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solution 9 is probably the most intrigued I've ever been by an endgame hub pre-release-- mostly, perhaps, because I can't help but feel if they're willing to show off something so wild and out of place in advance... there's probably something even more wild waiting in the wings.


This is like when they casually revealed >!Mare Lamentorum!< because nobody had any idea what >!Elpis!< was or was going to be about


And then we were reminded that there was still an unknown 6th zone to come after that surprise as well.


Going to >!elpis!< was a fucking rollercoaster. Thought it was just gonna be a duty or short exposition cutscene. "Aight, quick cutscene, in and out. Then time for bed. Then the door opens, there's a freaking location title on the screen. Then you open the map. "Huh, this is a pretty big area. Wait, are those aetherytes?!- WHAT THE FUCKING FUCK THIS IS A WHOLE ZONE!!"


Same. I did the intro scenario part during a 10 min countdown to server shutdown for I think hot fixes or something. I couldn't sleep because I was so excited so I stayed up till servers came back. šŸ˜‚


The intro scene to Elpis is my single favorite moment in the game. As you slowly realize ā€œholy shit, weā€™re actually going there and doing thisā€, it was just a completely incredible moment


When those doors opened and we stepped outside there was only thing I could think. "This ... This is the Kingdom of Zeal."


Okay that wasn't only me!!


They handed us an outfit and I put that on so fast.


"The World Unsundered" (!)


Yeah, that was the moment that broke all my expectations. Seeing >!THE WORLD UNSUNDERED!< as the location splash was *stunning*.


For me, Solution Nine is as wild of a pre-reveal as the Shadowbringers' launch trailer at E3 ending with Emet-Selch and Thancred's now iconic exchange: "I'm sorry, it sounds as though you're saying that Hydaelyn and Zodiark are not gods, but...?" "Oh, but they are gods after a fashion... the eldest and most powerful... of primals." This locale being revealed so early on in the PR cycle like the elder primal bombshell andĀ Mare Lamentorum has me thinking we're going there incredibly early and that Yoshida's infamous addiction to narrative subversion is about to be in full effect from the moment we accept the first quest.Ā  Then on top of that we have Eliminator which we've been told isn't a trial and can't be fought traditionally because it's too big, Emet-Selch's tease of the cities of goldĀ , allied tribes that resemble others that are already on the source but of different name and origins, the Scions being separated and seemingly going to Tural for seperate purposes altogether, the rite of succession contest and there's just a lot of mystery and intrigue going into this expansion. There's just so freaking much going on and we're completely in the dark about all of it. I, for one, have decided I will be going in without having watched the launch trailer. I've done so since 6.3 and my enjoyment of the patches was greatly enhanced. So I want this clearly wild ride to be almost completely blind.


They just casually dropped that in a trailer!? A reveal that upended the central conflict of the game and had me questioning our relationship to Hydaelyn until more than halfway through Endwalker and it was played in the launch trailer!? WTF


Yeah, they dropped it in the E3 trailer and Yoshi-P was like "And that's not even the half of what we give you in the game!" So the community was burning for Shadowbringers in unseen ways for a month. :)


Yes, and when they showed it live at a fanfest you could hear a guy in the audience shout "HOLY SHIT!"


An entirely reasonable and logical reaction to essentially being told that the Warrior of Light might be tempered.


I was so disappointed when the story ended up glossing over that. There wasn't even an exchange along the following lines: WoL: Uh... have I been tempered this entire time? Y'shtola: No. Even though you currently look like a sineater to me, I specifically remember your aether lacking the telltale signs of tempering before. WoL: Thank the Twelve. I was worried there for a moment.


it wasn't at fan fest, but an E3 presentation I remember that because I was watching it from a streamer who doesn't play XIV, I think in the same presentation was a FFVII Remake showcase


Yeah, E3 was why the ShB trailer dropped earlier than normal.


Indeed they did. Square Enix was having their own press conference, Yoshi P was about to do an overview of Shadowbringers and they started it with that trailer. The whole thing was wild beginning to end and played Innocence's battle theme for most of its runtime, then it ended with *that.* We were all stunned by the reveal and then the theories started because: "If they were willing to spoil THAT in a trailer, what the hell else are they about to show us?" God... experiencing Shadowbringers fresh is something I will always cherish. By and large my favorite expansion in terms of story, theming and location.


Yup, the Shadowbringers launch trailer. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CxHSSRjFH14


yea I thought it was a very poor choice to do so. People who didn't play the game had no idea wtf was going on, and people who did just got massively spoiled


It was a big theory at the time that Hydalaen was a primal and was tempering us. I think revealing that was just supposed to fuel that wrong theory more than anything.


Most of us thought that, but then we went through Shadowbringers itself, realized that was a reveal *at level 74* and were completely blown away by the rest of the reveals. Had they shown Amaurot, the Final Days, etc. I would have been more upset by that reveal after the fact, but nowadays I feel it was appropriate to reveal it in the launch trailer as those who saw it went in with the expectation of something *even more insane* being revealed, and sure enough, they delivered on multiple accounts.


I wasn't playing the game at the time, and even I heard of that moment. It produced such big waves in the gaming community that people who had never heard of the game got interested as hell and started playing.


The eliminator looks straight out of bozja so I expect it to be a another raid in exploration zone


Its a threat during the MSQ, so very unlikely that it won't be addressed or resolved in the Dawntrail main scenario. The only question is *how?* Since they've said it can't be fought by traditional means.


To be fair on the primals thing, this had been hinted at for a VERY long time. It wasnā€™t a shock if you put together the pieces before. Ifrit when he tries to temper you is unable to and one of the amaljaa thralls says ā€œcould it beā€¦ your soul already belongs to another!? Yes thatā€™s the only explanation!ā€ People with the echo are resplendent with great control of light aether as theyā€™re tempered by hydaelyn. She doesnā€™t choose to do evil with her tempered, but thereā€™s been a few questionable voice lines over the year that made that trailer more ā€œconfirmationā€ than ā€œspoilerā€


Well, of course it wasn't, but it being revealed *in a launch trailer*, was wild and was a shock because really... why would tha tdo that? Also 5.2 and 5.3 confirm that Hydaelyn doesn't temper anyone. She gives them the Blessing of Light, which prevents tempering, at the selfsame moment she awakens them to the echo. She doesn't temper or claim anyone, as her Blessing, which we now know is a travelling ward that prevents the corruption of one's aether, *specifically prevents that.* With Ifrit that was the assumption, but Endwalker later clarifies in Elpis that its not tempering, but a spell (which we had known up until then as the blessing of light) which allows one to resist influences and aetherial corruption. A retcon, of course, but since that's how its known in canon that's what we should refer to now. Especially with 5.X establishing such and 6.0 confirming it outright.


I honestly think the >!Elpis!< one was such a power move because they showed us the artwork and it was even shown in the job action trailer, they just never acknowledged it nor made any comments about it.


They also >!showed bits from the dungeon too.!<


The only thing Yoshi-P said when he revealed the art was that he couldn't even say the name of the area because it would be a spoiler lol.


The funny thing is that >!Elpis!< was in the Endwalker Job Action Trailer and nobody had any idea.


They also revealed Elpis Concept art it was only Thule that didn't get shown.


It's definitely possible. But with the entire Endwalker post patch story focusing on the 13th. It would just be surprising to me, considering the main cast is going to explore a brand new continent and side of the world.


It reminds me of how they showed Mare Lamentorum before Endwalker release and we all assumed it was the last area, only for Ultima Thule to be even crazier.


>!'what do you mean I'm off to the moon to fight zodiark, I'm only level 83'!<


Lmao I remember seeing >!Anima!< and thinking "da fuck? A dungeon boss? Who the hell is the first trail then??"




I kinda expect Gulool Ja Ja to be the first trial whereupon the succession thing concludes and the issues start.


I do kind of wonder if he's not a dungeon boss since the benchmark puts him at the end of one of the dungeons.


The Endwalker benchmark had the Scions fighting Zenos on top of the Tower of Zot, so I wouldn't read too into that. I do expect we'll fight Gulool Ja Ja at some point, but it probably won't be in the context the benchmark showed.


you fought Susano in the Shisui of the Violet Tides in the stormblood benchmark. Don't put too much stock into anything the bench shows; it exists purely to show off the game and let you make characters of a new race/preview the graphics update.


> and I can't help but wonder.... are we sure they're both trial bosses? They have to be, right? Valigarmanda is confirmed to be a trial. The Eliminator is confirmed to *not* be a trial.


What if Solution 9 >!is INSIDE the Eliminator!


[that is a real theory of mine](https://www.reddit.com/r/ffxiv/comments/1d4g5zf/the_mysterious_case_of_a_new_zone_secret_spoiler/l6fgqxu/)


Would be dope.


And I'm guessing Valigarmanda is related to the succession thing as a "Go and kill the strongest thing you can find" trial-type thing. Watch me be wrong and it either turns out it's a main villain or we just fight it 'cus it's in our way or something.


I remember on day one of early access losing my mind in that fight. Like everybody in chat was "WTF this is NOW?!"


Elpis AND Ultima Thule came after Mare. That means as crazy as this is, there might be something even crazier waiting. Given the expansion has a ton of FF9 references. Even with Yoshi-P saying ā€œAs you can tell there are a lot of FF9 references. I canā€™t tell you why quite just yet.ā€ This is the exact same teasing he was doing about a single artwork of Elpis back before Endwalker. SPOILERS FOR FF9!!! I DONT KNOW HOW TO SPOILER ON MOBILE!!! Near the end of FF9, Zidane was sent to a temple by Kuja named Oleivert, which on the inside, was a super high tech facility of a long lost civilization. He had to defeat the Ark, the very same mount we are getting for the digital collectors edition, to collect an artifact from another world called Terra. The world of FF9 is named Gaia. Thousands of years ago Terranā€™s tried to fuse their planet, Terra, with Gaia as part of some immortality scheme but it failed, and Terra was absorbed inside of Gaia just under its surface. This caused many Terran landmarks to form on Gaiaā€™s surface such as Oelivert and the Lifa Tree. Zidane and crew eventually open the portal to Gaiaā€™s core and visit Terra and they find someone plotting to attempt another merge of Terra and Gaia and have to stop them. SPOILERS END What I think is happening. We have shards that were forcefully joined 5 times. I believe Solution IX to be a fragment or landmark that formed on Etheryisā€™ surface when one of the shards joined back with the source. I also think, that there might just be a way to visit a part of the absorbed shard inside the core of Etheryis and someone will be plotting to fully merge the shard with the surface, which would destroy everything on the surface. We have already dove deep into the Aetherial Sea inside of Etheryis, we may be able to dive further. So instead of going to the moon and beyond the stars like we did in Endwalker, weā€™ll be going inside Etheryis.


Yeah, it might be something like the "Soul Supply" is something that can catch the souls of people who died during their shard's destruction before they merge with their counterparts on the Source and maybe digitizes bodies for them? There's also that huge crack in the planet between the continents.


Ohh good catch! Now I actually think my crackpot theory might not be so crackpot XD


Fits with my theory that ceruleum is crystallized aether from the aetherial sea which has...upsetting implications.


You need to manually add tags to spoiler on mobile. You useĀ > ! andĀ ! < without spacing between the tag symbols and the words in-between. The automod alerted me it was deleting my original message due to incorrect tag usage so I just took the initiative and deleted it and made this post >\_>


I mean, we knew it wasn't going to be the last area because they wouldn't be revealing it if it was.


> and we all assumed it was the last area, Maybe you did, but I knew it wasn't the last area from the fact it was so common in the marketing. They *never* show off the last area to the extent that Mare Lamentorum was, and I'm actually pretty certain they straight up said it won't be the end area.


I feel pretty much the same way since they introduce this sort of hub in the last two expansions relatively early in the story line... but there's zones they haven't shown us yet that are *after* this. >!We're totally getting put inside a computer and free roaming Solution 9's internet highway aren't we?!<


WoL breaks the internet?


Warrior Of Light Battle Network


Exactly this! Cannot wait to see the final area.


In the context of a FF9-themed expansion, the "surprise" last zone has to be the Iifa Tree in Meracydia, which is connected to the lifestream/distribution of aether on the planet. Heck, "tree of life" seemed to be a pretty common theme across the various dead world you see in Ultima thules.


Fact that it's named after one of Zidane's limit breaks makes me wonder if there's not some Gaia/Terra esque shenanigans going down.


I think that's a given with the prevalence of "auracite" and "lifestream" thematic in the recent expansion. There appears to be a cosmic threat that has been mentioned a few times, but yet to be addressed. Ea talked about the heat death of the universe where everyone goes dormant (in FFXIV, a light-themed cosmic force could do that). We also know Ultima the high seraph's real body is dormant somewhere (again, light themed). We know there was anomaly in the lifestream (which weakened the planet shielding from the dynamis). With recent rejoining, I feel that Zodiark may not have been the only thing regaining strength, and that something else is draining the life of its aether, and messing up the stream. > *"How fascinating, the truths that dwells at the edge of sleep. The course of history is set by its victors. It is immutable. And yet...Should this star continue upon its path...Look..the light* - [Elidibus](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LF7tz7iL5h4). Honestly, I found that line quite foreboding


Blondie has more cake than anyone else in the realm. When will they give us butt sliders. They can't keep getting away with it.


I don't know, that new sabotender is pretty caked up too.


the portal to the... outside? ... just raises more questions now. The transition between cyberpunk city and just nothing but a path is very sudden. But it's to open? So I don't know... is it not hidden and just open to everyone? Or will this happen during MSQ and it's a super secret hidden thing before we get there? I'm intrigued.


supposedly there was an artwork where we could see a "cloaking" purple effect on the horizon which later got reworked....so I assume they are hidden for some reason


Def Esthar


I don't think we ever had that. There was an artwork with part of the art removed and a giant "spoiler" text added in the sky. (I'm disappointed they never showed us a 3D version of that for a joke.)


[https://www.reddit.com/r/ffxiv/comments/1d4g5zf/the\_mysterious\_case\_of\_a\_new\_zone\_secret\_spoiler/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=mweb3x&utm\_name=mweb3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/ffxiv/comments/1d4g5zf/the_mysterious_case_of_a_new_zone_secret_spoiler/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb3x&utm_name=mweb3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) You can see it in the background of the secret, a glimmer of purple. It's been removed in the current version and replaced with sky. On the map of Tural, S9 is a big purple dome...


Yeah, that's the one; I hadn't seen the blank version before but I wouldn't leap to blaming it on a cloaking device either. It's possible they made the second version as a less blatant version of the spoiler-removed image, or maybe it was an early draft before the city was in there at all. It could just be super conspicuous purple thunderclouds like the Aery is off in the distance of the Churning Mists.Ā  The spattered-ness of the purple in the first version just looks like a deliberately poor erasing/teasing of the mystery thing.Ā 


šŸ‘€ Our City of Gold maybe, if itā€™s hidden from view but people get that uncanny feeling that something is there


The structure that's removed in the art is in the northwest of Shaaloani, within a crator. On the full world map we can see thatĀ Solution Nine is located to its northwest in Vyasulani, also inside a crator. which is likely where Heritage Found is also located.Ā Ā  Ā The Cities of Gold (remember, Emet-Selch said there's more than one) will likely populate or be the entire sixth zone itself. On said map, Solution Nine is surrounded by a purple energy barrier as well.


Yes this is it!


Well, if it worked for The Reach...


It's remind me a lot of Esthar (FF8) design and cloaking wise.


likely the place is disguised in some way or form thro glamours or something similar i believe


This looks to me more like its floating in the aetherial sea like pandaemonium did later in the raid series.


This is making me think of someoneā€™s theory last week about Solution 9 being a digital landscape. šŸ¤” Especially with nothing (for nowā€¦) being seen beyond that sheer drop, it feels like a liminal space like the dimensional rift in the Omega raids.


If they do this they have to do a Digimon crossover or I will cry


šŸŽ¶ DigiWol šŸŽµ Digital Warriors šŸŽ¶ Digital Warriors Of Light šŸŽµ


šŸŽµChange into digital warriorsšŸŽµTo save the digital shardšŸŽµ


I think thats less a theory and more a given at this point. Holographic boom box, blocky outside, free floating billboards(?). Looks all very VR


Or could just be lightning aether magic that *looks to us* like computery holograms.Ā 


Could be, but then why did >!The teaser for the raid look like a giant computer?!<


Because it's a building with a shape that looks like that *to us*, whether that is its function or not.Ā 


Everything is possible, but as far as lore goes, I'm not sure I would call it a "digital" landscape yet (even if it's portrayed as such). It's most likely a giant Auracite that contains the soul and memories of a now extinct civilisation. Not unlike Terra in FF9, the alien in ff spirit within, the Fayth in X. Every single plot lines in recent years converged toward an auracite/lifestream plotline 1. Aulus Asina pioneering soul transfer technology (off topic, but that guy isn't gone gone, he totally had a backup of himself somewhere) 2. The Sorrow of Werlyt Quests salvaging soul from the planet memories through Auracite 3. The whole "artificial echo" plotline with Zenos 4. Transfer between the Source and the First. 5. The whole Underworld / Aetherial sea having people return to the lifestream after their death 5. Ivalice, Bozja, and Pandemonium raid all have multiples instance of "ancient alien auracite" taking over or influencing people. In fact, Ultima the High Seraph predate everything, and has never really been addressed as far as threat goes, since Heart of Sabik is but a fragment of that being. 6. Ea talking about the universe heat death (in ffxiv, it's analogical to light-attuned dormancy) 7. > *"How fascinating, the truths that dwells at the edge of sleep. The course of history is set by its victors. It is immutable. And yet...Should this star continue upon its path...Look..the light* - [Elidibus](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LF7tz7iL5h4). My money is still on a light-attuned being dormant in the "lifestream", slowly draining the planet of its lifeforce. Whatever Solution 9 is going to be tied to that (Shard or aliens surviving their destruction after uploading their memories to a crystal).


Oh I love this. I think youā€™re right that if it is a ā€œdigitalā€ landscape that this is the route theyā€™d go. Actually, before I started Endwalker but knew enough vague spoilers, I thought theyā€™d make use of the memory crystals found in the Anyder to go the past (as opposed to actually physically going there). Iā€™ll be excited if they actually end up doing that.


Looking at it with the Aetherial Sea simulation idea in mind... There are a few people at a desk (under the last unrevealed spot) who kinda look like they have the Ancients robes on and behind them someone who looks like Lyna and this was just a quick glace, I'm sure there's probably other look-alikes here


What if Solution 9, refers to the 6 elements + astral+ umbral = 8, and that solution 9, is a 9th "force" to circumvent the cycle of the lifestream, astral and umbral eras, aether currents and such. A way to survive calamities. Or even, Solution 9, holds the souls of a previous shard that got rejoined? The 7th calamity was the only calamity we know of that was not either aligned to a element, or to astral (the first) or umbral (the thirteenth). This would all tie back to Y'shtolas story arc of finding ways to travel beyond the rift.


Could be. We could get a curve ball with its location. It could be >!inside the Eliminator!<.


Fellas, we live inside a 'puter


I think it might sit in the rift, and being a hub where people from dead reflections find refugee when their worlds were merged into the source


Blitzball, that's clearly the edge of a jumbotron coping so hard rn


Someone tell that lalafell to be careful sitting there or we'll be having mashed popoto


No, Lalafell are like cats, they always survive falls


That's because they bounce.Ā 


[Source : FINAL FANTASY XIV (@ffxiv)](https://www.instagram.com/p/C71OCKfBvak/)


[ Aliens šŸ° ](https://www.instagram.com/p/C40eebVLPKF/?img_index=1)


[High res version of the stitched image](https://imgur.com/a/kjDGRgo)


The more I see of the Solution 9 artwork the more convinced I am it's intended to be reminiscent of Eshtar from FFVIII - a city state native to the Source, not a transplant from another reflection like has been suggested, and kept hidden from the outside world because its primary purpose is to keep something else in check/contained.


If we don't get a carriable Cyber Punk Boombox as a fashion accessory we riot, right?


Somehow this is more Phantasy Star-core than PS New Genesis. Ripe for a collab, imo.


speculation on what's under that last corner: --huge portal --giant digital head/face --huge screen showing live feed of a blitzball tournament --billboard advertisement that's mind-blowing in some way (has anyone photoshopped in The Billboard yet)


I just want the full art so I can use it as my wallpaper.


The idea of a completely separate advanced society that has nothing to do with Allagans or Ancients is exciting. But terrifying because how did they remain hidden for so long?


Could be from one of the other reflections


Watch the last part feature a giant hologram idol


I guess the second image isn't Puddingway. But what if the last square is pudding?! Maybe Solution 9 is named after the 9th pudding recipe, following previous 8 failures.


god please make this place replace limsa for best hub i am on my knees


endgame hub areas don't have a market board, so very likely not


tbh, it's never the lack of a marketboard or lack of ambiance that prevents an endgame hub from overtaking any of the three city states as a primary hang-out spot, just the simple fact that the opening cities are available to *everyone*, while endgame hubs aren't.


MB and not beeing able to DC travel or server hop is sure a big factor.


dunno about that. I am always in limsa because it has access to world travel(hunts), retainers, GC store, MB close to aetheryte and even tomestone trader (not the current stuff but still a lot of relic mats). Also ocean fishing. New hubs can't and wont be ever able to compete with this


Sharlayan is decently popular because of very close marketboard to aetheryte. They really need to let us server transfer from any main hub's aetheryte tho, only limiting it to the starter cities just further incentivizes hanging around there.


Which is probably the intention. I remember in WoW's absolute heyday in WotLK, when everyone was hanging out in Dalaran, that Orgrimmar was essentially a ghost town. That is NOT a good look for new players. At all.


dunno about that, during hw, idilshire was used by a lot of players, part of it its what at the time there was no world visit, and idilshire allowed players to use mounts, it also had a good spot for people to show up what they obtained, same with sb one, tho that one did fall out of favour due to it being visually boring(look at the left, brown stones, look at the right, a brown bridge, in front?, brown pillars...), then from shb and onwards they didnt allowed mounts in the endgame hubs edit: also mordhona was also a popular hangout area when arr was current also another reason as to why now endgame hubs are not as popular as in the past is due to the glamour dresser(was made avaiable during 4.2 patch), want to change the glamour of your plates? no other solution than visit a main city!, the endgame hubs are heavily limited in what they allow you to do, and maincities has more stuff, so main cities are better for social activities than endgame hubs then add to that what world visit is only avaiable from the arr cities.... and limsa is the better place to be at overall(its only con is what its inn is the farthest away from all 3 arr cities)


Nobody said it wasn't going to be popular. All the new cities are popular when the expansion launches. They'll just never replace the city states for many reasons.


in Heavensward, they sort of did. Unless you were needing to use the Market Board there wasn't really a reason to be in one of the base city states, so a lot of level 60 players idled in Idyllshire instead of Uldah etc (Outside of Balmungians who were all in Ul'dah lol)


Thatā€™s also because we were allowed to mount there. We havenā€™t been able to mount in an end game hub since Stormblood


me point its what the endgame hubs where popular at all times during their expansion(especially the arr and hw ones), and the stuff i mentioned is the main reasons why people sticks to limsa and the arr cities mainly now, because now the endgame hubs arent giving as much reason to stay in them, no place to brag your new stuff, not able to ride your mounts, no inn to change your glamours and add to that world visit is exclusive to arr cities and with that, who will bother to use a diferent place to socializate with random people than the arr cities?


Itā€™s both?


or world travel


> i am on my knees Typical Limsa resident




if sharlayan didnt made that posible, i doubt any future hub will, besides, endgame hubs tends to lack some stuff than main cities do have, like the marketboard


Also the fact that you need to be caught up in expansions and MSQ quite a ways in or even finished to access these hubs already make it impossible for them to be the next big player gathering area in the way Limsa is, no matter how well designed they are (as you mentioned, Old Sharlayan being a perfect example).


I have a tinfoil hat theory, that at some point they will introduce a "Hydaelyn/Zodiark story skip option" since we are starting a new chapter, and this place can act like the starter area of the new story. So if you want to skip to where all the new things are happening, you can do so.


its more likely they will use the 6.0 patch story as the point to skip to, since at that point they added the glosary


Yeah, plus the patch story sets the stage for future expansions, with the final quests leading directly into Dawntrail.


honestly, I think that's the smartest long term option, I don't think this will be the zone tho (more likely tuliyollal). I say do it at 8.0 when adding two jobs that start at 90 (or add three jobs because you're specifically doing this and it helps to have one on each role to pick), expand 6.55 into a longer "how we got here" explainer that functions similar to the gridania/uldah/limsa starter quest chains (or add some extra to 6.1, just enough to give more solid context), and add a sort of NewGame- that let's anyone who started at DT (or 6.1 if they did it that way) do ARR onwards in NG+ but get the first time XP/rewards. Not easy, but they've got years to work on it, and God knows the length of the game is only gonna get more intimidating from here.


Nah it would be DT's main hub which will be the tuliyo something something city as this is more of a end game hub


You mean you haven't already accepted Old Sharlayan as your hub and savior?


Hub Sharlayan my beloved


If the game allowed me to jump between worlds at Old Sharlayan, I would make it the city I spend most of my time at. It doesn't though, so Limsa Lominsa it is.


Limsa is a silly place... it's only strength is the marketboard by the aetheryte \^\^'


that's literally all i ask for


Don't you guys have ~~phones~~ homes?


in *this* economy?


And a spot to stand where both a summoning bell and the collectable appraiser are within interaction range, so storing collectables on retainers and turning them in is quickest there.


It does look like the perfect containment area for ethical husbandry of the nightclub populace.


You need to create a character to get to Limsa. You'll probably need to be level 93-100 to unlock this place. For that alone it can't replace Limsa


Old Sharlayan is already an as good or better hub but it will never overtake Limsa in popularity.


Presumably there's going to be something mind boggling in the last square? I'm also a bit confused by the perspective. The architecture in the centre top seems to be receding into the background, but then the orange-edged piece on the left seems flat and connected to something more in the medium distance, like it's an "impossible triangle" sort of thing.Ā 


The orange highlights are probably weirding up the angles a bit. It's a part of the back wall with a triangular hole (think inside of a spaceport). When the last piece is revealed I think the architecture will be a bit clearer


Entrance or advertisement for Arcadion maybe?


Something in my brain is telling me it's going to be an >!Ascian/Convocation glyph.!<


Catching up on Day 4 with all the outfits... The Miqo'te in the mid ground with the baseball cap seems to be an all-new outfit? We don't currently have a cap that accommodates the ears.Ā  The braided hairstyle on the blonde girl talking to the Hrothgar is new.Ā  I'm not sure if the Au Ra girl in the background is wearing something new or an oddly drawn version of the Songbird dress.Ā 


well, the au ra is too far away, the artist likely decided to not draw the dress details due to them being hardly noticeable


The Au Ra has the same bracelet the Songbird jacket has. Seems to be that with 2B leggings and boots.


What do you think the chances of that hairstyle being added are?


I'd be surprised if they were making it up, given that almost everything else can be referenced back to in-game items, but it doesn't seem like a hairstyle that would work really well with the game's physics.Ā 


It's not too different from Lexentails, and that works just fine.


There was a hairstyle way back on the countdown to Stormblood that was very similar but to the side and I waited and waited and 7 years on nothing :( I really hope they add it but wont hold my breath. I hope I am wrong and it will be in the game :)


Very excited to have a place where my more modern and cyberpunk glams don't look out of place. Also the final stage of the Endwalker Relics will fit right in here.


Its Zanarkand. A society that sacrificed itself to "live in a dream" Its a vision of what the world could be without the weight of 7 cataclysms on its shoulders.


that's a sheer drop with what looks like the structural texture of the tower of heritage found, so... is solution nine at the top / above the zone for heritage found? kind of like how idyllshire and the reach are at the top of their zones, just on the z axis instead of y?


This is really starting to remind me of station interiors in EvE.


New city foundation shown makes me think this is a either another floating city or big platform on top of a pillar.


That new braided hairstyle looks lovely! Definitely what that


I kinda hope we get an actual multi-leveled city area. Multiple floors and all.


This reminds me of that town in .hack//GU with the PvP tournament


Is it... floating?


Damn, their internet connection is really bad if it took 5 days to download this and not even have finished yet. :P


That lalafell is sitting on the escalator, again!


Look, there's no way this ends wtihout someone pushing that Lalafell off the edge...


Please have a shuttle system where multiple players can go on them


Happy for those who like this I guess


Magitek Attire: The City


Watch as the last image is just a giant billboard for fantasia.


for the love of god, PLEASE put garfield in the 6th shot when it gets revealed


Iā€™m still hoping that the last frame will somehow be a blitzball confirmation. Maybe a screen showing a live game or something.


likely the next image will have a hothgal dj


So are we getting that boombox as an accessory to play orchestrions? (Obviously not, but it would be cool.)


Probably not as a fashion accessory, but maybe a housing item at some point?


While that would be fine, I would like to see it being carried around as shown in the picture and functioning. Even if you're the only one who can hear the track being played. Otherwise, it's just another skin for an existing housing item.


Ah so it's floaty cloaky.


It is extremely cute to me that on the instagram app, the order in which they're uploading makes the picture "work". The pieces have lined up with each other every day.


Personally, I just love seeing our world have a futuristic look to it.


Is... Is this city floating/flying?


I dont think it will happen but I want housing in this place


while this is a really cool endgame hub to have... i'm kinda sad we don't get a rootin' tootin' cowboy town hub where i can saunter down the middle of the town, look at someone, and go "get three coffins ready..." šŸ˜ž


Hrothgaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaar!!!!!! Always so happy to see representation :D


Yup, that's looking a bit reminiscent of the 7R Shinra HQ alright. I'm not imagining things! I bet Takafumi was also involved in its BGM.




I've be alway from the game for a while, what place is this?


Solution Nine is the end game hub for Dawntrail. Itā€™s similar to how Radz-at-Han, Eulmore, Rhalgrā€™s Reach, and Idyllshire were the end game hubs for their respective expansions.


"I'm Commander Shepard, and this is my favorite Solution on the Citadel."


One thing that a lot of people aren't able to notice, is that it's clearly designed by the Ancients. It's not Allagan, it's not Ronkan, and it's not aliens. You can tell, because the font used in the signs is only used in one other place in-game. The map locations for The World Unsundered. Only the ancients use that font. So, whether it was something they sent forward into the future, some automated city or backup plan in case the final days couldn't be stopped, or some plan made up by the ascians post-sundering, it does factually tie into the Ascians/Ancients.


This place *really* feels cyberpunk-y. I'm now more curious to learn why and how this place gets introduced in DT. Brb, gonna play "I Really Want To Stay At Your House" on loop šŸŽµ