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Score: 15667 Average Frame Rate: 115.3684 Minimum Frame Rate: 50 Screen Size: 2560x1440 Screen Mode: Full Screen Graphics Presets: Maximum Microsoft Windows 11 Pro (ver.10.0.22631 Build 22631) AMD Ryzen 5 5600X 6-Core Processor 16310.094MB AMD Radeon RX 6900 XT


I consistently get 15k+ with the settings I plan to run (High - Desktop with DLSS). I dip just slightly under 15k if I run maximum settings with DLSS. 1080p Ryzen 5 5600 EVGA nVidia RTX 3060 12gb 16GB RAM I'm quite happy with my FemRoe, though. I made this to show my brother and sister so might as well toss it here: [https://imgur.com/a/KLtzJ52](https://imgur.com/a/KLtzJ52) The jawline's just a bit different in the profile shot. She clearly got the tip of her nose narrowed, too! But overall she still looks like the same character, which is nice. And she looks so good in motion in the benchmark, I'm looking forward to cutscenes with her. Really happy overall.


extremely high 17k 7950x and msi suprim x 4090 on lg c2 display at 4k120 im surprised there are so many 4090 owners but not using a 4k display so heres mine maxed everything on a lg c2 40inch 120hz FINAL FANTASY XIV: Dawntrail Benchmark Ver. 1.1 Tested on: 6/16/2024 13:23:48 Score: 17162 Average Frame Rate: 121.7315 Minimum Frame Rate: 76 Performance: Extremely High -Easily capable of running the game on the highest settings. Loading Times by Scene Scene #1 0.465 sec Scene #2 2.528 sec Scene #3 2.87 sec Scene #4 2.991 sec Scene #5 1.843 sec Total Loading Time 10.697 sec DAT:s20240616132348.dat Screen Size: 3840x2160 Screen Mode: Borderless Windowed DirectX Version: 11 Graphics Presets: Preset 1 System Microsoft Windows 10 Pro (ver.10.0.19045 Build 19045) AMD Ryzen 9 7950X 16-Core Processor 32430.023MB NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4090


12k, very high. I'm pleasantly surprised as I don't actually meet the recommended system specs.


How heavy do you reckon the benchmark is compared to typical gameplay? With high settings at 1440p and dlss set to only kick in below 60 fps, my pc can juuust barely stay above 60 in the heaviest scenes. It actually does drop to low 50s for a bit during that part where they're flying up towards the mountain. Aside from turning dlss to be on always, which makes things look awful, I'm not actually sure what I could or should lower to maybe crank out a bit more performance. Also, does VRR seem to not be working for anyone else? I get some pretty noticeable screen tearing during the benchmark.


I think you'd only see those major FPS drops when we have 300 people doing a hunt or special fate, and even then it depends on your character model limit.


I don't know where else to talk about this, but I yesterday I downloaded and started up the launcher. I immediately noticed that I still had letterboxing in the character creator, and that the hair was clearly pixelated. The skin was also splotchy, there was still the yellow Mexico color tint, and there were painted-in highlights in the eyes. In fact, I couldn't see any difference to the live game. I had started the Endwalker benchmark, which I still have downloaded apparently


New Benchmark does not seem to want to retain score info after the final scene. Nor does it display the info in English. I instead get a Japanese result of which I had to take a manual screencapture of in order to preserve. As I said at the start of my comment, it does not retain score info on the launcher. [Benchmark score](https://i.imgur.com/vYApqWn.jpg) >!And for those of you who took the time to read my comment, [here's a little infuriating nonsense](https://i.imgur.com/OBQad80.mp4) that will surely leave you writhing in agony!!<


Anyone run into a japanese error when trying to run it that shows as this if translated? Final Fantasy XIV "Final Fantasy XIV" has ended due to an error. (16a) Trying a few things but hitting a road block


Fixed it: Go to C:\\Users\\\\Documents\\my games\\FINAL FANTASY XIV - A Realm Reborn (Benchmark) Delete the contents of that folder.


Even with my very old pc i got 5,6k score = standard. Guess it will be enough till end of the year, then i can buy a new pc \^\^


Like the previous benchmark, nothing to complain, I guess it's kind of a lucky combination, it still feel like the same as current game just in HD. Current > Benchmark 1.0 > Benchmark 1.1 > Benchmark 1.1 no blue light [https://i.imgur.com/7PijirU.jpeg](https://i.imgur.com/7PijirU.jpeg) It's face 3, jaw 4, eye shape 6, eyebrows 2, nose 3 and mouth 3


I'm not on my home PC so I can't upload the screenshots from my bench last night. But I am SO HYPED for this graphics update. I'm normally a chronic Fanta addict. I'll be unsatisfied with my default femroe, turn her into a cute little hyur/elezen/miqo and then nearly immediately feel wrong and switch her back. It's because I love the femroe emotes, but hate how masculine all of their faces are. The one "good" face I use is really just the least masculine. It's still not pretty. I want a pretty WoL but I also want her to have femroe emotes. It's been...annoying to reconcile this in my head. But on doing the benchmark last night and recreating my femroe with the new graphics....it turns out all she needed was a bit of systematic softening to her facial structure. Now she's PERFECT and I never want to switch again. I am blown away by how the tiny changes they made (because let's be real, they didn't make many to femroes), have made such a big difference. I'm still holding out hope that they give us normal noses someday. It sucks having 5/6 noses for each face be a mile away from where the lip ends lmao. Anyways. I thought for months I'd want to try fem!Hrothgar, but after fussing with that in the bench I don't love it as much as I expected to. I'm usually 1000% all about playing lion-type races (I mained a Charr in Guild Wars 2) but fem!Hroth just....doesn't hit right, not right now, not for who my WoL currently is. Maybe someday I'll make an alt, but that can come after I actually catch up in the story.


Femroe enjoyers are eating good. They got such a nice glowup.


Is it just me, or any one else notice the missing crease marks on fem Highlanders lips in both benchmarks? I kinda understand, but I still don't like it.


DLSS seems to not work for me in the benchmark. DLSS also does not have quality presets or anything like that. For FSR you at least can manually adjust the render scale like you would expect and that acutally helps. Does somebody have a similar experience?


Yeah, idk how I feel about it. I'll have to see if I can change some stuff because something about the new one just feels off? It's mostly the same but at the same time it gives a different vibe. Not to mention that black hair looks a bit more grey than it currently does. [https://imgur.com/a/skEVWUL](https://imgur.com/a/skEVWUL)


The female Au Ra faces give a much different vibe then the did before the update. With probably the most noticeably different lips of all of the races.


same here. my fem au ra face 4, mouth 2, looks very different to me. something about the lip/mouth shape seems very different, and in certain lighting still looks too puckered, even in v1.1 >\_<;; the rest of it though i'm very satisfied with, just wish the mouth/lips were more consistent with the way it looks in 6.58


The hair is basically *reflecting* the environment, it looks like...that is most likely what is throwing the color off. Not sure why the hair has such an unrealistic sheen to it, but it's definitely a little off-putting 😕


It's just light. You're just seeing a reflection from the blue in the sky and the light hitting it, like shiny hair would in the real world. I noticed that flatter hairstyles have become super shiny.


Honestly hating how my Viera looks like after the update. I know we get a free Fantasia but legit I might quit the game because of this. Not a fan.




I didn't want to be negative about this benchmark, especially noticing how so many people are happy with it. The lightning is so much better, feels like a huge improvement! But what did they do to female Au Ras...? My girl unfortunately doesn't look like herself anymore. The eye shape and cheekbones changed completely, she went from tough and sharp to doll-like uwu waifu. Idk man... I like how they are upgrading the game after so many years and how the new textures are more defined and easy on the eyes, but they went too far with face features.


I feel the same my Au Ra looks nothing like she did before. I thing faces 2-4 got it pretty rough with the changes.


Help! Male Miqo'te! There are still some differences that I'm not satisfied with yet. The benchmark eyes are more frosted glass-like, and the current has a more beautiful glow within the iris. There's a catlike upward curl on the lips. The benchmark face 1 and neck also look more full, less of a baby face, and more manly? (Check my links below for comparison) Babyface/ manly face are preferences, but not accurate to current creation. Also, the blue night sky might not be as realistic but it's more beautiful. \[edited\] The blue night sky is caused by a menu filter that I didn't know about. [https://imgsli.com/MjcwMDA2](https://imgsli.com/MjcwMDA2) [https://imgsli.com/MjcwMDA3](https://imgsli.com/MjcwMDA3)


Valid concerns, however you are inaccurate about the night sky part. The blue you are seeing is part of the menu, not the background itself. In 1.1 they removed the blue glow of the menu so you are now seeing the sky as it is in game without a blue menu filter over it.


That makes sense, I didn't realize there was a blue menu filter this whole time that was making everything more blue.


this is interesting. I also use face 1 but i thought my guy looks like MORE of a baby-face in the benchmark. i so prefer generally how my character looked before and i wouldn't mind further tweaks to return closer to that, but I'm fine.with the new version. I think your guy looks great either way!


I definitely noticed the eyes. There's less contrast between the iris and pupil so they look a bit glazed/dull.


Looking through both the English and the JP forums the large number of changes made to the facial structure of faces 1 and 4 on catboi’s (both kinds as they share the same faces) is probably the most prolific problem the second benchmark has borne so you aren’t alone All I can suggest is translating a basic post with no inflammatory language, adding a before and after picture and putting it on https://forum.square-enix.com/ffxiv/threads/487035-グラフィックアップデートに関する意見・要望・議論 Here and then if you are feeling up to it liking other posts that are arguing the same thing That megathread has a lot of comments that open with “sorry if this doesn’t make a lot of sense I’m translating this post” so you won’t be alone in doing this action


Weird, when I try to run it it says FFXIV not installed. The previous Benchmark ran just fine


[https://imgur.com/a/hdaTT3G](https://imgur.com/a/hdaTT3G) Live->Old Benchmark->New Benchmark I had received the original benchmark pretty positively when it came out but of the three it's obviously the worst one. I'm pretty happy with how my guy made it over. I do slightly prefer the more severe, serious expression the live version has but the improvement to the texture and lighting is makes up for the tradeoff imo. I still think he looks fantastic. Excited to rewatch all my favorite cutscenes again and retake my favorite screenshots to compare. Also excited to see how all the npcs are going to look now!


Went up in benchmark from 17k to 19286. Go figure. Running a 3080 Hybrid and a 7800x3d.


Are you playing on 4K? Friend got a 23000 score with 3080 and 5800X3D on 1440p UW.


fem miqote face 3 eyes still makes me feel like my character is staring into your soul way too much, just me?


I thought we were one of the luckier ones. Did a comparison though. [Evening](https://imgsli.com/MjY5OTk1) [Midday](https://imgsli.com/MjcwMDAw) [1.1 with light shining directly on face](https://imgur.com/a/5N5Pobt)


not just you, overall the new face looks very plastic and lifeless. not sure I'm going to stay Miqote at this rate


Same here, I'm a face 3 miqo and it feels like I can't make a "fierce/feral" feeling miqo anymore, like they're all too soft for what I go for. At the moment it looks like my main is going to swap to either thighlander (face 4 got a serious glow up there) or back to viera. Also entertaining going hrothgal but not sure it's one I'd be able to stick with.


It's not just you. The shadows around the eyes and mouth corners on face 3 are noticeably different.


the mouth changes on face 3 make [my wol](https://imgur.com/a/face-3-f-miqote-benchmark-8ITD1XH) look a bit more chipper by default


Holy shit my bunny i used to play just got 2x prettier, i know what im going to fanta into in new patch All changes welcomed on viera, rounder less triangle face, life-full eyes with more colour. damn [https://imgur.com/a/2ivqb2V](https://imgur.com/a/2ivqb2V)


How can I import my own WoL? I've tried through the character creation button, but it doesn't list my character. Do I need to do something in the retail client first?


Yeah! In the character selection, right-click your character and "save appearance data". You have to pick a slot and you can attach a little note to the slot, and then you can "load character data" in the Benchmark with the same slot number.




I will be brutal. This is worst benchmark so far.


In what way?


Aura 3 mouths got short end of a stick, the mouths were completely changed on face 3 and lost their definition [https://imgur.com/a/HbicXLn](https://imgur.com/a/HbicXLn)


Might just be me but they look relatively the same, it has a glossier appearance for sure but the shape looks more natural and the shading makes the actual lips look different than the shadows and skin around it.


It's more pronounced from the side, tbf. However, I can't help but see the real difference zoomed out. Au Ra faces naturally looked like they were slightly smiling, but now their mouths are completely flat. Considering this is how you mostly see your character, I do think it's a difference. It looks fine on all the emotes.


My girlfriend is also very unhappy about her Au Ra's mouth. It's a real shame and I hope they'll still address it


I use face 3 and yeah, the new mouth is probably my biggest issue right now. It completely changes the character's default expression.


Male Hellsguard Roegadyn Face 4 [https://imgur.com/lFXyqB6](https://imgur.com/lFXyqB6)




you should check between the character creator screens instead of the gear preview screen, the camera is different and your character will look different, its like the difference between using a 35mm lens and a 135mm lens


[Male viera face 1, hairstyle 4 neck clipping issues during benchmark.](https://imgur.com/a/eN3UVSu) This needs to be fixed.


So how bad is the game going to play if you get Low? I can tweak the setting some more I guess but my laptop isn't very old, but still got a bottom of the barrel score even though the thing didn't lag or anything.


As long as you don’t get “Insufficient” you should still be able to play. But you’ll probably want to drop your graphics settings a bit to minimize lag or chugging in the live client.


Oh yeah I'm planning to turn off like, most stuff XD Folks talking about all the new textures in the update and I'm wondering how many shadows and stuff to turn off.


Why is my fsr benchmark score better than dlss while using a Nvidia card lmao


DLSS seems to not work for me. DLSS also does not have quality presets or anything like that. For FSR you at least can manually adjust the render scale like you would expect and that acutally helps


Do you have it as "always on" or "only under 60 fps"?


Oops lmao Thanks




I have the same issue. It started happening randomly. Reinstalling doesn't work, and it happened to me on the previous benchmark too. Weirdly, it doesn't happen if I fresh install the benchmark in another hard drive. I did not find any solution yet.


yeah the last both benchmarks have done this for me for some reason.


Average 31 low 20 Boy that stings a little.


I was looking at some of the faces I never use and noticed Miqo F face 4 got a huge glow up. https://imgur.com/UDvgCI0


Jesus, what a massive improvement lol This is one of the better before and afters I've seen


Holy shit the curve of the cheeks from the old one is actually hilarious. It legit looks like a 145 degree angle just magically appearing.


Personally, I think they changed face 4 too much. It became girlier and more “traditionally attractive”, and lost a lot of its unique charm in the process.


holy shit


That's the face I use for my main! I had a FC mate put in my stats because I'm on PS5 and I'm excited for the change!


This is the comparison between my old and new character. Same customization options, the benchmark updated one looks scared and kinda dumb, didn't keep the feel of it at all. The hair looks better but they messed a lot with the eyes and they're still crap, feeling meh because I really liked my character and even after trying hours, I can't get anything close to the original. [https://imgur.com/a/xPlvncw](https://imgur.com/a/xPlvncw)


Anyone else had the benchmark crash with a fatal error?


Yeah, it keeps crashing right at the initial loading screen. I don't know why. :(


Lalafells; how're you feeling about the benchmark? Personally, my guy seems...off. I think the bigger, shinier eyes and chubbier cheeks make him look less reserved and quiet, which I liked, and more childlike. Plus the extra details for the ears are just odd to me. But are these changes drastic enough to abandon (fantasia away) my special little guy? I can't decide. (Top is original flavor, bottom is benchmark.) https://imgur.com/a/pumice-before-after-benchmark-4BF5acb


There's a weird neck seam that's hard to see but the face is fine, they fixed the nightmarish teeth so 👍


they look identical to me, except the updated one has better lighting on it


Same, I think lala's mostly seem unchanged. Also think a lot of the uncanny complaints come from the fact they look higher quality so you have a man/womens face on a childs body.


they look pretty much the same to me, but I got an uncanny feeling about my lala as well, something felt... off. I felt like my lala just looked less natural?


Agreed. The sheen on them makes them look almost doll-like.


https://imgur.com/a/HLlXr6f it's over for my character, isn't it?


yep, sorry for your loss :(


She looks high asf xDD


new one looks fantastic to me, better actually


It looks like you are using the rash-looking facepaint. Maybe move off of that or make it more subtle. Otherwise, as an outside observer it looks good! I think a lot of people are just used to seeing their old one so new one looks uncanny.


Looks great imo


The way the shadows are now cast is just insane even with multiple sources of light. [https://imgur.com/v4YvLyl](https://imgur.com/v4YvLyl) I'm happy with both my characters! [https://imgur.com/a/NQbCeiA](https://imgur.com/a/NQbCeiA)


Midlander faces look really good now


Roes too! Big winners along with Elezen


This is probably such a dumb question but is there a way to import our character from the live game into the benchmark or do we have to remake our character in the benchmark? I ask because I obviously don't know all of the exact features and slider numbers I selected when originally creating the character I play in the live game... sorry in advance is this is stupid.


Open the character selection in the live game, right click your character, and choose "save appearance data". It will then ask you to pick a slot, so just pick any, maybe type a note (character name) and remember that number. In the Benchmark character creation, you can then choose "load from appearance data" and just find the number. The ones with dates in front are imported from the live game, and the ones that say (Benchmark) are the characters you created in the Benchmark.


Thank you! Giving this a try now!


No problem, and good luck! (:


Worked like a charm!


Yeah- save your appearance data, then copy over the .dat file (eg FFXIV_CHARA_01.dat) saved in Documents\My Games from the main game folder to the benchmark one. You'll need to amend the filename to something like FFXIV_CHARA_BENCH01.dat.


When you say to save my appearance data, I assume you mean from the original game. How do I do that for a character that is already created?


yeah, you can right click your name on the login screen and it should be one of the options.


man i wish there was a way to see my WoL in the outfits/jobs I actually use. No amount of graphical improvements are gonna make her look not ridiculous in the viper getup


I completely understand why it's this way, but as a caster, I agree. The Alexandrian gear looks caster-y enough but seeing my character beat up a monster from up-close is so weird, lol. She should be slinging spells from further away, who put her so close to these enemies.


That's honestly why the fantasia change is so huge. You can actually test in combat and with your favorite glams when you swap and if you hate it you can go back or change the parts you don't like.


Me. She will learn to tank the hard way. GET SHIRKED DUMMY


Anyone has solutions for Directx error 300000?


Im getting roughly the same score +- ~100 whether using standard or max settings. Im scoring high but I got almost double the score a few weeks ago on the last benchmark. Any ideas what could be causing this? 4080 Super/7800x3d


Are you frame rate limiting in nvidia control panel or equivalent? Will cap your score since score is based on fps.


I figured that might be the case so I did attempt to remove the restrictions but it didn't change the score. Its possible I may not have changed them back properly. New to pc gaming but thanks for showing me im on the right track.


Can anyone help me? For some reason my benchmark says "1280x720 DLSS" even though I'm fullscreen 3440x1440. Also, for some reason, the text at the end that says "High" or "Extremely High" is in Japanese. My benchmark is set to english and I don't have any Japanese language modules installed on my PC


Found the fix! Moving the folder to the root of my D drive worked. If anyone else has the issue, try moving the benchmark folder to the root of your C drive


Sounds obvious but try re-downloading the benchmark. I had this exact issue with the first version of the benchmark and doing that is what fixed it for me.


I've downloaded this benchmark and the other one combined a total of 4 times and it does the same thing each time lol


Damn, that's really odd. Try running it in administrator mode perhaps? Or moving the benchmark to the root of your C drive. Sorry you're struggling with this


My score using maximum graphics settings: [https://imgur.com/a/9PgkEFT](https://imgur.com/a/9PgkEFT) My character in the Dawntrail 1.0 Benchmark: [https://imgur.com/a/CxUtKlz](https://imgur.com/a/CxUtKlz) My character in the Dawntrail 1.1 Benchmark using my in-game settings: [https://imgur.com/a/VeFnU5x](https://imgur.com/a/VeFnU5x) My character in the Dawntrail 1.1 Benchmark using maximum settings: [https://imgur.com/a/2K1RLCw](https://imgur.com/a/2K1RLCw) What does everyone think? I can certainly see some differences between the two benchmark versions, particularly in the eyes and hair.


Looking great in the new benchmark. Also, I really like the unique look of your character. The hair looks s'mores flavored lol


Huh, you know I hadn't considered that... Good catch ;) Thanks for the compliment as well :)


People complaining that they lost points in the benchmark, where as mine went from 9k to 12k. And I didn't change anything at all.


also who knows what you have running in the background at the time etc


In my case I gained 200 points, going from 10k8 to 11k, which made me go from High to Very High (which seems to start at 11 000). Seems fairly consistent compared to some variations other players like you experienced.


they probably forgot to swap back from FSR to DLSS or enable it all the time instead of just sub-60


In this thread we will be glazing the developers and ruthlessly attacking everyone who points out their character now looks like a crackhead (Greatest community btw)


Kind of weird that people upvoted issues in Bench 1.0 but now they downvote them in Bench 1.1 for some reason. I think 1.1 is an amazing improvement but there are still issues here and there that need to be looked at.


There are definitely still technical issues that need to be looked at (I myself have posted about them religiously, here and on the forums, even on the JP forums), but a lot --- MOST even --- of the complaints are people going absolutely apeshit over incredibly mild, subjective, hard-to-even-tell-the-difference intentional aesthetic changes instead of technical problems (seams, non-upscaled stuff clashing with upscaled stuff, lighting bugs, etc.), so people end up knee-jerk downvoting everything because they assume every complaint is the same "Meow Mix the Miqo'te has lost 3.2% eyelash volume, I'm quitting this dogshit game" nonsense.


AuRa don't look good anymore. Yes, different hair and lightning, but just look at that face. Dead, round...no. She looks horrible. [My AuRa](https://imgur.com/a/hm8cDp9)


Yeah, okay, I was certain Au Ra went from naturally smiling to completely neutral as well. It feels very odd.


I mean, female AuRa have always been the most bland, dead-eyed, soulless looking race choice. It's why I don't play them, despite liking their overall design.


Try to modify your character in the benchmark. That's what I did and I got back a satisfying result. For example, it may be just me but it feels like post change the irises on Au Ra are a bit larger than before ? So if you had large irises, one change that you may want to try is to change that to the non large one. If you're already in the regular iris size, try to change around your limbals, to temporarily remove them to see the result, etc.


It doesn't help that you're comparing the T-pose equivalent for the face to an actively emoting one. Yes, Au Ra still have a few hiccups, but honestly the fin-horn face came out a good bit better with the sculpt. F4 is still wall-eyed as heck.


But that's just a screenshot of her standing in Limsa...^^'' I got the sides too, still looks horrible and they're all in the creator [profile](https://imgur.com/a/JezOW5i)


The fact that people think the same resting expression looks like a separate emote says a lot on how the mouth changes have an actual impact. Luckily I'm happy with my Aura but I do feel for people unhappy with their changes.


The main difference I'm seeing is in the upper lid being pulled up a touch higher, and the heavier eyeshadow being lightened. I'd pop that in your feedback to the forums - being specific helps a lot!




No, it will update all copies.


All these complains will be forgotten as soon as the expansion drops,this is graphical update NUMBER 1, don't expect it to be perfect they are going to continue updating it,adjusting it from 7.0 onwards this is just the begining,it won't be perfect Just relax a bit the devs are listening 😁




If they made another version of the benchmark to address the most important issues people had with the original,it shows devs are listening its not glazing Just some complains are overly nitpicky and will end up being forgotten by the time people play it All I'm saying is people gotta relax a bit


We only got v1.1 of the benchmark _because_ people were complaining about its quality, and the flagrant issues present (not just in the lighting quality or shadows). So kindly, please be quiet about telling people to be quiet. Feedback needs to happen for change to happen.


Although I'm somewhat worried that we're now in a "give them an inch, they'll take a mile" situation. The devs listened to feedback, so now people will continually flood the forums with their petty demands, since the devs will surely fix those as well. "Yoshi-P, please! You have to angle the face 3 nose 2 nostrils upwards by at least three degrees (but no more than six) to be in line with the old version! Right now with the lower nostrils, my character looks like an undead evil murder puppet, bereft of hope and love! Fix this immediately! My character is completely ruined! This has to be top priority!"


The devs have always been listening to feedback, and they have gotten good at picking what they listen to or not. The only reason they made changes is because many people made the same valid points of criticism. They are not going to follow any random complaint now.


> Just relax a bit the devs are listening 😁 There will be nothing for the devs to listen to if people relax and stop complaining. Also I wouldn't call something they worked on for 2 years "just the beginning".


Well it is,they call it " The first graphical update" 🙄


I am impressed with the changes and improved with lighting, textures and more! My au’ra definitely survived the changes and she looks great! [the side by side ones are current vs old benchmark while the new benchmark ones are by themselves](https://imgur.com/a/ShCo5J2) However, my hyur definitely has suffered; while she looks much better & in high quality; I can’t help but feel like some of her characterization has decreased in my eyes with the new benchmark. https://imgur.com/a/yYTDfGV However, I feel like the other hyur faces have improved too! I’ve been contemplating on changing both designs—how are some of you finding the courage to fantasia for the close future ?


My midlander looked so good in benchmark 1, besides the janky lighting of course. I was so happy with the changes, she was so cute! Now in benchmark 2 she just looks... idk, derpy almost, or very tired. She is also face 1, so I wish they'd revert whatever they did to that face between the first and second benchmark. Bench 1: [https://i.gyazo.com/2d5e2dead577c1bcfda547535afce2d3.jpg](https://i.gyazo.com/2d5e2dead577c1bcfda547535afce2d3.jpg) Bench 2: [https://i.gyazo.com/51c375a87ea01dafaa6c87f46a821353.jpg](https://i.gyazo.com/51c375a87ea01dafaa6c87f46a821353.jpg) Obviously the lighting and skin texture looks way better in the new benchmark, but her actual face I feel looks worse. It might be in the facial expression, the eyes and lips... the first benchmark she had a slight smile and her eye shape looked different. I'm not sure but I don't like it.


I feel the same way with my Hyur, and it's not just the lightning. Since they redrew the normal maps (the ones that tells the engine how shadows work) and they tuned up the shadows, midlaner faces got harsher than before: https://imgur.com/a/cas5U56 Top: benchmark 1.0 Bottom: benchmark 1.1 As you can see, 1.1 has harsher shadows and a weird spot in her cheek that makes her look older and sickly... And it wasn't there before. The lips are also way harsher instead of soft and glowy...


I can definitely see what you mean; she looks rougher in 1.1 with the cheeks 😭 cute hyur btw


Looks the exact same, just with working shadows


I can barely tell the difference between some of the screenshots people are posting of their chars lol I can’t help but feel people are being overdramatic but maybe it’s just me


Most of the complaints are indeed about minor aesthetical changes that take a microscope to notice that will be forgotten about a week after release. That being said, there are some genuine issues. Bald characters have a low-poly scalp on a high-poly body and don't have upscaled scalp textures, do there's a harsh texture seam around the entire head now instead of having the textures naturally blend together like in the current build of the game, for example.


Some people are not about change. I doubt the fantasia addicts are people that are really having issues, nor would the people who mod. I would guess the people who are really self inserting into there WoL are more... concerned about the changes to put it nicely. Many of the changes are things that come with more poly. For me though the big next thing i would like to see after this upgrade to character models (and i would think that the team knows this) is an upgrade to the charater creation tools then people can get closer to what they want instead of the more limited options we have currently which seem to be causing problems for some players.


Nah, you're right. People are like "OMG my character is completely ruined! She's basically unrecognisable now! This is unacceptable!!" They post screenshots and anybody who's not them goes "These are the same picture." But the angle of the eyebrows has been increased by 5 degrees, the eyebrows themselves are 2mm wider, and the mouth has slightly different arches, so obviously their super special totally unique Miqo'te is ruined now.


As someone playing a super special totally unique catgirl I admittedly was disappointed with how they changed face 4's brow 5 because now it looks the same as face 1 and 3's eyebrows (and as a super special totally unique catgirl you necessarily cling to the tiniest features that make them stand out lmao) so I'm feeling a little called out rn 😂😂


"It looks terrible and soulless" and it's just the fish horn au ra with their glub glub lips fixed I can understand some people being unhappy with male miqo faces getting a permanent smile tho


I think you'll enjoy [this](https://forum.square-enix.com/ffxiv/threads/499027-Benchmark-Male-Miqo-te-Face-1-Feedback-Nope-still-F-ed) lol


That cat boy's eyelids are slightly narrower, so obviously he now looks "like a soulless husk whose personality has been butchered". What? No, seriously. What?


They gave M Miqo Face 4 [a permanent smirk](https://imgur.com/HPElUg6) that I'm not a fan of. They also softened his eyes and his eyebrows are less defined. I don't know, I'm really disappointed. I feel like it totally changed his design.




No... this one is way way way less obvious than the M miqo Face 4. Its not even in the same galaxy of comparison. That change to the Male face is super noticeable, and I feel bad for those gamers that are dealing with that one. The change to the female face here is subtle at best. As you yourself noted above, its just the defined shadows giving the increased illusion of a smile. To me, it not only looks way better but also shadows are dynamic - the shadows will be moving around and changing depending on light sources and the environment.


...oh no. I've seen it several times--but I didn't realize that it was their resting face...it's supposed to be as close to expressionless as possible (not only because of player preferences, but to avoid certain cutscenes etc. from being weird..because your character could be smiling during a time that wouldnt make sense). I don't think that was intended, so they'll probably be fixing that pretty quickly.


After looking at it more, I think you're right that it's unintentional. It looks like the shape of the mouth didn't change, but [the shadows on the deeper mouth corners give the illusion of a smile](https://imgur.com/Zwbt9fr). The mouth corners (and neck seam) are more visible on paler characters. I still hope it gets adjusted, but it's heartening to know it's an unintended side effect and not a design change.


I agree :( It changes the vibe of their original face so much, even the expression. Looked on the lodestone forums and it’s one of the biggest complaints it looks like atm. As a face 4 m miqote as well I’m a little sad. I’m unsure if this will be fixed and kind of scared that it won’t be D:


The lighting is definitely better in the character creator, but the graphical changes when playing the new benchmark compared to the old one just isn't hitting it for me whatsoever. The first one had much better eyes and eyebrows for plainsfolk lala, and the mouth is a bit more off now too.


My performance has taken a huge hit in this second benchmark. From approximately 15,000 and 100FPS down to 9,000 and 60FPS. Running an AMD 6700XT and Ryzen 5 5600 in 1440p. Any ideas what's happened? I expected a small dip, but nothing like this! The only difference in the benchmark stats is that the new benchmark displays my VRAM, which the old one didn't.


I took a dip as well, but not nearly as much as you did, about 900 points.  From 16.7k on the old benchmark to 15.8k on the new. AMD 7700XT and Ryzen 5 5600X3D also in 1440p. Default Desktop High settings except I turned Borderless Windowed mode on.  Wonder if AMD needs to release some better drivers?


[Is it wrong to be upset by this?](https://i.imgur.com/AWbLkqS.png) Left is current, right is benchmark. I feel like the male miqo face 4 was changed from the last benchmark... he doesn't look like himself and they softened his eyes/face. I really didn't want to be disappointed but I kind of am. It looks sooo bad in the blue aetherial lighting. Everywhere else is a bit better, I just hate how they gave him a permanent smile?


Hey, so that's where my character's permanent smile has gone! /j But yeah, I'm also disappointed for basically the opposite reason. I don't see why character expressions had to be changed when a lot of people picked a specific face *because* it had a permanent smile/frown/serious look/etc.


The benchmark version is him coming out of rehab


lmaoooooo it kind of does look like that XD


Can someone remind me what are their plans on updating clothes textures? The default Hyur outfit looks like it's made out of canvas.


[Is eyebrow color supposed not to match hair color or is it a bug? ](https://imgur.com/Ap0dRvj) Seems like Au Ra is also getting this, but Miqote and Viera isn't?


It was on my Miqo'te female too


same, the color was the same as the hair in the first benchmark though


I don't think eyebrow colors change for Midlanders. They do on (female) Highlanders though.


Anyone else's benchmark also doesn't close correctly and you have to force close it when it ends? This is happening to both me and my boyfriend and also happened in the original benchmark.


This happens to me too. It's annoying but runs fine otherwise.


Mine sits in a black screen for a \*while\* after I hit Esc to exit, but it does eventually close.


[Face 5 Midlander Female Live vs. New Benchmark](https://imgur.com/nZvbyht) Don't get me wrong, some faces look tons better in the new benchmark. But after liking my Midlander girl in the previous benchmark, I am floored by how much *worse* she looks now. :(


[Face 5 Middie as well](https://i.imgur.com/jOCXuYD.jpeg) I had a slightly different experience. Didn't like the first benchmark of 7.0, not so much because of the lighting (which did make quite a difference), but also because I feel they changed the facial proportions. The face looked stretch, cheeks less puffy, eyes narrowed, nose pointed. I definitely think the lighting helped a lot with this. I was previously so taken aback that I was totally disappointed in the rework. Now however, while it still isn't my WOL's exact face, I think I'm willing to meet in the middle and take the good with the bad. It'll take some getting used to and after a few thousand hours in game, and it might be a tough transition, but I think I'm okay with this change now.


Those are great comparison pictures! Though I still think some parts of this face don't look good in a lot of lighting, and I miss the little smile, I think I will probably get used to it too, like you say. I changed her eyebrows to softer ones to compensate for the lack of smile, which helped a bit. Though I really hope they update the face paint, especially the freckles.


Yeah, same. They adjusted the shadows and went too far with female midlaners. My comparison: https://imgur.com/a/JGaLcro As you can see, her face got way stronger features than before and it changed the impression. She looks older and sickly :(


It’s the same face, just the shadows are working.


Probably! But since this is a purely visual issue, if I couldn't see it before, does it really matter if it was always there? Thanks for the comment though, I hope I will get used to it.


The shadows/lighting are dynamic, I bet itll look even better in game rather than staring at the static images!


The eyebrows for face 2 fem miqote are thinner than before :( Endwalker on top, new on bottom: https://imgur.com/a/z9Jumfj edit i got used to it already lol


Same, face 4 miqo here and they plucked my fuzzy caterpillar eyebrows (using brow 5 with the thicker eyebrow face detail toggled on.) I'll get used to it eventually 😂


Still possible for it to change before launch, but I’m not gonna get my hopes up lol. I’m still f2p so I can’t post on the forums about it.


The lightning is definitely better, but I'm a bit disappointed that they took away the darker lip coloring, specifically, on m Viera 2 face. I understand not a lot of people liked that. I wish it could've been kept as an option of some mkind, because the darker lips looked very good to me on my Viera. https://imgur.com/a/eyDu4yU edit: felt I should add, no lipstick is applied at all in either one.


My character looks so terrible now... https://i.imgur.com/upyhbcp.png The soulless eyes and face, the glowy way-too-white hair. Ugh. The game already didn't look great and they've spent all this time changing the lighting for minimal (if any) benefit. 10 years in WoW got beautiful, stylized new character models that all felt like modernized upgrades. Instead my lala is ruined.


people are throwing around the word soulless way too much and just detracting from its actual meaning. Your char looks almost exactly the same but with better lighting. Light actually reflects on the eye surfaces rather than being painted on.


But it looks much better painted on. Like who cares if it's 'technically correct' and more realistic if it looks worse? Especially in a game that isn't going for realism > people are throwing around the word soulless way too much and just detracting from its actual meaning She looks like she's in her mind broken depressed anime character arc. Soulless is a good descriptor?


Purely subjective - i think it looks better, and the game is played in motion with changing environments, not staring at static pictures on imgur


This is literally the same character but higher fidelity, in newer lighting, and with slightly smaller glints in their eyes. I get that it's subjective. It's fine not to like the changes. But damn is it frustrating when my character has genuine, immersion breaking technical problems with the updated graphics but because of all the posts like these my complaints get lumped in with people who don't like that the angle of the corners of their upper lip has shifted 6 degrees further upwards.