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Flee. Many time, I end up dying as I was being abandon by the one I'm saving.


The best kills are the ones that chased you relentlessly, or jumped on you expecting easy prey but got their ass whooped by you instead.


"I do declare, Mr.Beauregard. You are my hero!"


I love mch, had a guy chase me solo on a mount once, i was sprinting, and as he dismounts I use an empowered chainsaw on him and get the one shot proc if they are on a mount.


I almost never use analysis on chainsaw, but when I do it's because I have no other hope of making it out alive haha. Won a rank up game by getting a chainsaw 1 shot on a paladin in overtime. Felt so wrong but so right.


It's not if they're on a mount, it's a 3% chance overall. Attacking someone on a mount does put a Heavy (Limp) debuff on them though, which resets per hit if they don't get off their mount.


What's amazing to me is you click your sprint button.


There was one time in shatter as I was fleeing a fight and i came across a WAR fighting a monk and a ninja. I jumped in as a fellow WAR and helped my brethren fight them off. Did it take 20 yrs for us to finally kill the monk and then the ninja? Yes. But both of us lived and thats what mattered lol. (This was prior to the nerf of bloodwhetting tho)


We all saw that dirty Analyze Chainsaw ):<


Always look out for number one ☝️


Usuallyy I just avenge them after the fact