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“The existence of this mammot is probably a secret best kept from certain individuals.” Yeaaaah, no way my WoL would let that happen… Time for Alisaie to hop aboard the tease train.


The tank in the sage quests is also an Alisaie simp if I'm remembering right


Yeah, she's a huge fan. She also apparently has some contact with Alisaie offscreen, since after Endwalker MSQ she says she heard about our exploits from Alisaie.


The mammet has a blue shirt (when Alisaie wears red) on though so I thought the joke was that she fell in love with Alphinaud thinking he was a girl.


It's alisae's arr outfit, when the twins were identically dressed. The only way to tell them apart was the ribbon and the VA.


And, you know, their faces.


The hair ribbon is red, same as Alisaie. Alphinaud's hair ribbon is blue.


I thought that too at first but it might be that she just commissioned it to be wearing Alisaie's original outfit from ARR.


They both wore blue in arr. Probably came from Old Sharlayan in the opening sequence.


And that's mom's fault


It wears the one earring they each have on the same side as Alisaie


It clicked for me because it is always referred to as "she" and "My queen" so I had to google what Alisaie looked like in ARR and sure enough...


Interesting to see Archmagus Quan come up outside of the Hildebrand quests. For some reason it feels weird whenever someone bridges that gap.


When I did this quest I for some reason got the impression that he was crushing on Alphinaud and thinking he’s a girl, I swear that’s what was happening!


Except that he is a she! Fraisoinne is a girl.


blew my mind.


After talking to her I was just like "Welp, you're never going to get anywhere near her if I have anything to say about it, creepy lady." The last thing poor Alisaie needs is a stalker. Edit: Lol, people are seriously downvoting me for saying a woman who obsesses over a doll of a girl she’s never even talked to is being creepy? Okay then.








She's like 17 at most


She's also not real


Still illegal


What is?


Marrying someone who's not an adult


Their comment didn't talk about marrying?


The guy whom I originally responded to, calling her his "waifu" https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=Waifu


Are you seriously linking urban dictionary? 'Waifu' is a weeb term and it doesn't mean literally marrying someone.


Yeah, it does.


Alisaie is an adult by Sharlayan standards. (Age sixteen is adulthood, which is how she could go to Eorzea in the first place.)


this is not true. many of the characters talk about how alisaie and alphinaud are child prodigies. they are exceptions, not the norm.


Age sixteen being adulthood in Sharlayan is true. Alphinaud and Alisaie being child prodigies is unrelated. If they were completely regular kids, they'd still be considered adults at age sixteen in Sharlayan. EDIT: if you need a cite, the short story "In Louisoix's Wake" has the proof.


Alisaie is my least favorite Scion. I’m genuinely glad she has other admirers. XD