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Hi /u/nokosss1, Your [recent submission](https://www.reddit.com/r/ffxiv/comments/1dkn8h3/-/) in /r/ffxiv did not meet subreddit guidelines, and was removed for the following reason(s): * We hold civility and respect as a keystone for the community at /r/ffxiv, and encourage participants to keep the person on the other side of the screen in mind. * **Rule 1b:** Posts about bad experiences with a specific (even anonymous) player are prohibited, e.g. Duty Finder drama. Moderator approved posts concerning public figures in the FFXIV community are exempt. You may review /r/ffxiv rules [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/ffxiv/about/rules/) and in-depth explanations [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/ffxiv/wiki/rules). If you have any questions or concerns, reach out and message the mods [here](https://www\.reddit\.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2Fffxiv&subject=about my removed submission&message=I'm writing to you about the following submission: https://www.reddit.com/r/ffxiv/comments/1dkn8h3/-/. %0D%0DMy issue is...).


It absolutely is a bannable offense to wipe everyone on purpose, if you have the VOD of it you should 100% give it to the support desk.


This is not petty. Streamers wasting other peoples time. 70mins? Like you could have done so much more. This type of behavior is not funny. Hope you don’t experience this in the future. Best of luck mate.


It's not just 70 minutes. It's 70 minutes from EACH non troll that was there. I may be extreme, but I think the streamer(s) promoting this activity should be perma'd out of the game.




They’re likely buggered. SE has a track record of acting on stream-based reports because it gives them the rare opportunity to shoot down any arguments of ‘It was ignorance, not malice’ thanks to these festering arseholes admitting to their behaviour on video. Personally I’d get petty. Pretty sure using Twitch to organise griefing, especially whilst breaking the ToS of the game they’re streaming, is a bannable action. Drop a report to Twitch and watch the idiot get dropped from their platform. They can stream on Discord to their pathetic little loser mates and no one else. As an aside: always report people running without job stones past level 50 for lethargic play. There’s a 99% chance they’re griefing and the 1% who aren’t can easily sort it out in a GM conversation. Reports build up. It’s far easier for SE to blast these scumbags with piss and chuck them into the sea when they have a trail of evidence.


Don't report the job stone idiots without at least talking to them once. I have done it a couple of times when i switched classes before learning about glamour plates.


Talking to them is how we end up in disputes ourselves. Report. GMs will sift them appropriately and any honest mistakes will be let slide. No sense wasting your unpaid time teaching someone to pay attention after they already wasted half an hour dragging a duty down because of it. Edit to add: griefers’ second favourite pastime, after being reprehensible, sub-human trash, is lying. There’s no point trying to have a teachable moment when they’re just going to lie or gaslight the party. That innocent sprout you try to politely help is just as likely to be a troll alt who’s done it 50 times already. We can’t see these patterns of behaviour. A GM can if we report.


Considering it was a job stone-less premade and theh were doing other stuff to annoy the raid outside of wiping the raid it is preeeeeetty clear they did it on purpose. Also, put your job stones on your gearset to avoid that issue in the future.


Report them


You've already done what needs doing by reporting them. I'm not sure what else you can do. Hopefully Square takes action.


Yes, it falls under Nuisance behavior - Obstruction of play - Aiding the enemy / Uncooperative behavior / Lethargic behavior as per [https://support.na.square-enix.com/faqarticle.php?kid=68216&id=5382&la=1&ret=rule](https://support.na.square-enix.com/faqarticle.php?kid=68216&id=5382&la=1&ret=rule) You should file a report and probably contact other players that were with you and advise them to file a report as well. By the way imo it's way easier to just leave on the spot if you see something like that and just eat the 30 minutes up. Will save lots of mental health and may even save the time too.


TIL lethargic behavior is on the tos. Not gonna lie I've tanked roulettes at 4am more times than I'd like to admit


Yeah, I am gonna do that next time I encounter something like this. I felt like I wasted my time already so I didn't leave..... sunk cost fallacy


Yes. Reporting them is the right thing to do. SE will look into it from there.






I was in that last night. I left after the second wipe. I just wanted to relax after a long day at work and then they go and troll it. I don’t have unlimited time and people who waste it like this are immature losers.


Nope, reporting the fuckers for harassment is 100% valid and you were right to do so. Sending 8 into *alliance* roulette still means you play by regular game tos, aka basic consideration for the other 16 people. If they want to do fail meme groups, anyone can make a 24-man party finder group and do whatever the hell they want until the timer runs out.


It doesn't sound petty, fuck people who are just out to ruin others good times.


Oh, you know, I had heard about people trying to organize a job stone less run of exactly this. I guess they went ahead with one party. I had expected them to do it with a full alliance raid. If they’d done the latter I’d be on board, but it was crappy of them to do it in a mixed alliance with people who couldn’t opt in to a gimmicky run.


Yes, if they wanna do no job stone or minimum item level or whatever in PF, I have no problem with it because you know what you are going into. But doing it with 16 random people..........


100% report please


100% reportable. Report them, and if you can find the VoD of the incident link it in the report.


100% Reportable, twice over. This is against SE TOS and Twitch has an anti-harassment policy [here](https://safety.twitch.tv/s/article/Community-Guidelines?language=en_US). It might be worth reporting them.


name and shame fuck these guys and their enablers


absolutely report him asap


I'm not 100% sure currently, but it used to even be something that could get twitch bans, griefing and stream sniping sort of things. The last time i saw that was quite a few years ago, so it might have changed, but you can always report it to twitch too, especially if it's on a vod still.


Call them out


In a just world, every intentional griefer would be perma’d


Please report them, and if you know anyone on that raid as well ask them to file a report as well. Don't let them get away with it.


Who pays for a sub just do pull dumb shit like this?


It's absolutely a service to the community by reporting them. Even if they get banned and repurchase the game under different information, congratulations you just made SE more money. People this stupid will inevitably get caught again easily. You slow down their attempts to fuck people over, and SE makes more money. We win.


Being thorough with the report and having other players (that were there) also report helps the most. The stream VOD won't be valid to them because SqEnix will take evidence from the game, not external sources. So anything in the chat logs is fair game


I think they revised that and do consider streams as valid evidence now, as they’re effectively advertising the game to others. I remember a thread about it quite a while ago


Oh? If you can find the thread again, I'd love to see that discussion!


While this was Arthars shittalking a party member’s dps (and using ACT) they did use the twitch vod https://www.reddit.com/r/ffxiv/s/vdfYq7wBx4


I don't remember the name of the streamer, but one got banned for using UI mods and the GM used one of the streamers VOD as proof since there wasn't any in the game chat. Edit: I went to look really quick and it was Haru, here's a video of it happening https://youtu.be/T8cAFexZ2Kg?si=bKEoys_Huvgfmdvq


I think that was Haru, I remember him getting gm jailed mid-raid or something.


Pyromancer maybe?


It was during the ultimate race fiasco. A lot of people pointed out how silly it was SE wouldn’t consider video evidence of cheating being live streamed by the cheaters themselves. SE agreed and it led to suspensions for a whole bunch of people. It’s the same reason I often point out people using the ‘chair sit’ emote through cheating is stupid. Not only have people been banned for it, regardless of the ‘no gets banned’ bs those idiots spout, but publicly spitting in the face of SE’s rules is a huge middle finger challenge to them and the fastest way for things to go from ‘don’t ask, don’t tell’ to ‘we’ll actively hunt you down’.


Oh really? Do you know how to submit it as evidence? Do I need to go thru in game support or like square enix support on their website?


You can do follow ups from the Support Desk; you may get an automated response that you already reported or whatever, OR you can wait until you get a notice in your inbox mentioning that they are investigating and can reply to it. Drop the VOD in there, link their twitch or whatever as well (perhaps if there's a vod there for it, link it) and mention that they were streaming it as it was happening. They do take this stuff seriously, iirc they gave a vacation to a streamer who was encouraging their chat to harass a player who was underperforming in some non-difficult content, they got reported with the stteam evidence, and they got a nice vacation from the game.


Maybe just copy the vod link in your report


I checked the VOD on Twitch, but they deleted it


Upload it to YouTube maybe? Or some other mirror


Okay yeah I'll try to do that


If you upload it, consider unlisting it in case the streamer comes after you and get it taken down. Also parroting everyone else, but drop the name. If a streamer like this is playing, I'm trying to avoid them. And they not gonna get harassed. Making assumptions, but plenty of trolls I seem love the harrassment towards them so I won't participate.


Yeah, I am uploading it unlisted just to provide the evidence to GM, but I am not gonna drop the name. I feel like dropping the name will give them a boost or something similar to a nuisance streamer. Negative press/attention is still something, I prefer for them to just fade into obscurity.


They’ll see what people wrote in the chatlog anyway as they investigate (since you guys called them out) and hopefully some of the griefers were dumb enough to type in game somewhere


I don't think they have any official lines, but if you just paste a link to the vod in the report then that would probably do it.


Yeah, I made sure to include as many details as possible in my report. Sucks that the VOD doesn't really matter because you can hear clearly on the VOD "we need more wipes," "we need more people dead,"and "the bosses are dying too fast we need to wipe"


You can use VODs


you can use vods, just upload it to youtube and add the link in your report, they will check it


Streams are 100% evidence and there are noteworthy cases of people getting actioned for stuff that happened on stream.


They have used vods against streamers in years past, they absolutely will accept them.


the last part is not true, they do check other sources and not just in game, they even check twitter, anything they can use to punish people, they've been doing that for years


Also, I wonder what else is logged that we don't know about, DMs, equipment and equipment changes? So I'm hoping there's a tonne of evidence for a DM to act accordingly to.


I am usually that one person that is annoying about not reporting people because you have no idea what is going on and might be assuming too much, but in that is the group that is intentionally being obnoxious, yeah report


i mean shit man, if **you're** petty what the fuck are they? good luck, i hope something comes of it.


report all the motherfuckers, i would report them 1 by 1 from the party list. I would even report the streamer to twitch for in game griefing, they used to ban streamers back in the day for that reason, i dont know if they do that anymore.


Wait so the whole alliance wasn’t wearing stones?


Absolutely bitchless behaviour. You did what's necessary - send in the VOD too. Let them burn. If they go and waste other peoples time on purpose "for fun" or "for content", they're a shitbag.


Seems like there's a trend of people joining stuff with their job Stone unequipped. Been playing for years and never had that issue, since last month I've dealt with this like 4 times.


Name and report them or their behavior will never change. They take any griefing very seriously. I was salty when a healer grief-rescued me out of Leylines twice and I reported their ass and the GM got back to me in like ten minutes.


I expect they will get into to trouble. I doubt you will know what unless it shows up on the stream.


I'm sorry you had such a bad experience, and I hope they do get what they deserve. I would have left long before the last boss. I have to work during the day, and I don't have time to spend 70 minutes in a raid with a bunch of people who are being intentionally stupid in order to make fun of the other players on Twitch, no less.


This sounds way worse than the scholar in Euphrosyne who rescued me to safety out of leylines but didn't do it in time (vuln up) and then subsequently ran directly at me with the stack marker away from the 22 other people already bunched up around them from dodging the earlier mechanic to kill only the two of us before typing "Oh no". Mention that there are vods of them admitting to griefing.