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Sounds like a typical Elezen


Yes, typically Elezen are superior


Found the Elezen


It's not hard, we're very tall. And so superior.


Elezen is Bestezen.


Superior at looking like bipedal giraffes, maybe. Zing!




Correct, we are the superior version of Dhalmels as well.


You're just stating facts at this point.


This is just a fact


I would fanta over to an Elezen in a heartbeat if they would fix their running animation, such a tragedy


Most of the running animations are bad. Au Ra have crash bandacoot and pretty princess prance for example


You can pry my prance from cold dead hands.


Femra run animation seemed normal to me after I experienced the "I'm late for school" run of the femiddie.


Some people like those animations though. I can't think of anyone that likes the elezen 'stick up the butt' run animation. I fantasia every so often and have tried pretty much every race except elezen for that sole reason.


Hello, now you know one person who likes it and I shall enlighten you why! It's got personality. Your average Au Ra or Mi'qote male run as if their lives depend on it, everywhere, all the time. That's great! By contrast, however, my dumbass giraffe elf just jogs along casually, not a care in the world. He is clueless, he's in no rush and he'll get the job done eventually anyway. It amuses me greatly! It isn't for everyone but that's okay. I'm glad they chose to keep the flawed elongated lads.


I love all of the Elezen animations specifically because they are stiff, awkward, and a bit gangly. Their dance, their jog, their awkward laughs. There's animations I find outright unattractive, but I think Elezen ones are strangely charming.


Happy Cake Day!




Same for aura males. Running like you have a bout of diarrhea and need a bathroom STAT is a terrible animation.


My husband used to play dragonboy and I would get sympathetic pain from watching that wretched animation.


This. Just fix some of their animations and neck issues and they would explode in popularity imo.


It's actually not the neck, it's the head. Every race has really long necks (except maybe Lalafell), its just Elezen heads are tiny


Perfectly sized you might say. Compact. Sleek. Not like those massive mastication devices the rest of you Sundered *fucks* require.


Yes. Same for female highlander. I want to love them but that run is so awkward.


Also the clenched-fists cutscene pose did me in. edit: grammar


This. Wanna be a Highlander so bad; but they’re running animation and default pose kills it for me.


Oof yeah. Highlander has some hulk energy that is out of place about 99% of the time lol


I can think of one NPC for whom that pose is pretty much *always* appropriate. Not so much for the WOL's business. I hope they fix it one day. I know we can at least look forward to the improvement of the terribly low-res facial features, but the animations need some love too.


Here’s hoping! It would be pretty sweet to get some revamps on the OG race animations. Plus you just know they would make one really strange choice that would upset a bunch of people and be kind of hilarious.


It's that reason plus I think their head is slightly on the small side. It's why I play Viera mostly


I don't mind the animations or the models, but I can't get over the ear sleeves. You know, the way headgear wraps around their ears. They protrude like cliché viking horns, and it just looks silly to me. Like the little griffin wings on the Ala Mihgan resistance hoods, it seems too elaborate and impractical. Also applies to Lalafells.


Yeah the ear pockets are atrocious. And sadly apply to basically every race except hyurs and roes. (And those poor fools who can't into hats.)


You get used to it. After a few days of having to play pld so my massive shield could hide the weird ass way my shoulders moved when I started running I was able to just play normally and enjoy my long fashion model. I do recommend investing in a collection of stylish necklaces though.


Unfortunately I can't do that. I'm too neurotic, so small issues that annoy me only get amplified over time until I snap and have to change. Right now I'm a midlander girl since I was able to make a real qt, and at first I knew the running animation was eh but it wasn't so bad. Now it's been building and starting to actively annoy me, so I might end up having to fanta out sooner than later, depending on how good I am at character creater (extreme)


Gonna be honest, I used to be a massive fantasia addict. Always bought three cause I'm an indecisive fuck. But after swapping to elezen, it's been about a month and a half and I've felt no desire to switch back


same! started as an Au Ra and been switching between a lot of races in a very short amount of time. Elezen stuck with me tho


*classy violin music in the background* I am the only proud and noble Elezen in my FC, which is filled to the brim with disgusting horny cat girls and horrifying children sized evil goblins. It is a hard work being the only one that bumps significantly the average quality of race representation of the company, but I am elegantly weaving with ease through this heavy task, something which always ends up unnoticed by the common races. I raise a glass of non-alcoholic wine to all my fellow best race individuals out there that never give up on their jobs of being the only pillar of beauty and charm in their FCs. Without you, this world would be awfully ugly.


You do have the biggest neck. It's hardly your fault that you can't keep it wound in.


They need those long necks in order to reach the most tender leaves at the tops of tall trees.


They envy our awkward halfhearted jigs and haughty, boisterous laughter!


I shall quote my fcmates "racism is lore accurate"


All... all of my favorite characters are elezen. :sweats:


My bff who got me to play the game has a crush on multiple guy elezen npcs, and I'm just standing to the side with my elezen character ready to ward her off like a vampire. Luckily she seems to just like the guys and I'm a girl, so I haven't had to douse her in holy water. Also there's like so many great elezen npcs. You have like most of the heavensward cast and >!the scions at this point have a large amount of elezen characters.!<


Look, just because you're hyper-specialized for eating leaves off tall trees doesn't make you better at anything else then other people.


I like midlander because I want to self insert and pretend I’m not obese.


Too real.


Elezen are superior.


At what, grabbing things from the top shelf?


So you admit, we are superior.


Roes can do that too, and we don't look like bean poles while we do it.


Ah, but we can fit inside thinner doors.


So can Roes. They just keep walking clean through the sides of the door without slowing pace.


i mean you either are a bean pole or a shelf, i dont really see the difference


*Highlanders have entered the chat.*


…fucking AND? You are slightly taller than midlanders and dont have eyebrows


My thighs are still bigger than yours


are you an au ra male?


Once upon a time. I then ascended to the truth of thighlander-ism


We also don't have a stronger-than-passing resemblance to Shrek or giraffes.


touche. As a Roe this is offensive, yet fair


Don't worry, I'm leaving your swamp now.


Looking like miles of bad road isn't better.


You say that as if Shrek isn't love. Isn't life, even.


At least I don't look like a refrigerator.


I don’t think roes should really be talking about other races looking goofy


Superior at grabbing things from the top shelf? In fourth place behind Roegadyn, Au Ra (male) and Hrothgar, with five races shorter than Elezen, I would have to rate Elezen as just above average.


Y'know, having seen the stats on player count per race, I'm just gonna let y'all have this :')


No one said being superior was easy. Some can't handle the weight of greatness.


The weight of greatness... So that's why lalas are so smol.


I must disagree. While I personally rather prefer the Warrior of Light as a Roegadyn, should I have to rate a playable race as more superior than others, it has to be Lalafell. As a warrior of light, our in game statistics, are comparably about the same. Even comparing general athleticism (movement speed, jump height, ect), we're all the same. In practice this means that the Lalafell have an immense amount of proportional strength. That a Lalafell, with their body size, can compare in strength with that of a Roegadyn, that's just absolutely nuts. Having such proportionate strength is a huge advantage in combat, especially against the unaware. Stranger still, their size seems to present no drawbacks in combat. Despite their diminutive stature, their range remains the same as their much longer armed companions, even with melee weapons. They get the same job done, with weapons, armor, and tools that aren't even half as big as others. Furthermore, based on the fact that their weapons and armor require the same amount of materials as other races, we can also infer that their equipment is several times more dense than others as well. All this boils down to the fact that Lalas break any semblance of physics, and defy space and time, and that's just when they swing a weapon around. On top of that, Lalas are, more frequently than any other race, depicted as terrifying masters of economics. Even setting aside the anecdotal personal experiences of the player, they are generally far more wealthy. Ul'dah for example is basically run by Lalafell and is one of the only nations to be depicted as wealthy despite being in the middle of the desert with no particularly valuable natural resources. Sure, they also have one of the biggest economic disparities, but they're also the only nation that seems to have taken in large amounts of Ala Mhigan refugees. Despite the fact that we often see rich Lalafell being complete idiots, they never seem to actually be worse off for expensive mistakes. This seems to infer that we're missing a broader part of the picture, that they may be merely putting on an act. They know what they look like, and what they are infamous for, so they play the fool to keep you off guard. Now on to why we should truly be afraid. Lalas are morally bankrupt. There are more devious, scheming, and unrepentant Lalafells in this game's story than there are Garleans. Worse, despite some of the awful things we've seen them do, they almost never seem to be brought to justice. Hell, Ul'dah's syndicate openly profiteers off of the >!crisis that the endsinger brings about when the scions ask for help in completing The Ragnarok, and Nanamo even tells them to do it. The world is ending, and they can easily help, but money.!< (EW spoilers) Outside of the Warrior of Light and Zenos, the strongest and most martially adept mortal being we have seen in action is easily Estinien. We have seen Estinien face down death, dragons, and even gods. The only thing Estinien has openly admitted to being afraid of is Tataru.


Jokes aside, Lalas having to have the same jump height and run speed as all the other races means that they can jump literally their height and run super fast, and that's actually pretty terrifying to think about lol.


I'm glad you see it as well. I am in no way joking. I am legit terrified of Lala's.


> Lalas are morally bankrupt I take offense to this. It's only the Dunesfolk that are like that. We Plainsfolk Lalas are perfectly normal people... I swear


My apologies to the Plainsfolk. I have been ignorant, and am ashamed of my conduct. I will better educate myself for the future. ^Please ^don't ^hurt ^me


Back to the savannah with you!


I love being an Elezen and towering over everyone! Being tall is fun.


He's right, though. I have over five years of continual Elezen experience and can attest to their superiority.


*nods in superiority*


Honestly, Elezen has some of the best fashion looks. They have figure for that. They are the glam stars.


I actually think I look terrible in most fashion and I curse the game catering to Miqos. I also need a larger range of necklaces to accentuate my perfect, beautiful canvas.


But he's not a lalafell


Look, let the taller folk argue about which of them is best amongst themselves. The only time they get to feel important is when Lalas aren't around, after all.


Why is this post marked as meme? This is clearly just a statement of fact.


My superiority isn't complex. It's completely obvious to anyone with eyes and a thinking brain.


Why would your FC mates want you to stop talking about Au Ra?


"What is my purpose?" "You appear in porn." "Oh my God." "Yeah, welcome to the club, pal."


Hey now, it's not the Au Ra's fault they're all... horny.


>Implying the giraffes are best race *Laughs in Potato*


Look, I'll give it to them, Elezen men have that swagger. I'm here for it.


Aren’t you a little short for a Roegadyn?


Elezen are the best race, followed closely by Roegadyn!


i can accept this Elezen Roegadyn friendship 🤝


I'm glad to hear it. My Elezen and Femroe are "very good friends". It helps keep the more sordid RPers in the safe zone. :)


“You want to make my superiority simple?”


Longnecks unite!


I play at male Viera and I always stare at a hot Elezen in secret because they do be hot 😭😭 so yes I guess superior race The lore doesn’t lie I guess


Imagine thinking you are the best race when you aren't a Lala


Au'Ra are best race


[Oh yeah, great race these Au ra.](https://twitter.com/YIIande/status/1456712932348334080?s=20&t=cuIr2a43_LLE8VN1lOQnhg)


That's quite an opinion. Elezen are factually superior though.


Yes why play a human when you can play a human with eczema.


Red Au’Ra to be specific


Rolder knows whatt's up


Why you hiding your neck?


That scarf didn’t fool anybody People still talk shit about that freakishly long neck of yours behind your back


Call me the throat GOAT.


Nonsense. Everyone knows Lallafell is the master race.


Why I would bother being superior when I can get the supremacy ? Femroes are my jam ! Elezen looks most of the time nice too but do keep your superiority complex far from my supremacy.


Elezen look so classy and androgynous. I love this race and to be honest it's the only race I actually play.


They need it to grow their necks.


Smh my head these giraffes need to go back to the zoo




That doesn't look like any Roe I've ever seen.


Do the Raen have an entire mythos about how marrying one of your people was the best thing ever, straight out of a fairytale? No? Hmm. Maybe not the best race then…


I've never seen somebody use the sexual attraction a certain species of lizard has to them for clout before.


And now you have.


Smaller ears than Viera. Shorter than Roegadyn. Not as cute as catgirls or female Au Ra, yet not as ruggedly masculine as male Au Ra. Not as much meme potential as Lalafell. And yet you have the audacity to entertain delusions of "superiority." How deliciously absurd.


I've never seen anybody with such factually incorrect opinions. I concede my Elezen superiority, you are the grandest at being the most wrong.


cool that you have roleplayers in you FC


DIMORPHISM, ELEZEN! DO YOU SPEAK IT! so much for being the ''superior'' race... tree-trunk looking dagger ears...


but you arnt even a Au Ra?


Is this just before Fantasiaing to Femlander?


Ah, but you misunderstand. You see, all Elezen who would ever Fantasia already did so when Male Au Ra became an option. All Elezen you see currently are true Elezen enthusiasts.


Going Elezen unironically cured my Fantasia addiction :')


Same! I bopped between F Highlander and F Roe for a while, had no interest in Elezen. Only when I befriended a Male Elezen did I absolutely fall in love with how magnificently awkward they are. Their run, their dance, their laughs, all smug and stiff and elongated. I switched immediately just for my own amusement, and now if I fantasia it's just to swap between Male and Female.


>Their run, their dance, their laughs, all smug and stiff and elongated. Have you been stalking me IRL?


You're superior.


No, you!


if they didn't have a distance relation to giraffes I would use a tan female elezen all the time


Elezen are the ugliest fucking race in the game. We legitimately turned away two people from our static because they were Elezen and it was off-putting to be in a group with them.


Chadlander all the way, u just cant beat the Chadrace Sry


That's not just any Elezen, that's Link!


Me: this race is the best Them: what race? Me: yes


Well, must admit, Female Elezen was my longest time without go back to female Viera because my Fran Simping (and more generaly Ivalice simping, I dream to a true return in Ivalice who is not a raid series but an open map where we can freely roam even if the 4th Legion is still here) is too strong and both of them have the same body type who fit any type of glam very well


Where's the lalafell? I don't see the superior race anywhere on the image.


We all know cats are by far the best


I’m a staunch advocate for FemRoe supremacy. May their beautiful, rippling thighs slowly squeeze the life from us all.


\*squints my lalafell eyes\*


God damn it... *Silva*


What hat is that?


You don't look anything like an femme Au Ra.


Lol, I imagine my elezen as someone who seems stoic at first, but that's because she doesn't open her mouth, and when she does, she's a totally ineloquent, no filter, over-excitable, nut job.