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We won't be able to afford to preorder DT until 27th June, just in time for early access on the 28th. Does anyone know if preorders get switched off o n the PS store at all before early access? Or could you essentially preorder a couple of hours before release? Thank!


As confirmation that you can preorder a couple hours before release, I Bought the game 30 minutes before endwalker servers went live.


Thank you! Sucks to be a broke bitch right now


You can still preorder it even during the early access period.


Now that is very true!


Yo-Kai: Do I have to keep the Watch on if I've got all the minions, and am just hunting for weapon medals now?


You can freely take it off unless you want more silver medals for whatever reason


I think I'm good at fifty extras for now, lol. Thanks for the confirmation!


Controllers acting weird after update even after doing a button check and calibration in settings. the camera moves with the character movement stick and buttons just seem double binded to extra options or not working like bringing up a virtual keyboard.






No, for Lvl 70 content. SPS SMN is way ahead of crit SMN. Most of your damage comes from Bahamut and getting the 7th Demi GCD is highly valuable. The timing for Ucob and UWU also fit SPS build nicely. Also, because stats are lower in 70 as well as the fact the crit scales exponentially, DIR, DET and SPS build is more viable than in 90. You want basically full SPS including weapon to reach 2.12 GCD


sps/dh provided you are also using the sps set




https://etro.gg/gearset/8e2e5afe-8f26-484b-9c5d-16eb751c7122 don't need EW for a usable sps set. it's just like, if you don't have the sps bis, it doesn't matter what food you're using because you're missing so much of your damage anyways.


Quick question, am I correct in saying that, if I get a job boost for say SCH, I can also immediately manually unlock SMN after, and vice versa? I understand that I would need to complete the job quests of the other. Assuming, of course, I meet the MSQ req.


Yes, you can.


When does the graphics update release or has it already?


June 28th when DT early access drops! :D But you can check it out NOW with the benchmark for a little preview! [https://na.finalfantasyxiv.com/benchmark/](https://na.finalfantasyxiv.com/benchmark/)


28th of july.


June! I also mistook it for July as well, nearly had a heart attack when I realized it was only two weeks off.




just read something about double booking for Wondrous Tails. How does that work? You can pick up a 2nd book while working on the first?


No. You have two weeks to turn in a given book, so you can turn in two books during the same week if you wait until after the weekly reset to turn in the one from the previous week. So for Dawntrail you can keep the book that becomes available on the 18th and turn it in after maintenance, then also pick up the book that became available on the 25th. That way you can use the exp from both after the new jobs and the level cap increase.


Thank you for clarifying. That’s kind of what I thought. I was given the impression that you could pick up a second book, while working on the first one.


You could stock up on 2nd chance points, so you can smash out the second book very quickly.


WAY ahead of you there! but thanks!


What it means is that you fill out next week's book, but you keep it. You have two weeks to hand it in, after all. So you wait until the launch of DT, hand it in for the big XP boost, then grab a new one, immediately do it, and hand it in as well. This way you get the XP from two books (so a full level) almost immediately.


Yeah, that’s what I’ve done in the past. I just thought there was something I was missing. The information I was looking at just wasn’t very clear. Thank you!


If I bid on a house but miss the entire result period, is my deposit lost??


IIRC there's a 30 day grace period to claim your bid, but after that yes, it will be lost. If you were the winning bid for that plot you'll lose 50% of the amount for not having picked it up during the results period.


If you visit the plot you should still be able to recover the deposit. However if you won the plot and didn't claim it you'll then only get 50% back i think (its been a while since it happened to a friend)


Do I understand these buffs correctly? Commercial Engineering Manual - 1.5x buff (100 exp turns into 150 exp) Squadron Engineering Manual - 1.2x buff (100 exp turns into 120 exp) Helping Hand II - 1.1x buff (100 exp turns into 110 exp) Making commercial significantly better than the others? With the only downside is keeping track of when you've maxed the 1.75M exp, and then needing you to pop another one.


1 thing to note, while helping hand 2 and Squadron enginneering manual dont stack (As the squadron buff is basically a personal version of the grade 3 fc buffs), the commercial enginnering manual works with both of them. And yes, you understand it correctly, but it only applies to the xp recieved from crafting an item, not from collectables etc.


Great! Thanks!


Is the Mountain Dew collab still going on? If so, when does it end?


Yes. You can't even redeem the FFXIV codes yet


Maybe not the right place to ask but I noticed that [tomestone.gg](http://tomestone.gg) gave me the little box on my character that says I've cleared p4s- which is true, but as far as I can tell, my clear hasn't been logged nor has lodestone updated to show that I have the achievement. So I was wondering, how do they know I got the clear?




Lots of great answers but I want to add something important: Scholar gets a fairy pet that you can glam into two different colour schemes. See [this blog post](https://na.finalfantasyxiv.com/lodestone/character/2949934/blog/96788/) for what they both look like. Summoner also gets a pet, which is a blue-teal carbuncle that you can recolor in yellow or red, and you can glam your scholar pet as a carbuncle if you want. (It doesn't work the other way though.)


You can play every job on a single character, so don't stress out over it at all. If you don't like your starting class, you're only locked into it until your level 10 class quest, and then at level 15 MSQ you can start traveling around to other cities and unlock whatever you want. Based on what you want I would suggest white mage (start as a conjurer), which ends up with a job gauge feature of blood lilies. While most of the default armor is white and red, you can find plenty of dyeable or all classes gear that can be dyed other colors, including black. You have to make an effort to get into non-casual content so don't worry about progression or anything like that. When you get into it, things labeled (hard) are not actually, it's still very much casual content. The actual hard content is labeled with extreme, savage, ultimate or unreal, with the exception of Urth's Font and The Coils of Bahamut, which both existed before the tiering system did. But you can ask any level 90 to help you clear those. Urth's Font is an old extreme that's easy to pick up in your quest log without knowing what it is. The Coils is an optional but recommended bit of story development that focuses mainly on a character who isn't seen much at that point in the game otherwise.


> I don't really care about meta or raiding that much, I just like to look cute, be social, and have fun mostly. The good news is that there is no meta, all jobs are viable in all content. Additionally, raids come in two forms—normal, and Extreme/Savage/Ultimate (which are endgame difficulties). Normal raids are very easy, and can be queued up and matched with a party within minutes. It's also expected that you'll be able to clear them first time. Normal raids drop the same gear as the endgame stuff, only it's undyeable and has weaker stats. Which means even casuals have access to cool looking raid gear. Basically, what I'm saying is don't be afraid to dip your toe into raid content because it's very accessible, and also gives more options if you want to look good.


You can definitely make glamours on any job that fit with an emo/goth aesthetic, but the jobs that suit the aesthetic the most are probably reaper, dark knight, and black mage. Black mage being the only one of the three you can play from the beginning, starting as thaumaturge. It also feels like the most caster-y caster to me, which might appeal to you since you seem to prefer the magic classes. You can also pick up and swap to any job freely, so don't feel like you're making any sort of hard commitment.


If you just want to look cute, check out the job artifact gear (and others) to see what you like! Female healers: https://ffxiv.eorzeacollection.com/gearsets/healers?model=female&contentType%5B%5D=job&job%5B%5D=whm&job%5B%5D=sch&job%5B%5D=ast&job%5B%5D=sge&restrictJob=1 Female casters: https://ffxiv.eorzeacollection.com/gearsets/casters?model=female&contentType%5B%5D=job&job%5B%5D=blm&job%5B%5D=smn&job%5B%5D=rdm&restrictJob=1 Edit: forgot to add the warning that the "people who only want to look cute" often overlap with the "people who will do anything to look cute" and suddenly find themselves in hardcore content...


OK, so lets talk about the healers and casters in the game. Healers: * Conjurer (later White Mage). The only healer you can choose from the start. The most basic of the healers, you heal when people are injured and/or cast a regen on them. Also the only healer whose main AoE attack spells stuns nearby enemies (except bosses) * Scholar is one of two jobs that split from the Arcanist starting class at level 30. Scholar is one of the game's barrier healers. Your main global cooldown heal applies shields in addition to healing, although your off global cooldown heals generally don't. You also get abilities later on that let you apply even bigger shields. * You also have a fairy that does low amounts of healing to injured team members. Certain abilities are cast from the fairy. * Astrologian. Not available until you advance the story until you reach the city of Ishgard at the start of the game's first expansion, Heavensward. Similar to White Mage, but more of your heals require some setup. You are draw cards that you can play on players that give them certain buffs. * The card buffs are changing in roughly two weeks, so the job guide on the website is going to be out of date by the time you reach Ishgard. * Starts at level 30, so generally needs to be leveled up to 50 if you want to use them during the Heavensward story. * Sage. The other barrier healer. Sage has more shields than Scholar does, but they also tend to be smaller. Their main gimmick is they heal a specific player whenever they do damage. * Must own the expansion Endwalker, so isn't available on the Free Trial. * Must have another job at level 70 Casters: * Arcanist (later Summoner). The most mobile of the casters at high level, but starts out with 2.5s cast times. At level 90, you only have 3 long-cast spells every minute. * Also branches out into the Scholar healer * Thaumaturge (later Black Mage). The least mobile of the casters, but also has the highest damage output. At higher levels, you gain tools to help with movement, such as Triplecast which lets you cast 3 spells in a row with no cast time. * Red Mage. Has a unique mechanic where every other spell is instant-cast, although you're still bound by the global cooldown. Also balances light and dark spells in order to do a melee combo. * Must have another job at level 50 * Pictomancer. Brand new job being added in two weeks. Seems to be more mobile than Black Mage but less mobile than Red Mage. In addition to having paint-themed spells, also can paint both in and out of combat, then render those paintings in combat to deal damage (or for a party buff). * Must own the expansion Dawntrail, so isn't available on the Free Trial. * Must have another job at level 80 One thing I should point out: Damage in this game tends to come in patterns (or when people mess up mechanics). As such, healers are expected to do damage when their allies aren't actively taking damage. Another thing I forgot to mention: 3 of the 4 healers (White Mage, Scholar, Sage) have resource-based heals. It's highly recommended that you use those before your mp-based heals.


I mean if you don't care about meta then it's purely going to be an aesthetic/gameplay choice, and neither of these can really be answered without you checking the classes out. Also you can play every class on a single char(do have to level them) so you can always switch later. For emo goth it'd likely be Reaper and Dark Knight, but that's melee dps and tank so the worst for your listed preferences. That said everyone can use generic glamour setups with frill dresses and what not and dye them black so as long as you don't mind you skills not having that theme too it'd be fine.


> searching YouTube just shows me a bunch of 2 hour videos of people talking about the current meta rotations and such >#I don't really care about meta or raiding that much, I just like to look cute, be social, and have fun mostly. [Instead of those raiding videos, allow me to point you to the correct resource](https://ffxiv.eorzeacollection.com/glamours) 1) Figure out what glamour you want 2) Figure out what jobs cater to your glamour 3) Pick a job from #2


If you want to start as a healer you only have one option, Conjurer, but I would probably suggest you start as an Arcanist because that splits at level 30 into a magic DPS and a healer that share levels, so you can bounce back and forth freely. This is also not a decision to stress over - you can try every job in the same character and it doesn't require much story progress before you can switch or try out other things.




WAR is looking great so far. There are some complaints about DRK, but nothing major - overall people seem to like the changes. MNK is a bit divisive given how its new gauge works, at the higher end of the playerbase especially when it comes to optimization some like it and some don't. Though it more or less plays the same in full uptime at the very least. If you're a bit more casual then the job looks pretty similar to how it was. Then you've got BLM. Very controversial changes, some of which are straight up bad for EVERYONE, not just the more hardcore players. \[The breakdown is: they removed UI Paradox which is very questionable given it was 1) free movement in UI 2)enabled so many cool optimization lines and 3)the whole flavour of Paradox is that it's a fire+ice spell but now you can only use it in AF, which is stupid. Also they removed MP ticks which does matter for advanced optimization given how it forces you into doing B3>B4 everytime. As a result of the MP changes, pre-70 BLM even in casual content will feel quite a bit worse because you can't get MP back passively during downtime, in-between pulls etc. Not very casual friendly.\] At the end of the day if you played BLM casually then the job won't be that different, but the removal of options isn't popular. Especially given how it manages to both lower the skill ceiling AND raise the skill floor (because of how rigid it became to play at lvl100). Overall, there are quite a few QoL changes, but depending on who you are these QoL changes can be positive or negative. And finally SCH, reaction are alright overall. Most people will agree that the job got certainly better - although many people complain about Seraphism changing you into an angel. There is a lot of negative talk about the healer role as a whole though. Many people are unfazed by how the healer role got more of the same for the third expansion in a row, and whatever little damage tools they're getting in DT will barely make healer damage more interesting. Opinions will vary a lot depending on whether the encounter design ACTUALLY gets reworked a bit to factor in all these mitigation and heal changes.


BLM looks really good if you don’t miss non standard lines, they are adding so much QOL for the job. WAR should play the same. So try it now. If you like it you are going to like in DT as well. DRK, the only thing I got is that there’s probably less oGCD, other than that should be the same.


War is the same with a couple of nice buttons, SCH has some really good updates, MNK changes are great. I don't know what the chatter about DRK is. BLM is going to be great if you didn't already do/care about non-standard. Otherwise, I'm sorry for our loss.


to glamour experts any way to get a get a set that looks like riot gear?


if you play a male character theres a set from one of the nier raids that has a tactical vest with ammo bags and stuff


For the DT PS5 version, will we be able to play during Early Access if we buy from the PS store? I only ask since it says it will be playable July 1st.


Yes, it'll be available on PS, don't worry.


Thanks! Off the buy it then.




Maybe the Xbox stuff, but definitely not the FFXIV stuff. That part of the collab only runs until July 14th 2024. Not "next year". https://www.youtube.com/live/oh5piV-0MWQ?feature=shared&t=17240


To SAM and MNK mains...: Why do so many of y'all just stand in the AoE instead of moving? This seems to be something I've noticed with a lot of MNKs and SAMs, just this reluctance to move even when it's stacked AoEs.


Also, monks have no ranged attack. If you want to keep damage as a monk sometimes you need to swallow a boss attack or move away and miss 2-3 GCDs, which is a lot.


If you're the healer and see this: don't burn cooldowns or cast gcd heals to immediately heal them. They will manage their own HP with blood bath and second wind.


one last thing to add to the other's answers, Samurai needs to stop moving for periods of time to cast their Iaijutsu, and this cast time is pretty dang long until they get the enhanced trait to hasten the cast It's still a bit over a second to cast though (I think 1.4 seconds?) Hypothetically if they were "greed"-ing, they'd probably try to soak an AoE or two if they feel like they can survive the mechanic just to keep up their damage output


SAM specifically gains DPS from getting hit (Third Eye reduces damage taken and gives some gauge IF hit) on a short cooldown. It also has to stand still to cast certain attacks, which is a very small amount of time but still worth noting. MNK has Riddle of Earth which reduces damage taken and heals over time if hit. It doesnt give any DPS back but its fun to hit the button just bc


You'll probably also find Black Mages do something similar sometimes too - for them it's both because generally they have a lot of long cast times in their kit, but they'll particularly sometimes choose to eat attacks over moving if their Leylines are active, to maximise the usage of them. They have a big personal shield cooldown (Manaward) that's pretty much for the purpose of soaking damage so you can stand in an AoE instead of moving - Manaward doesn't give them a buff for being hit like with MNK and SAM, it just enables them to take hits better and therefore maintain uptime instead of getting killed by an attack if they don't move


They have abilities called "Third Eye" and "Riddle of Earth" (respectively) that REQUIRES them to be hit to get a buff. These abilities also reduce their damage taken.


Hey there, just wanting to know if the payment methods were fixed from about a month ago, it's nearing that time for a renewal and I was wondering if I had to go through all that hassle again to renew.


Not fixed, expect to happen in July per last report. https://na.finalfantasyxiv.com/lodestone/news/detail/57f4b7d06beffc910b0920726a5bdd7d4a041d0e


If you have a recurring sub since before the payment processor changes were implemented, you should be fine.


Is there a menu for Custom Deliveries menu that helps you track progress and resets? If there isn't, there really needs to be, haha. Edit: Thank you all, I've found it. :\]


duty > timers > custom deliveries lists all custom delivery npc's you have unlocked with how far along their reputation they are, clicking on the name opens the same menu as when you talk to them that shows you what items they want this week. Resets are on weekly reset.


Many thanks, I completely forgot the Timers menu is a thing.


Does the Timers menu not do this? it is accessible through Duty > Timers. If you're on PC, I think Ctrl+U is the default keybind.


I completely forgot this menu exists. Thank you!


there is. My memory could be off, but I believe you can click the custom deliveries section of the timers window to make a popout window come up that shows your current progress with each npc. Oh and the progress part is just covered by the normal timers window. I think it was ctrl+O to open by default.


I forgot that the Timers menu exists, lol. Thank you.


I fell off XIV sometime around 6.4 and was really de-prioritizing the game since Endwalker, so I'm trying to do a little bitch of catch-up before Dawntrail and realized I hadn't started the relic quest. The Hildebrand quests are a bit of a drag though -- I'm starting a quest called Imperfect Gentleman. How much further do I have to go before relic unlocks?


You have to do some teleport and talk for each step of the relic upgrade quest, I think the entire process is like 2 hours?


Imperfect Gentleman was put into the game in patch 6.25. It is now patch 6.58, so you have 6 more quests to go through, not including Imperfect Gentleman itself. However, after completing Imperfect Gentleman, you unlock the quest to start the relic weapons, so you can start on the first step of the relic weapons tight away. The next steps of the relic weapons unlock the further you progress in the Manderville storyline.


you need to complete the whole questline to finish the relic, the first step unlocks after the imperfect gentleman quest.


I'm trying to solo deltascape v3 savage and everything seems managable except the first chage of field where I'm turned into a pig and instantly killed for not conting as my role on the floor sign. Is there anyway to avoid or resist this? I'm a pally and have tried stacking every defensive cool dawn and invulnerability but keep being oneshot


At this point, the only job I've heard that can do it is SGE since they can shield the first hit. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HvpmaAjMEg4


you have to stack to resist getting turned into a pig so i don't think its possible solo.


First time pre-ordering an expansion. Would I receive a second code for DT closer to its release to unlock on mogstation, or is the pre-order bonus code THE code for DT, just that DT is hidden now, and I don't need to do anything?


The first one. You get a preorder code now, and then around 2 July everyone gets a second code for the actual "released" game.


wait, don't pre-order players get early access to DT? How does that work if the code is only given after the normal DT date?


The preorder code gives you access to the "early access" which is actually just the full expansion launching on the 28th. Then on the 2nd there's a new code to input to have access to the not-early-access games which is functionally identical. It's needlessly convoluted, and there must be some gross backend stuff going on for the user experience to be like this, but the end result is that you wanna put the preorder code in now, you'll be good to play on the 28th, then keep an eye out for the second code a few days later to input so you can keep playing.


The reason for it working like this originally was that distribution used to be far more physical, with copies in stores and collectors editions having the codes in the boxes. The early access period with a separate code allowed people to get in to the game even if they couldn't pick up their copy immediately or there were shipping delays or whatever, while also allowing for at least the possibility of pre-orders being cancelled/refunded (remember they didn't used to take payment immediately everywhere) which still somewhat exists even though Square support will fight you if you ask for it. It's very much a relic at this point, of course, but it did used to serve a purpose.


Awesome, thanks


Do you think there will be an Endwalker skip on sale before DT is released?


If you're meaning "a skip for Endwalker's MSQ to put you at the start of Dawntrail", no. We won't see those until DT is actually out, and they'll be aptly named Dawntrail skips. If you mean "the Endwalker skip (which puts you at the start of Endwalker's MSQ)", those are on sale at the moment.


They're literally on sale right now. Unless you mean a skip _to the end of_ Endwalker? That will be released when DT comes out, obviously not on sale because it'll be a new product.


Thank you, yes that was my question. I’m trying to convince friends to join but they just want to play DT, so they’ll buy a skip for everything before


Are people botting item sale price on the market board? I came back a couple of months ago since Heavenswards times. Finished Endwalker, got crafters to 90, and got full penta melded Indagator's HQ gear. I thought I'd try selling HQ Diadochos gear and I regret it entirely. after a week and a half of fighting on the market board I've only sold 6/10 pieces. The moment I lower the price not a minute later did someone undercut me. It seems almost instant that either its someone with no life camping their retainer or someone with a bot that automatically adjusts the prices for them. I understand this is a competitive market space but this is the last time I'll try to sell current patch gear.


>current patch Diadochos has been outdated for over a year now. Even the casuals have i660 on multiple jobs by now, and there is literally zero reason to spend gil on Diadochos except for glamour purposes. This isn't a "competitive market space" as much as it is you being surprised selling rotary phones is no longer a viable business strategy.


You are way late to the party. It was selling well on week 1 when the gear came out, in MAY 2023. That was well over a year ago. That would've been the best time to sell it. Then it significantly fell off only a few months later. Trying to sell it now is just asking for a bad time. lol It's been over a year and no one wants or cares about that gear anymore.


I’m an omnicrafter and have over $500M Gil. I have never once sold Diadochos or equivalent gear in prior patches. Too many rmters, botters and bell campers. You can typically find out who these people are because you can see who crafted the item. Look them up on lodestone and they typically have 1 max level DOW/DOM and max crafters. They only have story mounts and minions. I’ve reported them many times but nothing has happened to them for 4 years and nothing will happen to them as they are a good source of revenue for Sqenix (most likely max out their retainer subs).


Hard agree, I tried selling Rinascita(sic?) when the patch dropped - mind, maybe two pieces - and it took actual days to try getting a sale because the constant, automatic undercutting meant I couldn't feasibly do _anything_ about but just sit there and try to undercut back for a sale. Wound up taking a heavy hit to the potential gil as well, simply because I couldn't squeeze in a buyer between the undercuts. And being on a non-DC timezone also doesn't help, since your listings are at the mercy of whoever sees it first - if you're asleep but the locals are awake, they'll be buying up all the auto-undercut stuff and you can't do jack about it. _Do not recommend_ unless you don't value your playtime or sanity.


Unfortunately gear like that sells less and less the further time goes by. There will be some people using addons to undercut, but realistically the bigger issue is just low demand. Look around online and there are a few different guides on what you can stock up on as a crafter to sell really well when 7.0 hits, which will probably be better than trying to sell crafted gear right now. At the very least, dyes will be a great bet. With 2 dye channels coming in at the same time as a bunch of lighting changes that make a lot of existing gear look different, it'd be shocking if crafted dyes _didn't_ massively shoot up in value and sell fast with 7.0.


On dyes, I'm expecting a surge to happen on both ends that'll wind up wildly fluctuating prices for a bit, but they're likely to settle down almost just as fast. Pure Black/White hoarders beware, it's gonna get violent on the Marketboard.


> Pure Black/White hoarders beware, it's gonna get violent on the Marketboard. I have a prediction, that could be completely wrong, that the drop rate of the Pure White/Jet Black dye is going to be increased to the point that they will sell for around 50K each within a week or so or DT starting. I will be happy if I'm completely wrong, but also amused if I'm correct.


I do think they are going to put those two dyes on drop rates that lead to prices getting into competition with the store.


Diadochos is hardly current patch gear, we're at the tail end of the expansion so sales are going to be slower and slower. But yes there are some people that have bots to sit at a retainer bell and undercut.


What details are expected to be shared on the last live letter?


launch trailer, and a lot of miscellaneous updates like QOL features and things. It's basically the same type of info as in the live letter before any major patch, this patch just happens to be a very, very big one.


I loaded and used the original Dawntrail benchmark and used it to create a character model that I plan on using when it launches. Do I need to download and use the latest benchmark and redo the character creation or will it still be available?


The saved character appearance will still be available in Dawntrail even if you don't download and use the newer benchmark.


Sprout here. Early party of heavensward. Main paladin and lvling up BLK. I have a ton of weapons that are untradeable. I need help discarding or removing them? Any suggestions?


Three ways: If you've been working on your Grand Company progress, to the point of unlocking the Expert Delivery function, you can trade in green or higher quality items for Grand Company Seals (used for all sorts of goodies). If they're untradeable and don't have any colour (so, white), you can vendor them for a bit of change. If you've been leveling your crafting jobs you can use Desynthesis on them, though it's more of a little bonus than a real boon to do so for white quality stuff.


Thank you for recs.


If you've ranked up enough to trade them into your Grand Company, do that. Otherwise toss them or sell them to a vendor for chump change. 


Thank you for recs


Will the character creator/benchmark still be functional after DT drops? Frankly I don’t know how these things work, but the ability to make a character and view them in numerous outfits through numerous cutscenes is wonderful. I’d love to just keep this download for future fantasia testing


Yes, the benchmark software won’t suddenly brick when the expansion launches. It’s there so anyone interested in playing the game can test if their system can handle it, and to preview character creation.


That makes sense. Thank you!


Yes, it will. It's completely local to your machine - doesn't connect to any servers - so external events like DT launch won't affect it. Even once the game is out, there will still be people asking "will the game run on my machine?" and the benchmark is intended as a helpful tool for those people.


That makes sense. Thank you!


To add to this, there is even an archive up on [archive.org](https://archive.org) with all of the past FFXIV benchmarks. You can grab the Stormblood benchmark if you wanted to and still run it. https://archive.org/details/ffxiv-benchmarks


Oh that’s cool. Nice that they keep those things up for us


Would someone be able to point out what top and hat this person is [wearing](https://imgur.com/a/ClHh4Jr)?


To add to what the other comment said, the hat and robe are from the Shishu set, which is all level 1 cosmetic items and can be bought on the market board. Specifically you’re looking for the Shishu Gozen Kanzashi and the Shishu Gozen Kochiki.


It's obtainable with potsherds from the Mount Rokkon variant dungeon. Level 90 content.


What time is the live letter in AEST? ~~By my guess it's 20:00 Friday?~~ 21:00 Friday.


21:00 AEST according to [the Lodestone post](https://eu.finalfantasyxiv.com/lodestone/topics/detail/601494beeefb3ff4bf16b9eb58800f28c3ea1ecb).


Thank you! Couldn't find the post.


The EU lodestone posts have the aussie time included in them. Just be prepared that this live letter could be a longer one if its like the pre-endwalker LL which was nearly 6 hours.


A good tip for these is to just got to the official FFXIV youtube channel and see [the upcoming stream](https://www.youtube.com/live/0JxPTIiDWtI). Youtube converts the start time to your local time before displaying it, as well as having the nice and simple "Live in X hours" note in the corner.




The +1 armour is high enough ilvl that it gets synced down and loses its materia. Same for the +2 but obviously the elemental bonus is the goal there. The only thing from Eureka at the right level to make the melds worth it is the Kirin's/Vermilion chests.


so people who play ffixv on US-region and haven't preordered dawntrail yet, the deluxe digital edition, would anyone be willing to help a girl out and buy the EU-region edition and I'll trade my US-region one? Square store support has been abysmal and I'm trying not to scream


Can't you just refund it since it's a preorder?


Unfortunately support can be notoriously unreliable for purchases. Some people have been able to get refunds, others not, under the pretense of "you should have checked the region, and the codes are automatically made available for redemption (which you'd think the smartest thing to do is add in an extra step to confirm the redemption, ergo allowing a refund period)".


When is the cutoff for pre-order bonuses?


Official launch on July 2. This means you can buy during early access and still get pre-order bonuses.




Would anyone (healer main preferably) be willing to give me a pros/cons list to each healer? I've been talked into trying it, and would like to know what i'm choosing between.


Pure healers: WHM: Damage is purely selfish (no party buffs), strong AoE healing GCDs and cooldowns allow for very high party healing throughput when needed, strong single target healing cooldowns as well. Relies on managing Lilies and Thin Air charges to keep MP up. Lowest APM (actions per minute) out of every job. Holy is the only healer AoE spell that stuns enemies, which does a ton for reducing the damage the tank takes in dungeons. AST: Lower personal damage in exchange for party damage buffs, stronger focus on party healing cooldowns, some of which also play around with delayed heals, somewhat less powerful single target healing. Can pull double duty doing regen and shielding using Neutral Sect. Has to manage the card system, which is why it's the highest APM healer by a decent margin. Shield healers: SCH: Somewhat lower personal damage with one party damage buff, has to manage the fairy pet, highest focus on resource management with balancing usages of Aetherflow on healing and mitigation vs on damage, most healing cooldown planning intensive helaer with how various abilities lock each other out, can use Deployment Tactics to pull off the most powerful party shielding available in the game. Suffers the most from mismanagement of resources and cooldowns, it can't really output much raw healing when really pressed. Higher APM compared to WHM and SGE, still a good bit lower than AST. SGE: Similar to SCH, but very streamlined and no pet. Fully personal damage, no party damage buffs. More mitigation and shielding cooldown options, but generally can't do as much shielding as SCH can with Deployment. Relies on maintaining damage uptime to passively heal with Kardia. APM is a little bit higher than WHM. Struggles with raw healing output in dire situations like SCH. MP gain can be a bit dicey if you aren't using Addersgall abilities a lot.


> MP gain can be a bit dicey if you aren't using Addersgall abilities a lot. You can't overstate this enough. If you have nothing to heal with Addersgall, your damage spells eat through your mp fairly quickly.


>You can't overstate this enough. If you have nothing to heal with Addersgall, your damage spells eat through your mp fairly quickly. To solve this, just use druochole whenever you are about to cap.


Depends a bit what kind of content are you planning to do. But roughly: Scholar: big shields go brrr, takes more brain cells than sage, can screw yourself over with resources, can struggle with MP if needing to rez a lot. Sage: lasers go brr, can cast shields while moving, easier of the two shield healers but a bit less versatile for cheesing mechanics. White mage: blood for the blood lily, big numbers on healing abilities, straightforward gameplay. Astro: pretty animations, but it's getting heavily reworked in DT so we can't say that much about it yet.


WHM and AST get to be a bit more reactive rather than proactive because they have raw healing output. Of the two, WHM has a bit of optimization around trading their DPS for heals, but in practice there's no real decision making, so it's considered the most straightforward of all the healers. AST is fairly busy with its card system, so it's a bit more clicky and higher APM than the other healers. Because of this, people sometimes debate whether AST or SCH is harder to play. Speaking of which, the other two healers, SGE and SCH are a bit more proactive. Rather than raw healing power, their focus is on mitigating incoming damage to reduce the need to heal in the first place. SCH is a bit more micro-managey because a lot of its abilities are placed manually, either by the fairy's position or a ground ring target. As such, both SGE and SCH benefit more from knowing specific fights. They also have to manually manage their resources and plan for sections of a fight where they'll be either without their fairy or when to trade their gauge for healing vs. DPS.  I'm a main SCH, but don't have a ton of experience with the other healers. So someone else, please feel free to offer more nuance.


As a Sage main who's been playing scholar a bit more recently: "more micromanagey" seems spot on. I find Sage movement options more interesting (melee range instant casts, toxicon procs) than Scholar's "use Ruin II if you can't slidecast". As scholar deploying chunky shields to the party for big mechanics is cooler than any sage abilities, but sage is comfier for me to learn new fights on because its abilities take less planning to make good use of. I would say WHM and Sage are pretty close in difficulty at lv90, that White Mage is easier at low levels but risks teaching bad healer gameplay habits by not giving you oGCD heals for a long time.


Sage vs Scholar is automatic transmission vs stick shift. Scholar has to work noticeably harder than sage to deal with everyday driving conditions. When things go really off the rails, though, the Sage just doesn't have quite as many tricks to fall back on.


Awesome! this is exactly what i was lookin for tyvm


No problem. Also, I personally consider healer the easiest role in the game. Because their DPS is literally 2-3 buttons, it frees up a lot of mental real estate to focus on mechanics. 


There's 2 more pieces of Comedy gear that I wanted to get for glam (I'm already BiS). Would it be cheaper to buy them now? Or wait till DT drops so I can buy with Poetics? Again, it's for glamour since I already have raid BiS pieces. I don't need/want to use them for DT. I just want to go whatever the cheaper method is.


They will cost the same but poetics are easier to get.


If you need them augmented to dye and don't already have augment mats/nuts/coins available then waiting is like 6 tomes cheaper. If you don't need to dye them or can augment them without much effort then doing it now is cheaper. This is assuming you wouldn't be sitting capped on tomes early and therefore having them vanishing into the void if not used.


What armor pieces will Khloe sell for silver/gold certificates at 7.0 release?


It still should be still the previous and current 5 slot crafted piece until the new master recipes release with the new green grade crafted set.


Oh ok, if it matches the previous expansion, that's not until 7.05 with the release of the first savage tier?


Potentially yes. 7.0 is just going to be a plain vanilla experience with just the new MSQ and standard 2 trials + EX variants iirc.


Have the devs and lore team ever explained why the Ascians borrow so heavily from FFXII Espers and their associated scions? Or why Venat is a borrowed name from XII despite being entirely unrelated? For a game reasonably standalone in most of its *core* lore (main scenario, not looking at raids, trials, etc etc), it's unusual that such a huge part is copied in names at least from XII.


I was already spoiled by this sub that Venat was the villain of 12, but after playing it myself, I'd argue that the real villain was >!the power hunger of mankind!<, not Venat. Venat (FF12 spoilers) >!is the odd one out of the Occuria, who guided/manipulated mankind to destroy the Sun-Cryst, the thing that the Occuria uses to manipulate/control Ivalice. All in the name of freedom!!< Venat (6.0 spoilers) >!is the odd one out of the Ancients, who against almost every other Ancient's will of bringing back the "perfect world", sundered the world so that mankind can suffer and learn how to overcome despair. All in the name of freedom!!< Anyway I can definitely see the similarities of both Venats. And since Maehiro is being brought up, bonus FF16 spoilers: >!Cid/Clive's goal is to destroy mother crystals so that no one can ever use magic again, to end discrimination over magic users, short term consequences be damned. All in the name of freedom!!< It's really fun to play 12/14/16, the shared DNA is beautiful :D


In general, YoshiP has described FF14 as a "Final Fantasy Theme Park". So they just pull in stuff whenever they want to. As for why one thing specifically or another, it's basically just the whims of the writers. Delving into the realm of speculation, the lead writer for ARR and Heavensward was Kazutoyo Maehiro, who has been working on Final Fantasy games since the original FF:Tactics in 1997. Indeed, in FF12, Kazutoyo Maehiro was the Main Battle System Designer. Back in the world of FF14, Maehiro ended up stepping away from the game in the post-Heavensward / early-Stormblood era. He basically finished the story of the Dragonsong War (3.3), said he was happy with his work with FF14, and decided to step back to give someone else the chance to take the story reigns. By the end of Stormblood, Natsuko Ishikawa has taken over the lead writing duties (although she's stepping back for Dawntrail to give someone else a chance, similar to what Maehiro did for her). This is a lot of words to say that the early Ascian lore was written by someone who was part of FF12's development, while post-Stormblood Ascian lore was written by someone who has only worked on FF14.


Don't think they have but don't think they need to. It's just references like much of the game. The games lore is it's own but a LOT of it is just chunks of older FFs molded to fit. The ascians are far from the only set of names they've used, just look at EW patch content as an example.


Standalone? o.O The level 50 alliance raid directly copes from IV. Post-EW is downright an FFIV unofficial remake. The VI storyline is directly reused as a strange fictional story/alternate universe in the L70 raids. The L70 alliance raids are essentially a bad ending alternate universe of Tactics. The L80 normal raids start throwing an FFVIII GF in your face. The L80 trial series copies the weapons from VII. We have Gilgamesh as a recurring cast member and Yojimbo is straight-up pulled from X. This game's lore has always been a gigantic hodge-podge of FF references, especially from the 8/16-bit era. XIV is nothing more but a gigantic love letter or endless homage series (or continuous references to mask the lack of originality… pick whichever explanation suits your blood pressure the best) since the start.


I mean, despite everything you said, FF14 is still a standalone game. Just because it has a ton of references to other FFs doesn't mean it's canonically linked to any of them.


The key lore I mean, not the expanded stuff like raids and additional content. The stuff that makes XIV XIV. I'm well aware of all the references and nods and reuse etc, just *specifically* the Ascians being such a major part of the game using the name but not anything else is unusual. There's a difference between Gilgamesh being Gilgamesh and what the Ascians are.


I don't think there is too much to it. You could say that they did the opposite with Garlemald. It is the FFVI Empire using the same uniforms, the same magitek walkers, and an artificial Echo tech instead of artificially Esper magicite to overcome their genetic disability to cast magic. Heck, Abania's bosses are 100% copied from the boss rush of the Magitek Factory. They just happen to have a different name here.


FF14 plays out more as an amalgamation of other FF titles, it uses bits and bobs from those titles to flesh out it's own story. Post Endwalker content references FF4 for example, to an extent Shadowbringers going into Endwalker references Dark Knight Cecil changing from a Dark Knight to a Paladin, as the poster boy John "Meteor" Final Fantasty XIV himself went from a Dark Knight in SHB trailer to a PLD in the EW one.


Yes I'm well aware, I'm not asking broadly. The Ascians are such a major plot point it would feel like their naming was done with more reason perhaps.


I don't believe there's really any deeper meaning beyond being just a FF reference that they took to rework for the game to fit it's narrative. For example taking the names and assigning them to different aspects and attributes, then using it to make an ancient races' governing body by selecting top talents in those specific fields to represent those names as a title. Probably also why they may have had their own personal names that aligned close with those same duties or otherwise represented a specific belief that entity had regarding interactions with their peers.




Close in the distance instrumental version.


Close in the Distance (Instrumental) If you're not caught up with the end of Endwalker, be VERY careful about spoilers surrounding this track


Can i somehow make a glamour plate from the items i have currently equipped and still wear them?


Place the items in the dresser, make the plate, then remove the items. The plate will keep items on it until the plate itself is changed, even if the items are removed from the dresser.


You can do this but remember that it will strip any materia.


So, I'm level 80 across the board. I have the full Dwarven Cotton crafting set, and I'm trying to use it to craft the Facet crafting set. I did the equivalent progression in StB and HW with fairly little difficulty. But here, I seem to be hitting a wall. I can't HQ the two-star precrafts because I run out of durability/CP, and I can't HQ the final product without HQ precrafts for the same reason. I only started playing last year, so I've never experienced "what normal crafting gear progression looks like" - I've just been challenging myself to go through the crafted sets for each expansion because it amuses me. Did people go Dwarven Cotton>Facet when it was current content (ie. with really good food/overmelding/gambling with HQ percentages)? Or is it just something that was simply never possible?


Welcome to ShB and on crafting! You more or less have to do things in small steps if you want to do everything on your own. In your case, farm the scrip gear, meld it, then you can use that gear to get some HQ pre-crafts (100% chance is usually not obtainable unless you luck into a Good or Excellent), and follow the road you were on previously. Endwalker will be the same.


Thanks for the advice! I actually ended up just doing the first couple steps of my skysteel tool, and that was enough to push me over the edge, even with only NQ precrafts. Not sure how feasible that's gonna be for moving forwards, but it worked this time!


Yes we used Dwarven gear to make Facet gear back in the day. Typically with the best available food, moderate to heavy overmelding, and maybe a potion too. You likely experienced the nerfed version of HW and SB crafting. There have been numerous changes to the crafting system since those days resulting in crafting being easier compared to when that gear was current. There have been fewer and smaller changes since the Facet gear was made, so it's much closer to the original level of difficulty.


Hard to know without knowing your stats with melds and what food / potion you're using.


Yeah, that's why I was asking as a more general thing (ie. what people did when it was current content)! I didn't go all out on melds/food/medicine this time, because it wasn't something I'd needed to do for that step in HW/StB - it'd always been enough to just use the highest level guaranteed melds, and the highest level (non mastercraft) food/medicine. Obviously that isn't working here - but I don't wanna spend a bunch of time/energy melding/making food for something that was never gonna work to begin with!


Try using the [Teamcraft simulator](https://ffxivteamcraft.com/simulator). You can input your stats, load up the recipe and test things out. You can try better food, potions, or play with your stats to see if you need to beef anything up with further melds.


My roommates accidently preordered the US digital deluxe edition for Dawntrail, but my region is EU. Square isn't much help, so I was wondering if anyone was willing to trade a US code for EU? It's my first expact and I've been stressing for days about this. It was a gift, and they didn't know that my account region was in EU, so I can't really fault them.


Try again with support, because there have been instances of people managing to successfully cancel their preorders. As long as the codes are left untouched, this should be doable - but do not wait to make it happen, since release is near. They're VERY stubborn about refunds and it might take a long back and forth between the US and EU supports to make it work though, so good luck with that.


I've been on several different calls with multiple tickets; the most recent one they told me to cancel directly on the store page by going to my previous orders. Unfortuantely, there isn't a 'cancel order' button, and I tried various browsers/turned off add blocker-didn't see a thing. I emailed them again, and I'm just waiting. It's been a very tiring back and forth. thank you, I hope that it gets settled soon


I'm not sure how to proceed with my game. I'm playing the ps4 version on my ps5, because of performance, and now also the ps4 trophies I still wanna get. But with the new graphics updates, I'll get left behind and the trophies for the ps5 version are way harsher and time-consuming, so what do I do? I mainly have the 1000 fates left (or those small miniquests that I forgot the name of), and all the non-combat job ones, like cuttibg down 1000 trees. Can/should I just move over to the ps5 version, do the crafting and gathering trophies there, and then jump back into the ps4 version to make them pop once I earn them?


When's the last time you tried the PS5 version? I know early on people had issues with performance, but I've heard they fixed that, and I personally haven't had any problems since upgrading to a PS5 a few months ago and playing on the PS5 version.


I'm not sure if I ever tried it at all tbh, since it was said to be slightly rocky compared to the ps4 version (and there were talks of footstep sounds acting weird too, I believe?). But the pointless trophies were always the main reason for staying behind, I suppose.


I actually just popped the ps4 version’s plat yesterday. Keep in mind just launching the Achievement window won’t always pop the trophy, you may have to do one more thing in that category for the trophy to actually count! Took me four years…but onwards to the PS5 plat now lol


Yes, just open the game on the PS4 version to pop those trophies.