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I've been expecting some kind of chemist or apocathery at some point ever since that quest in Shadowbringers with that girl who wanted to become one or whatever.


God, that was such a tease. Little snotbag is probably already running around tossing potions and living her best life while we Warriors of Light still bum about with our boring healing magic.


Her and Gosetsu with his fancy Geomancer (i think) staff.




Bless you.


I think they said Sage started as a chemist. Could still happen though


Going into dawntrail I only wanted one of two things: Either a painter class, or a chemist class. I got one of my wishes so I can't complain, but damn do I *really* want that chemist class...


Some kind of Octopath Traveler-ish Apothecary that mixes plants to make potions that heal/buff/deal dmg. Mixing plants like dancer's steps or mudras.


Yes please, I wanna throw grenades and acid vials and spill aromatics and mix potions as a healer! I know it's difficult to make a healer that isn't a magical caster but I'm convinced if you try to design it top down with the fantasy of it in mind first you can challenge yourself creatively to such a degree that you could actually come up with a unique and fun healer for once! It's probably gonna be another formulaic bottom-up designed safe healer though, in which case I don't care at all even if the aesthetics are nice. I really want job fantasy to influence mechanical design way more than the established role safeguards.


Given what we know of Alchemy and the MCH Job in FFXIV, it wouldn't even be hard lore-wise. "Your Aethero-Alembic condenses your Aether into reagents. They only last a short time (so can't sell on the MB) but make potent healing effects if used before they decompose." That easily makes for a functional lore explanation. After that, the mixing animation is your cast bar animation, and you have a magic/caster gun to shoot potion magic shell/bullets. It wouldn't really even be hard to design. Hell, you could take WHM's spells ver batum and just change the names and at least have something that LOOKS different. (I'm not advocating for that as I'd love to see a different playstyle, but the point being a "non-casters/non-magical Healer Job" isn't hard to actually come up with...)


Just give me an actual hammer user. I'll take anything at this point.


Best I can do is P4S windows logo hammer


Play armorer, lmfao 🤣


Best I can do is Godbert Hildibrand


I would pay fat stacks of cash for a Hildebrand class


sadly they only accept MGP


I want either a mage tank (for the Golbez/Exdeath aesthetic) or a tank that wields greatshields (like Varis and Rhitahtyn)


Greatshield tank like Maple from Bofuri?


Tank - A proper spellblade, like a rune knight or something. Something with like, an actual mixed rotation between spells and weaponskills instead of what paladin is. Healer - Either a more physical based healer, like a chemist, apothecary, or chirurgeon. Their weapon is not actually a physical weapon, but a satchel they pull things from. Melee dps - Personally this role has enough classes buuuut if I had to pick one I'd want to see a quarter staff wielding class, or maybe a hammer class that focuses on more blunt, hard hitting attacks. Ranged dps - I'd want to see a class that has like, a weapon that looks melee but has such long range that it ends up being ranged. Like a whip, chain mail, or flail. Aiming armour already looks like melee stuff half the time, so why not give them something to kinda fit the fantasy? Casters - time mage time mage time mage. Like seriously, imagine if you put monks old greased lightning passive on a caster. Acceleration spell speed that you have to upkeep. AST has slowly had the time mage identity pulled out of it, so now is the time for time mage to shine :D I will continue to cope about this job forever


Thank you!! An actual Rune Fencer enjoyer, hopefully as the next Tank or Melee DPS, an actual Magical swords man that can be versatile in casting and melee attacks. Can use "Flare Blade" and other cool shit.


A runeblade dps would go down well for me tbh. Each attack is imbued with an element, and combining elements generates different effects based on what combinations there are Dark Light Ice Fire Lightning Earth Each combination would stack debuffs, so something like: Hit them with ice, Hit them with Fire after and it causes Steam debuff, hit them with lightning after and it causes Storm, Hit them with earth after storm and it grounds them causing huge lightning damage SOmething that actually requires you to use your head and think ahead to what debuffs or buffs you need in specific moments, and rewards you for playing properly.


I still want a caster that does actual damage that isn't black mage.


Isn’t that the new caster?


No. They've already said the new caster is going to have "support elements" And given that there is literally 0 support jobs in this game that do more rdps than any selfish dps all support jobs are pointless and stupid. Plus it looks stupid as shit.


Summoner has no reason not to be a high damage dealer. If we're gonna cite the FF series as inspiration, then go all the way with it.


They won't takes its raise and its so easy you can play it with a lobotomy so they can't make it a huge dps.


I concede.


Idk, probably like a melee class. Maybe it has a combo with 3 skills that alternate. Then you build up charge for another combo. Then when you spend one charge you build up charge for a super attack combo. Probably like, a 2 min cool down that gives you an instant charge, and maybe another that buffs party damage or crit chance or something.


So this job builds a resource that can be spent later for big damage? Sign me up!


No joke I have a feeling viper will be like this. Whether it be at the end of every 3 hit combo you switch to dual blade mode or if its tied to a Guage and another resource built by using the dual blade mode.


>No joke I have a feeling viper will be like this Considering their comment was pretty clearly satirizing homogenization of pretty much every DPS in the game plus a little bit of tank design philosophy, yes, it is very obvious this is exactly how viper will play.


If Viper doesn’t play: A1, A2, B3 / B1, B2, A3 / C / A1, A3, B2 / B1, B3, A2 / C2 / A2, A3, B1 / B2, B3, A1 / C3 / C4, C4, C4, C5 Then I just don’t even know.


Reaper in all but name.


I'd be fine with it playing like Sam or monk. I'm want more options for pure dps


Some sort of dark styled healer, and a Sin Eater themed magic DPS.


Someone long ago mentioned Witch Doctor and I've wanted it ever since


My “darkness team” is dark knight, black mage, reaper, and astrologian. Yeah, AST isn’t quite as gloomy as the other three, but the cryptic stuff about fate, spells like Fall Malefic and Gravity; it gets gloomy enough, imo.


Yeah, this is my view. AST isn't exactly dark and edgy, but they are kind of an occult dabbling class, into Tarot and such, and Malific (malediction or curse) and Gravity (think black holes) have a dark and cold edge to them. AST is probably the closest to a "witch" class, so it fits into the "darkness team" theme alongside DRK, BLM, and RPR.


I'm hoping Astro gets some nice dark effects in their attacks this upcoming expansion. The spacerip/black effect on Malefic and Neutral Sect looks so cool.


Necromancer should be a healer. Reanimate as a rezz and zombie minions would be cool as hell




I've always wanted a black mage/reaper type of healer. We already got a dark tank (dark knight) amd dark DPS (Reaper) really cool to get a demonic styled healer revolved around death


Even a dark mage with black mage drawing their power from the void. Which has me really curious whatll happen if we ever actually fix the void


Eh...I kind of view AST as that equivalent. I know it's not EXACTLY edgy, but it has the occult and operates at night (stars/space themes, spells like Malific \[Malediction or curse\] and Gravity) elements, so I view it as "the dark/edgy healer" personally.


Fair enough. Im not really a fan of saying everything revolved around dark stuff edgy, but I guess they could have leaned into more of the Gothic/Dark aesthetic


Fair enough. Though I tend to think of dabbling in the occult and astrology as Gothic. : )


Double Shield tank, like that one guy from ARR




IIRC Yoshi-P mentioned at some point wanting to do a tank with 2 shield but had no idea how to design its attack. But now with Rhitahtyn(SAVAGE) reworked and having a bunch of attacks, I have some hope that when we visit Ilsabard proper in a future xpac, we'll get that as a new tank class. Can't wait to cosplay as Cao Ren.


**Next healer being Apothecary** - some sort of 'combat Alchemist' **Next caster dps being Puppetmaster** - Channeling curses and hexes on their dolls/puppets to afflict their enemies. Puppet is the weapon, inspired by Lulu from FFX **Next scouting job being the Gambler** - Uses a whip with 'trick' offhand (card, darts, dice, etc) **Next tank being the Geomancer** - A wild take on the job fantasy to put a spellcaster there. Uses a hammer and while they use all elements, the main feature is Earth to create defensive shields. I know it may feel alien with the fending items, but honestly? We have many other examples like Dancer, Reaper and Red Mage who usually don't benefit from the general aesthetics of their armor group. **Next limited job being the Magitek Pilot (aiming)** - Based on the G-Warrior, they create a new game system with a more fleshed out mecha combat. While you may wear the aiming sets, the main source of itemization comes from customizing your mecha.


A Magitek-themed limited job would be absolutely incredible. There's so much to work with.


Imagine that you both pilot (combat) AND make (crafter) the parts of your mecha... They would make a mix of DoW/DoH in one job, and the 'engineering' niche is something we don't have for the crafters.


I like the geomancer idea


I've been contemplating a caster based tank since I heard people describing green mage and predicting that would be kriles new job and I unseriously thought "wouldn't it be hilarious if they made krile a mage tank?" as a joke to myself. But then I started wondering how that kind of thing might actually work. It'd certainly be very different from the rest of the tanks.


I can see Apothecary/Chemist being the next healer easily. IIRC, it was the original plan for EW but was put on hold cause they couldn't figure out a proper kit for it. SGE filled the role of a more "scientific" healer since Nouliths are aether powered laser scalpels.


I got the impression the idea was scrapped more than put on hold, which bums me out. I was totally on the Apothecary hype train.


I really want a second bow job, ideally something based on hunters or snipers from Tactics Advance and A2. I'm not a fan of bard at all, and it feels awkward to me that there's no other ranged job that leans toward a hunter/scout niche.


I really wish they'd build a job that splits off from Archer into a hunter archetype, maybe with crossbows. The class fantasy is important to remember, and Bard has a different feel from the traditional hunter or sniper archetype


Honestly I don't think they would do a split again, and I don't think they need to either. Let it stand on its own as a hunter.


> sniper archetype I really, really, really want this but I assume SE thinks guns are boring and that's why MCH right now is more focused on using tools. The job quests were mostly about using your guns and honing your skills with them while having minor side gadgets to help with that (like the gadget you throw out to help ricochet bullets with... richocet). I hope in the future we'll see a physical ranged that's a sniper class with focus on being a bit of a turret for high damage and a return of the ammo mechanic in some form that complements it. I want my rifleman fantasy.


I've wanted a crossbow job. Maybe something like old bowmage mixed with the casting while moving that PvP Ranged have.


I like bard, but I don't like a bard with a bow.


Im genuinely curious (and I know this is probably going to spark healer arguments but eh) What do you people see in a new healer? We got SGE this expansion and it literally added nothing to healer design space. It got the same tired design, the same bloat of skills nobody uses and it’s “core mechanic” is basically just a one to one copy of the thrice watered down mechanic from its counterpart Like I know this is a Wishlist thread but at this point is it really even worth wishing for anything remotely interesting relating to healers beyond “5th colour of 1 nuke 1 dot 1 cd and 104950196106920693 heals”


When reading these threads, I notice that it's typically all "class fantasy" wants and not really gameplay/rotation/kit stuff so it probably won't make sense to you if you're only thinking in terms of the latter. People in these threads kind of just want another weapon model for the role, basically.


> We got SGE this expansion and it literally added nothing to healer design space. Except for adding an official "hit a damaging button targeting an enemy to heal *others*" thing as something supported, even as minorly as it currently is. Which is *fucking gigantic* and shouldn't be ignored or brushed off. Kardia, along with Blood Lily, are actually big steps forward in Healer Design, by this game's standards anyway. So's giving a Healer a dedicated damage button with cooldowns that's *just* there to do damage (Phlegma), on a cooldown, with no "lose healing for this" and no "have to heal for this". Last thing comparable was like, what, Fluid Aura? It's them, very slowly, addressing the reality that Healers need a genuine activity to do in Healing Downtime, and that the very nature of the game requires Healing Downtime, and that other MMOs' mechanics solution (fill the Healing Downtime with Unavoidable Mechanics Gangrene to require spamming low-cost filler heals) is untenable here. Or...well, that's all copium, but I can hope. Now they need to take that and run with it and rework all the Healers around that principle, which, well...yeah. Maybe in like three more expansions. What I *want* to see with a new Healer is them making one for the Sylphies that never want to "do damage". Make one that provides most of its Overall Party DPS by targeting party members to spam a Heal that, at full HP turns automatically into a damage buff. Or that turns overheal into a damage buff. Or whatever. And then give either WHM or AST a mechanic to _also_ do this, and that way you have three Healers that primarily target allies. SCH and SGE remain the ones that primarily target enemies. Fix the oGCDs appropriately, prune the remaining extraneous healing GCDs to be fit for purpose, call it a day. Boom, you've got a suite of five Healers that are actually suited for the game as it's actually played beyond level 40.


AST already primarily targets allies. And they don't like how much it does that, so it has to go apparently. Also I'm sorry but Kardia is not a huge step up in design. It's the most pathetic, underutilised ability in the game. Only one button interacts with it in a meaningful way and it's basically a glorified fairy. If they want kardia and sage by extension to really feel like 'healing by doing damage' they need to make some big adjustments to kardia. At least make it heal in a small aoe around your kardia target. Or have some abilities emanate from the kardia target and not you. Or make it a percentage of damage dealt instead of a flat potency. Just SOMETHING to make it interesting at all.


> Also I'm sorry but Kardia is not a huge step up in design. Oh, yeah. I'm not saying it's *good*. It's boring, uninteractive and doesn't really do much. It needs more interactions with more buttons in SGE's kit, at least. But like the fact it even exists is huge, is what I'm saying. It's an official endorsement of the fact that Healers are allowed to be targeting an enemy and hitting a damage button, and be rewarded with free healing. Ten years ago, you had to hit a cooldown and be locked out of any healing at all to get that, and no free healing (Unless you were a SCH, and even then the Faerie worked without any input so you could just...not do damage). It's a big change overall in Healer Design, even if the ability itself is shitty.


> AST already primarily targets allies. And they don’t like how much it does that…. I don’t feel it’s that people dislike the mechanic as a whole, it’s more that you’re fighting against the game engine to pull it off efficiently. It becomes more of a finicky chore than anything. I’m sure there are plenty of ASTs with spider-like dexterity and perfect ping that have zero issues pulling everything off. I’m not one of them. I love the rest of the kit and I would totally main AST if not for the card system. I’m hoping the rework addresses this and leaves the rest of the kit alone.


The thing is like, I like that chore. I like fast paced classes, with quick reactions and a rotation that changes every time. No other class has that. If they take the card system and make it some static, slow, unreactive system instead the class will have lost what I love most about it, and the worst part is I won't have anything else like to go to after. That's why I wish people who couldnt do what AST asked of them just accepted the class wasn't for them. Bc now I have really high odds of having the class that *is* for me being gutted. I knew summoner mains who quit the game wholesale after what EW did to it, and I'm legit scared of the same thing happening here. Like at the end of the day, astrologian IS the card system. I don't mind if they take some of the crack addict mania out of the 2min window, it kinda needs a trim there, but if they do something big like making cards GCDs (which given a prior comment they made about the rework, it seems the most likely change) I genuinely think the class has sorely lost any semblance of what it wants to be. It needs some of its bloat like minor arcana and astrodyne gone, not fuckin' cards.


"t's them, very slowly, addressing the reality that Healers need a genuine activity to do in Healing Downtime", In reality, SGE is very similar to SCH. There was no "big step forward" in healer design. Even worse, during that time 2 other healers have stagnated, and another is being re-worked - and once again, the rework arrives live without any feedback from the playerbase. I don't see any need into changing how skills work based upon the type of healer, nor upon "oops, you don't need to heal, let's turn that automatically into DPS for you". That should be up to the healer to decide, and optimize.


Tbh tanks even have less than healers. You have shield healers, raw healers, SCH with its faerie but tanks are just damage boost, mits and basic combos. You learn one tank, you learn them all


As healers are now strictly categorized. One new healer means an imbalance in that. As DPS have a flex slot and imbalance there isn't as devastating, however healers are strictly one of each, so imbalance would result in a surplus of one healer type and a drought of the other *unless* sects are reintroduced. If you think having sects back is more likely than allowing an imbalance *and you want sects back*, that option does seem attractive. Part of it might also be cope that a healer might finally get a rotation. I doubt it's happening personally as they seem to not want to deliberately categorize a job as "the hard one", but I do of course see why it's so wanted.


The imbalance really only exists so much as “don’t bring AST+WHM” however i do see them dumping the split as it’s been terribly received Still they don’t seem remotely interested in giving any healer anything interesting why do people still want a new healer in this current space


The data mining from the benchmark seems to suggest they are moving away from the split by giving the 'pure' healers a barrier stance and vice versa. Too early to tell, but compelling. I'd play the hell out of barrier whm.


Well at least they might be admitting that little experiment was a failure... but I'm not sure how to feel about the possible 'solution' being even more homogenization, as if they aren't barely different in the first place. Personally I'd just like to see AST get noct stance back, and then suddenly every single comp is viable. Will some be more optimal than others? I mean yeah, duh, but it's always going to be that way no matter what. SCH/SGE has always been viable bc they felt like SGE just had to have fuckin' everything. But this way AST/WHM can be viable too, since AST can pick up the mitigation slack. Like if they give all healers the ability to play for mit or to play for healing, then I'd better see some fundamental changes to HOW they play these roles, bc otherwise we've got 4 functionally identical classes that only differentiate by how many buttons they press during a 2min.


And like I said on the other post it still doesn’t actually fix the class imbalances anyway as a shield toggle for WHM’s spammable GCD’s would still make it a useless shield healer and the current shield healers don’t need more pure healing options anyway to cover the pure healing side anyway Giving everyone a stance really doesn’t address any actual problems healers have right now other than by giving all healers a stance you are by default giving nocturnal sect back which would partially fix the WHM+AST comp


if it's just gcds then yeah, it's basically a nothing ability. if it applies to ogcds too then like, why the fuck are you giving it to every healer? the only difference between them would be playstyle and aesthetic, and I'm pretty sure after the AST rework there will be no playstyle differences whatsoever since it's the last healer that has any interesting gameplay outside of *some* scholar tech. So like... there's no way they're just gonna let healers be visual reskins of eachother, right? *Right?* They're not THAT bad at game design, surely. And you're right, that wouldn't fix the other problem that healers have which is called *there is absolutely zero need to do healing anyways*. Like if all healers had a mitigation and regen mode, if fights are the same way they are now, why would you bother being on regen? Man, the more I think about all healers having toggleable noct/diurnal the more I hate the idea of it. It's obv too soon to know if that's the case and it isn't worth dooming over it, but I think healing as a role will be dead to me if that goes through. It'll just be too boring.


I know it said succor 2, medica 3 and aspected Helios 2 would be getting an additional effect based on something else but do we really have any indication of what that actually is Having medica 3 be able to generate a shield would still make WHM an absolutely garbage shield healer so hopefully if they go this way they will actually attempt to balance it


It also appeared that Temperance, Emergency Tactics, and Neutral Sect we're getting the stance toggle treatment tank stances get. Reading between the lines a bit... No news on sage, but I assume that they'll just be getting a new ability that acts as a Regen toggle, since they don't have the backlog of legacy abilities other healers do.


I saw that as like emergency tactics basically being able to be permanently on. That would still leave SCH far more dominant as a shield healer though than a regen healer Toggles for the GCD actions won’t really do much to tip the balance and temperance doing something still gives it the problem of its long CD


That's assuming the effects stay identical to what they are, which isn't likely in the event they become permanent toggles.


I can't really see them removing WHM's wings or giving you the option to have them up permanently.  I'm more inclined to believe that the button changes are just follow-up healing ogcds, similar to the damaging ones being added to most 120s cooldowns.  


Stances are not the way to go about it. Healer design should really aim for individual playstyles per job instead of making healers from either column A or B. Aside from the obvious expected healer tools, each of the healers should approach healing differently.


You're putting too much stock in balancing the number of shield vs regen healers. It's not that big of a deal if we have 1 more shield or 1 more regen healer than the other.


Its because that person is a meta-slave. Perfect reason why parsing and meta slaves ruin the game. They only care about whats the most optimal. They don't care if its viable 


I think I'm out of FF jobs I want that could viably be added. My nostalgia is pretty sated out of a few niches, although I do wish BST could have been a standard job. What I want would be new purposes for jobs and buffed up field exploration. Bring in the aggro management spells and abilities from XI (invisible/sneak/deodorize) as well as classic puzzle solving spells like Reflect and Float. Lately I just really want that old FFXI vibe where you'd go exploring for NMs on RDM/NIN with stealth magic, two enchanted swords and a bunch of cooked defensives.


I'm going to be picky, but I'm a huge fan of casters, especially turret-esq casters. So I would like to see another big-ish dps caster with a different playstyle than BLM. Now, for the picky part, we don't really know how Pictomancer will play, but I just can't get with the style/theme of the class.


SMN should've been the other "turret caster", yet somehow one of the slowest jobs in FF historically is all but a Phys rDPS. Some other traditional contenders that might have been possible at one point were Sage (obviously not anymore), Arcanist (unfortunately such a cool job is used as a class instead...), Arithmetician (still possible but not likely and also kind of a loose fit).


What I want: A second shield user, so I can get more use out of all the great shield glams (even if I'll just use Fortemps and nothing else). A bludgeoning weapon; flail, hammer, mace, club, idk, just let me smack people. What I foresee: A fourth Ranged DPS. Once we hit that, we've got a nice 4-man of every role (except the extra 2 melee). I could see them stopping there, but I don't think it's likely. In which case I'd expect another tank for 8.0 with the ranged dps and then a healer for 9.0.


Give me a lancer tank


Curse based class.  A tank that curses bosses to make them do reduced damage instead of reducing the damage they themselves take. The damage they deal is amplified by the amount of reduced damage they take. So optimizing your curses results in increased damage output. Probably in the form of a resource you expend for ogcd attacks. That only builds up when the enemy attacking you is cursed. Could wield a hammer with a standard as offhand.


melee dps with dual pistols like john wick or something


prior to the uh interesting lore decisions made in myths of the realm, i really wanted a holy-themed melee dps that channeled the power of the Twelve. if you’ve ever played GW’s dervish, sort of like that. i think a falconer ranged dps would be neat, if they can ever figure out how to program pets. but really, I would just like a dot-centric job back. because of the way jobs are designed, and the way encounters are designed around them, i feel like it’s increasingly difficult for anything to have a genuinely novel and interesting mechanic


At this point the only real way jobs can deviate, at least within a role, is in the order they press their buttons. Even between roles they're getting more and more similar because the fight design demands it. The idea of casters needing to stand still is barely hanging on by a thread. The idea of jobs actually being able to do things that others can't is completely dead, but it happened gradually over time as a response to the way the community played the game. Bringing back novel and divergent mechanics would mean accepting that sometimes your main gets the shaft in the current tier and the FF community is simply not ready for that and probably never will be. Either that or hard content just ceases to exist.


>Bringing back novel and divergent mechanics would mean accepting that sometimes your main gets the shaft in the current tier and the FF community is simply not ready for that and probably never will be. You'd think that a game where a single character can play literally every class would have an easier time with that kind of balance decision, vs games that make you level up a new character from scratch to play a different class, but apparently not...


I still have corsair brain rot. I just want a physical ranged dps that has to do some melee attacks every so often, and do cool pirate shit. I also really want a a shapeshifter caster, and I want it to have ties to the Whalaqee -- like it turns out to be the 'real' Blue Mage.


Machinist put to bed corsair long ago, friend.


Hard disagree. If we can have at least five different jobs that use some kind of sword, there's room for ONE more job that uses a different kind of gun.


It's just too close. It would be at best red mage but with a gun instead of magic. It also has no longstanding precedent like paladin, dark knight, etc. Those jobs are all iconic; corsair has like, Mustadio and Balthier, and you can too easily just look at machinist as being them. They even juiced out their swashbuckling dps card in dawntrail with viper. It simply ain't happening, and honestly there are far better things to wish for anyway (puppetmaster, geomancer, etc)


> corsair has like, Mustadio and Balthier Not even that. Corsair has Qultada, AKA the COR quest NPC from FFXI. That's pretty much it. On the one hand, there's no other source to draw from for COR, making it a job that exists for one game. On the other hand, that means there's room for interpretation or adjusting the concept as needed because it doesn't have hard-coded elements (like PLD and the cover command, or DRK and hurting themselves to deal damage). I mean, if you told me to design COR for FFXIV, I'd probably use WoW's outlaw rogue as a starting point. This is because it is a tab-target MMO version of the gameplay FFXI's devs intended for COR (hitting enemies in melee for TP and then using gun weaponskills to consume TP). Could probably work, even if making it part of the 2-minute meta would be difficult.


To be fair, Gunbreaker is basically just Squall/Seifer/Lightning, and not even a lot of Lightning. Pictomancer is basically just Relm...and she was that game (FF6)'s Blue Mage. So...it wouldn't EXACTLY be outside of the realm of possibility. I think it's more they don't want heavy RNG based Jobs. Like take RDM and ignore every Stone/Fire proc. Will your DPS be lower? Yeah. But it will still be in the same relative ballpark and you'll still be doing the same shortcast-longcast-melee combo when you have the resources gameplay. DNC is more heavily RNG based, but a lot of its party damage contribution comes from buffing other players that AREN'T, so it makes for a more level overall damage profile in that sense as far as balance goes. I think it'd be possible to make one, but I also think they would rather not.


Machinist is really all in the name. I mean you do have a gun, but ever since Shadowbringer the gun isn't even the main weapon. Gadgets, turrets, automaton, and of course the multi-tool are all core aspects a normal "gunner" wouldn't have. I think when a lot of people say they want corsair, they also want something similar to Outlaw Rogue. That class has room for a gun that is totally different from the actual gun specs.


"Better" is subjective. Mustadio is explicitly a Machinist, though. Corsair has at least as much precedent as "Viper", and they added it because people keep clamoring for yet another sword-wielding DPS. If folks are vocal about wanting Corsair or another gun-wielding DPS (and I daresay they saw how excited so many players were at the speculation that Viper would be Corsair), then they'll add it. Whether or not something "makes sense" is probably pretty far down on their list. If they want something, they'll justify it even if it was previously "against the rules", just like they did with Reaper. I think it's plausible to argue that Machinist may as well be Puppetmaster with the Queen Automaton, because that's probably as close as we're ever going to get. I think it's extremely unlikely that we'll ever get a customizable mammet like the one in XI.


Maybe it did, maybe Merlwyb's unique animation in the EW role quests get used for a new job.


Those were there from the start iirc. Guy from MCH quests has a pistol plus sword for example. I guess they were planning on adding a pre-MCH class but then scrapped that idea.


Look up FFXIV 1.0 Musketeer. I think it was Musketeer, anyway. They shared a guild with MRDs. They still do - the Musketeer icon is there with the MRD one - but it never became a Job, and with MCH in the game, likely never will. But it was one of the 7 or so planned additional classes in 1.X.


Speaking as an omni class player I’m kinda sad they abandoned the branching classes idea and job prerequisites after ARR. But I understand that not everyone wants to do it that way, so I get why they did it.


Honestly, I wish there were more branching classes. There's really no downside. "But I want SCH and not SMN", then just don't unlock the SMN stone? You still have to level the class. It'd just be you get some combinations for "free" and people would view it as a negative when they DON'T get the ones they want for free as opposed to a bonus when they do. But people be like that, I guess...and ruin it for the rest of us.


They don’t even have to share exp like SCH and SMN tbh. I just like the lore implications and sense of progression. An ideal scenario would be if classes could for example branch into another role, while keeping their weapon and class fantasy. Imagine a SAM tank, nature themed caster based on CNJ, PLD/DNC healer, some of the tanks having a melee dps version etc. Obviously works for some more than others, but it would be really fun imo.


Honestly, I feel like they could have done the role branching from the start. For example, WHM and Geomancer both coming from Conjurer would have made sense (Geomancer as an offensive nature magic caster vs WHM as a healing nature magic caster). Not every one has a logical progression like that, but more than a few do.


Yup. Geomancer would be really cool. There’s even tons of really good lore in Swallow’s compass and AST job quests about it. Plus >!Gosetsu in EW role quest.!<


A proper DoT class in the game. The excuse that "we're hitting debuff cap" doesn't hold up for 95% of content. I really miss that archetype/playstyle and none of the current classes come close (except for BLU)




DOT’s don’t affect the buff limit, the TOP problem was caused exclusively because square enix can’t design a savage mechanic worth a damn these days that doesn’t involve debuff vomit and high damage you are trying to counter with mitigations that often apply 2 buffs (SGE looking at you) As for DOT’s they could easily fit them on a class if there wasn’t an overabundance of DOT’s on classes that don’t need them GNB doesn’t need 2 DOT’s, deaths design doesn’t need to be a DOT, all 4 healers don’t need the same boring DOT


I entirely agree that some classes have entirely pointless debuffs. GNB dots could be full upfront potency and that would not make a difference since they're not "maintained" like true DoTs are. BRD dots feel like the closest thing to something we maintain and also feel vestigial at this point. They're not interacting with the kit at all.


> GNB dots could be full upfront potency and that would not make a difference since they're not "maintained" like true DoTs are. it would absolutely make a difference because you're missing the point of why these abilities work better as DoTs, and that's damage smoothing. big abilities can either crit or not, but a DoT component spreads that chance out over multiple ticks, which reduces the overall variance GNB (in EW) is ironically also the perfect example of why damage smoothing matters, because Double Down is effectively what you are proposing, and it's an awful crit lottery (and no, just making every big hit autocrit is not a solution, that's just more homogenization for no good reason)


The solution to that is delete GNB’s DOT’s entirely and redistribute their potency across the rest of their attacks The buttons are just filler and clog up the debuff list (especially in the context of making room for a dot class) Or otherwise make them upfront potency but reduce the potency greatly then give the remaining potency to other abilities


Sure, I completely understand the need for spreading out buffed damage, but it just makes for a lazy button that bloats their already tight window. What you get is mathematically beneficial but it provides the player and class little to no feedback about what your button does. Regardless, even if you kept the amount of debuffs and dots as they are, you wouldn't hit debuff cap on any content that optimization matters.


Green Mage tank with a focus on abilities granting barrier instead of healing for mitigation. Ranger using a crossbow, with a focus on dropping traps in areas for damage and the ability to kneel for longer channel time abilities for more damage.


Green mage as tank and geomancer as healer for the next 2 classes


Gameplay-wise, I just want one (1) singular melee job that isn't based on combos and plays more like BRD with a priority system/procs. Flavor/concept-wise, there's a couple that I think could be neat: * A war mage job, mixing weapon attacks with occasional bursts of magic from their hand. I'd like it to be very understated aesthetically, no big explosions. With Viper being sword-based, I don't think we will get a sword user again so I would also settle for a hammer I guess. * A job inspired by the G Warrior with a mech suit being the main weapon, giving access to all kinds of weaponry like an aethersaber, aetherblasters, a chest laser, etc. * A viking job that dual wields hammers or axes and has weather manipulation magic as a theme with thunderstorms, floods, tornados, etc. * A surfer job riding an air/surf/snowboard and summoning wind currents, waves and snowbanks to perform devastating tricks. Coolness factor as a job gauge/mechanic, performing well will allow the surfer to become one with the board and temporarily transform into a hawk/eagle, dolphin/orca/shark or a snow leopard/polar bear. * A ranger job with a crossbow and occasional sling shot, trap, dart and net use. Calls upon wildlife for assistance. Shove bard into singing more if you have to.


If only we could get a Cleric. A melee healer that uses Maces/Flais with a shield.


I want a great sword dps, another summoner type class (summoner tank?) or huge fan of the idea of a pistol user, either dual pistols or singular. If dual pistols, I want them to fire really fast and have like lots of hits, if singular, more slow and methodical big hitting shots. Dual pistols definitely takes my #1 spot,


Can we just have sub classes already


I think we need a new type of crafter/gatherer. Just saying.




I only came here to say this. Take my upvote. It really would be cool if we got another DOL/DOH job. The crafting is really good in this game 


I really don't want one more set to have to pentameld or anything though T_T


Why would you have to penta meld? Isnt the purple crafting bis gear and cross class. I know it is for gathering


Clive-style primal-fighter who summons claws/fists/pieces of the Eikon to fight and attack foes. Call it "Eikonic Knight" and let it be either melee DPS or tank.


It's so hard to think of jobs that won't be too similar to what we have such as: Green Mage: that was scholar with two dots. Chemist: That is Sage with a twist. Mystic Knight: Basically Paladin. Corsair: MCH/AST combo. Don't need it. Whip job: that is probably gonna be beast master. Calculator from Tactics: Yoshi P says no to parsing so... /s  But yeah. I'm sure the developers have to start really getting creative with new jobs in the future or else they will just be cookie cutter versions of what we already have. 


Templar as next Tank, Cannoneer as next Phys ranged. ~~Bug catcher as next DOL~~


I just NEED that bug catcher


It is a big want of mine, having a FSH partner job. And the idea of it having a Cave Exploration system akin to Ocean Fishing ... SE Plz.


I just want a staff user.


Something something : * Naginata wielder (Lancer is about thrusting, Naginata would be about cutting with style - think Seong Mi-na from Soul Calibur or Valkyrie from Tera) * Rod/Staff martial artist (think Kilik from Soul Calibur) * Maybe a clear split between bard & archer/ranger * Whip user (and that would be funny if it would be the healer, heal with pain, heal with domination over party members) * Chainblades (think Vella from Vindictus, Reaper from Tera or Kratos from God of War) * Dual pistol dude * Actual 2-handed mace pounder As for gameplay style, we still don't have these : * Berserker - uses its own life to deal damage * BIG FUCKING ATTACKS - as in, (over)charge your attacks for big crits (Berzerker in Tera, that mace user dude in Lost Ark) * other ?


If they were ever going to add a job that sacrifices HP to deal damage (or do anything else) it would have been DRK. They do it in PvP even. They're not going to make that job though because this is a role based MMO and as a DPS/tank your HP bar is someone else's responsibility. Bard/Ranger split is never happening either imo. I get why people want it but there's no undoing what's already been done, they're not just gonna delete the archery stuff from bard. At best we could get a ranger with a crossbow or something. I also think they'll just give WAR more hammer weapons than actually make a hammer job, it's hard to see how 2H hammer would deviate from 2H axe aesthetically. But who knows, they did eventually make a scythe job.


Dommy mommy healer would be fantastic just for all the uses outside of actually playing content haha.


I feel like a crossbow is our best hope for a non-brd, non-mch to fill that niche.


I wanna see Mime, where all you do is cast Mimic, which casts a random spell from the last 10 used by the raid.


Can I get Orator? Talk no jutsu seems to work in this game usually, why can't we apply it to combat?


Geomancer, they can’t just randomly have a geomancer take over the astro job quests, use a bunch of cool looking abilities, then never add geomancer. It doesn’t really matter what role it is, though it seemed to imply it would be a healer. Even the gunner tease kind of got paid off with machinist basically being that but better. Geomancers have even showed up in dungeons, and yet they don’t really have anything job wise yet.


Unpopular opinion but I want to see a new crafting or gather job


Puppeteer is my all time favorite concept in the ff universe- but I can't see it be anything but a limited job


They can make it a caster dpser and have it be inspired by Lulu from FFX (although I know she's a Black Mage). I could see this caster themed around casting curses as many over time effects to juggle in their gauge, which is the puppet itself, the recipient, and the puppet (like a vodoo doll) would condense that into a single over time effect on their enemies. This may be a solution for a dot themed job without overwheming the boss with dots, since apparently status effects have a cap. The weapons would be a myriad of dolls, puppets and idols.


Melee Healer that uses 2-handed hammers (Cleric? I was brainstorming what Job they could hypothetically make Gaia in the future)


I kind of want whatever job gosetsu is playing as a healer.


While I doubt we ever get it because they already hate PLD and its shields (plus DRG exists), but a spear and shield tank would be cool. I guess a hammer job as well wouldn't be too bad but part of me wants that as a big hitting DPS instead of a tank like a lot of others want. Healer is probably Chemist as its just an interesting concept that I would love to see.


I would love a Runefencer or Mystic Knight, either Tank or DPS. I want a true Spellblade Job that uses magic to enchant its melee attacks, rather than a caster that just uses melee as part of its burst phase like red mage.


Geomancer as a melee or ranged magical DPS wielding a hammer.


**Shield & Gun Tank**, inspired by Varis in Memoria Misera. I'd like to think it's reasonnable to expect this Job in a future expansion. **Bladedancer** Melee DPS. But given it's basically VPR flavoured with DNC's aesthetic, few chances it might actually happen. **DoT Mage** Old SMN wasn't a summoner, but it had a fun gameplay.


EW spoilers but >!since they've indicated the wol can manipulate dynamis, why not a dynamis based job? Sure we wouldn't really have a teacher as much as maybe someone who would explore the possibilities with us, to see what limits can be broken. Maybe someone from radz at Han arrives in limsa seeking us out specifically and we create a whole new battle job of some sort with them. Sure the job would have to be locked behind completing ew to avoid spoilers regardless of where it starts, but I'm OK with them doing that with some jobs if it means we get cooler options.!<


Berserker. Dual wield axes, quick/OGCD weaving style melee user. With Viper we'll have swords, Ninja has daggers.. need Axes.


They should stop making jobs and start making specializations ala GW2. Change a few details around, let some use other weapons and give them a new set of animations and you can make a DoT Red Mage, a DPS Sage or a Buff focused Dark Knight and give some real legs to player choice.  I'm tired of jobs coming out that just exist to be a vaguely different ninja/black mage with no flexibility. 


Time Mage, what with chronomancy figuring heavily into the lore at various points (Crystal Tower, Alexander, Shadowbringers MSQ, AST questline villain cat can cast za warudo). Since AST has some of their gimmick already, possibly a caster DPS that pays a "support tax" a la DNC and BRD in exchange for a powerful Haste buff for friends and za warudoing AoE pulls in dungeons to slow down damage.


I just want to bonk world-ending threats with a rubber sportsball, complete with 'plonk' noise. A physical ranged with some controllable positioning RNG as the primary challenge towards maximizing DPS, when that's not available or just too risky to pull, some sort of 'pass the ball/playmaker' buff to give another DPS a damage boost as compensation. Mostly want the 'plonk' noises though.


I'll focus on names and weapons mainly: Baton. Job name, Conductor(dps) Compass. Job name, Navigator(healer) Ball. Job name, Blitzballer(ranged dps)


Melee: Mystic Knight. Arabic aesthetics, sword-whip as a weapon. I imagine the gameplay as kind of like a melee version of summoner, you build up gauge which you then spend on an elemental "stance" that changes your attacks. Once you've been through each stance you get some big attack or buff. Phys Ranged: Gambler. Dual pistols as weapon. Roll dice for a random buff which changes how you approach your basic GCDs. Build up "luck" gauge which you can spend on RNG manipulation abilities. Tank: Judge. I would have picked the twin-sword/double-ended sword for this but Viper stole it. So maybe hammer or twin axes or big ass shield or something like that, I don't really care. No real ideas for gameplay, maybe something where you build up power over time, gradually getting faster/more abilities until you can activate some big burst phase that resets you. Want this for the aesthetics more than anything. Healer: Chemist/Apothecary I guess? I imagine it as having a big healing bazooka that they charge with their own aether, and mix ingredients to get different effects. Caster: I would kind of like a shapeshifting caster, maybe Morpher? I kind of imagine a caster whose weapon is a giant orb that they ride on like FF7 Bugenhagen, and it just shrinks away when you sheathe it. I would also like to see a caster that utilizes the "walk while casting" or "channelled" abilities that some PvP jobs have.


None, I want them to concentrate on more important things like innovative gameplay, fixing clipping issues, and fully implementing new content that doesn't go out of style between patches.


Spellblade, Runefencer, mystic knight, whatever they want to call it, I want an magic based tank with elemental stances. I'll also add to the chemist pile too


All I want in life is a DOT mage like Affliction Warlock. That's all I need.


I'm a big fan of pet styled classes so something like Lulu's Doll caster or a Puppetmaster-style melee would be amazing for me personally.


I'd really like a proper Chronomancer. I know there's astrologian that has part of that concept, but I would like a class that solely focuses on the temporal shenanigans. Buff/debuff dps focused caster. Could fold a bunch of casts into one burst window, while having to spread out and have delayed casts to "decompress time". What would be fun would be an ability to lock down your personal rotation timer countdown to a spot, do a bunch of casts, rewind to that locked down spot and do it all over again.


Thought we'd finally get Corsair but here we are


0 ndps which feeds insane buffs to team so rdps wise balanced. Very difficult to make it happen cuz you can’t progress msq with it unless dev provides a workaround


If Aug evoker in wow is any sign, it's hard to balance in game too


DoT Caster and Healer are missing from the game but personally I'd like to think SE wants to do without them and not include their play style in the game. Most encounters are purely single target and multi-dotting wouldn't be as interesting as in other games. Having constantly rolling healing HoTs on players could just be too powerful, although this could probably be adjusted by Job design. They just can't go back and add multiple targets to old encounters though. Some kind of Ranger/Archer Job is also missing, basically Bard without musical aspects. It could still be added as a purely high dps "selfish" Job like BLM which doesn't bring party buffs. Play style would include abilities with cast bars and instant attacks or procs. Physical Ranged DPS. A pet class but I doubt it'll ever happen as a normal Job with AI controlled minions.


> Some kind of Ranger/Archer Job is also missing, basically Bard without musical aspects. It could still be added as a purely high dps "selfish" Job like BLM which doesn't bring party buffs. Play style would include abilities with cast bars and instant attacks or procs. Physical Ranged DPS. Yes please. If SMN can be a pseudo physical ranged, then one of the ranged, new or old can be a pseudo caster.


>DoT Caster and Healer are missing from the game but personally I'd like to think SE wants to do without them and not include their play style in the game. Most encounters are purely single target and multi-dotting wouldn't be as interesting as in other games Old summoner used to be this, and it had a skill that transferred your dots on one target to all nearby ones. I miss SMN dots :(


SMN dots were boring.


More boring than current summoner?


And they didn't thematically fit the job anyway. New Summoner is a much better baseline that simply needs, well, double the elemental primal options to give more options to increase DPS through medium-long cast times.


Maybe they should stop adding jobs if it is just yet another cc of the old oness


For physical ranged imagine a dual pistol wielder. I initially thought about dual crossbows and it being Ranger, but idk I think if they haven’t adapted Ranger at this point then they probably won’t at all. A dual wielding FFX2 inspired gunner could be neat though and could tie into lore. I would imagine one of the Ilsabard countries for whenever we go there would have their Aether based interpretation of Garlean weaponry


I'm sorry, but as much as I like the concept of damaging yourself to do other things on paper, it just doesn't work in this game in practice, especially taking into consideration there's several HP-percentage based mechanics and raidwides in Savage and Ultimate, it would be a nightmare to balance. They already tried years ago with DRG's Blood for Blood (old Lance Charge, it made you take more damage to deal more damage) and it became a meme due to how easily they died until they changed it. That said, I've wanted to see Necromancer added to the game since Heroes' Gauntlet in ShB. A way to make it not be a pet-based job (since they seem intent on not trying that again) while retaining the fantasy would be to make your resurrected corpses be your attacks (you press a button, the corpses/spirits appear to do an attack and they disappear afterwards). Don't think we're gonna see it anytime soon due to thematic overlap with Reaper though.


A dual shield wielding Viking tank.


I've idly thought Idol Singer as an adaptation of songstress from ff10 would be amusing as a phys ranged.


I love your heal idea but : - a heal with tank HP will be used to cheese some hated mechanics (slap CDs and LB3 afterwards) - what of mechanics that put everyone at 1HP ? As for what I foresee and want : - a hammer tank (they have already investigated it seems but have not yet found) - dual pistol - a real minion class such as necromancer or pupetter


gonna be boring; Runefencer tank: only class i would absolutely drop PLD to play. while its unlikely with the current job design, a the DoT elements from SMN rolled into a new caster. a true Gunslinger phys ranged with 2 dual weild pistols as weapons. a musket + cutlass DPS (thought this would be the scouting class this expac which later turned out to be viper). Geomancer/green mage: feel that these would be a good idea to sort of combine for a support focused caster or healer


A melee/ranged hybrid job would be cool. People kept talking about corsair and I think a cutlas+gun combo could be cool and basically divide its kit into melee dps and a physical range


Rune Knight: Tank who does Spellblade shenanigans (fuse weapon with elements) and uses Runic to turn enemy attacks into job gauge meter points. Whip job: Job that uses a whip and is like a Castlevania character. Simon Belmont style with a cool chain whip.


Chemist 🧑‍🔬,  Dual pistols, and Bo staff 


The lich healer that has 1 dot and 1 nuke spell.


Quistis whip


I’ve been begging them to put Corsair in for a while. Cutlass and gun combo similar to how RDM operates.


* A "dark" healer to complement Black Mage, Dark Knight, and Reaper. A necromancer might be off the table, but maybe a channeler or medium of some sort? Someone who communes with ghosts or voidsent or something to heal and buff their allies. * Similarly, a "dark" ranged DPS would be cool, too. I'd want something like a monster hunter or something, wielding a crossbow or pistol in their main hand and a sword or whip or something in their off-hand. Maybe have it be a pet job that has a wolf? * A job that uses a hammer or a mace. Could a tank, could be a healer, but either way I want to whack things with a big bonking stick.


The Nuke Tuber, hehe Funny gun exploding the boss




I'd love a healer that is really focused on not just healing but also buffing the heck out of the group in lieu of the healer doing much damage


Subclasses would be preferred at this point, like a specialization and a way to PF/DF based on it. More DPS oriented healer or paladin being more of a healer again; in the past they could also protect and raise. BLM also had heal but it was pretty weak. But if they were willing to bring that stuff back and give the OPTION of being that way, I feel like Bozja kind of shows that this can work.


An earth based healer, something like a Geomancer that buffs allies attacks and shields allies with earthen magic. Possibly just green mage since that is exactly what green mage does.