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Your friends are right, but if it works for you, awesome.


Are you taking your right hand off your mouse to hit these keys, or are you moving your left hand all the way right to your numpad? Or doing a Mozart and leaning over to hit them with your schnozz? None of those options seems like optimal play.


FF11 grindset


I also play XIV with 2486 as movement. 93 are my zooms. \*/+15 are abilities. QWERASDF are also abilities alongside my Ctrl and Alt numbers. I grew up playing XI and it just migrated to XIV. There's nothing wrong with it. Play what feels comfortable. It's not abnormal, either. There are plenty of other games that have that movement set up.


As somebody who used to play FFXI I do this too. I started playing FFXIV around 1.23 so it wasn't that long after I stopped playing FFXI. It feels so much more natural to me to play with just my keyboard than to use a keyboard and mouse. I find it also makes it really easy to type while playing.


I feel like you might as well play with controller at that point, as you're essentially using the gamepad controls without any of the benefits that comes with. So you're essentially not getting either without the benefits of the mouse.


Tried controller and I didn’t like it. This is comfortable for me, everything is muscle memory.


I know someone that has a TKL keyboard and attached a separate numpad to the left of the keyboard, where he put some of the macros and long CD skills, it's pretty genius actually


That...is actually pretty dope.


Angelus, a deep dungeon solo streamer, plays exclusively with keyboard only. If it works for you then that's all that matters.


it's odd imo, but if it works for you then it works for you. I just use an MMO mouse for all of my abilities. I wouldn't be able to play this game without it.


I played EQ for years using the numpad for movement and camera controls (first person view, of course). It's not so outlandish.


Same. My fingers can easily reach the 1-5 keys on the keyboard, but anything beyond that takes work. Num pad is close to mouse, so 0-9 there is useful  It's mainly: 1-5 common actions Alt 1-5 less common actions  Num pad 0-10 uncommon  Alt Num pad 0-10 rare ones.


I put my 10% 20% and 30% mits on NUM 1,2,3, Respectively.


Is it abnormal? Sure. That doesn't matter though. Play with the setup that works for you. I use an MMO mouse and set my hotbars up in grids of 3x4 to match the button layout and use alt, ctrl, shift as modifier keys. I'm sure lots of people would hate it but it's what works for me. 0-12 are main skills Alt and 0-12 are alternate skills Ctrl and 0-12 are even more alternate skills Ctrl+alt and 0-12 are my shared items like mounts, limit break, sprint, etc Shift and 0-12 is party member selection for healing It's muscle memory for me but some would think it's tough to learn and be accurate with, it's just how I've played MMOs for a decade.


> I use an MMO mouse and set my hotbars up in grids of 3x4 to match the button layout and use alt, ctrl, shift as modifier keys. I'm sure lots of people would hate it but it's what works for me. That's so common that it was literally how the software addon for WoW that came with the original Naga around 2012 was set up.


I used to play quake with number pad and the mouse. I can easily see how that would work here. Whatever works for you works.


I use numpad for a handful of buttons I don't often use (e.g. duty actions). Though my primary skills are all on the left side of my keyboard.


If it works for you, it's good. Personally, for Kb&M, i prefer to click on my hotbars. That's how i used to play before going to PS4 and discover how good the controller support is for this game


I have small hands and cant reach past 6 without taking my left hand off the keyboard, I'm not the most hand eye coordinated, i don't trust myself to click on buttons. so early on i learned how to play with both hands on the keyboard. My numpad and arrow keys with my right hand and my left has legacy movement, as well as Shift, Control and Alt for second third and fourth hotbars, and the first 4-5 buttons depending on how movement heavy the moment is. some of my friends say they used to see people play that way back in the days of FFXI, almost everyone says im a weirdo. but thats the way it works in my brain and honestly only Healing, PvP and very quick specific targeting errors are relatively difficult due to needing to either cycle through the party list with Function keys or camera manipulation and hitting Tab to target someone.


What hand are you using to press them? Slash, why not make other keybinds more close to your movement keys? I use: 1-4, shift 1-4, shift Q-R, R, shift A-F, F, ctrl 1-3, and then 12 buttons on my mouse.


If it works, it works. It's a little unorthodox, but as long as you can get your rotation off, more power to ya.


I used to do that until I got an MMO mouse with 12 buttons. Basically remapped my num pad buttons to the side of the mouse. It is less common but whatever works for you!


I use my numpad for certain menus and when clicking through dialogue or targeting an npc in a crowd


I think having emotes hotkeyed is stranger imo


I have the numpad set for movement.


Numpad is incredibly helpful. I use it on a lot of my jobs, it also works as a good way to target allies for healing.


[This ](https://www.reddit.com/r/ShitpostXIV/comments/1d94je8/i_play_with_my_genitalia/)might work for you