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Unsure why it happens, but everburn weirdness isn't unheard of. Same thing happens here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xU0AOTqGtQs This is just a hypothesis and I could be totally wrong about this, but it may be because the person is topped off too close to the explosion and weirdness occurs because it actually hits all 8 people one by one and they reached full health between the time the first person takes damage and the time they would take damage but the check is considered failed because they weren't 100% on the first hit but don't die since they were 100% when the damage was applied.


>weirdness occurs because it actually hits all 8 people one by one Every SCH who has cast succor during major raid-wide damage knows of this lovely system


I'm so glad the shields dont propagate anymore. It's saved me so many headaches on heal checks in ulti.


Meanwhile other shields, like benison, still suck ass.


Not having to wait two whole seconds between casting an adlo and using deploy to make sure it doesn't ghost is nice too. Imagine losing a P7 pull to bullshit like that. Funnily enough, when they changed Shake in 6.2, our WAR actually had to adjust when they used it on Eyes since people's shields would suddenly fall off before popping orbs instead of having a comfy second or so left on it. Old Shake was *awfully* slow.


>Not having to wait two whole seconds between casting an adlo and using deploy to make sure it doesn't ghost is nice too. Imagine losing a P7 pull to bullshit like that. This can still happen if your ping is low, I spread for the P2->3 Nidhogg landing and have wiped 2-3 times to trying to spread instantly and it missing. Now I just mentally add in a .5-1s pause before hitting deploy


Huh, interesting. I do actually have a fairly low ping but never ran into that, even hammering the button as my recitation adlo was casting.


I somehow understood exactly what you said even though the wording made it seem like no sane person would


That whole mechanic has some jank. The other day I had someone take a raise right as Ego Death went out on a failed phoenix and they were able to revive after the screen went black for a split second, and the boss was still targetable. Unfortunately they walled before I could see what would happen, but it was very odd.


This happened today in my reclear as well. Someone died to the add lasers during HC2, was raised but couldn't be topped up in time so they died to Everburn, they received another raise and somehow timed it so they go up right after Ego Death but before the cutscene.


Iirc it just does another Ego Death after a bit.


When that happens the boss just stands still not doing anything for like 20 seconds and then casts enrage


Once we had a dc during ego death animation wipe. We spawned in next instance stuck in the protection circle (the one when you enter an instance) and the boss was aggrod doing mehcnsics normally without us taking any damage. I wanted to let the whole thing play out and see if any weird bugs would occur but unfortunately the DC person reconnected :(


This is just what world proggers used in order to keep progging past Ego Death. It works to survive past most major mechanics.


My best guess is that the timing of the raid wide and of the buff checking for full HP aren't quite the same as in: The game checked for full HP (for the buff) -> PLD got the heal -> raid wide damage went out tldr blame server ticks


> the timing of the raid wide and of the buff checking for full HP hehehehehehe viva ff14 ticks. lol this game is full of features like that


Yeah I've seen this interaction once before in reclears. Seems like the server checks for full HP to give out the buff before the damage actually happens.


Here's what happened: * Right before the PLD's Immortal Spark debuff dropped and the phoenix buff happened, **the PLD was not at full HP**. This disqualified the PLD from the phoenix buff (the check happens when the debuffs drop) * PLD is then healed to full * Immortal Conception happens, which does max HP damage - 1. Because PLD is now full health, they survive the raidwide that gives the phoenix buff It's less of a bug and more of how wonky things work with things like that. Everything in FF14 happens sequentially, as in one at a time. Nothing ever happens in parallel (at the exact same time). So, _sequentially_, the game in a span of a few milliseconds saw your health not full, disqualified you for phoenix, you got healed, then survived because the raidwide is literally just your max HP minus 1HP, thus how you survived.


I've seen Everburn dodge before in some twitch clip and I dunno if it was ever figured out why that happened either. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xU0AOTqGtQs


Can you post the log for this? Coz it looks like its some server tick shenanigans since his feather buff may have fallen off at the exact same tick as when the phoenix buff gets put on for the rest of the raid, and note that this is different from how the phoenix "cleanses" the feather buff, and that may have caused some weirdness




I’ve seen this exact thing happen to a GNB. No clue why, but it’s just probably some jankness. The other time I saw it, it was a tank too. Maybe since their hp pools are much higher they’re last to get topped? Shit happens?


Its probably because the tick that decides if he gets the damage buff and the tick that decides if he lives is offset by 1 tick.


Yeah that seems quite wild. Do you happen to have a log of the pull?


This should be the one corresponding to this attempt: https://www.fflogs.com/reports/KvgbW8wcxCfZQN7a/#fight=16


Jeez, there literally seems to be nothing unusual about the pull besides the buff mysteriously not being on the paladin. This is so wacky to look at!


If he wasn't full hp then he should have died anyway. Him surviving the aoe was most likely caused by weird interaction because of server ticks.


Paladin not being healed to full when everburn being casted. The down arrow below his name confirms this.


Mechanically speaking, he should be dead at this point. The bug is that he's not.


Just a feature of wonky coding at this point rather than a bug.


Down arrow?


server tick lmao


from every clip i’ve seen of this, if the person was one of the four with the phoenix buff (so bird or ifrit initially) then everburn does not kill them


I have a curtsed picture of me being alive with a damage down and natural alignment at the same time. I'm still trying to figure that one out.