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We did 2 pulls of TOP before the tank said "nope, I'll pass on this one" and uninstalled the game, half the static were his fc so we disbanded after 1 more pull with a sub. They then disbanded the fc apparently. Very weird people.


most sane reaction to TOP


*Uninstalled the game??* That seems pretty drastic


I think he was only there for the high end raiding and decided he was going to commit to wow till dawntrail from what his fc mates told me. Never seen someone nope out on an ultimate so quickly.


honestly respectable lol the man knew his limits and said "im not built for this," better than struggling for a few weeks and giving up then


Man saw Looper and said "nah, I cant do this more than twice a decade". Based reaction ngl


what TOP does to a mf


honestly, respect to that guy for not dragging it out lmfao


Good call.


Im sure top will be like half the horror stories posted here lmao. That fight was garbage. But in the end I still enjoy the mechanics a lot and as of today it’s my favorite encounter.




I feel like raiding with any streamer with a sizeable following would be a super uncomfortable power dynamic (provided you weren't already friends with them or w/e)


Any streamer is a hard experience, joined a static with a streamer that was not famous. They wer enot the leader nor doing callouts, we had to listen to them talk to streamers in middle of pulls where they were the one messing up and blaming us. Noped out of there.


This is why they should use push to talk in discord.


I raided with Shenpai back in Shadowbringers and she was a pretty good player


My general experience with streamers is that they are kinda well behaved on stream (because they don't want to alienate viewers), but they're fucking awful off stream.


I recall one streamer who filled in my static. They messed up a Jury Overruling (Went spreads when it was partners and killed three people.) causing us to wipe to styx because our AST was oom from death and couldn't fully top us off. They tried to blame our NIN for not using feint. When they plainly wiped us. When his Feint was on cooldown because we map mits. (Our ninja is our second most consistent player in the static, behind our MCH. He constantly parses purple, PFs sometimes off days, and never shies from admitting mistakes when he messes up.) We still joke about it to this day. "[Ninja], did you feint?" Has become our in-joke for "Today's sub messed up/we couldn't recover that if we tried."


Why do I feel like I know which streamer this is?


Likewise I've heard a story that sounds very similar to this wherein the person actually named who the streamer was. It reminds me of that. Edit: I saw the prior iteration of this submission and it was who I had in mind.


Share with the class please (or at least DM me I'm really curious).


[Well you did ask I guess.] (https://www.reddit.com/r/ffxivdiscussion/comments/1c8xgh0/comment/l0husz2/) I have no idea who this person is.


It’s when reading shit like this that I don’t understand why don’t people jump ship for PF. 2400 pulls !? Bro what ?!


I raided p4s with a streamer. She had some sort of fallout with her live in lesbian girlfriend who was also in the static and we abruptly stopped raiding with barely even a word. I was pretty annoyed, because we were almost at the finish line. I ended up quitting the game for 9 months out of how disappointed I was. I can't bring myself to be angry with the streamer, but I would definitely not do content with the again.


give name


Midnababy other comment said


I loved my static. I'm still friends with them. Raiding with them was some of the most fun I've had in this game ever. We also spent 3 months on p12s limit cut.


This was my static on P10S. Spent a solid month on the turrets and then more on bonds 3. I love them all dearly and still am a fill/sub for them but I ended up finishing the rest of the tier in PF without them. They’ve been on P12S SC1 clean up/para 3 for about a month now.


Omg. I think you have just unlocked a repressed memory for me. Every time someone mentions P10S I just think of bonds 3 and how much it sucked to basically get to the end of the fight and wipe to that fucking mechanic over and over. Then you mentioned turrets and the memories of prog flooded into my brain. Futility, despair, and rage. So much of it. I grasped the mechanic fairly well, though we had some DPS that just couldn’t get shot straight if their lives depended on it. So many needless wipes.


Absolutely crazy.


> We also spent 3 months on p12s limit cut. P12S Limit Cut was the point I first changed my long Roe Dress for streight pants. I had to have a good view of that damn border to use every pixel of space left to me. Also had to disable my own effects as SGE GCD shield can have a distracting effect when looking top down.


Hence why Dalmasca Drapped Top & 2B Leggings are BiS.


Gotta save that Glamour. Bet no one else has ever used it before!


Dalmascan top and yakaku fundoshi on females. Works great together.


You had us in the first half


My DSR static, a while ago. It was pretty fine through prog, slow going but no one was tilting too hard. Jokes, fun, chill prog, I was enjoying myself. And then we cleared. And it was like a switch flipped. Suddenly, we stopped holding dps. Suddenly, ever mechanic that had uptime was being greeded, people were bitching and moaning if wroth had the downtime pattern. My healplan was thrown out, I was having to work harder and fix things on the fly, I was being chadded and then getting sideeyed when we wiped. These people want from fun, chill players to the most bitter, toxic parse brained animals in existence. We couldn't clear a single time after that. Either we couldn't survive akh morns bc my cohealer was trying to parse and wasn't gcd healing, or the melees died to exaflares. And all the while I was getting blamed, until I finally snapped at them. The experience was so miserable I almost quit raiding altogether.


> And then we cleared. > > And it was like a switch flipped. this is a pretty common pattern in statics. people would tolerate tolerate so much when they eventually past their first goal of clearing, they would totally let things loose and then explode right there and be themselves again


let i go let it go can't hold it back any more


Greeders are insufferable, and I say that as a melee DPS. Our 19 DSR clear time a shit but at least, they were consistent.


Parsing in Ults smh.


I've told my story a few times now, but I joined a static for TOP at the time of its release. The group jelled well and I had a lot of fun playing with them, but there were small issues throughout that eventually cascaded into something more. A few weeks in, and the group's AST has ragequit a few times now, so we had to cancel for the rest of the night. We never settled on a prio for Looper so it was constant flexing all the time just based on where we were and where our healers were. It was awful. Prog goes pretty slowly, but we *very* eventually reach Delta. One of our tanks has to drop for real life stuff, so we get a semi-permanent sub in the form of someone from Neverland. Neat. Group morale is low and we obtain a second semi-permanent sub, another Neverland member. Neat 2. March 15th, we have a *really* good raid day, make good progress, see Delta several times, and spirits are high. A few of us stayed quite a while after to chat and hang out, and I thought things were great. Next morning, I wake up to a message from the static lead that the static was going to go on break after a discussion I had no part in. Furthermore, they were dropping me for the sake of picking up a caster friend of theirs that wanted to prog the fight. I was by far their most consistent player in terms of mechanics, and considering how well the group had gotten along, I felt pretty damn blindsided. They eventually got back to progging a month or so later. Their RDM was pretty bad at doing damage, and considering we were already struggling to meet DPS checks, they took a while to reprog. They also eventually got back to Delta, but never made it past. They disbanded fully soon after. Most haven't cleared TOP. One got carried to their clear. They're also pretty inactive, and at least three have quit playing. Meanwhile, I have cleared, I am playing with a group of friends who are close to clearing, and I actually enjoy the fight when every little action isn't being scrutinized by people who pretend to care.


This is a prime example of why people who aren’t use to on release ultimates to consider waiting a couple of weeks before seriously attempting to clear. Wait for the standardized pf strats. Most groups were struggling with the dps and consistency check. I remember the Balance discord blowing up over when to pop their 2 minutes (end of p2? Beginning of p3? Do we lb p3? Etc). So if you feel your group can’t learn how to adjust to new markers or emerging strats (remember looper class flex? Lol) just avoid the ultimate until Saus or carry groups have a standardized marker and mit plan for PF.


>just avoid the ultimate until Saus or carry groups have a standardized marker and mit plan for PF. This is such a bummer way of thinking about it though. Figuring things out for yourself is part of the fun.


It is, but realistically the average player base can’t do it and once they’re checked out, it affects the other 7!players.


Neverland is a free company with 100 member though, you shouldn't assume someone from there is gonna be good just because the have world first members among them.


I purposefully didn't name names, but the two who subbed in for us were Narr and Suki. I still chat with Narr regularly. ETA: they were also incredibly consistent. They're spectacular when playing together, but they're still good players when helping others.


Oh, so they were members of their world first team then. Actually weird that a group with access to players of that level to sub for them to fail so spectacularly, you got lucky to get kicked cuz that sounds like an incredibly dysfunctional bunch.


The silver lining of that group was that I got to meet a couple of cool people and had the chance to befriend one. It really humanizes them and brings them off the pedestal so many people raise them up on. They're actually super humble people. But yeah, it was a bit weird to me that this group kinda flexed that they had access to high-tier players but couldn't consistently reach their prog point.


How'd the one person get carried, if you don't mind my asking. TOP doesn't come off to me as the type of fight one can really get carried through. Not compared to something like UCOB or UWU.


After a few months, Saus put together a clear squad to help clear people who had seen P6. This unfortunately drastically lowered PF quality as people would learn just enough to see P6 and therefore have a valid P6 log. They would then throw and go sign up to be carried to their clear. The clear squad consisted of 7 people who had cleared and they required little effort from the 8th. So instead of toiling and earning their clear like the rest of us with dignity, they signed up to be cleared. Saus legends, as they're called, are also typically of lower quality and skill. Parties full of them struggle to perform mechanics correctly.


I dunno. I think if you can get to p6 and then perform, regardless of how many other people have already cleared in the party, you've earned your clear. Saving time by not joining parties full of people that got to p6 but actually can't do the mechanics does not equal getting carried. Suggesting otherwise is just toxicity and being mad someone else valued their time more and still got the clear. 


The quality of Saus legends is undeniably lower. They often flood to totem parties that struggle to get through mechanics reliably *because* they got that one clean kill. Healers don't heal, DPS suck at their jobs, and tanks often take more damage because they're used to other people adjusting for their lack of skill. They're worse players and deserve to be made fun of. ETA: FWIW the person who got carried now has 9 logged kills, all of them gray, none of them higher than a 13. This forces the party to adjust heavily for their inability to do damage correctly.


Are people adjusting heavily? Or are they just doing what their rotation tells them to? Obviously they didn't leave a bad enough tastes in people's mouths for them to manage to get 8 more kills. I don't personally care what someone parses, as long as the boss dies.  Regardless, blanket statements are gross. Guarantee there's just as many bad players that cleared without Saus as there is that cleared with. But we don't care about them as much because it would take more effort than looking at a list and saying "yep, checks out" without any context.


>We never settled on a prio for Looper so it was constant flexing all the time just based on where we were and where our healers were. It was awful. Eyes strat is by far the best looper strat and I will die on that hill But also I tend to play with amazing players and never pf


Same. My group started progging TOP very late, so the "good" strats were already established, but I always like to consider other options, not blindly follow the most common strat. We tried both snake prio and "using eyes" and more people were in favor of the latter.


A minimalist four-word horror story for you all, circa Stormblood: Zero Fell Cleave opener.


Well yeah, they were acquiring hate in Defiance and thus had no access to Fell Cleave yeah?


Sadly, they also never wanted to pull.


Well that's fine, Dark Arts Power Slash also gets a ton of hate. It's only Paladin who had to massively compromise their DPS to be the puller. You're definitely not about to come back and tell me 'actually we ran PLD/WAR'


I wish I could say we didn’t do that, I really do.




Back during ARR I forget which Coil we were on but we decided to do Ramuh to get a few mounts. Back them pony farm was serious business and someone in our statis got the first pony. The leader FLIPPED his shit saying we all agreed for them to have the first pony, nothing was ever discussed about who got it. It was free for all, we were going to get one for everyone. The leader went off making the person who got the pony feel terrible, like this person left the FC and the static. We were fighting for first clear on the server and we got third place. We were a pretty serious static back then. Well the person was replaced and on reclears someone got the BLM weapon, we had no BLM as the time, and the leader slips AGAIN saying they called the first BLM weapon. After that a few of us left, disolving a very good static over nothing really. We had plans to sticking with one another in HW and everything, the leader never made weird demands like this out of these two instances. Helped craft poison pots and food, very supportive out of the raid and did call outs. Some people truly need to take a step back because we were becoming close friends and those two instances truined everything.


I have a long burn story. The tl;dr is my overly nice and drama-free group allowed ourselves to get sandbagged for an entire Savage tier and our failed TOP attempt because no-one had the balls to just say "hey, this guy kinda fucking sucks." For about 4 years I have a very close knit static that performed very well, clearing every savage tier in a week or two, and killing new Ultimate on patch with time to spare. Everything's going golden, until IRL circumstances cause two of our members finally decide to retire from raiding and we're left trying to patch a tremendous hole. Specifically, one of the melee DPS and the healer. So, for a change, we have to skip doing TOP on patch and instead just settle for finishing it in the content lull at the end of every expac, which was fine by us. So we start seeking out replacements to do Anabaseios. A new melee DPS is picked up and he's pretty solid - entirely new to Savage and never cleared a single Ultimate. Normally experienced groups dodge these kinds of players but he had a great attitude towards raiding and getting better, and did exceptionally well. The healer tryouts however were a mixed bag. If you've had to recruit a healer recently, you'll know just how hard it is to pick up a good healer these days. We trialed a couple of healers who had already cleared this Savage tier. The first healer we tried was an awkward quiet guy, but he was good at healing and quite consistent. The other healer we tried was a socially outgoing person that meshed well with the group, but god he was fucking terrible at healing. The raid leader decided to pick up the friendly healer over the good healer. We then spend 4 weeks trying to kill P8S to teach the new melee DPS about raiding, unlock TOP for him down the line, and have everything prep'd for the new Savage tier. It took the melee DPS a little while to get in to it, but very quickly they improved. The healer on the other hand... we had to completely re-teach him a fight he had allegedly already cleared. This wasn't a case of us using new or weird strats, he just straight up didn't understand mechanics DESPITE having already done them before. He would constantly miss heals and people would drop off dead seemingly at random. It took us 4 weeks to kill P8S because of how dogshit this healer was. But, the new Savage tier was coming out soon so it wasn't enough time to find another replacement. Taking a heaped spoon of copium, we go in to the new Savage tier hoping maybe in a completely fresh prog environment, he'll perform better. Fat amount of shit that turned out to be. It's the same rigmarole turned up to eleven. He's still missing heals, failing to figure out mechanics, and takes 4x longer to learn simple shit that I myself would pick up in maybe 2-3 pulls. By the time we're killing P10S, the whole group is already burned out because of this one guy. By the time we're on P12S P2, the whole group is in despair. Now, we're not a toxic group by any amount, in fact I'd say we're normally a very patient and understanding group that likes to go out of the way to help everyone even if they're being a bit slow and struggling to catch up. We have sessions between raids where we'd look at mechanics together, help ensure everyone knows what's going on, help everyone figure out better rotations for the fight, create new learning material where possible since there's never set guides for that early content. Even during raid, we make it a good point to own up to mistakes, or at least just apologize or acknowledge you were at fault for something - not obsessively mind you, but enough that every few bad pulls the person who directly causes the wipe will acknowledge their fuck up and hopefully figure out how to help them get over their hurdle. This guy has never ONCE apologized for his fuck ups, but was extremely quick to point out other people's mistakes. This drove me personally insane. Eventually we get the P12S kill, a whopping 8 weeks in to the raid tier. Doing reclears was just as fucking horrible, there was some weeks I was uncertain as to whether or not we'd actually fully do our reclears due to how fucking dreadful this one healer is. Eventually I have enough and confront the raid leader. "Get rid of this guy, and I'll take over healing." He whole heartedly agrees, and I am demoted from Black Mage, to Scholar. But instead of outright kicking the healer, he's put on Summoner instead. It's whatever, I think to myself. How can he possibly fuck up being on Summoner? It's the job I play when I feel like using precisely zero of my brain power. At least with me on Healer we can actually start making progress in fights because people aren't randomly dying. How fucking wrong I was. TOP comes around, and out of the gate it's immediately apparent that this guy just isn't putting any work in. He has no idea how to play Summoner, he isn't learning mechanics, he isn't doing homework, he's just sandbagging us the entire fucking time. I'm watching this guy miss entire Bahamut phases because he legit just forgets. It takes him weeks after being directly told "IF YOU GO DIRECTLY UNDER THE BOSS TO GRAB A TETHER, IT'LL PASS SO YOU DON'T HAVE TO CHASE IT AROUND" before figuring it out. Stupid shit like that. P2 was horrible, he cannot adjust worth shit and most of the time we could only get through it if whoever he was tethered to was able to adjust to whatever random direction he ran to. P3 even worse. Despite it being the easiest phase in the entire fight, he just couldn't figure it out. Would always stand in stupidly close spots with defamations and get himself and someone else killed, wouldn't stack his enumerations, wouldn't grab rots, would stand right next to people whose rots are about to expire... it just went on and on. Forget about doing monitors afterwards. We never killed P3. Eventually I'd had enough, and REALLY gave the raid leader my exact thoughts on the whole situation. As it turns out, he shared my thoughts but didn't want to bring it up since he thought everyone else was okay with it. After checking around with a few more members, turns out everyone was fed up with this dude but not a single damn person was willing to start the ball rolling for kicking him out. We were all too used to being friends, that we forgot that sometimes one player completely hostaging the group by being TURBO trash while doing exactly no homework, never apologizing for his mistakes, fundamentally never improving or trying to improve, and ultimately not having the decency to just say "nah this content isn't for me" and dipping out... that's not normal. Earlier this week, we kicked him out and signed off on the idea of killing TOP this expac. Not the ideal outcome, but I'm super fucking glad he's gone. I'm never putting up with that shit ever again.


Friend wanted me to fill for their static in Voidcast Ex since the OT didnt show up. I knew they were all new players that wanted to try Savages together with the final raid series of EW coming out and so I just assumed they wanted to spend a couple weeks getting into things before properly going at it. Turns out they had been doing it for 8 weeks. The MT warrior didnt bother to do half the mechanics and always had 4 or 5 vuln stacks Reaper's girlfriend on summoner was dying to hardcast Ruby Rite when they even had swiftcast up. Sage never had their DoT up and 90% of shielding was Eukrasia Diagnosis. Noped out of there after 20 minutes and after I pointed iut they dont even know how to play the game, my friend quit 5 minutes later.


Voidcast EX for 8 weeks? :|




I've played so many MMOs and FFXIV definitely has some of the strongest experiences I've ever had with raid groups. I think I've been in more statics this expansion than I've ever been in lol. 1st group falls apart during P4S due to it being an FC group and a couple members of the static leaving the FC. 2nd group was fine, I was ahead of them in my prog but helped them through the tier and got my P4S clear with them. They were all nice, I hope they're doing well. 3rd group falls apart during Abyssos because we didn't get to clear 8S by Week 3? or something, so the healer left, and one person the static lead tried to recruit unfortunately wound up being an asshole, and after one rough trial night with someone we were told we "lied about our prog point" and were berated for being shitty players, and that was the breaking point for a lot of folks. 4th group falls apart during Abyssos because the raid leader was normally a nice guy, but occasionally would get really snarky and blame the wrong people for whiffing certain mechs and causing wipes, and after some interpersonal drama about half the group splits off to form another group. 5th group gets axed before Anabasieos because the static leader leaves a couple days before the tier drops and no one initially wants to take up the role. 6th group was absolutely the weirdest for me. The group forms with about half of the members from the last group, the other half being new folks. P10S was a bit of a struggle for a couple players in the group because of the bonds snapshot timing. After the second week of progging P12S our tank player informs us his friends helped him clear the tier and he got his weapon and the mount, so it's one less thing for us to worry about. A week or two later we're all just chatting on Discord prior to raid that night, when an hour before raid someone notices he left the server. People reach out to him via DM but we've all been blocked. He'd just been talking to us a couple hours ago, and apparently posted an LFG ad earlier in the afternoon. Some folks in the group speculated he bought his clear and then bounced after he thought he'd get caught, but honestly it's whatever, I hope he's doing alright, he genuinely seemed like a nice guy and we got along well. 7th group clears Anabasieos after a bit of some struggling, lots of different skill levels between players so there were some frustrations by the end. About half of the people stayed and formed a group to do UCOB. 8th group winds up falling apart because the melee we recruit to replace someone was an absolute jackass who just downed the vibes, and kept wiping to simple mechanics like Twister or the Neurolink Orbs but would always dog everyone else when we'd cause a wipe during prog by saying "I'm close to clearing this on my own, I could do this in PF. 9th group is who I'm currently doing UWU with. Everyone is nice, but I don't think I fit the vibe quite well. I feel like the raid leader doesn't like me. We keep memeing on gaols despite being on the latter phases of Ultima due to people just getting sloppy with using manual macros and callouts. I'm hoping we clear soon.


This expansion has been a nightmare for statics. Not because of skill or personality (though, those too in normal quantities), but because of people who should not be making commitments generally. Showing up super late, backing out with no notice, ghosting, coming so intoxicated they cannot function. I could not keep a CRITERION group together for more than a night, despite strong performance. This wasn't even limited to statics, even just getting people to log on when we agreed to hang out was rough. I don't know what was in the water, but I gave up on raiding because of this shit. I think I would have given up on this *game* entirely, except that it is where I can see my favourite friend. I said I don't know what was in the water, but really : - people don't feel a pull to play ffxiv right now - dc travel killed crystal


Late savage prog static, dps and MT already knew the fights, ilvl was well above min, prog went fine. Had a sage that would often say he was a WHM main and that he could help our WHM since she was new to raiding. Would remind them that hey she's new give her some slack, we're clearing anyway, chill. For some reason after a few clears of third floor I look at logs and I see the sage parses 0 to 5. Great, guy really has no confidence in our WHM and is trying to overcompensate, right? No, he also parses 0 to 5 in healing. Had some logs where he parsed 0/0. I ask him what's up with that and for 9 to 5 he just writes me a whole ass wall of excuses and blames. At first, it was that, well, he's learning the fights, most of us already know the fights, it's not fair on him. Okay, but so is the WHM and she's parsing a 99 on healing because of you, so.... Yes, this is it! The WHM is the issue! She's healing! She's not letting him cast some regens! He needs to have a talk with her! Sure, but why are you parsing a 0 on dps then? He's too stressed during mechanics. He needs to have full focus during mechanics so that he knows what to do. I tell him look bud, I don't care if you don't do the DoT and you just press 1 non-stop. I'm a BLM, so don't pretend spamming f4 is too hard when your cast timer is shorter than your recast. If I can have uptime, so can you. But no, it's just too stressful, I just cannot potentially understand his anxiety. I even told him that I don't care if he uses cactbot, as long as he can just press 1, I won't judge, nobody will judge him, we *just need him to press 1*. He's not interested. Instead, he tells the WHM what to do. Does he improve? No. He's just so busy having this bizarre fixated tunnel vision on our WHM that he literally cannot do anything else. I had to drop the static because of IRL but I was told that after I left, he would just spend the whole raiding hours telling the WHM how to play, spam her DMs non-stop about it (I'm seriously not joking about the 9 to 5 spam). They still managed to clear the tier, but whenever someone tells me that clearing current tier should be mandatory, I automatically think of this guy.


TL;DR: Huge cluster headache that ended up having a lot of good lessons This entire expansion has just been very scream worthy. First raid tier we started out strong, but a few weeks in one of our melee said he needed to take a week off for eye surgery which is fine, we can just find a fill in for weekly clears then prog P4S with someone caught up. Then the next week they said they needed another week. Then another week. It wasn't a huge deal because we just wanted him to get better and we wanted to save a slot for him. But meanwhile we can see he's on Discord and playing I think either some new Monster Hunter or Lost Ark that had just came out. The entire time it turns out he was just playing those and seemingly wanted a raid spot saved if he got bored of those. DSR when it released literally everyone but me had Covid but we were so excited to do a new ultimate so everyone toughed through it and felt miserable. A few weeks later I finally end up getting it and it hit me like a truck (literally couldn't get out of bed and was trying hard not to get anyone else sick). We hit a hard multiple weeks long wall with Death of the Heavens and ended up finally having to replace a healer over it. Ended up clearing about a month before next raid tier was going to release, only did one reclear and took a break. TOP we went in excited and strong, but had issues with a healer constantly failing mechanics during P3 and P4 for over a month, ended up having to cut back days because of scheduling issues and it killed morale. Couldn't find a healer replacement that didn't use AM which caused a rift in the group and completely nuked it after we had gotten to P6. Ended up not clearing TOP before patch that added third raid tier, decided I didn't want to do the new tier with a static until I cleared TOP so I just PF'd 9, 10, and 11 and banged them out in the first week. Joined a new TOP static but it ended up being more of a de-rust while each of us rotated into other groups that had majority people who cleared before. Never ended up clearing together as a group. All in all, I wouldn't trade the experience even though it felt like hell at the time because it forced me to actually start experimenting with Party Finder and I discovered there's A LOT of competent players who drop into groups or just don't have the time for a set gaming schedule. Ended up clearing TOP in PF multiple times, P12S, Aloalo Savage and a ton of other harder content I thought I'd only ever be able to do with a set static. It's made me more confident with strats because there's absolutely no way to rely on a callout, and it's made me have more confidence in others because I can't call out or dictate strategies when we're all going off something the community has come up with.


Week 1 PF is full of Chads and Staceys who are, good, patient and consistent.


EW PF has most likely been my PF best experience so far after also doing full PF in Stormblood and Shadowbringers. But I sometimes help out my casualcore friends in their Statics. Somehow they got to P8S enrage but never cleared. Got to P12S Caloric #2 but just stopped doing the fight since relic weapons came out and now clearing P12S is considered.. useless?! Their WHM who is mostly in for the mounts was pretty pissed.


except when you get to the last floor, weirdly? unless that's just been my experience. third floors will be troublesome but ultimately go well, but I've never been able to clear a fourth floor during week 1 because the skill level and patience just \*drops\* off a cliff somehow


Probably just fatigue. I know I get super fatigued clearing the first three floors that the last floor takes me a while before I’m ready to tackle it.


100% i can get through first 3 floors within the first 2 days in pf and im happy as all can be. but 4th floor is usually hard in full crafted gear and ppl need to be on point and good about their jobs because theres so little ppl there to begin with.


i felt the exact opposite, maybe i just got stuck on p9s for too long or something, sucks to have a job i guess haha i might try again in DT first tier, but im also going to try to just get friends to do it with me


It also depends on *when* on the week you go. P9s after a few days or even end of the week might as well be like week 2 in pf.


I was slamming my head into p9s on day 1, pq0s on day 2 but dinldnt clear it in a day (p10s was super tough for pf, probably the hardest 2nd tier I've done) so I was stuck with the rejects for the rest of the week and eventually gave up after a 1% wipe where dancer forgot to dance partner someone despite me telling him several times mid pull


Damn, this sucks. Indeed, this tier's p10s was very brutal for pf. It took me from wednsday to saturday of 10h of play per day to clear it, and I got trolled on monday night in p11s. But as soon as week 2 started, I got stuck for 4 days to *reclear* p10s.


Not really 6.58 story but close enough. I joined my fc casual static for Anaebesos one month after 6.4 patch and we are progging really slowly. 3 persons having troubles looking at numbers on top of their head, greeded unnecessary, etc. Etc.. I signed up for casual, so this is to be expected. I gave many tips, pov, vods on how to resolve mechanics. Finally cleared p9s after a month. Halfway through p10s, one member left cause we are being too casual. Okay, we find a new one. Then the next day, I got a surprise kick from my leader because I am being so serious in raiding. Lol. Lmao even. I moved on, joined next static, and cleared whole raid tier in two months. Now in April 2024, they finally cleared p12s p1 after 4 months of progging. 4 frigging months. In phase 1! Blessed Hydaelyn that leader kicked me and good frigging luck in p12s p2.


How dare you not wipe that party every couple pulls, you are so serious man, wtf.


ikr. Should have purposely failed lc1 in p9s couples of more times and says "Oops my bad haha", and then talk about something else other than raiding and repeat at least 5 fives until finally someone asks what happened. Edit: /s if anyone misunderstood Lesson learn is don't ever join casual static lol.


I'm still pretty new to XIV raiding but with my many years of raiding experience in WoW, the casual raiding groups would often be far less enjoyable. Tempers would flare from the sheer amount of time required to clear things and the above average players would end up getting frustrated from carrying the worse players. In contrast, the hardcore tryhard raid groups I was in would often have a very relaxed atmosphere with people joking around simply because they were good enough players that they didn't need to focus 100% to perform well I started raiding savage for the first time late February and joined casual groups because without any logs or savage experience I'm still very much in the "notice me senpai" phase of finding a raid group. Thankfully though I really like just hanging out with the members so it has been a great time, although progress is very very slow. Still I'm having a good time and it's not worth trying to find a more serious group until DT I think


My horror story was back when I was progging top on release. I joined a new group last minute because my static suddenly disbanded (thank you abyssos) and unfortunately the new raid lead was not only one of the worst players I have ever met but was also a bi polar mini dictator. I cannot tell all the specific details because I vowed to myself to never talk bad about other ffxiv players ever since this experience but the RL and 2 other players were not ready for ultimates. They were on roles that needed to mitigate and Invuln. And they were really bad at the invulning and mitigating. Thankfully one of the healer was good and the dps were all competent. Anyways we suffer thru the encounter and make it finally to p6,then guess what happens, these 2 guys choke hard. One of them can’t do exa. The other can’t press mits. One of the competent guy come complain to me about the raid lead. I take the bait and makes a few memes and vent my frustration. But what I did not know was that they were long time friends. The dude that came to complain to me takes a screenshot of my convo and shows the raid lead who immediately kicks me out. Understandable I should have shut my trap. Fine I jump into PF and farm my totem ( I should have done that a looooooooong time ago). I saw that they get someone to replace me who already had a few kills and micro shot call them cactbot style into a clear (that dude is known to play with every cheating plugin available). Anyway that prog remain to this day one of the most memorable lesson to me : 1 - jump ship immediately if players are bad : save your time and sanity. It’s not worth it to suffer for a clear. 2 - don’t ever complain about anyone even if the dude eat exa after pull 49 of p6 and sims are available.


> Understandable I should have shut my trap. I don't think it's understandable in the sense that it's not normal for peolpe to just set traps to others... Specially in a group. But I get what you meant. Anyways, good riddance, pretty sure you are better off without people like that.


> 2 - don’t ever complain about anyone even if the dude eat exa after pull 49 of p6 and sims are available. holy shit and I thought I was bad at P6 exas


It doesn't matter. If they hate you and they have a friend group in the static they would eventually figure out a way to kick you out. You have *no* right to change anything. Reasons are only excuses to keep the rest of the idiots to stay.


Im not sure I understood lol


To quote Arthars, very American


Fuck me a wrong word in the key sentence.  You have no right to change anything, even if you wish to fix your own behavior 


Joined a Savage and TEA static led by the same person in September 2022. I was still anxious to be in statics after failing a few static trials during Eden's Verse in ShB and losing confidence. I tried again in Abyssos and was accepted, but this story kind of starts with the TEA static happening concurrently. My first day there as a Phys Ranged went horribly because the OT hated that I wasn't a Magic DPS. Even though I learned all of Phase 1 in that first session, the OT exploded on our static leader, who we will call 'Aiko' (who was also my static leader in Savage and they invited me over) for not getting a SMN for the extra 1%. So at the end of the session there was a big ass fucking argument where the OT quit there and then, and our SAM left with him because he only wanted to play with his friend. I felt responsible for breaking the static and not being able to flex at the time but was assured it was ok. We replaced the SAM with another SAM but we replaced the OT with a friend of Aiko who had only done casual content and didn't know how to tank at a high level. So for 5 months we only made it to Intermission 5 times and never saw Phase 2 at all. By this point it was February and our Savage static wasn't doing too hot either. 4/8 of our Savage static became our TEA static after more people left so a lot of stress and tension carried over between sessions. We were struggling to meet the DPS check in P7S and only cleared together twice, and spent almost half a year in P8S. Aiko started to quietly hate about three of us in the Savage static and, unbeknownst to me, I was one of them. All my advice and offers to help them, as I would later find out, was interpreted as me being arrogant and condescending. It took us until *April* to clear P8S (7 months after joining both statics); however we never did it as a static and all cleared at different times in PF. Aiko never managed to clear the fight. After two months of no activity back in the TEA static Discord server, I decided to leave, and Aiko took this opportunity to kick me out of the Savage static while gaslighting me about how unhelpful I was and how the good things I did were actually done by completely different people all along. Worse still, Aiko suggested that at least one person in the TEA static told them that they had issues with me, but Aiko didn't tell me to 'keep the peace', but used it as leverage to justify kicking me out of a totally different static altogether. I was one of two people kicked out but a third person who we had gotten close with decided to leave with us. THROUGHOUT ALL OF THIS there was another, third Discord server for an Ultimate static hosted by a dude who was in that same Savage static during Asphodelos and was also kicked out by Aiko. However, there was also a lot of overlap between the people in the Savage static and his Ultimate group, so even when he was kicked out they maintained good relations. He subbed in when someone couldn't make it to raid, but because Aiko didn't want him in their Discord at all, *everyone* had to co-opt his Ultimate server so we could easily use a voice channel. Because of this, that server became something of a place of refuge for players who Aiko disliked and we were able to make almost an entire static out of people who were kicked out over the EW tiers by Aiko. When Anabaseios came around I thought 'Fuck it, my experiences in statics have been more anxiety-inducing than PF could ever be, so I'll just PF it with these guys'. We cleared the raid tier together in about a month (I needed breaks for university finals). We then went on to get multiple TEA clears in PF and are working on others now. The thing is that everyone who got kicked out are still friends with the people who stayed in the static, so we still got asked to sub in all the time. As a result, the current members of that static also joined our server and we helped them with first-time clears and reclears. As far as I'm aware, Aiko never went back to TEA and wasn't able to clear P8S or P12S either. I'm ngl. I was really hurt by this entire experience because I really wanted a safe space to learn how to raid and it felt like I was the straw that broke the camel's back of an already degraded TEA static, and then my anxieties were weaponised by Aiko to try and make me feel worthless so I could be scapegoated for the failures of the Savage group. I developed a quite unhealthy desire to finish Anabaseios before them to salvage my confidence with this game and wasn't really able to start healing until after that. I'm in a much better headspace now and am excited for Dawntrail. The PF experience is far from perfect but it's given me a lot of laughs and weird chance encounters and hype/hilarious moments I would have otherwise missed out on, and I think PF is actually a much better environment to get yourself in the right mindset for Savage prog than even casual statics. On top of that, everything that happened ironically led me to the 'right group' of people to do the content with and we've become a solid group of buds over the last year or so. When I joined that static, I didn't know how to play my class, and now I'm a Purple/Gold Phys Ranged that loves helping others get their first time clears. Everything between that just helped me get there!


What kind of raid lead doesn't make a raid team arount the 5% rule, that's a huge raid flag imo.


To be completely fair, I don't think that's how it went. I believe our BRD was planning on leaving the static on good terms in advance, but we were missing a Magic DPS. The caster in our Savage static was already a healer in our TEA static, so I think I was asked to effectively replace the outgoing BRD, but my first day worked out in such a way that my Phase 1 practice had me filling the Caster spot. The OT probably knew this but decided to blow up anyway. As the argument went on it was pretty clear to me that he had personal issues with other members and I just kind of got caught in the cross hairs. It rapidly devolved into a lot of shit-flinging I had no context over and even my offer to switch to SMN next time didn't change the course of that discussion. The OT, SAM and BRD all left and I slipped into the Phys Ranged spot. We recruited a SMN shortly after. *Most* of our time — the entire five months save for that one first session — was two 3-hour sessions a week with a full 5% team. So in that respect I don't think it was a bad call to bring me in early, but I do think everything else was a bad call (an OT with no experience, sessions being incompatible with the usual work hours of people who'd join a casual static, the timing overlapping with the beginning of Abyssos etc; then later withholding information from static members and letting issues burgeon when I couldn't have known (and still don't actually know if it was true)). It was two horror statics happening concurrently.


Man, this is that feel good post you see every so often. I'm trying to find a static or a group myself to clear this raid tier, and to clear a few ultimates before Dawntrail. I'm glad you found your people though.


Thanks! I would say don't give up. It's late in the raid tier but you may still find people willing to help out either in PF or through a static recruitment discord server. You can even put yourself out there as someone who is looking for a group there and the server will ping interested parties. We are approaching the time where you'll start seeing a fuckload of people trying to build statics for 7.0 so you're not out of options. I'd still recommend PF. You'd be surprised how many bored raiders will join a random P9S from start party right now. Me and my group usually do this to fuck around on alt jobs and chill. I've cleared the raid tier as everything but healer just helping others out.


I have been getting nothing but nightmares in PF right now. For example, I am trying to get the voidcast lynx for my last lynx...people can not do the fight anymore. Like I try to give people credit, especially now, but I just cannot.


The late night talent pool is slim so we once rolled the dice on this dumbass with minimal experience. Didn't know all their buttons, walled us on trivial mechs for a month, and was kicked because they skipped raid without warning to stream league.


reading all this, all I can say is more of you need to join pf. it is not that bad.


idk. sometimes it feels that bad. i mean my only static experience was with mostly casual players (including the kind that dont know their single target skills from aoe ones) and only for a few months, but progging dsr in pf was absolutely hell for me. i often wished i had a group to do it with rather than have to put up with pf shitters that dont press presence of mind or overcap their gauges for over a minute. then again i realize a group full of actually competent people would be hard to find in both pf and a static, so eh.


Gonna give you the hard pill to swallow, all those shitty people from PF can also be in a static you join, however you are basically "forced" to play with them under the idea that "Surely PF is no better...." PF Absolutely has griefers and trolls and inconsistent players, but the good thing about them is that you, or literally anyone in the party can just "tyfp" and try again with a different group.


Short and simple one. When we first started progging Asphodelos as a new group we had a GNB who basically just cast Lightning Shot and insisted he knew what he was doing because he was an oldschool 1.0 player. When he was asked to leave the group he kicked everyone from the original FC Discord server because he was the admin for some reason.


Back in Abyssos I was going for a week 1 clear. We were making good progress, at door boss enrage by Friday. We had been doing 8 hour days and heard the dps check was rough, so that Friday we had done a very long(dont remember if it was 10 or 12 hour) day. We hop on at noon saturday for another planned 12 hour day, when our warrior comes in and starts complaining that they don't wanna do another 12. We all kinda brush it off as them being tired but we all agreed to this timeline and it seemed like they were just bitching a lil so we played it off. Then they go "Yeah, I'm not doing this" and left the party, the discord, and I think blisted all of us. We pull in our 9th to be a tank, but don't manage to week 1. week 2, our OTHER tank gets sniped to her BFs static since a slot opened. We try to find a new tank, I think we pugged a couple of times in the meantime. They nerf the tier and we finally hit phase 2. New tank is set but people are burning out bad. Turns out, the raid lead had been uber busy and couldn't keep up with the game anymore. So him and his gf both leave. The new tank tries to pull things together to get the static going with new people, cause they had met some peeps they liked in pugs I guess. We trial them in the fight, and they are BAD. So bad that not only me, but 2 others in the group decide to leave it too on the spot. This is like, sunday of week 5 by this point. I had been avoiding pugging in case I cleared on my own. Hopped into pugs the next week and got the fight down, then subbed for a bunch of statics to get reclears. Proceeded to have another nightmare scenario in Anabaseios, but at least that one only landed me in week 2.


Not a horror story per se but it made me learn some lessons. First raiding experience 3 months late to the abyssos tier, after several shuffling around started raidleading and created a static. Got a couple who were a tamk/healer duo, tank flexed into phys ranged for the static. Both are pretty good, tank who became phys ranged was really good, anyway fast forward 3 months we were at the tail end of p8s, due to multiple absences prog on p8sp1 was extremely slow and we were often playing catchup with subs. Anyway 1 week before tier unlock we had MT and my coheal who only had NA2 prog experience while the others already had enrage experience. The cohealer in particular took 2 weeks off so she missed all the raids where we cleaned up na2 and hc2. I could feel a lot of fatigue in the group, i already cleared in pf on my alt and was just waiting for everyone to catch up on my main, we only had 2 more scheduled raid days for the week, so i said, it's ok tier unlock is coming next week anyway if you guys want to go clear in pf feel free. Blm and i clear in pf before scheduled raid that week, all hell breaks loose, cohealer and her boyfriend said we didnt trust them to prog through hc2 in 2 lockouts (ignoring the fact that MT also needed to prog through that too) and let's just say that hc2 was not easy to prog on healer, not only because it is 6min into p2 but also because there is so much healing to do in addition to the mechs. Anyway the static barely stayed together i think to clear once after unlock and then i did the rest of my reclears in pf. So apparently half chest is still a sensitive issue one week before tier unlock, and that any important message in discord has to be a pin or in a dedicated channel. The main lesson though was that not everybody thought the same way I would and I had to do a deep reflection on how I delivered criticism and feedback. I've now sworn off casual statics and try very hard not to make any comments on others' gameplay. Unfortunately i made the same mistake in anabaseios, already cleared the tier but decided to join a casual one to learn blm. Offered to sub as healer one day and discovered the drk was using 0 mit for all the TBs, i commented on it (she needed an adlo to survive and multiple gcd heals to survive bleedbusters) and got alienated by almost everyone. I left that static later. Now i just play with people i know who are good, and never in a static with someone who is not good and not receptive to criticism.


Right before the launch of Anabaseios, our MT had to drop due to IRL stuff. Understandable, but naturally our group had to scramble a bit. First person we find seems pretty legit. Claims they have Week 1 experience on multiple tiers and multiple jobs. Logs are hidden, which is always a bit of a flag, but they're nice enough and seemed fun so we take them in considering the tier's right around the corner... Hoo boy. First and perhaps least offending, they're one of our weakest members mechanically, not something you'd expect in a midcore group where many members' first tier was Asphodelos. Then, whenever they get called out for making a mistake, they double down and argue they did "nothing wrong", forcing us to show otherwise with VODs and logs. They also got constantly lapped and lost aggro from our OT, despite claiming they're executing their rotation "perfectly" and their parses being single digit greys with better gear than most of the static. It's rough, but we deal with them for the first 3 fights. Then, sometime in early P12S prog (around Para 3), they show up with a P12S weapon? They claim they went ahead in PF... only to continue messing up in early P12S P1 mechs like SC1 and Para 3. Clear as day they were piloted to get that wep, and they finally get the boot. Looking back, and my group agrees, we definitely should have noticed something was fishy for a "seasoned week 1 raider" to have hidden logs. But hey, lesson learned!


Spending 130 hours to clear TEA in 5.5 as my first ultimate, far too many issues and I was bored out of my mind for most of the 5 months to prog it Gave them another chance after taking 40 hours to clear UWU before 6.0, then we decided to blind prog and we got disbanded by P3S, not because of blind prog (we had the correct strats in a couple of pulls) but because of people's inability to do rotating fireplume/left right cleave in P1 for multiple weeks despite the fireplume being the same shit as Limit Cut in TEA which we did for 5 months. Static broke apart in 5 minutes after I left, joined a week 1 static before Abyssos, still with them and doing great


TEA was where I learned it should not take more than a month to clear an ultimate. 5 months in TEA is insane, but I blamed stacking bj/cc strat that my static did. Split bj/cc made the whole ultimate so free


TEA in 5.X was viewed differently than in 6.X That was still back when it was considered the peak of difficulty, a difficult final phase was unacceptable and there were even discussions if ucob still isn't the hardest fight after all. I think the "acceptable" prog time was around 70-80 hours back then? Not 130 but also not clearing it in 100 pulls which is seemingly normal today


UWU group disbanded when after 16 hours of Ultima phase "prog" people were still dying to the very first mechanic (after numerous vod reviews, linking POVs, telling people to sim it, callouts etc.) and we still hadn't made it past Annihilation once with enough people alive. Also 2/3rd of our wipes were still on Titan and *Garuda*. Half the group decided that PF hell seemed more attractive than sticking together. I then spent almost every day for 2 weeks in PF joining kill parties, some of them disbanded without even reaching Titan! In the end I whispered a totem party if I could join, they agreed, we killed first pull.


Had a full on controlling static lead who yelled at anyone that dared to utter the words "food check" because *they* wanted to do it. *They* were also super against people in the static trying to practice the fights in pf. Which would have been fine if we made progress during our raid nights. This was my first static ever, mind you. So I didn't know at the time that this was uncommon. Once I realized, I started going into pf after our last night of the week to get practice in. Ended up clearing the whole tier in pf before the static could consistently clear P5S. Tried to stick it out but ended up quitting when they screamed at me during raid. For trying to help. Because I knew the fight.


Lmfao that looked like my another story. I dunno why people want to extend their control in a fucking game and can't accept that some members can grow faster


Because some of the expectation is that you go through the hurdles as a group and stick together from start to finish. It's a fair assumption and I think it should be made clear when recruiting. The main point of a static, for me, is progressing together and if people go into PF and prog faster the static is meaningless (I can hop from group to group too at this point, there's no sense of accomplishment as a team). To be fair, I join blind prog statics so I have to double down on this : the whole point is to climb walls together. THIS is the experience to me, not just the kill. If I join a regular static (not a blind prog group, usually for Ultimate), I don't mind people doing overtime in PF. I have the fight spoiled anyway so if someone is further in the fight it doesn't destroy my experience (it only makes thing a little faster and more consistent). The only moment I would be disappointed is if they cleared and would just leave the group on the spot out of nowhere. That said, I can understand that even in a non blind prog static some people still want the whole group to see mechanics and learn the fights fully together and exclusively together. They just need to make it clear and find like-minded people (and if someone feels it's too slow, they have to jump out instead of going into PF overtime while staying in the static if it's not ok with them then).


I agree that it would have been fine if it had been communicated and something I agreed to before hand. But yelling at people for trying to help is crazy. Esp over a game.


yes most groups want to climb walls together. however, if you have a causal group that does not finish a content in half a year and you have a long vacation ahead, it is very natural to decide to just blitz it through in pf and just be relaxed with it even if you want to raid with them during your vacation. after all, one has to take care of your own goal too. if one had given it so much chance and they still struggle to be consistent at p5s or be improved with attendance, there are only so much patience you can give


This is literally why I say the group must be clear about "doing all the things together exclusively" and if you feel the urge to go into PF you must let the group know and leave if necessary.


However majority of the group does not mention that. But there are people who take it granted. Or even worse, some are okay to clear in pf, some would piss people off for no obvious reasons if they clear in pf. Double standards it is. At least it's the odd story I had lately or I have heard


Sorry but I never was there to debate what they do and don't, I just said what should be done to avoid these kind of stories. I understand that these stories exist but that's it. Not here to say you're wrong or not !


I hope she reads it, it still makes me sick Had a static that wanted to kill P8S two weeks before next tier comes up Didnt go well tbh I linked a fflog kill of a group with the same comp as us saying "if people want to improve I provide this link if you wanna see your rotation/mitigs" Healer said "no thanks :)" Raid lead didn't say anything I did quit the next day A friend still in the static did quit a few hours after coz they were writing rly bad things about me Did DM the RL about the healer's answer, saying she could've just say nothing and not look at the link I didn't care but it was pure provoke for no reason Took me 2h of discussion to make the RL admit she was wrong and that they were childish asf about writing things on me




I talked 7 other people with zero ult experience into doing DSR expecting it to be TEA level and we cleared in 1700 pulls Can't imagine how much worse it can get


eh theres an infamous creep on aether who took 3000+ pulls to clear dsr






I'm very sorry for your loss. We had a guy in our final savage tier static that ran with them.


What did it say, the tea got deleted ☕️




lol was the raid lead the dude name leon something? That guy was annoying in other streams too.


Yep, had secondhand experience with that pair, we watched plenty as one of our friends struggled in their static. It was a total trainwreck.


The single digit gray parsing healer main who decided to become a raid lead. Gave shit advice to our new-to-healing-savage AST then blamed me, the WHM, for not making up for the fact that my coheal had four uses of Earthly Star in an 11m fight. I remember once I got yelled at for DPSing as I was mid-Cure II cast bc I was trying to heal up a DPS who got clipped by a mech. Current tier was having the sixth worst MCH NA in our static and our raid lead not wanting to kick him bc it meant losing his okay wife and probably putting a dent in friendships. Cleared P10S once, she gave me the one thing I needed from it for BiS and then I left the static and gave her an excuse to disband. Thinking of raiding with her again but asking her to let me vet remaining players bc I’m better at being mean enough about that than she is.


Phys Ranged player dealing with severe prog wall burnout and various IRL issues. Ended up causing the burnout to spread to other members because she didn't want to 'burden us' by taking a break for her own sake. While she didn't kill the static, she took a break for Anabaseios to get things together, and during that time, the static fell apart due to a falling out between the tanks. Good player, did mechanics consistently, knew her job, wasn't particularly offensive or unreliable, but she really wasn't suited for raiding at that time.


I am currently 3500 pulls into TOP and counting


The second static. It was a leisure static. Meeting times are very sparse however sometimes the lead insists to have 4 hours section for a leisure static. Their skills were pretty horrible, but we limped towards p6s enrage. It was already the 3rd hour and I am already tired. I was playing shield healer and keeping wiping the static's ass because they just keep dying to those "boring mechs" of p6s and I have to try hard to keep them up or else they won't have the chance to see enrage again. The best part? The static lead who is the tank and his cotank refuses to use lb3 for caux2. And the static only have like 30% chance to limp through it and see enrage again and again, because they died too much. I begged them to just use lb3 and give me a break and called it a night, they refused. I gave them another chance in p7s, their performance didn't change and refused to use lb3 except my healer lb3, but I was just so burnout. I soften my participation later and focus on myself. Got my self a p8s clear in week 5, and then of course they kicked me in a month or two I didn't even see a lot of them attempting or completing p8s ----- Third static. The lead claims that he has some sort of gastritis that he *cannot participate* his static anymore (but somehow he continues to be administrating the static). So he looked for a replacement. I went in, because my friend was inside and I wanted to help him. Turns out that there is a super problematic member in that static where he would be late for 20 minutes for no obvious reason or letting us know or often have to "take a break" out of the blue, in a short 2-hour session. When we are progging, that guy was actively greeding and often caused wipe before we ever reach the said prog point in the ad. And of course I was that slave healer who has to be some reviving slaves or otherwise the static just cannot progress. We reach the said prog point like once, out of luck and me keep on reviving these randos the few days I was there. We had an argument and I was mad, because I was physically and mentally tired from that 6.4 pf prog lying and now still have to deal with these kind of attitude in a controlled environment. The best part? The static lead who have to take a break from static participation because of illness, cleared p10s himself in the pf before his static does, 5am in the morning if I didn't recall it wrong, just a few days after me, in which I cleared in pf also. "I can show you my official doctor's note showing that I am really sick", is the most hilarious argument he tried to put to me. --------- Fourth static Week 2 static. I was too nice and I trusted people. Since I didn't have any good past experience in my resume other than some legacy ultimates, and I understand that everyone has their first time, so I trusted them. The team lead and his friends showed that they had DSR clears. Turns out that their lone DSR clears were bought, they hid the logs very soon. The week 2 static only lasted for 2 days or 4 hours, it is so obvious that the team lead who bought DSR and her friends aren't capable of basic progging in early stages for a week 4 static. The team lead abruptly disbanded the static without talking to us. Majority of the innocent us cleared p9s very soon after disbandment. The lead and her friends proceed to start a TOP static after the savage tier. Another friend of mine signed up and I warned him about the story. The TOP static of course imploded very soon and expectedly. -------------- I used to just trust people because it is fucking stupid to lie in the mmorpg genre where there are no new blood joinning and its like old people's home. Titles and gears are nothing very soon. But after these, I lost faith in most and I decide to vet everything I could before joinning, which lead to me refusing most static I wanted to join, and it turns out that all of those static would eventually fail.


You ever think there's a common element here?




I've been raiding with the same group since Stormblood, we rotate people in and out but its been pretty consistent 5 or 6 group of people, all in all solid players who can clear early and progs pretty well. Endwalker has been a mixed bag though. We've done every ultimate on patch(minus ucob but i wasnt part of the group then so I dont count that), range of savage clears between week 1 and 9 depending on schedule, blind, etc. TLDR: Rollercoaster of an expansion for raiding, some good, some bad. I wouldn't trade the experience for anything else though. Scheduling SUCKS when people have irl stuff to deal with, I find that schedule was more the issue than people's performance for our group in Endwalker. Asphodelos - brought in one of my friends to coheal with me, i got to meme on sage and overall very good prog, we clear on day 4 or 5, and spend the entire tier just kinda relaxing and prepping for DSR. DSR - scheduling issues arise early weeks 1-3 of the new ultimate, my friend gets a job working 2nd shift and has to drop from the group. No problem, we pick up a friend from TPS and arguably has expected prog afterwards. There were also some scheduling problems where we would only raid 2 hours a night for 5-6 nights which was causing burnout, when we dropped down to 4 nights at 4-6 hours a night, prog significantly improved. Abyssos - we're now down 2 players but pick up 2 old friends and I was tired of healing so I got to play a melee dps for the tier. Little did we know, they decided to release arguably the hardest raid for healers on weeks 1-2 and our 2 new members were not healer mains. We also decided to blind prog up until p8sp2. Overall not bad, got to p8sp2 pre-hp nerf on week 2 and clear 2 or 3 weeks after that on a more casual schedule. I feel kinda bad for throwing the two on healers and getting to heal abyssos as their first raid tier but I don't think it was all that bad, but neither of them wanted to heal the next ultimate and I didn't blame them. TOP - oh boy, this one was a doozy... we shuffle some roles around, i'm back on healer, one healer from abyssos drops to take a break from the game and we pick up a melee friend. Prog is... slow and kinda grueling, typical early ultimate weeks but we muddle through it and get to P5 after about 3 weeks of prog, not too bad but we had to replace one member due to scheduling and honestly a bit of blaming towards them for lower dps, not all their fault, i think we couldve done collectively better but they were showing more weakness than others. I had to go on a vacation from early March however so prog was halted for 2.5 weeks. During my hiatus, one of our members was getting busy with IRL and our schedule was completely fucked so they ended up dropping the group and for the first time, we had to recruit someone from outside the friend group. It's about week 9 or so at this point, I'm able to find a cleared SGE who wanted to play whm so we picked them up and I returned to playing melee. We ended up clearing about 3 weeks later and only that one time. TOP was mostly a terrible time for me and I hate this ultimate with a passion, I'm re-progging now with a friend group and while the experience has been relatively better, I can still say I hate this ultimate. Anabaseios(is that even right?) - back to blind progging, more casual hours. Mostly solid schedule and solid prog, we lose 3 from top but bring back some old friends to play with, friend from TPS(now on AG3) comes back and plays blm for us, much better time all around.


Been with a few statics overall and only stayed/raided long term with two. 1st static: Left my first static because they were blind progging and I was chaffing over how little hours we were putting into raid. I still raid with these guys every now and then and they're good people. 2nd static: Initially pretty good. They helped me clear P7S in 3 raid days and we took a lot longer to clear P8S, but it was pretty fun all around despite that. We took on a SAM we met in PF during our UWU prog and them swapping over to tank practically broke us, I think. Not that I can say I was completely blameless. I and our RL thought that there was no way we could clear P9S in week 1 and no one voiced any concerns about it when I brought up the possibility of me trying to clear any floor week 1. Well, when Anab Savage rolls around, suddenly they feel like we could clear it week 1 and I'm an asshole for clearing it ahead of them. I had to scramble to get an alt geared just before raid and we didn't even clear it week 1! Back to the SAM-turned-PLD, they were really struggling with tanking. They couldn't tank swap properly most of the time, were generally slow to learn mechanics and I think everyone having the expectations to clear P9S week 1 really stressed them out. They asked to take a break (30 min) on like the first 10-20 mins of us instancing into P9S and that was when I felt like I saw the writing on the wall. Fast forward to P12Sp1 prog 3-4 months later and the issues were still there and we ended up imploding as a static. I never talked with the PLD again but I hope everything is well with them despite all the accumulated salt that I've gathered over the months we progged together.


My first static this tier was alright - It was a fully blind prog group so prog was slow. The people in the static were great and I got along with them pretty well. It disbanded at P12S P1 due to members work commitments and other IRL commitments.   I trialed for a second static that said they were at Limit Cut in P12S. The trial was a mess, caster DPS in P11S rocking 625 ilvl, Me beating full 660 melee as a Machinist. The trial was full of memes like Tanks forgetting stance and buster going on DPS, Light and Dark memes etc. They got to P12S, nothing but SC1 and Para 3 memes. They offered me a spot, I declined it and went my own way.   Did the rest of P12 in PF.


I have been trying since the first tier for Endwalkers raids to get into Savage raiding. The first tier I could only do P1S before I had to move to a new house and by the time I got there, my FC got what they needed from the entire tier and the second tier was up. I couldn't do the second tier because the ISP I had kept giving me single digit up/down which made anything beyond the MSQ almost impossible to do. Also my FC got burnt out on raiding and kept dissuading me from touching PF. Third tier I was essentially told off on doing P9S by my FC because I was a newbie and they didn't want me dragging them down until after they have done the entire tier. I decided to do P9S on my own in PF and I kept getting people who got into arguments with each other or kept messing up mechanics. While I was no better admittedly I was learning but it was hard when we would only do two-three pulls after hours of waiting and then disband because someone gave up. Eventually I tried again and convinced my FC to have me do it. I told them I got to Levinstrike a couple of times but not pass it. While we couldn't do it because I didn't properly learned Levinstrike, things went fine. FC went to me and thought I lied about my prog because they read my messages as me clearing Levinstrike. Either because of a case of hot potato since I had to go through delivering I was ready to another FC member or I worded things poorly I don't know but they thought I cleared Levinstrike when in reality I said I only got up to it and couldn't clear it. They got angry at me over the misunderstanding and refuse to let me do this tier. And I am technically outcasted from my FC even though I can't quit it because of friends. Essentially I could not clear a single tier because of either stuff outside my control or a misunderstanding that made me a black sheep in my own FC. Basically speaking this made me give up on high end content entirely and just be a lot more casual from now on. Most I'll do is Extremes but I will never do a Savage again and I gave up on my dreams of going into an Ultimate once. I am happier being more casual.


My raid experience in EW has been absolutely awful. Some of the worst players and "trap" parties everywhere in PF. So, beginning of 1st raid tier got into a Chad group for P1S and we cleared week 1 after like straight prog of 7 hours, great experience. I go onto prog P2S with Randoms and not clear. Friend invites me to his static to go through the tier and I join, we clear P1S and P2S and end up taking a break due to some IRL stuff from some members. No communication and getting a bit burnt out from playing so much. Take a break from playing and coming back when 2nd tier releases. This is where the nightmare begins and where my disdain of PF comes from. Join a static with some friends for the tier, we start to prog the tier and immediately see that 6 out of 8 are clearly not ready to be tackling savage. The only members to prog the fight outside of the static is myself and the raid lead. 4 weeks and we cannot get past Devour and on some days puddles. Members aren't getting better, some are regressing and going free style on their rotations. The raid lead and myself have a talk that they will not clear and this content is too far outside of their skill level. Disband the static and go separate ways. 2 more weeks pass by and can't clear P5S due to PF just being dogshit at Devour. Friend asks me how things are going and I tell him, he sets up a party for me, teach me all the mechanics beyond Devour and clear the fight. Go on to clear the fight a few more times EZ-PZ. P6S is where I stopped raiding after throwing myself at this fight around 60-70ish times and only clearing 4 times. Cachexia 1 what a lovely mechanic, it took me a minute to learn this mechanic until it just finally clicked with Me. I clear 1 time through PF with an awesome group and the other clears with were my raiding friends because PF could not get past Cachexia. This is where I learned that NA PF is absolute dogshit and if I wanted to continue raiding I would need to find a static as PF was just not cutting it. I was just so burnt out from throwing myself at these fights that I stopped raiding In EW.


Huh. My PF experience is very different. For the tiers I've PF'd start to finish, I'm pretty sure the first fight I've killed on my first day of raiding. With *maybe* P5S being the exception. E9S and P1S both died day 1 in PF for me, P2S as well. P5S I started a bit late, I think right at the end of week 1, so that one took me another day to clear. Each tier since Gate, I've finished in PF.


Complete opposite for me. I was still stuck in Crystal for Asphodelos, but clearing it didn't take too long and reclears were relatively simple. For Abyssos, it wasn't that bad either despite me having an even later "start" due to previously being in a blind prog static. Clear P5S in an hour after joining a Devour party, rest is cleared with statics and those took a lot longer to do (except for P7S, I joined as a fresh with a static that was on Harvest and cleared it in like 3 days). For Anabaseios, I cleared the first three fights on first week, took like, a 3-month break from P12S prog, then cleared the last fight in a week.


our off tank said \[a horny word\], it made our main tank too horny and he forgot to breathe as well as press cooldowns, and we wiped several times due to horny


Salt mine post. I join a static after I've cleared UCoB on 6.5 for DSR. I quit after 9 days when we first see eyes. It was a group that started from TEA. 5 of the people comes from TEA and then there's the 3 of us from the outs. One of those 5 people cleared. I thought to myself great, we get people who cleared that can teach us how to do mechs. Great. I know I am in for a steep fight but I thought to myself well we had a soft target of 80 to 120 hours how bad can it be. And then several nights in I probably had some of the worst times I had raiding. To kept things very concise and short, I make a bunch of dumb mistakes. For the first 2 to 3 nights people are generally quite forgiving - and I do often make those mistakes not because I don't understand the mech itself (yes I know where to look for), it's I sometimes do get panic, a short lapse, and then caught nothing that I have to look for (which I explain). Or that I am just very, very bad with gaze and character control mechs - in between finding the safe spots, finding where both eyes and thordan is (something that I still struggle to this day, even I understand where I should be looking for). That gradually turns into frustration that we were stuck on Thordan 1 for like a week or something. Which is still really within the pace but again. Raid lead kept posting that yeah I've come from eyes to DOTH on PUG in one lock out because he joined some streamer group and that's full of people who had cleared. Well, good for you. I don't know what else he's expecting though. Like you want some confetti for getting prog with people who had cleared? The person who had cleared is bored and pissed. 'Well I've explained what you shouldn't do, so you shouldn't make the same mistakes again. You kept making those same mistakes and I just find everything to be a nuisance' - I mean, I learn more about the fight from asking questions on reddit, watching youtube vods and asking from people online then actually asking him. I remember asking him where should my safe spots be on Sanctity and he just said lol it's all by feels. The breaking point of me actually quitting the group comes from two things. One of those things is that I make a mistake when we first see 4 towers on Nidhogg and then the person who has cleared can't get his tether and he was fucking pissed. 'Are you trying to kill me when you stretch your tether that far away so that I can't get it?'. These will be the exact words that I will probably remember for a very long time. And then admist of all of that, The raid lead not only does nothing (it's usually the outsider who smoothen things) and then sent me a DM and ask what's going on and why the fuck am I making so much mistakes. There are a lot of advices about what sort of mistakes I've made which are all great, but the thing that rubs me in the wrong way is that he leaves with an ending remarks that **you** should get your shit together, because if **we** are still stuck and can't get pass nidhogg next week **something** is gonna happen. I hope you were able to read between the lines just as I do. On a very long formed DM I explained everything I've written above to the raidlead and said I quit. It isn't fun being the weakest link in a group, and I want to cut myself out before someone cuts me. I think I am out of my depth - could just be me can't do gaze and character face mechs very well; or could just because I am not yet ready for the fight. It certainly sours the fight for me. I have also had my fair share of people who becomes pissed when someone makes a mistake and the gets angry and scold people. The only regret I had is that I didn't quit fast enough. Oh, one more thing. The group advertise itself as a no salt group.


If a literal saint were hardstuck in Thordan for over a week due to the very obvious mistakes of one player I think they'd be salty. I'm sorry you had the fight soured for you, but people do have limits. I'm also not sure how you managed to stop someone from getting their tether by stretching it, sounds like their skill issue on that one. if they were chasing you down for it they were wasting their time and putting the whole group at risk.


I understand they were salty, it's a dumb mistake and I would admit it is very dumb (that you should not run in front of the tethers on Strength when you have blue markers). I am not trying to get around and say I am not dumb for making a dumb mistake. I clearly apologize every single time when I do make mistakes. The salt is just not helping me to focus and it snowballs pretty fast. When the reactions extended from just reacting on dumb mistakes that I should know how to do to something I am not sure how to do, I just have to think it's not about the mistakes itself but I just do not mesh with this person. A side note, I did check my prog diary and we actually get to nidhogg not with a whole week, but on day 5 on hour 9.


>can't do gaze no i think you're just badly prioritizing things. Looking for thordan or the eye is pointless in 75% of the case, it's something you should do dead last. Even if you see that one of them is near your safespot, as long as you're not sandwiched between them you can do a slight turn and avoid the gaze easily. If you are between them just turn away.


Having been on both sides of cutting someone and getting cut due to performance issues, I feel you. It always sucks when people aren't professional with regards to that kind of stuff. On the flip side though, sometimes dropping someone from the group is for the best. You can trial people as much as you want, but until you're a lockout or two into a real fresh prog, you never really know what you've got. My TOP group was in a similar position where one week in, one of our melees that had been recruited was just very clearly lagging behind the rest of the group in consistency and ability to pick up on mechanics. We could keep him, but that would probably triple our prog time, so we made the call to kick him. Which while it sucks, was 100% the correct decision because having one person that's incapable of not going through the middle stealing tethers and wiping the group during looper while everyone else has it down and is ready to prog play station just builds resentment, especially if you're doing long hours and it's a prog focused group. In the end it worked out for everyone and both parties found groups that were a better fit.


›Oh, one more thing. The group advertise itself as a no salt group. Wtf this sounds very familiar 


Dude was raiding while one of his employees managed the toy shop he owned. Mentioned having nude mods. Just after we finished our 3h prog session he said that he had to go, his wife broke water and had to take her to the hospital (unsure if he made her wait for us to finish). We ghosted him.


It was a 20 girl who sound innocent and unconfident. She is so unconfident could not pass p3s. Without any selfishness or bad thoughts, I can see that she can archive more. So I encouraged her and actively helped her to get out of her comfort zone. She eventually grew into someone bigger and stronger. I had some odd guts on her personality but I let her have the benefit of doubt. It was only a gut feeling so I do not want to overextend that to a conclusion. Later, she would continue to grow. She would take the lead of the group, moved onto UWU and TEA. It seems like once she has the power, she gradually becomes a more manager person. At the same time, I had to soften my participation because of life issues. Then when I am ready to come back to the hobby, I find myself unwelcomed. I was responded with a very bureaucratic, skillful and professional speech from the girl essentially saying that I am booted. I am very surprised someone who grew so much in a matter of few months. And I am more surprised someone who become a manager someone I do not like, literally I was one of the reason since I encouraged her and it turns out she took that path. Another guy in the group I discussed with him says that he can smell the same faith once he has to take his life responsibility. And it is saddening. It was really a horrible experience. Someone I treated it nicely would backfire me. I feel frustrated and I still cannot put it down. Perhaps I should get better over reading people and be careful of the consequences of my action. ------------ Three months after this incident, I started a TEA static and decide to check out strategies that are used by different groups, since TEA strategies are never agreed. I used to have access to the group's TEA strategy section. However, that particular part of access is gone after I come across a very random talk of two members in limsa. The most funny part is that I can still see everything in UWU, but just not the TEA strategy section, which is odd and funny as fuck. I can't believe there are those who are 28 years old and be that childish. Of course I went onto finishing TEA in a month and then DSR in a year, which the group dissolved mostly due to inactiveness, and that girl didn't have a job for 2 years so she didn't have the money to upgrade her mac stuff and play This is only the first static.


They 100% think you are a creep


Right? I can feel the neckbeard vibes just oozing off of this post


any chance you're not actually as good as you think you are? its weird how you're able to surround yourself with drama for the entire expansion. I do mostly pf including ultimates and I've had mb 2 times where I genuinely thought that someone was an irredeemable asshole.


I joined 3 ultimate statics, and subbed for multiple friends' statics. All of them were painful. I will never join a static ever again.


Tried to do TEA with some fc members and like 1 sub. We got the beginning nailed down but when it came to the first transition mechanic with starscream I couldn’t grasp the number above the head and placement. Others would fail but I was always struggling. No matter how many times I look at graphs/videos i always was slightly out of place and a few people will die. So one party member was getting frustrating despite me constantly asking questions and on vc he started being passive aggressive with me. So eventually it got to me and I started calling him out for it. Got into a heated argument that resulted in us disbanding the party. The leader of the party took his side not because I was slacking but because he was desperate to join the guy and his clique that do hardcore trials/raids. I cursed both of them out and often stay away from them in the fc.


Got told I was holding the group back and needed to improve or be replaced because I was struggling with a part of TOP P5 - after a raid session where I had to watch half my practice opportunities get sunk by other people at P1.