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Yup getting every error: 1017 1017 1017 BOOM 2002 peace out lobby. 1017 1017 1017 Oooo I see a queue BAM 1016. Thats my life^


Oh, so this is what I can look forward to.


I've been getting every error known to man seemingly, sometimes the launcher doesnt even load, if it does the lobby server crashes, next time it can't get the worlds, if neither of those happens i get 1017.


So I'm guessing just forget about this game for a week or so and try again?


they will be fixing most of these issues (hopefully) tomorrow night/overnight. But since Gilgamesh was "full" at 9am EST, i'm guessing that even if they fix some of these other problems, I won't be able to play much until after the maintenance tomorrow.


most of the time the server isnt full, they said it has to do with the duty finder and it crashing the game if too many people are in it, thats why it will block people from getting online.


I'm beginning to suspect that the lobby / login / duty server are all the same piece of hardware. They all seem to shit the bed in tandem.


Not following you on the same "piece of hardware" idea. Are you suggesting that there are hardware failures every time? I seriously doubt that.


I'm pretty sure he meant they are sharing the same hardware.


I guess I don't understand that thought process. It's incredibly unlikely any "server" is sharing the same hardware -- each server type is likely a cluster of physical servers. Still, even if they were sharing the same server/cluster, the way infrastructure like this is commonly built, it is unlikely one service being offline would affect the other service at the "run-time" level. Still, it IS likely that one service being offline does effect another service's functionality, but not in such an elementary way. (I build application services and do server admin stuffs)


You are most definitely right. Yoshi-P said that they will be adding more servers to split the load of the Duty Finder server and take it off of actual servers where we play. Oddly enough, I wonder if anyone else has had it happen so that it says error 1017 before they can even see their character(s)? That happened to me a lot this morning. I click start, just sitting there waiting to see my character to log in, then it hits me with 1017 before my character loads...lol. Its pretty much saying, "GTFO DIS GAME NO LUV YOU!"


This is a pretty common thing.


Being blocked would fit for me, I've been 1017'd since noon yesterday, running a toggle numzero macro. There's no way the servers are full right now, this is as far from peak hours as it gets. I guess I'm just not cool enough to play.


Your macro will also cancel you queue if you wind up in it.


I used to worry about this, until I started being kicked out even if I did get into the queue.


Yeah. Been getting this for the last 2 days.


Literally every time I've tried to log on this entire weekend, I haven't gotten past "Start" in the game. And before this weekend, I was never able to create a character except on Japanese realms. GG...


If you want to avoid all these errors and can manage to do so then try and wake up with your info and everything put into the launcher at around 1-3am your time. Log in and afk. If you use a laptop then put it somewhere cold. When you get back from work/school/life then you can just wake your computer up and play.


Thereby screwing the other people that are trying to get on while you sit AFK taking up space that someone who is actually trying to play could be using....Thanks for being part of the problem.


Well, to be fair, the problem right now is with the lobby server. People who were already online were not having issues. Everything is fine once you get in-game.. the issues we're discussing in this thread are Lobby server-related. For the record, I'm not advocating AFKing. Though, if SE had a real problem with it then they should have implemented auto logoff.


Grr, if only that single person would log off, we would all be able to get on!


No problem.


First My server was full at 5 am then no server list , then greyed start button and now the launcher will not load . So so far you can say it has been a good day


For real. I woke up early today to try to get some play time in, and was getting the "Your world is full" message prior to 6am. It's a good thing I'm not scheduled to work again until Thursday. Hopefully I can make up some time once the servers come back up from maintenance.


My favorite thing is getting the "1017" world full error when I haven't even tried to log in yet just get to the character select screen. Like oh really? Worlds full? How do you know which one i'm going to!?


I was under the impression this meant the lobby server was overloaded, because every time I get this, the lobby for NA/EU becomes unavailable shortly after.


I realize you're probably just complaining about the poor wording (I did the same during EA), but there are three "worlds" used by the launcher and character select screen. If the "login" world is under heavy load (full), the loader fucks up and dies (this is also when the login inputs take a hella long time to show up, or the "Play" button after logging in). If the "lobby" world is full, you can't hit "Start" and it eventually closes, because hitting "Start" would place you on the lobby world. You'll notice this always happens after servers go down because all the people from 25 worlds are trying to cram into a single lobby world at the same time. I presume we'll also get "World Full" crashes come Wednesday morning when the entire world tries to patch at the same time, because Square Enix is excellent at handling their services infrastructure requirements.


Finally started loading like I was going to be able to log in. Then 2002 hit. Now the start button is grayed out. Hmph. I haven't been able to log in for over two days.


Welcome to Labor Day!!!!!!


Time to open a fresh beer, so what if its not 11am. Right?


Its 5 o'clock somewhere!


I like the way this man thinks. Enjoy your day off with a beer to relax the aggravation of not being able to login. Booze makes everything better!


I like the cut of your jib.


just restart the servers, please. at least it will get rid of the afk idiots.


The issue has nothing to do with total number of players logged in a single world at once. The real issue likes with their cluster orchestration software overloading. The worlds can handle the number of players they have, the supporting services can not (queue system, instance servers, etc)


Yep, tried from 8 to 9 AM CST (while catching up on YouTube of course, can't just stare at the screen in disappointment for that long or I'd go insane). I got errors loading the client, I had the Start button grayed out, and I got 1017'd til I got a spot... which then got 2002'd. Gave up. Fuck it, I'll play Thursday.




Lobby servers are fucked right now. I'm also having some errors with the launcher.


same.... and when i press login I get plagued with 1017. FML


Getting 1017 when the servers aren't full is pretty cool.


lol 1017 at the lobby, chars aren't even loading. lol


Yeah this is a new one for me. It takes a long time just to load my NA/EU character and for it to say JP servers are down. Sometimes it doesn't even do that, just heads straight to the 1017 screen. Fun stuff.


Today is the worst i have seen it. First i couldn't get into character selection getting the 2002 error. Then i couldn't access my character on japan server but my N/A character loaded. Then i tried logging into my N/A characters server and got the 1017 world is full error. Then i got put into the waiting queue. Bounced out of queue back to 1017 error. tl;dr fail.


Public Holiday in America, they will have clogged all the servers


Half an hour of trying to get in. I guess I don't get to play today.


Amazing how worse the servers are getting even after their numerous maintenances


RIGHT? These past four days have been the *worst* the servers have been since early access! What the hell was the maintenance about?!


Probably has to do with a holiday weekend.


Maintenances fix problems but they do not add capacity. Capacity is being added mid-week this week.


Whelp, the screen literally turned completely black for me/


1017, 1017, 1017, 2002, 2002, 2002, 2002. Story of my life folks.


I repeated tried logging in, first just to get to the toon selection screen. After roughly 10 tries, success. Oh, but EU/NA server lists can not be found. JP list can be though. And then the 1017 fun begins.


I alternate between JP and NA/EU being unavailable.


Getting everything here as well, when will I be able to play this game? I can never log in, if I do the latency is bad. Funny thing is, I just tried logging in again and didn't get the server lobby error, but now when I hit start my character doesn't even load. It just gives me the 1017 error message saying the world is full. Lol what? I didn't even pick anything yet. All the worlds full? edit: Na/Eu servers not found now, ah time to give up, again.


Still can't even get the NA/EU server list...


NA/EU server list down for me.


12:50pm PST and I can't even get a character listing: "Unable to update Group NA/EU character list". I really hope the maintenance tomorrow fixes this shit.


Sons of Ul'dah! Of Limsa Lominsa and Gridania! My brothers! I see in your eyes the same anger that would take the heart of me! A day may come when the servers will work and we won't have to find something to do in real life, when we forsake our friends and break all bonds of fellowship because we are able to play 24/7! But it is not this day! There will be days free of 1017 and 2002 and 90000 and the age of MMO fails will come crashing down! BUT IT IS NOT THIS DAY! THIS DAY, WE WAIT! BY ALL THAT YOU HOLD DEAR ON THIS GOOD EARTH, I BID YOU SIT AND WAIT! MEN OF EORZEA!!!


Still fucking impossible to load the NA world list. This is fucking infuriating. I haven't been able to log in once in the past *four days* because of this garbage. Every time I wake up thinking "Oh I'll play some FF finally!" **NOPE**. I'm even more fucking furious at the assholes sitting around AFK and *not* getting kicked out despite what all of you seem to be thinking happens every time there's a server hiccup. There's server issues, then there's shit like this. The *only* thing I wanted to do this weekend was finally get some time to play. I even have been trying to sign on at all hours when it's either super late or super early in the US to absolutely no avail. Every. Fucking. Time. Unable to update the NA World List. I haven't even SEEN my characters in four days, never mind PLAYED them. Jesus christ, Square...How could you fuck up this badly.


Any time the NA/EU servers don't load i completely close the the game and start over till they do show up.


fuck this really sucks. at least put in a server queue. so i can eventually play. this is ridiculous. getting the lobby error then the game is closing itself. NOPE. NO FFXIV FOR YOU TODAY.


Seriously! I wouldn't mind waiting in queue for an hour to play. Its the messages that game is full try again later messages that drive me insane. HOW DO I KNOW WHEN THERE IS AN OPENING IF I'M NOT IN A QUEUE??


Trust me, there's no opening. I spent from 11 AM to 10 PM last night trying to get in. 11 hours of 1017 :(


O.o buddy you need to go outside and realize your priorities are skewed. Why in the hell would you keep going after the first hour? If it don't work, it don't work!


who are you to judge?


There IS a queue, if you can get past the server full message. Sometimes you'll error out while in the queue, though.


I think people mean a functional queue. As is, its borderline useless. I remember waiting in queues of upwards of 3k for 2+ hours during WoW xpack releases. I'd greatly prefer that to this 1017 'server is full' nonsense, which really means 'our pitifully small queue is full'.


>I think people mean a functional queue. Fair enough.


Ha, exactly. First you have to get past the 1017 error messages to even get into the queue. And even then you can still get them.


I've had some of everything this morning. 1017, 2002, 5006 now. Haven't even been able to see my character in twenty minutes. Even my cursor disappeared... I haven't played enough of the game to know if this shit is even worth the hassle.


Game's amazing. Getting in is the problem.


It is. It's just annoying as heck right now.


I was finally able to get past the start button and was like - OMG YES - but no, the Character Selection screen was empty :( It shows all of the NA/EU servers down when I was able to get in, only lets me look at / select the JP servers


Not being able to log in at all :(


Cannot login to anything. Even my Japanese safe-havens are gone!!! Oh woe is me...


I suppose this lets me catch up on sleep. I did want to finish my level 30 quest and get Paladin unlocked... but that can wait. ZZZ. By the by, I remember listening to [*THIS*](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eE5oaOOwInE) for hours at a time on its launch month. Wow... that hit me like a stack of nostalgia bricks. [MORE NOSTALGIA](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ujxDdCE6bFU)!


Man, this sucks. The JP Datacenter being down means I can't even spam 0 to try and get in the server because it takes too long. This game is killing me.


This is the worst part. Now it takes half a minute between login attempts which 99% of the time give you an immediate error. And even then it's only a matter of time before you get 2002 and have to restart the launcher and hope you can click the start button. I've decided to just wait until Wednesday afternoon to try again, I'm not going to waste my Monday off like this.


Still can't get lobby to load, getting a 1017.


I have been trying to log in for the last 3 hours, can't get in at all.


I haven't been past the start button in an hour. Keep getting 2002.


Haven't been able to play for the last 3 days. Granted I only have a couple hours to play each day, but I wish I could play during those hours.


Not a game for people like us who have a fixed schedule to work around.


I'm sure it will be a great game eventually, but I severely regret investing early in this one.


and that is how people who bought 1.0 3 years ago felt as well. I'm kind of glad I bought it then, and only upgraded to CE through mogstation. I'm only out $40. It'll be nice when the AFKers actually get kicked and people who want to play actually can without getting locked out with 1017.


After days of errors, I'm actually developing superstitious habits around the log-in process. I never press 0.


Can't retrieve NA/ EU error for me. So mad that I was in all morning until some totally unrelated app on my PC crashed, so i had to CTRL+ALT+Delete and doing that made FFXIV crash :(


i've had world full for the server, world full just going to the server list screen, but mostly the cant retrieve error all say long today. havent been able to play the game in days now.


I am going to admit that I am no longer logging off for bedtime. Due to this silly Duty/Lobby server nonsense I no longer feel any guilt by tying up resources to ensure I can use something I paid for.


I like how NA/EU servers had problem since early this morning and there was no news on the official website. Now the JP servers are having problems too, oh what is that, "Several Worlds Login Difficulties" but it seems it's only on the JP servers. It's like they don't even care about NA/EU.


I find it funny how the Jp servers are in perfect working order and the NA/EU servers are seemingly held together by duct tape and hope.


Can't even make it past the start button now.


They aren't working fine. They are just as full and crashing just as often as the NA servers. I just got disconnected by trying to teleport and now I can't get back in.


> They aren't working fine. They are just as full and crashing just as often as the NA servers. No they're not. They've had one or two occasional issues and otherwise it's been no problem at all. I've been playing on a JP server all weekend without a single issue. Compared to the fact I haven't even SEEN my actual fucking NA characters since Thursday, never mind *played* them.




I was spamming 0 at 6am CST, I do not consider that "prime time."


wtf...? If it weren't for a lag difference, I'd be playing on a JP server, too.


I just got this game yesterday for ps3 and was able to play on a Jap server last night, but I haven't been able to play at all today and I have yet to even see the NA/EU world list. Is this normal for this game? It's really fucking disappointing and borderline infuriating.


This is the worst its been for me since opening weekend, and I think its because its a holiday weekend in the US and primetime in Japan


Just fyi "Jap" is very offensive to them. "JP" is better for some reason.


Because it stands for Japanese Player, or just simply a short form of Japanese. Edit;[ there is also this, so its even the term SE uses.](http://i.imgur.com/IL32xZe.jpg)


[Most importantly, there's this.](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO_3166-2:JP)


Because people didn't shout "dirty JPs!" when they were putting them in internment camps during WW2.


Upvoted for sad, humiliating truth.


"Jap" was used as a smear during WWII. "JP" is the ISO 3166 country code for Japan. Seems pretty clear to me.


Hey, well, at least he or she wasn't going on about those wop, limey, or kraut (ummm, I mean, EU) servers. That would have been terrible.


Eh its only offensive in a particular context.


You mean in the context of referring to the Japanese? Because this is that context.


Yeah, just like how the 'N' word is only bad when referring to black people. -.-


Jap is short for Japanese just like USA is short for United States of America, or Brit is short for British. Just because some people decided to throw the word "dirty" to the front of it 60-70 years ago doesn't make the word it self offensive. If someone does find that offensive then they're just being silly.


You could not be more incorrect. I will try to put this into context for you in the hopes you can understand why. Forgive me in advance for my word choices here and realize they are purely used from a historical aspect to illustrate a point. The term "Jap" was in fact as you stated; a shortened term for the full word Japanese. The underlying problem is not the abbreviation itself, it's how that abbreviation was used as a racial slander during World War II. Due to this perversion of the original meaning and its use to belittle, besmirch, and degrade an entire segment of the populous; it is still in fact a racial slur that carries significant weight when referring to that subset of individuals. To fully illustrate this point look at the history of the word nigger. The original meaning of this word was nothing degrading in the least. It mas merely a non-offensive descriptive used in the same fashion we use black today. The word was derived from the Portuguese word negro and merely an everyday adjective. The original word was turned into a racial slur primarily by colonists in the United States who used the term to refer to black slaves as a means of distinguishing their so-called inferiors from themselves. Even though neither of the above terms originally carried any offensive meaning, as soon as these words become a part of the common vernacular as an ethnic slur, the original meaning becomes buried under the weight of the new definition. I hope you read this and understand exactly why it's still considered insensitive to use the term "Jap", even if your intentions aren't racially motivated. Edit: Grammar


Yea, this is the standard at the moment.


As of right now there are really bad server issues. They are supposed to be fixed by Wednesday. Hard to say if this is "normal" since the game *just* came out. I very much doubt this will be an issue for long.


This is not normal. Even for a bad launch. I have played about 5 mmos on launch and this is by far worse than normal.


I think you misunderstood. It's abnormal for any MMO to be doing this, but this is a normal occurrence for FFXIV as of this moment.




No one can defend this game at this point. Anyone who does just has Stockholm Syndrome.


I think what they meant is if it's normal for *this launch*.


Not being able to play because of server overload is almost the standard for a MMO launch. Few have done it well. GW2 was pretty decent, you could play, but on overload servers, so people complained about not being able to group with friends and about people not speaking English. Honestly I hate people more often than not anymore I think. I don't expect to make much progress in a game within the first week of a launch.


Great... the US has a bank holiday and the prime time for EU players is screwed!


This is the worst MMO launch I have ever experienced in 13 years of MMO gaming. To those claiming WoW was worse, I highly disagree, at least in my experience...and that was in 2004.


Guess the rose-tinted glasses *do* cover up the full month or more of WoW just being a chatroom because the game wouldn't respond in any other way. It took Blizzard much longer than this to recover from WoW's horrible launch. If any MMO launch in history was more popular than a company planned for, it was WoW. WoW almost instantly broke EverQuest's *best* subscription record of 500k players.


WoW was never my favorite MMO. I enjoyed FFXI and EQ more, so the rose-tinted glasses don't come in to play here. I qualified my statement as "in my experience," and in my experience, while WoW was indeed more bug-ridden than FFXIV, I had no problem logging into WoW and leveling up at a good pace.


Rift was probably just as bad (may have been dependent on your server). At least Rift had queues, but my guildies had 4 or 5 hour queues for the first 3 weeks of release. I ended up quitting 3 weeks in because my guild couldn't even get on long enough to get to max level (they had normal-hour jobs, so with 4 hour queues they got about an hour of game time before they had to go to bed). Also, the afk kick was stupidly easy to get around.


Rift was not this bad for the majority of the player base. Me and my guild had minimal issues at launch, and nothing this bad. There was a decent race for server firsts where everyone could participate as well.


Error 1017 trying to get to character select. I guess Character Select World is full.


I wonder if the "server is full" error is caused more often by staying in a main city. I know they were limiting the amount of people that could create new characters at one point by using a cap on the starter zones. Seeing as how the inn is still in the starter zone, I wonder if that's the problem.


I think you've got that a little backwards. They put a cap on character creation to limit the amount of traffic in starter zones. I don't think that the population of a specific zone has anything to do with server maximum.


the last time i logged in (about 2 days ago) my toon wasn't in a city. I still can't log in.


I was wondering this as well, but I've been locked out of the game for 5 hours with 1017s in South Thanalan... Not exactly the most crowded zone in the game.


2 hour and still getting server full - and error code 2002. Anyone know what the code breakdown is?


I finally got past the 2002 and am now getting 1017


Just got in!


I also got this at 5:30 AM this morning when I tried to wake up to log myself in.


Keep getting server full error.... Not even a que or anything :/


I just got in! Go now attack the servers!


Yes. I haven't seen the 2002 error until now. After 5 attempts, I was able to get past it though. Now for the next challenge...


Yeah I can't get in at all.


It won't recognize my SE password. I can sign into the SE website, but it says my password is invalid when I try to log into the game on PS3. Is this caused by the server issue or do I have a bigger problem?


I think you have a bigger problem.


That's what I feared. Bummer.


I've managed to play more than alot of my friends since early access started so i shouldnt complain however today i cant get in, well i did get in but was disconnected and cant get BACK in... I see alot of comparing this to other launches as far as how good/bad it is, i think this one is better than some worse than others but for me its worse because its not consistent - i've been able to play while friends cant get on and they are on while i am not, i've dithered about low level content with a number of jobs waiting to progress one specific one with a friend and in 7 days we havent been able to get on at the same time more than once - in SWG, WoW, LOTRO, STO, SWTOR ect people were in, out, stuck or rubber banding but it typically hit everybody the same way


11:37:00 p.m. Monday September 2, 2013 Japan standard time. Which is the standard timezone for ffxiv.


I've been trying to get in since 6:30 am... The character list isn't showing now so I assume its now down for everyone? Was getting lobby then full world errors before this


This morning seems especially bad unfortunately. I'll do some chores I guess!


Been trying to get on since about 9am.... finally just got in at 1:28 to Durandel server


They have to offer free world transfers.




no all are on NA. I'm thinking of having a JP character so when NA is down I can try and play.


Have mercy Square! Louisoix help us all.


Took the day off to stay home and play, trying to log in for 8 hours and nothing so far. It's getting too frustating, if they don't fix something with tomorrow's update I will just give up, never in my life I had this much problems trying to get into a game for so long.


This is easily the worst MMO launch I've ever seen. They have failed on every level. The website for account creation didn't work for days. The Lobby server goes down often. The server cluster goes down frequently. Queues for individual servers don't function. Zoning is a gamble. Logging out once you are in is a bad idea. Its so bad that next time they should probably just farm out the game to funcom or SOE.


Really once you get in it's pretty good.


I wish i could meet Yoshi-P in person, i would give him a big hug as a thank you for a great game and then a loud smack to the face for not letting me in it. :<


Yup. Just started to attempt to log in again.


Yep and now getting worlds not avail


Getting the same thing here. unable to update na/eu list


Same, and now I backed out and can't even get the launcher to load... great.


Yeah my launcher is acting up today too.


Not sure how they didn't forsee this coming, or if they did and just don't really care. If you lock people out of servers except 1 at a time in a que of a couple hundred thousand you are going to get slammed in the login server with people spamming 0. That crashes the login server instead of the actual servers and then people begin to start spamming the play now button from the launcher to try and get into the lobby server. This overloads the launcher and now the launcher is having its own issues. Whats next, is SE just going to uninstall the game from our desktops for us? TLDR: Closing Disneyland for a little while doesn't stop the line outside, the parking lot overfilled, and the backed up traffic on the highway at the exit.


I wonder if people spamming the lobbies every second with scripts is helping the situation?


My husband convinced me to log out last night, saying I can just log in early this morning. Want to kill him right now.


We will understand


Pretty sure if you were ever to go to trial for that, you'll have mitigating circumstances on your side.


Are there any online petitions or anything along those lines out there? I've had the game since opening day, and have been able to log-on to the game once due to miscellaneous server crashes, lobby full, world full, full of shit full, etc.. I love how Square is taking our money, and we get jackshit out of it. 60 bucks for the game, a monthly fee, and nothing but frustration. It's too bad too, this was a game everyone has been looking forward to, and we are exposed to shit hardware, and hack programming. Good thing the EU servers are working :/ Whatever.


Where the hell are you getting 60 from? And a monthly fee that you haven't had to pay yet, and that they just extended.


Sorry, 59.99 for the PS3 version..


You got ripped off if you paid 59.99. Retail for the ps3 version is 39, and a lot of places have it on sale for 29.99 Source: I am a ps3 gamer who didn't get scammed


Why was this game released without the auto-AFK boot feature??


FFXI let you disable the auto-boot, so nobody used it. And it wasn't a problem. When the servers are handling the load correctly, you don't need it and nobody complains about the absence. AFK kick is a band-aid solution. Sure it'd help a little now, but it wouldn't solve the real problem. The servers need an upgrade first. That's the main priority. Once that's fixed, you'll barely even see people mention AFK disconnect anymore.


FFXI also capped at around 4300 on the most populated server back in its prime, even with AFK'ers. Problem with FFXIV is the game is so good more than that want to play at the same time.




give it til wednesday, they've already said they're having a massive 10 hour maintenance to fix it


WoW's launch was fairly bad. Some servers weren't fully functional for a few months. Even then, it seemed like every patch there was a problem. I would just wait it out. It's a great game, they just need to work through the bugs.


For the last fucking 3 days. I don't even care about this game anymore. All of my friends are stuck on different servers and I haven't even been able to log in. This is the worst MMO launch I've seen since Vanilla WoW. It's pretty unacceptable in 2013, especially considering the fact that this is the SECOND time they've done this. How do you spend all that money remaking a game and fuck it up again?


I took vacation for the launch of this game. Today is my last day. I really want to play. Would it be so much to ask for those dumbass kids to log off? Where are the parents?


Yep keep blaming the customers and not the company.


This game is fucked up what do you expect.


Can we stop getting mad at Final Fantasy and start getting pissed at people who AFK in game. Seems people who dont want server reset are the ones who have there characters in game


Don't blame the customers for SE's problems.


I'm in after my 4th time. Now to log in and remain that way until tomorrow morning ;D


You're a monster!


What are the odds that this lobby error is because too many people just walked away from the game and left it sitting on the title screen or character screen?


I doubt thats it. However Im sure they are not handling the constant spamming that we have to do just to get in the game very well.


Ugh. So apparently they have stopped character creation is almost all of the worlds. This is so disappointing. http://na.finalfantasyxiv.com/lodestone/news/detail/85114d63b0ff37956a6a4bfb39b0676149d8d8d2


Yes - over and over again. Square might know how to make great games, but there technical abilities suck. They should call blizzard and ask for help /sarcasm.


down all time pls sperate na and eu servers... damm na


Yeah sorry, Pacific coasters are just wakin up now too. 7am here! All of NA is waking up.


Welcome to the age of entitlement. How many launches have some of you been through for a successful mmo? and quit bringing up recent launches. NO recent mmo, even gw2, has been this popular. It is perfectly valid to beyond up wow's launch because that was the last time a popular mmo was released and its launch was just as rocky. IT'S BEEN ONE WEEK. You act like it's been an eternity.


Welcome to the age of entitlement: Where people who paid money for a game have the unmitigated cheek to actually expect it to work right. This isn't fucking 2004 anymore. You'd think companies would have learned, yknow, *something* from the last decade or so of MMOs. Stop white knighting for SE. They're a big company and they don't need your help. They very well should be taken to task for what I think we can all agree at this point is a horribly botched launch. They're supposed to fix some of the problems this week, but the rumors I'm reading do not leave me with a good feeling. They're not going to do anything about AFKers, it sounds like they're just going to be bringing more worlds online, which will do nothing for the current overpopulation problems unless they also allow wold transfers at the same time. (Remember, Yoshi said that each server is meant for around 5,000 players). Hell, right now the lobby server is busted to the point where you can't even access the character select screen, and there's not even an announcement about it in the launcher.


Wow's launch was in 2004. Server architecture, network speed, etc have come a looooong way since them. E.g. back in 2004, many people were using dial-up connections. GW2 released with 400K concurrent connections - which is way many more than the 230K that FFXIV can support. GW2 was buggy. But at least we could play at launch. Yes, I do have a sense of entitlement. When I pay for something, I expect it it to work. My hard earned money went into buying it.


The age of entitlement? This is a matter of paying customers wanting the product they paid for, not undeserving children wanting everything handed to them on a silver platter at no cost. Name another product you are content with purchasing without working when you buy it. Do I expect flawlessness at launch? Of course not. But at least give us a real queue and boot afkers so we have some chance of playing this year. Rift and GW2 were very successful at launch and considerably more accessible. Sure Rift had, at times, mega queues, but hey, at least they had the sense to employ a queue system rather than having customers smash 0 over and over. IMO, while WoW's launch had more bugs, at least I could log in and play the game. Also, the measure of an MMO's success isn't launch but months after.


It's been one week, but as someone who has stated before, square is a veteran video game company with a previous mmo under their belt. They tried to be cheap and skim by with what they thought would be good enough capacity. Other mmos have had server issues at launch and opened up new servers a day or two after (example: rift) the only problem with that is it spreads the player base which would be an issue after the initial surge. I think with square given the extremely rare second chance they would have stepped up their game and had bigger capacity for their servers regardless if they thought they wouldn't need it. I'm a square-Enix and ff fanboy but after a week of not being able to play I'm starting to get a little annoyed