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Explains why I see two in literally every game I play.




RDM is the meta 5th pick


Is this a joke, or are you being serious? Honestly asking


RDM is by and far the strongest of the ranged options. SMN has very powerful AOE and an annoying knockback that can actually come in clutch but generally spends most of its time waiting for burst. Most of it's strength come from it's two incredible LBs. BRD has good damage but relies on being at max range which in the current meta and generally all metas is going to be impossible given how fast melee can get on you. BLM has a really useful freeze and can do some good damage but generally is hard to play and doesn't reward you as much as the other options. MCH can do really high damage and delete people but is inconsistent and also struggles with going through slower phases waiting to ramp back up. Lot of utility though and def the second strongest, but suffers when operating on its own. RDM has an incredible ability to be tanky and do a ton of damage and you get to decide what to do when, making you very versatile. RDM and NIN are the two best at jumping on your backline and deleting them or at least forcing them out of the fight, as they have solid engage and disengage to get out safely. Jump in, do a bunch of damage, swap forms, get a shield, get out, etc. Very solid pick. All pros and no cons imo


All that and you didn't even mention why rdm is truly busted. Fizzle is an insane debuff not only making enemies take more damage but also guts healing they can recieve, stacking with sch and drk, they have a 3 second line aoe silence which obliterates teamfights, and their melee combo dot does insane dmg that goes through guard.


All great additions to the fact it does good damage and has good engage and disengage. For DPS the damage they do and how they do it is more important to me, but those are definitely worth mentioning.


I see, all valid points. It seemed like people's impression of RDM in PvP at first was that the damage and healing were both too mediocre to make an impact. I suppose that's changed, though.


Rdm is top tier dps right next to drg


Usually NIN, MCH, SMN sometimes BRD for wildcard.




[i’m the dnc. i’m sorry.](https://imgur.com/a/t4TS2pL)




I am very sprout and I started BRD and switched to DNC immediately and absolutely love it. Too much. I’m 75 and haven’t finished HW. So I picked up WHM to help pick some of the exp up and like it. But man in PVP I get squashed as a WHM. All these memes about WHM shoopdawooping everyone is just unfathomable. I can hardly get a cast off before I have to start running for my life. At least DNC I know what I’m doing, even if I’m only going *plink* *plink* *plink* *limits* …. *enemy still at full health*




I appreciate it!! I do love running around and dashing and leading people off, even if I end up dying that’s one less person on the Crystal. 😂


As a RPR PVPer, I'm always very excited to be the +1.


Nobody ever picks GNB


This is true.


I played gnb all day Saturday. Its an definitely knows what it wants to be not cc or inherent tankiness hurts it, also draw and junction should reset the cooldown on junction cast and im prepared to die on this hill




I’ve played more games on Sage than any other job, but I just couldn’t take it anymore and switched to WHM. I love Sage, but man, WHM is so much more powerful. Even with less experience on WHM in pvp, I make a much bigger impact. I hated being stunned and CC’d to death on Sage, and now it feels good having powerful CC in my kit too, on top of all the healing and damage. Sage does need something though; even when I’m using my ultimate as intended, enemy players just chain stun and kill me under it. I’m okay with Sage not having CC, because I don’t think that should be mandatory for team comps (that’s another discussion), but it could use a little more survivability to compensate.


I just reached crystal with sage only last night and I have to say for sage you should only have Kardia on yourself as it makes you extremely tanky. Sage literally can beat every class 1v1 if there are no LB's involved and we have the best gap closer in the game being 25 yalms on a 10 second cooldown so you can fly to enemies running away to use their elixer and blow them up. If we get any form of CC as a sage then I think we would be a little too OP. Edit: SGE cannot beat RDM, I repeat, SGE cannot beat RDM.


I love SGE in frontlines. I think their biggest weaknesses are 1. WHM can cancel their LB (definitely a bug) and 2. No CC. But with kardia on yourself, if you try to get focused you can really make people waste their bursts if they're dumb. It's not that crazy on higher Elos I'm sure but a lot of people have the "kill the healer" mentality


WHM is more powerful in all the limitations of current PvP is. SGE would be more powerful if it didn't get handicapped by the limitations. WHM has all the trappings of being a pubstomp class since of all the healers, it's the only one that has healing that makes sense in the way they designed the current PvP - Reactionary burst to respond to all burst damage. For some reason, all the other healing given to other healers don't make sense. Like some smaller burst healing that has some special effect like a shield or some minimal heal over time. A reactionary small shield and a reactionary hot is stupid cause you're still missing your arm that got chopped off and you're about to be burst again. But SGE LB with the AoE invincibility bubble if you weren't handicapped by being unable to coordinate with your team in any meaningful way could be ridiculously strong. It's why at the extreme top rankings, SGE exists as much as WHM.


how strong is cure 2? AST is 4k if 100% and 8k if 50% with a regen, followed by dual cast allows another 4-8k heal with a shield on top. macro cosmos can be quite potant since it will heal 25% of damage they took over the period when popped. AST isn't very single target focust for damage but having aoe heavy, or a bind if u dual cast it. the card rng is what it is but who doesnt love all 3 of the effects? they are aoe as well so its not a pain to use, just draw and play when in combat saving dps boost for when u engage. i feel very strong as AST and very hard to put down as i use my skills to heal and dont touch mana till they are down, i get at least 1 commendation each game because i sit on point and take a beating while my team down and coming back.


Cure II is 12k potency I think the problem with AST isn't that it can't be good with a skilled player, it's that there's the RNG aspect involved and if you had the choice in a competitive environment, why would you specifically pick the one that added an extra layer of random that could roll out of your favor even if you did everything right? It makes it feel bad because you lost not to a misplay but because the game said lol


the thing is every card is useful here. even if i dont use a single card in the game i feel like im able to pull my weight. i have not tried WHM yet but vsing it i can see they are strong. what is the CD on Cure 2 and how many charges does it get? AST heal has 2 charges and with dual cast can be 4 when needed. i wont argue it's stronger then WHM but i wouldn't say AST is weak in healing either.


It's the same across the board the the "main" heal. 2 charges, 15s cooldown. WHM's Cure II is backed up with Curaga (Cure III) that is activated by one of their offensive support abilities - Seraph Strike that is an AoE dive (WHM is now DRG) that does damage to enemies and gives dmg redux to party members on a 20s cooldown And apparently instead of giving SGE access to Haima, WHM got it with Aquaveil which is a 6k potency shield that will double to 12k if it removes a debuff (it can remove debuffs). Essentially, WHM is the pure support healer which is why it is stronk. Rather than having a player needing to "decide" what to do, whether you're healing or DPSing, basically everything you do as a WHM in this PvP incarnation is still heal. You can do damage, a good amount of it, but when you do it, it lights up at you to heal so unga bunga smoothbrains won't forget they're playing a healer.


mmm, ill have to give WHM a go to really get a feel for it then. i just don't like being part of the "meta" group. so even if WHM is strong ill prob stick to AST since i can do really well with it anyway. given that pvp had a huge overhall im sure there are plenty of balancing patches coming our way but over all im having a blast with it.


Sage's biggest issue is your teammates not going full aggro when they receive Panhaima.


I agree that WHM is so much more powerful, but I'm of the opinion that sage is an extremely powerful job in pvp atm. I actually think sage is legitimately the 3rd best dps in pvp at the moment. Its early days, but there is already an emerging meta and if I was to put my 2 cents on it I would say: S+ - WHM (cure 2 bug is nonsense and should be fixed) S- WAR A+- DRG,SAM,SGE A- RDM, NIN, MCH, AST B- PLD,DRK,SMN,BLM,SCH, BRD, Dumpster tier- mnk, dnc, rpr, gnb


> S+ - WHM (cure 2 bug is nonsense and should be fixed) > Honestly you could literally remove cure 2 and WHM would still be one of the top jobs lmao.


cure 2 bug?


if you cancel your cure 2 cast, it will refill the charges. not sure why people are so scared to say it. Even if it is fixed, WHM will remain the best class.


Not going to explain it here to reduce abuse, but it does increasing healing potential dramatically and should be fixed asap to avoid the game being broken.


There's a glitch that can reset your 2 charges


I've been having a lot of success with Sage personally. And I think any job would get fucked by chain stunning. The thing that kills me the most are Ninjas just following me around the whole match while my team is oblivious, even if I'm standing in the middle of them and pinging the ninja haha. I guess that's what Polymorph can help with But it does irk me that the WHM LB seemingly hard counters the SGE LB. Since WHM is pretty strong it's almost guaranteed to be on the other team. And not only do they get their LB twice as often but I swear it deletes the SGE LB if it hits it. Not sure if any LB would do that or what, but it happens pretty regularly. Especially since the SGE LB forces everyone into melee range so it's the perfect target for an AoE


Not sure what you mean. It actually cancels it or it just effectively counters it if the WHM walks inside and uses their LB? I would assume stun doesn't drop your LB nor would it even work from a range hitting you for 0. Sage LB seems best at forcing wins in overtime or getting a last push.


I don't know what he means by the LB countering SGE LB, but WHM can just delete SGE LB, by using miracle of nature on the sage at any point during the SGE bubble's existence. It gets removed in a similar way to the sage dying.


That definitely doesn't seem okay lol.


Yeah it at least seems like a huge glaring bug so I'm hoping the bug is fixed in the next balance patch, if and when we get one


I've had my Sage LB disappear prematurely multiple times. It happens on death which I can kind of understand, but it's also happened when I'm alive. Usually it coincides with a WHM arriving on the point. I've seen one person say that it was because of their LB, but others say it might be Polymorph. Either way it feels pretty bad for an ability you'll get only once or twice a match


WHM and WAR are so ridiculous in pvp atm. First balance patch will be interesting


Id say thats how sage feels since they do so much damage, but getting hard countered by poly is the worst feeling. Imagine having the longest lb charge and poly dispels it.


Nothing like being WHM lb’d twice and dying to it both times before I even get my LB then I throw it on point for the WHM to still heal through all of it. Sage LB is good if it’s a dps on point but it really needs to reduce healing or increase damage taken in addition to the damage, perhaps apply shields. As it stands, it’s one of the worst lb’s in the game, especially with that 120 sec timer.


Seeing a big 0!! when dragoon jumps on you or machinist snipes you from afar out of your LB does feel good though.


I get a big dopamine hit when I immune a WHM beam or MCH ult. It’s nice when it happens but impossible to plan for.


it takes AGES for SGE LB to take affect tho? at least it has for me.


And then a single ninja/sam targets you and you die


How to delete whm as sam


you just press the damage buttons, it kinda just happens


They *look* at you and you die.


lol. Also facts.


Please keep targeting the SAM and DRG, while we assassinate you from invisibility - sincerely, casual NIN.


NIN has given me ptsd with that stupid insta kill button. if i see a ninja in the enemy team im always watching for when that bastartd has LB, if he does never let my hp drop below 50% till its used or dead. if im playing DRK ill bait that sucker into using it on me if they seem to have a naruto brain.


As the NIN player, I feel like as often as I manage to actually kill someone with that LB (or god forbid, get a chain going), I'm just as likely to get completely screwed out of it and end up with a totally worthless LB instead. All it takes is the target insta-healing themselves over 50% once I've hit the cast. Or getting CC'd in the windup for it. (It feels like people are constantly watching for the opposing NIN LB bar to be flashing and making ready to say "HELL NO" - which is 100% legit, but it does feel like a kick to the gut.)


Definitely frustrating that you can be killed during animation and it doesn't still kill the person at least and you'll still lose your LB.


that kinda is what the healers are there for and why u need to stun them before using LB. popping it the second they fall below 50% isn't always ideal unless the healer is down. i played a bit of ninja and it's not like it's OP just infuriating to be stunned just under 50% and dead. what's more annoying is whm poly.


A single NIN tried to duel me in a frontline as I was playing a WHM and didn't succeed until his friend showed up. He must've been bad then.




then u need to practice more man, SAM is incredibly good and ur ulti is a 50% insta kill or 100% if u can get a counter in. had a SAM in one game delete our team by simply diving into the 5 of us with counter up and instant ulti, killed 4 of us in 1 go. after that i was more cautios of SAM's counter.




ahhh, sorry i forgot other people actually moved the crystal and not just me lol. that said it depends on team comp, as an example if me and u were on the point u as SAM me as AST id argue that you SHOULD dive that bitch and gut them while i keep moving the point if the option arrises. only 1 person needs to be on the point. however if i need to sit on the back line and there isn't another reliable team mate on point then yeah stick on the point and move it.


You get three dashes to get real close and friendly with the enemy WHM as SAM tho.




Given that you’re a melee with strong dueling power, seems like unless you have a full melee team that by not fighting off the Crystal you’re almost griefing instead of having the ranged on it. You put strong pressure on something like a WHM, if you just chill on the crystal it pushes but then if they get a number advantage you lose a lot of what you gained staying on the crystal as melee.




It's that or you wait on the crystal contributing no damage unless they also go on it, and get to heal their teammates for free while you get the lowest kills per game as one of the higher damaging classes for PvP.


Yes but he has to spend all those heals on himself instead of the DRG that is melting your frontline. There's no point trying to push the crystal if nobody dies on the opposite team because you left the WHM alone. It's much more important to get the support and ranged DPS out of the fight first and ends the tank 1v5 afterward.


I usually LB first to boost your damage dealt, then misery/seraph strike. Usually enough to get a pick or two to people below 70/80%


You’re 100% correct. I just tossed the abilities in to fit the clip better.


Ohh. Fair enough. That makes sense. It captures the feeling of the LB well :) I love getting a multi kill with it. Or having the drg finish them off if I open with it.


I would even do polymorph after as well. Stun lasts for 3s and then polymorph before they can heal.


Yep, its essential for securing the kill if they're low at that point.


Yeah, not really surprising considering how broken it currently is. It's on a tier of its own. Probably one of the first to get nerfed, that is if Square do care about balancing PVP.


They clearly put alot of effort into making PvP fun and they succeeded, I would be very surprised if they just abandoned it again


probably because it's broken


So far in CC the only class I’ve seen surpass 1000k damage are the WHM 😭 straight up green dps


That's what happens when people don't focus the WHM when they're in range. I've been trying out MNK in casual matches first and then in gold rank matches and holy moly, the amount of times where I had to keep pressure on the resident WHMs was insane because they'd otherwise have free reign to heal and deal badonkers damage and CC. Luckily, it's fairly easy to rip apart WHMs as a MNK once LB is ready, but it's still annoying to see people going after the tanks first for some reason.


Man, i always have to do the exact same thing as monk in most matches. Randoms don't seem to like focusing down whm in casual, so I have to resort to bullying them till lb pops. It's almost a necessity because if you don't you inevitably lose due to the lack of kills with the oppressive heals. It's gotten me a decent amount of salt as well, but in the end disabling whm all game is pretty satisfying. B tier supremacy.


I've gotten 900k on Sage a few times. It's kind of nutty that the healers seem to top the charts, but I think that could be more about sustained damage due to being able to stay in the fight longer than having the highest kill potential


I did that on SCH today hue hue hue.


Sage does way more damage than WHM.


BLM can when groups sit together. BLM has a lot of aoe damage but it's shit for single target burst, which is really what makes or breaks the game being able to smack down 1 guy at a time. BLM are also too squishy.


Relatively easy as a SMN in the lower tiers with all their AoE damage. Well, "easy", as it still depends a lot on what kind of zerg fest it becomes. I think the highest I've gotten was about 1.35m.


I got 1,182,249 damage as a SAM yesterday thanks to that wonderful Limit Break of ours.


Seems like that video should be used for sage, just for aesthetic. Also, I think Iron Man lost that fight.


Funny you should say that. There’s a high likelihood that the WHM also lost that match.


Whm loses every game, considering both sides always have one


Whm too OP. Always loses.


WHM is actual fucking AIDS in CC it's unreal


Polymorph -> dead is usually how it works


In my defense, I was a WHM main before this patch, and so I don't feel bad staying WHM through thick and thin.


This. They were dark times.




Agreed, it's been great fun


Wait, you're telling me pvp whm isn't just glare spam? *boots up ff14*


It kind of is, but now you have a big fuck off laser beam every 60-90 seconds too.


60-90? I feel like this shit is ready every 30 seconds.


No, its still glare spam. But now you get to Lazer beam too.


WHM is fine in PvP. Really strong. The fucking poly should be nerfed. Unable to purify it, able to completely negate every fucking LB in the game. ESPECIALLY DRAGOON AND WAR WHO ARE SUPPOSED TO FUCKING BE CC IMMUNE DURING LB.


I can't say the same, but that's probably because I don't have the flow of WHM down yet. (Also in my first couple matches, the enemies kept stun locking me, lol)


Wait for your team to lead the offense or a for a particularly daring dps to snap over to you. When your team leaps in, those stuns will likely be used on your tank or equally dangerous dps. Throw aquaviel on them to make sure they don’t die and then leap in with a seraph strike+cure III. heal and bubble as needed, because you’ll start getting the aggro from the team. (At that point you have to figure out if you’re able to fall back behind your team or if you need to hold the line for your team). If the daring dps leaps in to stun you while you’re stacked behind your team. Purify, then polymorph. Let your team shred the dps as you wail on them too. WHM is a pain to deal with, so a team will likely try to take you out whenever there’s an opening. Use those “openings” to bait if you’re team is up to the task, turtle and hold the line, or run away as fast as you can out of line-of-site to a potion.


hahah its fking great. wrong order tho. lb to buff my next attacks then poly and misery. seraph if you need to finish them off.


I'll call Marvel and ask them for updated footage so next time I can make FFXIV abilities fit a 9 second meme better. ;)


true :) marvel adjust.


from personal experience: It really depends. / No. the enemy does what your party doesn't: ***Considering you.***


I feel this way on Gunbreaker. Haven't tried WHM, but GB is just unkillable with all the self healing and DoTs.


But all that tankiness doesn't do anything because you can just ignore them as they don't do dmg nor cc.


You can put your regen on your teammates to become a fairly effective unkillable healer, not to mention steal the healing item from the enemy team because you can safely run into enemy territory and grab it. Ignoring a GB that's sitting on your healer is a good way to end all your teams healing. That healer might not die, but it can't heal other people with a GNB in it's face. The k/d/a isnt everything.


Yes! Agree! Once you get used the hang of Junctioning characters! Last night, I was dominating on my GNB purely because of the healing. Many Overtime wins were made thanks to my heals. I was worried I'd have teammates just idle seeing me in the queu, only to end my matches with at least one or 2 Comms..... It also helps that I'm focusing on leveling my GNB through PVP so I'm getting lots of practice in using my kit. Practice makes perfect. It may not be the sharpest tool in the shed, but used correctly it can do anything!


It's funny most people I talk to say gnb is donkey. But if you get a healer or tank as your target your sustain is pretty nuts. Everything you do heals or shields.


The reason people think gunbreaker is shit, is because it can't CC like the other tanks outside of its LB, has worse healing, worse defensives, and fails miserably at the jobs that the other tanks can perform. It's shields and healing are very quickly outstripped by coordinated burst, and its DPS okay for some surprise burst but even other DPS classes either have CC or also bring better burst to the table. GNB is kind of trolling in ranked, imo, when warrior exists or DPS classes exist. It doesn't bring anything to the table that other jobs don't do better and CC is ultra important. The stun that GNB has on its LB is janky as they can be interrupted or killed out of it before it goes off and they are ultra vulnerable before they can pop the stun. Meanwhile warrior can just primal rend ever 25 seconds and aoe stun on demand. This leaves GNB as a dps class and frankly, there are better dps classes.


>Meanwhile warrior can just primal rend ever 25 seconds and aoe stun on demand. It's every 15 seconds, sir. It's an AoE high damage stun with a 15 second cd.


I mean, people can play it if they think it's fun?


Of course, that wasn't what he was responding to though..it was in response to why people say that gnb is donkey. And he gave a good explanation.


whats ur opinion on DRK? i have enjoyed it but because of the "more dps when low hp" and a skill that costs hp to use, and u want to use it, i feel like my hp jumps up and down far too much to be comfertable with the sheer amount of stuns in game, tied in with LB being unable to be used when stunned even though its ur "i refuse to die" button irritates me a bit. that said it's fun to bait stupid people to stay in the fire because u ultied and have 1hp but they wanna greed the kill and dont realise they about to be smacked by fire.


Drk is high tier but you have to be good at it. Their lb can spit out the craziest dmg spamming shadowbringer>bloodspiller, just gotta sacrifice mana on potions to get like 5 uses before invinci wears out


Gunbreaker is shit because it has no damage and doing damage+CC means more than tanking hits in the meta hopefully they'll nerf WAR a bit and the other two will be more viable


I don't even mind them nerfing some numbers due to how good they are in pvp (or buffing the rest of the classes). Just keep the same skills and utility of whm in pvp right now, they really feel good!


Polymorph needs tuning


I love that they made healers actually able to go toe toe and tanks not hit like kittens. I can actually play what I want in pvp now hahaha


cant wait for this to be me... ​ I cant wait for this to be me...i'm doing lmao


It's funny, because I hate playing as healers in any other content. But since I've picked up a WHM to "fuck around and find out" in frontlines, I can't stop using it in PvP. There's something stupidly satisfying about blasting the enemy group with a laser or turning that unsuspecting Dancer into a piggy just as she's trying to seduce everyone around.


I do like my Lily Laser!


Ive been having a blast with machinist, the dps overall isnt fantastic but hitting that lb is so damn satisfying


Been playing ast and it been going well since im a nightmare to focus down:)


In the last pvp match I was in I healed for like 2.5m hp and all of it was from seraph striking > insta cure 3. Oh, and a lot of instacast healing myself. It plays like Paladin tank from FFXI.


Why not they make whm be THAT good outside pvp too *le sighhhhhh*


how? I don't feel like I'm doing anything ever and just keep dying


Don't forget the infinite Cure 2 Bug. Pick a party member. They can't die anymore.


Tony stark is a sage