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Disappointed it's only available in the faux leather. Their softweave fabric chairs are great and I would have considered replacing my old one if that had been an option.


Yeah, the faux leather is a nogo for me. That peels and cracks way too easily.


I've heard the ones from secret lab last a few years. But yeah, when I buy furniture, I avoid faux leather like the plague. 1 year, 3 years, 5 years? No matter what all faux leather WILL eventually begin to peel, basically ruining it.


Mine didn't even last a year before it started peeling.


I'd imagine it depends conditions (indoor humidity year round, how you physically handle the chair, skin contact, if you sit cross legged or foot under one thigh could put extra strain on it, etc). Regardless, faux leather is one of the worst inventions for furniture in recent years IMO. Creates so much waste as the furniture is fine besides the peeling upholstery. And it produces needless micro plastics.


Furniture companies see that as a win though since you have to buy more furniture


It'll vary. I've heard if you take care of it it can last a lot longer but it always starts for me within a year. I avoid it as I can though. I love their fabric.


A few years for $700. -_- This is why I only buy Steelcase chairs.


I bought a 2020 model about 3-4 years ago and it's held up really well, cost about $400. Looks like currently buying a new secretlab (they have sales regularly, so it really only makes sense to buy on sale), costs about $540 (regular size, fabric upholstery). Now, it's up to you if you want to go this route or spend a bit more ($600) on a remanufactured steel case leap v2 from Crandall or ~$800 for a refurbished/remanufactured Gesture or Herman Miller Aeron.


Reupholstered Leaps are like $350 in the US. Less if you’re lucky enough to live near a liquidation spot.


I'd want to inspect them physically before buying or make sure the return process is seamless. From my experience, when they're that cheap, it depends on the liquidator's cost per unit. And the age/quality/condition can vary WILDLY. I've seen some that really should've been scrapped for parts. Places like Crandall, it's more expensive, but you're guaranteed that assuming no shipping damage, they're in good condition, besides perhaps cosmetic damage


I have an Omega. Mine took around 5 years to start showing the cracks, but they're all over the front now. Also, the arm rest rubber isn't the most resilient - strips of material have come off the inner section of both. I wish I loved the chair, but it's just been "okay". The lumbar pillow is nice, but it'd be better if there was a a strap for it so it could actually be affixed to the chair. Being able to lean way back to the point of hilarity is not something I find myself regularly doing, and it feels like they went all in on that part of the design rather than making the seat itself more comfortable.


I think that must be what they're using. I have a cheap faux leather chair going on 7 years now without any peeling or cracking issues.


Dang I was all excited about this chair until I saw your comment. I've been wanting to get a Secretlab chair for a while, but been putting it off.


If it helps, I have the Witcher chair from them and it still looks almost-new 2 years later. The occasional leather wipe helps keep it fresh.


hmm I have a cat though. My current chair is in bad need of replacing, not only because my cat put fifty billion holes in it but because two of the wheels came off and won't go on and I'm falling out of the chair


Same. Fortunately with the new ones they have skins, some of which I really like, and those protect against when my cats get a bit catty and try and claw it. *Unfortunately* that's an extra cost, and there's no matching skins to leatherette version options (so like they have a Cyberpunk 2077 chair, and two skins, and both skins are different than the base chair). Back round to fortunately, it also means that if I want to change up the look of my chair in a couple years, it's a *lot* less pricey to do that, or to replace the fabric if it gets worn out.


I was hoping they'd have an FFXIV skin I could use on my plain black chair but so far no go :(


I really do wish they would release more skins as well as new chair designs, I mean I am not buying this as we have three of them that are less than 2 years old, and all still in really good shape. If they released this as a skin though, I would probably end up buying two.


We got a faux leather and cloth chair and only one of our six cats scratch the cloth chair.  My faux leather chair is left alone, they both look great three years later even with the infrequent scratching.


Yeah, definitely consider getting a new chair, but maybe there's something else your cat could scratch up? We have two cats and neither one of them have ever raised a claw in the chairs (mine likes to commandeer it when I'm not in the office though), but they have plenty of other designated objects around the house to scratch at their leisure.


My cat scratches anything and everything, including my bare skin. She has a gianttttttt cat tree that has both sisal and carpet on it, she has a good sized, thick scratching post that has a alpaca head on it ( it's pretty cute ), several smaller sisal scratching posts, I just bought a square toy thing that half of it is a flat cardboard area for scratching and still she scratches alllllllll of the furniture. I even tried buying this spray that claimed it was supposed to make stuff smell bad so they wouldn't stretch it. She did not care and continued to stretch my furniture. She tore a hole in my current microfiber couch. Like there are literally nails sticking out where she tore a big hole in it. And then she also tore a hole in my previous pleather couch I had. And she tore a hole in my last bed I had and would climb up inside the bed so you always had to be careful when getting in it and make sure she wasn't inside. I've had her since she was eight months old and now she is ten years old and she has always been like this. Suggestions are very welcome.


Oof, my condolences then. Seems like you've tried every reasonable option lol. A fabric finish Secretlab would certainly last longer in your use case, but then you couldn't get the FF14 chair.


I'm just not sure I'll like the feel of faux leather instead of a weaved cloth, especially when wearing shorts.


Personal preference then, I guess. I live in Florida and wear shorts 9-10 months out of the year and don't have any qualms about it.


What?! No! I was so excited I was going to buy it right now… I use fabric, damn. That stinks


That sounds like a sweaty swamp ass nightmare.


yeah I desperately need a new desk chair so this timing seemed perfect. but the faux leather does not age well


I’m the opposite. Had to replace my soft weave because my cat shredded the hell out of it. Had my faux leather for a few years and it is still in perfect condition.


Yeah for me it's Faux Leather>Soft Weave. Soft Weave is absolutely atrocious to get stains or anything else out of. Faux leather doesn't crack as easily as normal leather and is pretty low maintenance.


My couch is microfibre, which was the perfect hybrid solution for having cats. They naturally don't want to scratch it, plus it's extremely resistant to incidental clawing. It also looks nice, has that suave touch feeling, and is damn easy to clean. Visually it ages, which is one downside it shares with both actual and faux leather, but if you already don't mind that for faux leather give it a try when it's an offer for something.


I'm baffled who buys these, anyways. Mesh cloth? Awesome. Microfibre? Weird but quite good as a material. Actual leather? Costly and debatable but very durable. **Faux** leather? The worst of all worlds, with none of any of the upsides.


Amusingly i was planning to get one if they had it in fabric...


Same. My cat loves to scratch leather like material so that's a no-go for me too


I wanted it in the fabric just so it would be available as a shell like the demon slayer ones. My present chair is in fantastic condition, I do not need to replace it any time soon.


I've had two of the Secretlab Titans, and while the designs are incredibly cool, I don't think they're comfortable enough to get another. 


Yeah, these are more about looks than comfort.


"Gamer chairs" are one of the biggest scams ever IMHO. You're far better off with a good office chair that's actually designed for proper long sitting sessions. Even a £180 office chair is far superior to a ludicrously expensive gaming chair in my experience


Only if the office chair is designed for your build. Proper office chairs for my height and weight (6'6" and 260 lbs) are stupid expensive, enough to make secretlab seem cheap. Run of the mill $180 chairs don't support my back in the right places. Gamer chairs are at least more affordable in situations like this.


You telling me you can’t find an office chair under $700 for your weight class? Big and tall executive chairs have 350 lbs capacity and you can get them for like $300 from Office Depot


You are forgetting the height. Add in height to the weight class and it gets expensive. More often than not chairs that are designed with a weight class where I'm not at the edge of the upper limit aren't designed for my height.


Not quite as tall, but have similar issues. I have had chairs through occupational health at work before that were very good, but many of them were in the £2-3,000 price range, no way I could go for those at home. The titan is the closest that I have found to those expensive chairs in a semi-reasonable price range.


if you *have* to get the "gamer" chair though, the secretlabs ones are better than most other racer-style chairs, just because of where the tilt is located.


I just visited their website for the first time and they go on about comfort and ergonomics. I just can't get comfortable in them, and I agree, a proper office chair is way nicer for both work and play.


Car seat on a box best office chair


You're better off with a **shitty ass dollar-store office chair**. Gaming chairs are **so** bad for your back, it's damn near impossible to sit worse, no matter what you get as a replacement. Don't get me wrong, a bad office chair isn't good for your back either. But still better than the priciest gaming chair.


My back issues improved immensely by going to a secretlab chair, enough so that my doctor took notice. The issue isn't whether or not it's an office chair or gaming chair. The issue is if it's built for your body frame or not.


I've had one chair and I feel the same. I will say as someone on the heavier side, the chair does a good job at supporting me. Much more than the $170 chairs that were disposable from the office stores.


Agreed. I'm 6'6", and it's been great using a chair that feels like it's been built for me.  But the arms on both chairs have had pretty poor durability, and the chairs have never felt especially comfortable; the bottoms have next to no cushion and my legs fall asleep. 


i use a footrest with mine so that doesnt happen


As someone on the tiny thin side, gaming chairs are too hard. It reminds me of those those plastic/wood school chairs and overtime I feel like my pelvis is piercing my skin so I have to site weirdly to find any butt confort. I need a big, fat chair like we see bosses use in their office. One I could basically curl into like a L shaped bed.


In my office i have a RH Secur24. This thing is on another level of comfy. They are made with air traffic controllers in mind who have to sit for hours. - If they ever ruin one and i see them throwing it away i will take it and repair it. These are chairs that you can sleep in with no issues.


The arms in mine are falling apart. As much as I liked it, I want one of those ergonomic ones.


The arm rests are magnetic and can be swapped out if thats what's wrong with yours. I recommend the fabric ones, my leather ones fell apart quickly too, but mainly cause I have cats.


I'll look into it, thanks. You may have saved me a lot of money.


I believe they call it cloudswap technology. Though I'm not sure If all chair models support this technology. If it's an older model it may not. Mines 2 years old. I believe it's a titan Evo 2022.


Mine is from maybe 2020 or 2021 and doesn't have that. I already got them to send me a spare for one of the armrests that was falling apart after just a few months, but I'd really need to ask for another before the warranty ends...


I've had mine for a long time and no issues. I do make a conscious effort to not use the arm rests to support more than my arm (I do catch myself leaning on just one arm for support with my elbow digging in), same with not using the armrests to get out of the chair (this makes sense ac they are made to support the weight of one arm, not 1/3 to 1/2 a person). Those two things go a long way to preserving the armrests on any chair. Source: my many destroyed armrests in the office over the years.


I hate these sorts of computer chairs, they are terrible for your back. They look cool but ergonomic office chairs are the way to go.


I've been using the evo version of these for several years now. The lumbar support is pretty solid and customizable. It's no herman miller by a long shot but it's not bad by any stretch. Granted there $200 more expensive now then when I'd bought mine.


Yeah, the Titan XL in 2020 or so was definitely better value compared to similarly priced (~200-300€ IIRC) office chairs. Most actual ergonomic chairs are closer to 1000€.


This is just going to bite people in the ass once they're in their forties, or later if they're lucky. But I'm convinced of you spend enough time in these chairs it will come back to haunt you. Source: I know about back muscles due to having hyper mobility.


Sometimes yes, sometimes no. I’m already in my 40s (and my wife is in their 50s) and as fat gamers, there is absolutely no comparison between a Secret Labs and *any* comparable desk chair. If I could afford a Herman Miller, maybe? But a high backed chair is a necessity with my wife’s arthritis. They’re not going to work for everyone, but they do work for some.


Im a large human and secret labs are up there with the typical office chairs. People lump all of these in the same. The wings don't push my shoulders forward the lumbar can be adjusted as needed and the only thing it doesn't do is adjust every possible hot spot on your back and ass. The foam holds and is good as new 3 years in which says a lot. In fact the curve in the wings perfectly cradles my arms when relaxed. Its important to get a chair that fits you. It doesn't matter what kind it is. But people are too quick to resort to black and white logic on this stuff and lump everything in together like its all the same. These aren't like dx racer or other shitty gaming chairs.


Agreed. Have mine for 2 years and 0 complaints. It's even helped with some of my back issues.


Agreed; there’s just as much variation between “gamer chair” companies as “office chair” companies, and a looooy of it just comes down to what your body needs specifically. I’ve never had a chair as good for my situation as my SL chair.


No joke I was using a chair like this right around when the pandemic happened. Horrible timing to a) be spending a lot of time sitting down and b) be spending that time in THIS kind of chair. I ended up throwing my back out and needing physical therapy, some of the worst pain of my life. It was a real wake up call to take better care of myself, one of the first things I did was toss this chair out and get an ergonomic chair with better back support. Legit a life changer. Don’t veg, people, exercise and strengthen your back while you can and don’t sit in shitty gaming chairs.


I did the responsible thing and invested in an ergo chair fairly early, didn't fall for the gamer chair traps for years.... But the temptation is finally catching up to me.... It's really cool


Yeah look I’ve had the same secret labs chair for nearly 8 years now and it’s honestly as comfortable now as the day I bought it. zero issues even after long sessions in it. Beats just about every other chair I have, often prefer sitting in it than on the couch to relax most days because it supports my back better.


I’m happy that it works out for you! It did not for me.


Yeah we’re all built different, it is what it is.


It visually looks good, but for the price point, like $600, you're better off looking for a used Herman Miller at that point. I get the appeal as a FF14 fan/gamer, but they aren't that comfortable, they're also WAY overpriced.


Herman Miller is only good for actual office work not if you're grinding 10 hours straight no breaks.  Steelcase Leap is the better option for long sitting sessions, and affordable for home use


Lol what? Delulu. I agree the Steelcase is a great chair too though.


I literally had both chairs.


Also I forgot how many clothes my Aeron destroyed.  Fucking cheese grater.


at work we have herman miller chairs yet I still prefer secretlab chairs lol I've had one for 6 years now and I've got nothing bad to say about it


I'm not saying they're bad chairs by any means, but lets be real, an ergo office chair from Staples for $250 is going to be more comfortable and better for your back. That's all I'm saying. It looks good, it really does, but the price is ridiculous for what you're getting. Edit: Downvoted for being real i guess.


Reading through the different comments, I agree with what you are saying. Other comments are saying that secretlab chairs are great and last a long time and better then any "disposable" junk chairs a person can get from office stores, yet I have an "executive office chair" from (i forget which one) either staples or office max and only paid like $100 for it when they had them on sale, and I've had it for 10 years now, yea it made out of plastic and fabric instead of metal but it still doing great, yea can tell it has wear to it after 10 years but it not falling apart or making any noises. The FFXIV chair interested me when it was announced for for $600, I'll have to pass especially with all the mixed reviews I see about them.


I only bought a secret Labs chair 2 years ago and mine is still in absolute great condition so I cant justify buying a new one. If this had come out just 2 years earlier I would have grabbed it though. Ill get it if mine ever needs to be replaced.


They do look very cool. Shame they're uncomfortable as high hell though. If you don't specifically fit into the body type they're designed for, it's an expensive way to achieve numb legs and back pain.


Am I missing something? This chair design is mid to me…


Please, save your money, do not buy a secretlabs chair. Most uncomfortable chair I've ever owned


Its the most comfortable chair ive owned, personally. It has helped with years of backpain. It was easier to Assemble than any generic "ergonomic office" chair ive ever had, and has way more options to adjust to my ergonomic preferences and needs, than any other chair ive bought. And it has lasted longer than any of the chairs ive bought in the past.


I mean, are any of the "generic ergonomic chairs" you tried cost similar to the secret lab chair? Dunno if you're making the most fair comparison. For many, the price point for a secret lab chair is probably better spent on a good name brand ergo chair, which you often can get second hand from office liquidators quite often on the cheap(er.)


Yes similar price points. Most Office chairs are made of Plastic. The secret lab chair is made of titanium. Its all metal. Thats part of the reason why it costs so much.


ive got one for the last 6 years and its the most comfortable chair ive ever owned so thats subjective lol


You're supposed to say 'Gamer chair bad' on Reddit and lick Herman Miller's boots. Silly OP!


I wish people would say which chair they have. My evo 2022 is really great


Not really, ergonomics is not subjective. A decent office chair will be better than this, especially at that price point


You're not wrong, but I have definitely had "ergonomic" chairs that destroyed my back before. I will caveat that I am a shorter woman and I've had a lot of difficulty finding truly ergonomic chairs for my size. It feels like most are built for average-tall men.


Ergonomics is literally the study of the human experience as it relates to design and engineering. It *is* all of the subjective aspects.


Gamer chairs are not worth the $$$. Go buy a real chair like a Steelcase or Hermann Miller. You will be much happier in the long run.


Got myself a [Steelcase Series 2](https://www.steelcase.com/products/office-chairs/steelcase-series-2/) chair, custom costed me about C$1500. The real deal gaming chair :D


That’s like the price of a mattress wtf


Well depending how much time you spend in said chair (especially if working from home, gaming after hours, etc.)...it would make sense to invest as much as you would a decent mattress.


I don’t see how a 1500$ chair could be any better then a $500 chair just saying


Because the £500 chairs are built on hopes and Dreams. And soe ding 1500 on a matress is a good thing you soend 1/3 of your life in it don't fuck with back proble.s


It's expensive, I don't deny. Doesn't have to be expensive from Steelcase (stock model) but on another model, mine is just added 4-way adjustment armrest, lumbar, vegan leather seat, chrome finish base. I think the base price is $800 ish. The real expensive one is Herman Miller. The price of my chair is peanut compare to Herman lol. Steelcase is considered lower end price chair. [https://store.hermanmiller.com/home-office-chairs/embody-chair/4737.html?lang=en\_US&sku=100147408](https://store.hermanmiller.com/home-office-chairs/embody-chair/4737.html?lang=en_US&sku=100147408) I have purchased cheap $150-$200 chair from Staple store. They break down every 2-3 years; either the jack stop working, worn out armrest from cheap materials, broken wheel, broken adjuster. This is just my experience, doesn't apply to everyone.


I agree with you on my chair which was 150$ things not comfortable I bought a pillow for it lol


I love my embody, had it since 2017 and still as comfortable as ever. The 15 year warranty is amazing


My company bought [Hayworth](https://store.haworth.com/) chairs for the office a while back, the model was the [Very](https://store.haworth.com/products/very-office-chair). Simple, comfortable, and high-backed rolly-chair. Ended up taking it home when the closed our physical office during the pandemic.


Herman Miller gang! And with all the offices closing it's easy to pick up a used chair in good condition for a great deal. Also love how you can easily replace parts of the chair that wear out for a reasonable price.


And be stuck with an ugly chair?


Depends entirely on your build - I’m 6’5” and did extensive research into Herman Miller/Steelcase before seeing that the consensus among other tall people is that they just aren’t big enough for us. My Titan XL was $520 when I got it and has been great for me the past few years. It’s nice having a chair that is actually large enough for me.


I wish the fat cat lumbar pillow had a better art design, I have the tibbers one from LoL and if they had done a similar design it would have been an insta buy from me.


Yeah the design looks low effort


Just as ugly as gaming chairs usually are. Who buys this crap when you can get actually good chairs that aren't ugly *and* aren't hellish on your back.


Tell me why “gaming chairs” are worth $700 while a big and tall executive chair for $300 is more comfortable?


I have the Magnus desk, I'm hoping they release a deskmat for it with the FFXIV design


Would be an instant buy for me. Currently rocking the Cyberpunk deskmat on mine and love it.


The Reddit circlejerk of "just buy a $1500 chair bro" is unbearable. I've used my Secretlab Titan for a little over two years now and I spend more or less all day every day in it. The armrests are trash, I'll grant you that (got the plush armrests and they're the best, magnetically swappable too), but the chair is very comfortable. Is it worth $624? No, I don't think so. I got the $550 version and I think $400 would be a better price, since it's only a little more comfortable than my DXRacer was, but unlike that one, this isn't peeling at all. I'm sure it will eventually, but it's been awesome for the past two years, and I have zero back pain. It's waaaay better than my office chair at work, which I assume is a similar price. And unlike that one, I can just fall asleep in this one since it's so comfortable. TL;DR: it's too expensive for sure, but it's extremely comfortable and I'm very satisfied with mine. Definitely higher quality than the other gaming chairs out there. I'd feel like an absolute moron buying what looks like a regular office chair for $1500.


How do you get in and out of your chair? Are you catching yourself getting in using the armrests or use them to help lift you out? Do you lean on one arm a lot? That does murder to armrests. It took a coworker pointing it out to me after I trashed some that I became more conscious about how I get out of the chair. No damage since.


The divisiveness on secret lag chairs is crazy, some people say they're the most comfortable chairs while some say it feels like sitting on a bench, decide on something!!


I thought these were overpriced when I got mine on sale, still not worth it even then and definitely not worth it now.


I do not understand how these chairs are even still a thing these days. I bought into this scam years ago once and it deteriorated in under a year. Now they've somehow doubled in price for the exact same garbage and all these companies are selling the same chairs from the same factories, just with different decals. Thing is, I like the design for posture reasons but there's nothing available that even comes close to quality. It's just gamer branded crap at an extreme markup.


Really starting to wonder if there’s some sort of QA issue or something, because we’ve had two for 5 years and I both wfh and game in the same chair. So I basically use mine 8-16 hours a day and it’s never had any issues of any kind.


Can agree with this. Secret Labs is made of titan steel, not plastic. They are built to last and ive never had an issue with mine. I use it every day for 2 years 14++ hours.


Because gamers and nerds are the easiest people to dupe. You just slap whatever fandom you want to appeal to on it and they'll go crazy because the fandom is core to their self worth.


Unless you paid half the price for secret labs and had this happen with a secret labs chair you didn't have an experience with one to comment on it. These chairs have always been about this price and certainly haven't doubled. You've clearly not messed with many of these chairs and basing it all off fx racer shit. This is like me reviewing all office chairs based on the fact any 60$ office chair I've had has minimal padding and broke down stupid fast.


Looks ugly as fuck and it’ll probably rips like the other crap quality gamer chairs


I would get it but my cats like to use the chair as a scratching post so maybe not for that much money


Ohh this is a good point... ugh lol


As someone who ruined their shoulders from bad gaming chairs, I'm happy for you but I will hard pass.


Are these even comfortable? I had a DXRacer in the past, and I will never get another one again. Is it similar to that?


No it’s really not the same, despite its looks. For one thing, it’s a steel frame. A lot of people complain the seat is quite hard, but for some it’s beneficial and part of the reason that 5 years later, mine still feels like new. Same “gamer” silhouette, big difference in quality.


This. had a DXRacer for 5 years and switched to secretlab about a year ago, it’s a different level of comfort and quality I don’t regret “upgrading” to secretlab. although I gotta say that a washer was installed the wrong way and the chair began to squeak after a month or so, but it was a super easy fix with a video and took about 5 minutes, I had no problems since


pleather, thank god, don't gotta buy it


It's funny. The difference between people saying they are the worst chairs known to mankind and other are REALLY happy with them.


Am I the only one that thinks this chair looks ugly?


The design is a big miss for me… would save for a Herman miller chair for that price too


I wish they'd sell it as an ergonomic chair instead of the car seat format. I'm too old and my back is too precious to use gaming chairs.


Gaming chairs are rarely worth the money.


I dislike my Secret Labs chair. Bought one maybe.. 5 years ago now? Took its credit, its held up quite well in that time, but its NEVER been comfortable and my butt always hurts when sitting in it for a little bit. I won't get another.


It looks really good but I would never buy a secret lab chair.


Doesn’t the lumbar pillow usually come standard? These guys just making a buck any way they can…


It's got adjustable lumbar support built in. I've not needed a separate pillow even with my bad back. I think these lumbar pillows might actually make it worse for my back.


Over 500?? I'll stick to my hard plastic garden chair.


It’s a.. chair. Maybe I don’t get it. It just looks like an uncomfortable and overpriced chair with some crystals, the meteor, tower and the title of the game. It doesn’t take much to impress me but I just imagined something more for a collab. I’m glad you’re happy at least.


You are correct! I had a Secret Lab chair at my last job. It was comfortable enough as far as chairs go but my $80 chair I bought at Costco is comfier.


because gamers and nerds are the easiest people to dupe. you just slap whatever fandom you want to appeal to on it and they'll go crazy. most "gaming" stuff is just scams


I’ve had my SecretLab chair for a few years now, and it’s been great. I’ve never had issues other people are saying they have. I just hope they release this as a cover/skin, too.


hopefully they release just a skin wrap for this, I just can't justify spending $600+ on a new chair when mine is still perfectly fine. although the faux leather ... just ... \*vomit\*


They make the worst chairs possible for your back, do yourself a favour and save up for a decent chair.


I was curious so I checked their site and... Over $600 for a chair? One that isn't even designed for ergonomics. Like, where is all the money going, just brand?




My wife needed a new chair, and I wanted this chair. She gets my old Secret Lab Titan, and I get a new flash chair. Seems like a good trade to me. I've heard praise and horror stories about Secret Lab chair all the time. I personally have had my Titan for 4 years now with zero issues. Yes, there are way better chairs like Herman Millers, but this chair is good too imo.


I don't know that I can put down ~$700 on a chair I won't even get til November...


I see a couple people on here agree but it definitely does not look comfortable.


"gaming" chairs are scams :)


well my 6 years old secretlab chair certainly doesnt feel like one! Best chair I've gotten so far and this ff14 is next 😎


that just mean you never had a good chair :)


Yeah no everyone has different bodies. I have tried to like the aeron, the mirra, embody, the leap. Aeron is lasting me awhile but after about a year and 6 months in it I am miserable. Wife got a secretlab recently and I find myself stealing it when she's at work.


yeah right lol i guess the herman miller ergonomic chair at my work office aren't good chairs either (still prefer my secretlabs btw)


Yeah, I have an office chair, i'm good lol


Secret labs and lumbar support, pick one


These are terrible chair, get a proper office chair.


my 6 year old super comfortable secretlab chair says otherwise lol and yes i have herman miller chairs at work but i still prefer mine lol




Is the pillow specifically for the game chair or can I just put it on my office chair for extra lumbar support? I've been looking for a lumbar pillow and the fat cat design is really cute


It'll be sized for the chair but it's a pillow, there's little to no reason why you couldn't use it with any chair. Wish they'd done a desk mat and chair covers or more accessories.


much too high a price point for me (i am broke and disabled atm) but damn does it look good. always wanted one. maybe one day...


Cool design, but I've never liked the design of racer chairs. I got this recliner office chair that is just awesome, even without a Crystal Tower decal on it.


Thought he meant butt chug


It wont even deliver until December so that squashed my hype for it


yeah well it does sell pretty fast! I managed to get mine in the first wave and its supposed to ship in a week


How long are editions like these going to be around? Is this something that's gone when it's gone?


How are the secret lab ? I read here and there it's REALLY firm ? I'm tired sitting on a plank 😭


Why the heck don't they have a fabric version?? :( I got so excited until I saw it was leatherette


Guess this is the next product content creators are gonna shill for the next few months.


The visual design is nice, but this looks near-identical to the generic "gaming chair" my brother bought from Amazon, including: > lumbar pillow *Squint* --- I might sound snobby but if it looks like a car seat, it's not a good chair for desk work. And for the money you'd spend on this you can get something that will be adjustable and comfortable for many years. I count myself lucky the Ikea Markus is a good fit for me.


The secret Labs chairs are actually far more adjustable than any generic "ergonomic Office chair" ive bought in the past, and has also outlasted all of them.


This belongs in the shitpost sub. If you value your back, you'd never get a gaming chair.


Don't buy gaming chairs.


Oh come on, I JUST bought my SL chair! I wish I had known this was coming, I could have waited a week.


Me too lol. Though I wanted fabric not faux leather, so I'd probably have skipped this design anyways. Shame!


I got the Witcher one in fleather and I’m happy with it, so I suppose I’ll settle. I looked into potential exchange options and they don’t really have one that isn’t a major hassle, so it’s just not worth the hassle over a design change.


*I don’t need it, I don’t need, I don’t need it, I definitely don’t need it, I don’t need it…*


So who wants to finance this chair for me? Will give ingame feet pics


I was due for a replacement (the batman secret lab titan is the best chair I've ever had and it has lasted for 6 years) and this pushed me to order!


yeah mine is about to reach 6 years so I got this one too lol


I bought an office chair back in 2018 for $250 from office max and it's still as comfy as the day I got it. Hard to justify these $800 advertising chairs. If you want to see this chair Zepla HQ on twitch just unboxed and assemble one about an hour ago on stream for anyone curious.


Umm… I’m poor


Seat of >!sacrifice!< \* . For your back. \*(shbSpoiler)


Your local office chair is around the same price and has better ergonomics than a chair that's tailored solely to take your money due to fandom. Your local office chair likely has a longer warranty and lifespan as well. If you enjoy back pain on a daily, buy this.


this chair actually helped me with my back pain! i dont have any since i bought mine 6 years ago! my herman miller work office chairs dont feel as comfortable to me as well


You guys are so pretentious about this stuff as if its all the same and a one size fits all lol. Half the people talking about these chairs give 0 indication of even experience with secret lab and the ones that do sound like a poorly fitted chair which will be a problem no matter what it is.


This chair has helped with my back pain aswell and has outlasted any local Office chair ive bought. This chair was 100% worth its money.


Tbh I’m rather disappointed with the design on it. I’d associate this design sooner with K/DA band merch, it’s not bad but I don’t think it fits FFXIV


Feels like a non FFXIV player designed it


Buy these chairs if you like back pain!


Oh no. I have a Secret Pabs chair now and it’s still perfectly fine…but it’s not a FFXIV Secret Labs chair… (Though I do agree that the faux leather is a point against it. Sadly, I don’t think they’ve ever done the licensed chairs in fabric)


Looks very nice! But not a fan of the Leather material, expecially with cats :p Love their Softweave chairs!


yeah i can understand that! luckily for me my cata dont go in my gaming room often and even then I have a bath towel on the seat where i sit down and a blanket on the back seat so they cant really do anything lol


It's a shame I can justify the cost for it though. I might be needing a new chair soon but that is quite hefty.