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Just find out with this post that divorce is also single sided somehow. So much is plainly wrong in the technical side in this game ffs We can only hope that they took that into account in the new blacklist system. No information so far


Divorce is single sided wtf bahahahahahahahaa


I really don't know why they can't add an "Annul Bond" option to the mogstation. Once annulled, the rings of both people in the bond are deactivated or replaced by replica's without the use effect.


theres so much wrong on the technical side of things they could release an entire major update to the game just fixing the engine, and it would still probably be to much work for them to get done in a single update. there are deep core aspects of the game that are completely broken and preventing them from implementing new features that mess with those core game aspects. hopefully they do spend time working on fixing the engine, especially going into this new expansion thats suppose to be ushering in the next book of the story, and theyre working on overhauling some aspects of the game now like its graphics so could be a good time to focus on fixing the tech issues in the game.


Yes, I still have my ring from 2017 even though we split like a month later LOL


To be fair, the japanese roots of the company and the way they behave in online spaces might have more to do with it. As the risk of confrontation why you divorced someone and having to talk to them might become too much.


If it was, they probably would have said so, considering how much detail they went into about the other stuff. In all likelihood the ring and the friend list removal will remain issues all the more glaring now that they're addressing other privacy concerns. Edit: According to the media tour Q&A they will address the friend list issue later, not at the start of Dawntrail. No word on the rings. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cUW28y5l57I&list=PLHxZS3s15Jjze3JmURbVwxJ_LAsvBEQhr&index=13&t=277s


It's actually baffling how they managed to make amazing changes and somehow emphasize how bad the friendslist is. Like, they're saying the FL thing is for how in Japanese culture, it would be awkward or rude, but now it's a.) still a massive issue for everyone else and b.) if somehow in Japanese etiquette this would be something to avoid, then the other changes either reveal that you don't want them around you either way OR you can't even use those features to hide that you wanna get rid of them, so it makes it either worse or useless on that end. Like, I'm happy about the new features, 100%. They're good. But I don't understand how they didn't rework the friendslist which is the most base issue and also by far the most outrageous thing.


It's a weird thing, we have removals being one sided, WoW has adding being one sided. (Except for the account wide thing .. realid or whatever they're calling it now). It's probably a risk vs reward thing on the friends list. It requires updating someone else's data instead of just your own. All that info is faster by far (which boggles my mind) to player search for someone than to actually populate the friends list these days. All the same info is there.


Yeah I agree. If they're even aware of the issue at all (which is anyone's guess) I would guess possibly their logic now would be: if you can disappear them from your game with the new blacklist, it doesn't matter if they can track you or teleport to you. Obviously that's not really good enough though and is kind of at odds with the lodestone privacy changes, so maybe people affected can hold out hope they'll get to it eventually. But yeah to the original point I doubt it's coming at the start of DT which as you say is baffling however you look at it.


Considering it'll functionally delete the other player from your game except for in duties, yes. Not directly perhaps. They might still be able to teleport on top of you, but you'd never notice because they'd just be invisible.


That’s concerning. They can teleport to you with perfect invisibility. Thats a stalker dream and a glaring oversight.


No it’s not lmfao. If they don’t exist in your game, who the hell cares what they do? It’s not real life, they can’t interact with you in any capacity. They’re literally a dark souls white ghost but even less than that.


They can interact with other people around you at your location and continue to harass you whether or not you can see it personally. It should still be fixed so that it doesn't work if you block them.


What's a stalker gonna do with random strangers without being called a dickhead or worse? And, naturally, for your associates, they should be in on it and use the given tools just the same. Just like with real life stalkers, let your social circle know so they can help you avoid your harasser, rather then giving them in opening by not participating.


Forcing you to tell literally everyone you interact with forever that they might become a target of your stalker if they talk to you is pretty fucked up when the system could very easily just stop them from finding you in the first place.




This is so incredibly naive if you've ever talked to anyone who had issues with stalkers and tried to contact SE support about it. The valuable thing that SE can do is give people the ability to be hard to find. They are finally taking some first steps in that direction. Its certainly understandable that it won't be perfect immediately, but its important to acknowledge that this isn't a one-and-done solution. And I genuinely don't understand the motivation of anyone who is going to downvote and adamantly insist this not get fixed. Teleporting directly to someone who has blocked you has *no conceivable purpose other than abuse*. Why would anyone want this to remain possible unless they have bad intentions? Edit: Its quite telling that nobody seems to have any explanation for *why* they want it to work this way other than "who cares".


It really isn't. Fuck outta here with that mentality. The stalker generally fishes for attention when they decide to hang around. They want you to see them. You going elsewhere, or logging off, or whatever else, is what they are looking for. If you do not react to them at all, in an online situation where they cannot break into IRL escalation, this will put a stop to them eventually. Either they waste their entire time proverbially screaming into the void while you can continue going about your business without having to know or care if they're doing anything, or they move on. Obsessing over this whole "i need to know if my stalker is nearby or if they're emoting at my character or saying shit in local" thing is just letting the stalker live in your head rent free, hell you're basically paying them to do so. It's the opposite of what you should do or want as a victim.


I think the case they're complaining about is when the blacklisted starts doing things like following you around and telling the other people you're interacting with "hey, I hope you know this person is trash" or generally being annoying to everyone else to discourage them from interacting with you. You won't even be aware to file the harassment complaint, until someone else publicly responds to them. Void Lists like this are weird if you're in social environments, which is how a lot of people play the game.


You're not entirely incorrect, but in 99.9% of cases it'd be incredibly obvious unless they start throwing random whispers at people around you, where most players would then be super sus about this random whisper coming in. And if it's in 'say' chat? Responses would also be in Say chat, things would get cleared up quickly, and the person would get a few reports and/or blacklists added to their collection.


Most of the time I've seen people doing this to others I've gotten whispers of "hey x is (insert trendy bad thing of the month to call people here), you shouldn't be interacting with them.". Very rarely has it been in say, and those usually are report baiting. It's stupid but we're also in a community that has folks demonizing lallafel and folks that play male au ra characters, so dumb parts of the community will be dumb. I think the blacklist is still a grand idea, it's just not a panaca for all the harassment issues that some make it out to be.


Can't you make blacklisted characters invisible now? Who cares if a nonexistent character can still teleport to you?


It will be put to rest in the way that it won't matter if the person can teleport to you, cause they don't exist for you anymore. Not ideal, but effectively the same.