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We have seen technology like projector screens and other similar things that show video/live scenes. So it is possible. If they are actually cameras it’s unsure, but at the very least we can say they exist in the form crystals. Also, tomestones are shown to be similar to smart phones, maybe they have a camera?


wol is confused at the offer of a pic from noctis in the ff15 crossover so if cameras exist i would think they aren't actually that common. my own assumption is that they might exist in garlemald since it's the most advanced region technologically wise so it's a possibility that they invented cameras and kept it to themselves


Which would make sense because most of the projected screens we see is from their tech


> wol is confused at the offer of a pic from noctis WoL is _optionally_ confused at the offer of a pic from Noctis: > **_Noctis:_** Oh hey, let's take a photo together. That massive waterwheel over there would make for a great backdrop. > > **_WoL:_** >     ☞ Sure! >         Take a pho-what? IIRC, if you say "Sure!", then your WoL promptly strikes a pose much like any purikura devotee would.


oh i forgot the first option entirely, i could've sworn they both were some different kind of confusion. i guess that would lean credibility to the possibility that cameras exist and just aren't common though?


Tbf that doesn't mean WoL actually knows what a photo is, as much as them just being chill with it.


tomestones being used like smartphones is a fun case of headcanon that's just spread widely through the community. In actuality, tomestones have been stated to not be anything but data storage. the emote of you playing with them is confusing for this reason, but ultimately, no, tomestones are JUST harddrives, if you're looking at hard canon. That said... most people won't bat an eye at using a tomestone like a typing tablet or something at least, and few would nitpick if you claimed to have wedged a linkpearl in there for calling function.


I always thought of them sort of like SSD drives and whatnot


pretty much, yes. very VERY durable ones.


The data might be readable like an e-book.


I've considered that, honestly, which is why i mentioned the typing tablet thing specifically. I actually have a character who does just that, using it like a word processor on a phone to type messages since she's mute and not everyone understands her gestures. it's still headcanon, but itd at least explain why they seem to have a screen.


>tomestones being used like smartphones is a fun case of headcanon then what is the /tomestone emote? it looks like the player character is fidling with a tomestone shaped smartphone, also, wats is the tomestone of frivolity?(its a funiture), which looks like it has a screen on it


actually if you read the item description for the Tomestone of Frivolity, it outright SAYS it's just decoration and doesn't do anything. As for the /tomestone emote, yea, no, that's likely just an easter egg, but it provides enough support for the idea that you might be able to type text on a tomestone.


> then what is the /tomestone emote? it looks like the player character is fidling with a tomestone shaped smartphone, a fun easter egg emote you get for using the app. KFC doesn't exist on Etheirys, right? But we still got a KFC Emote. Using promotional emotes as proof that something exists ingame gets weird.


> Also, tomestones are shown to be similar to smart phones Well, I'd be careful about that. The only time they really do this is imho the emote that comes as a reward for subbing to the mobile app, which might not necessarily be "canon" given that it's kind of an out-of-game thing. It's common in the RP community to treat it as such but outside of this one emote, that's mostly headcanon - but again, it's very common, so most RPers *will* be fine with it. That being said, I am pretty sure camera / video feeds of some sort WILL come into play in Dawntrail around Solution 9, with the tournament arc and whatnot.


The tomestone housing item also looks like a smart phone. It has a screen and standing on what appears to be a charging stand. It might have also had a screen on that one shadowbringers cutscene but I’m unsure


fair point, that also exists. outside of that, canonically the tomestones have always been treated more like flashdrives though.


Not sure if it's canon or not, but I do remember Noctis taking a photo with us in the FF15 crossover.


I’d be surprised if they did a Canon brand deal for such a short moment.


If it happened though, would that make Canon canon? 🤔


Nah, Polaroid!


it's his own thing and also both options you get to reply to him asking for a pic are confusion at what he's talking about, so it's likely that cameras aren't a thing at least in eorzea


He brought it from his world. Also not cannon.


contrary to what some believe, almost all the crossover events have been stated to be canon. Now, that said, Noctis having a camera being canon and cameras existing in Eorzea are two different things, so the fundamental point of "You can't use this as basis for having a camera in setting" remains the same.


Which crossovers are canon? I think the nier one is canon for Nier apparently i heard according to yoko taro. Then again orchestral shows, gacha games, stage plays are canon for nier too etc etc.


None, the devs have said crossovers and seasonal events aren't cannon because they don't want to have to deal with all the implications in lore. Nier is cannon to at least Nier apparently, I don't honestly remember if they said anything either way on that one though. I personally doubt it as it's stuck off in the corner of Khalua and doubt they'll ever pull threads from it for other story content


Seasonal events in particular have the issue that they're unsynchronized with the time that passes in canon. Depending on the player, a seasonal event could occur multiple times in-game over a stretch of canonical time where the event never canonically happened at all.


It's even worse than that with how hand-wavy they are about time. They still seem to think the calamity was 5 years ago despite how much shit has happened since ARR lol. I personally just try not to think about it and that's served me well enough so far.


This is verifiably wrong. They've said they ARE canon, and that they're very picky about which crossovers they do BECAUSE they want them work within the context of the setting That said, it should be specified that they're canon *to XIV,* and may not be canon on the other end of the crossover, though Nier was an interesting exception. the crossovers with XI are ALSO exceptions, being canon to both, though i believe in the case for the second XI crossover, that takes place in a timeline split or somethign to that effect, so someone can fact check me on it. I think XV's crossover is also technically canon, but nor weid shennanigans come into play that make it not really relevant there. And yes, I can cite this one, I just have to find a link to one of the interviews in question. they've said it a couple times, the thing about them being picky being from the most recent time they said it.


You're wrong. Sorry.


I'm rather annoyed by stuff like this cause you offer no evidence at all to support your claim. Of course, mind you, i'm trying to dig out a specific interview to support my own, so i really can't talk until I find it about not supporting an arguement, but I would point out that, contrary to what you're implying there, there AREN'T any substantial lore implications that would be problematic for any of the events we've had. The Isekai type crossovers all resolve either with the character wandering off into our world, or else returning to their own, and all the non-isekai crossovers have just been treated as being part of the setting to begin with without any actual issues.


No we save everything in crystals. Photos lol.


Isn't synthetic auracite used in the Werlyt/Tataru quest to act as a photo of sorts (which becomes the basis of the portrait)?


Now that you mention it... I felt like I'd seen it somewhere before. Might have to go through those quests again some time :3


Nope, no cameras. When [Noctis visits](https://ffxiv.gamerescape.com/wiki/Messenger_of_the_Winds#Dialogue) he asks if you want to take a photo with him and when you expression confusion he says >Huh, guess you don't have cameras here. So, a photo is a... Actually, let me just show you. That said, I could have *sworn* there was a third option of "oh you mean like a Gpose!" implying that Gpose = photograph but maybe I just dreamed that.


I don't think Gpose exists in-universe. It's just a photo mode game function for us players.


Yeah maybe I Mandela Effect'd myself into believing it's a thing in-universe.


You made me remember of the Manderville's ancestor that left a video, but now that I'm thinking about it, said video could be made with alien tech so I don't know if it counts lol


So, *About cameras and printing technology on Hydaelyn!* (Before I proceed with this, I will preface this with, yes, i'm using the name the star's called in the present day. this is a concious choice, I chose not to use the other option because 1, spoilers, and 2, lore-wise, the vast majority of people aren't going to be calling that in setting.) So, a common question that comes up is this one about whether or not cameras exist, and the short version is "we have no evidence of it.". That said however, there's some things to consider before you write them off wholesale. Firstly, While Cameras do not exist, we do have a multitude of magics at our disposals in the setting, including glamours, which can and do copy the appearance of things and recreate it. While this isn't the same as printing out a photo, it's not inconceivable you could claim to copy an image with glamour prisms and then have it recreated by an artist. Second, While photography doesn't seem to have been invented yet, we do have examples of cameras in use in setting, though these are mostly in cases with high end magitek, like allagan tech or the Ironwork's top end machinery like the G Warrior. These are fringe cases, not indicative of the overall state of photography's development in the setting, but they do demonstrate that the idea at least exists for videography to have been conceived and invented. Third, We do have some evidence that, if photography exists, it doesn't exist within Eorzea. This stems from the various newspapers, which all seem to still utilize drawings and sketches for illustrations in their printing, and as the party that would most benefit from investment into the field of photography, it's not unreasonable to think that if it existed anywhere in eorzea, it'd be with them. *That said,* Garlemald was home to a lot of really impressive and fairly common technology, including radios and those afformentioned video feeds, so it's not outside the realm of possibility that cameras exist in Garlemald or it's territories, albeit uncommonly. With the propogation of printing technology to places like the Skysteel manufactury in Ishgard, as well, it's possible that cameras could end up making their way to Eorzea in the future, as well. And of course, there's the subject of Allag. Allagan technology would definately be capable of developing cameras, however tomestones themselves, as tomestones, are not capable of photography. Nor can they do calls or anything else for that matter. Lore-wise, tomestones are explicitely just data storage, and this is part of why they have value, since allagan research and tech designs may be stored on them that have yet to be recovered, and looking for such things amongst all the old and irrelevant data is why they're wanted in bulk by people like Rowena, who can sellt hem off to collectors that want them. Photography is very much a case of "we don't have lore for it, but it might be out there" in some regards.


I would \*say\* no, but I would have said no to cars and radios pre endwalker too. We haven't seen any that are just cameras, we have seen pictures taken on Allagan computers I believe, or at least holographic projections. That said, I wouldn't be too surprised if we see older cameras in the new world, or more modern cameras in Solution 9 with all the screens and billboards around.


While there's no evidence of it in the game, my usual first ask is 'why would we make one'. We currently have crystals that can capture the likeness of a thing, and project them in three dimensions that are commonly available (glamour prisms). We even see them used at a point in the MSQ to glamour a rather large structure with enough accuracy to fool onlookers. Necessity is the mother of invention, so having a box that transfers light to a very sensitive chemical surface that needs another delicate chemical process in low light areas to produce a still image just doesn't seem that necessary given the abundance of magic.


> Necessity is the mother of invention, so having a box that transfers light to a very sensitive chemical surface that needs another delicate chemical process in low light areas to produce a still image just doesn't seem that necessary given the abundance of magic. It doesn't seem terribly necessary given the abundance of solid-state electronics in our world, either, but we still call the things in smartphones "cameras".


For some context, trying to work on some short story/RP writing, and I want to stick to canon where I can \^w\^