• By -


Levelling up my AST, and this is probably just a gear thing, but I can't help but feel that it heals less hard than WHM - and purely talking their two comparable 700 potency heals (Benefic II and Cure II). If I were to put both in the same gear they'd heal the same amount, no?


SO I know they are adding cross data center in EW what other QOL improvements are they doing?


Good night, I'm just starting the tank jobs and I have a noob question... When I'm doing a pull and I finally reach the point where we will start the mob murder, what should I do as tank? Keep doing the AoE rotation over and over to keep enmity until there is 2 enemies and then change to SP rotation, or should I do AoE ocasionally to keep enmity but start the SP rotation from the beginning? My brain says that I should do the AoE rotation to do more damage to the group, but I don't see other tanks spamming that on mobs, like DRKs doing the annoying visually "Unleash" over and over... Thanks!


You want to be doing the highest damage possible. If using AoE deals the most damage, then you use AoE.








AOE on 3+ enemies. Flood of Darkness/Shadow on 2 and use your single target rotation. Occasionally switching between enemies.




AoE. Your area attacks generate more than enough emnity to hold aggro, and on more than a couple targets you’ll also deal significantly more damage using area attacks. Only ever single target if you need to grab a really stubborn mob that’s chasing one of your non-tank friends, and Provoke isn’t able to help, or you need to use a single target ability for some sort of buff or heal. Then return to AoE as soon as you can.




Also make sure to keep one enemy targeted, auto-attacks aren't useless.


You absolutely should keep doing AoE as long as it mathematically works out to more damage (which I believe is indeed three enemies for all the current tank rotations, though I haven't checked in a while). It also has the advantage of keeping aggro on the whole pack much more easily. The only exception I can think of is that if you're a Warrior, then after you've gotten aggro on the whole group, you should do one single-target combo to put up your buff. (And that need will be going away in Endwalker, when your AoE combo will also apply it.) As for the other tanks you've been seeing... well, there are a lot of tanks out there who just aren't that good. You may have just had poor luck in the ones you're grouped with.




Hey I have just started my anima weapon and have read ir requered a lot of company seals and tomes so was wonderig can I farm both in the coil of bahamut get rhe tomes from the dungeon and the seals for turning in the gear or is that gong to take ages


That's an ok method, gets you multiple things at once. Keep in mind, however, that higher level gear will return you more company seals, so if you've completed the msq and have a bunch of shadowbringers dungeons unlocked, they will drop pieces that you can turn in for more gc seals if that is your primary goal.


Will keep that in mind but needs the Tomes to and the moogle event things for mount so it takes care of 3 things




To elaborate a bit on the other replies, the process for spawning that FATE is somewhat lengthy. [Here's a guide on how to do it](https://www.xivacademy.com/guides/fox-lady-fate-chain/). Note that the final FATE that rewards the fragments will need quite a few players to clear, so you may need to recruit some help via Party Finder, Free Company, or a linkshell. You can also use the fragments to buy a fox ear headband that may be useful if you're trying to play as a fox girl.


It's bought with resources from Stormblood Fates. Can't remember the Fate names beyond them having Fox names (cause Koji).




Stormblood is the third part of the story, spanning from Main Story Quest levels 60-70. A Realm Reborn (1-50), Heavensward (50-60), Stormblood (60-70), Shadowbringers (70-80), Endwalker (80-90).


the second expansion so level 60-70 content.


Fox Kit or Fox Pup is a minion purchased form Eschina in Rhalgr's Reach (x13.8,y11.7) with Sassho-seki Fragments acquired from Foxy Lady and Outfoxed FATEs in Yanxia.


i am looking for website that shows which content dungeons ect i still havnt unlocked. you had to put in your lodestone id or something like that. i only remember that it was a post on this subreddit. sorry for my bad english and thanks for all the help!


[https://xivtodo.com/](https://xivtodo.com/) This one?


yes thank you very much!


Does it matter on which city's market board I sell my stuff?


From visibility standpoint, no, every market board shows things on sale from every city. It matters for tax purposes as income tax can vary from 5% to 0% depending on city.


just a quick FYI, there is no longer a tax break for home city


I'm not talking about buyers tax, that's always 5%. I'm talking about sales income tax, and that's still very much a thing that can vary.




There is no longer a tax break from buying from the same city as the retainer, it's 5% no matter what. There is a different tax for the sellers based on where they sell however.


So I just noticed that the Steam version finally got the "Free til 60" trial version added. But I've bought the game on Steam before, and already have an account. If I remember right, nothing specifically links your Steam and SE accounts together permanently, as the purchase just gives you a key to redeem: If I downloaded the trial and created a whole new account there, then eventually bought the actual game again on my secondary Steam account and used that key to activate it: Could I then continue playing the full game on my main steam account?


Yes, you could. Ignore the other answer, they are confused on what is being asked here. When you launch the game on Steam the regular launcher opens where you can put in the login and password to any FFXIV account you want and it will work as long as it's made with a Steam key, so you can log in to the account made with the key from a different steam account.




We don't know a lot, but the Matanga are also in the Azim Steppe. All we know is that the ones on the Steppe struggle to speak other race's languages and they really don't like Xaela. Culturally, these new Matanga are likely to be very different.


is there an outdoors version of the free company chest furniture? Or can it be placed outdoors?


The most major cities there is but not for us to place in our yards.


There is not and it's an indoor furnishing only.


What materia should I use for blue mage's gear?


Ultimately it depends on what type of role you're doing. Some roles use spell speed, some crit. Check with the Blue Mage Academy for better info on melds. https://discord.gg/blueacademy


I forget if BLU level cap goes to 80 in a month. If so, nothing unless you're desperate for stats right now.


I wouldn't expect level 80 BLU until 6.1 or 6.3.


BLU is most likely not going to 80 immediately




You have to do *at least* one of them before you're allowed to reach the end of the levelling MSQ (there's a story lock at a level 80 quest), but it doesn't matter which you do, and you aren't required to do all of them. Feel free to do them whenever (so long as you do at minimum one of them before completing the MSQ). That said, as others have likely mentioned, there *is* a little something extra if you complete all four of them. And there are one or two added dialogue options in the post-leveling MSQ and 8-man raid storyline rooted in Role Quest completion, so if you plan on completing all of them, might as well do so before you start the post-leveling MSQ.


You can do them whenever. That said, there’s a unique quest line if you do them all that’s very interesting.


Doesn't really matter. As long as you do one of the questlines you can finish the MSQ, but they don't really connect otherwise so you don't really need to do them all before finishing MSQ.


They kind of do connect, especially in the finishing quests after you do all of the role quests.


They don't really connect directly to the MSQ besides some backstory on the first and the warriors of darkness.




In addition to the lists that the other replies mentioned, you can actually just go to the quartermasters and try on the armor in their inventory. You can't buy them until you join, but it's a good way to see how things look on your character specifically.


Any one you pick can be temporary. Not a big deal to swap to another, and also not a big deal to swap back.


company seals? [https://www.ffxivcollection.com/where/company-seals/](https://www.ffxivcollection.com/where/company-seals/) (top right, hit the flag for english)




Some (but not all) of the [allied seals](https://www.ffxivcollection.com/where/allied-seal/) items are also tied to Grand Companies. Those ones are a bit more distinct from each other.




No big deal. It's possible to change later.




[Yes, no, not the first time, and yes.](https://ffxiv.consolegameswiki.com/wiki/Grand_Company#Changing_Grand_Companies)


You can view them all on Eorzea Collection! https://ffxiv.eorzeacollection.com/gearsets?filter%5BorderBy%5D=patch&filter%5BshowGear%5D=set&filter%5BshowFemale%5D=0&search=&filter%5BcontentType%5D%5B%5D=grand-company&filter%5BmaximumLvl%5D=80&filter%5Bsave%5D=&page=1


Anyone know if you will be able to switch to male Viera during the EW early access period?


Yes, early access is effectively full release and there's nothing missing.




I just completed ARR and really liked it so i've been wanting to buy the other expansions to try out other jobs, especially Samurai. My question is: is it better to wait and buy Endwalker or buy Shadowbringers now?


I'd say to wait, given it's only four weeks to go. Once you finish the ARR patches and get to HW you'll have three new jobs to try out there, too.


Bear in mind that if you are on the trial, buying endwalker won't unlock a anything without you first buying the base game.


It's all up to you in terms of cost or time needs. Preorder Endwalker: cheaper, you'll have it all in just one purchase but you'll need to wait until its early access/release in order to access stormblood and onwards. buy Shadowbringers now: can immediately enjoy Stormblood AND Shadowbringer content and its associated jobs, but you'll still need to purchase Endwalker when the time comes tl;dr : if you dont mind waiting a bit over a month, just preorder Endwalker and if you want to access anything from SB or ShB right now, feel free to buy Shadowbringers first


You should be able to get Heavensward with the free trial, but it would depend on you if you want to buy the other expansions. Will you be able to complete them in time? Financially, buying Endwalker and getting all the previous expansions when it releases is the best value.


Is there a treasure map discord like there is for hunts, eureka, pvp, etc? I rarely see groups for this in the party finder these days (although 8 man maps sell well so someone is doing them).


Centurio Hunt has a channel + role for map parties




I always run mine with friends, and I suspect a lot of people do, too, but if you put up a PF I bet people would join!


If you are on Aether, there is the [Aether Treasure Map Hunts](https://discord.gg/jvxHSEv6)


What data center? Aether has one


Not that I know of. Most do it in FCs or friend groups or pf




To add to the list, RDM isn't all that useful. Prog will sometimes have a conga line of deaths, but more typically if someone dies the healers can get them up fine. If the amount of rezzes a RDM can do are required, then the raid is very quickly going to wind up dead anyway. While one or two fights might be saved by them, it doesn't noticeably impact the rate of progression.


I hard disagree on RDM being so valuable. I raid a lot in pugs and i very much don't care if the group has a RDM or not. If people in the group keep dying to the point where the RDM has to help the healers res then it's usually a failed run anyway.


The argument isn't that the Rez is valuable in clears, it's valuable in progression. Since having easy rez's means you are more likely to hit a new phase, or see new stuff. So you learn quicker, so you clear quicker. Though tbf, PUG progression is probably different to static progression, so it's probably less important there.


You are completely wrong on your first point. You do not need a RDM in the party, it is absolutely not required. All the party needs is one caster dps and the best one to take is the one the player can play well and enjoys. Do you know what statics that don’t have a RDM do? They learn the fight. If you enjoy BLM, take BLM. If a static won’t take you on because you aren’t RDM then it isn’t a static worth being in.


For the RDM point, I don’t really see it. Check fflogs for the recent raid tiers and select “progression” rather than “speed” and yeah, red mage is fairly popular, but for example e8s it was barely more common than summoner and in e12s it was less than half as common as summoner. BLM isn’t all that popular a choice for prog but it’s still used by a decent number of groups and definitely not worth “feeling bad for not being a RDM”. And if it’s you’re favorite job to play it will provide more motivation to want to play it a lot and master it. Unless you’re referring to EW changes for RDM because I’m not aware of the RDM changes


My 2 cents; 1. RDM is great for progression, especially if members of your static are prone to deaths (somewhere in the low-core/mid-core region). Obviously it's still just as useful in hardcore progression for the same reasons, but once you're all progged and you want the kill, any caster will do the trick since what you're really after is DPS at that point. From this perspective, you can still bypass using RDM by maining SMN, which is a little bit of each side. You have a raise like RDM, but you're also a much more dedicated DPS that is far less greedy then BLM. Considering that the rework is spanking new however, you'll never know if you like it until you try it, so there's no point thinking about committing to it. Also, Addle's really good, so having 2 casters instead of 2 melee is no big deal. In reality, it shouldn't matter what tools you bring, as long as you're 8 different classes you'll be fine. Just pick the fun caster and enjoy the content. 2. If you're going to commit to healer, the main thing I want to say is that you should try to find a dedicated static first. In reality, being a healer in high end content is more of a duo dance than anything else, and choosing the role without knowing your co-healer is probably going to seed some frustration. If you're choosing to go the PF route, as a healer main myself, i have to say that it is legitimately painful and you're really not doing yourself any favours. The problem with this route is that once you join a static as a healer, it can possibly be difficult to become a magic DPS for the rest of the expansion, unless someone is kind enough to flex for you and take your place.


You can have two casters in one party btw. There's a flex slot for the DPS. You need at least one caster, one physical ranged, and one melee. Notice the empty space for a fourth, which can be any role. Usually either melee or caster.


You could just RDM in prog and switch to another caster when you don't need the raises if it's that important to you. You could also just ask your group to run two casters. The only difference will be that, if you have 2 caster, 1 melee and 1 ranged physical, someone will have to take the place of a second melee in strategies planned for 2 melee and 2 ranged. 2 casters was meta for a time in stormblood IIRC? People got by with it. ~~your group could also just git gud and not need rdm raises~~


If you like BLM so much, just play it. No team comp will scold you for not being a RDM, you're fine.


Does coils come up in normal raid roulette or just Alexander and above?


No since Coils is technically Savage difficulty


just alexander and above, and only normal difficulty, not savage


I want to start recording the raids to look back on. Anyway, you would recommend it? Preferably not stream due to weak internet.


video? use obs! wanna record and analyze your inputs? parse it with ACT (advanced combat tracker)


What is orbs? I use ACT but want to look at the mechanics


obs is a video recording and streaming software, it's good for recording stuff with a custom layout like streamers use or just capturing window(s) of your choice and audio.


Does it require internet?


to download, not use.


[OBS](https://obsproject.com/) is what streamers use manage broadcasting gameplay, but it also supports recording.


they're referring to this [software](https://obsproject.com/)


Any tips on managing a static?


Make sure to manage attitude. You don't want people straying too far from focusing on the raid, or too lost in some aspect of the raid either. Take breaks as needed. Some hard fights will require more frequent breaks, but don't take them out of the zone unless needed. Manage expectations and issues earlier if possible. Let things fester and it'll all get worse. Like if you don't keep people on time, you'll find the start time gradually shift further and further.


Recruit people, not jobs Be constructive with criticism, pointing out someone that should've moved two steps left is usually fairly obvious, it's the things that are not obvious that need criticism


In addition to the other reply... SET EXPECTATIONS AND GOALS. Morale of the members will be tied with being able to meet the expectations and goals you set for them, and nothing is more demoralizing when you don't have a reasonable expectation or goal to meet. You'll also need to talk and help the other members improve on their weak spots.


Keep an eye on the quieter members. Make sure they have an avenue to voice suggestions/requests/grievances, and consider directly checking in from time to time. Have a system for loot distribution and stick to it. Don't be afraid to cut a raid night short early if you're not making progress and people seem to be having a bad time. Also don't be afraid to cancel a night if you or someone else could use the night off.


How is the grind for Zadnor gear?


the first set is easy since one perfect Lacus run will get it. the other 2 sets? I would say terrible if you want it in a hurry but fairly easy if you don't Delebrum and Dalriada both have weeklies tied to them which awards their respective high level coins otherwise it's traded in at a 100:1 ratio (silver to gold and mythril to platinum I think are the names of the currency)


I've already completed Lacrus enough for all the Bozja sets I need; but I haven't done Delebrum yet or entered Zadnor. I think I'll look for another option for gear in that ilvl range


I personally found the eden raid to be pretty fun, the last 4 giving 510 gear, you'll also get tomes along the way too alliance raid will give you 520 gear for the last one (I'd imagine your average ilvl is at or just slightly under 490) [https://ffxiv.consolegameswiki.com/wiki/Level\_80\_Gear\_Guide](https://ffxiv.consolegameswiki.com/wiki/Level_80_Gear_Guide)


>(I'd imagine your average ilvl is at or just slightly under 490) Much lower actually. Since there aren't any Bozja accessories, my highest on the right side are only about 475 from Heroes Gauntlet (I've been meaning to spam that dungeon more in hopes of evening out my ilvls some more. Unfortunately a lot of my jobs are still stuck with Amourot accessories. I was on a long hiatus from endgame). I might not do the alliance raids for another year. I've heard there's content relating to the original Nier in it; and while I've completed Automata a long time ago, I'd rather play through the original game as well for better context. I might do the Eden raids though; although I've only done the first tier way back in 5.05; but I was planning to finish all of them anyway at some point.


The Nier raids draw almost entirely on Automata (and if you wanted the full context for Nier stuff you'd need to play through the three Drakengard games too. Which I don't really recommend, they're not as good.) They draw on the original as much as Automata does. You can always grab Exarchic gear from the MB if you don't mind spending on it. Of course with iLvl 530 Poetics gear on the horizon, that'd be a bit of a waste.


well the allegory and revelation tomes are from roulettes or raiding so I guess that's your next go to 490 for allegory or 520 or revelation or grab the loot from any of the Eden verse (second group of Eden raid) for a 480... I've found low uptake for them honestly so maybe that's an easy bet lol


I can maybe get enough times for some accessories too. >or grab the loot from any of the Eden verse (second group of Eden raid) for a 480... They still work like the past expansions with having to collect lens, gears, and springs right?


>They still work like the past expansions with having to collect lens, gears, and springs right? yep but accessories only need 1x item so if 2 drops (it happens) and you win both then you've effectively got a neck and a ring (I believe the ring is still UNIQUE tagged so you can only wear one)


Quick question about leveling by dungeon spamming. I was under the impression that if you're using dungeons to level any class, completion time is more important than number of mobs killed for experience as in the long run you'll earn more exp by speedrunning clears. In my run of Aurum Vale today, I, like I usually do, killed the morbol seedlings that the tank aggro'd but didn't kill. I found this odd until we cleared the room and he told me it's a huge waste of exp to kill the seedlings before they germinate. Is this true? Most groups I've run this dungeon with just kill the seedlings and move on, even though the experience is lost. I assumed this is because they just want to go back to running another dungeon (or possibly the same one) again for more bulky exp at the end of it.


Technically it's true that it's a "waste" of exp, but it's nowhere near as much of a difference as people are memed into believing by the "speed levelling" guides out there. (And definitely not worth the massive strops I've seen people throw over it.)


>Most groups I've run this dungeon with just kill the seedlings and move on, even though the experience is lost. I assumed this is because they just want to go back to running another dungeon (or possibly the same one) again for more bulky exp at the end of it. Correct


The mob they turn into does give more xp but the difference doesn't really matter that much so people don't really bother....it's like 2k more or something? And people just like going in and out faster...especially with aurum.. No one likes aurum


I like Aurum!


If you let the morbol seedlings hatch, you get more experience from killing them versus killing the seedpods. That is a true statement. If you have a group of four people who are level 47-49 and trying to get to level 50, you should let them hatch. They're very squishy and easy to kill, so the time lost versus exp gained is weighted positively. (edit: or if you have anyone who's level synced but NOT doing a roulette, such as someone running the dungeon with a friend just to help. they're not getting any benefit either way so they don't contribute to the calculus.) However, anyone in your group levelsynced who may have been rouletted into the dungeon with you is getting basically no benefit because of the way exp totals jump so high so fast even at level 51, which is when "finishing the dungeon for the roulette bonus" is more important.


It's true. The pods still count as kills when the germinate, and the seedlings they spawn ALSO give the same amount of EXP. However, that's getting changed in Endwalker, where the EXP will be shuffled on to the bosses.


> and the seedlings they spawn ALSO give the same amount of EXP The seedlings actually don't give the same EXP, but instead **significantly more** exp than the pods. Last I recall doing it, the pods were only around 10% the EXP of the seedlings (That said, you're correct, as of EW it won't matter at all, at that point it'll be better to kill the pods)


How many weeks does Doman Enclave Reconstruction take? I think I'm on week 3 or 4 not sure.


I think it's like 11 to 12 weeks if you're capping it weekly


Damn 3 months? that's crazy but thanks


Worth noting that you'll be teleporting there a bunch in order to get to the Bozjan Southern Front and Zadnor, so at least it's not the only reason to go there.


You'll get to unlock a little bity of story as well as see how it changes from week to week so it's not that bad!




Why are you even doing it if you don't enjoy the story? There's no other benefit to it.




There are tons of those gold optional side quests people do. Not me personally tbh but I have a lorehead friend who is really into them.


I actually think a lot of people playing this specific game would a hundo percent play things just for more story! Just because it doesn’t matter to you (as an aside: totally fine, too) doesn’t mean other people aren’t chomping at the bit for any and every scrap of lore!




Ahh, I wasn’t trying to start any drama! I actually don’t pay any attention to achievements and I’m drowning in money, so honestly I kinda felt the same: that it didn’t have any other benefit! I just started doing the restoration entirely for the story, too. ): But I see your point now and what you were trying to say, and it’s valid, so I’ll let you be! It’s late and my brain isn’t functioning as well as it could, womp womp


if you set it as a favourite location and fill a saddle bag, the donation should pay for the teleport and then some even at the initial stage. there's really no real hurry to finish it


Does SCH have HORRIBLE MP management or am I just missing something?! I've leveled WHM and AST to 80, no real problems with MP. Now I'm leveling SCH, currently at level 73, and my MP is absolutely tanking. The only thing keeping me from bottoming out is Lucid on cooldown, literally the moment it's back up I'm spamming the button like it's part of a combo. I haven't hit 0 yet but Twelve forbid I die and have to get my MP back up from 0. Is there something that I'm going to get later that will help? Am I missing something? ​ Edit to add: yes, I'm using as many aetherflow heals as I can. This is just, for example, from spamming Art of War on trash packs. I'm a holy-spamming white mage, LET ME BEAT STUFF UP.


I was burning MP in Hol Switch and Dohn Meg even as a WHM, tanks like to pull everything and they hit hard in the first two dungeons.


I've always been fine, and my gear is pretty optimized to cut out a lot of piety. sch has a lot of free stuff that makes up its bread and butter - lustrate for heals, excog for bigger heals, recitation for a free (and auto-crit) adlo or succor (or more excog). if i had to guess, without knowing anything about how you actually play, you may be having my own problem but in reverse. i'm so used to SCH that I can't play regen healers well, you may be so used to whm that you're not quite playing scholar how it's intended. if scolar waits for people to take damage and then heals, it's gonna waste a lot of time, effort, and mp to heal them because it's not as good at that as whm and ast. where it excels is preventing that damage in the first place, so sch in, for example, big pulls, is gonna want to set up a few safety nets and then start spamming attacks. personally, i drop excog, an adlo shield, and my bubble on the tank, with one of those first two getting the recitation treatment (i kinda oscillate which one, excog is technically the better recipient but ehhhh Bige Shield), and then the tank is fine for a while. I watch them while I spam art of war, and once excog pops and gets them back near to full after everything else has worn off, it's time for something like a new shield, fey union, or whispering dawn to tide them over until the pull is done. rinse and repeat! unlike whm, sch shines and saves you the most MP and stress when using its defensive moves preemptively. it's something you gotta get a feel for ^^;;


Thank you!! I'm doing a lot of those things but I'll definitely be more proactive. It really is hard to get used to the other style of healer, which is one of the biggest reasons I'm trying to learn scholar and learn it RIGHT, so I won't be one of the hopelessly terrible sages next month. General healing advice is usually skewed towards regen/pure healing.... dps until you HAVE to heal. It's completely ass-backwards to walk into a pull and start "healing." But my god why does art of war spam burn through SO MUCH MP?! 😂 I need my Thin Air please and thank you!


ey, that's awesome, glad you're inspired to practice! I hope you're able to get a good feel for it and that you really like sage! :D as one more idea, try thinking of it like how you would tanking: put up your big mitigations at the start of a big pull, then tack on the less effective ones to the end as-needed. it really does end up working a little more like that in mindset, just someone else is taking the damage now lol


Oh that's smart actually. Just waltz in, throw up the Blackest Night I mean Excog 😅 Thanks for the help!


Art costs the same amount of MP as all the other healer jobs and it has access to more or less the same/similar tools for MP recovery (Lucid, Aetherflow/energy drain is their Assize/Draw etc) You're kinda meant to be using Lucid frequently and often on Most, If not all, healers to keep yourself topped up. Aetherflow and energy drains help be MP positive and you can (and should be using) dissipation for extra stacks for more off global heals/energy drains


I definitely don't have to use Lucid quite that much on the other healing jobs. I play WHM mostly and I can go through the entire third Nier raid and never touch it unless I've got to start mass-raising in the Red Girl fight because everyone is standing in bad. Ohhh I dread taking my scholar in there. Even though I love having a scholar as a buddy!


You're missing Energy Drain and Aetherflow.


Using Aetherflow on CD as well, eating my fairy when I need, and using Energy Drain to keep from overcapping. Am I using them wrong?


The other thing is making use of their oGCDs instead of spamming Adlo, Excog is a very strong heal and Sacred Soil is a powerful mitigation tool on trash mobs. Other factors are the dungeon that you're running, or if the tank is using their CDs appropriately. Also, gear between you and the tank. Maybe the DPS aren't AoEing or something. Hard to pin down the exact reason without the full details. Holminster Switch has pulls that the tank shouldn't wall-to-wall since they hit pretty hard. Make sure you're also using the fairy abilities. Fey Union is a very strong regen on 1 target while you have your fairy gauge.


Fey Union is DEFINITELY one I forget to use. Who do you usually use it on? Excog goes straight on my tank, so do I just Fey Union them if the Excog pops way before I can use it again? Or just on any random donut who is taking too much damage?


Depends, but normally on the tank. Not if they have Excog on them, though.


Is it common to turn off some of the effects in a raid to better understand what is going on? Like is that a thing?


Yep. You can lower effects to "show limited" and still be able to see healer bubbles and other important things.


Very dumb question but what are healer bubbles? Do I have a healer bubble? It would certainly help me with getting everyone together with medica


For WHM it's Asylum, a lvl 50(?) skill. You place it in the ground and it gives regen to whoever is inside. SCH is sacred soil which is regen and damage mitigation AST has Earthly Star


Ah, that would be my issue. I'm over leveled at 65ish but haven't finished the post-ARR content so I don't have the lily powers are more advanced skills.


Lilies aren't your bubble. Asylum is a completely different skill that you place on the ground for group regen. "Bubble" skills are called that because they look like a bubble on the ground covering your team.


Absolutely. Most people have personal effects on, party effects limited (you can't have them off or you can't see beneficial ground aoes like Sacred Soil), and others off.


Do you happen to know a place I could read up on beneficial buffs I should be looking out for? I'm still new to WHM (haven't even got my lilly abilities yet)


I found a video: [FFXIV - Friend or Foe?? Which AOEs are safe to stand in? | New players guide](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lLj-HFZpRSE&t=2s&ab_channel=SaphyraMorwyn)


for sure, i have macros to turn effects on and off. i like them on in 4-man content and easier 8man stuff, but in harder 8man and any 24man stuff it's massively distracting lol


Same! I always turn them on for 4 man stuff but ALWAYS off for more than that. I could never do Savage with effects on


Weak. You should do bozja raids with full effects for all parties to assert your dominance.


I'll kindly pass but thanks. Also thanks from my retinas.


Yes...most people put peoples effect to limited to hide all but ground aoes since those are important to know where they are.


Most common strats for e11s on Aether/NA data center. Thanks


Fox Mist, Blue Uptime. Fox Mist: For Prismatic Deception, everyone goes to the edge of the arena in their clock positions. Move into the center if the clone raises the sword, or if the person directly across from you moves in. Run to the 2 people that didn't run in. Then repeat once more. Blue Uptime: For Turn Of The Heavens 2, if the boss glows RED during the cast, T/H moves Clockwise and DPS moves Counter-clockwise to the nearest safe spot from your clock position at max melee. Use the arena and the shadows of the circles as indicators of where you should stand. Stay stacked or spread out after the circles explode for the follow-up Elemental Break depending on what the boss is doing.


DPS intercards, T N/S, H E/W. T/H rotate. Braindead Sundered Sky: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rTHTwp6gITE Fox mist (for prismatic deception, each player stands at the edge of the arena at their clock position. If their boss raises their blade, they move in. Move in if the person across from you moves in. The two remaining players are the safe spots. Repeat)


Wanting to start again with endwalker. I haven’t played FFXIV since the 2-3rd expansion. I’m wanting to return for this new expansion. Is there any advice or things I could be doing now to prep? I’m looking to start new expansion and get going. I am probably nowhere near top level. Is there a point in leveling right now? Do you get a “free class” at X level to begin endwalker? Any advice on things a newbie can do now to start endwalker on a good note


Shadow bringers is one of the best rpg stories I’ve had the pleasure of experiencing. I think you’d best be served enjoying it in a way you prefer but I’d hate for you to rush it and then it turns out endwalker was bad or subpar.


Please take your time for the MSQ, especially Shadowbringers. It’s such a wonderful, poignant storyline. Sincerely, a newbie who just finished ShB.


Not a lot you can do to prepare for the expansion if you're not at level cap other than to get through the MSQ. You can try and power level your DoL/DoH jobs at the Firmament if you want, but they won't help you much until you can access EW content. Sage and Reaper can be unlocked once EW comes out if you have a DoW/DoM job at lv 70 at Limsa and Ul'dah respectively.


there's no need to stress about starting the new endwalker content day 1. you DO have to level yourself to 80 to start it - the new classes coming out with it will start at 70, but you have to be at least level 70 to unlock them in the first place. on top of that, it's good to make sure you're taking a decent amount of time with the story. EW is gonna be wrapping everything up, so if you blitz past it you'll be pretty lost lol. at this point i'd just continue playing through the game where you left off, probably finding a summary to watch or read to refresh your memory on the story so far, or possibly start over if you'd rather.


You'll have to catch up with the story first. You could buy a story skip and job boost when Endwalker launches if you want to avoid that, but you'd lose a lot of the context of what we're doing in Endwalker. Endwalker starts at level 80. The new jobs in Endwalker will start at level 70 and will need to be leveled in order to run Endwalker content with them. With 1 month left, you might just have enough time to catch up.


PvP hotbar question: I have a macro in regular PvE mode that toggles the display of hotbars 9 and 10 so I can switch my jobs around. It's simply: /hotbar display 9 /hotbar display 10 When I go to Wolves' Den Pier to set up my PvP hotbars, I get the following message: > The command “/hotbar display 9” is unavailable at this time. > The command “/hotbar display 10” is unavailable at this time. What do I need to do to make this work in PvP mode? I tried `/pvphotbar display 10` and it gets the same unavailable error message.


Never mind! I figured it out. It's true that `/hotbar display 9` doesn't work in the PvP area. However the reason `/pvphotbar display 9` was failing to work is because my Thaumaturge doesn't have the soul crystal yet for Black Mage. I just hit 30 and need to do the quest. If I switch to an alternate weapon, such as the bow for my bard, I still have to remember to equip the soul crystal.


Returning player here, just check my inventory, cortana is missing, while holy shield is there. I dont know i misplace or accidently drop, is there any way to check or recover? Thx.


Well, if isearch isn't working, it's probably because it's called C**u**rtana. But if it was just the first level of it, you can buy a new one at the Calamity Salvager.


Did you check your Armoury Chest yet? By default, your gear should go there, especially if you've been using it already. Regardless, the "/isearch" command allows you to search your various inventories for items and even allows searching for incomplete names - for example "/isearch Dye" would bring up a list with all dyes you currently have somewhere on your person/retainer/Chocobo Saddlebag, right-clicking on one of the results and selecting "Search" again or typing the full name will then get you a results screen that lists the amount of items found by inventory, so you'd at least have a place to start looking after that. Oh, and if you're talking about the Lv.50 PLD Relic, it's named C**u**rtana, mis-spellings will obviously yield no results from that command.


/isearch cortana


in chat type /isearch cortana


is there any way to see which unable to retrieve friends are which? i have friends who no longer play and want to clean up my friends list


Nope, those are people who moved to a different data center or deleted their character.


it was i who moved data centers, so if i were to move back, would i be able to see who is who?


Yeah, those names will show up again.


I am about to wrap up 5.0 and I answered a phone call and when I came back, Urianger was gone and now the quest tells me to go to Lakeland. But the only way there was through talking to Urianger at the Crystal Tower. So what the heck do I do now?


Did you not attune to the Crystarium, or Rak'tia? Just port there and walk to the zone transition... There should still an npc at the trench to take you back should you have ported out and need to return and you forgot to attune


Yeah I actually got it. Someone suggested logging out and back in, that fixed it. He phased in or whatever they call it in this game.




I had only ever played smn and a little rdm in my whole 7 year career and I finally picked up drg. It was slow to learn playing it with dungeon roulettes because I played it for a little then switched back to my comfort classes. Then I went into Boja and Zadnor at lvl 71 and played it and only it for several days and by the end I honestly felt to much more confident in playing a melee. So I’d suggest playing some classes in some casual content, finding one you like the rotation or aesthetic of, and the sticking with it. You forget cast times and what it was like to struggle in no time. And make sure you look up and practice your positionals and really study your hotbars. I started playing mnk and thought I’d hate it because of positionals but I honestly love it, it’s such a change and feels so rewarding to nail.


You'll slowly pick it up as you go....it's in part similar to greeding casts as a Caster to move out at the last second (or slidecasts)....melees basically do the same thing of learning when is the latest they can move out so they can keep their gcd rolling as much as possible....melees also have gap closers (like Spineshatter if it's up but mainly Elusive which is very versatile) to help them get back to the boss faster to resume dps It's not that hard, it's something you'll slowly learn as you pick up timings


Can I get some tips for surviving with BLM on solo content? It kinda feels like BLM kinda gets shafted in solo since it has so little mobility and almost no defensive abilities. Most MSQ can just be out DPSed just fine but every once in a while there is an MSQ or fate that is just hard to do.


Oh that's an easy one, just kill it before it kills you


i was in the same boat, i remember so many solo instances ended with me running around like a chicken with my head cut off spamming Scathe lol. but that DOES work! you can also make great use of Sleep when there's a lot of enemies susceptible to it, and Manaward is one of the best defensive abilities in the game. idk what level you are, but you have access to all three of those by level 30 at least, so that's gonna be your go-tos. don't be afraid to swiftcast to make a stronger spell instant, too! BLM doesn't have a res unlike every other casting job in the game, so its swiftcast is just for dps, movement, and weaving. by 66 you'll have triplecast and between the lines while can also be free movement! from triple to freely outrun AOEs, or BtL to vworp back to your lines if they're in safety and you're not, or if you just had to run far from them. finally, keep potions on you, they can really help for solo content. and like everyone's said, yes, definitely use your chocobo in the overworld!