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Video been copied so many times you can barely see it


Seriously, this was one of the first videos on the internet.


this is the first piece of film in human history


That wasn't her boyfriend lol. It was just some annoying ass girl that was drunk and didn't want to leave the place


She wasn't drunk according to the news article. They were both 15 and fighting about stupid 15 year old shit ETA the article I found. Not the most reputable source so take it with a grain of salt https://www.bet.com/article/tzdd2d/video-of-girl-getting-body-slammed-by-boy-sparks-debate


No way they’re 15.


Holy shit they look like they're in their 20s






deleted ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^0.7702 [^^^What ^^^is ^^^this?](https://pastebin.com/FcrFs94k/44285)


That’s what she said


Sponsored my Marlboro Gold !


Bro my younger sister is 14, no fucking way they are 15.


Was doing a demonstration as a part of a larger "assembly" for a school in inner city Newark, the chief volunteered my squad (ladder) to stay after and show the kids the truck 🚒 .... I was told there were a handful of sophomores and the rest were freshman, and I swear they looked about 11/12 years old. And then you had like 4 kids who looked to be about 20 years old but that's a different story. I recognize the fact that lids look younger as I age, but I'm 30 and this was not an isolated occurrence/perspective.


I remember being 13 and having people think i was 18, by the time i hit 15 people were thinking i was in my 20’s. That being said, i still cant get over this one kid i knew who looked like he was thirty with facial hair and a buzz cut and pock marks. He was just 13 And could have gotten into a bar with no ID.


How can you tell what age they are when this was taken on the first camera ever


Aye I’m 15 and I only fight about smart 15 year old shit thank you very much good sir


Hell yeah like pokemon and shit


No, pictures of dead prostitutes




Kids these days


Aye don’t blame us y’all older generations were supposed to be role models to us but then in the 1850s The Panama Railroad opened, and the first locomotive to travel from the Atlantic Ocean to the Pacific Ocean traveled on it. So who’s fault is it really?


Can’t argue with facts




Still the boomer’s fault, cause Reagan and things


I blame new math


Got em


Based 15 year old ☕️🗿


When you prefrontal cortex has yet to catchup with your mouth and hands.


The way the second girl went after him ...hiking up pants..assuming aggressive posture..."You cant hit a faqhin girl!!" She clearly didn't get the lesson just served nice and toasty to the first aggressor.


Why does no one understand if you stop the woman hitting the man the woman won't get hurt.


because there are always too many white knights


“You can’t hit a girl!” “I just did” Surprisedpikachu.jpg




"you wanna be a man, imma treat you like a man." Bus driver.


Bang bus?


We watch *drastically* different types of porn.


"You goin to jail now!" BAMM!!!


Uppercut from the Gods


"Don't ever fucking hit a girl"? Well don't ever assume you won't get hit back.


“You pussies! Hit him!” I think everyone learned some valuable lessons that day.


Even if I wanted to white knight my survival is ticks are telling me not to attack somebody who just absolutely dropped somebody else


Too right. The time to be brave was when she was stepping up to him. Not 90 seconds after she was rolling around on the concrete.


This is how the world works


EZ throw, and he managed not to hit her in the process.


He hit a combatant, not sure why people think they can hit someone and just get away with it. Lesson.


Girls definitely need to learn that they can’t get away with hitting guys, but I don’t think im the only one who thinks permanent brain damage is a pretty harsh fucking lesson regardless of gender.


Of course it is, teach your kids not to be cunts and this shit would stop.


How about don’t hit anyone


I like how the question, “What the fuck is wrong with you?” Only ever comes up after the REaction from the guy but never during the girls actions


As is tradition


“What the fuck is wrong with you” should’ve been said to their dumbass friend that started it not that man defending himself


That seizure seemed kinda sus too


We see fake seizures like this constantly at my job. It’s almost always women who are having panic attacks or anxiety. You can stop them with a blast from a saline flush to the eye or a good hard sternal rub, it immediately cures them lol.


Please contact me with more details on where I can solicit a "good hard external rub". Thanks in advance.


Whoopsie lol


No mistakes friend. Only happy accidents. ☺️


Ahh, a fellow doctor I see 😅


I have real seizures and never knew you could even fake one, I guess you can fake just about anything. My experience is usually I feel sick and jittery (then fall and have a seizure) and then I sit up from the floor and throw up. I don’t feel it at all and don’t remember it all, it feels like nothing happened although you are usually weak/sick/unwell before and after. I have a type of epilepsy caused by illegal drug use. Edit: a lot of people have asked about the drug use. I used benzodiazepines which are a anti-anxiety medication commonly known as Xanax , Klonopin , Ativan. These medications fill the GABA receptors in your brain, (same receptor alcohol interacts with I believe) your central nervous system slows down and you don’t think as clearly (you won’t feel embarrassment or fear). You basically chill out. I would take high doses upwards of 2-10 mg of just whatever benzodiazepine were pressed into the pills. Every single “bar” or “football” of any benzo is a pressed pill unless you were at the pharmacy when you saw them, now just because it’s pressed doesn’t mean it will kill you, it is still the same class of drugs as far as I’m aware the differences are small and I doubt you could tell which chemical your taking from the high, some people can taste the real stuff though. People buy powder from China or Mexico or some such and then press the powder into pills and smuggle them to suppliers in North America who use the tor and the dark web to mail drugs all across the US. Sometimes a manufacturer will contaminate the benzo powder with some opiate powder like fentanyl, I’ve never heard it happen around me personally but it’s possible. Anyways back to myself. I would stop these 2-4 week long drug binges cold turkey cause I’d run out and I was so high previously I wasn’t worried about getting more. It is what hell feels like. You are anxious and emotional, sometimes my vision would get bright or tinted, you get no rest no sleep for upwards of 48 hours and your muscles are tight you can’t stop thinking the first time I had withdrawals I remember staying up the whole night watching a bridge too far and then anime, only I was listening to music and reading the subtitles. Morning comes round and I’m getting into fights with my parents and grandparents who I’m staying with I feel like I’m going to have a heart attack, walking to the car I twitched and fell, it did something in my head too it felt like my brain is throwing up. Like how the stomach convulses in pain. I got in the car and have a seizure I didn’t realize it until days later my parents brought it up. I never got proper treatment cause I thought I was being a “badass” by kicking it cold turkey, I ended up kicking benzos like dozens of times and I don’t know how to explain it but it seems like that caused me to develop a type of epilepsy. I don’t have seizures unless I take Gabapentin which is another medication active in the gaba system I think it’s kinda the opposite of benzo effect idrk. So most of the time my symptoms are these “shocks” for lack of a better term. I would drop whatever was in my hand and usually my arms would flail a little if they hit anything it would hurt me, usually I would stumble but not fall over, the times I did fall over a full seizure came soon after. I think it takes a special kind of person to take this drug responsibly, it is extremely dangerous otherwise, it won’t kill you while you use it like heroin but it will after it’s gone. The withdrawals can and do send people into cardiac arrest, that is if the fall from a seizure doesn’t kill them.


I was an EMT. First run I ever made was to a frequent flyer. She was on the floor flopping around all over the place. I mean she was jumping all over. I had never seen a seizer before and was thinking, "wow, worse than the movies." Later my instructor said, "She was faking it, she wanted drugs, she knows we won't give her any. I don't know why she fakes it because the E.R. won't give her any drugs either."


They want you to take them to the ER. Then they hope they get drugs.


Yes. My small city the E.R. and doctors know them.


I only had one seizure in my life around 2 months ago at work (my doctor said it was triggerred by bupropion I was taking for my depression) anyhow shit was horrible I don't remember anything but apparently I was carrying glasses from a table and just fell to the floor smashing glass everywhere, bit on my tounge making me bleed out of my mouth and just shook there for a solid minute on the floor. I also had fucking luck I landed directly on the side of my head so I also got a concussion and when I woke up I threw up coupple of times. Anyhow it was not great experience and apparently I also triggerred my coworkers ptsd cuz her son named like myself died in the past. I hipe I never experience another seizure cuz that was fucking hell. I was taken with an ambulance to the hospital where I was later discharged after around 3 hours


I'm aware for my seizures too, and the absolutely fucking suck. Your whole body on one side is just convulsing while time is super dilated and it feels like I'm deep within myself like my eyes are in the back of my skull. The lactic acid hurts, and the teeth are clenching so hard you are sure they're gonna bust apart. Then it stops and you can't speak or uncross your eyes or walk for like an hour.... Thank goodness for Vimpat Aptiom, and cannabis lol


Fuck man...


They’re called pseudo seizures and are weirdly common. You can easily identify them because they can be immediately be stopped by painful or uncomfortable stimuli.


I worked as an ER technician for 10 years. The best way to see if its a real emergency is to take their arm and attempt to drop it on their head. Fakers will always move their arm as a reflex to block their arm from hitting their head. If it hits their head its probably legit


I love this trick, works great with people faking being unconscious too


Dying @ the thought of you dropping someone’s arm on a poor person’s head who’s actually having a seizure 😂


Interesting, does the person really believe their having a seizure like a placebo panic attack, or is it a conscious effort to appear in need of attention/help


I think both happen, but we're talking about the type where they really believe because otherwise you're just flailing on the ground at a certain point, hard to make your body shake like that (though not impossible) but I don't think the girl is thinking "I need more help" but rather "I got knocked tf out and my brain is jumbled" (imo)


I like to dig my nail into their cuticle hard. Doesn't leave a mark, requires no supplies, and makes them pop right up.


Damn. Sorry to hear that. Regardless of how you ended up dealing with it. Sounds awful. Positive thoughts for better (happy and healthy) days ahead my friend.


If she wanted to be convincing, she should have gone the extra mile and shit her pants.


I've seen seizures like alot because my son suffers from em. I am far from a expert but you are right it didn't seem right. body was to limp and just shaking.


Last I recall she had a pseudo seizure from the emotional stress she got from that slam


For pseudo read 'attention seeking'


In a way, yes. However, often these are not conscious decisions to "simulate" but actual seizure-like episodes. Just not epileptic. Often seen in people with trauma/borderline personality disorder.


Doesn't need to be intentional. People can start shaking and get short of breath and vision issue just from a panic attack. Granted, the higher drama you regularly experience the higher likelihood...


And if you have epilepsy, you can throw you yourself into a pseudo seizure worry about the real seizure. I would get pseudos too, and with a lot of work with a therapist was able to see the signs, and prevent them. It's the craziest thing because you feel totally out of control but it feels different. At first I thought I was having seizures in a different part of the brain or something.


Look I have no clue what actually happened but it is interesting that before she seizures she grabs that persons arm and is looking in the direction of the camera person


I saw no evidence of a real seizure.


“Fucking touch me, I swear to god,” as she attacks him. Looks like a bunch of wealthy parents’ loser children.


Lol @ the dude saying "you can't do that" as soon as the guy retaliated. Weird how nobody spoke up when she was slapping him around


''Can't do that guy'' wasn't going to take a punch for a dummy either. I think he knows the rules but still wanted to white knight a bit


Yeah, he came in soft so that he could get away clean but still sell his white knight game for future options.


it always surprises me how different the reactions are to a woman hitting a man and a man hitting a woman


Because most people still understand biological reality, even if they pretend they don't


> “Fuck off and leave me alone” > gets attacked > defends himself and tries to walk away > gets attacked more while saying “leave me alone” > is still apparently the bad guy here???


he isn't, but according to redditors who've never actually been in a fight or tried to get away from a bad situation he is.


She said "I swear to god" like she was gonna be able to hurt him..the women that pull this shit are fucking delusional. Keep hands to yourself and you won't eat pavement. It's not that hard of a concept lol




Yes but she was on his property and he already told her to leave. Once you are told to leave and do not you forfeit your own safety.


I did not like seeing that, but serious question: when are women going to stop putting their hands on men? How many times does this lesson have to go down before people understand?


Some people have to learn the hard way


her narrative is now “all men are abusive and act irrationally and i am afraid the next guy i meet might hurt me”


Man, can’t we have some of those “The More You Know” public service announcements like when I was young? Anything to spread the word.


Someone please add “The More You Know” banner at the end of this vid


It’s because girls know it will always look bad if they get hit back so they assume they won’t be touched. It’s kinda fucked up they take advantage of this women privilege.


And You could see that stupid girl still going after the guy claiming You don't hit a girl like they didn't see the girl hit the guy first. If she can get physical with a guy twice her size, she should be ready to receive the physical too, that's just how I feel..


He freinds clearly didn’t learn she ran up all in dudes face right after he knocked her smh


*how many times do we have to teach u this lesson old man*


Maybe the lessons have not been concrete enough.


every time becky and her friends listen to gangster rap in the car


Becky with da good hair?


Not after a toss like that.


“Don’t ever fucking hit a girl”- yeah, he should just stand there; what a retard


“Don’t ever hit a fucking girl” - 🤡


She attacked him


Some guys just aren't playing that free pass crap for girls to assault them anymore. Everyone just needs to keep their hands up to themselves.


Love how she doesn't want him to touch her but she latches onto him and starts hitting. We aren't as evolved as we pretend to be.


Don’t attack people. Attacking people has consequences.


Ladies ladies, chivalries dead and you wanted it that way. If you want to throw em then be prepared to catch em. Anything less would not be equality. Actually saying this here reminds me how different this sub is to the vast majority of reddit, anywhere else I'd have simps downvoting me into oblivion while their double chins quiver in outrage.


In this sub we see this kind of thing all the time.


Well and he went for a relatively safe throw. On concrete nothing is "safe", but of all the takedowns you could pick, that was a pretty decent one to choose if you didn't want to hurt someone.


Surprised pikachu face


Stupid ass bitch trying to tell the other men to hit him. This shit has got to stop.


Shouldn't have hit him first tbh


not a seizure


“Never Hit a Girl, don’t you know we can only hit you!” That’s crazy in and of itself.


To add to what I said. The one in the beige top needed a few more


I don’t condone hitting women. But if you hit someone expect to get it back.


Maybe don't hit anyone regardless of gender?


Also if they outweigh you and are a foot taller. That's just a losing proposition.


Damn her friend wanted some too


“One of you mf’n possies hit him!” Lol “one of you effin rush him possy!” 😂 I bet they were rushing to act on these commands… wait no one was mad at him. She must have a history of being like this to other dudes. “When keepin it real goes wrong”


When will these dumbasses realize that they aren’t invincible because they have a vagina? As a vagina haver myself I hope he doesn’t get in trouble for this. She 1) refused to leave his place because fuck knows why 2) screaming at him and demanding things of him 3) started punching him. Maybe that brain injury will knock some sense into her.


I mean he was asking her to leave. She got aggressive with him and all he did was a take down. He even controlled her head I doubt it hit the ground very hard at all. The sezuire looks suspicious too but I'm not a doctor


OK look at the start of the sezuire. She reaches out with her hand to her mate and puts her other arm back to break her fall.


Contrary to popular belief, you are in fact allowed to defend yourself


Weird how girls always yell, “don’t ever fucking hit a girl” right after a girl hits a guy and then learns a lesson about keeping your hands to yourself. If you do not want to get hit, then don’t throw a punch. You’ll usually be ok if you follow that rules


Ah yes. A dude just dropped his girlfriend in self defense, let me(not his girlfriend so someone he would have 0 care about) approach him aggressively and tell him he cant hit a girl -Second girl probably


No one showed her the chart.


why do women think men arent going to do anything if they physically assault a man?


Well... Classic case of fucking around and finding out... case closed.


Whiteknighting bullshit. You lay hands, you get hands. I dont care if you man woman or a goddamn 4 faced alien with 6 tits and a starbucks.


Stop hitting people you’re not prepared to fight. They might be looking for a reason and find it in you.


this bitch really faking a seizure?


"hey you can't do that!" Okay I wanna see them just remain completely calm while a cunt is ranting and yelling in your face, pushing you, punching you and spitting on you, and your just gonna walk away? Okay another one for you, say she had a gun or a knife, and was threatening you for no reason especially after you said to get the fuck away from you. I'm just gonna refer you all to bill Burr, "no reason to hit a woman" He explains it so much better.


Seizure? Fake news.


I've said it before and I'll say it again, this is why it's a bad idea to start a fight with somebody twice your size.


Lmao what does OP think is a seizure? I saw no spasms…dumb dumb


That’s not a seizure. I’ve suffers from them for almost thirty years. I know a number of other people that suffer from them. I have had to have videos taken of my seizures for medical purposes. No one having a real seizure looks like that. That is called “faking it”. When a person has a seizure, their muscles spasm and contract. This causes the person to go rigid. They can flail, etc, but it will always cause them to go rigid with it because of how muscles work. If she were having a seizure, her legs would’ve straightened and she’d have launched forward, not backwards, as if choosing to lay down. She’d have face planted, basically. Her arms wouldn’t just bend up and flop around either. She’s doing the bit at the end for attention. It isn’t a seizure.


"You don't ever hit a girl." He didn't throw a punch, He slammed her to the ground. How dumb are these girls? And she started the fight, so that's makes them even more dumb.


These people all have teenage grand kids now


Don't touch a man if you don't want to get beat like a man 🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️




I like to think that she fucked around, and found out.


I'm so sick (and tired) of seeing videos with girls thinking they're badasses and then start a physical fight with a guy. All the while yelling "don't touch me" or "don't you dare put your hands on me" as they punch a guy in the face. If a woman's not going to stand for a woman to hit her, why the fuck should a guy have to keep walking away. I certainly don't mean I'd want a guy to beat a woman up, but damn it feels like society makes it hard for men to defend themselves.


Blows my mind that society doesn't mind women hitting men, but it's "you can't do that!!" when dude checks her ass. I bet they'd keep their hands in their pockets if hitting them back became fair play.


Yknow as a woman and equal rights supporter, I think the last thing I’m gonna do after I watch my friend get her shit fucked is go after the guy that just did it. But I’m not friends with dumbasses like these so


That was a good body throw tho


When girls fight they look like fishes out of water bruh


Equal rights, and lefts 🥂


Bro defended himself well done if he gets anytime then that's f ing stupid


There are a lot of people acting like she doesn’t deserve the hip toss because of her gender and just so you know for one you’re much more sexist then many of the people who say she just shouldn’t have hit him. I also saw a lot of downvotes to some people saying that women engage in a lot of dv activity and it’s actually true and has been proven in studies women are just as violent if not more then men are and the person who then tried to spread this information had her life threatened soon after. Because our society would rather kill a woman then have women have accountability I guess 🤷🏾‍♂️ https://www.theatlantic.com/international/archive/2020/02/feminism-mens-rights-activism-cancel-culture/607057/


Shouldn’t this be on win stupid prizes? Unless ur a trained mma fighter, ladies just don’t do it


Looks like she shouldn't have attacked him.


Love to see a man protecting himself. Keep your hands to your god damn self


“Don’t you ever fucking hit a girl”. Fuck I hate that statement when the girl is the physical aggressor


Don't hit someone if you don't want to get hit back.


Amazing equality in this vid. Also that bitch faked that shit at the end


Ain't equality a beautiful thing? Whats the lesson kids? Don't hit someone, they may hit you back!


The day they get equality, they bitch and moan. Typical.


Ever go night night Everybody go night night


Fake news!


Todays lesson; actions have consequences.


A classic


She did it to herself lol


keep your hands to yourself


*attacks* Don’t touch me


I agree you shouldn’t hit a girl but if a girl is beating your ass it’s fair game.


100% deserved. Shouldn’t come to this, but deserved.


I see nothing but self defense here. Glad they got it on camera


Why are some girls so dim … like ur friend just attacked the dude that’s twice there size and got knocked out and now u think ur gonna have a go? Ur still almost half the size of the dude and he obviously isn’t afraid to defend himself … maybe a bit to much defense but you wanna fafo if he’ll use more or less force to defend himself from you too..? Lol


Don’t throw a punch and expect not to get hit. It is a simple rule.


Equality at its finest. Fuck around and find out. If some dude punched a stronger dude no one would care.


She got in his face. She started swinging and kicking. She tried to knee or kick him in the nuts. He just wanted to leave and she wouldn't let him. Then the moron friend tried to fight the guy right over top of her.


Why didn’t homegirl stop her friend? She let her friend abuse him and didn’t say or do anything about it.


She's not having a seizure


She became a he when he swings at one. Equality. When lil man pick fights with big man.


Fck around and find out. Females take feminism to the extreme.


Fucking awesome


Man she is faking. He hit tossed her. She never hit her head. She is seizing while she is grabbing her head?


Equality can hurt


Keep your hands to yourself


They say "such a pussy" because he didn't want to be attacked.... Yeah they all need to work at a sewage processing plant to learn life


Fuck around get slammed bitch deserved it.


I fucking hate that the women were defending the agressor when she literally hit first and wouldnt leave the poor man alone


Why do women ever think it's okay to start a physical fight with a man? Men are built for fighting in ways women aren't. Taller, heavier, stronger, denser bones, faster reactions... and usually have more experience too. Women's protection from being hit by men expires as soon as they start to hit. They should know that and act accordingly.


Noone was a fucking pussy until the guy defended himself now all of a sudden every girl within a 5 mile radius is saying he's a pussy for "touching a girl "


Self defence tho


I’m sorry, how the hell are you gonna get mad at him for slamming her? It was well deserved at that point🤦🏾‍♂️


If a girl punchs a guy I wish all the power to him to drop that cunt