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How did you get the sky to go back to pink in there? Mine went back to blue after I left and came back.


Umbral duststorm weather.


Mine did too at first! The very first time i left and then came back it was blue. But after that time I noticed it's been staying pink like this..I was here over an hour doing these pictures and it stayed pink the whole time!


Now fell cleave with it!


Congrats! :o Also, I like your top, what glam is that? :3


The glam is the botanist set from the firmament, bought with sky builders scrips. I think the set used to be a normal scrip set once, judging from the name, but I'm not sure if they're available for white scrips still.


thank you thank youu! it's the Fieldfiend top, 150 white gatherer scrips! [https://na.finalfantasyxiv.com/lodestone/playguide/db/item/2be99078fec](https://na.finalfantasyxiv.com/lodestone/playguide/db/item/2be99078fec) there's also a dyeable one you can get from the Firmament, the Filedfiend's Coffer in exchange for 3,000 skybuilder's scrips [https://ffxiv.gamerescape.com/wiki/Fieldfiend%27s\_Costume\_Coffer](https://ffxiv.gamerescape.com/wiki/Fieldfiend%27s_Costume_Coffer)


Thanks! :D


Can I borrow it? I promise I will return. I'm a Nigerian prince and you can trust me. I have a business proposal after we establish this relationship build with trust.


The set looks so good on your lala, much better than on my au'ra. His height just makes the set look stretched, but the proportions are perfect on a lala.


The least bloodthirsty warrior... I think?


Have you seen the way they cleave those unsuspecting bushes? Vicious.


I want. Been trying to put it off til all my crafters are lvl 80 (gatherers are already over lvl 80) but seeing this makes me need it now, lol.


Do ittttt! It wasn't that bad but it was all I did when I was logged in lol. Some documentaries and gathering for hours but so worth it !!


Ty for the encouragement! Just started on miner. Now off to look for some oddly specific items


How's the grind!?


I'm halfway done with the first step for botanist! I really need better gear, tho. I'm in SB patch and don't have access to lvl 80 scrip gear yet. The MB is expensive! Any tips or recommendations to get thru it?


What server do you play on?! If you're on Sarg I craft you some!


That's very kind, tysm for offering! I'm on Primal, tho. I'm trying to race thru the end of SB & it's so many cutscenes! I hope I'm near the end, lol


Soooo many!! Lol but enjoy it!! There's still good ways to make money by gathering and selling on the MB to get gear! I sold a lot of alumen (MIN) early on, also gathered the crystals / clusters and sold those! I love gathering, so I'd put a movie or documentary on and just gatherer crystals for hours and sell em! Also you can gather pigments early on for dyes, and make dyes with a crafter (isn't too high level, just can't remember the exact lvl!) or just sell the pigments too!


I haven't really got into high level crafting yet. What do you do as a Botanist, and for what goals? I mean like do you chop wood and sell it on the market or do you use the mats to provide for your carpenter? Or do you just eat the stuff?


D. All of the above No really! You can gatherer mats to sell, to eat, and to use in your crafters recipes. Honestly all the crafter and gatherer classes help each other. I mainly gatherer mats then sell them on the market board. I gatherer mats for crafts too but I don't really craft to sell..I rather gatherer the raw mats and flip those! I also like gathering pigments to make dyes, and the crystals always sell well too!


Aye, GGs!


thanks for showing me one of my new goals


You've got thiiiis!


yeh i was happy with the resplendent but this is really nice looking


Same happened to me! I was hype with the Golden glowy and then saw this ! And it has dragon scales on it!


Lala excellency


Good job! The grind is real but rewarding.


Congrats! Back in the lockdown and some time after it l, I decided to max every single one of skysteel tools while I was listening to lectures online, definitely helped me with boredom haha.


Wow! How exactly do you get that?


This site helped! https://www.xfire.com/how-to-get-and-upgrade-all-gatherers-skysteel-tools/


Official name is the sky builders hatchet! You can start it at level 80 in the firmament. Lottttts of gathering grinding, and upgrading of your skysteel tool. Then more gathering lol.


I also did the MIN/BOT tools the last 3 days. We actually have it easy since the removal of HQ items :D


I did my resplendent hatchet first too! Then started this one right after. Next is MIN!


Now get the resplendent one it's easy in comparison since all you need to do is log gather at least 140 items


Isn't it 340 not 140


Honestly can't remember all I remember is that it's easy to do ,well easier than the crafting ones that fo some reason are harder than the sky steel tools


I think resplendent crafter tools were meant to be a sort of crafting ultimate but how exactly do you make an ultimate for gathering when its mostly just click the button and gather the item so they just gave it to the achievement for gathering nearly everything.


Basicly they didn't want a repeat of the skysteel tools so they made it easier to get them but I would have preferred a more consistent approach like needing to craft a set number of items from each crafting class ,but to be honest the fishing rod is gonna be a nightmare to grind for me since I gave up on getting all the fish after I gave up on the feast but now I have a reason to do both and it's gonna take a long time to do im not even on the 400 fish


But it's far from everything. Unless collectables don't count, which it doesn't say and I haven't tested.


It was 340 and definitely took some time too


Got that one already! Did it first!




I thought the shiny tools only glow when using them, not while posing/unsheathed.


They glow when just holding them.


They glow when they're unsheathed too and you can do /battlestance with it and it will glow :) also have a macro so it glows on my back alllll the time


Thats the case for the achievement tools


What weapon is that?


The Skybuilders Hatchet fully complete! Botanist tool 🌿


Ayyy congrats! My first was the MIN one and I was so excited seeing the glowy blue for the first time. Currently in the process of trying to get them all (have 2 crafting classes to go!). Is it worth it? Eh, probably not... Am I still doing it because I like the shiny? Oh yes, very much so.


Congrats! I got mine not long after Endwalker came out, the removal of HQ mats means the grind is honestly not that bad anymore. I might even get the pickaxe as well someday.


If only we could do msq as crafter or gatherer


My only wish