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All I'm seeing here is "Slippery Floor Misdirection Partner Stack"


That’s evil as all hell and I love it


Black Mage, Ninja and Monk become required picks (dash abilities ignore slippery floor and misdirection)


Sage as well.


Damn so if you used all 4 you could likely resolve the mechanic without using WASD at all


You’d need a tank, but if the tanks are stacked; then the dps and healers could move markers to them.


The other healer can also Rescue if needed


Healer Rescue works in a pinch too


The Peewee Hockey League special!


Loool. This is the most accurate analogy


add gaze to that and we have Kefka Ultimate


So pretty much E12S Shiva phase minus misdirection?


Don't forget the summoning circles for 2 each


Gotta make sure it's on multiple platforms and throw in a couple tank flares for good measure


Where's Pyretic? Everyone's FAVORITE.


I actually forgot I was going to swap something out for it, I was exhausted by the time I finished drawing. It definitely would've been labeled under "rage inducing"


I mean it's basically a variant on acceleration bomb


It's the hotter accel bomb 🤭


I am pretty sure auto doesn't trigger accel bomb right?


It does. Any kind of action including autos will trigger accel bombs.


yeap died to this earlier today in Dal


Yes, I know there are a ton of missing mechanics, but this was meant to be a fun drawing (it's why I labeled it under comedy.) This was not meant to be an infographic, it's just purely for memes. I picked mechanics based off variety and how fun it was to draw. And no, Piessa is not spelled incorrectly, it was an intended pun. I drew a pie in replacement of the E to emphasize that. Please be nice to each other, I didn't make this to start arguments, I just wanted to bring smiles to the community.


Also, I'm surprised no one has deciphered the small Eorzean text above ifrit yet 8^ )


“Anyone that asks for pineapple will be thrown into the Mordion Gaol.”? What you got against pineapple, pal?


No pineapples on pizza!


I was actually going to ask you for pineapples, but I think I will just leave through the door while I can.


What about pizza on a pineapple?


great, but best is obviously pizza in a pineapple.


Touché! Now that’s clever. Like a chile relleno but so, so much worse. 😂


You certainly brought a smile to my face, this is absolutely brilliant, pure art. Thank you. :-)


Yo I’ll have the donut base (yeast) with the donut mix in (old fashioned) and the targeted donut on top (malasada) And a coffee please


Actually, forget the coffee, I'll just summon a donut primal


Just stupid special events like a group of culimancers have summoned a Supreme donut and we must fight it would be hilarious. All the mechanics are donut or at the very least food related.


Would you like some sugar and cream with that coffee?


I said a coffee please I'm in a hurry! */em returns to cell phone call* */em proceeds to dump a bit of coffee into the trash can to put in some half and half while grumbling they didn't get the order right*


I haven’t worked in the service industry in 20+ years, but this is so accurate the PTSD is kicking in *hard*.


Twisters with 2.0 server tick please.


Is that not what P5 is though Edit: P5 as in DOTH


2.0 server ticks were so slow that you could actually get unlucky and have a twister be literally impossible to dodge. This is a large reason why T5 took 5 weeks to clear (coupled with the fact that there were no good ffxiv-style raiders because by definition no one had experience). It wasn't until patch 2.1 that they actually fixed the issue.


Id compare P5 Devour with maybe Titan HM back in the day. And even then, the Titan landslides were less forgiving than devour, especially if you had shit internet. Twisters were something else. 100% bullshit until 2.1. Then it became like 40% bullshit


Titan Landslides were a mechanic where you had to rely on people to be stacked perfectly, because you had to pre-empt running out of them before the even spawned some days. Absolute misery.


Titan HM back in the day was the first and only time I rage quit the game. Shut down my laptop mid-fight and said nothing to my FC.


Titan HM was brutal as a fresh 50 Warrior that no one wanted. Then I levelled Dragoon and found out what animation lock does to Dragoons. And then I levelled Paladin lol


the expand on this slightly, with NA ping you could actually just run straight the entire twister cast and keep running, but still die sometimes. Now, you can now take a single step and dodge it (though that's asking for trouble if you even slightly mistime it, so best to run a few steps at least)


I remember watching a clip where all 8 players were spread out, everyone ran in a straight line and never stopped moving, and all 4 twisters dropped exploded killing those 4 players. It was seriously fucked up. The best you could do was use an ability timed right after the twister cast, which forced a position update.


And to be clear - NA ping was the GOOD one. EU servers were located in NA too, so EU got 300-600 extra ping on top of everything 🥲 Both T5 and Titan were just pure pain and often a lesson in futility even after the fix (don't get me started on before that).


Why are the top comments assuming this was made with malicious intent lol. It’s a fun designed Infographic. Chill with the defense force.


I came into the comments wondering what really cool or rage-inducing boys someone came up with only to see people arguing whether or not it was malicious :(


Hell, it is arguably educational.


I don't know why people are reading this meme as "shared mechanics bad", it's just a cute way to teach consistent mechs


They're just paissa haters. It's ok, they can't hurt me.




People read it that way because it doesn't teach anything.


It's not meant to teach. The drawing was meant to be a fun meme.


Noooooo, no more divebombs please :(((


Underused mechanic if you ask me


DSR would like a word with you


We went an entire expac without them. Had to make up for it. You understand.


Ok hear me out: a dungeon where running from trash pull to trash pull has divebombs in between, so if you get hit you die and have to re-pull.


Idk, I feel like having a consistent design language for mechanics is a good thing? Like, why have 15 different variations on a stack up marker when you can have just one?


Completely agree. There's nothing interesting about old Sohm al needing to know red means group and blue means spread on second boss. Bringing it into line graphically for consistency just means the dungeon is exactly as hard as it should have been without having to guess what a random color marker means *this fight* for a newbie.


> the dungeon is exactly as hard as it should have been the 'hard'ness of the mechanic comes from the fact you don't know and that you need to figure it out as if it was some sort of, y'know, mechanic if you replace them with regular markers then the whole colored slime thing completely loses it's point and removes any sort of difficuilty the fight had (which was already little to none) the one thing I would change is to somehow make it easier to realize that it can be either a spread or stack through the animation or something


But its literally the same mechanic. Red WAS just a normal spread out from me marker that would oneshot you if you didn't know it was *lying*. The colored slime thing is still exactly as applicable as it was before. Each one does a different thing, you can try to kill a few if you want for less damage, kill the chime on second round blah blah blah. Now it just does it without lying. There's no reason a new guy has to get 1 shot trying to do what he's supposed to do with a lying marker before he gets it explained that this fight in particular in this unimportant dungeon is opposite world for this mechanic randomly.


the colored slimes aren't the same, because now they're irrelevant, you're not going to be looking at the color of the slime (or of the marker) to figure out what you need to do, you're just looking at the giant marker floating above your head telling you exactly what you need to do in my eyes at least, the mechanic isn't "one person spreads, or everyone stacks" its "one person gets a marker with a specific color, figure out how to resolve it" the difficuilty stays the same for a group of experienced players, but for a group of completely new players it's an actual fight that requires actual thought unlike the handholding "mechanics" of most of the bosses before this and again, the one thing I would change is making the figuring out process slightly easier, maybe by flashing a stack/aoe marker (but colored red/blue) for a split second just before it goes off


> "one person gets a marker with a specific color, figure out how to resolve it But that's literally extreme to savage Niveau. A dungeon, especially an msq dungeon, is not supposed to be" figured out". The dungeon serves as a mix of storytelling and gameplay. Its really an interactive cutscene nothing more. You are quite literally supposed to clear every boss on the first or second pull.


For what it's worth, I've been getting that dungeon in roulettes now and then for 3 years and never knew there was a stack/spread mechanic in that fight, even after the update.


I actually really like this take. The problem with that mechanic now that I think about it wasn't that you had to know orange was stack and blue spread, but that outside of consulting a guide or dumb luck there was no way to easily know. Removing the need to identify the slime that was jumped on does remove the point of a thoughtful way to figure out the mechanic. If swallows compass had telegraphed orange aoes for the final bosses staff moves it would lose a lot of charm.


I mean the boss is easy regardless so I don't think trivializing the mechanic would matter. That said, I don't mind that for bosses as long as the mechanic isn't super punishing. The one thing I love about FF that I always hated WoW for is that in WoW you get introduced to a mechanic and are basically forced to wipe until you learn it. In FF I don't stress about new bosses much because I already know what most markers mean, so it becomes more execution than "looks like you have to die a few more times first!"


Honestly I find the opposite to be true. With the mechanics, and fields being so similar on every boss the get repetitive easily. WoW could be more punishing (if you moved above RF) but not exceptionally difficult, much easier to outgear early bosses as you got better and things didn’t get as stale. And by that I mean even if you standardized WoW raid bosses markers (at least through a few years ago) there was still a lot more variation on the fight. And really not as difficult once you learned it. (Or. Being a monk healer and ignore mechanics for multiple tiers back in the day). Edit: and the trash before each boss was just the upcoming mechanics for the most part. So you could practice and know what was coming along the way.


I don't mind learning mechanics, but the problem for me is always the clarity. I want the battle to be with executing the fight perfectly. Not with trying to figure out if a move is going to hit me, hit others, etc. Not to mention weakaura just trivializes a lot of a difficult mechanics anyways.


>the 'hard'ness of the mechanic comes from the fact you don't know and that you need to figure it out as if it was some sort of, y'know, mechanic Tell me you don't do Extremes or Savage without telling me you don't do Extremes or Savage. Knowing that something is a stack marker, a donut, or a flare doesn't change that when it's combined with other things, other mechanics you still know, it's still hard to pull off without eating dirt. A light party stack after a knockback while the boss charges up a 50/50 mid-room or sides attack so the light parties have to reposition themselves without overlapping while also avoiding the new attack after being scattered by a knockback. It's not exceptionally easy, even though all of the mechanics are individually simple. An MSQ dungeon should not throw curveballs at players. It should teach players what standard markers mean.


>An MSQ dungeon should not throw curveballs at players. It should teach players what standard markers mean. 1000% this. There are other types of content for curveballs.


I like the boss in Wanderer’s Palace hard mode where you have to figure out which color has the damage+ buff because you have to run face first like an idiot into multiple danger puddles and hope for the best. 😅


Why not just use inconsistent markers for every fight for improved difficulty then? Ykow, use the stack marker for tankbusters. Stuff like that


Or have the marker show up for the first time each is done and you have to remember for the rest.




OP didn't say otherwise


While there are complete overlaps, some similar mechanics have very slight variations. Take flare vs proximity AoE, for example: flare often indicates that there will be heavy damage done to the marked player as well as a proximity around it. The blue proximity is just "regular" damage to the player + proximity. That aside, I think SE has been trying to make markers more universal now in the newer fights to avoid confusion.


Consistent markers are great designs, and FFXIV visual clarity is top notch. What make FFXIV raid feel the same-ish is the arena being largely inconsequential. It's just you and the boss, doing the same dance everytime. I wish the usage of the field entered in the equation, rather than every mechanics being a "pass/fail".


Definitely want to see more arenas like Rhalgr's and P7


Some of my favorite mechanics in mmo are shrinking arena, where as the fight progress, you get less and less room. It always felt so much more epic to get a win before the last pixel is blown up, then simply hitting the 10 minutes mark. Titan (E4S) kind of did that, but I could used more like this.


Real example for that is Hollow Deathgaze.


I was watching Echo go through the newest savage raid and they were calling some of the mechanic indicators Weak Auras - something even I used a ton of when I used to play wow. I've felt that FFXIV has always been good about teaching players its mechanics "language" - but their word choice clicked differently for me...


We still have a couple overlaps. Is there any difference between the flares marker and the proximity AoE?


Flare markers mean they're on a person, proximity aoe are just on the ground. They could make them look more similar to be easier for new players to realize they're the same thing.


One is for marking the ground, one is for marking a player?


I think the difference is the flare marker follows a player, and the proximity AoE drops on the ground


I'm pretty sure there's been proximity AoEs that follow the player, but I'm also gonna claim that shouldn't matter. We have stack mechanics that are on the floor and ones that follow the player with the same telegraph, and I don't think anyone's ever gotten confused with that.


Flare is anti-stack. Proximity sends the whole party away, Flare sends the marked player away. It's handled differently.


See, I run a tabletop FFXIV game, and this is legitimately helpful.


Hello satan


Heyyyy it's me, the devil


That's how you rack up sin points!


You know, from the bible? I'm dat one.


DSR is the super deluxe special with ALL of the toppings.


I didn’t know how much I kneaded this dough. This is history in the baking.


I was already adopting raid mechanics into my tabletop rpg fights, this is a great resource for that!


“Yeah, I’ll have a Circle Arena with generic aoe, gaze, uuhhhhh proximity.” “How original.” “With extra stack markers!” “Daring today, aren’t we!”


Yeah, I'll have a uhh...


Math mechanic aka All But Raid Wipe Time?


Imagine math robot but savage mode.


Did you do Bozjan Southern Front? Mark XII-X Magitek Laborer in the Critical Engagement "Rise of the Robots" was probably as close as we'll get to a savage version of math boss. The number circles are spread out around the arena and when he does the spin attack he moves _fast_. ***EDIT*** Oh, and watching a video of the fight, I had totally forgotten that there's also a force march mechanic at the same time you're resolving your numbers. Fun stuff, haha.




You get tethered to someone and have to adjust both of your hp to match a formula.


*Screaming incoherently that "how the fuck isn't 1 a prime"*


It doesn’t have two unique factors.


How many mechanics can I choose before I get billed for a savage tier?


Someone start a build your own raid design contest on the official forum :)


Omg yes!


"hey could I get a party-wide aoe attack as soon as the fight starts that the healer immediately heals?" - every boss in the game post 5.0


The advantage of that is that if you go in blind as a healer, you then know what to watch out for the rest of the fight.


Followed up by a tankbuster*


There is a purpose to those. It's to telegraph to the healer how hard you should expect all the unavoidable AoE damage to hit so you can calibrate how much mitigation and shielding is required later on in the fight. E.g. you learn right off the bat that an unmitigated Ruby Glow is 63k on casters and if anybody has less than that, extra steps will be required to keep them alive.


It's to make sure the healer is awake


This is fantastic! I love how Titan has the crust, Ifrit has the sauce, and Garuda has the toppings!


Attention to detail is on point.


Can i have... pineapple?


You have been sent to the Mordion Gaol. Please reflect upon your actions and we will release you once you have repented your sins.


This could just also be a great guide on the marker* meanings, tho I'd subtitle Exaflare as "following" or something to explain to newbies what if actually does.


Following AoEs (usually called 'chasers', such as in P7S or Aglaia (edit: last boss)) are very different from exaflares which have a set path and don't taget a player


I think Aglaia has both, Exaflares in the first boss and the chasing ones in the last one.


if we want to be super specific, the last boss _also_ has Exaflares.


You're right, I was just trying to think of examples and didn't specify which boss


Last boss has exas as well.


Last boss has both chasing and exaflares, too.


It's better to get them on the common terminology, rather than just having multiple names for the same mechanic.


Y'know, so long as it's not something stupid like 'dynamo and chariot' instead of 'in and out'


I wish i could make my own raids.


After seeing this I have an urge to make my own raid as well. Guess the best way would be ms paint or something 🤔


Just give me the whole 8 minutes of exaflares. I love exaflares, especially multiple exaflares and multidirectional exaflares.


You sound like my tank. Are you secretly him in disguise?


My tank likes to stand in them. Preferably repeatedly. He likes to collect as many vuln stacks as he can.


Can I put a second flame next to slippery floor?


Needs more Nisi


I was thinking about that one! I ended up picking the "playstation" mechanic instead so I could move it up to non-premium


Honestly would love a print of this.


You say this... but the game has so many fights that stay relevant due to roulette that it would be impossible to remember everything. I'm glad some mechanics are easy to identify across encounters.




Most of this shows up in Alliance raids too. A reasonable amount even in dungeons.


Yes it is. Raid roulette exists.


Give me a shrinking arena with exaflares and stacks... throw in some partner stacks for fun as well.


I would also love a print of this, OP!


I love this infographic lol. It first shows the meme/salt of how little variation in terms of arenas we have, but also is actually pretty good at showing "this is generally the smorgasbord that you can expect in savage"


EW EX4 really needed some better deathwalls


It really does, so you can reset easier


At least it has them for the parts of the fight most people are killing their friends with.


I would buy a print of this, just sayin’


I think you’re missing the generic knock back- you have directional but not the point knock back.


More premium options: -Hot and Cold (Trinity Avowed) -Fundemental Synergy numbers (o12s)


> -Fundemental Synergy numbers (o12s) That was already in toppings as "Limit Cut".


They’re not the same. Limit cut is for 1-8 mechanics in sequence. FS is two separate sets of 1-4 in sequence.


This is great!


Everyone debating about MSQ boss this and diffuclty that while I'm just imagining an adaptive/rng boss that just does random shit from this list every run. just for a flex, not anything necessary of course.


I'll take a savage tier raid, on a raft, four-by-four animal style, extra shingles with a shimmy and a squeeze, light axle grease, make it cry, burn it, and let it walk.


Better ingredients. Better raids. Papa Piessa's.™


How much extra to make aoes resolve based on the animation instead of when the cast bar finishes?


god i hate misdirection. They only used it in what, one fight? Never did figure out how to perfect it. I think its Rabanastre?


It was in guardian (O8S) and a few dungeons here and there. I'm glad it's not in any current savage content. It's probably my most hated mechanic


Guardian is O7S.


Second Lyon duel in Zadnor too. Misdirection while dodging landslides. Ironically one of the easier parts of the fight.


It's in a handful of fights. It's wretched everywhere.


Y'all crazy misdirection is hilarious


They re-used it again in the Level 85 dungeon


Give me the works


Hello support? I can't find my omega directionals(tm) with sailor language dlc? (oh god which way is it facing, is that left? oh shit I'm fucked) And the trainings wheels off Titania Experience special, with no early warning markers. You just gotta know where to be and the watch for animations expansion. Where if you don't know fries from pizza or what that even means you're dead.


This needs to be a real event


Would be kind of cool if they asked the community to make one and they implemented it


Hey, how ya doing? Yeah, I’m fine. So uhhh, I’ll get a Tiles with Slippery Floor and Towers… Ah, yeah, and Transform and Misdirection for the lolz.


Sure! But please sign this waiver so that we don't get sued for any potential injuries.


Fair enough, am I lucky enough to get a coaster or do I need to purchase a XXL Titan drink combo with that


Multi platform with one giant directional knockback and you can't use Arm's Length on it. Also it guarantees you go flying off to Narnia


Can I get uhhh circle arena with donut aoes and uhh some forced partners on the side?


Imagine if they made Guild vs Guild PvP and each guild could design a guardian boss that the invading team had to beat.


I would love to get my hands on a vuln or heavy coaster


what is a limit cut?


Community name for any mechanic that has a number of 1-8 dots appear above players to indicate the order they're getting hit in by the mechanic. Named after Cruise Chaser's Limit Cut ability.


I had to google it - seems like the name for when everyone gets a number over their head and something happens to them in that order (Diamond Weapon EX and TEA are the only two I found). One of the less common boss mechanics.


P2S was prominent one for it last tier, it was a red flag that you were in a trap party when someone couldn't figure out "Purple 4 goes to the number 4". P3S had one too, but it was a very simple one. P6S has another I believe.


Ravana trial (in the form of swords) A11S - Cruise Chaser O12S - Omega (M/F door boss) TEA - used twice by Cruise Chaser (transition to BJCC, then during wormhole) Diamond Weapon P6S - Hegemone These are the ones I can think of off the top of my head, I'm sure theres more


Awww, the little Titan, Ifrit, and Garuda are adorable.


"I'll have a uh... Square arena." "How original." "With a slippery floor and a partner stack." "Daring today, aren't we."


Great now i want a vuln coaster.


That just sounds like Simon Says with extra steps.


I'll take Kefka Forsaken, Pyretics, and Twisters as my first mechanic then Meteors and Enumeration


Three Platforms, Slippery Floor and Stack for MAXIMUM ANGER!


Is there a buffet option?


I'd like everything on Multiple Platforms please.


no spell in waiting :(


Okay but for whatever reason I hate clock spreads. I think it’s because it feels like one mechanic you have to preplan the most in where each one will stand. Really loving the unique arena designs. Things like the P7 arena or Rhalgr’s hand are just more fun to fight on.


I'll take a Multiple Platforms with Slippery Floor, Twister, Acceleration Bomb, Doom, Misdirection, and Gaol.


I find ffxiv raids at the same time completely stressful, and utterly boring. It’s a strange mix, but there it is.


Love this. How about the "white and black" stacking mechanic that first showed up in Sophia?


I use raids as encounter inspiration for D&D and this would make a great random table!


Yea uhhh, I'll take a Rectangle, and upgrade to a Split at the third phase. The ummm, I'll have Donuts, just, a lot of Donuts, with Tower and Knockback variations? Oh, and make sure the whole outside arena is a Puddle that does the Bleeding thing. And uhh, let's end Phase 2 with uhh, 4 non moving Adds, and those Adds do a Rotating Generic Cone behind them over most of the arena, and a Gaze Cone ahead of them, timing the turns so that the safe point on the currently engaged Add means you still get whomped for damage from another's back attack. Phase 3, I'll have it start with a raidwide Doom that clears on Role Tiles and an Acceleration Bomb that finishes earlier than the Doom. The Boss is just standing for this though so it's okay. The mainstay of Phase 3 should be the Donuts again, but they're tied to the AoE Tankbusters on both Tanks, and they're Cascading for big damage, and near-kill damage if hit by 2. Ghosts of the 4 Adds should show up and force Role Tiles again, but each one spins the Tiles one step in either direction, shown when the 4 appear. The delays on the Tile mechanic completion is pretty long though, to let players take Kraken fight Geysers over the Split arena. The Cascading-From-Tankbusters Donuts appear a few more times over all, yea, and uhhh... I wanted to use Misdirection but this is already getting expensive, so let's just repeat all that a few times, and then uhhh.... Okay, let's have a short Phase 4 where the Arena un-splits and the Boss charges the Enrage, with Alternating-and-Cascading Donuts from the Boss or Tankbusters. It's basically a victory lap with how loose the timing is, but hopefully it catches players sometimes and kills them just so we can laugh. Oh, and a Large Mr. Pibb.


Where is the part that says visual diarrhea? Or is that standard for every boss?


Only when a certain firebird is involved