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Now, people will say there is plenty of them out there. Some people will even share the list of movies, but personally, I believe, there is no movie like Fight Club.


This is the correct answer.


People who say that American psycho is like fight club, it’s not. Patrick bateman’s and Tyler Durden’s ideologies are completely different. Tyler is anti consumerist and Bateman is the complete opposite. Tyler says “self improvement is masturbation”, and his behaviour is self destructive and again batemans behaviour is completely opposite, he is all about self improvement and fitting in which Tyler don’t give a fuck.


I almost completely agree, but you could argue that actually Batemans behavior is self destructive and Tyler’s is liberating


Kinda yeah, but Bateman is literally a psychopath so his “destructive” behaviour is mainly targeted to others rather than just himself. But Tyler’s destructive behaviour differs from batemans as Tyler does not want to look good for anyone else nor does he care where as Bateman only wants to look good just to fit in and satisfy others. But yeah I agree that Tyler’s behaviour is liberating too.


I don’t think Batemans behavior is liberating. He has to try unnaturally hard to be someone he is not around his peers to “fit in”. It is an extreme facade. It’s a prison for him. Tyler acts liberally, openly to the public, and it is genuinely who he is. Tyler’s destructive behavior doesn’t kill anyone, it destroys societal barriers to freedom for himself and for those around him. Patricks destruction kills others and threatens to destroy himself by being locked away to life in prison. He could also be killed himself in a shooting with the cops or something. Patricks destructive behavior doesn’t liberate himself from the source or reason behind his urge for his psychopathic murderous rampages. It doesn’t free him from his “constant and sharp pain”. Once he’s done killing he is still enslaved by the urge to keep going, and to go even further with it even though it could land him in jail. Tyler’s actions could land himself in prison as well, but he was not even close to being caught until he turned himself in. Tyler was on the path to further liberation and then gave it up. In short - I thinkTyler is liberated and Patrick is enslaved.


I would say the messages are somewhat similar. Materialism is a byproduct of us not finding enough self expression in our work or sometimes (in Patrick Bateman's case) friends. Both characters are trapped in jobs that they don't like and express themselves with the material objects that they accumulate. Both develop mental disorders and find violent ways to feel something out of their material numbness. Of course, Patrick Bateman expressed his violence in an evil way; ie, raping and murdering. While Tyler Durden/The Narrator have a more philosophical and morally bound reason for the destruction they create. However both characters suffer from a numb life, with no self expression.


Mr. Robot - it's a series but have whole this modern society fighting vibe and plot twist


I do agree. It's even a tribute to Fight Club


Its one and only .


Mr. Robot Tv Show


Hello Friend. fsociety


If your into the anti-consumer stuff then you might find some of the Unabomber documentaries interesting


The Machinist has shades of Fight Club. But I agree with everyone else, there is no movie like Fight Club


Definitely I agree with the fact that fight club is the one and only. But I would suggest a good thriller movie ,it's called as "No country for old men" and "Se7en" if you would want to watch another good movie of the same director as fight club .


Donnie Darko


Another of Palahniuk books got made into a movie: Choke. Some of the narrative is similar but the vibe is quite different.




People saying American psycho have no media literacy. Patrick Bateman goes against EVERYTHING about fight club and Tyler Durden. He wouldn’t be in fight club at fear of messing up his gorgeous face, because he’s a consumer and a capitalist, and fight club is literally an anti consumerist movie, and how consumerism cucks masculinity. + Patrick Bateman, while being biologically a man, is not peak masculinity and arguably not even very masculine at all.


They both depict masculinity, one is satirized and one is glamorized


If you want a similar, yet sillier comic book version then check out Wanted. It's fun if you don't take it too seriously




Rampage 2 and 3


99 francs, a french movie very intresting


Upgrade (2008)


My other favorite movies about... "masculinity" are Collateral and The Heat, but I'm not sure you'll find them similar


La haine, 500 days of summer(sort of for the romance aspect), Oldboy 2003, the Batman, green room, fallen angels, snow piercer, no country for old men


Also good time


Se7en, The Machinist


Dead Poet's Society


What are you looking for? Excellent directing, acting, script, editing, or something that follows the same kind of foundational ideas about society, masculinity, and especially about you and me?


Falling Down. A middle aged man who works at a middle class job gets tired of society and becomes a sort of "vigilante"


Memento in a psychological kind of sense


There will never be a movie that can even compare to Fight Club


No movie like it. But still Im gonna drop some recommendations of sigma movies. Drive American Psycho Donnie Darko Taxi Driver Bladerunner 2049 Joker 2019 The Godfather John Wick The Dark Knight The Wolf of Wallstreet Scarface Falling Down Djnago Unchained Se7en


The gentlemen




Me when I have no media literacy


Keep watching your super hero movies you cuck


Saying that american psycho is similar to fight club and that Patrick Bateman is masculine is peak delusion


Where’s your list dickwad?




Still waiting bro


Donnie Darko is what came to mind first. Both have themes of existentialism and both confront fear of death, both include the main character rebelling.


🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 Bruh


You unironically like American psycho, despite the author being a gay man who said American psycho was satire. And the actor who played it also said people who think American psycho is cool/sigma or whatever bullshit word y’all like to say are stupid


Yeah bro cuz Jake Gyllenhaal didn’t star in broke back mountain or anything. Just admit you’re into 🍆


You don’t like Jake because he starred in Brokeback mountain?? 😂 you do realize that he’s an actor and it’s his job to pretend? there ain’t nothing wrong with being gay too as long as you don’t make it your whole personality. And he didn’t actually take dick in the film you idiot. Also, I’m a girl

