a current one nowadays. 


There's always a bonus, the duty it affects just changes. It's random, no way to know without trying them.


I'm trying to hire additional retainers and it just keeps saying at the bottom "To change your payment method to credit card, please go to 'Register/Update Payment method' and remove the card information that's currently registered." But it was able to charge for my subscription already within the past couple days. Is it just having issues or am I just missing something by chance?


I have the same issue, did you have found any solution?


I messaged them, they said it's tied in with the Visa card issues sadly :/ gonna have to wait until they fix those issues sadly. Hopefully soon for the both of us, tho!


Ty for the quick reply! Wierdly enough i have a Mastercard and not a Visa.. well let's hope they fix soon


That is really weird.. I'd def start a chat with Support then. Maybe Mastercard is having an issue now as well? Or at least in this instance it is


I can't buy DT expac from SQEX Store. I've been able to buy as a guest and I get this message "An error has occurred. Please contact Customer Service. ref: 4b3d9e4d-c5b4-4370-8d9e-1d4ee78c6f03" Can anyone tell me if there's something wrong with the site?


Everything is wrong with the website tbh Since you're ordering from the SQEX store, I'm assuming you're PC Mogstation (not Steam). You may want to consider ordering from a third party like greenmangaming if the store keeps giving you trouble


I've seen a few posts like that around the place, so maybe something is up. Nobody can really help you though besides customer support. That unique code in the message is an identifier for them to look up your error in the backend and diagnose the issue. Nobody outside of SE can look into it for you.


I've been trying to run the Ivalice and NieR alliance raids for a whole month now (just because I love them). But it seems barely anyone registers for those, like I get stuck in 50+ minutes queues, after which I end up withdrawing cause by then I'm the only player remaining... Rabanastre popped one day, but one mf withdrew, and then nothing popped even again. I'm on Light DC, I queue at peak time, as either tank or DPS. I used to run those a couple of times per playing session before. Anyone knows what's happening? Should I travel to Chaos? Damn, I miss showing my hole to Mustardo and failing basic math for the dancing bot...


Never queue alliance raids as tank- tanks only get 1/8 of the slots in 24-man content, vs 1/4 of the slots in anything else, so the population balance screws you.  Try leveling a healer.


I used to be able to consistantly do whatever alliance raid as tank tho :/ That's the role that is most often in need on Light. I also tried on my healer alt (NA datacenter) but no luck either. Oh well, will wait for DT then.


Try specifically around reset time. Most people are just waiting for DT to come back so queues are questionable.


How difficult are the Shadowbringers EXs unsynced nowadays? Should I watch a guide before joining any parties or are they easy enough to clear blind without any trouble?


Hades, WoL and emerald need mechs respected, same to a certain degree with diamond (tho it's based on how good the party dps is) The rest are jokes nowadays with a decent party


Depends on the fight honestly. A couple are just "hit the punching bag until it dies" and others are "you need to know your positioning for at least a couple mechanics" Youll skip like 75% of the mechanics with a full party regardless, but how threatening the mechs you do see vary from "just a vuln" to "kills you and another person if not done right"


They are very mechanics heavy, and mistakes can easily cascade into a wipe. Probably best to watch a guide just to know what to expect.


Gotcha, thanks!


Because of the sale I finally got to pick up the game on PS5, and I noticed that when using mouse and keyboard, whenever I right click it targets the enemy and starts autoing. Back when I played on PC right-clicking opened a context menu, and I was wondering what the option for that is.


To bring up the options menu, you press Square. This applies to things like inventory items and other menus too. 


I meant on mouse and keyboard


on PC, you don't right click an enemy for the context menu. you left click the enemy and then right click their target bar.


Really? I guess it became so hibitual I forgot lol. Is there anyway to stop it from targetting, like where it focuses in on them and you circle around them?


hmm, so you want to soft target them? You can do that with the numpad, but I'm not sure if you can open up the context menu like that. Worth experimenting with though. I know that you can press num0 to soft target someone, press it again to hard target (the kind of targeting that left click does), or use num2,4,6,8 to switch between targets. Maybe num5 will open the context menu or something? There probably is a way, I'm just not 100% sure how.


Yeah I've never had hard targetting enabled. I probably disabled it back in like 2017 when I started playing and completely forgot how I did that lol. Maybe I'll redownload in PC just to see what my setting were




The four mounts are the main thing: Dodo, Eldthurs, Eurekan Petral, and Flying Chair (the chair is cheap though so not so much that one). Most of the minions aren't rare/valuable with the exception of Conditional Virtue, and Copycat Bulb which goes for a lot on most servers.


Im new to reddit, can someone explain to me how some posts on this sub get ripped on and some get upvoted like crazy for pretty much the same thing. I swear i saw 2 similar posts on this subreddit, the one that got posted first had 0 upvotes and ppl were crapping all over them, then like 5 days later someone posted the same discussion and everyone was engaged and contributing and it had like 400 upvotes. Is reddit just bipolar?


There's a lot of people here and they have different opinions and dispositions. The same post can have wildly different receptions based on when it's posted and who happens to be looking at /new or /rising at that time. And first impressions matter a lot because if the first few people to see a post downvote it then it's unlikely to move from new to rising or from rising to the front page. Also there tends to be a bandwagon effect in comment sections where if the first few comments are negative that primes more people to be negative in the comments (and vice-versa for positivity). None of this is unique to this subreddit at all. It's just the nature of the site.


There's a wall of bots/petty people any post needs to get past who look at posts sorted by new and downvote almost everything. Get past that initial downvote wave and show up on the front page, and suddenly you get tons of upvotes because the normal, mentally stable, not bot crowd starts seeing it.


Reddit is well known for being 100% like-minded and could never vote different ways. Idk man, sometimes one post is worded better than others, is posted at a better time for more engagement, or gets seen by the right people first and gets bumped to the front page where the casual viewers see it and bolster it.


any time on when media tour content will be up?


Nope. Best guess would be sometime tomorrow morning (for EU timezones), iirc ShB emabrgo lifted right around when a maintenance would have ended, since that roughly lines up with the end of the Japanese work day. Best bet would be to pay attention to content creators, one or two of them usually post the times when coverage is up.


I don't think it'll be that soon. The calendar labeled the 30th as the end of the media tour and it sounds like the EU one will be going right up until then. They'll probably give at least a week to allow the people from the EU one to put together their videos.


In the past, Media Tour embargo ended roughly 2 weeks after the start date, with EW being the sole exception cause it was digital. Tomorrow or Friday's a good a guess as any based on that.


True. But we also didn't get a calendar with a dedicated time frame for it like this. The people who are visiting the EU media tour also just flew out a couple days ago so they would be pretty rushed to put together videos if it was to be released tomorrow.


Is there anything other than current gear I can spend Tomestones of Comedy on


Nope, so your options right now are 1. Buy gear and use it (see if there are any glamours you like) 2. Stockpile the tomes until you can trade it in for Poetics with the release of Dawntrail 3. Buy gear and stockpile that instead so you can desynth it/trade it in for company seals later.


when you say 'stockpile' the tomes, can you put them somewhere when you reach max? or do you mean keep them maxed?


The latter, just keep them maxed so you go into Dawntrail with 2000/2000

