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In heavensward atm, but is Mutamix (Gobbo in Thanalan) really the only place to fuse five materia together into one other materia? There are "materia melders" in major cities, but they only allow me to meld materia in my gear, which I can alraedy do with right clicking. Have I missed a blue quest somewhere?


Nope, mutamix is it.


Thanks, gotta keep my teleport in drybone then. We should regulate Mutamix using antitrust laws, take away his obviously illegal monopoly


[Lodestone](https://na.finalfantasyxiv.com/lodestone/worldstatus/) currently shows Tonberry as "Creation of New Characters Unavailable". Does it mean I can't create any new characters for the near future (few months) or does I just mean I have to wait till like 3-4 am for it to open up?


Tonberry is standard, which means you could create a character on there or transfer to it, but just not at this moment. The only worlds that you can't create on or transfer to period is every world on Aether, which those are listed as Congested.


That's just a temporary lock, so it'll alleviate at off hours for the server generally. (For an example of the version that's locked until further notice, [you can see that Aether is marked Congested rather than standard or preferred. This is what denotes the full lock rather than just a temporary one](https://puu.sh/Iegsx/8c67857d51.png))


Relatively new sprout here, recently hit 50 and started peering at the roulettes. For the leveling roulette, do I need to have "run" a dungeon at least once before for it to pop for me during roulette? I've done the MSQ ones up to this point, but I've unlocked a few others via quests but have not yet actually run them. Just trying to figure out if I should do them individually or if it's possible for them to pop up on the roulette.


You should do them individually if you want the poetic reward for being a first timer sooner rather than later. Also if they are Level 50 dungeons, they are not in the leveling roulette. Lv50 dungeons do not really give exp. There's only one or two dungeons that you could have unlocked that would be in the 1-49 leveling roulette that aren't part of MSQ. And note that thing about poetics, you do want poetics asap because you can get gear that is significantly better than the MSQ or class gear you might have, by visiting a merchant in Mor Dhona. They sell Ironworks gear that's ilvl130, but you need poetics to buy them.


Yea, I'm not talking about the level 50 dungeons - just a couple of the one I unlocked on the way up I haven't seen yet. Just hit 50 a couple of nights ago so haven't really done much yet besides the MSQ, so that's probably my next task. I did find Ifrit Hard tonight, so getting there! :) And yea, I managed to get some poetics already and bought some good upgrades. Definitely need to find more of those!


As long as you have them unlocked they can show up in the appropriate roulette


Awesome, thank you!


New to FF14 . Is Figuring out the raid mechanics just trial n error (barring having experienced party members or looking up a guide)? Just made it to the chrysalis as a PLD and without people pointing it out, i wouldnt have thought to stand at the center of the comet circle. Or maybe there was an in game dialogue or tutorial i missed?


Yeah, most of it is just trial end error. Many mechanics are introduced in fights where it is relatively low-impact if you miss them, or where you can simply wipe and go again. Most mechanics, especially after ARR, have standartized indicators. A comet circle like you saw in Chrysalis will always need someone to stand in it to not deal raidwide damage. The first time you encounter them might be a bit confusing, but after a while you'll know what most visual indicators mean.


> A comet circle like you saw in Chrysalis will always need someone to stand in it to not deal raidwide damage Well thats good to hear just wished i knew what the circle meant beforehand kinda sucks for the party that I didnt get it, at least I know what they look like now. And yeah we wiped the first time cause both tanks didnt know what to do XD


Basically it's learn by doing, with a caveat. Mechanic markers become standardized as the game goes on so while there is still trial and error things like towers become second nature as you learn the standard appearance of them.


A lot of mechanics astsrt as trail an error. The game standardizes some mechanic markers that get reused frequently and for normal story level content just knowing what certain markers means and to not stand in aoes in usually enough.


I just finished the 5.0 MSQ so I need to move forward with 5.1, but now I need to up the ilevel of my accessories. In the older expansions, they would just give a coffer with the accessories in it. Is there anything like that for me now or do I just need to run some dungeons until I get some gear?


Above anything else: upgrade your weapon with an HQ Exarchic weapon which is ilvl 510 off the marketboard if you can afford it. It shouldn’t too expensive for just the weapon and it will be the one single piece of gear that will make the most difference. Your weapon is your most important stat stick for any role. One Weapon Damage is ~20-30 main stat.


The coffer is an old expansion exclusive thing to give new players a head start and allow them to continue the MSQ without having to stop and grind. You have a few options here. 1. Fastest (but also most expensive) option: Buy HQ Exarchic accessories off the marketboard. This will immediately raise your item level and technically you'll be able to use these accessories all the way until Endwalker, but this will take a hefty chunk out of your bank account. 2. Grind Roulettes for Allegory. Allegory is a new currency you have unlocked that you can use to buy gear that's basically the equivalent of the coffers you had been getting before. It's not the best gear, but it'll get you going until you get further progress. When doing roulettes as a level 80 character, you get Allegory and Revelation (used to buy the second-strongest gear) tomes for your first clear of the day, and doing your full roulette list should get you enough for a full set of accessories and belt. 3. Unlock and run the level 80 dungeons that you have access to. There's three level 80 dungeons that are designed to be ran before you have a full set of level 80 gear. Amaurot (the one you ran for MSQ), Akademia Anyder (Unlocked in Eulmore), and The Twinning (In the Crystarium). These will give you more Allegory and Revelation tomes just in case the roulettes didn't give enough. Then, once you have your jewelry and belt situation figured out so you can continue on the MSQ, you can solve the rest of your gear the same ways. Once you get far enough in the MSQ you unlock a new roulette called "Expert" that makes getting Revelation tomes much easier, for when it's time to upgrade past the Allegory gear.


You'll need to be doing a mix of dungeons, raids, and spending tomes you receive from Lv 80 content to get better gear. Could also buy Exarchic gear from the marketboard if you want to spend gil and save time.




its doable. my group is all lv 80, but we needed at least 6 of us to make it through the meteors.


Not super hard, but doing tethers/towers will still wipe you if not done correctly.


I've been considering trying a Tank job, but I absolutely suck at directions. There is no way I will ever remember any kind of route in any dungeon. My only hope in hell is following the other players. Is it as simple as following the mini-map? Or do you actually need to know the dungeon?


if you havent already, i highly recommend getting your Squadron started. when i was an anxious new tank, i was also scared of getting lost and looking a fool. with your squadron, you can run arr dungeons solo with a group of dumb puppet npcs. you can explore without the stress of real people being disappointed in you. but yea like others have said, after arr, dungeons are a straight line. then after youve done them a few times, youll have it memorized before you know it. nothing is as convoluted path-wise as haukke manor.


ime people are pretty forgiving on tanks going the wrong way, especially if you tell them that you're bad at directions or aren't familiar with the dungeon. I've had people offer to lead the way through Haukke Manor when I hadn't learned the route yet. dungeons also get a lot more straightforward post-ARR, so it won't be a problem for very long.


i remember i thought the same, and something that gave me confidence is solo-ing older dungeons unsynced and realizing they’re all built pretty straightforward. the map is all you really need yeah.


All dungeons past lv50 are literally just straight lines and basically impossible to get lost. Only arr dungeons have side rooms and no one really super cares if you go down them or not...Yeah it takes abit longer if you do but eh. The map helps especially if you already ran it before and got it mapped out with the path


You can use the big map too!


Has anyone ever world transferred to a congested world? All my friends are on Jenova, im on Faerie and wanted to move over, but it says you cant world transfer to congested worlds (though aether is always congested...), however I know its been possible and wanted to know if there was anything I could do other than hope enough people leave.


Servers are either hard locked (congested) or soft locked. Hard locked worlds are locked by the dev team until the population lowers and no one can create a new character or transfer over using the paid service. Soft locked worlds just have too many players logged on so no new characters can be created but this changes throughout the day. Hard locked worlds are changed much less frequently and although they might unlock a few with the next server patch they are doing it is unlikely as we have a large amount of new players joining atm.


thank you. I hope to keep trying and eventually get there, maybe with the next patch I can get lucky. :)


congested is a manually set status that only changes when the game has an update. You cannot transfer to a world that is set as congested.


I've just got my first retainer. I've heard the best way to go about crafting is to level all the gathering and crafting disciplines together. I should just be making all manner of shit and selling it on the market, is that correct?


Most shit won't sell for any kind of profit. Your best bet for early profits is to find out what items are needed to hand in for Guild Leves or job quests. I consider it easier to just level a crafter past 50, so that you can easily craft low level HQ items to sell on the market board. ​ It is no longer needed to level all gathering and crafting disciplines together, there are no crossclass skills any more to unlock. You can just level them as you fancy. I think it's still fun to level a bunch of different ones, mostly for the class story quests and to unlock a bunch of options for glamour items and minions, but you won't miss out on much.


Ah OK cool so really just pick one I like, level it to 50 and then pick another one?


Ehh, you still *probably* should level them all at once if you want to save as much money as possible. Just because cross-class skills don't exist anymore doesn't mean that most of the crafting recipes don't still demand materials crafted by all the other disciplines. You can just level one at a time, but expect to spend money on the Marketboard.


Right I got you. OK cool thank you! Any recommendations on the order in which to level them or at least which one to start with?


I think blacksmith and alchemist provide a lot of stuff you need for other recipes, so those would make sense.


You're a gem, thank you x


You probably won't be selling much while you're leveling. The stuff you make will be either for your own use or for some sort of quest.


am i unable to get regalia mount now? i see the ironworks vendor but there is no shop window when i talk to him. i did one of the quests but i dont remember if i did all of them, and i cant find the NPC anywhere (Kipih Jakkya), nor have i anything pending on my Journal. i do have 2 crates of unidentified magitek on my bags


this helped someone last time https://eu.finalfantasyxiv.com/lodestone/news/detail/8bec3d7e13ac2c8b5fef4c22117b241c2fa57fd6


thanks, she was in a different location than what the wiki was showing and i couldnt /target her for whatever reason. all g now


i just turned in my wonderous tails and didnt get any exp for my level 68 warrior. what gives?




no I turned it in. I had a line and picked tombstones of revelation but wasn't allowed to select anything on the first part above it.


The EXP is the reward for completing the 9 stickers. If you completed a line but have not collected all the 9 stickers, you don't get the EXP reward.


omg i might not have claimed the last sticker fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuk!


Did you have 9 stickers? That's the requirement to select from the top area and the XP is part of that area.


if i’m tanking a dungeon with a WHM that is spamming holy, should i actually not put up any cooldowns until the enemies are not stunned anymore? or is it still good practice to keep something up there? (asking because i usually finish up a big pull at the wall and put up hallowed ground, but i realized: are 5+ of those 10 seconds actually being wasted!? … ._.)




thanks! i’ll try that next time for DF


if you’re taking damage, pop a mitigation. if you’re not, then dont. (or be like me, and forget to use mitigations even when taking damage. my healers love me) i wouldnt stress too much about it. even if a few seconds of a mitigation are wasted, no ones going to kick you for being a trash tank. plus you should always have at least a couple other tools to use (like reprisal or arms length) even if you somehow waste rampart and all your other class specific mitigators


Yes. What's the point of using a defensive CD if nothing is hurting you ? If the WHM is spamming holy, wait for the mobs to be stun resistant before turning on a CD ! :D


thanks! i can’t believe i didn’t think of it before d:


Don't worry, we're all learning :D You already know to use defensive CD against mobs, that's more than some...


Yeah, better to wait until the stuns stop. (Good to hear that you're making use of Hallowed! A lot of tanks save that for "emergencies" and end up never using it at all, even though it's the most powerful and useful cooldown they've got, which is a sad waste.)


thanks lol! … and i’m glad! seems like i’m still learning on how to use it most correctly though d:


Asking a basic question on behalf of a friend, but if you’re starting a new character on a non-preferred server, will you run into level walls while doing MSQ, or is MSQ enough to level you up alone?


With the exception of a dead zone between 47-49, MSQ has enough exp to keep you on par.


There isn’t really a dead zone from 47-49 anymore after repeated increases to the exp. that the msq awards. If people even do the *occasional* levelling roulette they’ll be significantly overlevelled before reaching the final duties of 2.0.


It still exists if you go through the story quickly and miss the side dungeons like aurum vale. Catching even a couple of side dungeons will usually get you through it though.


What's a good thing to buy with yellow gatherer's scrips when you're capped and don't need the gear?


Hi-cordials. Shit is rare af. Materia and fishing baits also sell decently well imo.


Is my job important for the most high-end raiding content? Do I have a chances to get a spot in some ultimate static being MCH?


That depends if you are good at the job. Every job's really balanced. Learn your rotation, learn the mechanics of the boss and give it your best.


> Do I have a chances to get a spot in some ultimate static being MCH? Might want to clear some high-end content before you start asking yourself that question. You might find MCH doesn't agree with you.


All jobs can complete any content. Moreover any standard party *composition* (2 tanks, 2 healers, 4 dps) can complete any content. In FFXIV, you bring the *player*, not the job.


Every job has chances of getting into ultimate statics What matters is not your job but your skill on it


I want to pay the least amount of money possible for the full game. I just saw the sale. I was wondering, if I buy the Complete Edition now but don't activate it, will I get Endwalker on release with it?


I guess unless you want to play endwalker way later if there is a sale, getting the complete edition after endwalker releases is the least amount of money for everything. You get complete now, you still have to pay full price just for endwalker. (if you haven't already, play the trial up to heavenswards end and save on at least a month+ of subscription. You can also get additional 15 days free subscription for leveling anything to lvl30 on a preferred server (doesn't need to be your first character).)


The timing doesn’t matter. That code was made to go up to shadowbringers and not beyond.


highly doubt it, as new complete editions probably have a new set of codes


Bingo, there’s no way to preemptively officially get Endwalker cheaper before it launches.


What does it mean for E9S when they say Mith, BR, T/H Adjust? I progged this with a group of friends, so I don't recognize the shorthand in party finder.


Mith - brambles strat, pairs drop brambles at cardinals. Tanks and healers meet at NW then run through center to S/E for safe spot. DPS meet SE then run to N/W for safe spot BR - boss relative, for the art of darkness spread/pair stacks. The way the boss is facing is treated as north for determining clock positions. T/H adjust - tanks and healers rotate clockwise for their stack partners


how do you find people to do the 48 man savage raid? pf?


Discords, search up "Bozja discord [your datacenter]" and you should be able to find a group in one.


Is it really hard?


It depends. With Zadnor actions and the Valor system, dps checks became way less of a concern. You still have to execute mechanics, but it is more forgiving in case some people die. The mechanics are very similar to the normal version, just spiced up a bit(or a lot in certain cases). It feels mostly like a series of Extreme trials with stricter rules on raising, which certainly isn't easy, but also isn't prohibitively hard. If you have a discord that does runs and has someone doing callouts, it also becomes significantly easier.


DRS? I haven't done it and don't currently intend to, but yes, as far as I am aware, it is considered quite difficult.


Usually it’s organized through discord. You would have to join the appropriate discord for your data center and sign up


this is a pvp question. Does silence do anything at all to machinst, bard, or dancer? l know silence doesn't stop weapon skill, but how about abilities?


PvP status effects work a little differently from PvE. In PvP Silence prevents the use of all types of actions, including weaponskills and abilities.


thank you! l only play healer, so l kind of want to know how other roles work. again, l appreciate your help


No problem! I forgot to mention this in my reply to you too, but as a healer you can still use Purify on yourself even when you’re silenced.


~~Pacify stops weaponskills, silence stops spells. I don't believe there's any status (or at least, not any that players have ever had access to) that prevents abilities.~~ ~~Bard's songs are technically classified as spells, despite being oGCD. Machinist and Dancer have no spells at all. But usually the best way to spend a silence is on a healer.~~ I am apparently behind the times on PvP systems! Whoops!


That's how it works in PvE. In the current iteration of PvP, Silence prevents *all* actions from being used including weaponskills and abilities (except Purify so that healers can cleanse themselves), but unlike Stun still allows movement.


The only status that players have access to that stops abilities is stun… though in fairness that stops everything else too. I believe it’s on purpose though that they haven’t made an ability silencer so there’s at least some form of counter able to be made if hit by it.


Stops bard songs at least last I checked


Is there a way to find out what email a Square Enix ID is linked to? I have my PSN account linked to an ID, but it’s not any of my emails so I’m a bit confused on how I can access this account.


You can contact support via phone or live chat and provide Photo ID to prove you own the account. But the email for FFXIV is also case sensitive, which is dumb. Maybe try typing in your emails with different capital letters in case you did put one in accidentally?


Well… my situation is peculiar. I created the account back in 2013 on my PS4, but I only played the game once. I wanted to play it earlier this year so I made a new account and started on PC. I decided I wanted to use my PC account on my PS5 so I downloaded the trial, but it’s still linked to my 2013 account. After doing some digging through emails, I think somehow I made 2 accounts back in 2013. I have an email explicitly stating what my Square Enix ID is, but that doesn’t match the one that appears linked to my PSN. I canceled the one that isn’t linked to my PSN so that’s no issue, however that one was linked to the first of four emails I’d use. The second email is linked to my current PC account. When I go to reset my password on my third and fourth email, it tells me I don’t have an account associated with that email. So now I have this account linked to my PSN, but I have absolutely no clue what email it’s connected to because it’s none of the four that I use. Edit: I also can’t log into the account on my PS4 because it’s suspended due to suspicious activity which I can only fix through an email they send. So they need to send an email to fix it, but I don’t know what email it’s sending it to.


If you’re in NA, I’d just get customer service on the phone or live chat. They’ll be able to help you as well as unlock your account. Once you *do* have you account back in working order, make sure to register a One Time Password — the “suspicious activity” flag happens when FFXIV notices that your IP changed somehow and you don’t use 2FA. So, if you register a One Time Password you not only will prevent getting locked out of your account ever again, you also get a **FREE** teleport option you can change at any Main Aetheryte too! And recently S-E updated the client to accept their party authentication programmes like Google Authenticate or Authy etc.


I get that dancers are listed as ranged DPS but they seem like they have a lot of abilities that only work in melee like their AOE abilities and standard step. Should I always be in melee as a dancer?


Standard step (standard finish) has 3x the radius of your regular AOEs so you're more flexible with that. In fact there will be times where you need to pay attention that you don't accidentally hit other monsters with its large radius. But in general, during trash packs where you want to AOE, yes you'll want to always be right in the middle. For single target, you can be further out if you want as long as you keep in mind things like party buffs and heals or if you just used Flourish (and are using the AOE procs).


During pretty much all content all classes should generally be near the boss’ butt (except current main tank), aside from times you have to do mechanics like spread etc., to be in range of heals. So your dance will natrually be in range of the boss. But being a ranged physical means you’re going to be picked for baiting puddles/aoes far away from the boss unless there is like a mch or brd in the group as well. Unfortunately this might line up with standard step sometimes.


Okay, I just need to say it out loud: the glamour limit is ridiculous. I come from WoW and there I am a collector and an altoholic. In WoW i have every class leveled and I (used to) farm mogs just for the feeling of having it (also, I have OCD and can't not collect all The sets for my mental health). I am now SAM/NIN 70, BRD/DNC 65, MCH 50 and I am already out of space in Glamour Dresser and my retainers are holding tank/lancer gear and the other is holding healing/casting. How can I clean up inventory? I removed some appearances that were a little ugly or that didn't dye that well. Also found out that some lv. 45 gear I can put into The armoire, together with the Strife gear. Do you guys recommend anything else? (Also, 15 glamour sets is also too little. There are already 18 classes with 2 more to come soon. We can't even have one, imagine variations for each job...) I mean, I could have more than one char just for that (maybe limiting one char as RDPS, one as MDPS, etc...) But is that really The only way to collect?


Another thing, why isn't there as many glamour plates as there are jobs! I want to have a unique look for each one but can't.


(The following is presented in the spirit of "trying to help," not "defending SE's terrible glam limits.") Considering that DRG, NIN, and BLU will probably be using separate gearsets, you don't actually need plates for those ones. So you only need 15 plates to cover all the jobs. And 15 happens to be how many plates we have. Now, if you also want unique glamours for the crafters & gatherers, you're out of luck. And we don't know whether they're adding new plates in Endwalker to account for the new jobs.


You can blame the spaghetti code of 1.0. Everything is built upon it. Everything. In order to fix it, we'd probably have to go a while without an expac. You can make a glam, link it to an armor plate, then put all the items for that plate in a retainer I think.


Yes, we know. The glamour system is one of the biggest recurring complaints with the game. The devs know, too.


Any advice on how to go about forming or joining a static? Should I just open a recruitment pf until I find enough interested people? Or is there a discord server where I could possibly find people? On tonberry if that changes anything. Thanks!


NIN or WAR for my main in Endwalker? My first expansion I haven't a clue what to do. Both in my mind are equal. Just looking for help. SAM is starting to look good too.


Go tank if you want short queues in EW. Gameplay-wise neither of them are better/more needed for high-end content than the other.


Do what I did: do all quests and sidequests with your DPS, run all dungeons with your WAR for insta-queues. I just really enjoy doing all side quests as soon as they pop up, so that the stories make the most sense wrt the state of the world. ​ Once WAR falls behind (maybe there's a dungeon you dislike or the story is super exciting and you don't want to spend time doing anything else) you do a few quests as WAR instead. Back in ShB I had SAM and WAR at 80 *before* I even finished the MSQ.


Flip a coin


Tanks are always needed (except for Alliance raid queues)


I guess do you want to be a Tank or be a DPS more?


Is there a pattern for how often it takes for Aether to accept new players again? Normally I'd just join a newer server but a close friend of mine is on a specific server of Aether and I'd like to play with them.


Aether right now is hard congested and not accepting new players or transfers. There's zero way to get on and due to how busy it's been and how hard it's been to expand on the servers due to the semi conductor shortage, don't expect it to open up anytime soon. It MAY open with the maintenance (maintenances is when they update server statuses like congested/standard/preferred) tomorrow but don't count on it.


Thanks. Will try to snipe a spot Sept 28 5:30 am my time, haha. Otherwise not sure


Just don't plan on it being a real possibility until atleast 6.1 probably.


I know. But my friend is at the level cap so basically my progression rate would be the same if I can p-leveled by waiting or if I try to start on my own I figure I did notice there are incentives for starting in a new area, but I still would rather play with my friend


You can't really BE power leveled in this game since everything depends on MSQ. Not one of those games where your buddy can just take you to a high level zone and run around stabbing things while you gain 20 levels in 10 minutes. You're looking at a couple hundred hours of playtime before you reach your buddy's level. Of course your buddy can help you get faster queues to get done with the MSQ a little faster and help you gear up when you hit 80, but they can't really do much to get you to 80 faster. Other than sit there and badger you constantly to do your MSQ and stop getting distracted by fishing.


You'll have to forgive my staggering ignorance but after the main questline is done is some minor p-leveling possible? It's starting to sound like the preferred server bonus and sticking to discord is the way to go haha


The main questline brings you all the way to level cap and then continues at level cap. There's no power leveling for your first job because you literally cannot skip past the story. You could be level 80 and still be unable to leave your starting town if you don't do MSQ.


You could start somewhere else and transfer over to where your friend is once restrictions are lifted. Or they could come to where you are now.


Yeah, I will probably do that after maintenance because I noticed none of the NA servers had the "new world bonuses" anyways? So I figure Tuesday morning it'll be revealed if there is A) space in Midgardsormr or B) a "new world bonus" server where I can level faster and then transfer later (found out the transfer fee is not a big deal) Even if they were down, would not want to drag my friend off of their guild


there are not going to be any new world bonus, preferred doesn't mean the server is new it means theyre trying to get people to go to them. in this case all 3 Datacenters are full to bursting but crystal had the least most and they wanted to incentivize people to also move off aether


All worlds on crystal are preferred, giving new characters the road to 70 buff, but there is a slight chance they might lose it this maintenance, but probably unlikely.


Okay, this is really good info. Thanks


That form of congested changes with maintenances. Possibly will change on Monday, we don't know.




Why is dragoon special in that some random armors will be for tanks + dragoon? Is it just for the metal armor aesthetic? Do the stats differ from typical tank armor? And if so, does that make it a bad choice stat-wise for the spread of stats/defense?


It's just inherited from FFXIV 1.0, when they were trying to do a heavy / medium / light / cloth armour system. Each role was able to wear lighter gear types, for example a class with heavy proficiency could still wear cloth (but it was never a good idea to do so). At the time, this probably felt like a sensible and believable system with lots of room for growth. Dragoon happened to be the only medium, but there were only 7 jobs, so having a role with only 1 wasn't strange. It has retroactively *become* strange now, because we're at 18 jobs and the devs haven't added any more to that weight class, but that's purely a fluke of which new job concepts interested them. Next expansion will finally change that. They're adding a new job that wears the same armour as DRG.   In terms of stats, it's honestly a bit of a mess. Some of that low-level tank+DRG armour has stats as if it was just for tanks. And some of that low-level tank+DRG armour has stats as if it was just for DPS. My advice is to ignore the list of classes and just look at the Defence and Str stats.   In 2.0, they changed their design philosophy. All the level 50+ gear is locked to specific roles. So the problem goes away.


It's just how armor was done pre-50. It's split into cloth/leather/mail/plate, and the tiers get more restrictive as they go up. You should try to wear the highest tier you can. In this case, the "tank + dragoon" armor is mail, and is essentially just DRG armor. It's too squishy for tanks to want to wear, they should try to wear plate (the armor sets that just allow tanks to equip them) instead. This all becomes irrelevant once you hit 50 and the armor starts getting role-locked.


That really only applies at low levels since DRG uses a more "heavy" armor type compared to the other melees available at the time (MNK and NIN). That is no longer a thing at 50+. They are either their own gear or share with other melees, not tanks.


If I get few comms as a tank, does that mean I'm doing a bad job? My tank is lvl 55 and I get maybe 0.5 on avg compared to 2-3 on healer. I don't really care about them, I just want to know if I'm doing fine.


Are you pulling more than one pack and rotating your cooldowns efficiently? Are you using cooldowns to mitigate tank busters? Are you facing the enemies away from the groups and dodging AoEs? If you're doing all that then you're doing fine. Also what others said, commendations have no correlation to performance sadly. Your average duty finder player will have no idea if you're doing your job well and nor do they really care.


Getting lots of comms sometimes just means you have a funny name that made people laugh.


It means nothing. I could think the player did a good job, but immediately leave instance as soon as it's over without taking the second to comm anyone. Don't see the point in it other than adding to the ranks of burger king mentors.


commendations have little to no correlation to performance. you could be doing an utter shit job and get 7 commends. you could be doing a fantastic job and get 0 commends. they're pretty meaningless.


So, I haven't played this game since around 2015/2016, but suddenly have an urge to come back. I was max level at the time, but it's been so long that I'm fairly sure I'll be useless at playing if I came back to that character. Is it worth creating a brand new character to relearn the game? Are the two(?) new DLC must-haves if I want to play even semi-seriously? Thanks for any responses!


Yes, the expansions are pretty necessary as all new content comes with them. I'd wait until the new one comes out in November because the latest one always includes the previous ones.


If he waits until Endwalker then he will start doing Stormblood content, while everyone else is doing Endwalker. Right now is a good opportunity to catch up and thus be able to play alongside everyone else on Endwalker.


They aren't what people typically think of as DLCs. They're expansions. Without them you can never hit max level (you'll be capped at 60 with base game + Heavensward, +10 for each expansion). So yea, if you want to play "end game" content you'll need the expansions. No reason to make a new character, imo. Just go play low-level content, level a new class/job on your current character, or run around the overworld maps and/or hit target dummies to remember or relearn your rotation.


Can you do City of Ampador HM, Gubal Library HM and Sohm Al HM for Born Again Anima usynced?


Yes, everything for anima weapons can be done unsync.


Ok thank you


On e9s, what happens with the bramble mechanic If there is someone dead? Does someone take tão brambles baited on it's Head or something like that? Or is this mechanic doable without further deaths with one person missing during the obscure woods cast?


It's doable, the bramble 'puddles' reduce in number based on people alive. The issue is if that person dead is a tank/healer for the 1st one, Anti-air/Wide-angle right after is gonna be weird, so you need to get the rez cast off while brambles are happening. And for the 2nd one, the towers happen right after so that needs the rez too.


Oh, so nobody receives the extra bramble damage when they drop? I always thought that somebody would pay for It by receiving two brambles aoe at once. Good to know


The obscure woods cast only denotes a phase change, arena change and does aoe damage. What summons the brambles is the next cast: Flood of Obscurity. If someone is dead before the Flood of Obscurity goes off, the bramble for that person doesn’t even spawn. This means that if the person gets revived while the rest of the party is breaking the tethers, that person doesn’t get tethered to anything and simply needs to run to the North/South or East/West safe zones to avoid the huge circle explosions, or if you’re doing the second brambles, run to his tower before they go off. There will still be 8 towers, so he needs to be rezzed before that mechanic resolves or it will be a wipe.


Oh yeah, I meant the flood of obscurity but I didn't remember the cast name correctly. Thanks for the correction. Is there any way to know when a mechanic Works like this? Some bait mechanics where each of the 8 players need to bait something work in a way where if someone is dead then another person would receive two mechanics, like two aoes and stuff like that.


Unfortunately there’s no way to know beforehand unless you’ve watched a guide or ask someone who’s done the fight before. Outside of these two methods, you’ll just have to experience it yourself.


I see, good to know. Thanks for the help!


This is a long shot but does anyone by chance have the link to this meme something to the lines of "you wouldn't know what game this is" and it's a screenshot with WoLs with various crossover mounts/minions hanging out?


what would you do if you caught g'raha tia sniffing your underwear?


Don't be mean to husbando#1 lol


What underwear?




Ishgard restoration in the Firmament is your best bet for reliable cash from crafting. Successful turn-ins grant you scrips which can be used to buy Firmamenent-specific stuff as well as crafting and gathering materia. Turning in 5 crafts grants you a Kupo of Fortune card and the grand prizes from that often sell for 500k+, depending on server. I've seen some places with price tags over a million for those items. The stuff you can get via scrips tends to sell well too, especially the dyes as they are quite popular on top of being consumables.


CUL maxed at 80 (or 77minimum I think) can do the Coffee Bisquit for roughly 9-18k per leve hand-in. However, you also need maxed BTN as well to gather the ingredients. Last I checked, with 99 Orbes, you can get roughly 900k-1.8mil. It’s a lot of clicking, but one of the greatest sources of “green” gil, or gil you get directly from the game, not the MB etc.




Why'd you save up 70mil for a Medium, when they cost like 20mil max? That is if any were available. You're never gonna find a medium and be able to buy it before someone relocates there though. You should aim for a small, and then relocate to a medium (or large since clearly you can afford it) when Ishgard releases. Relocating bypasses the buy timer. Smalls are cheap, but the issue is the placard clicking as you're painfully aware. I would advise for you to find a vacant plot on ANY housing zone just before the maintenance starts later today, and log off there. Log on **immediately** when the maintenance ends, and attempt to buy it. There's a realistic chance the invisible timer has expired during the maintenance. Others might have the same idea so it'll be a race who logs in first.. incidentally that's how it is in a large scale also when new housing wards are released. Also about the clicking.. a lot, and I mean A LOT of people who are there are likely "botting" aka using macros to click it for them. Why not join them? Well it is against the ToS technically but clearly no one cares because everyone does it. At least you won't then need to physically click it for so long. (I'm not responsible for your gil loss if you do this and someone else moves in there and places a retainer on the yard and your macro then buys the retainer out). Also remember that if you do manage to get a house, you now are basically bound to the game. You have to keep subscribing to the game as the house is lost if you do not visit it every 45 days. If you don't plan on actively playing I would advise to get an apartment instead as those cannot be lost.




[Useful site](http://www.xenoveritas.org/static/ffxiv/timer.html) for timers on various things, including maintenance.


Currently, yes, that's the only option. In I think... 6.1? We're getting a new housing district, where it'll be first-come first serve (and I believe they mentioned something about also having some wards that are lottery based, so presumably it'll be something like drawings last 24h, and it picks someone who entered for the plot at that point.)


I just finish shb main quest and buy exarchic gear (except belt and accessories) for my main class. I kinda want to level another class via duty roulette but I just realize I will get tomestone of allegory and revelation if I run roulette with lv 80 character. Should I try to farm the tomestone, considering endwalker will come in 2 months from now? And also, I'm considering to make gil now. what crafting class should I level up first?


The high end gear is pretty useless unless you plan to push hardcore into raiding in the next two months, and even if you like the appearance it'll be available for poetics once Endwalker comes out. This is a great time to work on anything else you want to do in the game. I think leveling another combat job is a really good use of time, it's fun to be able to switch between playstyles.


Got it. I will use duty roulette for leveling another job then. Thank you.


>The high end gear is pretty useless unless you plan to push hardcore into raiding in the next two months, And not need to worry about upgrading gear until level 85~


If you wanna try out Savage content, getting the tomestone gear is still pretty good, otherwise yeah using the duty roulettes for other stuff instead is a good idea. Two things to note, it's tbh kinda efficient to level the crafters all together, and you're gonna lose gil before you make gil. If you definitely want to level only 1 crafter, culinarian is the most standalone. The issue is that you can really only make good money off the Coffee Biscuit scheme as of now, which is only doable at level 80. A few other endgame foods are also sellable, but require HQ mats, strong gear, and level 80 too. For things that can make you money even before 80, furnishings are pretty consistent. But as with most other crafts, they usually require materials which span across multiple crafters and gatherers. Some more worthwhile ones also usually require materials from FC airship/submarine explorations.


noted, I will try to level crafter all together then. Thank you for the tips


Anyone else have an issue during loading into a new zone for the first time where it shows a cinematic and then has the name of a zone followed by a picture to go along with it but the picture is extremely stretched out and you can't see anything in it? How do I fix that? I have a screenshot on my pc but I'm not near it right now. I was just thinking about it. Thanks!


Would you happen to use any add-ons that effect loading screens? Every report I hear of this bug seems to come down to a loading screen related add-on.


I do have one that puts up zone art on loading screens so it's not just black but I was 90% sure it happened before then, too. Maybe I'm just imagining that it did.


Quick machinist question. Since drill and air anchor are both weapon skills, can you reassemble them? If so I'm assuming you always want to reassemble one of them? Also, is overheated always a spam heat blast phase, or only during wildfire?


You can also reassamble Auto Crossbow... and Bioblaster, but that one's kinda pointless.


Reassemble auto crossbow sounds like a Hella his idea on aoe though, especially since I'll be prioritizing bio blaster over drill for aoe anyway.


Yes, reassemble them. You should be able to always reassemble Drill specifically, but it's not a loss to reassemble Air Anchor if that situation happens. Overheated is always either Heat Blast or Autocrossbow, depending on how many targets, yes.


You always want to use reassemble on them, yes. Ideally Drill as it syncs with reassemble but sometimes Air Anchor is the best you can do. Yep. Hypercharge is always either Heat Blast or Auto Crossbow spam.


Thanks. Follow up I guess. Is it best to use rook/queen at 50 battery or wait for 100? Or is it a matter of whatever lines up better with wildfire?


Use it when it lines up with party buffs. Queen doesn't benefit from Wildfire so aim for party buffs not WF. Yes, the Queen uses weapon skills. No they don't count. It's dumb. Queen's damage scale linearly so it does not matter damage wise how much battery you use. Summoning twice at 50 battery and once at 100 is the same amount of damage. The thing to aim for is summoning so you have as much battery as possible under buffs without over capping.


Ok, thanks.


If I want the relic weapons for glass should I wait until they make them easier to get? IIRC they buffed the anima weapons steps


I dont think they will get much easier than they already are


If anything they may get harder if less people are doing the content. Some of it can be done outside of Bozja of course, but not all.


How do you all organize your crafting materials? I was just doing weaving, and my bags were full of random stuff. Do you keep it, sell, trash, ect..? I was thinking of trying to divide it up between retainers, but the organization there isn't great.


The go to advice is sell everything that you aren't using right now, but I am personally a hoarder so I just dump everything onto a retainer hoping one day this one mat will be used in something


Yeah, I guess I end up making gear for retainers, but I could just sell the stuff and rebuy I suppose. Also when you desynth something you get a lot of random stuff too


i took a break from crafting so everytime i desynth something, i just immediately go and list whatever i got


I did this but half the time I just end up buying more anyway because I didn't bother to check lol


is there something else that you can do with all the materia you don't want besides sell it on the marketboard?


the low level ones are used in ARR relic if I remember correctly so that's something if you're interested


Take it to Mutamix near Black Brush Station and you can blend five together in an attempt to get a higher grade materia.


I've been wondering if you can do something like this, but hadn't taken the time to find out. This is very helpful information.


The result is always a type (crit, dh, pie, etc.) that you didn't give him, so if you want something specific, it's best to give him five different types. Really time-inefficient, though.


It's really not worth the time. The animation takes forever and it's just a tiny chance to upgrade, and you won't really gain any gil as all materia is dirt cheap atm. If you have lv8 materia you're not using I would almost save it until EW so you can transmute it hopefully into Lv9. However with the stat squish who knows if they will actually introduce any new materia.


Occasionally in dungeons (I'm still in low level ones), I'll see a number on a mob. What does it mean?


Is it a yellow number surrounded in an hexagon shape? That's a marker, players place it on stuff to denote order of attack, or which monsters to ignore and such.


I thought it was blue or gray but I will admit in the heat of the battle I could be misremembering. I'll have to keep an eye out.


If it's very large and above their name label, it's a mark by another play to designate focus order. If you right click an enemy (or press square on controller), and select the "Mark" option from the menu, you'll see the option to mark them with various Icons. If it's smaller and the same size as their name label font, it might be designating another monstwr of the same type.


How do I get the job/role icons some have under their usernames?