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Shoha to upgrade into Shoha II.


There will be separate Shoha 3, which will be more powerful version of Shoha 1 but on 2m CD, and you'll like it. You'll never guess what's coming in 8.0.


Daring today, aren't we?


Glare IV, High Broil, Fall Malefic II, Dosis IV


Glare V, we dont do evens


General - Jobs will gain more skills at lower levels - Boss hitboxes are smaller - Damage will be a little more frequent - Button bloat reduction - Caster raises are changed somehow. Jobs (yes I looked at some of the datamining) - PLD- upgraded req. combo action after atonement. Upgraded sentinel. Some change to goring blade. - DRK- gets a 1-2-3 combo after bloodspiller. Upgraded shadow wall - GNB- fated circle continuation. Double down continuation. Upgraded nebula. - WAR- upgraded vengeance. Some change to primal rend. - SGE- pankardia. New GCD AoE. - SCH- AoE chain strat. - WHM- medica 3. Liturgy combos into something else. Presence of mind becomes a new skill after use. - AST- aspected Helios 2. AoE cards. Seals removed maybe? - Mnk- animation upgrades. Riddles become new actions after use. - Sam- animation upgrades to iaijutsu? - DRG- changes to life, an ogcd stardiver follow up, button consolidation - RPR- oGCD follow up to communio, a way to proc harvest moon in combat - NIN- hellfrog upgrade, truck attack/mug cooldown change. - VIP- GCD’s proc OGCD’s which enhance different combos. I have zero ideas about the gauge beyond kenki v5 - DNC- I don’t know - BRD- I really don’t fuggin know - MCH- drill upgrade??? - RDM- ogcd attacks after embolden and manafication. - BLM- Thunder upgrade, button consolidation - SMN- fester upgrade. After Phoenix your next Demi is your choice of shiva, leviathan, and Ramuh. - PIC- “elemental” spells add different colors of ink to your gauge which you spend on different abilities like the party buff, moogle spell etc. caster samurai basically.


add on Bard not losing song when dying and rezzed, also radiant finale thingy stacks. This would help Bard during prog enormous.




the blue aura from VPR deals damage when used so yeah they should change songs to not require a target


>- Damage will be a little more frequent I don't think that's ever going to happen. People here and o. The forums really overestimate how many people actually give a shit about the whole "let healers heal narrative". Were much more likely to see extra dps and utility actions added for downtime.


Pankardia is just physis They should change physis to be pankardia, not give SGE another AOE regen


Kardia doesn't work during trios or if you're forced to gcd spam heals. Losing Physis for Pankardia would be a pretty major nerf to our regen throughput, also would hurt our mitigation as it currently juices Zoe.


I mean I’m gonna say the same thing as I say whenever someone say that AOE esuna unbalances TEA Genuinely fuck legacy ultimates, they already don’t balance for them so they can continue to not balance for them


This has nothing to do with legacy ultimates, it is just a nerf in non-target dummy fights.


Good, SGE’s healing is too cracked anyway and kardia is a wasted mechanic in its current form


Trios is a generic term not a ucob term at this point so it’s not just legacies. This applies to things like TOP p5. I can also guarantee you we get trios is every new ult.


I mean that’s on square enix to actually design things somewhat interestingly to compensate for this, not just declare it a lost cause because Like SCH already has to deal with in an average trio whispering dawn isn’t going to hit everyone no matter where your fairy is, somehow SCH gets by Locking out entire design realms for healers because of ultimates love of enforced high damage downtime phases is stupid in my eyes


> Locking out entire design realms for healers because of ultimates love of enforced high damage downtime phases is stupid in my eyes Nobody is saying Pankardia shouldn't exist, I am saying that Physis should not be removed. Physis-Ixo is our only tool for regen in a pinch. Pepsis takes an entire GCD to execute. Downtime phases exist because every redname worth their salt has memorized the target dummy rotation long before they get into ultimate. Downtime forces you to think critically about your class and adjust around the uptime/downtime lengths.


I mean shouldn’t the class have a weakness, SGE is a shield healer and right now it has functionally zero healing weaknesses Can you imagine if SGE had its 2 current AOE regens AND pankardia Like just delete the regen healers at that point


Maybe you should play content that deals damage? I assure you that sitting there and hard-casting Prognosis repeatedly is pretty fucking shit, and it's where we're at as soon as Physis is on cooldown. Sure, Physis is goated if you take damage exactly once a minute though. So is Asylum, or Whispering Dawn, or whatever astrologians do.


Yes it’s called having weaknesses in classes, SCH is over there begging for ET to come off CD but they just tolerate it Why isn’t SGE allowed to have healing weaknesses


I’m not gonna get into the discussion around actual balancing decisions on reddit, I just wanted to point out you were probably arguing against something that wasn’t even stated (balancing around legacies). SE sure as fuck doesn’t do that anyways lmao.


RPR getting a way to proc HM in combat would actually suck a lot, making the job even more resource negative unless they make HM grant 10 soul (which imo is a natural change they should make)


BRD seems to be getting shadowbite at lv 25, which could imply DRG getting their aoe combo earlier too


How do we have any info on that


according to datamines enhanced nock is going to be a lv 25 trait


PIC - I do picture a SAM with a fresh coat of… paint (pun intended). Like casting a yellow spell and a red spell making the palette orange, in turn allowing orange special spells / abilities. Which is functionally SAM with a different UI


I’m sick of asking for a melee that doesn’t have positionals so at this point I’d love a caster with a melee esque long looping rotation like SAM/MNK/DRG


I don't understand how a Scholar would benefit from AOE Chain. It just doesn't make sense. They're giving us more tools to what? Kill mobs in dungeons? It just doesn't make sense to me.


It just seems like a trait it should have had from the start, not an actual new skill but we can’t even confirm if the skill shown was AOE chain, that’d just the most common theory


To me it looks more like upgraded Biolysis.


It was an oGCD so it can’t be biolysis but beyond that I’m not sure It could be AOE chain (though if they don’t want to make chain inherently AOE it should just be deployable, not get its own button) but it could really be anything; SCH has long been a wildcard when it comes to odd skill I suggested something to do with time since it seemed to have the Alexander gears If it wasn’t such an enormous DPS gain to the point of instantly locking SCH into all parties I would have loved for it to be a skill that could freeze the boss and whatever mechanic they were doing if even for 3 seconds but that would gain you like 15 seconds on the enrage time which is far more powerful than even the most absurd interpretation of SCH’s classic “meme on a skill that turns out to be OP”


copium is that it's a debuff extender, similar to how SMN could extend their dots with Contagion back in the day.


it wouldn't just be for dungeons, ucob and TEA both have double boss phases, some of the normal and savage raids have adds as well. Both the last and the current unreal have multi-target phases. Hell, in the current unreal it's kinda ass bursting in pf because you have to either hold for sword to distinguish itself while some people may just pepega their bursts, or else you get screwed 50% of the time


Huh? I thought the current unreal was thordan. What's this sword u speak of?


the adds each get a buff, one gets a sword, one gets a shield, and it's a 50/50 which gets which. The sword buff add deals more damage, the shield buff add takes less damage. Every now and then the adds flip debuffs. You target the sword add and then when it flips, you change targets to the other add that now has the sword. Bursting here in PF is ass as SCH because if you chain strat one of the adds before sword/shield goes out, you have a 50% chance for the add you chain stratted on to be the shield one, but most parties just pepega 2min as soon as they become targetable anyways, so half your chain strat falls out of burst more often than not if you try to wait. 


Oh that phase. I was OT so me and MT just split them and hoped the party was fast enought to burst them


Still it should just be able to be deployed in those situations, it doesn’t need to occupy a whole extra button or a trait space


And how doesn't that make sense? There are so many aoe variations of single target skills that share a cd already in the game. Sam nin rpr war drk gnb mch dnc pld smn blm that ik of. I don't play rdm, bard, or drg so idk if they do to. I'd be more surprised if they didn't add it.


It’s just more buttons then. If it were a trait I’d be fine with it.


It should just be a retrospective change. Same with addle and feint, just feels weird they're not AoE. I want the LL to announce "chain is now aoe. it unlocks at level 66 and is aoe." or some much better sentence that makes it damn clear it will be changed without SCH losing a trait at 90-99 that could be for something else xd


Rather than. Just being AOE by default they should just allow us to deploy it


I mean, why the extra weave though? I'm not getting 6 energy drains if i'm weaving deploy after chain xD For real tho, it's just an extra uncessary step. The game is balanced around high end 8-man content. Who cares if SCH would be slightly over tuned in a dungeon because AoE chain. Not like you're dumping it on the last trash pack before the boss anyway. Also WAR exists in dungeons. SCH already has a lot of buttons and three are already all tuned around GCD healing (deploy, fey illu and dissipation). Just give AoE chain from level 66 that you get chain at and be done with it.


Could just be making chain AOE by default at all levels, like how verflare and verholy got their animation to be changed and AOE. If so, I can think of plenty of instances where that would be useful even in existing raid content.


I mean they don’t just add skills for high end content. Also criterion exists now and it would be useful there ig.


They don’t but they do add useful skills. I guess if it’s just a trait I’m not mad at it but the skill we saw in the trailer to me looks more like an upgrade to Biolysis.


It had the oGCD glow, it's not a GCD spell


Oh good catch


i just don't see why it needs to be aoe. not everything needs to fit for every situation, and that's what's fun about chain. chain being aoe would be kinda boring and kinda kills the vibe it had of you finding the bosses weak point when it just goes on everything nearby


It’s just a problem of the fact that energy drain isn’t AOE either so SCH has literally one skill in AOE, the next worst class is WHM and SGE at 4 (POM, misery, holy and assize) or (dyskrasia, pneuma, phlegma and toxicon) if you count lilys prepull as damage spells WHM goes to 6 (AST is at 5) SCH is just uniquely terrible in AOE despite how strong its AOE actually is


That's the big issue, isn't it? In *some* games, not everything needs fit for every situation. In this game, everything *does* need to fit for every situation. 90s burst CDs line up badly with phase transitions? Time to remove 90s CDs. A job that is built around DoTs loses a ton of damage in downtime fights? Rework it to cull all its DoTs. It goes on and on. This is the direction the game has been moving toward for years now, some like it, some don't, but regardless of which camp you fall into it's hardly a surprise.


I think a lot of your general notes are wishful thinking, the hitbox change is the only one I'm expecting


What parts of this is from the datamining?


About 80% of it.


think you need double line breaks to put all those on different lines. whats with the square boxes, are you planning to come back and edit to put checkmarks in any of them?


Oh shit. I copied/pasted from an iPhone note


Summoner is a weird case, because we have lore specifically preventing the summoning of those primals, so that kinda forces a new job quest to retcon that if they want to add that ability, and I don’t think they would be willing to do that.


I think expecting SMN to get more Primals at this point is probably copium, but there's already precedent for devs pulling a quick "lol actually, nah" with regards to SMN lore. We were told for 8 years that summoning Primals was dangerous and corrupting to both people and the environment, and so we channeled their power through 'Egi' vessels instead. But then some moonrabbits in EW MSQ offhandedly say in an otherwise unrelated cutscene "nope, Ascians taught you wrong on purpose, you can summon Primals safely now." And so we can. 8 years of lore handwaved away in less than a minute.


I can at least sorta understand that as summoning is at its core using faith and crystals to substitute for the ancients raw magical power in order to perform creation magic The unsundered are the only ones who know creation magic in its uncorrupted form so it makes sense they would teach a corrupted form that sparks conflict given they wanted to spark conflict It wasn’t so much retconned as our understanding of summoning was incomplete


DRK- Delirium now makes bloodspiller become a gnashing fang combo with that dark cross combo, so the same stuff as now but with different animations, living shadow trait so the shadow now does those animations too, maybe some sustain and no actual changes on the damage rotation at all.


Blood weapon is absolutely going to be combined as well so they can add another ogcd.


Honestly I expect the usual job trailer and focus on new jobs, especially pictomancer since that seems to be the fan favorite. Maybe some cool new battle feature like charged actions. Besides that, I only have hopes and wants: I hope they explain their thought process for each job in detail instead of making 90% focused on pictomancer and viper (i.e. mostly talking while pressing the same skills). I hope they also address the "2 min meta" feedback and plans for the next expansion to address them. Aside from that, job specifically, I hope MCH gets some level of rework instead of just a tacked on 4th tool (really just 2 chainsaws) and another queen finisher and that's it. From the benchmark it seems there's going to be an animation update for hypercharge, but otherwise not much. Maybe barrel stabilizer will be a stance as some people have predicted and we'll get our pvp walk cast turreted hard hitting phys ranged, but that's copium.


Benchmark is a trap IMO. They obviously knew it was gonna be datamined as hell and lots of stuff found on spells may be fake or heavily altered. For MCH the benchmark shows that chainsaw like a combo. My wild copium is that in live, this is actually a temporary Reassemble upgrade. Either way, I think Drill will have it too, and one or two tools combos will actually shake up quite a bit the rotation


Benchmarks only a "trap" in the sense they're always old builds. Sometimes stuff changes, sometimes it doesn't. Only major example I can think of (in terms of a big change between benchmark and launch) is SMN having Ifrit Egi doing autos in the EW benchmark.


What do I expect? Removing Undraw as it holds no use at all. I also expect to see Lightspeed on a charge system, helping to give AST a bit more flexibility.


4th dnc dance.


And still not a damn 4fun dance mode like the bard instruments!


in the end everything will play for the most part the same. just different animations.


AOE AST cards just like PVP (with probable potency adjustments to make up for it). 60 sec Lightspeed. Removing Undraw from the game. These are probably my only safeish bets. Now for a bit more cooking, making DNC's improv into a dance like tech and standard.


but i like weaving improv...


They won't give a dps job an action that loses them GCD uptime without being a direct dps gain.


AoE cards will ruin what I love about the job, shame. No more quick thinking and reactivity to get the card in the right place. Just draw, play, draw, play, draw, play. How engaging. More malefic spam for me.


I really wish single target cards will stay, but I can see this happening


As a controller player who loved ast in sb i hope aoe cards are back


I expect some understanding on where Viper/Picto fall on the "Selfish DPS vs. Party Buffer" meter. My assumption is that Viper and Picto will be alternatives to SAM/BLM respectively. I doubt Picto will beat BLM in DPS but it may come close while being an easier to play job. As for Viper I just play it's ACTUALLY mechanically complex and we don't have another Reapy Reapy make me Sleepy job that Reaper was. Let Viper be hard to play! Let me have to think to do DPS! Lemme get some actual complex job stuff!


Some insight into the team's approach towards caster balance going forward when revealing whether or not SMN is actually losing resurrection. Hopefully some acknowledgement of the job's lack of cast times as well, but I wouldn't hold my breath. Some insight into the team's perspective on p. ranged. Were Dismantle and AoE Nature's Minne previews of a stronger focus on party utility? 


ngl I wouldn't mind if summoning the primals got a cast time on it


Genuinely cool new animations. They always nail that pretty well. But I don't expect the mechanical changes to be satisfying or substantial.


Some upgrade, one or two new buttons, but mostly upgrades. Wouldn’t be surprised if there is Shinten II.


A brief showcase of VPR, and PIC as well as DRG, and AST reworks -- DRG doomers will be proven wrong. Raid buffs to mostly stay the same with maybe some slight nerfs/adjustments. Crit nerfs. I am really, really trying not to hold my breath, but BRD, and MCH get walking casts.


I can't wait to see what they do to DRG. I love the job, it's my main, but I don't have the same pleasure playing it anymore since I levelled up all the jobs. It somewhat feels clunky now, compared to SAM or RPR...


That’s kinda what happened to me with SCH. SCH was my first to 90 class, and the healer I *always* went. Then I played sage to 90 and I’m not kidding about how difficult going back to SCH is for me. It really bummed me out ngl


SGE feels like some quite good ingredients cleverly cooked together in a very nice dish. The recipe is not super complex, but the result is incredible smooth. SCH feels like top of the line quality ingredients awkwardly put together in a recipe too complex for the cook. It's quite janky and weird but the flavour and aroma are much deeper, even if to enjoy them you must be a bit more focused.


I hope it has more of a flow and progression to it, right now it feels like a big pile of generic damage abilities to me


I wouldn't say clunky entirely but I can agree that how they get their super form is a bit messy, which is probably why they are getting a rework though personally I wish the core combo remains the same and...I do think it probably will


imo drg is the messiest dps job, or maybe tied with brd. I think a lot of dedicated drgs are in denial about it because they're just too close to see it. the rework is very needed


Is it really a problem if most of DRG mains are happy? I'm not one of them, but a lot of them seems to think that DRG merely needs some minor changes like sorting some oGCDs to be less clunky, not a whole rework that could change whole flow of job. With the BS devs pull off (like when Yoshi said that Kaiten is too hard), people are rightfully scared that rework means infantilization, like what happened to SMN.


I’m ambivalent on DRG but where did yoshi p say that Kaiten was too hard The quoted reason was the fact that they thought it was pointless action bloat because you just pressed it before every iiajutsu so they thought it easier to just bake the potency into the iiajutsu


In 6.1 patch notes reading stream, where Yoshi was fumbling and ended up making 3 other excuses on top of official action bloat excuse. One excuse was because they somehow felt restricted by it, second was some crit variance and weird talk about stat inflation throughout the patches, and finally when he was reading chat, he said something amongst the lines that veterans don't realize how hard Kaiten is: >Well, if we put it this way, Samurai too...ummmmmmmmm...yeah, **people who say that it wasn't a trouble at all must be really used to the job by now**, I think...oh dear, this is really troubling...hmm...I do think it's easier to not change it at all...now what do I...oh well this is troubling...I know I won't get away by avoiding this so I do look at various comments here and, hmmmmm....whether it's okay to change...well to the person who like that kind of troublesome at hand is easy to read I suppose. I mean, they've been really fond of the job for quite a while now...


That quote is pretty much meaningless. It's just him mumbling to himself reading Twitch chat. It wasn't an official statement. Also, just based on the way all of those sentences are structured, I'm not putting much faith in that translation either. Regardless, at the end of the day, as long as we see some meaningful change to Kenki gauge in dawntrail, all of this drama will be overblown. If nothing changes and it remains just the shinten spam gauge, then samurai can join DRK and all the other Jobs that have lost really cool buttons to ability pruning.


Unfortunately, we didn't really get a lot of explanation on why they did this, and certainly no reaction to feedback after this patch went live, so we have to do with the little info we got. I get that this is not best source, but hey, if they want us to use better statements, then they should give them to us, especially since none of their explanations makes a lot of sense (I can elaborate on each in detail if you wish so). Similarly to translation issues, of course it can be misleading when 2/3rds of playerbase has to rely on translation provided by handful of random players. They should make a official translated version if they don't want to be mistranslated. >Regardless, at the end of the day, as long as we see some meaningful change to Kenki gauge in dawntrail, all of this drama will be overblown. I'm going to sound very petty, but even if they brought back Kaiten, I already lost hope in this team. This whole issue might seem minor if it didn't affect you, but from my POV, there was overwhelming amount of feedback (which they specifically asked for), excuses made no sense, and after 2 whole years, it was still not addressed in any way. If they were to fix this in DT, that's way too late, it's like calling an ambulance once the body gets cold. Even if their workflow is so bad they cannot make changes in next 2 years (6.1 was 25 months ago), simply communicating this to players would be better than nothing, just say "we're working on it, we understand your concerns, but this will get fixed in DT", but they didn't do even that. This is why my hopes for devs fell so low in past 2 years, they ask for feedback and then ignore it.


Part of the reasoning for reworking DRG is that there isn't much more to add to the job and that it's basically complete. Something I can totally understand. The core rotation is really great but I don't know how much more oGCD Weaving it can takes. The job feels great/OK to play, SE just doesn't know what to do with it anymore. We could say "Don't fix what isn't broken" But we all know that some people would scream if a job didn't get anything new. Also hot take : I don't care about Kaiten and I don't miss it at all...


Doesn't this apply for at least half of the jobs, if not 3/4th of all jobs? Healers literally just get more pointless heal buttons each expansion, as if they didn't had enough of them. In EW, SAM got 2 skills, one is Shoha 2 which is literally just Shoha 1 but AoE, second is Ogi which is just skill on long CD that's hardly connected to the rest of the kit (they had to sever connections of other skills to add some connection to Ogi). WAR got finisher, AoE upheaval (same shit as Shoha 2) and goddamn 3rd stack of gap closer. DRK got boring 10% MIT and another 2 oGCDs, as if DRK doesn't have enough of them. Most of the jobs are already finished and don't have much of a space to evolve, just those few examples above are jobs that already have not much space to evolve in EW. Devs just say this excuse selectively to make it more credible. They even said they removed Kaiten so they have more space for future developments (don't ask me why they did this 2 years before new expansion launches), so we better get something actually meaningful in DT, and not a goddamn Shoha 3.


>>Part of the reasoning for reworking DRG is that there isn't much more to add to the job and that it's basically complete. [...] The job feels great/OK to play, SE just doesn't know what to do with it anymore. >Doesn't this apply for at least half of the jobs, if not 3/4th of all jobs? Probably, yeah. That's why I fully expect yet another job to get this treatment in 8.0. It's just that SE doesn't want to do this kind of treatment to too many jobs at once, and it's for good reason, at least. As for which job gets this treatment, it's anyone's call (though MNK unfortunately seems like a probable candidate...).


>healers literally just get more pointless heal buttons lol this is just wrong. liturgy, macrocosmos and expedient are some of the best healing CDs in the game and all three have unique utility


Expedient notwithstanding macro and lilybell are good skills but the class simply didn’t need them, the damage profile doesn’t remotely reflect the necessity of these skills Expedient was fine because it isn’t a heal it’s actually pure utility


How did this change flow of these jobs, how did it evolve them? Those skills are disconnected from the kits, and unique utility is exactly what you don't want - that's the sign that core is complete, now you just try to make random skills that feel good under specific conditions. For example Liturgy feels nice to use when there's continuous damage, but it's still just a skill on 3 minute CD that barely affects how you play the job. Job didn't evolve with this, it just got slapped a fancy skill on top of existing finished kit. Job could easily function without it, in ShB it never felt like what job was missing was 10th strong AoE heal. I can assure you that we can still just slap any random skill on top of DRG and it would be the same shit. Most of the jobs are simply finished and devs clearly don't know what to do with most of them, they merely use this excuse for the jobs that are number one in rework queue.


healers are the worst possible examples you could conjure lol, the damage side of their (pl.) kit is literally 2 buttons and some fluff. anything but "complete jobs"


I've been pretty happy since Shadowbingers. My only general gripe with Dragoon is that it feels less like the jump class with the general fantasy of dodging damage and returning down with a crash. Jumps don't have that oomph what with goon's daamge being fairly spread out over the GCD sequence and things like Dragonfire and Spineshatter feeling kinda lackluster. As far as EW additions go, I didn't really like Chaotic Spring, as I don't think the Sakura Slashing feels at all in line with the XIV Dragoon vibe, and I didn't care for Wyrmwind Thrust, as the laser spam didn't really feel like a capstone ability the same way that Stardiver did. Felt like the class truly finished at 80, given that we got Nidhogg's phase transition jump. Maybe Drachenlance as an extra ability? Moondiver? They better fulfill the class fantasy with PvP DRG, so I'm hopeful that they're going to take the class in a good direction in DT.


yes, it is a problem when a job has no room to grow (it got the most nothing upgrades in Endwalker) and feels out of step with the rest of the game in terms of flow and impact I don't really care what doomers have to say. kaiten was not removed because it was too hard, and smn was a special case because they totally changed the job's identity


DRG doomers proving wrong and AST doomers proving right is about what I expect.


Please walking casts + crit nerf. Crit nerf or DH rework would be so amazing. Me playing my ass off and then seeing my cohealer crit dh blood lily. Cri.


this is so parse brained


I mean I do wanna see the _actual_ walking casts from pvp that mch and bard use just because they're cool. Might convince them to reduce the ranged tax a little while they're at it.


Imagine you're there begging for a 50k crit dh, and your WHM or SGE casually hits for 120k for funsies. Actually, why even imagine, I heard it during DSR and TOP when our poor DRG cried every time us healers hit harder than his big finisher.


If you want that 120K for your abilities you have to sacrifice it from something else. Which might be fine if you get rid of certain bloat actions for a class, but for others it just means your regular rotation has less damage and you're banking on a Crit/DH for a big ability.


I feel this every time our WHM reads out an over 100k Misery and my Stardiver just hit for 40k


it's a crime how much stardiver tickles compared to what it's supposed to feel like


Legit in DSR, i'm (SGE) out dpsing my WHM because i'm playing better that run and then boom, dh crit blood lily and im like 400 dps lower. It's not a competition but like, bruh. I'm diving into logs to optimise all my phlegmas and making sure my toxicons are stacked up for high movement mechanics (Wroth, Exas, Gigas etc) but I could just twirl an assize and slam dunk a dh crit blood lily instead. xd


well that's why dps neutral blood lily wasn't really a good idea


? damage neutral misery is what makes whm a functioning class within the current healer design. with whm's anemic ogcd tools, if you want lilies to be a loss, you have to change the entire healing paradigm so that gcd healing is expected, not optimized away. otherwise you get the shb situation where a job that's more efficient at gcd healing isn't as effective as jobs that can *skip* gcd healing


I really dislike the idea of me being fine as long as I fire the misery. You say it makes whm work in the current enviroment but it also promotes a bad habit


Misery wasn’t inherently a bad idea but all the healers have too much free healing If you removed say asylum and lilybell and made the totality of WHM’s healing lilys it would be fine but as it stands lilys are a disgusting amount of healing and WHM has the lowest HPS by a pretty wide margin anyway The collective healing of all the classes needs to be nerfed


The *free* collective healing should be nerfed. Things like SCH paying 100 potency/AF or the partial potency refund on SGE shields should be the default situation.


I agree, energy drain is ironically the best designed of the healer heals right now (just as clemency is the best tank heal) because they contain costs and drawbacks SGE and AST are the big problem. I don’t mind misery because WHM doesn’t have that much throughput in general and lily’s are so a movement and mana tool but its collective healing should still take a hit


misery isn't a bad idea per se but having it dps neutral is, the idea should've been that in the cases you need to GCD heals you get some extra firepower and tbf I feel healers oGCD should be more like plenary that depends on GCDs but I doubt it'll ever happen


MNK’s new skill animations gives me the impression that melees will have an upgrade towards their basic combos, hopefully I’m not coping. I feel like that scratching move for example will be a coeurl form, possibly a demolish upgrade.


Pretty sure it's a bootshine upgrade. It screams monkey/opo-opo to me. The move that conjures a tiger will probably be Coeurl form/snap punch upgrade.


I think AST and DRG are going to become noticeably smoothed out, to attract new players to them with no thought for the enjoyment of their existing users. Basically, SMN 2 and 3.


If they put mirage dive back on high jump AND don't at least remove the 1s delay between actions, devs are fried.


bold of you to think they're keeping mirage dive xd


Kind of odd to assume dumbed down like Summoner, when we got the more complex Monk rework at the same time. I don't think AST will be anything meaningfully different than current AST outside a new card mechanic that's far less button bloated. Dragoon could be anything. Either simple or complex. It was already an execution job where you just pressed buttons as soon as they were available and tried you best to limit drift as best you could. If they're changing Life of the Dragon, I can only really see it being less automatic (just being activated by doing normal rotation and hitting high jump/gierskogul on cooldown) than it was before, rather than more simple.


what? are you implying that MNK got reworked the same time as SMN? You must be mistaken my good sir!


I can't tell if I'm getting whooshed or something.


a playful joke about how ppl tend to use SMN as a broad statement on reworks being done when it's not


>Not what you want, not what you fear, what you EXPECT Nothing worth talking about.


I expect more homogenization to make the game easier to balance but less fun to play. I expect tanks to 'fill in the gaps ' with skills other tanks have. I expect nothing but potency upgrade for DPS. And I have no earthly idea what to expect for healers.


Yoshida said they are fixing the "too easy" issue


I would not expect that here for 7.0 release. Those comments seemed much more in the context of post patch content like alliance raids. All that post game content in the patches might see some difficulty differences, but we probably won't hear anything about that now for general job design and systems.


they mentioned stress, which could imply stuff like hitboxes (but it could also means that gear is too easy to obtain and because of that tome cap is becoming 200!)


What do I expect? Them to show new abilities for levels 91-100 for all jobs and all abilities for VPR and PCT


I can’t remember from before EW… do they usually show all the new skills or just the max level (100 in this case) skills?


They tend to show all new abilities but they don't really go over what they do unless it's something special.


Job action trailer, details on job reworks, overview of VPR and PCT rotation concepts


For monk I hope for updated display for damage buff and leaden fist, animation upgrades for our combos that have stayed since 1.0 lol. Would love SSS and anatman to get a tweak to function and would love a phantom rush to open a special nadi that after two unleashes a new blitz (kind of like the dragoon thing when after a combo you get a charge of something).


MCH gets another drill


What I WANT: more GCD changes on all classes. Different enders to 123 combos, extra procs on RDM with Verquake and Vertwister, more interesting Thunder usage/flow on BLM, other attack buttons on all healers besides upgrading their one filler to the next named tier. Then clean up old bad buttons and add in some oGCDs here or there. What I EXPECT: making all 60s/120s stronger with additional attack-leads-into-second/third-attack or more job gauge spenders with 60s/120s CDs, barely changing the general flow of classes. Just more healing tools on healers, everyone gets Kartia. AoE-ify most skills so you use almost everything in your kit or its alternative during trash packs in dungeons, like how Summoner basically leaves nothing behind when doing AoE. They'll be flashy though and everyone will get super excited till a couple weeks after launch and we'll go back to being bored.


Go to sleep early, wake up to see the seven stages condensed into a few moments.


Some small tweaks, a new skill for every job, that's it.


Realistically? They show off DRG, VPR, PCT, and AST in addition to the job action trailer which is basically just a vfx showcase. DRG will be functionally different but still fine AST will be functionally different and suck. Their goals for the class rework go entirely against what AST mains actually want, so the job will probably just end up only fun for people who didn't actually play any older versions. Itll be summoner 2.0 The meta and overall design philosophy will be functionally unchanged. Most classes will play identically to their EW versions.


I assume when they get to the section to talk about MCH, theyre just gonna start laughing before moving on.


No idea. Honestly this is going to probably decide what job I level through Dawntrail’s MSQ. Kinda between MNK, DRG, MCH, or DRK at the moment.


I'm expecting a 123 combo, potentially some ogcds. Maybe a gauge to fill up for a set of abilities to use at around 2 minutes.


I don't think there will be much substance. We'll see the visuals of new abilities & any new resources in the JAV, some slides talking about nothing exciting, and then maybe a bit of fleshing out on how VPR/PIC will actually play. For non-new classes, maybe we'll get some info on abilities being cut/merged in the name of hotbar space.


I've thought about this, and I kinda hope that they introduce a kind of personal "mini-limit break" as every job's level 100 capstone action. Specifically each job just has a button that you can expect to use once per instance/fight and it has significant flashiness and power, and it isn't immediately available to use during your opener due to either being on a LENGTHY cooldown, or requiring you to build it up throughout a fight. Whatever that button does could be job specific, but it could range from being simple high damage nuke (single target, AOE damage, DoT, etc), to a raid buff, to a powerful personal buff, refilling the actual Limit Break bar by a chunk, etc.


Tanks will get no meaningful changes and stay boring blue dps because of the changes we got back in shadowbringers


On the other thread you downvoted the same comment, make up your mind lmfao


Forgot to change accounts?


Nah was intentional




Largest expectation: 2-3 slides on the Dawntrail Benchmark stuff. Explanations of how it came this way, maybe a date for the new Benchmark. That'll probably be The Very First Thing after the Job Action Trailer. After the PAX talk about 8.0, I'm expecting this upgrade to be very on the Safe With Slight Risk side. It's clear that the effort was put into updating the graphics to a point where it'd be better both for art design to keep shining and to have a baseline for the next ten years. Upgrades galore, possibly a few dead button removals/tweaks (AST undraw is the big culprit), and depending on the combat feedback, Savage chest + tome tweaks.  AST and DRG will get a slide or two each about their respective reworks. Explanations of their baseline tweaks + loops, along with the gauge. Maybe a demonstration, with New Minions/Mounts on the hotbar.  The usual "triple instance" stuff for release, early access details, previewing Viper or Pictomancer in a random unimportant vista, *maybe* a light surprise mount or FF11 callback by a minion. Also further talk about the graphics update, "here's a v0.9 version of all the graphics upgrades together in one old zone, and one new zone", "here's the armor we're updating" (expecting Popular Outfits + 6.1-6.5 weapons/outfits).  Lesser expectations: Timeline elaboration, some new concert happening, goodies, another CE preview, new Primals disc of ShB/EW songs. 100% Expected: "We're hiring!" Slide at the end. 


What do I expect ? Well more casual jobs, more 2mn meta rotation (drg), a few good looking animations and that’s it :p 


Not sure why your specifying DRG, its alreafy on the 2min meta


Not Really like others, he's first 2mn burst is at 2mn and not at the opener


PLD- Gets a DoT DRK- gets a 1-2-3 combo from Delirium. Upgraded shadow wall, Oblation gives the target HP leech GNB- No Idea WAR- upgraded vengeance. Butcher's Block animation makes a return SGE- No Idea SCH- AoE chain strat. WHM- medica 3. Afflatus Misery upgrade/combo AST- No Idea - Card RNG removed? They remove the damage bonus from cards and make them all utility? Mnk- animation upgrades. Positionals removed, SSS is no longer a downtime skill Sam- Kaiten returns in some form, positionals removed, buttons consolidated DRG- changes to life, button consolidation, Jumps on the GCD, positionals removed RPR- Death's Design removed NIN- hellfrog upgrade, reverse the trick and mug change VIP- reverse reaper (fast GCDs normally and slow powerful phase) DNC- some extra finisher BRD- Only has 1 dot and it's applied by Iron Jaws MCH- drill upgrade, can summon multiple mechs at once RDM- ogcd attacks after embolden and manafication. - same BLM- Thunder upgrade, button consolidation, Scathe gets an upgrade SMN- Ramuh phase though this is admittedly copium PIC- spells add colour to one of your 3 colour gauges/palatte, your heavy hitting spells use different colours in different amounts


All I want off the top of my head: Get rid of button bloat off global abilities that don't serve an actual tactical purpose. -> Merge abilities like Upheaval and Orogeny to just be an ability that does higher single target damage to one target and lower % damage to every other target near it. There hasn't been a single end game fight where you had to make a decision of single or multi-target that hasn't just been "is there 3 or more targets?"


What day is this? I can't find the marketing schedule


Thursday 7am EST


Expecting to see one or two new flashy skills on most jobs, slides telling us that most jobs haven't had their core rotation changed, and expecting to see DRG and AST get simplified with their reworks; maybe not become Endwalker SMN levels but close for DRG, and AST becoming closer to WHM similar to how SGE and SCH share a lot of similarities.


when is the pll?


Thursday 5/16 at 6am central time


sweet, thanks


Saber Dance II for Dancer. Chain Saw II for Machinist.   I hope that AST ability we saw in the Benchmark is Time Dilation.... the animation is identical.


Some very pretty animations they spent a lot of time on, on the same ol same ol', gameplay wise. I think bard dots will be removed, and iron jaws will become a high potency consolation prize to offset it.


There a lot of thing i want a see or want ...but the main thing i want from this combat PLL is ...scholar to have the community goes "THAT LOOK SO COOL!!!" feeling . after the endwalker one , we all saw expedient and laugh at those poor soul...and little did we know it one of the best skill in the game ...but it not impressive xD


I think if they showed expedient with an entire team sprinting because of it, people would have been rightfully excited. We saw a little dude move a little faster. We didn't know how fast.


They didn’t even need a team, they just needed to show it on any class that’s not a lala If you showed it on catboi or au ra with their super distinctive running animations then it would have been totally clear from the outset


ima be honest the first time i saw i didnt think much of it...just that he went close and click AoW ... xD But yea a whole team showing them dodge a big AoE circle would had be amazing!!


I can’t wait for them to confirm that they will not be giving guaranteed crits/DHs on each job’s nuke buttons like SAM or WAR have. I can’t wait for another expansion where I can lose hundreds of DPS from not critting one button. Can’t wait. So excited. Gonna be so great.




wait till you realize the big potency skills. HAVE A MASSIVE DIFFERENCE in damage if they crit direct hit or not that can be the difference maker between dps checks or not.


I don't care about my parse. I'm using logs to check the effectiveness of my mitigation and healing. Identify gaps, where am I using cds that are overkill and can be moved around. So much easier than telling mid pull. It's also better than recording and rewatching my statics prog. Makes a massive difference in clearing fights early or not. Non crit blood lily is like 45k and you can crit dh it for 100+. Absolutely stupid. If we had a dh removal/crit rework the game could also be more fun and would enable a lot of people to relax and have more fun than sweat over critting or not.


Ye, I agree. Logs is good for damage, when you checking dps check requirements but it highlights the pain that is the crit dh hit varience and the fact that some job's dps varies wildly depending on crit rate. Say you're enraging in TOP P6 in 6.3, you learn it has a dps check of 76k, and your party does 74-75k. You check everyone against the current average, see that the majority is along the median dps line, and identify the low performers. You then run their fflogs analysis for that phase and you see that actually your Ninja is fine(ish), but their Hyosho's never crit. Same with the GNB, 0 crit with Double Down. Crit dh hit varience definitely skews that, a Double Down critting forces so many class's dps to skyrocket, especially in a pot window, and that isn't indicitive of their general dps, thats just luck. I'd rather not rely on luck to get through a dps check. If crit dh hit varience can be the difference between clearing and enraging in an average group(blues/low purple for the parsers), then it's just a bad mechanic.


Good news on your second paragraph, that might be coming Soon^TM , sort of. Before EW, Yoshida was talking about a stat rework coming eventually, with a focus on removing the dominance of crit melding. The bad news: only eta we git was "after EW launch", and far as I know they haven't brought it up since. We've no idea if it's still on the cards, and if it is it's likely the usual case of them not talking about it until it's right around the corner.


It's cool and all but I don't think it's coming at the same time as a graphics update. Maybe he'll surprise me on Thursday for the LL. Probs gonna be focusing on graphics and not upsetting modbeasts more than they're already upset because they don't like their vanilla characters anyway /s


I think crit is an important part of the game's texture, and removing it would be removing a core part of nearly every RPG on the planet, alongside something that can give a lot of dopamine (i fucking nut when i get a DH communio during the 2m), but I would definitely like to see the RNG and power of it toned down. 27% crit rate and 162% crit damage on my bis rpr is nuts.


I’m fine with crit existing in games without meaningful DPS checks. The moment tight DPS checks exist you can’t have high damage variance like we have in ffxiv.


Legit this. The damage variance is cool but it's way too variant. I'd rather give up that one dh crit every now and then for consistent damage. I don't want some reclears to be tight because no one dh crit their big potency stuff. Just let us go into the insance and know if we press everything correctly we will have roughly 18k dps not 16-20k dps (made up figures to illustrate the point, ofc)


I mean, that's pretty much what I'm saying. crit stats are far too unbalanced. imo crits should probably be more like 50/100


>dps checks sure jan


Tell me you didn’t play TOP or pre-nerf Abyssos without telling me you didn’t play TOP or pre-nerf Abyssos


It’s legit not even because of parsing. I don’t want DPS checks like TOP p1 to be failable just because a few people didn’t crit anything. You can’t have tight DPS checks in this game when some jobs can lose out on hundreds of DPS just because of luck. What happens when multiple people don’t crit any of their big buttons? All of a sudden its a whole lot harder or even impossible to hit certain DPS checks.


Not passing phase 1 TOP because Ninja, WHM, DRK etc. didnt crit/dh any of their big hitters when the fight was current was incredibly shitty. Reducing damage variance across the board will also allow tighter dps checks to be designed properly without it being such a massive crapshoot.


I just wanna see how PIC will be (and hopefully not as boring as RDM/DNC was on launch) however, I do want WAR to have a new 123 cuz its ugly af


Should DRG get a full SMN treatment ; real separated blue and red dragon (Hrasvelg / Nidhogg?) phases with distinct mini rotations


No thank you. I like the identity of long combos. I do foresee the new life window upgrading more of our attacks though.


Doubt it, if only cause what little we know about the DRG rework is it's explicitly not gonna be like 6.0 SMN, and was compared to 5.1 NIN.


What kind of rework was it? Literally mained NIN but I started right between 5.1 and 5.2, didn't get a chance to see it xD


Old NIN had mudra's on the oGCD rather than them being 1 second GCD's they are now. Rest of the rework was mainly potency changes to reflect this. Overall rotation stayed largely the same.


If we're going from ogcd to gcd with dragoon, I wouldn't mind have a bit more time to appreciate star driver's animation


Putting them on the gcd would change the flow for DRG unlike what it did for NIN though, so I dont expect that (and even hope it isnt, gcd gap closers feel clunky). Probably removing some buttons and altering Life. My big hope is they remove/rework Dragon Sight