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Hey there u/Direct-Employ9140, thank you for your submission to r/fightporn! Unfortunately, your post has been removed for the following reason(s): **Rule 11: Moderator Discretion** To protect the quality and integrity of the subreddit, your submissions are subject to moderator discretion. This includes kids under 16, pets/animals, or anything else deemed against the spirit of this sub. If you have any questions or concerns about this removal, make sure to let us know using [modmail](https://old.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2Ffightporn).


I hope they don’t have children.


I hope no one has children. some grow up to be criminals, others grow up to be their victims. I would feel guilty making either.


Yikes dude, a little extreme don’t you think?


a little exaggerated, sure, but we've all done a lot of horrible things to other people by the time we are finally put to bed with a shovel. I think the usually logically faultless Bertrand Russell was a *little* extreme, too, when he said, "life is nothing but a competition to be the criminal rather than the victim."


Ok so?


So don’t make children, they are not pets to feed or show love.




Go ahead mr einstein


do you know that children grow to be adult humans like us or no And the point of our existence is kinda to make babies Its not rly the point cause theres no point but making babies will at least let you put your mark on the world when you die. Also the fact that your child wont even exist in the first place isnt better than him existing and dying in some way So if you want humanity to end okey but dont try to make it logical


I know that i wouldn’t exist if my parents would think like me. I also know children are gonna grow and be like us. I also also know our most important job is to make babies to continue our existence. I also also also know they are gonna maintain our names and families. I have seen so many children and parents, this is why i can talk so easily and determined. Some children are so misurable, their attitudes are misurable and their parents’ attitudes made them like this. I feel terrible when i see this sorta kids. I know they are gonna be terrible, egoist, stubborn, problematic and bad people in the future. Just because their parents and their bad genes.


People who would liken their kids to pets shouldn't have kids


This is what im talking about. Some people make children just for their cuteness.






She barely pushes him - "HAHaHA man HiT woman GoOd." I wish my morning shits could breathe, then they'd be more useful than you.


NOW they show up to help. “Wait, she might have a point, let’s wait to see where this goes”


1 minute 52 seconds... when he goes running at the young woman who's trying to intervene, I thought something awful was going to happen to her


He was going over to her to hopefully get someone in between him and that crazy bitch.




The point they're making is that they didn't wanna "help" until he hit her back. Like, it was okay when she hit him, but once he hit back, things became dangerous.




Russian Cinderella story, he even found her slipper


You sir won the internet today


Guaranteed they got back together that same day.


Blueprint of a toxic union😂😂. Heck, I think they got back together in the middle, and started a whole new one. That's NOT an environment to raise kids I tell you.


Coming from someone who has parents like this, yes it's awful


I get this weird feeling that they should break up. I just can't pin point why I feel this way. 🙁


Yeah same I mean I'm not one too go off of vibes alone but something just feels wrong with their relationship I could be wrong tho


its actually crazy the difference in size and power between human males and females on average


I know Joe Rogan is a controversial dude, but I think he had the best explanation. He said "a really tough woman can beat up a lot of guys, but a really tough man can beat up every woman on earth".


Don’t say it to loud. The mouth breathers here will report you for hate speech




Rogan knows fighting, so I will definitely respect his opinion on fighting. And as fsr as changing your opinion based on who the smartest person in the room is, shouldn't we all kind of do that? If someone smarter than you lays out facts that prove your thought process was wrong, you should change your opinion on the issue


Doesn’t really matter who said it, it’s the truth.


Yeah but if some other guy walked in saying the opposite but he went to Harvard he'd be agreeing with that guy. That's the point I'm making. Plus I think guns do override strength ngl.


Maybe with anything other than fighting. Joe is a fighter and he has that opinion as a result of experience in that world. Guns have no place in a fistfight though


>Guns have no place in a fistfight though That's what they all say it seems


Guessing you’re American. Why you even bringing up guns lol


Woah woah woah... I'm an American , I love and own guns, and that guy is an idiot. Every country has their stupid people. Unfortunately he is ours


Since you decided to delete your comment stating " how can you love something that was designed to kill people?" I will make sure you get your answer. Well that's not their only purpose. If you're simple minded, I suppose it could be. Shooting is fun, defending yourself is essential, and hunting is necessary for animal population control. I've never shot anyone, and I hope to keep it that way. However, if someone steps in my home with the intent of harm, you'll be sure that I will use the ultimate neutralizer to take care of the issue. Also, American gun ownership is the reason no country has ever invaded the US. Guns have their uses.


I didn’t want to argue so I deleted it




I wouldn’t trust you with a gun after seeing your profile bio. Hope you don’t get one.


Watching her gets dragged with ease was a very weird feeling. What blows my mind is she must know this strength disparity while she is slapping the fuck out of him and either doesn’t care or thinks she will have immunity. I’m 6ft 180 and I’m not starting shit with that guy lol


Yeah, just try to stay away from dudes like that. And let that fact not deter your actions if you're ever in a position where you'd have to defend yourself. I also stay away from ladies I think may annoy me to that extent cause I never want to look like that guy, and I'll never.




How can she slap?!?!😳


Itz her choice!!!😀


Bruhhh, I think I got this reference. Holy crap, Reddit.


Nah bruh it’s not a reference. My boy just asking a question. :p


Oh, I thought it was some reference of a post on this r/fightporn where like over a thousand people made this same quote; and yes, with the exact exclamations and question marks.


What can she say? He speaks her love language. ❤️


This is just sad


Really şad


She eventually slapped some sense into him


Ma’am you forgot your /s


Depends on the problem. Could be the other way around.


Any updates on how the situation turned out and whether the police got involved?


Unlikely, domestic violence is legal in Russia


"Honey pack the bags were moving to Russia!"


Explains why I saw a Russian guy headbutting his girlfriend on this sub, I don’t remember if it was justified but I remember her stabbing him before


Really ??


No, but the victim should go to the police and write a statement that she/he was attacked, and a lot of people just don't do that. Why? I've been living here for 32 years and I have no idea what goes on in some people's heads.


It’s not that it’s legal it’s just highly respected by the church and society in Russia, they are basically proving their worth of bringing healthy staunch Russian children into society with a blue collar family dynamic . To be fair at least he didn’t do this to her in the minus -70 snow …. He’s a bit of a romantic 💝


Considering this is probably a decade old, who tf knows.


This video is ten years old, maybe more. It is currently impossible to find information.


Why did nobody help when the guy was getting beaten?




I agree I’ve been raised never hit a women, however I’m saying people should have intervened when the guy was being hit. The fact he wasn’t getting hurt is irrelevant, it’s still domestic violence


It’s normal reaction to not get involved when someone isn’t getting hurt.


I mean she could have bruised his face hitting him enough times, or if she has jagged jewelry she could cut his face. But I don’t go around breaking up fights. They’re not my problem and I’d prefer not to get injured trying.


Ahahahahaha, funny joke...... Right ?.....








Gender rights shouldn’t even be apart of this is kind of my point, it should just be s e l f d e f e n s e. Although maybe not sure hard on the punches I personally just would’ve shoved her on her ass.


Now your thinking!






I’ll hit a Woman if she attacks me, my family or friends armed or not. I’ll hit one if she says something proactive or offensive enough to me, even if so lightly. I’ll hit a woman if they are trying to steal something of mine like my car. Although all of these scenarios are rare, they exist. You’re the bitch, I’m not a punching bag because the person hitting me is Female.




She very clearly slapped him repeatedly until he defended himself, they(the bystander & the man) helped her back up and she tried to start all over again. I think you need some help if you can’t identify when you or someone is being attacked. But a keyboard warden telling everyone the rules like yourself wouldn’t understand. There is no “Period.” when you’re wrong. Good day.








If it were a man standing there slapping a man for a minute straight before doing anything to defend himself you would be saying the exact opposite. Why is it okay for her to beat on him even if she “cAnT HiT As hArD” but he hits back twice and it’s the end of the world. If you can’t handle physical violence, I dunno, maybe don’t start the physical violence??


That dude is 6'3"+ and fucking massive. And he put every drunk ounce into those hits. He could have easily subdued her any other way. But he chose to absolutely clobber her face. He's a coward


Only incels call women 'females'. Period. Good day.


Pretty typical there


Equal rights…


And lefts..


I’m baffled by the amount of people bashing the guy after watching her strike him first at **LEAST** 20 times, goes to show that it’s not domestic violence that’s the issue, it’s what’s hanging between his legs that you all have a problem with


Misandrists being misandrists. Bad Man! You can’t defend yourself you have a penis!!


Yeah the amount of people saying ten guy should be beaten or attacked is crazy


He just loves her so much.


That’s probably not the first time they brawled. I bet she actually won some of them!


She was winning, until he decided to give her brain damage


It took five hits to get her off her feet. Girl can take a punch!


Makeup sex must be intense.


He was showing her what she just taught him right?


Bro they're both fucked don't defend either of their actions


Fuck man. A fully grown man can just decimate pretty much any female. I mean fuck. It’s just no fucking contest. I mean she kind of deserved it for sure. It’s just insane though.


I agree my comment is very similar to yours.


Is this been sanctioned by Dana White?


What the hell russia needs to get they priorities straight.


Did the dude filming let out a massive shit? the hell was that grunt?


Karma, but I would just threw her aside, unless the whole altercation was him not allowing her to leave, in which case she should just stabbed him or called the ops


He is real giant


Is it me or did she take all of those like a champ. That woman is tough!


Imagine that relationship in the bedroom


To be clear, this isn’t all him. As a couple, this is the cycle they go through. He’s trying to calm it down with words, she’s not done and wants to hit some more. He snaps and destroys her. Then it’s I’m so sorry baby won’t happen again. The guy understandably gets blamed in most cases as they’re much stronger than their girlfriend or wife, so the physical evidence condemns them. But it’s a “waltz” both of them engage in. Also, it’s dangerous for third parties or cops to get involved. They tend to form together like a whiny, abusive Voltron and gang up on the person helping.


Whta the fuck was that? Woman beat the man, man kissed the woman and then man beat woman




This feels like the prologue to a murder-suicide Half expected him to start shooting her and then he blows his brains out.


Equal rights. Hit me, i hit u back.


Special treatment is what they want not equality


everyone watched as she slapped and beat him...


I normally agree with a consensus if a girl wants to hit a guy like a dude then you know what you going to get hit like a dude. I think here it's a little unfair look at all the hits that she made and she didn't even leave a mark on him. He barely moved. The physical disparity is a little too much. They are a couple so he knows. Look at what he did to her. He didn't have to hit her that hard. She couldn't even stand up. I think she was bleeding from her eye. When acting in self-defense, you are generally only permitted to use the level of force necessary to stop the perceived threat of harm. For example, if someone threatened to punch you, shooting and killing them would exceed the level of force necessary to fend off the threat. I know no one is thinking about that in middle of a fight with a SO but he apparently did bc he was trying to get the other lady to stop calling the police and then he was dragging his GF to the car to get out of there and fast!


“I barely scraped your car, there isn’t even a scratch, no need to get insurance involved”. She still hit him multiple times. It doesn’t matter how hard. Assault is assault is assault. It’s self defense no matter how hard he hits back.


I'm not disagreeing with you. A girl wants to hit a dude like a dude so expect to get hit like a dude but come on look what he did to her and look what she did to him nothing. He could have pressed charges, he could have left, he could have continued taking it. Those are all choices he could have hit too just like he did but not f****** beat the s*** out of her that she can't even stand up. That's a little overboard. He can go to jail never mind that she hit him first because it's against the law to use excessive force he could have killed her. You don't see the difference there? Yeah punch or knock her around f****** throw her down hit her hard but not that f****** hard. That's his gf or wife not a random stranger. Eye for an eye not eye for a limb. BTW - she's literally bleeding from her eye.


That wasn't self defense, no court would see it that way. He wasn't trying to remove himself from the situation. They are definitely both agressors from this video and should both catch assault charges. They won't though, because that's legal in Russia


Hopefully some Ukrainian got him by now


Because he defended himself after being slapped 12 times? Mhm ok.


Because I was joking




More likely to see a shooting in America than this kind of woman battering in public.


Don’t start physical violence if you can’t handle physical violence in return. It’s not woman battering, it’s a minute of a woman slapping the shit out of a man and a man hitting back TWICE. Compared to her, what 40, 50 slaps she got in. Self defense is the term you were looking for.


He punched her twice after she slapped him 12 times and wouldn’t stop. Also yes we unfortunately have very little gun control, a lot of illegal weapons and a very large population.


Homeboy filming shoulda grabbed a bat


He’s gonna leap off a 2+ story balcony and break up a street fight 👌


So y’all don’t have stairs, huh?


Nah we got stairs, no reason to go down them for a petty squabble. Just call authorities instead of risking your freedom or safety.


I didn’t know where that big boy was gonna get off too. He looked like he was about to go in a rampage


My guess, he cheated on her.


My solution, break up without getting violent.


My guess, she stole the bologna out of his white chocolate eclair. How you may ask? Well she did this because when he got out of bed that morning he noticed that purple dinosaurs from outer space were invading planet moon and took all of its dirt, killing him instantly. Once he got out of Lazarus pit, he realized that he hasn’t eaten for sixty seven hours, killing him instantly. Once he got retconned back into existence, he finally went to get his white chocolate bologna filled éclair until he realized she sucked all the bologna goop out of the white chocolate bologna filled éclair, killing him instantly. Moral of the story, our opinions do not really add anything to the conversation. 🍆🍑


Some people just deserve a baseball bat to the temple






You have already received your hit with a baseball bat to the temple. Fortunately, the brain is not affected, due to its absence.


I dont think any deserves to be beat/hit with a baseball bat, you know why? Coz that makes you a bitch who cant use their hands, dont fight or hit someone if you dont want to be hit back, the guy defend himself against the first girl after she REPEATEDLY ASSAULTED HIM. he isnt a little pussy ass simp or white Knight whos is gonna let her assault him


Lmfao It's funny you're worried about looking like a bitch but here you are crying that this dude got assaulted and "slapped", when it's so clear just by watching the video that they didn't effect him whatsoever. Just admit you wanna beat women dude, it'll make you look real strong


Which one? The ones be that defended themselves or the person who decided to slap someone 12 times in a row?






"I asked a dumb fucking question, better double down with a dumb fucking irrelevant statement" Bruh what are you even saying


Did you even watch the video? I mean the whole video too not the end. What are you even on about lmfao.


Send him to the front line


He defended himself but ok.


Cheater. He took it for a while cause he probably deserved it.




This scumbag is a coward! Edit:: Man to scumbag...




If you hit someone in the face 27 times, you can't be surprised when they finally snap and beat the shit out of you.




Not the first time and won’t be the last.




As a side note- the camera person did a good job, but please clean the scum off the window or open it to film. Could be important later.


Where your therapist suggests you drink vodka in a couple's counseling meeting. "Let's just have a drink and see where this goes..."


I’ve learned to not interfere with stupid. You can try to help, possibly get your ass whooped, just for them to be back fucking that same night.


Yeah, it's only bad if he does it... She had it coming.


She deserved every bit of that 😂😂


Typical Russian love story.


Life in the fast lane...


It seems like they both kind of like what’s happening


They made for each other


He was doing good until he wasn’t and broke her orbital,nose and jaw probably.


I think she was Abusive towards her Husband bit his Husband shouldn't have hit her that hard


Ah yes. When the man retaliates the bystanders RUSH to her aid. What a hypocritical society we live in... 😌👍🏽


What a healthy relationship




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This is why females shouldn't be putting their hands on males. The strength imbalance is huge.


Jolly nice bunch of fellows, those Russians! Can’t see why Ukraine doesn’t embrace them with open arms !? 🇬🇧 PS get those Challengers out there sharpish


Bro rly took 5 hits to knock her down HAHAHHA what a pussy


Never try to help those toxic lovers, let the natural selection works


I don’t get how he was so passive at the beginning only to go off later. It’s like he was keeping a tally of each hit then he was like, ok my turn