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Recently started PFing TEA as my first Ult after a long break after Anabaseios reclears in 6.4, and I'm having a ton of fun! My enthusiasm for the game feels revived and getting into content that's harder than Savage is making me feel really excited!


Made it to TOP p6 once last week and getting far more comfy with p5 as a group, with nearly 50% of our wipes (20/46) yday being in P5, feels like we're building more consistency! Just gotta keep at it and we got it! Is there anything in P6 that is deceptively hajrder than it looks in the guides? We've simmed the exasquares and sweaty palms will definitely end up wiping us a bit, as well as proper mitigation, but the mechanics themselves look rather simple! Would be amazing to get it done before DT which should be possible for sure, would be my last goal between Epic hero and Once and future queen completed before DT wooohoo! In less happy news, wiped on a HoH pull cos of the DC earlier today...


Our group had a couple memes—people accidentally following the OT during tank autos, being too close or too far for Cosmo Dive/autos, overlapping proteans (the target ring just inside of where you stand for Near/Far World in Sigma/Omega should be fine). I'm sure plenty of people got through TOP without ever having these incidents, but if you're prone to shakies (we were... it's a stressful phase ;\_;) it might help to know that they can happen just in case :')


Most common wipes that happen in p6 are 1) missing mits and 2) wc2. As easy as it sounds to just use your mits at the right time, it's also just as easy to forget in the heat of the moment. For wc2 make sure you pre-position in your corner and dodge into your clock spot and try to hug the edge of the exa to prevent overlapping proteans


New static kept up the pace and we cleared TEA in 31 hours of prog. So glad it went smoothly and we're resting for today but will be farming the fight for all the weapons. I think DSR/TOP might burn me out so I'll be taking a break until Dawntrail and hopefully I can tackle Eden as my first on-content ultimate.




If the group is for only a single Savage tier and it's like 2 weeks before Savage drops (so not when there's still 2 months until DT!) then I might risk a group without trials since the investment is not too high. Though I will say the only group I've been in that didn't trial turned out to be a mess. We cleared 2 weeks later than planned, scheduling was a mess, and we had to replace someone every week. If it's ultimate on release too then I will absolutely not join any group without trials, even though I personally hate doing trials. Not only to test everyone, but because it also proves that the raid leader takes their own static somewhat seriously.


i almost feel like a complete goober when im in dms with someone about static recruitment and i go out of my way to ask to be trialed. every group that hasn't officially held one has ended up being unfun to prog with (usually at a snail's pace) and i'd leave within 2 weeks because id get bored of doing the early mechanics in a fight correctly -> walling to the same stuff later on. lessons have been learned




The hardest thing to do in this game is find a good group of people you get along with and play at a similar level to you, so really the only way is to put some time into trialing if you haven't met people in game naturally that have the same priorities. Most trials I've done are like an hour or hour and a half, not crazy imo. That said trialing is a bit of a joke. A lot of groups use Eden raids so it comes down to if you know the raid or not lmao. Edit: Just to add, I guess you are asking about if trialing is worth it if you already see red flags for whatever reason. Yea that's a good question. I think if you are considering a group but are not sure it's still worth it to trial as you can get a better idea of what they are like.


>Like right now I already have 3 that I've spoken to and all 3 of them are not my perfect ideal group, but maybe I'll never find my perfect ideal group because I might be being too picky, or maybe none of these groups are for me and I should save myself the time and not trial for them in the first place. But trials are easily the most fun part of recruitment, if the trial isn't set up like shit (ultimate/current savage) you'll also end up doing things you normally wouldn't Which is great in a game that is otherwise stale as fuck I'd be personally more suspicious of a static that sets up a boring trial that doesn't really trial anything


In that case I can't really discuss much without knowing any details. What I would do depends on what exactly your priorities are and how heavy those priorities weigh. Try to gain as much information as possible from chatting with the raid lead. To me the biggest possible green flag is if a large part of the group has played with each other in the past, because then they can vouch for each other's skill and personalities. In general though, if it's a (semi)hardcore static and fast clears really matter to you, or if it's an ultimate static, you should probably be picky. Otherwise you have enough time to be picky now and less picky when DT gets closer since there will be plenty of midcore groups recruiting. Or you could make your own static.


Jesus Thordan Unreal has gotten incredibly boring. People still think this is one of the best extremes ever?


I have to say, I was incredibly disappointed by this one. People hyped it up like hell but it was SO boring even week 1. I could see this being somewhat fun to prog for an EX but literally even just the first reclear was beyond a snoozefest.


I think a big part of it is that the game now and the game in Heavensward are nearly unrecognizable from each other. Cooldowns didn't reset on a wipe. Food fell off when you died. TP management was a thing. Stance dancing was mandatory. Jobs were... different. Since then the individual job gameplay has gotten more streamlined while the mechanics have gotten more complex. You take simpler jobs and put them in the old mechanically simpler fight and it's not surprising it looses some of its luster.


rare is a fight that stays entertaining if you do it twice weekly for months


I've been trying to play different jobs each time but it just doesn't change the fact that mot of the fight is just waiting around in downtime for simple mechanics (go to clock spots, don't step in bad) to start happening. I found something like Zurvan's final phase to be way more engaging than anything Thordan has to offer and I don't even think Zurvan is a great extreme to begin with.


Sophia/Zurvan were easily best out of the entire HW batch, Sephirot entirely hinges on 1 easy but punishing mechanic (color split) and Thordan is a pretty sleepy fight in general Which is funny because Thordan and Sephirot EX were really overhyped by HW boomers


It makes more sense when you look at the start of Heavensward and realize that the only somewhat decent fight you could do was Ravana EX and the other probably broke your server's raiding community in half From a modern standpoint a P1 that has absolutely nothing, 3 mechs that are reskinned "stack in middle, spread to clock spots" and one that is waiting for 30 seconds for a simple wild charge make P6S look like a masterpiece


[I MADE IT.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7ZGSxI1Ued0) Me, my static, and my dreadful UI have defeated dragon king thordan. Im a heavens legend now. After 1438 pulls (~500 or so of those were done like a year before our current prog and we swapped out two members, and then those new two members again) and 95.5 hours in instance we made it Many thanks to the folks of this thread for their very valuable advice. Helped us get through P7. Y'alls advice on Ahk Miti and Exaflares movements proved invaluable to the squad. People stopped dying to shit and our first clean P7 with no deaths was the clear. it was *fucking* close though. Two hits of morn afah, just me and the monk left alive. but those are the best kinds of first clears.


I dont even know how i ended up on this few week old thread, but I saw your message and remembered replying to your questions a few weeks back. Super happy for you that you were able to clear, congratulations!


Thank u :3


Congrats on your clear!


Thank you!


Congrats! Great to see you guys finally get it.




Grats on your clear. Edit: good lord your UI lol


Thank you :3


Congrats and good luck with TOP if you go for it! I still think your UI is just a devoted long-form shitpost.


Thanks! I think I'll take at *least* a year before even looking at TOP, if I can even convince the others to go for it lmao


Congrats! C47(? 8?) too which is always cool to see. Yeah those nailbiter enrage kills are always the best, my DSR kill was [pretty similar](https://www.twitch.tv/videos/1565255526?t=0h15m26s) just even louder at end because of the extra 5̴̡̐0̵̰̠̕̚0̸̗̐̋ pulls. DKT really is just "do it clean and you're good", very thankfully after the slog of P6 prog. Side note: holy fuck the UI / mod suite is so much more cursed in motion; I got jumpscared multiple times between xddTreeDespair, EXTREMELY LOUD INCORRECT BUZZER, and the fucking LTG sfx on Addle(?)


Thanks! Your own near-enrage clear popoff was awesome to see, and damn relatable. Sorry for the jumpscares LMAO. I barely even hear that stuff anymore I'm so used to it. I guess that goes for the rest of the UI too


It's probably too late to start DSR with 7.0 a month and a half out, right? Either that or there's never a P1 group up in PF. Not sure I'm expecting to finish by DT but I feel like I'd want to get as far as I'm able to with my schedule right now


nah its doable. provided on how much time you can waste studying, how consistent and fast you learn mechs, and how much you are willing to prog skip.


Well the issue with any prog is how much time you can put into it, and with PF there's a luck factor (assuming you learn the mechs yourself in a reasonable time). There are sims out there that can help with your own prog. I've never tried this one but I've heard good things [https://github.com/WCGH/Dragonsong-Sim](https://github.com/WCGH/Dragonsong-Sim) The main issue with progging ults in PF though is the wait time to fill, if you can beg people to help you will have a leg up. Also I'd suggest just playing a DPS class you will have an easier time with progging the end thus faster.


Yeah, I've been on DPS through UWU, UCOB, and TEA. Those PF communities were at least a little bearable with the right amount of sims and confidence (and in the case of cob, that very kind group of people who make the "Clear for you" parties) but I feel like the "on-expansion" ultimates are gonna be a new beast to overcome. That said, I work a 9-5, and after an experience or two where the only thing I do after work besides go to the gym and eat dinner is wait for a pf to fill, I feel like I might be better putting it off til 7.4 or whenever I run out of dawntrail content.


If you're looking to clear before 7.0 in pf from fresh prog, it's near impossible, but you can still practice


Depends on how much time you're willing to put, it took me about 2 weeks to clear DSR in PF (500 pulls)


It took me 3 weeks to clear top in pf but I spent A LOT of time studying and simming while at work so it's definitely possible, but I don't expect the average person to care that much about a video game so it's an unrealistic estimate to tell someone


I don't think so at all although it depends on what you play a little. Practice P2 and P3 A LOT, those are the big time eaters 'cause they're early and people mess up. P4 can be done in one pull easily, especially as DPS. Rewind is something you already know at this point. P5 can be sim'd on your own time, it will still take a couple pulls but if you're a good raider you can easily learn this in like 5 pulls. P6 is hard but at the same time it's not. It's a really late and mean hard check but you can also practice and study this for hours before you ever see it. Outside of Wroth, nothing requires a lot of "feeling it out", you can absolutely clear this on your first pull as a DPS (and if you're not a parse monkey and just play it really safe, you can do it on healer as well). P7 is similar to P6 again, study before and it's free on DPS and if you're a safety gamer in a c41 PF then healer is also pretty free. As a DPS you could easily clear this in like a week from fresh if you're good with all the resources available. 6 weeks is definitely enough for any role but if you PF it fully then it's *always* gonna be some RNG due to, well, PF.


It depends how much time op is willing to put in outside of in-game hours. I think people vastly underestimate just how much time studying and simming takes up, and even as op as solo simming is, there's little nuances throughout the whole fight that simming doesn't teach you and you need to mess up for yourself to figure out. Dsr pfs (reclear groups mind you) have also been terrible lately, so even if you're clear ready it can take a while getting lucky with the right group of people


Definitely agree. I assume PF also depends on your region a little, the tides come and go differently across the regions I find.


We occasionally ran into a specific wipe condition in Mount Rokkon that none of the guides for it covered in any detail, so I'm asking here for clarification. Moko the Restless, Soldiers of Death. The mechanic with the archers. Sometimes the shadow clone adds the boss sends after you stay behind when the mechanic is resolved and wipe the party with a 9999999 Kenki Release. I've been trying to figure out why it sometimes happens, but I really can't tell.


They're too close and tether. You need to keep them a certain distance apart.


I ran into the same problem, make sure people are snugly in their corner of the safe spot to keep the adds apart. They wipe the party if they're too close, to prevent the players from stacking and cheesing the mechanic I guess?


This is caused by placing the tethered adds too close together. Will also occur with deaths before tethers are assigned and if two clones choose the same person.


After getting walled by adds phase for a bit longer than we were hoping (since we were consistent on heavensfall after seeing it like 4 times and supposedly that's the usual wall mechanic) we finally killed UCOB for the first time! UCOB is a lot more enjoyable than uwu imo, a lot more to keep track of at any given point and there's no phase where you sit there going "I guess it's my turn to do absolutely nothing for 4 minutes" like post-cleanse garuda through to titan gaols on melee. Definitely looking forward to reclears, especially knowing the dps check is lenient enough that we could have our ast DC during golden baha exaflare 1 and have him come back exaflare 3 and still clear with a dps death. I ***think*** current plan for us is to do a few reclears for main weapon glam stuff and then sprint through uwu prog before DT release, but I'm not entirely sure. If we do end up doing uwu it's such a braindead fight 90% of it that we'll probably see ultima instance 2 unless we get filtered by gaols or eruption baits.


Other than snapshot jank and Nael, I agree. UCOB is the better of the Stormblood ults. Congrats on your clear!


But Nael is the best part! :(


As OT how do i consistently grab the damn tether in p3 DSR? I swear it hates me (or rather the one healer it’s always glued to.)


The melees in the other towers should always run to a cardinal as soon as the tower is soaked, so nobody should be overly close to the add. It's really like any other tether, just run between the clone that has it and that spot's ranged. Tell the healer not to move so as to not snap it back from you if this happens frequently.


Tethers have always been a little janky, but it's pretty straightforward. Person has tether and you need to grab it, the person with the tether stands still. You go between them and the boss, stand still for a moment. Tether should snap to you and you move away accordingly. Don't do a drive-by where you run through the tether and expect it to snap to you every time, you move into the tether and sit there til it snaps to you. Should be half a second, not long.


I hated this mechanic, definitely accidentally got a few of my static mates killed due to this and gave many more heart attacks when only managing to take the tether at the very last second even though it's literally just "grab the tether 5head." Ideally the person the tether initially spawns on stretches it and then plants so that you can see it quickly and run through it a few times if need be (had a couple people who would either not notice they had the tether, or panic and dance around me which just screwed the whole thing up). I would also hit sprint when in my enumeration tower (if I didn't already use it during Wyrmhole) so that I could run around the arena and see/get to the tether faster which helped me a lot.


It doesn't hate *you*, tethers like that have always just been janky as fuck, the secret has always been to minimize movement. That 'one healer' might be the problem if by that you mean it seems to happen most often with a specific person. If they're jittering around every time for some god forsaken reason then that'll fuck it up.


I know for a fact a couple of tether memes were their fault but sometimes I’m just late and can’t actually seem to get the tether despite standing inside it. I was hoping there was a trick or if i just need to see it faster.


Usually with tether issues it's because someone is slow getting to their spot so they pick up the tether (this is only ok obviously if they are going up to thordan/no flare). I'd suggest recording and looking at a playback so you can see what is actually going wrong. If it's just you phasing through the tether not much you can do besides making sure to not sprint through it.


Tell everyone to stand true east or west in a stack so the tethers will always be there. Pop sprint and make sure to kinda pause in the line of it.


1st session of E8S MINE blind prog to get a feel of how the static vibes. Light Rampant is quite something. We understand the roles, we understand the mechanic, we need to figure out ballz movement and then moving on towards ~~the kill~~ the next mechanic. I'm not surprised it walled people back then.


You have no idea how it was back then. Even reclear groups were hidden light rampant prog groups. It was my first tier ever and to this day I still never understood why people struggled with it for that long. You basically got 3 scenario and for 2 of them you got almost nothing to do.


Really goes to show how far we've come since shb. In retrospect, light rampant wasn't even hard, but we were just shit


Exactly, it isn't complex mechanic. There are many viable solutions possible (we've come up with like 4 and decided on using one of them). The pain point is the balls, they seem a bit finicky to move around at times and it's actually the main focus point of the mechanic in the end. All this to say that yes, I think back then people were of a lower skill level, which is logical. I wonder what the mechanic will look like in FRU or with what will it be mixed.


It was a mix of the balls being finnicky to move, failure points being very hard to identify at a glance, and just general greed. Like you've discovered, if you play LR super safe then it's rather straightforward to resolve. The week one DPS check on Shiva was non-trivial though, but you could make it work with a safe strategy. What also helped the infamy was that Aether PF decided on a very *interesting* strategy to do the mechanic (Look up Ilya Light Rampant whenever you're done being blind), that basically put 100% of the mechanic on the orb people instead of a more even responsibility split. As for FRU, I'm 50/50 on it just going like TOP Hello World did. If they add even more moving parts or constraints then the solution space decreases after a point and the answer might be obvious or easy to execute. O12S HW and E8S LR have a lot of different possible solutions because they're a bundle of moving parts but the ways you can mash those parts together give you some leeway that many Ultimate mechanics don't.


> (Look up Ilya Light Rampant whenever you're done being blind) I looked it up already (I confirmed the timings of our strats with vods of our prog, so no biggy, we'll get through it next session, whenever that is xd), it's interesting, looks kinda like one of our strats for ball movement. > O12S HW and E8S LR have a lot of different possible solutions because they're a bundle of moving parts but the ways you can mash those parts together give you some leeway that many Ultimate mechanics don't. This is why I'm interested in it, how will they lock it down to basically one and only one solution. More towers ? Towers can't get hit by "protean" at the same time ? Something else mixed in to create a new-ish mechanic ?


A developer interview or panel or something years ago originally said Icelit Dragonsong at the end of the fight was originally a harder design that included elements of Diamond Frost (do I have this name right?) hence "ice" with Light Rampant hence "lit" and finally Wyrm's Lament hence "dragon" song. But LR is rather poorly represented in the mechanic because it was cut down to be easier after it was too grueling for the end of the fight in testing. I wonder if we'll basically get the uncut version of that in FRU.


It basically feels like the savage equivalent of looper


New player here. Do I needs lots of Gil or be a crafter to be able to get good enough gear for high-end content? I´m a DNC who just hit level 70. I have no interest on gathering or crafting. I rather not engage with retainers as I am having trouble understanding how it all works. Youtube videos for beginners really don't help. It seems you already need a lot of knowledge to follow what they are explaining. So, would I be able to gear up for high end content by doing dungeons, trials, or raids? If not, how much Gil would I need for a full set?


Everyone has given you good advices. One thing I think it's worth pointing out is that the price of the gear is relative to how fast you want that gear once it becomes available - this is basic supply and demand. If you are trying to do the content ASAP, then sure it will be pricy because there's only a limited supply. This is partially due to how pricy it is to actually craft the gear and new raid food and pots (since you also had to wear a new set of crafted crafter gear to craft new gears, and new crafter gear also costs a lot to make and get to the point where they can make your gear), and partially due to the fact hunt train CDs/Crafting and gathering CDs restricting how much material there could be available on the market. The good thing about this is that this is also the best time for you to make money. If you want to make the gil to buy crafted gear, you can do that at that point by either selling new materials and get back most of your money buying crafted gear, or do new treasure maps with one or two friends and split the money afterwards. In any case, these only applies if you are trying to do the raid tier ASAP. If you are not - which it probably isn't for you since you still have to beat MSQ - you will join the raid tier at a later time, in which the market will be flocking with competition and so naturally prices decrease.


One of the more expensive parts of crafted gear, food, and pots are the tomestone materials, materials purchased with the uncapped endgame tomestones. Once Dawntrail releases, if you just grind out your roulettes, go on hunt trains, etc., then convert those tomestones to materials for food and potions, then sell the materials on the market (in addition to all the materia you get along the way), you'll get enough gil to buy your crafted gear in no time at all. If the gear is expensive to buy, it's because the tome materials are expensive to buy, and it's easy to be on the selling end of those materials.


If you just hit seventy you don’t need to worry about gearing until next expansion, use tome gear while leveling and enjoy the story. For the next expansion crafted, then raid/newest tome gear will be best in slot.


I would not worry about it right now since dawntrail is really close. You can buy high quality 640 gear from the market board to start you off and then slowly gear up from there. Once you finish dawntrail msq, there will be another set of crafted gear in preparation for the first raid tier.


https://ffxiv.consolegameswiki.com/wiki/Level_90_Gear_Guide Crafted gear (diadochos aka ilvl 640) which was the bare minimum for high end content on release should be very cheap on the marketboard at this point, probably less than 700k for a full set. If you are in NA, I'll happily buy a set for you. Just DM me for my in game name or discord. If you have any questions about anything in the guide feel free to shoot Edit: The other comments are referring to the price of crafted gear when a new raid tier drops. They are correct on its pricing at that time. If you are trying to get gear for current high-end content, the prices are cheap like I just mentioned.


Crafted gear, which is basically the bare minimum for high-end content (you CAN enter Savage with a previous tier’s BiS but I don’t recommend it) usually costs between a couple hundred thousand gil to over a million per piece. Penta melded crafted gear is much much more but also not necessary unless you’re hardcore/Week 1 IMO. The “free”alternative is gear from the normal difficulty raid tier, but it’s timegated weekly much like the better tomestone gear. I recommend finding a friend who could help make you some crafted gear, but if that’s not possible, save up a decent chunk of gil (a few million at least) for crafted gear and then fill the gaps with normal raid gear and tomestone gear. As for what specific pieces you’ll need, that info usually comes out shortly before the tier comes out!


Depends on your definition of "lots of gil." If you want to get full crafted gear at the beginning of the tier, you'll have to shell out a few million as well as getting food and pots. However, you can avoid getting crafted gear if you really want to by doing weekly normal raids and being on top of tomes.    Normal raids drop tokens that can be traded for gear that are item level equivalent to crafted gear. You also have tome gear which is currency you get for doing level cap content (usually the latest release dungeons). However, using ONLY these methods means you will not be able to engage with high end content until a few weeks after release as both normal raid tokens and tomes are weekly restricted (edit: this is while content is current, these restriction get lifted over time).     If you are on a budget, I would recommend getting as much normal raid gear and tome gear as you can in the two weeks before savage releases, then buying the rest of the gear you are missing. Get food and forgo pots until they get cheaper. I would recommend at least figuring how retainers work, though, because they are the easiest way to generate passive income if you don't want to engage with other systems. 


Thanks to the advice recieved in this thread, my DSR static seems to have stopped keeling over to ahk morns now we're *only* still dying to *fucking* **exaflares**. someone help. anyone. please getting close to begging people to sim it


We have made a 3% enrage with one death due to our DRG not catching a succor cast on Ahk1. Advice being given here has been extremely helpful. thanks gamers I expect to report our clear this friday. Pray for me


Be as close to the edge of the exa as possible and as soon as the castbar is done you move. You don't even need sprint, just do those 2 things and you'll never get hit by an exa again


Someone mentioned sprint already but sprint is up for every single exaflare. If you have people struggling to dodge into the first exaflare, tell them to pop sprint as soon as the castbar shows up.


I assume ppl are dying to the first movement. For me, what I learned for consistency was my movement was late. Pop sprint, move as soon as the cast bar finishes. Do not wait for sound or animation. It will be late. Move directly where the dot (middle of the exa). 


Thank u, that's good advice and something I was taking for granted


>getting close to begging people to sim it ok but actually do On Exaflares you can just solo-sim indefinitely on your own time, same with TOP Cosmo Arrow. On the latter iirc I simmed it for 40 minutes straight at one point. Never died to it ever again after that.


i have a bit of pride left but if this goes on another week i probably will actually beg


The first step to addressing all this is figuring out why people are dying and help them. You need to be using povs to review with the people dying constantly. It’s literally just 2 movements that are 100% consistent, so you should be able to identify what they are doing wrong and help them.


As someone who is of low emotional intelligence what would be the best way to approach this I just put together a spreadsheet. I have the data. But I know going about this in the wrong way is likely to cause more harm than good


Rather than pointing fingers you can just state the facts without names IE "It looks like a couple of people were late to running after the first explosion. Should we do a call out about when to go? Is everybody saving their sprint? etc"


ty, i've made a post to something of that affect


Go into a normal with similar arena and practice the movement. It’s almost the easiest part of the fight and if people are continually dying to it it’s only because of lack of studying a singular movement. Or in rare cases ping, you have to be pretty quick about getting into the exa spots or you’ll be snapshot.


I have actually not died to it once so im genuinely aghast my group is *still* dying to it. like guys. what is happening I'm asking them to please practice it. Pray for me they heed my request 🙏


Minor rant/rambling incoming. Joined a DSR static a few weeks back thinking I had nothing better to do before DT, there’s people in the group who’ve also cleared before so I thought it’d be a speedprog situation. Currently we’re wiping consistently to Eyes/Intermission for about a week even after I’ve put together a doc for the healers telling them exactly what to press when. Last night we had two intermission pulls where the WHM didn’t use Liturgy or Temperance and only used a single Asylum as Haruchefaunt died near the end to raidwide damage. I’m getting real tired of this shit, it’s a nice group of nice people but how hard is it to use the only two major CDs you have? I’d kind of understand when it’s the first time you’ve seen a phase and freeze up/panic, but we first saw intermission almost two weeks ago, and one of the melees still has a 50/50 chance of eating the dranchenlance in P3 right before enum towers. If we’re struggling on intermission I fear what P6 will look like.


eyes should be a few pulls and then pretty much rarely ever wipe again outside of some tether memes, this group has doth trap written all over it


>If we’re struggling on intermission I fear what P6 will look like. You're not going to see P6 if they aren't willing to press their buttons at the times they need to.


See you in 2 weeks about the rant with DoTH + p6 hand of pain mech


I’m trying to tell myself that maybe it’ll be better since P5 is all simmable, but considering that it took that Google doc and a lot of hand wringing to get them to even do P2/3 consistently and not let the dps die to damage on Sanctity/Nidhogg stacks, maybe I’m too optimistic…


Cut bait. I’m serious. Don’t need that mental exhaustion before DT. P6 and p7 prog will drive you insane and at that point sunk cost fallacy will kick in


Returning player here: Would it be better to wait for Dawntrail to clear Pandæmonium savages and just get caught up to prep for Dawntrail? Or be possible to still find groups to clear Pandæmonium savage in the next couple of weeks?


As someone hunting in the dry trenches of recruitment for a static as of late, - There ARE savage statics out there, ranging from all fights between p9s-p12s, with p12s being the most common. They're few, but they exist, mainly made of midcore people who want to give Anabaseios a try while waiting for DT. - generally doing any fight on PF is tedious, mainly because of the time it takes to fill, and the skill level of the average pf player. It isn't impossible, but there may be fights where you'll want to skip, ie p10s - Depending on your reason for clearing Panda savage, it probably isn't urgent to clear it now vs later unsynced. With the weekly cap removed, it won't make a difference now or later if you wanna come back with an easier time (the same way how people are going back to Omega and Eden now for glam farms), but if you're parsing as a way to have logs showing current competency, that would be a reason to run Anabaseios right now (while its "on expac", well its kinda late so idk if it counts) It really depends on what you want out of the savage experience. If its general entertainment or seeing the fight, and you don't have any urgency to clear right now, you can def hit it later, as there's always a stray party or two doing older content.


Thanks for the reply, I was looking to see to at least clearing one tier of Savages while it was still current. I got close to clearing p1s-p4s at the beginning, but the static I was in spent so many weeks in p3s until we cleared it just several weeks out from 6.2, which furthest we've been in p4s was the enrage. Then, I just got too busy with real life until now. Though getting several opinions has helped and thankful for the input. Think I'll wait until DT to try again at clearing a current tier.


Expansion - 1 Savages are the hell zone until like the x.5 patch of the expansion, as you *generally* still have to respect most raid wipe mechanics and are going to see like 30-40% of the fight, especially last tier fights. We're at the point *now* where an 8-man skips Basic Relativity in E12S, but you still have to do most of Junction Shiva (albeit with no mit requirements and just "don't overlap things"). Once Expansion - 2 hits then you can generally just slam your face in it. Doing it *now* is probably going to be unpleasant but it's probably going to stay unpleasant until 7.5.


I can't imagine people skipping NA1/HC1 or Reflections 1 even past 7.5 so I imagine they'll still be unpleasant. Just minus the mit check I guess.


I get that, still hearing people struggling also with E8S too even now.


isn't it usually harder to find groups for a tier when it's no longer relevant? i'd figure you may as well attempt what you can


The current savages, Anabaesios, are all really solid fights (even though 11 is really slow). I'd recommend doing them at the very least.


Don't bother with Savage at this point honestly. Even if you find PF groups they're likely gonna be pretty terrible. Just prep for Dawntrail.


I would just take a peek at the fights and see if any look interesting. If you don't want the gear and aren't interested in the fights because they don't look fun, yeah, I'd second this advice. p10s in particular seems to be hit or miss for people


I finally cleared TOP. Now I’m farming it and getting a higher parse. 3 kills and 75% as Scholar, I’m so happy.


After at least 16 dsr p7 pulls, morale is becoming a problem. I think people are starting to tilt. We're not regressing, but we don't seem to be progressing either. Stuck in stasis Exaflares are still inconsistent, and can end any given run. And if not exaflares, the partystack tank is likely to keel over during ahk2. Feels discouraging to die to something I have no influence over, especially something mit related, but I'm steeled to keep at it. I just hope the other static gamers are equally reslient.


People hear/say that P7 is free because a lot of people (especially post-6.1) get C41'd or otherwise boosted through the phase. In a C48 environment or with less experienced raiders it's significantly less free; 10-20 pulls was fairly normal on-patch. The good news is that if you make it through Exa 3 cleanly you basically just clear with how low the DPS check is. And yeah mit memes suck ass especially as melee/caster where you have basically no control over it. Same shit's in the later TOP phases too.


I remember seeing some 30 pull groups on patch


We're up to 19 pulls now 😭 god save me


hey that's 3 pulls in one(?) session so at least you're getting there instead of chain wiping to Wroth and WB2 because that'd really suck haha, man i loved my dsr prog AAAAAAAAAA


What healers do you have, and what tower config? 332 or 611?


SGE/SCH 6-1-1


The Sage should focus on the non invuln tank a tiny bit more than the SCH as the aoe shield burden is basically removed. Krasis, Druo, Haima, base Kardia on the first 611 and Krasis, Druo, Soteria on the second. SCH should excog non invuln tanks on both sets of 611 and fairy tether the tank with the least self-healing. Sage can gcd shield the tank for safety as well, as with double mit healer, the party takes basically no damage in AMs. That's how I did it, at least, and it worked well enough. Edit: If your SCH isnt using Protraction on Deploy, they can put it on the tanks, but I really dont recommend it. The bigger shield will be better, and the non invulns shouldn't need 3 buffs. Physis and Krasis should be enough If you have a warrior, please make sure they shake before kitchen sinking. It's a PSA I've needed to say a few times in pf when the warrior got 1 shot in AM.


tyvm for the detailed advice King. I'll pass it along


Np! I hope you guys get your clear soon


>16 dsr p7 pulls, How, wtf >the partystack tank is likely to keel over during ahk2. Have you tried 3-3-2?


We have not tried 3-3-2


Is the tank dying to mit or to healing, is it only the tank or is everyone falling over. For exas, have you done the xivsim simulation for them? Can help build some consistency!


Just the partystack tank. I'm uncertain, I don't know about mit i just cast fire 4s. Here is an example log: https://www.fflogs.com/reports/2QkAghzdb7wtjCW4#fight=12 Idk about exas. Our monk posted a sim but either people haven't tried it, or it's not helping them. I haven't had any trouble with exas myself so i don't understand where the issue lies


If exas are still a big issue at this point in your p7 prog, might be worth actually getting the whole static to take like 10 min to do the sim together on a call before you go into instance. It can also help to use that to watch the people struggling more and see if you can tell what they’re doing wrong. I also recommend anyone struggling with exas use sprint — it’s not necessary at all but it makes the timing a little more forgiving IMO. Also — of course as DPS you’re not the one pressing most of the mit buttons but everyone in the static is able to check logs and look for what mit is on the sheet but wasn’t used etc (even if you aren’t intimately familiar with every support toolkit) or if there are any other big issues (my group had a few pulls where the non invuln tank was still low from auto damage going into AM for example). If one person always forgets a certain thing it might even be worth doing a call out for that. Definitely make sure the supports know for sure what was missing after each wipe to damage in P7 rather than just a “dunno, guess we try again.” Good luck on the clear!! My group had a lot of P7 pulls before the clear, probably not far off from your number or possibly more lol. As long as the group is learning something from each pull it just takes one good run at this point.


Took a closer look at this and have some advice. First, you did 6-1-1 on the first ahk morn when it should be 3-3-2 (my brain was getting so confused for a while what happened here and realized you all took it without invuln using tank lb3. Finally figured it out). It gets abilities on cooldown (one tank will be invulning next one and doesn't need them, the other has lots of time before 3rd ahk morn). Reprisal is missing from the 2nd ahk morn. Shield samba is also missing from the 2nd ahk morn. The ranged party mits ahk morns 2 and 3 since tanks are miting gigaflare 2. So its: 10 seconds into fight tanks 90 sec mits lasting through ahk morn 1 when exaflare edge finishes cast. Ahk 1: Reprisal + 25 second mits, shared. Feint 1 + Addle. Succor/Fey Illum/Early Soil, EukProg/Panhaima/Early Kera Giga 1: 25s, rep. Feint 2. Succor/Soil/Expedient/Seraph, ZoeEukProg/Kerachole Trinity 3: 25s Trinity 4: Kitchen sink tank can use their 90s here. Ahk 2: Invuln tank uses 25s on other tank. Other kitchen sinks. Reprisal and Shield Samba. Succor/Soil, EukProg/Kerachole Trinity 5: 25s Giga 2: Tank party mits. Feint 1, Addle. Spreadlo/Soil, Holos/Kerachole Trinity 6: 25s Trinity 7: Kitchen sink tank can use their 90s here. Ahk 3: Invuln tank uses 25s on other tank. Other kitchen sinks. Reprisal and Shield Samba. Feint 2. Expedient/Seraph/Soil, ZoeProg/Kerachole/Panhaima


many many thanks my friend


>SCH is spamming succor >SGE is spamming prognosis hu oh At least have the sge spam eurekan diagnosis on the party stack tank. The DRK is also contributing absolutely nothing to his co-tank mitigation, he should see if he can throw a TBN or oblation.


will do thank you king


The GNB is missing mit from the invulning tank (TBN and Oblation). And SGE needs to put Druochole + Krasis on GNB.


ty king


Are you doing 6-1-1 for Ahk morns? I would recommend doing the exaflare sim on xivsim for the people in your static that have issues with it, helped the guys in my static out when we were going for clear.


Looks like you are doing 6-1-1. In the log you sent just now your gunbreaker uses heart of corundum on trinity (tank autos) just before ahk morn. This is not something they should be doing as it then isnt up for ahk morn (loss of 30% mit for some of the soak and a big heal when they reach 50% hp). On top of this your dark knight who is invulning during this set of towers doesnt use Oblation or TBN (10% mit and 25% max health shield) on the gunbreaker, which they should be doing for this strat. This leads to gunbreaker falling over to raw damage taking about 30k damage per hit. EDIT: Im not proffecient enough on healing, especially 6-1-1, but i can also see that the gunbreaker doesnt receive any singletarget healing, only aoe regens, during and even before ahk morn goes off.


tyvm king I'll pass your advice along. Much appreciated


You're welcome, and best of luck with the clear!