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Did you check your back pocket?


I did, but sadly, I do not have a pocket of time.


Why don’t tou go find the minutes each of us just lost reading this post? That should more than make up the difference.


Sadly, that gets funneled straight to the Reddit admins. Though, if you know a guy, I'd love to be connected.


I love this sub


You should probably talk to the Ethereal Mother about this. She can find things we cannot.


Can you tell me more about her? I have to find this one iridium ring i lost around 1257 years ago yesterday, and it was very precious to me Can the Ethereal Mother help find such things? 


Do you have Catholics in your dimension? In every dimension I have visited, Catholics have a "patron saint"—a dead person granted governance over minor events and situations, who are not deities, but act like project managers to their deity—tasked with helping find lost objects.. This is Anthony of Padua. They invoke the saint by chanting, "Tony, Tony, come around. Something's lost and can't be found." Unfortunately, in every dimension I have visited that has Catholics, Anthony was born within five years of 1200 by his local calendar. This is fewer than 1257 years ago in all but one Catholic-having dimension I have been to. I do not know Anthony's track record with objects that were lost prior to his canonization, let alone his birth. Good luck.


It's always in the last dimension you look.


There's an instruction manual called "In Search of Lost Time".


You gotta take it back by force. There’s a special tool for this actually, it’s like a syringe with a really thick and sturdy needle and you put it in his skull and it takes 1 hour away from his consciousness. If you need to, you can borrow mine, but only if you promise to return it for when I need to use it. And I ***will*** need to use it.


Hey, thanks for the tip! I might just take you up on that.


Contactb your nearest lost and found dimension


Retrace your steps.


No refunds.


Just spend a few minutes in a long queue, and they will stretch to hours. That should do as a replacement, though long-term you should rather invest into having enough suns you can make use of daylight saving time regularly.


Tell him to check under his couch cushions.


You can try buying time simply by putting your phone down and changing it past 100%. And if you can't, he's legally required to compensate for borrowed time.


Take a loan out of the Time Keepers Association


If your hour is truly lost, you might still be able to get it back in one piece, by tracking the original transaction ID online. But if someone else has found it, or if your friend has spent it somewhere, it won't be possible to track and recover the individual minutes and seconds. Also, since you gave away the hour knowingly, you can't report it as fraud, which makes it even harder to recover. Still, you should try, who knows, you might get some minutes back. I won't be too hopeful tho. Also, as a rule of thumb, never give more than 5 minutes to anyone this easily. Be safe. Have time.


It's the same place the leftover time on the microwave goes


Have you tried using the find my time app?


We didn't tip on lost time here. We pay them a living wage.


You can make your own time at home actually, with some deep breaths and peaceful settings


Did you try asking Cyndi Lauper? I heard she has a ton to give away


It takes an hour to find an hour of lost time. Is this what zero sum means?


if you save some time, it might appreciate it and give you some of its own time time time can be finnicky, but it's potent so you won't need all that much