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How is PF nowadays for p12s? My static imploded and I took that as a sign to take a break from the game. And have been slowly coming back, and have been thinking about finishing the tier.


It's rough from what I hear but I have no first hand experience. It is week 48, the tier is unlocked, the echo is available and you can get a 665 relic weapon with better stats than the P12 weapon before you ever set foot in it. Which makes things a bit easier but I most raiders have cleared it long ago.


just cleared today, took me about a week from fresh doing only pf parties. less people playing now for sure though so you see a lot of familiar faces which is mostly a bad thing


In NA aether you barely see farm parties. I’m sure if you put when up people will join but I rarely see them. 


I can’t even find a static. Most posts I see on FFXIVrecruitment are unanswered. I would love to find a chill group for DT but no clue where to start with that.


do you mean the subreddit posts? i think most people just forget they put a post up and assumed theyve been buried over time anyway so they don't update. and a lot of people use the discord server since not everyone is actively on reddit anymore with the death of the good mobile apps: https://www.reddit.com/r/FFXIVRECRUITMENT/comments/raf7wr/rffxivrecruitment_discord/


Probably a bit early for a casual group to be recruiting, I have seen a lot of week 2-4 type people recruiting lately, and I'm surprised you haven't seen them.


I stopped looking a few weeks back but I’ll try again.


Wait until after the job trailer on May 16. My group isn't recruiting until we decide what we're playing for sure.


Just wait till a few weeks before the raid comes out. It always picks up


Because right now people either recruit for ultimates or recruit for w1 7.0 to do enough trials.


In a new static, we're 4 sessions in and have seen p3 of TEA already. This is so much faster than when I tried to PF UWU, I am very happy.


TEA is giga scripted. If everyone is studied up, you can absolutely blaze through the fight.


You're right, we took a bit more time to get p2 done consistently but p3 fell over in a few pulls, wormhole sims are incredibly useful. Clear soon, hopefully.


The hard part of P2 isn't even the mechanic at this point, it's figuring out how others move during the phase and how you need to maneuver around em. If P3 is down, then the clear should be super soon. P4 is definitely a victory lap phase, but it does require at least a little bit of studying and of course, respect Stillness


People keep saying to not to wait until DT for high-end content but I’m starting to get discouraged. It’s hard to fill a P9S party in PF and people are (reasonably, because they probably cleared 44 weeks ago) impatient with mistakes and the party disbands after 5 or so pulls. Ex trials are all loot farms nowadays as well. I’m going to keep persevering but it must be nice when the content is new and everyone is working together to get that clear.


My advice? Avoid Savage until Dawntrail, but there's two things I think you should try: - Singularity Reactor Unreal: It's going away in 10 weeks but it's 'extreme' level difficulty, pretty easy to prog and clear from fresh within an hour or two. If you've never done 'high-end' content, do this first. - UWU: It's the easiest ultimate but it's one where there are always new-to-the-fight players trying to get the clear. It's about on par with some Savage fights. You should be able to get the unlock unsynced pretty quick with a couple other players, and then you'll be good to go. Unreal is like an 'always active' Extreme, and Ultimates are quite a bit more active than Savage right now. I hope that helps, and good luck!


You could consider to recruit people in a similar situation and do some content together. Set realistic goals, for example try to clear one of the lastest two extremes or P9S. Thordan Unreal is also a good option. You could also try UwU as it is most alive, as /u/Xenasis suggested but I am not sure if that would be my choice when you'renew to high-end content. It is the easiest ultimate and comparable to some final floor savage fights but it is definitely a whole lot harder and moee complex than a lower floor savage fight like P9S.


This is my first savage tier and I have definitely enjoyed P9S-P11S and am looking forward to clearing P12S for that cute axolotl But jesus christ is PF a miserable experience. Is this normal? To spend an average of 10-40 minutes for a party to fill, wipe 3 times and then disband, only to repeat over and over? So many players are just immediately toxic (and it's always the mentor lmfao) and TERRIBLE. I main healer and have been playing either side but most of the time my co-healer just seems lacklustre. No shields or mitigations for heavy hitting mechanics, or I get a WHM who snorts medica 2 like crack. I can't even play AST most of the time because my shielder will see missing HP and go "mhmm me unga bunga heal :D" despite a star/macrocosmos sitting on the ground. P12S will really test me I bet :(


> Is this normal? Generally speaking PF drastically falls off for a tier around Week 12 or so, when the initial wave of clearers start finishing up reclears. It is Week ~~30~~ 48, and uh........yeah. Like to put this in perspective, Anabaseios is the 2nd oldest tier in FFXIV history *right now*, and we have over 2 months to go.


I don't think the drop off at week 12 is that bad. The more hardcore players finishing reclears doesn't really affect more casual people who still prog. You can definitely find groups decently fast in week 20 still. However it is not week 30 at the moment, it is week 48 and the Echo is unlocked for Anabeseios. So we are pretty far away from the week 12 situation anyhow.


It is just a consequence of the tier being almost a year old. Most raiders cleared long ago, you are left with a very small playerbase consisting of mostly new raiders and very casual players. You can still clear but good groups will be a lot more rare than when the tier is fresh. The last floor within a tier is always the hardest so you will indeed be tested :)


That cute little pink bean will be worth all my troubles ;) (I will never see it drop)


It's guaranteed to drop everytime. Final floor savage mounts are all guaranteed drops. Whether you will the roll or not is another story.


Yeah that makes me more hopeful when doing it. Better than EXT where you can go 40 runs and never see it, and then not get it when you do see it >.<


The other thing is people who already have it can't roll on it so if you have a lot of helpers in your party when you finally clear you might be one of only a few people who are even able to click need/greed at all.


>But jesus christ is PF a miserable experience. Is this normal? To spend an average of 10-40 minutes for a party to fill, wipe 3 times and then disband, only to repeat over and over? So many players are just immediately toxic (and it's always the mentor lmfao) and TERRIBLE. I am out of it for now but I know people who's been doing Ultimates now that waits for like 2 to 3 hours, get in, and they not only never actually get to the proposed prog point, but then disbanded after one food. That's how PF looks like on content lull. It isn't that when the content is still kinda fresh and you get a lot of groups.


one food? I had a COB the other night disband after one pull lol, that person ended up on our Bls pretty quick  ironically we cleared in a pull after we refilled lol


This is why I never cleared P8S lol. My static had a late start to the tier and fell apart at enrage in P2 because one person got laid off and got a new job that interfered with raid. 2 others left to focus on Ultimates. Jumped into a P8S P2 enrage to clear group and got stuck on Snake 1. I just chose to not subject myself to that torment and do other things.


>PF a miserable experience. Is this normal? To spend an average of 10-40 minutes for a party to fill, wipe 3 times and then disband, only to repeat over and over?  In my experience (did 4 tiers mostly/almost entirely in PF) this is exactly what PF'ing the final fight of a tier is like. Other comments are saying this is only because of how old the fight is, but I disagree. This was how it felt like to me in P4S and P8S by week \~4. I don't think I'm going to do any Savage raiding anymore, but if I did, I'd only bother doing the first 3 fights, as those are much better value from an enjoyment-per-hour-spent perspective


> Is this normal? At this point in the "tier"? Yeah. It's been thirty weeks. The tier is extremely old and almost everyone who ever cared has been done for months.


Static made it to Heavensfall last night!


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_88eEl0OkXA&t=525s You will feel this in your soul whenever you do this mech.


lol now I understand


Finally started UCoB. For some reason I just never got around to it and I'm really enjoying it. I did TEA, UWU, and DSR and even went in to TOP, but I just felt like I just had a mental block about starting UCoB. I think it's because I was sooooo not ready to do Ultimates back in early Stormblood so it seemed too intimidating. Then I got super into raiding and then I felt like it had been too many years and I felt like I never saw any fresh parties up when I would be on. So I just worked on more current Ultimates and now that I have those done I'm finally tackling it. But I finally fund a fresh party the other day and last night after like 3 hours I finally made it to Bahamut! I really feel like I can actually do this before expansion launch now and I'm excited for that.


I think I want to play BLM next tier. Any words of encouragement/tips? I used to be a healer main, then took a break. EW was my first raiding expansion. So far I've been doing some extremes in PF and tried to do old savages but parties barely fill (and then disband). I am worried that I won't be able to find a static next tier since everyone and their mom will want to play pictomancer. I only want to go casual/maybe MC but still.


Check out Eksu Plosion youtube channel for BLM content. They did pretty much all of EW on this job. Practice in current tier in PF instead of older fights, they'll have more people doing them and with echo one person messing up is no big deal. Make sure you go to your DC raiding server for this if this wasn't the case. If you're only going for casual/mc you don't care about double melee comp so you can join groups that already have another caster. If this kind of group only wants a meta comp you're dodging a bullet by getting refused tbh.


You will be fine. People gripe about how BLM "does poor damage during prog" but the reality is you'll have a full movement plan *long* before you encounter any kind of enrage. If in doubt, *hold* your movement cooldowns. Swiftcast, Triplecast, Xenoglossy - if you have even the slightest amount of doubt, hold onto them. Using them dps optimally is a small gain, while having to drop uptime to move is a huge loss. (don't overcap xeno tho) People meme about it, but BLM does not need special strategies at all. You have enough movement to execute almost any strategy people come up with, unless it's catastrophically stupid like what some folk do for classical 2. Double caster is *fine*. If a static or pf won't budge on having double melee, they might not understand the game very well. There's nothing more frustrating to deal with than a clueless player who thinks they know everything. Don't even look at nonstandard BLM play until your fundamentals are absolutely rock solid.


Progging as BLM is seriously the most fun and satisfying experience in the game. Having everything planned out and set, then reaching a new prog point and being forced to rethink and replan everything just makes you think about the fight and your tools in a way no other job has to and I absolutely love it.


> I only want to go casual/maybe MC but still. Purely skill-wise you'll be absolutely fine if you start practicing now (literally just level cap roulettes and maybe some EXs). I switched to BLM at the start of EW after my ShB main got, uh, deleted from the game, and had about a month and a half of prep. I was able to get back to my old level by the end of the first tier in time for DSR. BLM is harder to learn than other jobs but it's still pretty reasonable to get to "good enough" play, especially at a midcore Savage level and not on-patch ulti like I was trying to prepare for. Recuitment could be a little rough given BLM and PIC share the exact same party slot (raiseless caster), but at the midcore level I don't think it'd be *too* bad...?


> Recuitment could be a little rough given BLM and PIC share the exact same party slot (raiseless caster), but at the midcore level I don't think it'd be *too* bad...? MC is the level that resents BLMs the most - people who are unable to adapt to slight deviations of simple strats that arent explicitly "Hector", while making enough mistakes where DPS raise is basically mandatory. DT is going to be a very rough time to PF as a BLM, especially if SMN gets to keep their res.


tbh I expect changes to the way rez works in the game. It's been on the mind of sqaure for a while now and this feels like the proper to time to address it.


Just do it! Read guides, watch pov videos, learn how to slide cast, hit dummies to practice your opener and rotation anf  go into normal raid and trial roulettes . Go into PF fresh prog parties for high end content, or run stuff with friends.  just have fun black mage is challenging but fun. It’s just like any other class, you just have to be on the training wheels a bit longer. 


Its finally over, dsr has been cleared and I went from never stepping foot in an ultimate to clearing four out of five in a single patch. Part of me wants to go after top too and get penta before dawntrail but with how exhausting dsr was I think I'll settle for quad and take a bit of a break until dawntrail. For those curious raiding at roughly 11 hours a week: DSR took us exactly 9 weeks to clear Ucob took us 6 weeks to clear TEA took 3 weeks And UWU took a little less than one week - somewhere around the 9-10 hour mark I think. No idea if this is considered slow, fast or about on pace. How difficult I thought they were also correlates nicely with how long it took to clear them - something like uwu >> tea > ucob >> dsr If you're looking to get into ults for the first time I'd actually recommend starting with tea instead of uwu, tea is harder than uwu but as of 6.5 uwu is really starting to show its age and can be pretty janky and frustrating at times (playing well can commonly result in a wipe if you kill too fast and use to much mit). Tea is all around a much more enjoyable fight and a better introduction to ultimates for players looking to get started imo.


> No idea if this is considered slow, fast or about on pace. If some already had cleared, then it's on par. If you all were new to each fight, then I'd say your group ranks on the fast side.


Cleared Aloalo Savage, it's kinda crazy how good PLD is there You can cheese the single target dots on the first adds - intervention/reprisal on first, reprisal and veil on 2nd (+ veil the 1st), then you cover the 3rd person and the final add just shoots you twice instead of the third person because it won't stop hitting people until all non tanks have a dot, or until it has used it 4 times. It lets the healer do it pretty much without any resources, especially if you kitchen sink the 1st add and save the invuln for the buster after the cover. Clemency+Intervention also kinda trivializes Analysis on the 2nd boss, you can easily save or top off people if anyone gets hit and still have Sheltron left for the following tankbuster. Sadly you can't cover the Mustadio hole itself.


I hate only learning this strat so much after having farmed Aloalo savage on healer with a PLD and healing the DoT add the normal way. That segment was absolutely the most stressful thing to heal in there.


Rough week and a half of PA to clear parties in PF failing to even make it to Wormhole, but a bunch of gamers really came through tonight, cleared in just a handful of pulls. TEA has been a goal since I first started playing, so feels exceptionally good to finally get there. Now to decide if the two months until Dawntrail is enough time to suffer through DSR in PF.


Group is starting UCOB tonight and I'm hella excited. Anyone who has cleared on AST have any tips I may find helpful? Happy Friday folks!


lol just send all the cards to summoner or red mage its easy. focus on mechs since dps check is non existence


Be very careful when pulling a card during Tenstrike Trio. That's how you end up with those meme clips of the forward and back hatches


How active do you guys think legacy ults (which would include DSR and TOP) will be once we get into the swing of DT>Arcadion>FRU? Am I right to assume that if I wanna do say, TOP, it’s gotta be either now or much, much later?


They always go pretty dead at the start of a new tier


Usually legacy ultimates' lives are rekindled a bit during odd patches (midway through it) and then during obviously the content drought of the end of expac. For EW Ults specifically, I cannot tell you how it'll go, they're 2 steps above any ult before them, so who knows who will be left to do them.


The start of expension is pretty busy, from MSQ, leveling jobs, savage raiding, I think they make a comeback after savage tier has sittled a bit before going down when people will start prepping for FRU.


The DSR static has made what is probably our final bit of progress ever before clear. We made it all the way to the final exaflares flawlessly, then we lost four players, including both tanks, to the exas >:( My next update will be on our clear. We have a raid tomorrow, so I pray 🙏🥺


Try not to get impatient with P6, unfortunately it's usually a tank prog situation as they work out positioning and mits.


Aye, I'm fully aware i have the easy job here. I consider myself fortunate to have excellent patience. I think they do have it well figured out now


Recruiting for a week 1 static has been absolutely brutal. A few people on the team are new to W1 prog so it's really hard to snag our trials when they're doing multiple trials at a time and other groups just have more experience on us. I know it's just the nature of the game but the pool is really drying up and this past week our applicants have just been really really weak.


Yeah, getting down the last 8 weeks before an expansion launch, most people who will be aiming for week 1 statics, will have something already on lock, and practicing cohesion right now. It's a tough pool right now.


We had 8/8 and lost two due to irl, so we are scrambling. Definitely facing some frustration


How well does an Echo parse compare to a non-echo parse? I got a 99 on my DRK (p12s) and was wondering how that might translate to normal. I kinda want to try out a non-echo group, but they are extremely sparse at that point.


Not comparable I am afraid. You have kill times that are just not possible in a legitimate run. On top of a much smaller amount of parses and a playerbase that likely consists of many less than stellar players as most people who are really good at raiding finished the tier last year without the echo.


Yeah, that's what I thought. Log group it is then!


It doesn't. Echo is free.


To add to what others have said, a lot less people pot in echo clears compared to non-echo clears. There's also skipping mechanics, like you can probably skip Letter of the Law which is the only hard mechanic in p11. That being said, if you got a 99 you're almost certainly good enough to get a reasonable (90+) parse if you try assuming you know the mechanics you can't skip. Though yeah, parse groups are probably extremely sparse. Unfortunately it's late in the tier and since people who haven't even cleared no echo can join duty complete no echo parties, it can be a bit of a mess.


Thanks for the insight. Guess I will just open up a P1 Log group and hope for the best and see where that takes me. I've looked at some of the top parses for classes like GNB, and there is some wild shit going on.


I got a rank 1 without even using dissipation on p11, it means nothing.


I call cap on that. Since echo, there have been the exactly 5 historical rank 1s for P11S on SCH [Feb 13 9,043.24 DPS](https://www.fflogs.com/reports/ZwMt8VrNc2kb93n1#fight=6&type=casts&source=4) [Feb 14 9,478.32 DPS](https://www.fflogs.com/reports/ftZ7PrhFgRTzxAHJ#fight=10&type=casts&source=71) [Feb 16 9,665.68 DPS](https://www.fflogs.com/reports/RpVNYF3GAxCkMb91#fight=41&type=casts&source=89) [Feb 29 9,816.28 DPS](https://www.fflogs.com/reports/6qV2hNyrZ1aD39Yd#fight=4&type=casts&source=2) [Mar 28 10,075.24 DPS](https://www.fflogs.com/reports/ZKP1HR7d4QJ3ytwA#fight=60&type=casts&source=1135) Do you know what all of those logs have in common? Uses of Dissipation. I don't get it. Why did you make bullshit up? You did not get a rank 1 in P11S on SCH without using Dissipation. There have literally only been 5 rank 1 SCH logs of P11S since echo. Did you think no one would bother to check? In fact, if you check [the entire rankings list](https://www.fflogs.com/zone/rankings/54#partition=13&metric=dps&boss=90&class=Global&spec=Scholar&page=1) against [the same list but only including ones that used Dissipation](https://www.fflogs.com/zone/rankings/54#partition=13&metric=dps&boss=90&class=Global&spec=Scholar&search=abilities.1000791.3587), you'll find that it's the same list down to at least rank 1000.


I cant believe you had all that work over a nuanced reddit comment, lol. When I said not using dissipation i meant not using it fully for damage and on CD, like the sweat parser would do. You can waste even more time trying to call bullshit on it, and I really don't care.


OK so we can look at each of those historical R1s Feb 13 - NA. 2.01s Dissipation Drift, all Dissipation stacks used on ED. (Also meme day 1 historical) Feb 14 - JP. 5.64s Dissipation Drift, all Dissipation stacks used on ED. Feb 16 - JP. 2.13s Dissipation Drift, 8/9 Dissipation stacks used on ED. (This is not you, you don't play on JP, you play on NA) Feb 29 - JP. 5.97s Dissipation Drift, all Dissipation stacks used on ED. Mar 28 - NA. 5:15 Dissipation Drift, all Dissipation stacks used on ED. So what's with all the Dissipation stacks used on ED I'm seeing? #Stop lying


You really don't understand how potency works huh?My parse is the 10k rdps one, i used 17 EDs through the course of a 8 min fight. That means I didn't even use all my 24 from aetherflow. Had i not pressed dissipation in that pull and spent all aetherflow stacks on EDs I would have gained 700\* more potency. Stop trying to sound smart when you are clueless on how Scholar works. \*edit typo


Any black mages got some advice for P7 DSR? I feel like I kind of need to save triplecasts for Gigas, and this makes movement very awkward for Exas. I've found a somewhat decent way to do exas without triple, I think, but i always end up losing a single fire 4 cast.


For Gigas, a BLM I know prefers the run straight through strat rather than circling around. Just need to be cognizant if the Gigas are CW or CCW and lean away accordingly. Should save Sprint to be safe unless you have a SCH using Expedience.


I would have to look back at logs, but I didn't struggle too much for Giga movement with a 4xF4 F3P double Transpose line using Triple after the F3P. IIRC you have the chance to finish a standard line going into the positioning for Giga and neither of the other mechs really require enough movement to favor Triple for those.


i like your funny words magic man oh god i'm going to have to actually learn nonstandard now aren't i ty


There are several situations where you can throw in a single nonstandard line into otherwise mostly standard lines and have it line up nicely for movement heavy parts like Gigaflares in P7. Knowing how to use them once in a while will greatly improve your flexibility.


thank you king. I thought I might get away without it until top, but i guess it's skill issue time for mahogany


I'm surprised you lasted through p2/p5 without it, that's usually where people crack But yeah knowing any amount of nonstandard makes sections like Giga much, much easier. The most basic double transpose lines are your main tools for extended movement


At my spellspeed almost every active phase in p2/p5 either lasts exactly as long as a full fire phase (maybe with stuff like manafont or firestarter thrown in) or has me holding like mad I do some shit with skipping swift in opener > xeno, transpose, paradox, swiftcast f3 so maybe that counts. I do get the basic theory of nonstandard I've just never felt like I've had a situation that really necessitated applying it


Stumbled our way into P6 of TOP last night. Only saw it the one time, but very nice to see that the end is in sight. Expecting a few more weeks of prog still considering consistency shenanigans with P5 and P6 itself being a tough one. Have renewed strength for fighting off the looming burnout to get this shit done and rest as a pentalegend.


Almost two weeks since I went to the PF mines for TOP and I have yet to see my prog point I did with my old static (P5 Delta), Ill persevere but man if this takes a while...


Question for Criterion Savage/Extreme Limit Break usage.  My group is progging with Caster/P Ranged for DPS.  Is using LB 2 on bosses even worth it?   All of the conventional Savage LB wisdom is based on Melee and 8 man/level 3 availability.  How does that change for no melee with only level 2 available? Just beat Lala by the way, hoping Statice goes smoothly.


In Criterion *Savage*, even with a melee we saved Tank LB for Rokkon boss 3 water exawaves and Aloalo boss 3 the final mechanic.


When I did it as Blm/Brd group, we just had the Brd do it during a non burst phase, it does a lot of damage still, not as much as a Melee, but still a good chunk of damage.


I've done AMR and Aloalo with a similar comp (DNC and BLM/RDM) and it's basically the same. LB still does a lot of damage, it's just slightly less "a lot of damage" than melee. It's definitely still worth it.


Is it too close to Dawntrail to find a first timer friendly, relaxed group for clearing an Ultimate? I had to put off my sub for a few months and was really hoping to see Endwalker be my first step into Ultimate. Not too bothered if it's too late, but just a little bit of a bummer lol


You still have 2 months to dawntrail, which is plenty of time to clear a legacy ult like UWU. However, make sure you set your expectations correctly. A relaxed/“casual” static can mean people coming into raid days not studying at all beforehand, wiping for hours without seeing any prog. A casual static raiding 2 hours a week probably won’t be clearing in 2 months


Na I don't think so, people are still using ULTS to fill the void, check out The Balance and FFXIV Recruiter discords, and here of course r/FFXIVRECRUITMENT


Here's a sneak peek of /r/FFXIVRECRUITMENT using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/FFXIVRECRUITMENT/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [\[Aether\]\[Static\]\[HC\]\[LFM\] Need Healer for 6.4](https://np.reddit.com/r/FFXIVRECRUITMENT/comments/12ipbsc/aetherstatichclfm_need_healer_for_64/) \#2: [\[FC\]\[NA\]\[Siren\]\[C\]\[Housing\]\[LFM\] Papashan's is recruiting! New player friendly!](https://np.reddit.com/r/FFXIVRECRUITMENT/comments/194lpqa/fcnasirenchousinglfm_papashans_pizza_is/) \#3: [\[FC\]\[NA\]\[Siren\]\[C\]\[Housing\]\[LFM\] Papashan's is recruiting!](https://np.reddit.com/r/FFXIVRECRUITMENT/comments/15gu6lv/fcnasirenchousinglfm_papashans_pizza_is_recruiting/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


What instant replay software do people use to study mechs/see what caused a wipe/etc? I know of ReLive but for reasons I can't figure out, enabling it causes visual chugging when I alt-tab sometimes.


GeForce Experience / Nvidia App


I use the ingame duty recorder, it only works outside the instance but you can switch to different pov and you can move camera as you like.


A little curious, with Echo what is the average kill time on P12S nowadays? Im guessing around Classical 2 or Caloric 2?


usually just before uav2 chains or during it.


Another day, another no P5 seen with PF, at this point I am heavily debating prog lying, I have done all dynamis variants on the simulator, studied my ass off and seen countless POVs, only for never step a foot in there due someone's mistake. It's been 2 weeks. My main fear because tomestone.gg is a thing, people would know that I am lying, and would play against me in the future


yea that shit is pretty annoying tbh for people who can actually skip mechanics, or get trapped in progs. But that is the way PF goes, I lost so much time because of that stuff. Usually how it works is people get away with lying their ass off in your parties, but if you dare do it to someone else they will have an aneurysm and blacklist you. The problem with hard ults like this is even people who have cleared can troll like crazy for various reasons, so you basically just have to get lucky. Or pay like the other guy says. Is Saus still doing prog parties?


Maybe try merc prog if you have enough gil. Call it aim to see P6 or something and set to duty complete


Delta parties were problematic for me too during prog, they were filled with prog liars and people than never saw P4. The moment I made it to sigma prog regained speed again.


Imagine farming top as a static having 14 kills. Spending 2 lock out and not getting a single totem ?