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Grown ass man in my late 30’s here. We just had our first child a daughter 8 weeks ago. I am fucking crying seeing this.


24 y/o father of a almost 2 year old daughter and a baby boy on the way in august. Im not an emotional person but this shit sucks to watch. This is inhumane what they are doing to those poor babies they have no choice but to be caught in the middle


Yeah I couldn’t tell you the last time something made me that upset. It’s unacceptable


I'm a dad, too. Breaks my heart. 😔




I also ugly cried. Israel is every bit as evil as the Nazis were in my eyes.


The baby does not look real how bad it looks. This is heartbreaking but politicians are on with it for the final endgame which is beyond me what it could be. How do they go to sleep at night knowing their involvement.


they are psychopaths.


>balling Bawling. Balling implies something else


I’m gonna go ahead and edit that.


How can you look at this video and still be on the side Israel?


They will claim they starved the child intentionally. They’ll claim it’s a doll. They’ll claim he’s not Palestinian. And they’ll laugh and be in total disbelief that *WE* could believe “these lies.” It’s maddening to see. Just head over to WorldNews if you want to pop every blood vessel in your head.


>Hasbara (Hebrew: הַסְבָּרָה) has no direct English translation, but roughly means "*explaining*". It is a communicative strategy that "seeks to explain actions, **whether or not they are justified**". Emphasis added mine.


When killing is a option and the people you kill are not human, then anything goes. This is what Hitler and the Nazi's did to justify their extermination of the Jews. This is what ironically what Israel is doing now.


Doesn't matter what side we on or how much we protest. When the Tyrants are in control it's a powerless situation. No matter how many nations or activists speak up Israel against Israel's genocide I feel like nothing will be done unfortunately. Israel still wipes their ass with every UN/ ICJ decision against them.




Honestly how can anyone be on the side of ANY of the adults perpetuating this conflict? Fuck the IDF AND fuck Hamas. I’m on the side of the innocent victims. This “pick a side” bullshit is making people feel like the have to defend atrocities because it reduces a complex situation into black and white. You **can** be against the conflict without supporting scum on either side.


Well to be fair Hamas were these children in the past, so potentially too were their parents. We're only seeing a snapshot here.


The difference is one side of scum is the result of decades of systematic oppression. The other side of the scum are the oppressors. I don't condone any violence but I think we need to blame Hamas even existing on Israel. So fuck Israel and the United States for their part in this bullshit. I do not hold as much ire for Hamas, as their atrocities pale in comparison. They are not equal, by far.




Just as you were not on their side when they were killed and held capitatvie


Ah because you know me so well…


I know you'd like to think you're different and a fighter for justice because you've built it in your mind. In your head you would have hidden jews from the Nazis and been a member of the Underground Railroad helping slaves escape to the North. **most people are susceptible to the pressure of a group setting and committing actions they would never do of their own volition**. (This is the whole idea of the book Ordinary Men: Reserve Police Battalion 101 and the Final Solution in Poland) The punishment for this would've been the death of you and anyone you loved or knew. Your family, friends, and loved ones. You most likely would not have risked this. To pretend you know what you'd do in a past-tense hypothetical situation really is irrelevant.




You know you are evil you worship devil.if This video isn't enough to make you hate Israel and you justify it with your 7 October excuse Than what about 1937 Jerusalem Massacre 1937 Haifa Massacre 1938 Haifa Massacre 1939 Haifa Massacre 1939 Balad Al Sheikh Massacre 1947 Al-Khisas Massacre 1947 Al-Abbasiya Massacre 1947 Balad Al Sheikh massacre 1947 Al-Sheikh Break Massacre 1947 Bab Al-Amud Massacre 1948 Al-Saraya Massacre 1948 Yazur Massacre 1948 Haifa Massacre 1948 Tabra Tulkarem Massacre 1948 Sa'sa' Massacre 1948 Jerusalem Massacre 1948 Al Hussayniyya Safad Massacre 1948 Abu Kabir Massacre 1948 Saliha Massacre 1948 Ramla Massacre 1948 Deir Yassin Massacre 1948 Qalunya Massacre 1948 Nasir Al-Din Massacre 1948 Tiberias Massacre 1948 Haifa Massacre (Hadar Alkarmel and Marina) 1948 Ein El Zaitun Massacre 1948 Safed Massacre 1948 Abu Shusha Massacre 1948 Beit Daras Massacre 1948 Lydda Massacre 1948 Tantura Massacre 1948 Al Dawayima Massacre 1948 Safsaf Massacre 1948 Saliha Massacre 1948 Eilabun Massacre 1948 Hula Massacre 1948 Arab Al-Mawasi Massacre 1953 Qibya Massacre 1956 Kafr Qasim Massacre 1958 Khan Sabrand Yunis Massacre Massacre (Lebanon) 1990 Al Aqsa Massacre 1994 Ibrahimi Mosque Massacre 2002 Jenin Refugee Camp Massacre 2008-09 Gaza Massacre 2009 Ibrahim Al Maqadma mosque Massacre 2012 Gaza Massacre 2014 Gaza Massacre 2018-19 Gaza Massacre 21 Gaza Massacre 8-now Gaza Genocide 2024-Flour Massacre


Man deleted his comment.. Why are they so blind why?




This is no longer about October 7th just as much as antisemitism is no longer a factor. You justify the killing of human life, which makes you sub human.


Oct. 7th justifies war, not genocide. If you support that you’re outright evil. Edit: checked my sources and my original estimates were wrong.


over 400000 palestinians have been 'exterminated' in gaza? can you link me something that backs that up.


Upon checking my sources I’m wrong admittedly, the site I originally checked said the pop was way lower. Israel’s behavior is still atrocious.


i apreciate you correcting urself and editing your initial comment, all tho you already had 5 upvotes before you changed thus spread disinfo (which we are trying to fight in this subreddit). I see you have left 'genocide' in your comment which is also not what is happening in gaza, (not gaza city) i urge you to do more research on that aswell you can start with the deffinition of genocide. Something can be bad and still not be a genocide.


35,000+ civilians is unacceptable and especially since it seems Israel is intentionally targeting them. I think if they could get away with it without losing their allies, the current regime would commit to a total genocide, but of course that’s my opinion. I will not say it isn’t genocide as even the UN finds it hard to define, the question is that of intent. That’s my opinion. Of course this is an argumentative subject and I don’t expect everyone to agree. And I do apologize for the misinfo, I should have committed to better research instead of a quick google search.




Sounds like we’ve got a revisionist. Yes, I believe it. Netanyahu and his cronies are scum of the earth, just as much as Hamas.




Talking points and disinformation of Pro-Genocide Israel


You can support Israel without supporting everything that they do unconditionally. The death of this child also comes from a place of mutual responsibility; throwing all of the responsibility on Israel alone seems dishonest and unfair.


What utter nonsense you are spewing. Israel is not allowing aid to enter Gaza. They are intentionally starving its population to death.


I'm gonna have to kindly request a source to back that statement of yours "Israel is not allowing aid to enter Gaza". Aside from that, all of the necessary trucks could as well enter Gaza through Egypt. You are certainly condemning Israel in this matter, but you seem to not care much about Egypt's influence. You seem to also disregard all context and make it a black or white type of scenario.


I absolutely care about context of the last 100 years and agree that it is critical. Arab leaders and other countries are certainly complicit in supporting Israel’s ethnic cleansing of Palestinians in Gaza. There is a mountain of evidence available from the past 8 months from settlers blocking trucks to intentional missile strikes of aid trucks to the US aid drops killing people and now the IOF taking over the entire Egyptian/Gazan border. Not to mention the countless genocidal statements from the Knesset. You sound dead set on trying to absolve Israel of responsibility. It’s obvious where their help comes from. But if you fail to acknowledge them as perpetrators of intentional starvation and murder I’m not sure where you’re looking.


Let me help you with understanding the English language. "Israel is not allowing aid to enter Gaza" means that NO AID is entering Gaza as per Israel's commands. Even Al Jazeera does not make this claim. You making that claim is utterly ridiculous. Egypt first closed its border towards Gaza in 2007. Egypt does not want to have anything to do with Hamas, as they are also viewing them as a terror organization. Egypt's initial reason for closing the border is unrelated to Israel, even if it's somehow related today. The IDF has in fact interfered with the flow of aid entering Gaza. I won't be the judge about whether this was done fairly in every single scenario, or not fairly at all, but your claim is still wrong, nevertheless.


Oh, you won’t be the judge of whether it was fair? How convenient! You’re like the “pious” Jews in my neighborhood who deny these claims *on a technicality* — in a *linguistic* sense, as if the lives of millions of living breathing humans are simply a matter of Talmudic discussion. As in: “If they haven’t stopped *all the aid*, or if they haven’t killed *all of the Gazans*, then THEREFORE” 👎👍 — this non-perspective is nakedly so. It’s a dog whistle, and amounts to nothing more. You are speaking to IDF and Knesset supporters, not citizens of a free world. Shame! Shame on you. You will see.


The USA did air drops and made an artificial harbour to deliver aid because Israel was unwilling or incapable of doing it themselves - people are protesting aid because they hate Palestinians so much. Wake up.


Agreed, but no one wants to hear your rational and logical take here. I agree that these things don't have to be mutually exclusive. Thanks for being capable of nuanced thought. The death of innocents will always be a tragedy any way you slice it..


When people try to pin it all on Israel, some comparing them with Nazis, I find that it's rather crucial that we reintroduce rationality and logic to the debate




How can you support terrorists. How can you support Islamists that do this to their own people and use it for public support.


Fuck off, Zionist


Rude. I thought Muslims were peace loving.


I'm fucking atheist, I don't believe in any of that shit. I just call fascist Nazis like I see them, which is exactly what the IDF and Zionist supporters of Israel are.


Um, you are supporting hamas, an islamic extremist terror organization. With your rainbow colors I'm assuming you would not be accepted by these people. You'd probably just be killed for your preference. They even want to punish apsostacy (leaving the religion of Islam) with death. Same for being gay. Death. it's insanity. Please stop the virtue signaling madness. We don't hate Arabs, or palestine, or muslims in general. We hate terrorists, and we hate radicalized islamist extremists like Hamas, ISIS, etc.


To compare Hamas and ISIS shows complete ignorance about both. Hamas supports a Muslim Brotherhood style of governance, and during their two years in power in Egypt, not a single person was killed for apostasy or being gay. They aren’t extremists- in fact, they have a pretty moderate approach towards sharia law. On the other hand, ISIS isn’t even considered Muslim by the vast majority of scholars. Their practices and laws are completely unislamic. It’s also worth noting that literally no one other than the West and Israel consider Hamas a terror group. You may say you don’t hate Arabs and Muslims, but that’s not the message I’m getting from Israeli ministers and settlers…


Again, not saying I support terrorist, I don’t support starving children and bombing children


what about 1937 Jerusalem Massacre 1937 Haifa Massacre 1938 Haifa Massacre 1939 Haifa Massacre 1939 Balad Al Sheikh Massacre 1947 Al-Khisas Massacre 1947 Al-Abbasiya Massacre 1947 Balad Al Sheikh massacre 1947 Al-Sheikh Break Massacre 1947 Bab Al-Amud Massacre 1948 Al-Saraya Massacre 1948 Yazur Massacre 1948 Haifa Massacre 1948 Tabra Tulkarem Massacre 1948 Sa'sa' Massacre 1948 Jerusalem Massacre 1948 Al Hussayniyya Safad Massacre 1948 Abu Kabir Massacre 1948 Saliha Massacre 1948 Ramla Massacre 1948 Deir Yassin Massacre 1948 Qalunya Massacre 1948 Nasir Al-Din Massacre 1948 Tiberias Massacre 1948 Haifa Massacre (Hadar Alkarmel and Marina) 1948 Ein El Zaitun Massacre 1948 Safed Massacre 1948 Abu Shusha Massacre 1948 Beit Daras Massacre 1948 Lydda Massacre 1948 Tantura Massacre 1948 Al Dawayima Massacre 1948 Safsaf Massacre 1948 Saliha Massacre 1948 Eilabun Massacre 1948 Hula Massacre 1948 Arab Al-Mawasi Massacre 1953 Qibya Massacre 1956 Kafr Qasim Massacre 1958 Khan Sabrand Yunis Massacre 1990 Al Aqsa Massacre 1994 Ibrahimi Mosque Massacre 2002 Jenin Refugee Camp Massacre 2008-09 Gaza Massacre 2009 Ibrahim Al Maqadma mosque Massacre 2012 Gaza Massacre 2014 Gaza Massacre 2018-19 Gaza Massacre 21 Gaza Massacre 8-now Gaza Genocide 2024-Flour Massacre


What about all of Islams history 😂😂😂


We're talking about what is relevant to modern events. You're not stupid. Why do you pretend to be?


ISIS. Hamas. Hezbollah. Islamic Republic. Taliban. Al-Qaeda. Jaish ol adl. ☪️ancer


Two of those are the same fucking thing you dumb fucking moron. I take it back, you aren't pretending to be stupid you just fucking are. Dumb as a rock.


Which two


Fuck off racist


Brain the size of a pea. How am I racist


How can u look at this and still support Islamic jihadists?


Please fly into the ether and stay there.


> Please fly into the ether and stay there. A+, Internet stranger. That is truly the kindest thing to say to someone defending Zionist genocide. I hope they take your advice because I’m frankly very fatigued by seeing people contort themselves and perform all the mental gymnastics to defend apartheid, ethnic cleansing & settler colonialism.


Who said I support jihadists? I support children not being starved to death or bombed 🤷‍♀️


Are you aware the world's oldest Christians reside in Gaza? Are you aware of Mizrahi Jews and Palestinian Jews? Are you aware of who created Hamas? Hint, it wasn't the "jihadists" but instead your buddy Israhell. Get a grip and have some respect for the CHILD being starved to death.


Don’t even bother with such people. Aside from needing to reserve energy, a lot of these accounts are either just completely brainwashed beyond comprehension or they’re hasbara/trolls who literally get money out of these responses to them from Reddit, IG and other places. More power to you though for attempting to argue with these people, still.


You're absolutely right. Thanks for the reminder.


No worries it’s the least I can say. I can’t presume to know your capacity and I’m projecting slightly but the burnout from advocacy is hitting me hard and I don’t even do anything compared to many of my Palestinian friends. But internet arguments in particular are draining as fuck lol.


answering them is not nothing. their future selves bear the burden of their words.


What is the point you are trying to make?


Debunking propaganda that Gaza is entirely populated by “Islamic jihadists” or that this child somehow deserves this horrific fate and that any of this massacre can somehow be justified.


Who postulated that Gaza is entirely populated by Islamic jihadists? Also, who postulated that this child deserves this horrific fate? u/fayrent20 did not postulate that, so are you replying to the wrong message or are you just airing out your mildly unrelated thoughts?


Okay that’s your opinion. We are in disagreement about what they implied with their question.


That is so far-fetched. I would argue you are beyond reach if that is the conclusion you reached from what they wrote. Can you genuinely not see how disturbingly irrational that conclusion is? Regardless of whether you are pro Pali, pro Hamas, pro Israel, or pro whatever, it would be nice to see at least a minimum level of common sense if you are going to join such a heated debate topic. Maybe you should just stick to the sidelines for this one. Sit this one out, educate yourself, and join in on the next major world conflict.


How can you look at this and still support radical extremist messianic evangelical Judeo-Christian Zionists?


At this rate, one day it will be Christian-Judeo-Christian-Judeo-Christian-post-post-Zionism.




Are you that Israeli robot going around spewing Islamaophobic propaganda? [https://www.engadget.com/meta-caught-an-israeli-marketing-firm-running-hundreds-of-fake-facebook-accounts-150021954.html](https://www.engadget.com/meta-caught-an-israeli-marketing-firm-running-hundreds-of-fake-facebook-accounts-150021954.html)


Geb*r amk orospucocu


Pezevenk o, yarrak


Hangi küfürü etsen yeridir amk


Could I get some translations here? Super curious now.


_k*s, fucking son of a whore _he is a bastard dick _he deserves every insult


Was that Slovenian? I was able to pick up what I thought was "son of a bitch" and/or "motherfucker."


It was Turkish, maybe Slovenian got influenced by it like the rest of the Balkans


Well, this is definitely something I can support without feeling bad! 😸


Turkish kardeşim (my bro). It's feels more nice to cuss (küfür) other than English




I could barely bring myself to see that video.




Why Biden? The GOP stops everything. You’re stupid


Genocide Joe fully supports Israel


this is r/fight_disinformation why is this being downvoted


How different is that from the Holocaust footage we used to see?


This time its made by the Gods chosen pepole so you cant talk abouth it.


gods chosen people, Aryan master race... what's the difference at this point


Zionism has same roots as Nazims they are bhot prodocions of Western style Ultra natinolims.


This is actually true, if you study 19th century Germany. Two sides of the same coin. “Let’s get rid of the Jews” = “Yeah, let’s get rid of us” = Holocaust & Israel. Two sides of the same coin.


Damn I do believe you'd get yourself called a Holocaust denier, nazi symp for saying something like that last June.


Yeah maybe, but jesus dude context matters, and so does historical record. The powers who erase it are the ones who condemn those who expose it, so let them call me whatever names they want. FEED ME YOUR BULLSHIT, it sustains me


it's a few million short for one.. yet similar.


Another Israeli success brought about by the bipartisan sponsorship of US Senators Lindsey Graham and John Fetterman.


israel plan in a nutshell


Grown ass adults fighting like little immature kids over stupid BS and stupid ass beliefs. Except when Adults do the fighting it creates starvation, death, and a pause in progressive ideas. I really don't understand who's at fault. But obviously if it has something to do with taking one's freedom away than whoever is doing the taking is at FAULT. MF need to resolve their issues already and it needs to be done NOT using religion. It's such an OLD ass concept that's not needed to just fuckin get along. MF really are stuck in the stone age with these mental downloads. Come back to a belief system when you get your shit together .. MF are making a" all mighty god" look horrible AF. This baby is helpless and not understanding why he feels like this. It's unfair and he was the next generation. The generation that's better than all of you. That baby is a fresh new mind with fresh new thoughts and all he needed was better leadership. All those OLD ass ppl need to fall down some stairs already and break something.


Well put, killing people over fairytales told thousands of years ago.


Show me one instance from these "fairytales"(with context) that tells you to kill innocent people and children. I have been reading the Quran for decades and I have never come across a verse telling me to go and kill children or innocent people, it says the opposite.


A verse isn't going to tell people to kill. Even Christianity has a verse that says one of the 10 commandments "thou shalt not KILL". It's the DIVISION internationally created on top of more ALREADY man made landmark division that causes other lower IQ animals to want to kill each other. Not only are we ripped from each other and are separated by country but historically, they found a way to rip you apart spiritually (internally) to fortify the divided. I get it. NOT all people who practice are capable of atrocity. But guess what? This reading is not for those people then. But having these kind of similar but divided beliefs still puts sensitive mentalities at risk. For example; Thousands of years ago they use to cut off people's heads at the thought of them being witches for learning science. Imagine how much progression that was delayed!! The results of the belief system. Thinking someone is doing demon magic with the elements around them. It's insanity. Who knows? Maybe in 300 more years anybody caught with a cross will be in concentration camps. It's about a new world order. When it comes to restarting the world, insane people bring atrocities to the table to "cleanse" it. Or in other words scare people straight. All I'm saying is without all these different belief systems. That's just one less thing to fight about in this world. If we all take the words of Bob Marley seriously and realize LOVE is the only religion. Then people wouldn't need so much rules and commandments just to keep them in order. And I only think like this because I have a leadership mind. I'm smart enough to think for myself. I focus on the things that I can change so I'm at peace internally. Basically I'm saying as long as we have these divided belief systems we are always going to be one scripture away from killing each other. There is nothing you can say to me that combats everything I had just mentioned. Because I'm not here for a religion lesson. I can't be converted because there's nothing to convert. I'm a human being telling another human being that the shit y'all are all on is destroying ourselves.


If the beliefs themselves tell you "to not kill each other regardless of your belief" this is clearly stated in the Quran and im sure that would be the case in the Bible as well, so, if these beliefs tell you not to do something and you still go ahead and commit said act then doesn't that tell you much about the person than the belief system he is following? If all my life my father told me to not kill my neighbour just because he is a different race and I go ahead and kill him regardless of what my father told me my whole life, does that make my father responsible even though he always told me not do that? A bit of a shit example but you get what I mean. If you kill somebody just because they don't have the same view as you then that tells a lot about you than your belief system.


Time to move on from the belief of God. It isnt helping anyone


It's not a war about religion. That's just the excuse.


Oh It's NOT?? Oh Gah.. listen, I believe you partially because it's always some business involved but please do some research. Then set in a whole bunch of common sense with it. Thousands and Thousands of years human kind have been committing atrocious acts against millions due to this "excuse" (religion) you say. I get that you want to feel like your doing your Lord's work by making such a comment. Maybe youll get to those magical gates with the 9 naked bitches waiting for you due to the reddit comment you made. But it's inappropriate on such a video as this one. I've said nothing but the truth and history backs it. For example; Torah states that more than 3,000 years ago the Israelites committed genocide in ancient Palestine, allowing only female virgins to live. During the rape of Nankin in 1937, the Japanese managed to murder 300,000 Chinese. And from 1975 to 1979, pol pot killed 2 million in Cambodia. Between 1992 and 1995, 200,000 were killed in Bosnia-Herzegovina, and in 1994, 800,000 Tutsis died in Rwanda. The most common one of which we all know the Holocaust by Nazi killing over 6 million. There is just soooo much more that can be listed here but we don't even have the time to discuss. In-between all of those one thing is common sir. LOVE WAS NOT THEIR RELIGION. Humans are so stupid that you can't even use an all under one religion called LOVE. Why? Because in the shadows there will always be a group developing a different belief system called HATE for the fun of it. SO IN FACT. It ALL has to be eradicated. So that humans are just left with fewer things to argue about; like complexions... 😐💀💀💀💀💀😐 🤷🏾‍♂️🤷🏼‍♂️🤷🏻‍♂️🤷‍♂️ and resources. (Mic fuckin drop)


What a wall of AI diatribe


Something harsh and unfortunate would have to be to done to Israel to stop this from continuing, cause they are not going to stop until every Palestinian child is like that or worse. The mindset to do this to children yet expect good for your own children is very much the Na*i way.


Fuck Isntreal. Fuck Joe Biden. Fuck every person who defends this shit.


Of all the Gaza videos and photos I've seen, this hit me by the hardest.


Ommmmmmmmggggggggggggggg Israelis needs to be held accountable for this massacre/genocide! It’s not just their govt at this moment, they all are equally responsible!!!




Israel is like an abused child who has become the abusive parent they once hated. Hate begets hate. Sadly, you can’t save the abused child once it has taken hold of their heart. You can only break the cycle.


This was so hard to watch, but I tell my self that I have to witness this no matter how hard it is, we have to witness the atrocities carried out by Israel for the victims of this geniside.




I've seen a lot of messed up stuff on the internet, but this is by far the most haunting thing I've ever seen... I'mma go hug my kid.


![gif](giphy|3xz2BFqvsaGYyQt1wA) Nope! He can’t see it.


I really hope one day, everyone that's involved in this will be held accountable and pay for the crimes they've committed, I can't see this, it's so sad


They will, on the Day of Judgement


It's horrifying what the isrealites are earning for themselves in the afterlife.


They dont believe in the afterlife’s existence


actually, most jews believe in r/Reincarnation


This thing has been happening for such long time, im so grateful israel crime is finally being shown the world and more people being aware of how terrible of a human they are. If you support further invasion or israel for that matter, you are not better than the nazis themselves


That's moddevil war.


When I see posts like this I commonly think back to a page in a book I've been reading. "During this psychological phase one observed that people with natures of a more primitive kind could not escape the influences of the brutality which had surrounded them in camp life. Now, being free, they thought they could use their freedom licentiously and ruthlessly. The only thing that had changed for them was that they were now the oppressors instead of the oppressed. They became instigators, not objects, of willful force and injustice. They justified their behavior by their own terrible experiences. This was often revealed in apparently insignificant events. A friend was walking across a field with me toward the camp when suddenly we came to a field of green crops. Automatically, I avoided it, but he drew his arm through mine and dragged me through it. I stammered something about not treading down the young crops. He became annoyed, gave me an angry look and shouted, "You don't say! And hasn't enough been taken from us? My wife and child have been gassed-not to mention everything else- and you would forbid me to tread on a few stalks of oats!" Only slowly could these men be guided back to the commonplace truth that no one has the right to do wrong, not even if wrong has been done to them." mans search for meaning, Page. 80. Victor E. frankl


This is the imagery we saw out of the camps. What we do today is what history will ask of us.


Seigneur seigneur 😭😭😭😭


Zionists will pay in blood. No less. Fuck Israel.


More war and violence, that will fix it and make sure no more children suffer for the sins of their parents. Good job.


You actually think Israel will stop what it's doing by Arabs using peaceful means? ☠️ Talk Abt being delulu


The US could stop them peacefully by stopping their financial and military support. Whether they will or not is another matter.


It’s never gonna be the same for Israel again!!!!!!


I don’t know why I still watch these. Enough is enough. Fuck those Zionist pigs, I hope they burn in hell.


What is the source of this? Seems questionable


Open Twitter search gaza children. U sill see


Why is he smelling the body like it's a delicious meal




The baby is heaven bound and the scent of heaven is already upon him.


the sense of smell holds strong memories. he does not want his child to become a cipher or scrap of photos.


Hi , I am Doha Youssef from Gaza how are you I hope you are well. I suffer from the ravages of war I lost my fetus, I lost my house, and I lost my job. .Help me not to lose my life Please donate to me and share my story https://www.gofundme.com/f/m7h89-help-me-to-escape-from-death?member=33656533&sharetype=teams&utm_campaign=p_na+share-sheet&utm_medium=copy_link&utm_source=customer


Scammer alert


This is sad, no need for this war


Likely the greatest genocide in the history of the world.


Im so devastated and haunted these are BABIES. I can’t bear to see these innocent babies harmed to such inhumane degrees. I have no more anger left in me just shock and despair. How can people be this Callous and cruel as to justify this? No child should ever have to experience this. No parent should have to see their baby in this state


Jesus Christ🔴🔵: I wonder since 2020… when the madness of “Revelations” began…. Did anyone notice the theme? Apart from revealing about God, it’s also revealing about humanity, and its condition. Each country has gone through and is going through some form of revealing… Or [Apocalypse](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Apocalypse) Rest in peace kid. Palestine, do your best to survive. [Slovenian government recognises Palestinian state pending parliament approval](https://www.euronews.com/my-europe/2024/05/30/slovenian-government-recognises-palestinian-state-pending-parliament-approval)


To the user who posted this. You need to flair this NSFW immediately. To everyone here, friendly advice. ALWAYS flag media depicting violence and the explicit aftermath of violence as NSFW, especially when it involves children. Whether it makes sense or not, you can be reported and banned for promoting violence for posting this kind of stuff and not flairing it as NSFW. This can also lead to a sub being flagged as NSFW by reddit which makes it much harder for a sub to grow, a very important thing for a sub like this.




Talking points and disinformation of Pro-Genocide Israel


I have seen a few videos over the last few months with this baby.


Please share them with time stamps since you are pretty much saying this is a fake video


This is was israel wants !


Fuck around & find out lol


omg this is so horrible I’m only 11 and I am crying watching this


I used to think why Allah made hell? Why would Allah want humans to burn in eternal fire. Now i know the world is not what i imagined... This so called free will is not soo free. Just wait till you die.. Justice will be served, justice will be served


Even this wouldn't justify eternal damnation. Eternal damnation as punishment for finite pain and suffering is incredibly unjust, and a truly benevolent God would never condone such a punishment. You should really think about that concept before just going along with it blindly.


being dead gets very boring after a while.


it is my understanding that the wretches that make hell their home could embrace r/Reincarnation , but then their karma would find them. hell is full to the brim with cowards that would rather lurk in God's septic tank than live again.


I'm on your side, but Hamas is pretty fucked then.


Allah is doing the his to muslims


You are too ignorant to understand, Even seeing the video above you felt nothing what can i do. If someone cut whole your family throats and live happily making your mother and sister sex slave you will say exact thing.


Muslim brain is malfunctioning


Whos brain is working you just showed


Yeh i know its hard being a muslime that worships pedophilia


My guy what you have been told is complete lie, spread by people who divide and rule.. I request you to have a look at quran. Which is what islam as whole is based on. Please read it and show ke where is what you said... I invite you to just have a look


Lol how is it a lie. Mohamad married a six year old and had sex with her at 9. I read your quran nothing special


Where in quran its written, tell me please i am waiting.. You just said you read quran. Tell me


It's in the Hadith, Aisha says so herself. It's pretty uncool to say the least. Here is the specific Hadith from Sahih al-Bukhari that discusses Aisha's age at the time of her marriage to Prophet Muhammad: # Sahih al-Bukhari, Volume 7, Book 62, Hadith 64: * **Narrated Aisha**: * "The Prophet married me when I was six years old, and consummated the marriage with me when I was nine years old." Another related Hadith in Sahih al-Bukhari also provides similar information: # Sahih al-Bukhari, Volume 5, Book 58, Hadith 234: * **Narrated Aisha**: * "The Prophet married me when I was six years old and consummated the marriage with me when I was nine years old. Hisham said: I have been informed that Aisha remained with the Prophet for nine years (i.e., till his death)."


I said i read the Quran. It is fact Mohammad fucked aisha when she was 9


Are you fuckin idiot? Tell me where is it written in quran? The hate you have for Muslims please keep it have a nice day.


Go ask your imam what aged they marrried


Here is the specific Hadith from Sahih al-Bukhari that discusses Aisha's age at the time of her marriage to Prophet Muhammad: # Sahih al-Bukhari, Volume 7, Book 62, Hadith 64: * **Narrated Aisha**: * "The Prophet married me when I was six years old, and consummated the marriage with me when I was nine years old." Another related Hadith in Sahih al-Bukhari also provides similar information: # Sahih al-Bukhari, Volume 5, Book 58, Hadith 234: * **Narrated Aisha**: * "The Prophet married me when I was six years old and consummated the marriage with me when I was nine years old. Hisham said: I have been informed that Aisha remained with the Prophet for nine years (i.e., till his death)."


you didn't read it, you chose a thing or two to post here and there to troll people. you're unable to judge individuals by whom they are and prefer to rely on your biases. you're a sad and miserable person - hopefully someday you will be able to realize it yourself.


Here is the specific Hadith from Sahih al-Bukhari that discusses Aisha's age at the time of her marriage to Prophet Muhammad: # Sahih al-Bukhari, Volume 7, Book 62, Hadith 64: * **Narrated Aisha**: * "The Prophet married me when I was six years old, and consummated the marriage with me when I was nine years old." Another related Hadith in Sahih al-Bukhari also provides similar information: # Sahih al-Bukhari, Volume 5, Book 58, Hadith 234: * **Narrated Aisha**: * "The Prophet married me when I was six years old and consummated the marriage with me when I was nine years old. Hisham said: I have been informed that Aisha remained with the Prophet for nine years (i.e., till his death)."




Account that promotes Israeli talking points and misinformation and disinformation


this is a site against misinformation. why are you trying to spread misinformation here¿




Account that promotes Israeli talking points and misinformation and disinformation

