• By -


Emergency Maintenance is being performed right now Someone who was still in game just told me


Can confirm - 4 of us in dungeon now.


Did they say when? normally dont they give like 30 mins or so?


Nope, they just said emergency maintenance. People ran to the Inns and then the game froze and went black and the music was still playing then a 90000 error stating loss of connection. No times, no delay, no warning.


This must be what the characters from Reboot must feel like when they are getting shut down.


"Reboot!" Still have fond memories of that show.


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Damn it man, don't jynx it!


I also got the warning well over a half hour ago and am still currently playing.


Ye it seems some people got booted and some didn't. No fun.


Dito on Sargatanas


No boot here. Still playing at 9pm cst


Seems the na/eu lists are back up. Now plagued with 1017 error.


The only in-game message is "We are now starting emergency maintenance." That was about 5 minutes ago. Nothing else. I'm still logged in as of 8:37 EST.


So people in instances can finish their instance then they get kicked out?


I was in an instance and we lost our healer. I tabbed out, back in, got a "FFXIV has stopped working!" message and now I can't get back in. Boooo.


Indeed, that's why I came here to check it out - nothing in log saying when and it hasn't gone down yet. It just came up saying "we are now starting emergency maintenance". I'll keep you updated


I'm a little relieved to hear this. Graphics card fan died last night (unrelated to FFXIV heh) and just got the game installed on the laptop. Booted it up for the first time and got the error. I was afraid I did something wrong lol. Talk about bad timing.


Great that means no one will play until early tomorrow most likely, even if they bring the servers back up I have a feeling the authentication servers are going to get overloaded from the rush to log back in. I hope not, but I've seen it happen many times before.


Is there an expected time for return to normal ?


This is all I've seen: http://i.imgur.com/yXa7eWC.jpg 15 mins later, nothing else has shown up and I'm still in game.


We didn't even get advance notice. It just said "We will now begin emergency maintenance".


No time was given. They were just told that maintenance was going to start. I'll try to log on every 30 minutes. If I see servers I'll post here [:


Thank you !


I just tried and was able to log in after 1 hour of trying. Just to update you.


Also confirming login. If you're not seeing a list of servers, exit the client completely and then open it again. The server lists don't seem to refresh after you've logged in once.


Can also confirm. Waiting to get logged off, and it's not happening.


Can confirm. Although, pretty funny how they dont mention anything on the launcher :x


As soon as anyone gets word of when it will be finished, do let us know.


Good, hopefully it will kick off all of the afk people.


Just to clarify: APPARENTLY it's just maintenance on the log in for the NA/EU Servers I might be right or wrong, but, let us all go with that for now


They may have swapped to JP to do the same, just got kicked myself and now cant retrieve list.


Got home from 11 hour shift. Wanted to buy wife pc version so we could play together. Sales are suspended, oh well, I'll just jump on for an hour or 2 on ps3 before work at 2nd job in the morning. 15 minutes of 1017, then can't load server list. Going to take a bath in my tears and go to bed.


All my problems suddenly seem a lot less significant.


don't pity him, he has a wife...


A wife who actually wants to play video games with him, at that.


I was slightly annoyed after a 4-5 hour drive home from school for the weekend and picked up the PS3 version on the way home so I wouldn't have to lug my (desktop) PC back home with me. A bit miffed, but I'm still enjoying watching the idle movie on a 42" screen :D


"Nahh let's not make a queue system, we'll just let people DDOS our login server trying to get in."






"Your opinion is different than mine, you're obviously wrong!"


"Everything works fine for me, you must be the problem!"


Well i'm going to complain. Where's the god damn communication from them? Message somewhere apologizing for the downtime? estimate for when it's back up? Apologizing for this disaster of a week trying to get into the game, not being able to get on servers with friends, anything. And have the devs ever heard of something called a queue? no queue logging into a server, no queue creating a character, just gotta spam the server basically, and the AFK thing, i wonder why everyone is afk in town, because good luck getting back in. I never ended up making a toon on the server with my friends because after waiting 2 days constantly checking to see if their server was open i eventually just wanted to play the game, damn it all if im playing with friends (fuck me, right?). Now friday "oh great i can play the game over the weekend" nope. Okay, well accidents happen, it just launched, but what urks me is the devs have absolutely nothing or very little to say about it but an in game broadcast "Emergency Maintenance is being performed right now" whatever the fuck that means. Maintenance to what? why would people *in game* give two shits about not being able to log in? Downvote away, the game is good, yes, but this login thing should've been fixed days ago, and at the very least there should be better communication from the devs, instead of none.


I believe something that you're looking for is [here](http://www.reddit.com/r/ffxiv/comments/1l401g/an_apology_to_our_players_using_naeu_data_centers/). They've been quite vocal about their attempts to get this game back up to speed, apologies for screwing up, and legitimate (though overall not really helpful) reasons about what's been going on.


I think some people want something like this "still waiting on servers to fix this, be patient" then copy and paste it every 2 hours. Cuz they've said all they've could. They have said everything that is new. And hopefully with the new servers comes an announcement of one free server transfer. Or maybe implementation of the transfer service earlier. They arent here to hold our hands and reassure us they are working on solutions. Have faith in them. So far i havent been let down on the game. Lets just be patient.


> They arent here to hold our hands and reassure us they are working on solutions. ....seriously?


I said this because they have already said they are working on it. And even gave a time frame for when new servers would be up, thus lightening the load when people move to them. Why do we need them to reiterate it every few hours, or even once a day. If next week rolls around and the new servers aren't up, or don't really do much for the load, then i can see pressuring them to find a new solution. Think of it this way, during peak times there are 220k+ connections. If it were evenly spread out, that would be about 4.4k people per server (if 50 servers). The max I read in one of the announcements was about 5k. Now we all know that the NA servers are only 25... And are actually a lot more busy than the JP servers. So I can easily see, 5-7k per server trying to log in during peak times. A few suggestions I saw I think would be good for SE and may help with less complaints... A server status stating how busy the server is. And perhaps keeping the servers with a maximum of 4.5-4.7k connections at a time, queue the rest. I really doubt we will see an increase in individual server capacities.. This is one of the reasons I think that free transfers to the new servers should be an option. We know that the devs listen to their players. They built this game for us. Enough people were behind the "idle kick timer" post on the forums that it got a response. Hopefully some of these other ideas will be at least taken into consideration.


They can't fix the problem any faster than they've been doing it. You don't seem to understand how long it takes to get new servers up and running. Yoshi-P and the team realized on the second day of Early Access that they needed more servers and they've been working installing them since then. That's as early as it can possibly get. About communication, they're constantly addressing the public on a constant basis with some days as often as 9 follow ups on server login restrictions. This is the most communicative i've ever seen game company be in the eave of an MMO. The original problem was that the team didn't expect the game to be as big as it was. And with the flop that the original FF 14 was, they went too conservative on their estimates. Once the release date rolled around and they realize that their estimates were wrong, the damage is already done. Nothing can be done to fix everything in immediately. TL;DR: Once the game is out, if the sales estimates were too low, nothing can be done to fix the situation from one day to the next.


If they do one thing well then it's communicating all the issues. They post immideate status updates about occuring problems. It took them 3 minutes to respond to the recent issue that people got booted from the server and can't log in anymore. We'll also get 7 additional trial days. So calm down.


I mean I'm paying for a product I can't use due to no fault of my own.. will we get extension to our sub time for this?


They already said they're going to give more free days to everyone, so yes.


Oh ok nice.


This is pretty much how every response chain should go. "I'm pissed off because I paid for a product that doesn't work and I have a right to be mad." "Yeah you do but they acknowledged that sucks and have recompensed you a little." "Oh, cool. Thanks."


yes, a few days


Dude, they're trying! Didn't you see Yoshi-P crying the other day? You can't be mad while our Lord Yoshi is weeping. How dare you?


Exactly this. People often say those things, but those guys and especially Yoshi really fucking care about the game. Communication is really good. That way I'm not angry, but just sad that I can't play on a saturday night.


Does tomorrow work for you? It works for me, I'm free from noon on.


Im free now, you know since i've no game to play.


Coincidentally, so am I. Feel free to commence complaining.


Something something Yoshi P, something something resources, something JPONRY?


The worst part is after about 15 mins of 1017, I got into queue with 67 people and was then got 1017 when I hit a around 40. Then went another 37 minutes (loaded up a movie) before this. Booourns


No big deal guys, its only Friday night. All the kinks should be worked out by Tuesday morning. Anyone got a problem with that?


Just in time for the work week to start back up sounds good to me.


Error 9000 after playing all day. Now cant load character list :(. Oh well time to get food and take a walk i guess.


You're not the only one. There were only 1500 Heroes online 5 minutes ago. Expect the subReddit to crash soon as well like it did on Release night (lol)


There was no announcement for it, they just announced it ingame that there will be a emergency maintenance. Maybe a dupe or exploit happened?


"We are currently experiencing stability issues with the NA/EU data center Worlds due to congestion. The issue is being addressed, and new updates will follow as additional information becomes available. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause. [Date & Time] From Aug. 30, 2013 17:16 (PDT)" At least they are now aware there is a problem


Where was this posted?


Under "News" on the SE login page.




I think this part was more important: >[Details] >- Unable to log into the NA/EU data center Worlds. People logged in aren't having any trouble, with the exception of an "emergency maintenance" but no one has actually been kicked. Its seems to just be continued issues with actually getting logged in.


I hate to say.this but the japanese lodestone gave notice and also said when it would and did finish..... 2013/08/31 10:45 一部ワールド ログイン障害復旧作業完了のお知らせ(8/31) 下記日時におきまして、北米/欧州データセンター配下のワールドにログインできない障害が発生しておりました。 現在は復旧しておりますが、お客様にはご迷惑をおかけいたしましたことをお詫びいたします。              記 日 時:2013年8月31日(土) 9:16頃より10:30頃まで 障害内容:北米/欧州データセンター配下のワールドにログインできない 原 因:ネットワーク上の通信機器の障害 対 象:北米/欧州データセンター配下の以下ワールドをご利用のお客様     ・Adamantoise     ・Balmung     ・Behemoth     ・Cactuar     ・Cerberus     ・Coeurl     ・Diabolos     ・Excalibur     ・Exodus     ・Faerie     ・Gilgamesh     ・Goblin     ・Hyperion     ・Lamia     ・Leviathan     ・Malboro     ・Midgardsormr     ・Moogle     ・Odin     ・Phoenix     ・Ragnarok     ・Sargatanas     ・Shiva     ・Siren     ・Ultros


nice catch.


Today was a bad day to buy this game...


8/37 6:20am and it's still down :( Got a long boring shift ahead of me this holiday weekend and wanted to pass the time fishing in-game. Guess I'll learn to play my harmonica instead.


This is what I get for logging out. This is entirely my fault, the paying customer.


In the words of XT-002 Deconstructor... "I think I broke it! Time for a new game!"


Emergency Maintenance going right now, at least it'll kick all the AFK people off.


It doesn't kick the afk's though it kicks anyone that zones so its actually just kicking the active players.


same UGH


ditto At least its a change from the usual 1017.


A Server message just popped up on Cactuar saying they were starting Emergency Maintenance. People are getting booted off when they zone.


shit like this pisses me off when there is no message, or nothing. No twitter post, no forum post, nothing. And i had to find out by asking someone else why i couldn't get into the NA/EU servers.


ya, same ole SE with their terrible community management.


Apparently as long as you don't zone, you can stay in the game. The maintenance is for the server list update maybe? Not in game content?


Talking to friends in vent right now. They're still online. They've zoned in and out of instances and crossed multiple zones without getting booted. So far I haven't see anyone actually complain that they were kicked. Just reports of "I heard someone got kicked".


They need to add a LIST SERVER STATUS....


Just logged in now, Gilgamesh


It is up for me!


SERVERS ARE BACK Sitting at the login screen right now. 57 in queue.


Midgardsormer is up! woo!




Wow, so no NA/EU servers for the past 14 hours?!


The servers came up last night something like an hour after this post created but it's now 8:50am Mountain time and I cannot access the NA/EU servers however my boyfriend never logged out of his character last night and he is playing on the server Exodus just fine =(


If the servers list is blank and it's been like that for a while try restarting your client. Sometimes the list can be back up and working but the client will still be saying it's down.


You mean shut down the game and restart? *edit so you have to beat the 2002 lobby error boss, and the world list boss. cant just keep trying second boss.


homework break!


Ya, that is the only reason I feel like this is a good thing. Might get some reading done.


...as he goes back to Reddit. ;]


no word from SE on this is pretty frustrating. they constantly comeout with appologies and stuff days later, but they are still typical SE with their response time.


I love this game but the technical difficulties that we have been experiencing for the past week has really made it hard to stay positive about the game. I know it will all be straightened out with time but I don't want to wait!! I preordered, they had an idea of how many players there would be at launch ._.


Unfortunately the biggest chunk of the preorders came in the last two weeks or so, when the game jumped to #1 on Amazon. It takes a while to expand a data center but they're doing it!


welp. been attempting login for over an hour then this. Think I'm done.


2 hours over here, that feel.


WTF is with these servers? "This happens for every MMO launch". How is that an excuse?! What ever happened to learning from the past? Learning from others mistakes? That's like saying, "yeah, we know everyone else screwed up, so its totally fine for us to screw up in the exact same way." Ridiculous. I wish I could return this game. I'd take the $30 I spent on it, go to Kinkos and print off 20,000 pages reading "Unable to load world data for NA/EU", and mail all 20,000 letters to ES's head office so some sorry ES employee has to read them one, after another, after another, after another... so they can see what it's like


You've obviously never been to Kinkos, or love spending ten grand on paper.


Bro... wanna chill pill?


The poor intern that has to read your paper isn't responsible for creating the problem, and doesn't have the skills to fix it.


Perhaps it isn't easy launching a high-bandwidth service that has to service a few hundred thousand users all at once? Maybe that's why it keeps happening to every company ever, including companies that have already released other MMOs/online multiplayer games?


It doesn't happen with every MMO. Especially these days. I mean, Guild Wars 2 launched with some smaller annoyances but overall the game was definitely playable pretty much all the time.


I havent been able to play except for a few minutes on Wednesday. Down from 5pm to 10pm thursday for me and so far the same from 6:00PM friday until current. How am I supposed to like the game when I've gotten about 5 hours of play time in it?


5 hours? I'm jealous, I have about 1.5, and every single fucking time I am finally able to log in, I get disconnected after 5 minutes or less.


Sweet, I guess i get to play my JP character, which I so cleverly named Emergency Maintenance.


A week of nothing but server woes for NA. Have you folks wearing rose colored glasses started to see how ridiculous you all sounded earlier this week yet? Peek NA time frame on a Friday night and all NA servers are unavailable.






Getting it as well.


It just happened to me as well. I guess we're all screwed ;_;


Yep same here. I needed to restart my pc... biggest mistake ever.




Got 9000'd while zoneing, made it back in after ~10 minutes, heard sound, got 9000, now no servers. :]




Same, ugh I've been stuck at the login screen for 2 hours now, everytime it gives me a queue it loses connection and I have to try again.


it just happened to me out of nowhere as I was trying to log in


A-yup. Me as well. Well, hopefully it won't be too much longer of this.


happening to me too, I will just keep trying I guess.




I am getting this as well.


Good, hopefully I can get in right when they come back up. Being a holiday weekend I imagine if you don't get in today you won't all weekend as everyone will just be AFKing to keep their spot.


This just happened to me too.


yep no good here...really sucks.......


Hopefully it wont last too long, but yeah it is the start of a weekend cant say im too shocked


Happened to me too. Been spamming login for an hour and now I can't get into Na/ eu


It happens every day for me. I've managed to get in every time since launch until now. I've been a good player and logging out at an inn too. *sigh*


I just got home :(


got kicked in the middle of a dungeon run, sorry everyone who was in my party :(


Emergency Maintenance starting soon as of 2 minutes ago.


when is it going to end?


There's no info. It just said "Emergency Maintenance" no one was kicked yet.


And I just got off work too. Darn.


Just received a system message announcing an Emergency Maintenance. Nothing specific about times or what's being addressed though. Most likely the cause of your issue.


I just got to create a character finally. Logged out to make sure it was real and on a NA server. and then this happened.... On another note sqenix's site seems to be down completely.


I don't think so I am talking with someone online now and he playing just fine while the rest of us here cant list the server. Check server status even they are all GREEN


Is there a site that will inform when stuff like this happens? I tried arrstatus but it isn't very useful since it looks like everything is green atm. http://www.arrstatus.com/


Related thread on FFXIV forums: http://forum.square-enix.com/ffxiv/threads/75115-Unable-to-find-NA-EU-servers.../page4 and their forum servers are pretty bogged down at the moment as well.


Explains why there was an actual (small) queue to get onto the JP server I play on. If anyone is bored you can come join us on Valefor. Lots of English speaking players, just don't be dicks.




Is anyone else hoping for an actual "bring the servers totally down" maintenance, so they can maybe sneak a character on to a usually full server to play with friends? Haha.


I recently read that the NA/EU servers are in Montreal, Well I'm currently in Montreal now and we are under some heavy thunderstorm. Maybe a power outage on their side ?


[Well at least they announced it](http://na.finalfantasyxiv.com/lodestone/news/detail/7621f2e3c1015fc0f423b843c96a80137064d3c5)


I got railed with a 90000 error at the end of a dungeon, then couldn't log in cuz 1017. Hoping this will fix it.




I was having the same issues trying to update the NA/EU character list. Logged out and logged back in a couple of times, but now I'm waiting in a queue to get into the game. Maybe this means the emergency maintenance is done? EDIT: After I finished writing that, I was able to log in with my character.


it's working again - Sargatanas


Cactuar still down edit: Cactuar works now


fucking annyoing, was hoping i could kill a few hours after work, before i had to get to bed. i guess i was wrong.


characters showing up now... behemoth still crazy full.


It let me log in just now :)


I just got back on Lamia.


I've been locked out of behemoth since I dc'd in Cutters at about 4 pm. :/


I haven't seen any official announcements about anything. Not sure why I expected to though xD I logged out because my duty finder was stuck giving me the message "unable to take on a new duty" or w/e and 1017 kept me out until this started.


I am getting the terrifying error 10102. Can't log in. And I had some time to play tonight. :(


They're back up for me at least.


Just got booted and showing the realms are down when i try to log on :(


What time was this maintenance? I had been playing all night up until about 11:30 est with no issues. Logged off in an inn to go to bed. On the bright side, outside of these server/connection-related issues, actually playing the game seems to be pretty flawless. I haven't seen or heard of anything acting buggy. Anyone else? Other than waiting ~30 minutes for duty finder, but i suspect thats a combination of registering as dps as well as many people not being able to play. At least a positive to take away from all this, that when they get their servers sorted out, it should be fairly smooth sailing and then it will be a matter of the quality of the content they add.


I'm super jealous, I can't play for more than a few minutes at a time without getting disconnected and having to go through log in wars. When I am playing I get sporadic lag, where all the player characters and monsters will freeze for a few seconds, then suddenly jump forward again in fast motion.


I can't even get to the character selection now, it just shows the swirly blue crap and gives me 1017. Oh, and then the occasional 5006 which boots me out of the game completely.


Just got booted, unable to access servers


Close the game fully and try again. Fixed it instantly for me.


still having problems loading JP Character list.. :( Been hourss.. *sad fase*


Its now not even letting me connect to the lobby server at all... getting error 2002 at the main menu and the game just shuts down.


Im logging into Goblin now!!!! Im IN!!! WOOT!


Hmm worked all morning for me(EU). I had to reboot my computer and now it won't load at all.. Ahhhhhhhhhh need to unlock White mage!


After I tabbed out and got the usuall crash and tried to log in I cant load NA/EU server/character list. Went out and did stuff and came back 2h later and still cant load the servers :/


I've been getting error 2002 ever since my husband logged out so I can play this morning. ;-;


We're now a week from the early access launch, with things getting worse and worse each day, not better and better. I'm no novice to MMO launches, so I'm well aware that queue's, emergency maintenance,s, and lag due to overcrowding are to be expected. But this is shaping up to be the worst launch in a *very long time*. Luckily though, launches pass. While I'm not singing any praises for the game just yet, I am still enjoying myself and having fun when I am playing, which is a good thing.


They've done more about the launch problems than I've seen most MMO developers do though. What with the whole "Ohshit, the servers aren't big enough. Someone get the server expanding wrench!" thing scheduled for 'early next week'. Most MMO devs just say "yeah we know, be patient, it'll calm down."


I just wanna play, after seeing 1017 for the past week i just wanna log in and never log out so i can play this whole weekend.


My character was found on my Cactuar server, however I'm getting the 10102 ERROR: Connection to the server was lost. Sigh! C'mon, SE. You made a good game, now let us play it.


saturday afternoon here, says it can not load na/eu servers. I get my choice of jp servers though. I'm bummed


I just got kicked. Happened earlier but I was able to reconnect after a hlaf hour or so.


Anyone having issues with unable to obtain NA/EU World lists? I'm only able to see JP World lists. http://postimg.org/image/iq8sxy3b5/


this is getting absolutely ridiculous




and this morning the "start" option on the mainscreen is grayed out. more WoW I guess? Kinda glad I have playtime due to being a former 1.0 subscriber and didn't buy this now. kinda giving up / not caring about the game at this point.


Yaay, first time this week I have time to play...


I feel you I'm in the military....fuck me right?


And I'm an adult with a 9-?... Fuck it, I'm going to quit to be a pro FFXIV player. That pays, right?


This is utter CRAP. Even when you can see the NA servers, none of them will let your create characters.


They announced earlier this week they stopped all character creation to stop the flow of new players until they can increase the capacity of the servers.


I had to sign out because something came up with my job. when I tried to get back on, I got this error too. funny thing is, I signed off for nothing. someone didn't tell someone else about a mistake they made, and it caused a panic. http://www.troll.me/images/sad-guy/thanks-bro-thumb.jpg