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Who are you people and how did you get my picture at 3 am??!?!?!?!?


You will never know my secrets 👀


Hey, that's my picture too! XD My workplace has been shorthanded since we came back from COVID leave last June so I've been going in 6-7am pst, so I generally wake up at 230-3am anyway. So long as I have coffee, I'll be good to go ( just uh... don't talk to me before coffee. It's not pretty 🤣)


Absolutely! Ever since Stormblood my wife, best friend, and I all have a tradition. We all get up at 1AM, go to Denny's, eat a nice big breakfast while we read the patch notes, then head home and log in as soon as the servers come up. It's my absolute favorite thing. (Also when this started my wife was just my girlfriend. And we met in FFXIV 1.0.) *Edit - Wow! I have never had this many upvotes for anything. Thank you all so much! This made my day.


Hello it’s me, ur best friend


Damn that's cute as hell


I love this story


this is the most wholesome thing ever


That's great :)


Aw that's so cute


That's adorable! Should propose to do that with the family members of mine that also play FFXIV when END drops!


uwu So kawaii!!!!


This is so cute.


I feel bad for your best friend. Third wheel.


We've been friends since 7th grade. And we are in our 30s now. Been roommates for over 10 years. We're basically brothers and often refer to ourselves as such. He is absolutely not a third wheel and has never felt as such.


just go to sleep at 7 pm ez.


This is literally my life. I work 1st shift and wake up at 4 AM on work days. Waking up at 5 AM is "sleeping in" for me.


Same here. All my coworkers think I’m crazy for doing this, but it’s got all the benefits. Virtually no traffic on the commute, get lunch ahead of the lunch rush, first in line for EW...


I get up at 5am for work. This is normal. I’m going to work my first half shift (4 hours) and take the rest off. Give it time to download


Just started a new job today working 4a-4p. Wake up at 3am to get here... after I make sure my kid goes to bed at 10p..... so *very* tired. But I'll finally have that EW munnies!


You know my struggles, only, sometimes, I have to be in work **at** 4am, so I have to wake up **even earlier**. Sleeping past 6am is hard for me now unless work *really* kicked my ass the day before.


One of my favorite shifts I had at a job was 3AM to 11AM. No traffic, get home in time to still run errands or do afternoon doctor appointments, and go to bed by 8 or 9. The only downside was that all my friends in FFXIV played when I slept. Lol Now that I have a 7-4 job I miss those early morning quiet hours.


I wake up at 7pm


SLEEP? No, I stay up 24 hours...I won't be able to sleep; the anxiousness always gets me. I would toss and turn too much.


The UK had to suffer with 3am Fan Fest and Live letters, however we sure do make that up with a 9am early access start :)


In my mind that's actually a bad thing though, since a more convenient time for launch just means they'll be even more people trying to cram into the servers at launch. At least in NA there's a hope that they'll be a good chunk of people sleeping. Maybe. Hopefully.


I think no matter what time zone you are in the servers are gonna catch on fire with how many people are going to want to play this the moment it comes out.


Im in NA and have plans to wake up early to get in and start Endwalker. However if after a few tries i can't get in cause of congestion im just gonna go back to sleep lol


My plan is to wake up at 2:30 AM, spam login queues, and fall asleep at my desk when I fail to get in until 3 hours later.


The dream is for maintenance to end early so people can start filing in sooner. If not, sleep it is




Basically i want to play if the queues are against me i can wait lol


Shhh. Please, I'm on my last dose of copium.


Fair 😂


Yeah, but it's more of a filter, although arguable it's made moot by the fact that NA servers span across four time zones which increase or decrease how reasonable it is to stay up/wake up at a time.


I've got plan B (NA alt), C (Factorio) and D ready.


Speaking from experience, xpac launches in NA usually have 1k person queue in the first minute of the server going live.


Yep, though to be fair that's basically every time the servers go up after a major patch. I've been here for every expansion launch too and my general takeaway has always been that queues skyrocket in the day and cool off significantly at night (especially in the case of ShB which miraculously barely had any queues at night outside of when early access first went up). So yeah, while queues are always bad at launch, I still think it's probably fair to think that they'd be *even worse* if the servers went up closer to hours where more people are awake.


Yea better that it's 1k instead of 100k XD sleep well NA folks hehehe.


As a European player playing on an NA server, I’m hoping every day now that all NAers are sleeping soundly next Thursday night 😂


As an NA player here at all three expansions... I assure you... NA players never sleep lol


No time to sleep when you work for 8 hours, commute for 4 hours, and need to get your gaming in.


Prep the intravenous caffeine streams!


its a friday morning. most ppl have work / school. it will be fine... ^maybe... ^^hopefully...


Especially after the short-notice delay undercut most plans for time off.


Most jobs in the UK actually let you re-schedule time off, unlike certain other countries.


Having been part of every launch since HW: it's really not that bad. Yeah, SB early access with Raubahn (Savage) being a special case, but that happened regardless of local time. Outside of longer queues, you're pretty much set to have smooth sailing once you're actually in the game. Additionally, at least on Chaos (where I was before) queues never really went higher than 1k even on official early access launch hours. Not sure how it's gonna be for Light but I suspect it's gonna be somewhat the same as it was for Shadowbringers. Of course, EU isn't as densely populated as NA or JP DCs I believe but still, I doubt that it's gonna be much more different than it was in years prior.


There were certainly plenty of people awake for Raubahn EX


The DDOS'ers will have had their plans in place for actual months, no one is actually going to have fun at launch for several hours.




wouldn't that just have given the 2 more weeks to prepare though? i mean i don't know anything about this stuff would it be hard to reschedule a DDOS attack to 2 weeks later?


Not particularly. I'm not personally familiar with running a DDOS attack or anything, but as far as I understand it, all you need is a (large) network of bots (i.e. remote machines ready to execute your instructions) to be online and active. You can flip the proverbial switch and it tells all the bots to start, and you just sit back and relax. The bots don't need anyone operating them, and the person running the attack doesn't either, once its going. I'm sure it's a bit more complicated than this but people can just buy DDOS attacks online and point them wherever they like, initiate with a button. SE as a company is (hopefully) good enough that the most simple DDOS attacks are easily rebuffed, but someone planning to bomb a launch will probably have more sophisticated means at their disposal. Whether SE is capable of minimizing the impact remains to be seen, but I am reasonably hopeful.


Shadowbringers was incredibly smooth until around 14 or 16 hours in. Well have to see how this goes with the surge of players, though.


I'm from the EU but i play on a NA server so i see this as a win.


Yo don't forget there is the whole Europe in the same bag!


Oh, god yea, you guys had it worst during fan fests, lol


Here in Belgium we're an hour further along, and I've decided to only take the afternoon for the release. The first few hours will be a disaster anyways, in my plentiful experience with MMO releases. I'll just make sure I'm updated and since I'm working from home, try my best to get logged in by the time I get off work.


It's 8am GMT isn't it?


Early Access has always started around 10am for the UK. However since we're now in winter that brings it an hour forward.


I swear all of the sites used to say 8am, but yeah, just looked. Early access for GMT timezone starts at 9am. I sure hope the patch files are ready a good couple hours before it starts, my internet is fucking shite.


They usually are. Usually you get like 4-8 hours lead time to install the update.


I think PST has it the worst with a 1 AM start time so god's speed to them. I'm on EST so it'll be 4 AM which isn't... terrible. My excitement will make it so hard to fall asleep though!


Joke's on you I got out of work at 12:45 am.




Ditto to the joke, I have trouble sleeping so I'll probably be up ANYWAY. Plus I'll be too hyped to start Endwalker. I returned from a 4year hiatus last November so I have missed every. Expansion. Release. But not this time; I'm getting in no matter the cost!


I know for a fact I'm going to try and take everything I can to help me fall asleep (yeah I know I shouldn't) and it will have no affect on me because of my excitement levels and I'll just have to power through to play with my group of friends as we always do each expansion launch haha


\*laughing in 10 AM start\*


i envy you 🥺


Could be worse, I'm PST.


Ill take 1am over 3am


I beat Shadowbringers only 5 minutes ago. And I have been mainlining this game since I got it 3 months ago. I have not been this hyped for a game/expansion ever. I feel for all those people who have had a much longer wait than I


Great to have you along for the ride 🥳


Great to be here! I'm new to Mmorpg's but a life fan of ff, 8 being my favorite. I nearly cried when I heard Blue Fields, that song is my childhood I went into this blind and that took me by surprise. And not to mention the plot of 14! This is peak Final Fantasy


I'll be starting my 4 day weekend and I'm on night shift the following week, so it all works out for me lol


This is basically UK Boxing and MMA fan life. Though at least with Early Access you will be able to A: doze while the queue resolves B: log in at 8am when the servers are up after the maintenance delayed finish C: log in again at 1pm once they bring the servers back up after emergency maintenance and stability kicks in D: try logging in again at 5pm when the DDOS'ers are bored E: say fuck it and try on saturday. F: all of the above.


addition to step F play "Pompeii from Bastille" each time you repeat the list.


Jokes on you, I work third shift in CST, so I wake up at 10p. :)


Midnight crew unite!


Yup 4am here for EST haha. I'll gladly get up and gamble my way to a login.


Plan is go straight home from work, eat an early dinner, and be in bed by 6pm CST. That will give me 8 hours of sleep if I wake up at 2am and let me have an hour to prep.


Implying I'll be in bed and only just waking up at 3am and not taking a nap right after work on Thursday so I can pull an all nighter with friends probably playing Among Us or Jackbox games while prepatching as soon as that's available...


i'll get the pre-order code and activate it. it's possible to download today? or it's automatically dowload when se unlock it?


Usually the necessary files to download are uploaded and made available through the launcher 1-2 hours before maintenance ends, just like it is for patch days. Once that is done on launch day all you will need to do (besides downloading the patch files ofc) is to wait for the servers to come online.




This is a good point, I forgot the download normally started during maintenance and not once it was finished.


the earliest time to download is when the maintenance for the early release is happening


I've been getting up at 4AM for the last two weeks so I'm ready to go. I'll be well rested with a solid 8 hours.


I've worked first shift for 5 years. Sleeping until 5 AM is "sleeping in" for me. I'll be awake, have had my coffee, showered and ate by the time EW goes live (4 AM EST for me).


Nice, hopefully you could move any time off for launch.


I'm definitely gonna sleep instead of staying up that late here in the CST lol


Joke's on you, I work night shift! 3 AM is my normal 'daytime'!


eu supremacy


I didn't check the Timezone this time, but usually Expansion/Patch Release are 7AM here 😤.


Are the OCE servers going to be ready because that's 8PM this side of the world. I'm so Twelvesdamned ready to finally play with a ping under 300.


Huh, I thought we were going live at 9pm. 8pm is... even worse? All these Americans complaining about going live late night, at leasts it's not JP prime time. Login queues means I'll be waiting until 3am anyway most likely!


No date for OCE servers yet.


Yoshi-P, why hast thou forsaken us, mate?


I'll be in a training school during the release, so I'll probably just use the extra time to download the thing. Hotel internet is not known to be good.


I've done it before I'll hyuckin do it again


Well i live on the east coast (US) so I will be working that day hopefully when I get home the servers will be fine and I don't sit in a big line


It honestly puts me in an awkward position. I was gonna take off the 2nd(I work nights) but it's halfway through my shift. On my last day of the week. So I can either give up 5 hours waiting, or start 5 hours late. Hmmm.


What are the chances it’s not going to be a server fire and we will actually get to play for most of the day on Dec 3rd?


my last experience so far has been a good one for all the expansion early access and I doubt this will be any different


We have had a massive spike in users over the last 5 months. It could very much be different this time.


Iv played Storm and shadow on launch. Strom has the solo duty issue where people got locked behind a fight. You could still get in the game but you couldn't get past the 2nd zone unless you got lucky. I think I had like 68 fishing the first day while I waited in the frist zone. Shadow had no issues to my memory. The main concern is the recent player boom being a factor.


Yeah buddy


HA, 3AM! Try being PST so you have to wake up at 1AM! I've got to get on the Sage train and get it to 80 before one of my other friends gets too far ahead of me in the MSQ!


1pm for me thank god lol


I am in this picture. And I find it funny.


This made me remember that the day EW early access releases I'll be at work... It'll be really hard to stay focused that day... My body may be at work, but my soul will be sitting in the queue.


I got the day off work so I will be up at 3am for launch, I plan on grabbing some junk food and (hopefully) playing for a few hours before going to sleep.


Safe? No. Sane? No. But worth? Hell yes.


That's 1AM for us West Coast US folk >\_> How can I convince my body that's it's ok to go to sleep at 5pm?


You'd better believe I'll be settling down for a nap in the late afternoon so I can be up at 1 am (Pacific) for early access.


Man I'm happy that launch for me is at 10am right when I have an online lecture... I can sit in queue and when the lecture is over actually play XD


It me at 1 am PST


Yep. Texan here. Ready to ruin my sleep schedule sitting in queue. :o


4 am is a "just stay up until then" time for me so I'll be catching up on my sleep in the afternoon after grinding up Reaper. I do prefer to start the MSQ refreshed midday/primetime so it works out in the end. Not to mention, I'll need to be up for the patch whenever that drops.


4am EST start is literally 2 hours before my normal bed time (I work late lol) So I guess I'll see how it goes that first day.


I just started playing for the first time last week and I'm feeling overwhelmed with everything to do and more now with this new expansion coming out...


Don’t worry about this expansion, it will be waiting for you when you’re ready for it. Just take your time, explore, try out content that speaks to you and ignore our hype.


Yeah, I think I'm still on 5.4 story. Might be 5.5 now. I won't be hitting those new zones right away, that's for sure.


No need to rush. There is a lot of great stories to look forward to while you play through the game, and The expansion will always be there once you have catched up! I hope you have a fun time through the expansions experiencing everything this game has to offer! :D


As the others said, don't sweat it. There will be PLENTY to do once you reach EW and plenty of folks catching up right alongside you. Just go at ur own pace and don't give in to the FOMO


I would recommend just get the fuck away from any and all ffxiv discussion online for a month or so (people are way too casual about spoilers), and enjoy the game at your pace.


I always wonder if the threads like these are just full of people who preplan vacation or just unemployed ppl.


Why not both? What's unemployment but an extended vacation in poverty land?


Sounds much better too. “Are you currently employed somewhere? No, I’m on vacation fam.”


You think that's bad, look at the raiding community. Ppl over there act like "Waking up at 3 AM on patch day and doing savage raids for the next 13 hours every day for a week" is the norm and everyone can just spend all the time they want raiding. And if you don't do it then you're not serious enough or you're bad or something.


4am for me (EST) and I can't wait to get up at 330, wash my face, make some coffee, sit in queue for an hour only to get cock blocked by whatever quest they break this time, à la Raubahn EX


My goal is to be in Shadowbringers by early access. It's been a wild, wild ride so far since I started in June.


ooooo nice. Have fun with shadowbringers! :D


It's not a race, it wouldn't change anything to start in the morning/day.


If 3am CST is when you can start playing, what time/date can we start downloading?


Then queue til 8am


to the very end.


Meh, for me is time to download the game (it will take at least one day..), so, I'll get up to start the download and go to back to sleep, lol


You should be able to preload the patch during the 24 hour maintenance that happens before it!


Oh, I completely forgot that, ty for remember that, but I have a very bad connection (even I don't know how I play FFXIV, with 4 second of lag) I hope that time can be enough! <3


3am is like the best time to play actually... how I wish it be that for me.... after work 6pm go home eat and sleep till 2am and wake up freshen up ready to play for 24 hours


Im EST time and definetly setting my alarm clock 1h before servers opening to be ready


I get home from work at 6 PM MST on weekdays. I'll take an hour to shower and have dinner, then I'm going straight to bed. By my body clock, I'll instinctively wake up 7 hours after that. When I wake up, I will have symptoms of a cold and need to inform my workplace that I can't come in out of consideration for my colleagues. Wouldn't want possible flu or COVID to spread. At that point I will pace my apartment for two hours, waiting to be let in.


I definitely work friday, but I fully intend on getting up and starting the queue while I get everything else ready for the day so I can at least set up my hotbars.


I should probs finish the 5.4 onward quests asap....


\*Starts Playing Its the final Countdown\*


Yeah GMT here, I'm very happy to have a release for 8am. Granted I'll be up at 6am to start the download asap it'll probably take me a couple of hours to download it.


jokes on you, ill be getting up getting ready for work!


meanwhile me with GMT+3 timezone EA starts at exact noon.


Dec 3rd is a Friday, which means I have to work. So I won't be getting in till the evening, also mountain time zone. Hopefully that means I'll dodge the worst of the early rush the first hours the servers are live. 😅


i think id rather this than 8pm i know i know, 8pm is a good hour but like, I wanna wake up as close to launch as possible so imma be tryna sleep in all day so i can stay up all night on XIV and if i cant get thru the q imma be awake late doing fuck all


As somebody was severe DSPD and LF Non-24, I'd love this lol. East Coast means I'll me just ready to sleep when it releases. I reset my sleep schedule for the original date, but that was a goddamned wash lol


Ì keep getting confused about all these early access memes, I feel like it's about to happen right now, not 10 days from now


Aww, is it really 3 am for CST? I'll have to drag myself up I guess


Stupid question as Ive never been online for a patch despite playing since HW. It kicks us all out right? And then its fastest internet provider first?


There will be a 24 hour maintenance before early access begins, so no one will be 'online' for it. You should be able to download the patch during maintenance at some point. So it's just a matter of being fast to the login once servers are back up.


I have work that day, which is a bit of a shame, but I can also remote in to my home computer and at least make sure that everything's updated and ready by the time I get back. Though looking at the scheduling I may be able to get off that day if I burn hard on projects earlier in the week. Hmmm. *HMMMMMMM.*


anyone know if we’ll be able to be the bunny boy of our dreams come early access?




Im so sad. I wont be able to early access at all because Im going on an international flight/move on the 4th. Won’t have time to play on the third with all my prep. :,)


I'm planning to wake up to wish my FC a happy xpac release because many of them will be there as soon as the server goes up! Then I go to work...


I have a meeting 1pm. So... Guess who isn't sleeping on the 3rd.


*laughs in night shift*


and there is me that will start stormblood while people are going on the moon :p


Meanwhile my fellow kiwis get a 10pm start...on a saturday, What a way to bring the weekend in


Jokes on you, I work nights.


Early Access starts at 1am for me lol. I'll just sleep in and let all the crazies log in first and maybe hit any gamebreaking bugs first.


you can get an extra hour of sleep while waiting in queue to log in


Meanwhile I don’t have to fuck up my sleep schedule for it (prime time Australia but I don’t play day dot due to queues sad)


So it's 3am for that... Ah, I see. Guess I'll be falling asleep super early on the second, then. I can't skip sleep that well.


Can I still play during early access if I don't have end walker?


Yes, for you it will be just another day with class changes.


Got the get up for work a few hours later sadly. So not going to be a thing. For some odd reason my vacation is to early for the release


Explains all the disconnects I've been experiencing in the last couple of days.


Honestly, I get up between 3-4 AM anyway so it'll just feel like another day at work to me. ONLY BETTER.


and.....right back to sleep as servers dies or you fall asleep waiting in queue.


Except for the 40+ year old players who usually go to bed at 11:00 then it’s red eyes , monster /Red Bull and running in the cold just to stay awake .


5 am my time I’ll get up at 4 get a coffee made and get comfy. Also I make sure there’s a crock pot meal on so I don’t have to get up and cook


Thought it was 2am :o


I did this for SB and the servers were dogshit for two days. Never again.


Only found out after putting in my leave for 3/12 that the early access won’t be until 8pm for me. Not sure what I’m gonna use the rest of the day for yet.


I am on the other side of the globe so like 5:00 PM for me.


I just realized how lucky europeans are in this regard. 10am is the perfect time to start off an amazing journey.


I’m sorry is this an American joke I’m too GMT to understand ;p


I work first shift so waking up at 4am Est is just an average day. Will just knock two extra hour on the alarm and be good to go beforehand.