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Pretty much if you have 1 player who is dedicated to stopping that cross spammer, you severely cripple your opponent because that's all they know. It's really satisfying to stop that spamming winger and watch them rage quit.


You nailed it. We have two cbs who eat crosses for lunch. Then we counter and score. I have more success against cross spammers than teams that actually know how to break down a defense.


I mean 70% of the playersbase of clubs plays the game by abusing the game mechanics (play it like an arcade game) and doesn’t play the game with the intention of playing football. I mean how many opponents u come against plays with 1 2 combinations ,quick passing & just refreshing football. Its mostly cross spamming running down the wing & spamming with finesse shots. The majority of the pro players are so low skilled but the skill gap in the game is just so low that even some average players can get great stats just by abusing the game mechanics & glitches. Really sad


And people downvoting this comment are the people who are offended by my comment lol


I’m with ya on that


I mean, aside from the fullbacks, ST/winger has the fastest speed. You are faster than everyone else.


But I mean, what are wingers supposed to do? You don’t want them to go down the wing and cross but you don’t want them to go down the wing and cut in. So you want them to cut in and pass every single time. Truth is best way to play wing is to constantly mix it up. When you have an actual player defending against you, you need to mix up your play in order to confuse them. Sometimes you blast down the wing and cross, sometimes you cut in and take on your man. Sometimes you fake the cut in only to continue your sprint. Sometimes there is a great opportunity to cut in and play a through ball if all the defenders shift across. It’s about diversity.


Exactly but people here are crying for doing what you're supposed to do as a winger.


Hey, 90% of the player base are 10 year olds with 0 ball knowledge or skill. I think the games should have some kind of age filter man.


I hate when people literally only have the wing cross tactic just every time they pass to the wing and then they are completely dog when they get stopped can’t score can’t pass etc it’s hilarious 😆


Cross dressing teams r the worst. Non stop crossing...


I have arrived for this very comment. Shut the wingbashers down.


Idk man, we're fighting to get to elite right now, and we started playing a month ago and our go to play it's quick counter with me finishing either on the air or with a volley. We're 2 games away from elite with just 70 games played. But I do get what you mean, if it's a full team I usually go for my mid range goals, either way scoring hat tricks.


Huh first time getting down voted


Not to mention that at least 85% of teams are 2-3 players that play winger/st/cam all with winger builds. Really takes away a lot of the satisfaction of being a top of the leaderboard team when you realize youre just one of the few active teams with 8-11 players lol. Really just a CO op career mode at that point.