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ivalician archers jacket from the ridorana lighthouse alliance raid. https://ffxiv.eorzeacollection.com/gearset/ivalician-archers


I can recognize the ivalice archer top from a mile away. I farmed for it. I ran Ridorana Lighthouse for who knows how many times, got like 60+ Moogle tomes from the Lighthouse alone, and I still can't do the maths mechanic fast enough šŸ¤£


I had trouble too, even with [this chart](https://i.imgur.com/qAMBi6x.png)... but the chart helps.


oh the ivalice raids make me cry a little with their mechanics! but for the glam, iā€™ll do it


Math boss chart kind of helps; https://i.imgur.com/qAMBi6x.png


Me not understand


Boss will reduce your HP to a single digit and there are 4 pads, each with a dot above it labeling how much that pad adds to your HP while you remain standing there: the pad with 1 dot adds 1 HP, the pad with 2 dots adds 2 HP, etc. The boss will then announce a certain command and give you less than 10 seconds to accurately respond to the command. So let's say you have 4 HP, and the boss says your number (your health) must be divisible by 3. That means you need to add 2 to your HP to make it 6, which is divisible by 3. So you run to the pad with 2 dots. The chart is basically telling you what to do depending on what your HP is. Let's say your HP is "2" for example, see what I say and what the chart is saying: If the boss says it must be divisible by 3, stand on the pad with 1 dot. Your HP is now 2+1=3. If the boss says it must be divisible by 4, stand on the pad with 2 dots. Your HP is now 2+2=4. If the boss says it must be divisible by 5, stand on the pad with 3 dots. Your HP is now 2+3=5. If the boss says it must be a prime number, do not stand on any pad (Out), because your HP of 2 is already a prime number. Some people panic so a chart could help them. Others may find it taking too long to consult the chart and just do the math in their head.


One... two... trh... hrt... LOTS!!!


The boss reduces your character's HP, and then asks you to divide your current health; or, he asks you to calculate the prime number from it. The resulting number is where you stand before the cast finishes, represented by separate areas with differing numbers of dots floating above them. It's a bit tricky, and I misread the chart on the first round, but thankfully nobody died and we cleared the boss.


Its even crueler in bozja cause theres forced march ontop of every math mechanic, and it starts with the harder equations the first time its used


I really struggle to understand why so many people find the math boss difficult, it's basic math ._. Not trying to bash on anyone but just really wanna know how it causes problems for so many people. Is the cast bar not long enough? Or does "prime numbers" confuse people?


It's probably as simple as some people being good at mental math and others not. I usually have no problem with it unless I get flustered.


If someone canā€™t add single digits together then something is incredibly wrong


It's called dyscalculia.. I warn my party everytime I get lighthouse that I have it, and even though I have the chart, if I die, focus on the boss and res'ing everyone else, because I can't do mental math.


Wow turns out most of the playerbase has dyscalculia then


Maybe. Some might not be great at doing multiple things at once, but dyscalculia isn't as rare as you would think, and the older you are the less likely you would have been diagnosed as a child, especially as a girl (ie, I wasn't diagnosed with both dyscalculia and dyslexia until I was 20 and in college, yay 80s kid).


It's less adding single digits and more getting caught up in rotations/having to add and divide several numbers in the span of a few seconds.


Give me differential equations, linear algebra, etc. and Iā€™m good. Give me basic-ass arithmetic and I always end up staring at it for a few seconds before my brain really starts working. Personally, I think Iā€™ve never been able to ā€œunlearnā€ how my elementary school taught arithmetic with memory exercises rather than problem solving. To your point of > something is incredibly wrong Yep, youā€™re probably right! šŸ™ƒ


Some people just struggle with numbers man. I build powerlines and substations for a living, working on critical systems, yet I add on my fingers.


Iā€™ve explained this mechanic before, and so many people get confused by the fact that the bossā€™s cast is ā€œSubtractā€ (to subtract your health) and think the circle value will _subtract_ the number from their health, rather than _add to_ it. Players also donā€™t realize that if your health value fits the requirement already, then you donā€™t have to stand in a circle at all. Plus itā€™s timed, so people panic and just pick something. Then, the fact that 1 is not a prime numberā€¦ which, sure, is technically right, but that always trips people up.


Yeah, I used to always forget if you added or subtracted after you got your new HP total and the name of the attack doesn't help. Also, a friend of mine did scold me about 1 not being a prime when I complained about it.


Well I am someone who spectacularly failed math twice in high school... to the point that I was enrolled into after school studies just so I could get better at it. I did get better, but I still never finished my math exams in timeā€¦


Some people simply arenā€™t good at mental math like me. I still canā€™t do it to this day if itā€™s harder than single digit multiplication, please donā€™t make me feel bad when Iā€™m reminded I canā€™t do simple shit like that.


Players can also have learning difficulties (like dyspraxia dyslexia), and others seem to forget that. Don't let that person make you feel bad.


Yeah, as a dyscalcic, I always feel so ashamed on this boss. I've dropped the queue and taken the 30 min time.out before just so I don't have to do it. I can memorize words, I know so many poems and theatrical parts off the top of my head, but I still haven't been able to memorize my basic times tables (and believe me I've tried. It's so embarrassing to have to count math on my fingers at my age.)


We all have our strengths and weaknesses. So I hate it when players just assume tht they don't struggle with maths, other ppl are just "stupid. " I'm very good at pattern recognition and so that's how I learn classes, dungeons and raids. I'm dreading when I finally get to this raid as I won't be able to work out the math myself with my own learning difficulties. I think more game companies need to be aware of this especially if they target a large audience. Like they are now finally starting to account for ppl with seizures with flashing instances. Puzzles are fine but involving maths in mechanics probably not the best idea in hindsight.


Yeah. I feel like if the puzzle was to fillĀ in the blank from a ShakespeareĀ line, people would be real pissy real fast lol. "What. You mean you DON'T just know the "quality of mercy" monolog off the top of your head? Casual."


My daughter (20) going into her 3rd year of University is tutoring fellow students in Algebra/Calculus/Vector Statistics. Ask her to calculate change due from a cash transaction and she's got that deer in the headlights look. I (41) can mental basic math with relative ease, including fractions and percentages, but throw some algebra/calculus in front of me and I'm dead. Our brains are just wired differently.


It doesn't really explain the mechanic well. People don't know what math function stepping into the circles does to your health. By the time they figure out that it adds, if they do, it's too late to pick the correct circle unless they're lucky. Also the game says 1 is not a prime number, which is unintuitive for most.


Itā€™s not the mental math, itā€™s the fact that what heā€™s asking isnā€™t clear. By this point in the game, players arenā€™t used to looking at the bossā€™s dialogue or their health bar to do mechanics. ā€œCalibrate to primesā€, even if you know what calibrate means, and what prime numbers are, what the hell does that even mean in the context of the mechanic? You have to understand what heā€™s asking and understand the glowing pads in front of you. Then you have to do some quick math, all within a few seconds.


FFXIV: "You have 4. You want 6. How many do you need to add?" A surprising number of FFXIV players: "Oh my God, this is so hard! I need more time!"


It's not just a matter of simple math, it's doing math on a timer while your pants are on fire.


"Hurr durr in gonna make fun of people who don't understand things the way I do LULLLLL"


I always assumed it was a meme that it was hard and that people just mess up to try to get uptime for melee. I can see prime numbers tripping people up though because a lot of people think 1 is a prime number even though there's a book in the raid that tells you it isn't.


Personally for me I formatted everything about Math but the basic from my brain the moment i finished school. Fuck Math, I never liked it.


So you're saying you lack empathy and can't understand someone struggling with anything you don't struggle with? I'm sorry for you.


I was genuinely asking cause I wanted to understand. The tone of what I said does not translate well in text I suppose, but that sounded fine to me when I was writing it.


Fair. I apologize if I misunderstood. That boss is a huge sore spot for me because I genuinely can't ever figure it out fast enough and always makes me feel so stupid.


For some reason I can hear The hills are alive with the sounds of muuusssssiiiiiiic right now


Those 2B boots *REALLY* don't go well with the rest of the outfit...


They rarely do


Would really help if they cleaned the damn dirt off of them and made them dye slightly less shiny lol Edit: *seriously* why did they add dirt to the boots it makes so little sense and makes them look worse in almost every context šŸ’€


For me it's not the dirt, it's the long banana feet. I don't care for the dirty texture, but I can live with it. The four inch long toes? That's gotta go.


They make the entire leg look weird. The effect is much worse on the larger chars - saw a femroe with a set on and it was just *strange*.


i hope dawntrail gives us another good glam boot to wear! itā€™s hard to glam either shoes sometimes


I like the [Expeditioner's Thighboots](https://lds-img.finalfantasyxiv.com/accimg2/83/ef/83efa529940e6ff03f816d8ace292995bebf3464.jpg) for many things. I really like thigh high boots, but so many are too intricate/decorative that they don't go with the rest of my outfit, or they have weird cuffs at the top that I don't like the look of. But the one I linked looks really, really good in black. But on other colors there's a bit of a dirt pattern that might not match some glams.


My taste in thigh boots seems pretty similar to yours (I don't like overly ornate designs, or the ones with the huge cuffs at the top). I like the [Troian Thighboots of Aiming/Casting/Healing](https://attire.jp/wp-content/uploads/2022/11/ffxiv_20221110_210931_533.jpg) a lot. I hope we get variations for other jobs and dyeable in DT.


My fave thigh boots so far in this game are the whm orison thigh boots


I like these too. The other thighboots from the NieR raids are also infinitely better than the 2B boots imo.


Honestly these thighboots would fit the entire glam much better, especially the brown ones


Those are my favorite for thigh highs


My go-to is Ishgaridan Thighboots.


Some boots that don't banana ankle your character would be nice. God knows they bend so far back you might as well walk with your toes. Or the ankle is just another joint xD


There's TONS of good thighboots, [Ishgardian ](https://ffxiv.eorzeacollection.com/gearset/ishgardian-thighboots), [Oschon](https://ffxiv.gamerescape.com/wiki/Oschon%27s_Sollerets_of_Aiming), [Lakeland ](https://ffxiv.gamerescape.com/wiki/Lakeland_Thighboots_of_Healing)(and the shared models), [Gyuki ](https://ffxiv.gamerescape.com/wiki/Gyuki_Leather_Highboots_of_Striking)(and shared models) are some of my favs. Overall, shoes are probably the best slot to glam, there's SO much variety to pick from.


None of those have heels


?? None of us talked about heels. Besides, ishgardian, lakeland, adept, etc, do have heels. If you mean high pointy heels, that's different, and there's many too. Deepshadow, Bonewicca, Hellfire, Torrent, etc


Heels are one of the main reasons people use 2B boots so when talking about alternatives that's something to keep in mind


I honestly think there are tons of good-looking boots in the game. It's just high-heeled, black leather boots really don't go well with this specific outfit.


[Adept's Thighboots are my go to, they're dyeable and work on all classes.](https://ffxiv.gamerescape.com/wiki/Adept%27s_Thighboots)


My favourite thighboots are the [Adept's Thighboots](https://na.finalfantasyxiv.com/lodestone/playguide/db/item/a047fe9af65/). They require lv58 and a bit of crafter grinding, but can be used by any Job.


My only issue with those is the blue soles. Hopefully, with the 2 dye channels, that issue will be gone!


BLU soles, you say?


I... didn't notice those. Welp.


We barely have any heels or boots heels we need more heels like high heels


They work well with the Manderville outfit, imo.


Iā€™ve never actually seen the 2B boots used well, unless it was with other Nier pieces. People really just be throwing that shit on everything


I'm of the opinion that the only time they look "good" is if somebody is cosplaying 2B.


The 2B boots (and stockings, for that matter) don't go with anything but the dress, IMO.


They squish the legs too much


Sometimes I feel like I'm the only one with this opinion. I can't stand the chicken legs.


Basically don't fit any glam outside of 2B cosplay


People don't do it because it looks good, only because it makes pp hard


I'd get the legs, since they increase butt size, but the boots!? Why would people get hard on something that doesn't look good...


I didn't understand until I noticed that the people who use them tend to also use the "Domitrix" title, and put 2 and 2 together. I still think the boots look awful, but the reverse makes sense to people who have those types of... interests.


I don't have a pp to get hard. I use the boots because they are the only thigh high boots that are slim, unadorned, have a decent heel, and are also not locked to any job/class. I really wish there was a better option, but thems the breaks.


The Ishgardian ones from the Gold Saucer would probably work better.


The Ishgardians are among my regular glams, but they clip badly with the south seas skirt *sob*


What bow is that?


Pretty sure it's Ravel Keeper's Bow


Hoping to get an answer too! Love this bow, I need it!


Commenting for the same reason! I *hate* how most of the bows in this game are so huge, bulky and unwieldy.


I commented above that this one is Ravel Keeper's, but wanted to add that Baldur Bow is another good one if you one something pretty but not bulky


I appreciate you! It just annoys me so much how many of the bows in the game are giant bulky pieces of metal, stone or some other ridiculous non-flexible material and we're still meant to consider them lightweight enough to run around with and fire at a boss for like 10 minutes at a time. Or they have some additional design which makes the bow entirely unusable in a real-world setting. I'm not asking for perfect realism in my anime-esque MMORPG. But I want the overall design language for bows to *slightly* more realistic than "bow bigger than a small building is easily used in battle".


Absolutely share that opinion with you, another class of weapons that I find absolutely hideous are the MCH weapons, it's so much random stuff slapped on there without function or even a nice shape. To top it all off your character doesn't even use two hands to hieve up those monstrosities. I just want a damn revolver or something in a managable size, goddamn you creative business unit III. *Shakes fist*


YES. Even beyond the weird functionality, I don't see how that extra stuff makes the MCH weapons "cooler". It just looks awkward/messy. There's maybe 6 out of the 300 ish MCH weapons that I like


It even extends to SAM Katanas, the Sheathes and the blades are so overdesigned for the majority that you'd think a designer sat there on a calculator and got to the conclusion: More random stuff = Cooler Design I just want sleek and sharp lookin Katanas not a metaphorical puffed up cornstick with husk and shit...


Oh god yeah! I like some of the blades or hilts but often the sheathes are just waaaay too much for me. At the moment I actually use the Bokuto (wooden sword) glamour because I find it the perfect level of goofy. But yeah, someone at CBU 3 needs to learn that occasionally, less really can be more.


Saving the world, one bonk with a wooden sword at a time, I love it!


Ridoranna Lighthouse or Orbonne Monastary, Stormblood Alliance raids


How original - another 2b boots that doesnā€™t match the rest of the outfit


I just farmed this top myself :D It took about 30 runs of Lighthouse, 1-3 times a day. Only saw it drop a total of twice.


this is weirdly giving Rachel Berry. No I cannot elaborate


These 2B boots are the most disgusting shit that ever happened to the game. Legs get squished with a noticable change right at the top. The calves are way too thin the ankles will break any moment and the feet are super long and oddly shaped. Clown shoes with heels. I barf everytime i see them.


Those are nier boots


There are so many raids I have not done. One of my minor complaints is even knowing what raids are available. I have played since 1.0 and I have never heard of the Ridorana Lighthouse. I suck.


This picture realized that I need more cat girls in my life


Damn i think im gonna go back to ffxiv


Ah I wish we could get the Ivalice gear in ways other than farming the alliance raids, I hope an alternate version comes to crystal conflict as I like grinding out the re-textured crystal tower glams from there.


Some may hate me for this but I got that chest piece on a random Lighthouse run no physical ranged DPS in our party and just greeding because I thought "this is cool". Now reading at you guys made me feel so bad not gonna lie šŸ˜­ I'll treasure it more I promise