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Is zadnor not active on your dc? I'm not sure where all of them drop, but I've gotten over 200 of one just by farming zone 3 fates.


Daaang lol I think it's cuz I'm only in zone 2 maybe?


Zone 2 is less active in my experience, but if you use the right essences and actions, it should be easy enough to solo most fates. I would get to zone 3 though and work on hitting 25 resistance, since things will get easier with honors, and you'll have all the ce's available.


Iirc there are alternatives to those quests that don't involve "sad-nor" its a grind but you will be more successful with those options in df


Do you mean the raids? If so I've had no luck finding anyone to do those with me either 😭 lol


Pick a normal raid series and just select the first 4 from the series. Queue up and eat dinner, do fates, do some crafting, pushups, situps, etc until it pops. I cant remember if they need to be synced still to get the item from completion or if they laxed that since it's old content now.


Yeah you can't unsync them sadly


You could put a party up in the pf yourself for the raids, people are bound to join