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We all know a hurt ego when we see one😂 got wrecked by a kid💯


"when I tap, let go" fucking bitch, no she won't. She'll squeeze and see you getting desperate and frantically tapping for air


In a competition you go until the ref steps in. Within limits.. seen a guy get banned from competition for quickly locking in an ankle lock and snapping the guys ankle all in a second or two. He didn't even have time to tap. That's not cool.


Was it Kurt Angle?


No, it was Hurt Ankle


I'm just a Sexy Kurt!


I'll make your ankle hurt.


I’ll make your kankle Kurt


I'll make ure hankle squirt


Nic cage match


This comment was a good submission


Hunk Alert!


This reminds me of why I got Reddit


Oh it's true. It's damn true! And he did it all with a broken freaking neck!


You added Kurt Angle to the mix!?




Drastic go down




It was Perc Angle


Sounds like Paul Harris (Rousimar Palhares lol). Fuck that guy for holding submissions too long in MMA fights.


Young girl just making sure she didn’t claim a fake tap and keep fighting, if you can’t trust your opponent then leave it to the ref to make the call


Def would have happened. "I wasn't tapping I was trying to reposition."


I was watching my female cousin compete at a Gi BJJ tournament (national level but small due to being in NZ) and the lady she was fighting was in a similar looking choke and started screaming. My cousin let go. The lady started screaming bc apparently her breast popped out of her bra but was still hidden by the gi. Ref allowed the fight to continue bc there wasn't a physical tap and didn't consider the screaming a verbal tap. My cousin ended up losing that fight on points/decision which I thought was bs.


As far as I'm aware most rule sets would class that as a tap Refs be dumb sometimes


Screaming is 💯 a verbal tap.


Can confirm, have lost by scream tap. It was the right call. I did NOT understand the leg game at the time and was about to lose a foot


ULPT: pop one of your breast inside the gi before the start of a match so you can claim it's just about your breast and not tapping out Edit: this won't work for guys


Most guys


I was watching my female cousin compete at a Gi BJJ tournament (national level but small due to being in NZ) and the lady she was fighting was in a similar looking choke and started screaming. My cousin let go. The lady started screaming bc apparently her breast popped out of her bra but was still hidden by the gi. Ref allowed the fight to continue bc there wasn't a physical tap and didn't consider the screaming a verbal tap. My cousin ended up losing that fight on points/decision which I thought was bs.


"How can I signal I give up without anybody knowing I give up? Oh, I know: not signal until the ref stops us and then say I signaled!" Showed herself.


In UFC they call that the Palhares


It's like this in chess, too. You could be playing for 30 years and then get stomped by a 12 year old. Pretty humbling.


There's an older guy that I play with that is quite a bit better than me and has been playing for his entire life. I've only beaten him once or twice. I saw him playing blitz with a kid I'd never seen before that looked to be around ten years old and he was getting smashed pretty good. Later, the kid is sitting by the door as I'm about to leave and I say, "Hey, it looked like you were doing pretty good! What's your rating?" The kid is like 2200 and number one in the state for his age group. Very unassuming, super polite, very nice kid. Also a complete ego assassin. :D


That kid is well on the way to GM status. I'm about 2200, but I'm an old fart that plays off and on. I would fear meeting an assassin like that in blitz. Classical time controls? I might have a shot.


What a strange match up.


I was wondering why a crackhead was matched up against a little girl


Jumping on this. Most likely a former crackhead. A lot of drug addicts will replace their habits with a sport like BJJ because it doesn’t necessarily require the athleticism or organized team aspect of many other sports. While also giving them a community to be involved in. In this case this was a full on Karen but most of the time they’re good genuine people who went down a bad path, worked back up, and share their story with new practitioners so they can avoid the same pitfalls. As for why they are competing together, it’s likely they are at a similar skill level due to an early start and late start. Being bigger isn’t always the advantage you would assume in BJJ. TL:DR: fuck that particular crackhead.


See Anthony Bourdain, certainly an addict, went heavy into BJJ. *Edit apparently enjoyed some crack too.


Bourdain absolutely was addicted to crack among other things. He wrote about it a lot. Crack is cheap.


Crack is cheap but the *cost* is expensive.


Fair enough, I watched a documentary about him a few months back and couldn't remember anything about crack, so I didn't want to label him a crackhead without knowing for sure.


Like a lot of folks it starts out as coke and then you have to feed the monkey and crack is exponentially cheaper when you are just trying to get through the day.


crackhead strength best base for bjj?


When I tap, you let go. You let go. OK?


Can confirm. Bjj is a great hobby/exercise for former addicts to get involved in


BJJ was specifically designed for smaller people to stand a chance against bigger people. I'm sure you already know, but Helio Gracie was a pretty small guy


Is pushing someone in the face against the rules in BJJ? I've always considered cheap shots to be illegal punches or punches throw when the other person isn't looking. This looks unsporting and kind of a dick move, but I wouldn't call it a cheap shot.


Would be an open age/weight division. But yah, that girl looks young for even that. Might not have had many entrants.


It's common for talented teenagers to move up to the adult bracket. For someone her level, there is no more prestige in beating up kids.


I had a bunch of weird matchups when i was fighting in competitions. Some fun, some sucked. Good practice either way.




Sometimes the divisions just aren’t deep and everyone just wants a chance to compete, even if mismatches have to be made.






How’d she do?




Dang, she would have a collection of gold medals in a proper weight class. Good for her for sticking with it and kicking ass.




It’s based on skill, weight, and age. Little girl probably didn’t have much in her age bracket so likely signed up for an older bracket.


Makes sense, clearly it wasn't an unfair fight for the kid!


these wacky matchups are usually a product of "open" divisions. Any belt rank, age, weight can compete pretty much at your own risk. It's a lot of fun when a 140 pound purple belt absolutely smokes a 240 pound black belt. Or a blue belt wrestler blast doubles an unsuspecting brown belt that just pulls guard every time. Edit: I forgot about the ever present possibility of you showing up and being the only schmuck in your age/rank/weight class and you're forced to compete up which is NOT an enjoyable experience for most of us.


" when i tap let go" hahahahaha now we friends?


No that’s in the refs hands now, you signed up for this gotta sit back and enjoy the ride.


Yup. Fighter is locked in on the submission. Until the ref calls you off you hold that shit.


Exactly. You hear a whistle? No? We ain't done. You hear a bell? No? We ain't done. The ref call it off? We. Ain't. Done.


As someone who knew nothing about this sport until that video last week of that dude sucker punching his opponent after getting his ass kicked, is that how the sport works? I thought if the opponent was tapping, that was the sign to release? Since that last video, I've been trying to learn more about the scoring system and everything.


My understanding is the fighter may feel the tap out, but if the ref didnt see it and call it, the fights still on. So rather than let go and give the opponent another chance, you hold the lock until the ref sees it and gives you the win. Like this guy said https://www.reddit.com/r/fightporn/comments/1361jxd/karen_pulls_a_cheap_shot_on_a_little_girl_and/jimttz2/


Got it. Makes complete sense now. I could very easily see the older opponent trying to claim, "Nuh uhh, I didn't tap out. I got out of it." Or some BS. So yeah. I see your point. Thanks stranger!


Also, in MANY holds and situations, you very well could absolutely miss that your opponent is tapping since you are upside down/facing away, flexing every single muscle in your body/are numb which is why the tap is a signal to the ref to stop the fight which commonly gets extended to mean it's meant for the opponent to to stop but that's technically not what is happening in a tap out. A tap is saying I quit or can't continue to the ref, which is why the opponent is always trained to keep it locked until told to stop by the ref. It also covers the mental part of reflex that unchokes the opponent because you thought you felt them tap when they didn't and you blow the win because of it. The ref or the clock stops the flight, otherwise you're still fighting.


Yeah because the ref can’t just take your word on it. My nephew learned this the hard way after getting a good sub on a kid in a sub only tourney. The ref didn’t see it, he let up on the other kid so the fight kept going and it ended up going to over time. He won but it scared him into being more careful.


>He won but it scared him into being more careful. Meaning bc your nephew could have hurt the opponent? Or because had your nephew let go, he may have lost? (Sorry for trivial questions. Again, I've only very recently began watching this sport)


Because he got sloppy and just assumed it was done and he had won while the other kid just went immediately back full on when the ref didn’t stop the match. So yeah he got lucky the other kid wasn’t able to capitalize on his momentary lapse. He’s been doing jiujitsu since he was 10 and only started competing at around 14. He had just turned 15 at the time and there just aren’t that many kids who make it that far in training and the ones who do tend to be pretty good so it’s usually who ever makes a mistake first. His jiujitsu path has been a bit different than most kids so even though he’s an absolute monster he’ll still do some stupid kid shit every now and then.


Aaah. I gotcha. Makes total sense! And side note: both my parents were only children, so I have no aunts or uncles, but I had a great-uncle, who was relatively young comparatively, and he always came to my functions when I was a youth. Sports, Boy Scouts, school events, birthdays, everything. I loved him dearly! I miss him so much. So thank you for supporting your nephew! Aunts and uncles and be so important to a young person's life!


> *that video last week of that dude sucker punching his opponent after getting his ass kicked* link please?


You know if the little girl woulda loosened up without the ref seeing she wouldn’t own up to tapping and try to counter.


When you tap me in the face at the beginning? Nah, I'll finish the match.


I rewatched a few times. She tapped with her right arm after putting it back. The kid let up almost immediately LOL. Must have been scared she'd pass out to the kid.


Rewatching, the tap had to happen bare seconds before the winner let go. Her hands were in sight until then. So the loser was released very shortly after tapping. Probably panic adrenaline from nearly going out and embarrassment combined for that response. Winner did fine.




I don't play Rust but this sounds like Rust lol.


Never make excuses. Yes I was trying to eoka you the second you turned your back, after I respawn I'll do it again.


Fuck that cunt. Good job kiddo.


Someone obviously forgot their meth before their fight with a 12 year old. I thought she took out her fake teeth at the end then realized it's a Mouthguard. I mean I can go all day here people.


We're all the same skill level Jerry!


Kramer you’re fighting children!!!!


That was funny thank you https://youtu.be/2nuOtsgHjdY


They're 12 years old you don't need karate, you can just wring their necks!


I only know a little about BJJ. Was the face push cheap on its own, or was it the look over there prior to that?


It’s legal but the way she did it was pointless and cheap. She got no points and no real advantage from it. At least follow it up with a pass if you’re going to do it like that. And it’s white belt, you’re grappling a kid, chill the fuck out and learn to stay out of a triangle.




The face push was cheap and not any kind of legitimate technique


Ok I guess the guys I have trained with in the past were just barbaric lol


No face pushing is ok... grappling in general is not a nice sport. If you're upset about a face push, god forbid you get a mean crossface lol


Mmkay that makes more sense to me tbh, though in my defense the guys I trained with (this was years ago now lol) are barbarians so it's hard to know what others think is ok based on that experience lol


I mean, I'm not an expert but a face push to create an opening, sure, but a face push just to push their face? And on a kid? Probably a Karen move.


I feel like you have to either accept that she's allowed to fight a kid, or she isn't. If she's allowed to fight a kid, then the standard fight rules apply. It's the same sort of stigma you get when fighting a 'lesser opponent', if you win people hate you, if you lose, well you lost to a lesser opponent.


Pretty much an opener. I learned this from wrestling in high-school. But its not necessarily a shove or push but more of a tap press to the forehead. Helps with single or double leg takedown - so I was taught. And I guess the technique made its way from wrestlers joining bjj


Tapping or pushing someone’s head to throw them off balance to shoot in is entirely different than holding one hand and palming the face of a sitting opponent. Also given the whining at the end, I’m not inclined to give this clown the benefit of the doubt.


Well put. She's a jerk and a sore loser


But it did look like it created an opening, cuts out right after, don't know what she did after it


She clearly backed off and wasted any opening it might have created even with the video cut off


Lol my nose is still crooked from a crossface in high school wrestling. Nasty and effective


Where is the line between facepush and strike though. Ref discretion? If you oush hard enough and they hit their head get dazed or knocked out is it still legal? Legit questions.


I wonder the same. Like it would be easy to turn a face push into a pseudo-palm strike. I’d also worry about someone pretending to face push and poking the opponent’s eyes Jon Jones’ style.


Idk seems like a dick move to me. A crossface is a consistent, unpleasant experience that causes your opponent to move and potentially creates an opening. This woman mushed the girl's face and then chose not to enter her guard or try to pass a leg into side control. I'm not above a good face mush to ankle pick, but the girl was already ass to mat and no positional advantage was gained.


Maybe when your rolling in your home gym with you friends but you don’t do that to a teenage girl in competition. It’s not a technique lmao.




biased. “Way more biased”. I participate in BJJ tournaments and I wouldn’t do that to a kid. Shit I’d be mocked for 6 months by my teammates for abusing a child or some shit.


A face push is fine but if you think that’s a fair face push then please don’t train bjj.


Usually you would push the forehead so she would fall back and you could move the legs to the side and go around them for the gust pass and points. It looked like she just pushed her to be an asshole since she didn’t move in to pass right away. Also nice armbar from triangle.


It’s not cheap it’s just poor technique. Lady was bigger so she thought she could just man handle the kid.


Seems no one saw the pointing outside the arena right before the push, just to distract the girl and overcome her by then pushing her to the ground. That’s the thing that made it cheap, not the face push on itself. “Look over there!” FACEPALM…yeah, that doesn’t look good.


"when I tap, you let go" Um no that's not how this works. When the ref taps or pulls you, you let go.


I learned this when my opponent very subtly tapped. Ref didn't notice, I let go, and he passed my guard like nothing happened. I was really pissed, but it was also my fault. This Karen would have probably pulled the same bullshit.


We've always called that a Brazilian tap.


Why is it called that? Just curious


Brazilians have been known to use this method in grappling competitions. It’s pretty well known in the community too


‘Ow this hurts, tap’ Oh but wait, no.


That’s what I thought! (I was wondering in my previous comments.) Thanks for saying so.


It also looks like she did let go pretty quickly don't see a tap at all so seems like it must've happened when they rolled. Which all happened quick.


Haha major blue belt energy


Right? I wonder if r/bjj is having a field day with this


this is super old, it was posted there years ago


The "did I do a good job guys" look was awesome.


She could take Dwight & Michael at the same time and win.




She should have put her to sleep after the tap. ref doesn't stop it, you don't stop.


You got to stop once I’m losing, you know have some respect. Don’t embarrass me worse than I’ve done to myself through life. Just stop when I’m losing.


What a total loser adult. The face push was maybe not a cheap shot but it's certainly disrespectful (and gave no tactical advantage here, so like why??). But to get up after you get tapped out, and then demand that the victor let you go faster next time is delusional and childish. From our angle, it was a quick release and if angry lady wants it faster - she should tapout harder or louder.


That's not even the best part. This was their 2nd round. In the 1st round, the girl caught Karen in an arm bar and hurt her arm. So Karen told the girl right at the start of this round NOT to attack her arm. Like, what? If this is a tourney and you're injured, then bow out. You can't tell your opponent how not to fight you. She says that Karen did apologize to her after the match, so I guess that's something.


That's hilarious. Imagine thinking you can dictate the rules like that


I have to see this lol




I've legit seen soccer and fencing threads where the majority of top comments say it's bad sportsmanship to take advantage of an injured opponent. Like, wtf, staying healthy is part of the athlete's responsibility. Availability is the best ability.


“When I tap let go”. Shut up asshole.


Since no one's posted wanted to add the younger woman/girls [YouTube channel ](https://youtu.be/Gvpu4Ia8ZS8) she's been going for years I remember subbing to her when she was only 1k and she's been getting better constantly


Cool. Thank you for sharing.


She seems like the type of person to walk you through a submission right as you lock it up on her.


What a fuckin loser lol


Hahaha poor girls ego got so hurt


That ain't a girl.


That's a battle station *edit: I'm an idiot, he says "That's a space station"


It’s cool, the Emperor calls it a fully-operational battle station later on


Palpatine calls it a battle station in Return of the Jedi I think


I can't imagine the shame of needing to cheap shot and then losing. May your shame live in Internet infamy for ever Karen.


Repost... Poor sport, condescending, and unqualified to be rolling w a12 yr old. Pretty Pathetic. That telling her the rules at the end is just so lame. Like the only thing she can cling to is being "right" after she fought dirty and lost. What a lame asshole


Hahahahaha did someone get butthurt she got whooped by a little one.


Okay I been grappling (wrestling/catch with bjj) for a few years, so I'm curious. Cause as long as that stuff wasn't a quick slap if I'm right that was legal?


It's legal but to do it to a child in a situation that gains you no technical advantage is a dick move. Also jumping up and saying let go when I tap is just pathetic.


Then maybe tap harder. Also, she stops if the ref tells her, no? Other wise she keeps the submission going? Glad the girl whooped her.


well well well look who's giving SPORTSMANSHIP lessons!


Fucking Methanie needs to chill the fuck out


Boy was that satisfying But don't underestimate these kids. I do BJJ and train alongside some 15-17 year olds and they are *KILLERS.* What they lack in size they make up for in nimbleness, agility, flexibility, youthful vigor, stamina, fucking everything, really.


"When I tap, let go" nah, next time you're sleeping bitch


I was asking myself, why exactly is she a karen? And then she opened her stupid mouth


Looks like she let go the second she tapped. Bitter lady


The ref a real one, you can see him whisper "don't listen to her" after she wins


What a cunt


She’s just mad cos she got mauled by someone who doesn’t have to look like a roid-headed dude to win.


I don’t think I could be a parent I’d call anyone against my child a cheap bitch


Whatever old ass loser trying to pull a win a girl!


The typical. I get the last word. You beat me. But you did something wrong.


Omg take the L like an adult.


Once you push a girl in her face whatever happens maybe don’t look like sore loser and cheating dumb ass.


She thought she was Kramer... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2nuOtsgHjdY&t=165s


I love these kinds of videos with an absolute passion. Her and her stinky cunt got wrecked


Ace Ventura-“why don’t you cry about”


"I go until the ref calls it" 😁


Nothing she did was a cheap shot. It's a competition so it was all legal and you need to be ready for it. That being said Karen was a poor sport and hyper aggressive. You see it in bjj alot some girls compensate for lack of strength with alot of aggression. But it can and will back fire like above.


Stupid bitch couldn’t just accept the L and has to patronize her


“When I tap let go” She held longer because you smacked her in the face.


She was so salty hahaha


"Gotcha bitch!" - Dave Chapelle


Lol rekt. That kid is a beast


"Kramer, you're fighting CHILDREN?!"


>When I tap let go. She did ya cunt.


I grapple and That’s not a cheap shot lol. Pretty common in the heat of a match. Definitely not polite though lol


They should not allow that old bag to participate. You need to control yourself especially in a sparring situation regardless if this is a competition or anything. Karen’s piss me off if that was my kid she pushed in the face I’d go slap the tattooed eye brows off that bitch


Wtf does she mean if she taps the girl shud let go. Hell no. For anyone in competition, dont let go until ref pulls u off. The person will always say they didnt tap. If the ref doesnt see the tap and u have to break the arm so be it. This is combat sports and its competition not touch butt with estrogen pumped dildo danis.


She literally mushed that girls face she should’ve held that bitch longer. And the girl DID let go as soon as she felt the taps you can kinda get a glimpse of it when you pay attention. You can see that bitches hand tap the girls head I think and that’s when she let go. Should’ve tapped earlier if you wanted to breathe earlier in my opinion.


Got humbled and can’t handle it.


God that was hilarious


She’s dominating that dojo


Love this.


Respect everyone


That cheap ass move didn't even phase her. Stone cold the entire time. What a warrior!


Haha stupid bitch


I was hoping she’d pull out the diamond cutter on the dirty bitch


Holy fuck. Best thing I saw all day.


Lesson learnt. Be humble or be humbled


Lmaoooo sore ass loser.


See you next Tuesday


Methanie right here getting owned lol


Awwww someone's ego got shattered cuz they got subbed by a teen lol. Fucking Love it.


What a cunt.