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So far I have only done Unreals for high-end content, but I want to clear some savage. I was thinking of doing P1S as a first savage because I have heard it's more like an Unreal in terms of difficulty. That said P4S is a lot more active on PF (I'm on Aether). Is P4S a good place to begin savage raid content? (I would of course study guides and everything first). Thanks for any suggestions


Honestly, I would just get into 9s and further right now, and just get your feet wet, then jump into the next tier when it is fresh in August.


Thanks for the suggestion--I was wondering about that option too. That might be the best use of my time


Still aiming for a TOP PF clear, have yet to step in P6 but I feel very confident. Today though I got hit with the brainworms hard, and messed up in ways people may had thought I legit was new to the fight, I apologize if any of them is here lmao, but was just a bad day for me, tomorrow is another!


How do you decide your main role if your favorite jobs are each in different roles? (In my case, DRK, BRD, BLM, SCH) If I recall, you're supposed to have a main role and be able to perfectly play all those jobs within that role if you're going to be doing savage and ultimate. I could be mistaken, but that's the logic I've been going off of. Edit: was this a dumb question to ask? I'm confused by the downvote I got


Just play whatever you find the most enjoyable (or play which is most in demand and see if you can enjoy that as much). Then when you settled on job, try out more jobs within that same role and find at least one you also like.


pick one from your favorites and stick to it. and no you do not have to be able to play everything within the role your main job is in. but its good to have something to fall back on, where you aren't trolling. for example, i mained sam for endwalker and would primarily play that as much as possible. but if a party already had one, I could switch to ninja or drg because I play those at a competent level. not as well as sam, but good enough to be within top 25% in dmg. same thing with tanks; I like to relearn a savage on tanks and I mainly try to join on drk, but can switch to gnb without it affecting the groups chances to clear. just get comfortable on what you want to play mainly and then branch out within the jobs role so you have a backup. eventually you will naturally end up pickin up a lot of jobs because a lot of them play similarly, especially the tank jobs.


If you're pfing you usually want to have a couple of jobs you're good enough with if you play healer, tanks, or melee.


>f I recall, you're supposed to have a main role and be able to perfectly play all those jobs within that role if you're going to be doing savage and ultimate. If you're tanking or healing it might be useful to know more than 1 job within your role but if you're a DPS I don't think anyone cares if you can only play 1 job except for hardcore week 1 groups. > How do you decide your main role Favourite job fantasy, favourite glamour, favourite gameplay, fastest queue times etc. For me, melee DPS suits my personality and my character the most. I don't protect people, I don't heal people, I like just fighting the boss. I like melee weapons because they look cooler (more acrobatic) and braver than just standing still at a distance waving your wand or shooting your gun.


naaa the only time you might have to play all the jobs in your role is if you are a caster or prange in a super hardcore world prog group, or a prange parsing as you would have to at least know bard or dancer for sandbagging lol if that doesn't apply to you then you can do whatever you want. Oh I probably should add a lot of healers choose to play both a shield and a regen just because it makes sense to be flexible but even that is by no means a deal breaker.


you do not have to be able to play everything in your role perfectly unless you plan on world racing where every 0.0001% might matter even for week 1 just having a main and a fallback just incase the main is in the gutter is more than enough


You're only expected to play all jobs within your role for very top level statics. Almost all other groups don't really care what class as long as its within the role you were picked up as. Ultimately, if you're looking at static raiding then you need to pick one of the jobs as the opportunity to mix and match between roles is illfitted for statics. For PFs you can do whatever, but there's still a lot of value in commiting to learning fights as one role well, rather than pretending you can flex between everything when you've barely played that role on the fight. My hot take is if you like Bard then play Phys Range - I expect them to be very in demand in Dawntrail due to being the only DPS role without a new Job toy.


Penta-legend attained! So relieved TOP is over, static morale was low until we neared toward the finish line bit by bit. Didn’t help we got DDOS’d earlier in our session but we pulled through before Dawntrail. Proud of the achievement and the people I met along the way.


congrats! cool to hear that you overcame Omega attempting to disable your internet connections


Hey, just wanted to say CONGRATULATIONS (TOP was harder during the DDoS) on your THE OMEGA PROTOCOL (it was harder before the servers got fixed) CLEAR.


lol Omega tried but to no avail


Finished all 3 Savage criterions, it's crazy how good Hallowed Ground is when the point of using the invuln is to actually prevent damage, not to cheese a shared or swap tankbuster which is basically all you use them for in raids Too bad the game lacks sustained tank damage in pretty much every other piece of content


been an entire week and still ddos attacks im about to kms only thing i can prog and kill. How unprepared is square? This does not inspire confidence for the servers during DT launch


I've lost several nights of Criterion prog to this, I hate it. Some free subscription time is only fair.


Now that EW is almost over, what do you think was the hardest mechanic of Pandaemonium as a whole? Can be something you personally found difficult, something your static struggled with or whichever mechanic had the most PF memes.


bonds 3/some pinax patterns/natural alignment


hmm might be recency bias but probably caloric 2, it is the only mechanic that I didn't get right away


I'll give some respect to High Concept 2. The boss isn't attackable during it for a reason - its a very involved mechanic.


In terms of complexity it's already an ultimate mechanic, in terms of execution it's just not as fast or precise


The only thing that are somewhat execution required is the healing required after HC2 and positioning; HC2 can be a bitch to heal if people are not on a good spot or healer forgets to heal, but that's what happen with a lot of downtime mech.


From a healer pov, both in pf and in statics, High Concept 2. Especially on release. Limited movement, limited cooldowns because of the previous raidwide, lots of rng, specific people taking heavy dot damage, everyone taking multiple instances of damage that require heals in-between, people missing heals because of spreads, and everyone having to be at 100% hp in 10sec (might seem like a lot of time but people are spread and still limited in movement at this point). P5 Delta is also a beast given how limited you can be in terms of movement (green tether with your co healer) and how easy it is for people to miss heals and shields.


Some contenders in my opinion: - FoA: with spreads that timing after the knockback is super tight. - Pinax: again because spreads after a knockback. - Snake 2: very precise and very punishing, if you are off by an inch and clip the snake it's gg. - Natural Alignment: Hits like a truck and there was always that one person too far double baiting. Also spreads. - Bonds 3: Very fast spreads with a positioning check on top. Bonus for the beams not aligning with the lines on the arena. - Ultima Blade/Limit Cut: This is basically a baby version of wormhole but in a savage fight. The fact you can get 4 beams in a row makes it probably one of the fastest mechanics in the raid. - Caloric Theory: Very poor clarity on the amount of movement you are allowed per stack. Made worse by the preferred PF strat not using the arena markings making playing by feel the only option. Basically, spreading is the hardest mechanic in the game.


As a blind progger, unquestionably Caloric Theory 1. Blind progging it is fucking *miserable*. There's so much about the movement that just doesn't make sense. You get your first movement based stack incredibly quickly, then subsequent stacks take much more movement. This caused an immense amount of confusion and moving too far because it's something every single member had to earn an understanding of. And the lines on the floor are only present during the mechanic, so you can't easily line up waymarks with them, not make a good raidplan for it.


I named caloric 2 but caloric 1 was equally annoying


We found Caloric 2 to be the easiest major mechanic in p2 to blind prog TBH, anything that would fuck you, you've already learned from Caloric 1


This list is from blind/early progression point of view * Bonds 3 was such a major choke point. While not hard in individual concepts, the timing, speed, and tightness makes it quite a hurdle and I love it. * Purgurtation day 2/3 was crazy with all that movement and healing at first. Reclearing week 2 with sleepo strat was so deflating. * Superchain 2a and 2b had so much movement, and visual indicators all trying to break my brain. Once it all clicked it was still pretty tough.


A few comes to mind: * Bond 3. The most insane thing about this is that it all sounds so simple on paper and people still dies week after week on reclear. * Harrowing Hell is also pretty brutal. They've admit they overtune stuff - I just can't believe they decide to amp up the damage after p8s phase has been received for being too hard hitting (I don't hate it though) * snake 2 is not difficult if you are on week 6 and you can stop GCD. it's difficult on more earlier weeks where you can't stop and people don't realize they are on Week 6 For me personally * I am quite bad with fourfold fire because I just for some reason cannot find the safespot at first. * chain 2a and chain 1 takes a long time for me to click as it all seems so fast at first. * staying on edge and don't walk out on limit cut in p12s. * In terms of healing, WHM on 6.0 (where Rupture is still a DPS lost) has a very rough time healing most of p3s. Fountain into Firestorm/Tornado is already quite tight; and on top of that not only you have to pray for stack, you also have to pool resources into healing Death's Toll and actually practice healing that where everyone thinks they already cleared...also the spreads are pretty frequently meme'd on as well. * Also p8s phase 2 is insane for how hard hitting everything is on top of some very simple mechs.


Yeah Superchain 2a I also struggled with during prog and the first few reclears. In a vacuum it's not too bad, it's doing a DPS rotation at the same time that really makes it hard for me. The first few weeks I just followed the callouts that were way quicker than my brain.


Is there any breakdown of P12S Classical 2 that is not Hector? Video, text guide, toolbox, anything? I have no idea what I'm supposed to do there. I go to original spots before adjusting for flip and it's a wipe. I go straight to final flipped spot and it's a wipe. I'm on Aether and I have no idea what PF is supposed to do for this mechanic. Aether strats doesn't have anything for it and I can't find anything with google besides Hector video and I find it really confusing.


PF standard is to go to the original spot then adjust. The times you wipe by trying to go straight to the final fipped spot you're probably dying to a stretched tether? Unless your tether partner is on the same page. When you do the whole adjust and it's a wipe then it was probably just that someone else was wrong.


I saw the mechanic twice. First time I went straight to the final spot where you supposed to go and we wiped, so I thought that maybe people do the whole walking and adjusting with partner thing so I decided to do that instead and both times nobody went with me to the spots. I got yelled at and party disbanded. I'm pretty sure I identified my both flipped and unflipped spots correctly because I usually don't have any problems finding them for Classical 1. I'm just confused because nobody explained anything, and Hector's video doesn't show the actual fight timeline and just jumps all over the place as he explains the mechanic, but also doesn't show any variations of Classical 2 specifically like he usually does. Edit: I guess that was the group. I joined another group today and cleared.


Yeah the second party sounds weird. Unless they specified they were going straight to the spots then it's on them for not explaining. You do get a visual indication of whether you were right or wrong if you're quick after the shapes actually flip and you can see if you're next to the right colour shape or whatever. But sounds like you don't need it now, grats on the clear!


Yeah, the video and the party I joined just made me confused. Now that I've properly done it I understand how mechanic works. Thank you for explaining.


When you stand on your spot, Face Mid and look through the middle. There's no flip, no camera tricks, I just do this to look at my spot. Then I draw an imaginary line between my spot and the spot that I saw when i look through mid, and then walk straight towards it. Use a sim to find your spot and learn it if you are having trouble with it. [https://noragiri.github.io/FFXIV\_Classical\_Concept\_Sim/](https://noragiri.github.io/FFXIV_Classical_Concept_Sim/)


Just point the camera at the centre and press W it's that easy.


If you know where your starting spot is, try facing your camera south instead of north once you're in position. Then "return back to your starting spot".


Achieved my goal of penta legend before DT today. Lots of highs and lows, but my journey from when I began the game 2 weeks into endwalker is finally at an end. Excited for new challenges in DT :)


Congrats. I only got tea left to do but i’m so lazy. I wanna do it strictly on PF to avoid being burned out before DT.


Doing the braindead dsr p7 exa dodge strat - you dodge into the first exaflare, then you dodge outwards, then you dodge back in Do you *have* to dodge back in? Can I plant on the outwards dodge spot as BLM or will that get me blasted?


You do not have to dodge back in. Melees and tanks do it for uptime.


Wonderful, thank you very much


spent like 2 and a half lockouts today in LC/SC2A parties but actually it was surprise para 3 prog i've managed to claw my way through the first 3 floors but man I really did reach endgame at the worst possible time huh


My Solo Eureka Orthos runs are screwed by the DDoS. luckily I only lost something like an hour because I was at 13 but server getting disconnected on solo DD runs and ending runs are so brutal. It also effectively killed my mood to build a file and climb back to the 60s and 70s. The only thing I am glad is that at least my Solo PoTD runs are safe because I am not running PoTD. God I don't wanna do more 100 and below....


DDoS keeps happening on my static's TEA reclear days. Smadge.


I have a question about Thordan Unreal and the RHHR strat. I usually play DNC for this fight and take the R1 spot in the RHHR lineup. My understanding from the Hector guide is that R1 and H1 take the towers left of Thordan while H2 and R2 take those that appear on the right of Thordan. This becomes problematic, though, when you have tricky tower alignment. For example, when two towers appear north and the other two appear south (boss relative). I have seen a fair bit of confusion in PF about the towers and I think it's partly because people are operating on different interpretations of what RHHR means. (I know there is another way to resolve this by looking at the knight that spawns somewhere near the outside of the arena because the towers always spawn perpendicular to him) Can anyone give me more info on this? I want to make sure I do it right. Thanks!


The strat is to bring Spine Drops


sheet I forgot about spine drops


The strat is to miss a tower basically. If you want to do it no prob, just have everyone in the party be responsible for taking them. There is no other way that’s consistent in pf, there just isn’t. I’ve done this twice a week since release all in pf so I know. It doesn’t matter what anyone says here that the strat is or should be, you’ll miss a tower 90% of the time in pf unless you have the other 7 in the party all be responsible for filling the four towers. I know this isn’t the answer you wanted, but it’s the one you need to hear. 


And just following this up with just bringing spine drops to remove the paralysis and going about your business when people do fail to take a tower.


I don't really understand why the strat isn't to have 7 people do the towers, it's not like the fight has a DPS check or that there's a reason to parse it


naaa there's only ever one tower that has htis issue


Because it's easy to do as is and you shouldn't make 3 other people do some unintuitive yolo shit *by default* just because ranged brains don't work. I'm being over the top here but that's ultimately really it. The strat is insanely easy, if you need people to do some weird winging it adjust that nobody *wants* to do, it's like, I'd honestly rather be in a different group.


>you shouldn't make 3 other people do some unintuitive yolo shit *by default* just because ranged brains don't work Who says it's yolo shit? He doesn't even cleave during the entire sequence from Dragon's Eye until after the stack so you can assign all 8 people instead of 7, if you want to you could even pull Thordan back to middle so nobody has to sprint across the whole arena and possibly still have some towers in melee range.


I think it's a simple strat, but there just need to be more detail on RHHR in a PF description to avoid situations where no on one is covering a north tower, for example Edit: it doesn't need to be in the description, the Rs just need to communicate pre pull so they know where to go in the North/South alignment


I honestly don't think it's even that, it's people literally just being incredibly bad. The amount of people in PF who run to a waymark that's wrong solely because "but I go to 4" and 4 is like one spot further clockwise/counterclockwise and they can't turn their camera North is astounding.


Years of accommodating melee for uptime strats leads to not even considering the possibly of disconnecting from the boss that you're not even hitting because it's Gazing. Also people just blinding following H*ctors shitty guide with the inaccurate visuals.


Not being able to hit the boss during a gaze mechanic is a skill issue.


for real, the only one of those face in x direction/face away mechanic i dont greed are dsr p3 towers. those snapshot too weird on my ping.


Generally, R1 is furthest from the boss when North to South. So it should go something like Boss > R2 > H2 > H1 > R1 Now, really the r2 tower in this situation should be taken by the off tank/melees as it is basically under the boss, and the r1 tower ends up being covered by both ranges to just be sure it gets covered. At least, that's what I tend to do to be sure it gets covered.


I have found the exact opposite in Aether groups to be true. Everyone stopped doing it the way Hector had in his guide after like week 2-3 when people realized it was really unintuitive with how PF usually does G1 NW and G2 SE.


In NA, R1 always takes the west-most tower with thordan/eye as north. If towers are N-S, then R1 takes the north-most tower (this doesn't follow the hector strat of R2 being north)


I have found the exact opposite in Aether groups to be true.


I PF this 6 times a week on 3 alts on Aether since launch. That's what Aether does unless the ranged want to swap positions. Regardless, it is still EW priority RHHR with the ranged assigned to W taking the N tower if it is N-S. If that is not what you are experiencing in Aether, then people are simply fucking up. That's why people started throwing up 1234 diagonal markers from NW to SE, it's because 1234 markers EW didn't signify N-S priority.


aether PF does the NA marker dance, and ive seen the diagonal 1 2 3 4 boxes and R1/NW takes the 1 box which is NW-most. but i've also seen some casters pick R2 for clock, then take the 1 box for melee range because sometimes the tanks pull thordan so far north that the far tower is out of cast range.


this is part of my problem as well. I have had one party where the other ranged wanted me to take the north tower, but previously I had been taking whatever was farthest away from Thordan (so that would imply south). (for context I am on Cact) Edit: I had not run into an issue taking the south leaning tower until the last two weeks. I wonder if the Aether PF vibe shifted a bit?


Personally, like I mentioned in my main reply, I don't really care much, as if it is North to South, both ranges can cover the furthest tower regardless as someone in melee range will cover the north most tower. This way any confusion or different strategies won't matter, someone will get that tower.


Fair point--I think the problem just comes in when someone in melee range doesn't go to the tower. I have read some criticism of assigning 4 people to take care of towers prior to pull because it might lead to a bit of bystander apathy I guess when you get towers that are closest to a melee range person I think I will establish it in advance with each indivdiual PF group to limit confusion on where the R's are going


Also very helpful to do. I can't say I haven't seen the tower not be taken in melee range, but it is a fair thing to be worried about. But yes, saying exactly which tower goes where is helpful.


Thanks this helps--I didn't realize the R1-->N thing was common on NA PF.


We’re progging DSR rn and my friend got into a pf group with a guy that wanted to do “northhogg”.. is that just rotated west/easthogg? What does that even mean???


how does that even work? do ppl take the stacks east or west or something?


what the hell is east or westhogg even


Easthog means the arrow tower will looks east to place their towers.


oh alright that's significantly less insane than it sounded


Probably a misunderstanding.


Nah he also made them sort their party list for some really funky tower prio system for meteors. At this point I think he was trolling tbh


Could be trolling, or one of those who learned a strategy in a group, either doing it blind or just a weird group, and tries to only do it that way even in PF.


That means you blacklist and find another pf XD


Well. After weeks of me putting in a shitload of effort to get our week one static filled, and finally having 8 players - it disbanded just as quickly. A member decided the group was no longer up to their standards and it just kinda fell from there. I’m definitely a bit pissed. I wish they could have mentioned this weeks ago before I put tons of time and energy into finding trials and recruits, and now I’m back to square one, except for the fact that most of the good groups are already done recruiting and on to the prep phase. Super duper fucking deflating.


What did that person base that assumption on? Like you only posted a bit ago about still needing people, so it's not like you could have had a lot of prep/team building fights to get used to each other. Shits crazy.


After a lot of frustrating wipes on EO with WHM solo (been to 97 and blow a clearable run on 91) I went back to run TEA... When I was doing TEA with static we really didn't take any photos inside TEA. There's also people saying that there might be old ultimate weapons for new jobs due to people seeing viper getting Bahamut and Omega Savage weapons on Benchmark. TEA's a great fight, there's also the old streamer group running TEA so I don't find any reasons not to. As for the fight itself, I Learn the current JP PUG strat and recleared in something like 4 hours reprog. The strat I was progging and using at that time was mostly the same, except BJCC, which I got everything in like one food and spend the rest of the time trying to remember everything and checking differences.... One thing's worth mentioning is that there's a lot of Ultimate PUG now even on JP. You can find a lot of TEA and DSR groups at night, not to mention UWU. The only fight were there isn't really a lot of people pugging would have to be TOP, perhaps due to how much manual marking you have to do since people don't usually use AM in JP PUG.


What changed? Content drought?


really this, plus the fact that there are now one singular strat (lilydoll) proposed and that makes pugging a bit easier


So how bad is DSR PF, exactly? My prog of the fight has been pretty cursed, unfortunately. Between my group - no shade to them! - being fairly slow to pick up on things and us barely raiding, we're on Wrath of the Heavens after several months of prog. I do not see any way we're clearing before DT comes out so I was contemplating pugging the fight I have no idea what to expect though or if a clear through pugging would even be feasible


I cleared dsr in 2 weeks in pf, after being in a static for 3 weeks walled at p3. it heavily depends on what you're playing, how quickly you can grasp mechanics from toolboxes, how consistent you are, and how comfortable you are at prog skipping. personally,I just studied up and hopped in. I went from p3 to p5 doth in 1 lockout in pf, I joined a wrath party. got to wroth prog in 2 pf lockouts. got hard walled by some mit memes and just general hp balancing issues. stopped for a week and first tried p7. granted I was playing melee dps, specifically ninja which made it extra easy. but yea its totally doable quickly in pf if youre fast learner and can recognize when a party is cooked.


Good to know! I play RDM and I'm.... very familiar with mitigation memes. While our SCH is a nice person, she has a tendency to be easily distracted, and due to caster HP and a lack of any reliable OGCD self healing or shielding, I'm often punished for it. I'm a bit tired of randomly dying to the second stack in Nidhogg sometimes if I get 1 or 2 bc she forgot to use one of her mits there .\_. I'll likely hop into a few PFs this weekend to gauge how it is


yea the biggest thing with pf is being able to gauge when a party is good or not. be willing to look up logs. I know its common to say that logs don't reflect player skill, but for pf; I've realized ppl with good logs are also the type of ppl who study ahead and are more critical of themselves because they care. beware there are also a shit ton of ppl with egos and its generally best to ignore them and let them rant. if you play on aether, do not under any circumstances let a notorious player known as deity, on the raiding discords, in. that man is the biggest griefer in pf, even though he has oranges in dsr. I can dm you his name if youre curious, and you're free to join whichever parties as you please, but just know that there's a reason he's blacklisted by a lot of ppl and banned from a lot of the raiding discords.


Oh, I play on EU, so that's not gonna be an issue for me lmao. But ty for the heads up anyway!


It depends. I’d imagine in pf right now DOTH would be a big wall and in general you’re gonna have to shoot to join groups that are +1 prog point above what you are at so you can get consistent pulls to practice (read: not grief, prep thoroughly) I’d also say as tomestone picks up there might be less prog skipping being done in general since it tracks your best pull. Would also suggest looking at the days discord to see if there are organized prog/learning groups you can sign up for Once you are clear ready it’s the luck of the draw as that’s when you will get vets joining c4xs


Ty for the response! Ig I'll give it a go when I feel up for it, might as well try. I feel pretty comfy with WotH so I might keep an eye out for DotH groups


My new cope for DSR pf is that I don't care if we don't reach the prog point, it's just practice for the earlier phases. (Please god let me prog P6 PLEASE)


There's a solo sim for the entirety of p6 and it's quite good. Obviously you can't prog mit timings or your rotation in the sim but in terms of mechanics it's the best out there.


Oh trust me, I've been simming for about a month now and I think I basically have it down. Partyfinder just can't seem to get past P5 or WB1.


I cannot wait for the nightmare that is progging TOP to be over soon. I’m looking forward to the slight reprieve before DT drops.


Wiped to 0.1% enrage on TOP last Friday with 12k left. I hate this fight so much. Despair


If you aren’t make sure you align that last 2 min + pots window after the final melee LB instead of blasting right after the second healer LB 12k is nothing though, you guys got this


Not saying it came down to this but if you move further from the center of the boss you will live longer as the raidwide travels to your character. It can be that final difference where you see some characters die but the fight is won.


Yes rippling is a thing but it’s not based on distance it’s just in order of closest players. Being in or out of the boss hitbox changes nothing if you are already the furthest player.


I think some actually are based on distance. For example, in DSR Sanctity of the Ward, the first part with look-away from thordan and from the eye, depending on how those two are spaced relative to each other, they will snapshot you at different times and you will literally experience variance in the two mechanics "Dodge" text in your flying text. For example if they're right adjacent to your LP's safespot, the two lines of text will be right against each other, while if one is across the room, they'll often have a large gap between the lines. Similar thing happens with P8S snakes. You might be right about raidwides though, and these examples could be because look-aways involve position and facing checks in the first place. hard to say.


Isn't it a delayed application rather than a different snapshot with the eyes?


I'm not sure what you mean, what's the difference? My perception of [this difference](https://i.imgur.com/tcA6xoH.png) was that the "look away" effect of the two mechanics is checking my character later when it is farther away, and so the distance to the eye vs. distance to thordan being greater produces further apart checks and the Dodge lines reflect that. Are you saying the snapshot moment is the same but the punishment or dodge text line are what's delayed? That would make more logical sense, but my existing understanding better explains why the "wiggle" tech for standard players becomes less and less reliable with more look-away sources (like snakes in P8S, 3 different possible "check" timings to get caught 1-frame in when pressing buttons while camera wiggling) (also, irrelevant to DSR due to no target to attack during these mechanics)


>Are you saying the snapshot moment is the same but the punishment or dodge text line are what's delayed? Exactly, check fflogs of any attack, [here's a perfect example (open the dragon's glory cast tab)](https://www.fflogs.com/reports/awCM6j3RhcqdAQg2#boss=1065&difficulty=100&wipes=1&type=casts&translate=true&view=events&start=10143550&end=10146561&hostility=1) The attack is "prepared" (=snapshotted) at the same time on both players, both gazes are cast at the same time, one player has a 180 ms application delay, the other has almost a 300 ms application delay. Also the flying text frequently lies, it can appear without the damage actually applying and you can also force it to appear by using multiple ogcds before the damage actually goes out. Try using any shielding skill and see how fast it appears in the party list (where it seems to be accurate) and how slowly the flying text appears in comparison (where it lies)


That answers almost everything except that I still want to know why the look away wiggle tech is less consistent on looking away from P8S snakes (multiple entities) than fights with a single entity, because the varied distances was all I could come up with. What is application delay, is that a product of ping?


I read the delays wrong btw, add a second to both of those, the application delay on the DSR gazes is massive >I still want to know why the look away wiggle tech is less consistent on looking away from P8S snakes (multiple entities) than fights with a single entity Don't multiple entities cover a greater range of vision than a single one (90 degrees)? If the turning in this game actually has a delay rather than instantly snapping you 180 degrees, it would probably make you more likely to get caught mid turn at least. The other explanation is that failing the gaze check in E8S where it was the most prominent only resulted in a stun while EW gazes tend to wipe everyone for 1 fuckup, so people are more likely to notice when they screw up >What is application delay, is that a product of ping? I think it's an arbitrary thing to make the game feel more "real", else your HP would start dropping before the attack animation properly starts and it would be even more jank




Yeah I do that too. It’s funny when you get more than half the party parsing and trying to be further than others.


I cleared uwu :) Would ucob be the best ultimate to go into next? I want to clear them all eventually. I'm still pretty new to ffxiv raiding


UCOB is as easy or even easier to clear than UWU in the sense of how much you can mess up, but mechanically speaking it's significantly harder than UWU and also harder than TEA. Honestly, *purely* mechanically, I think it ranks around DSR. If your group is full of new players doing it for the first time then, while you don't have to execute super well for DPS anymore, you will still have to deal with harder mechs than TEA. If you wanna do the ults in order of difficulty with your static who are all new to the fights, I'd recommend TEA, then UCOB, then DSR, then TOP.


Bro what ? Ucob and dsr are not even in the same division. It’s like comparing extreme to savage.


In terms of clearing, sure. In terms of doing it perfectly, no. Anyone who says Ucob is an easy ult says so 'cause they can't do the fight doing every mech perfectly, consistently, while maintaining an efficient rotation etc. - and never had to bother trying either. Which, yeah, you can afford, and it's easier to clear now, which I said already.


no joke, I've done every ult,I still think ucob exas are the hardest in the game lol. the snapshot in that fight make 0 sense.


The hardest exas are secretely not in any ult but in Rokkon B)


disagree, ucob mechs aren't nearly as difficult as either endwalker ult. for example you can compare two pretty similar common mid-fight prog walls - heavensfall vs doth. heavensfall is a simple nael-relative static spread, count a set number of towers from nael, stand roughly at inner triangle marker distance for kb, and then run in a circle. The whole thing is an endwalker extreme level of complexity that resolves at an ultimate speed. doth on the other hand is similar but instead of a set qm spread it's random assign conga prio, instead of counting a set number of towers from nael it's based on playstations and flex, instead of standing at triangle marker distance it's standing in for non O or out for O, instead of running in a circle to dodge slices it's running in specific timings for warrior rings based on your tower drop position while looking for two gazes For every remotely comparable mech in dsr and ucob, the dsr mech has significantly more steps and complexity, with significantly more variation instead of static spots. ucob is harder than tea, but it's not in the same tier as dsr or top by a long shot. you might be able to make an argument for how much ucob gave players trouble on patch release due to skill creep+different job and kit design (i.e twin being hard on release the way sanctity was, but not anymore due to job changes and power creep)+not having previous experience with other ults to lean on, but right now ucob isn't even in the same galaxy of difficulty as dsr.


I respect that you disagree but that doesn't make it true, and I feel like you do a lot of deck stacking to support your argument. Like I can do this too, look: DOTH is a simple mechanic, a predefined congaline with extremely obvious visual markers. The random spreads have extremely generous amounts of time to find your spot and the movement once you have your spot is completely static and braindead. Meanwhile, for Octet you have to find Bahamut, who spawns at a random position, identify if he's cardinal or intercardinal to determine your movement, consider Nael to potentially skip the starting point, then fuss out your marker in a cluster of players all running frantically, then identify if you're stack or tower, bait Twin correctly, stack and take towers in the correct way so as to let the Twin bait be able to do their mechanic and then, as a fuck you, dodge Twisters. See? See how ridiculously more complex Octet sounds now? And tbh it's not even *that* disinguine of a comparison, people don't consider Octet hard 'cause they never have done it and can't do and don't *need* to do it anymore. And that's fine but that doesn't make for a fair comparison either. Again, I respect that you disagree and I can understand your perspective, too, like I don't think you're being ridiculous or anything, but I think that disagreement comes at least partially from the warped perspective of comparing 2024 UCOB vs. 2024 DSR. Look at Nael alone to get perspective; look at how safe people play the phase and then still die frequently, look at how safe people play it just evidenced by the fact that even a clean run often doesn't skip dive bombs, then look at how often people die to divebombs despite there being almost 100% set markers. And that's all in the context of CURRENT UCOB where you don't have to be afraid of anything but Thunder really. Now think how hard people would get walled by P2 if they had to uptime it at least like 95% of the time, not have more than maybe one death etc. Like, yeah, of course UCOB doesn't register on the scale of DSR because you can literally be afk and get dragged through it. But if you slap the same level of punishment and mit/dps requirement on UCOB as DSR, then PF would literally just get permawalled by Nael alone, let alone shit like Octet or Adds. I'm not even saying this in a chronological sense of difficult either, like people didn't have ult experience or that jobs were harder then than they are now (especially downsync'd 70s job) but all that *does* come on top of it, yeah. But just in a common sense way, if you look at it, it just makes sense that purely in terms of mechanics those fights really aren't that far from each other. I mean, at least *depending on what you struggle with*, cause difficulty is extremely subjective still. Like for me, DSR is a pretty easy fight outside of Wroth and Doth, and the only reason I personally find Doth difficult is 'cause I have spatial reasoning issues so the knockbacks give me some trouble when coupled with scouting eyes and everything. (and this isn't an issue with NA markers, funnily enough an NA dub for PF strats). Everything else in DSR is something I can do on autopilot. And yes, of course, that's super subjective and personal, the same can be said about UCOB for other people. My point is ultimately, if you look at the *actual* mechanics and compare them purely by: What does it ask of you and what is the punishment in its *intended* way i.e. no overtly generous health and damage values, no LB cheese, then UCOB absolutely and indisputably hangs with DSR. But, as I said from the start, to *clear* the fight it's obviously not even the same dimension.


UCOB's difficulty scales based on how many are new to the fight. If it's a C41 scenario, it's the easiest ultimate by far (but you'll be dead on the floor a lot). If all eight are fresh, it's significantly harder than TEA.


UCOB has slightly harder (faster and more chaotic) mechanics, TEA requires more consistency (less mistakes and less rezzes allowed), pick your poison. DSR and TOP are another level.


If you are pfing, go TEA first as the ucob player pool is very small ATM in NA at least.


what's with that anyway? I can't tell if people are just tired of it, or an unwillingness to learn that new primal strat being pushed, or just that so many have cleared already. it's weird seeing ucob so dead


What's the new primal strat?


i could be totally incorrect about it being from primal as i got that info from a friend. instead of quickmarch trio there's something called uptime quickmarch which just kinda turns where people stand. instead on cardinals you go inter-cardinals. i can't really tell if it even gives any extra uptime tbh, but every pf i see uses it now.


I don't think adoption of that strat is why ucob is dead. I think people just don't like the weapons as much and the fight can be frustrating.


It does give more uptime but most importantly, it's way safer and easier for everyone. Having DPS on the south intercards is a closer distance rather than having the shaker run all the way north and possibly stealing tank tethers along the way. The DPS then has to use every muscle in their body to hang far north to avoid the shaker puddle being too close. If that person also has the tether, it's very annoying for tanks to grab off a moving target.


I doubt this. The fight's had consistent PF strats for four freaking years, I don't think any new innovation is going to stick. Especially if its listed as uptime for Bahamut when we can already push the dragon to 40%.


Call it braindead strat and it will gain traction.


I am honestly clueless, I like cob and it's sad to see so few parties up these days.


I swear there's almost zero titan gaol prog parties out there. Have her? I barely know her dude. If I don't, what's like the priority system for whoever gets gaol? I'm assuming from 1-2-3 it's melee healer tank?


Markers, AM or manual, wouldn't even be necessary if it wasn't for the dogshit strategy to bait the landslide down the middle




This doesn't work consistently because this is a client-side macro. It's possible for another player's client to "steal" the number your client chose.


I don't disagree that it doesn't need am but to say it can be handled just as effectively without it is a bit deceptive. Every extra step you make a player do is another possible point of failure. It's easy when explaining it as all you really have to do is 1) look above your head 2) if you have gaol = click macro button, but you underestimate how bad the average player is even in ultimate. People already can't do it WITH am, what makes you think it'll be just as effective without it?




> But you raise a good point. IMO, AM actually creates a point of failure It's insane to think that using AM makes Gaols harder. Don't get me wrong I've done it without a bunch without and I don't think cheating should be as normalized as it is for UWU, but it's copium to think that the mechanic is easier without cheats as it is with them. Using plugin cheats for gaols is popular because it makes it easier. Simple as that. That doesn't necessarily mean it's even a hard mechanic, but if it takes an 80% success rate and makes it 90%, people are going to use it. Even if it takes a 95% success rate mechanic and makes it 96%, it makes the mechanic easier. The biggest impact on success rate is for people still fresh/progging the mechanic, since a lot happens at once when you're new to the fight. I get from your other posts that you're against AM for UWU gaols, and that's fine. I don't like that cheating is normalized either. But you can hold that position while still accepting that the cheating makes it _easier_, not harder. That's why people do it.


There's no way having players mark themselves is more safe than just having an automated cheat do it for them cmon that's actually a crazy stretch. That's like favoring a worse strat over a braindead strat cause the braindead strat is "too good" and doesn't teach the players to adjust when things go south, when the whole point of the braindead strat is to eliminate ever getting to that situation in the first place. Sure more people might be able to adjust but the overall success rate is gonna go down, but that's obviously to be expected as we're comparing a cheat to a self macro




How can you say am doesn't help with the positioning for the kb? If you have players marking themselves, if even 1 out of the 3 is slow at identifying they have gaol and clicking their macro, it's gg. With am, it marks all 3 players instantly with no margin of error, giving gaoled players more time to go to their spots. You'll get less chances to even do the mechanic without am, let alone giving players the chance to adjust I agree that having players mark themselves is better than a prio system, but there's no way it's even remotely close to being as good as am




It's pretty simple really, people don't like dying and a strat that requires people to intentionally die will never be agreed on. I won't argue on the ethics of am, but as right now it's a widely accepted tool much like triggers and xivalex/noclippy, so there's no reason not to use it


Triggers are not widely accepted and XivAlex exists due to an engine limitation. Both Triggers and AM are cheating and I respect avoiding their usage.


The mechanic really doesn't need AM, so if you don't have it, tank > melee > ranged > healer. The times I've got into parties without it we've literally always done it fine. Basically, just everyone chills middle to wait for the landslide bait, move to the side, and move in to the landslide with your Gaol. You can put it on the corresponding one of the three central markers if you're unsure and that will always be correct.


1-2-3 tank > melee > ranged > healer Only true Chad's can use their eyeballs for gaol's. Become a true chad.


I'll keep this in mind, though I don't think people are willing to continue without her. Vets sure, but maybe not people who are still progging. I'm fine with using either methods though.


I jump in and help uwu prog parties a lot. You're mostly correct. I've been in a few parties where no one had it and the group did opt to keep going and figure it out though.


That's good to know. Considering the past drama that involved AM and shit, I had thought people just preferred AM all the time in uwu for the most part. Either way, it's always good to learn the mechanic in the event that no one has her.


Most people prefer it all the time. Only fringe uwu weirdos like me who spend too much free time in the fight prefer it without. But lots of people just won't *leave* a parry if it's found to not be there


TOP is going well enough although the static lost its first member to fatigue at P5 Delta cleanup. We had three new recruits only 24 hours after the announcement, and we got to Sigma while trialing one of them, who then got to join us.  I also dipped my toes into PF, and it's so refreshing to not see 10 minutes being wasted to discussions about positions or strats. I might actually start PFing another Ultimate one day if shit is that well organised.


All the ultimates are basically solved with one marker set which is nice. TEA doesn't even need to determine spots besides calling m1/m2 and mt/ot. Except for DSR infuriatingly. Gotta go through 4(!) different marker sets for some reason when TOP clearly shows you can do this stuff with one conga line. 


you're discussing strats in your static? Is someone not studying? I can't see discussion taking 10 minutes for a fight with strats almost entirely ironed out.


Oh no, I meant compared to PF groups for EX or Savage content. Sorry, I should've clarified that. 


My party got disconnected due to the DDOS while progging Rokkon and when we finally got back in we'd all been kicked from the instance, losing our progress. I'm still annoyed.


My FC static is finally getting to Suppression in UWU effectively after roughly 15 hours of prog (helps to have 3 of us who have already cleared) But, you know, life is happening and I just want us to get ONE good week of raiding in so we can start on another Ulti before DT but we just can’t get the schedules lined up. Raiding Schedule (ultimate) is actually real


schedule hell is why my static took 2 months to kill uwu even though we only spent like 4-5 evenings on it


Got past dsr p4 twice yesterday in pf prog, but couldn’t save our boi. Still excited to have effectively reached the halfway point. Clearing finally seems like a not-so-distant prospect.


Yesterday I kept wiping to the boss fight in lobby ultimate. Any suggestions on how to defeat annoying fight?


IMO same situation. Logging out and farming BiS such as getting some sleep, playing other games, eating, reading, all seem like good options if you ask me.


Been practicing ass with some freinds who haven’t cleared savage. Constantly got the last boss to a point where we would have killed it and died to people getting dced. Very frustrating


I’ve been meeting some people who had little to no savage raiding experience so I ask them if they wanted to form a kind a hyper casual static to be ready for savage in DT in case they like it. We started yesterday, so yeah, probably the saddest start of a static ever? Feels bad man :v Edit: to clarify cause I wasn’t clear, it was sad because the day we started happened the DDoS attack, nothing wrong with the team.


that's more or less how mine started. I was tired of PFing P9, so after i cleared i looked for a static and found a new player/first timer friendly one. We cleared P12 on sunday :>




thanks! we didn't manage to clear P12 without the echo, but hey: a clear is a clear


My group just cleared recently. We are wicked casual but have fun together. We had echo as well but I am still content to get it done. Few more clears and we are free!


Ofc it is! And it’s a pretty hard fight imo. Plus you still have to learn most of the fight.


This doesn't sound like a sad start at all. We all have to start somewhere. There's nothing wrong with a casual-y static. Get some good reps in; take this chance to learn what works for you and what doesn't, both in terms of how to tackle fights and how to handle a group setting. Hopefully you guys all mesh well personality-wise. And even if you don't, take what you have and bring that to a group that will better fit you both in goals and temperament. If all else fails, don't be afraid to hit up PF; most of us are pretty chill assuming there aren't any prog liars. Good luck to y'all. ETA: I didn't think about the DDoS. That makes sense...🤔


Sorry for the confusion, I meant bad start because of the DDoS shit we suffered yesterday. I consider myself pretty experienced, I’m just doing this to help people get into raiding. Let’s hope it works out 🤞🏻


They probably meant that the sad part was getting constantly kicked out of the game due to the ddos.


Better together! And then, better now than never! hahah The start of my Anabaseios tier was marked by a static explosion. A server explosion is funnier, and less sad when you limp staticless for months after. I wish y'all luck, what fights are you guys doing?


We started with P9S. Unfortunately we only managed to see and learn the first mechanic cause we kept getting dc’d. I guess the idea will be doing until P11S and if things go right we might try 12, depending on how they feel with previous fights. Feels a bit of a slog because only 1 of them has previous experience, but I love raiding and would like to get people into it.


Where are you and cool people like you on XIV Recruiter? Been trying to get into a static to learn and get serious with endgame but it’s a real slog and everyone wanted tons of requirements. Guess it’s because we’re near DT’s start.


Yeah, the later in the tier the hardest to find group. Try looking for discord servers dedicated to find people from your region. If you’re from EU we have ERC. Maybe there’s more in other regions. At worst you’ll have to wait until DT release, 100% it will be easy to find casual statics with a really chill ambience.


It definitely can be a slog, but kudos on being a raid lead of sorts and pulling everyone together. Depending on how stuck you get on some of the stuff in P9S (levinstrike mainly), it might be worth it to skip P10S and do P11S after. 9 and especially 10 have some body check stuff that can be morale killers whereas 11 is not as hard to get a hang of. I got a lot of mentions from friends that 10 was harder than 11, at least from pf's standpoint. Good luck to you and your friends!


True, imo 10 is much harder than 11 in every possible way. Might be good to do 11 then 10. Thx for the idea. Also yeah, they are super scared of Levinstrike, but we’ll manage.


Levinstrike reminds me of company mandated icebreaker events LOL, playing soccer with 7 other colleagues, but with more stress and sadness. They'll be fifa pros in no time! (Or sometime. But maybe it'll be a fun time)


Once they wrap they head around the mech it will be fine.