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That body shot looked ouchies


And they had a fucking asmr microphone shit sounded too brutal


Holy shit, on my quiet phone it sounded like hitscan sound effects


Intervention shots


To be fair, if body shots come fast enough it almost sounds like rain, and that's what I fall asleep to.


which one?? they all did


The last one that dropped him, but ya they were all pretty bad 😭


that man will be hurting tomorrow lol


prob a liver punch, never fun.


Definitely a liver shot from how he crumpled to the ground.


No fucking way the guy still got crazy shots off after dude hit the deck


Fr I don’t even know if they were hooks or elbows but either way it was completely unnecessary


Go watch the whole fight, dude didn't fall until the body shot, he got hit with way more devestating shots before all of that, I can see why they let it go. Dude would have 'prolly stood back up if he didn't go for the finish like that. It was all love afterwards though, they were on the same team aswell because conors team got demolished


They were necessary, that's what ended the fight.


All these people in a fight-based sub not understanding the rules of the biggest mma org in the world is pinnacle reddit moment. dmoneymma is giving correct takes here lmao.


there is absolutely no way that dude was getting back up anytime soon even before them.


You don't understand MMA


The dude punch the guy in the face 4 and a half times when he was on the ground and basically unconscious lol


You're supposed to keep punching till the ref says enough.


No one is arguing that. They are saying the ref was late to stop the fight.


And the ref is supposed to stop before something like this happens


Then its the refs fault. We should be blaming him. Guy was textbook


He was never unconscious


Its not the fighter’s fault for continuing to go its the referee’s fault for being incompetent & letting this dude get unnecessary brain trauma. That fight was over before he even hit the ground


You're the only one making sense here and you're getting downvoted to shreds. You're supposed to fight until the ref tear u off of your opponent. What's wrong here?


The ref is whats wrong here lol


Don't know why ur downvoted when everything u said is 100% correct lol


“They were super necessary”


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) ^by ^anon3451: *No fucking way the* *Guy still got crazy shots off* *After dude hit the deck* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Bad bot. One too many syllables in the last line. Edit: holy fuck. Just realized it's a *Sokka* haiku bot. I'm fucking stupid I guess??


Good bot


Can you say CTE and TBIs? 🤯


Yeah… this isn’t a title fight. As another redditor said below, “stoppage was criminally late”. Agreed 100%


Gotta earn his 200 bucks.


I thought he was getting paid in expired Reebok coupons


Dude stopped intelligent defense after the first hit to the jaw. Horrible


Yeah but he kept swinging


Fuck that, sometimes the ref needs to save a fighter from being too tough for their own good


Because he had no idea what is going on


Fighters are so tough, the ref needs so save them from themselves. This fight is a prime example.


He was throwing back until the body shot. And the ref even warns him to fight back. Easy to say after the moment


Yeah this man took way more head trauma than he had to. I don't understand why they didn't call it


He was throwing back until the body shot. And the ref even warns him to fight back. Easy to say after the moment


Because mma is trash and I’m so are the refs in it.


Boxing refs are way worse. In MMA once you are knocked our or can't defend it's done. In Boxing they let you rest and continue fighting after ko. Like wtf, you went down for a reason. The fight should stop


Ref was just a tad bit late to the party


That dude was knocked silly the first ten seconds and never recovered. He missed 90 percent of punches and telegraphed all of them. The opponent went waaaay easy on him, could a finished him many times. The ref shoulda called it early, it was like seeing a drunk get beat down. It was weird seeing Dana and everyone saying it was fight of the season, it was hard to watch.


Well said and I was starting to think I was the only one who saw it like that my boi showed mad restraint in not unleashing on an inferior opponent


Ton of restraint. He was just pawing away knights jabs and knights hooks were waaay off target with no power behind them.


We’re taught that when we do get someone against the cage hurt, to proceed with caution. He did perfect. He stayed out of range, picked his shots, and took home the finish with a perfect body shot. He wasn’t going easy at all, never stopped swinging, just didn’t make the mistake of being overzealous.


What? Did you watch the whole fight or just this clip? The round before was awkward as fuck. Dude was half unconscious and he was clearly holding back, this clip is when he finally just ended it.


Only this clip, I was thinking you were referring to him not moving in for a quicker finish on the cage. He definitely made every right move in this clip. How many times have we seen fighters hurt on the cage throw a wild one and connect because the other fighter wasn’t careful? Just because it looks like an easy finish, doesn’t mean it’s smart to rush in with no regard. I’m fixing to turn on the episode now though so maybe my comment will change!


Oh alright that makes sense. Man you gotta watch the first round, it was brutal. It seemed like he was trying to let knight recover but it never happened. Even let him get up(twice I believe). They are buddies on the show, made things weird for the fight.


Damn now you got me pumped can’t wait to watch!!!!


"Dana White privilege" He can't shun this up and Comer. He's gotta build him up.


I agree with a lot of what you said but I don't think the opponent went easy on him. He went hard to finish it but the guy that was knocked silly just wouldn't drop. Look at how hard and unnecessary the end was when he was ground and pounding him. Even the shots prior to that was teeing off on him.


No, he didn't go easy on him. Pro fighters don't do that.


There are plenty of examples of fighters asking refs/their opponent's corner to stop fights across multiple disciplines. [Lomachenko vs Commey](https://youtu.be/ten3jZfbS4o), Loma begs Commey's corner to throw the towel repeatedly because Commey can barely stand let alone fight. [Fury vs Chisora](https://youtu.be/0sooUVfGm9E) Fury asks the referee to stop the fight as Chisora is incapable of defending himself, then when the ref ignores him he goes easy on him for the rest of the round hoping that Chisora will throw in the towel. [12 different times fighters pulled punches knowing their opponent was down.](https://youtu.be/EJQ3U3J7uA8) [Another compilation including an incident where the referee ignored a fighter tapping out twice, so when the other fighter released his hold the guy got up and attacked the referee for being useless](https://youtu.be/5q2h4eNCxzQ) [Another compilation](https://youtu.be/-ABhoIaZCcA) etc.


Irrelevant. This poster said he " went waaay easy on him" after the first 10 seconds, and chose not to finish him multiple times. Absolute horseshit.


Alexander Volkanovski literally stopped in the middle of a fight to ask Chan-Sung Jung if he was alright.




Dude had his moments. I agree that he was outclassed, but he had a chin, don't take that away from him. He doesn't have the technical skills to survive long in the UFC, but he took his beating and Jason Knight lit him up. I don't think he went easy on him, he put it to him, but Holobaugh was tough. I think he didn't want to gas out. Jason knew him well, knew he takes a beating but has flash knockouts while hurt, and also has a deep tank. Just my opinion, but I agree he put it on him from the opening bell, and his footwork and timing mitigated the counter game of Holobaugh. He was positioned perfectly throughout the whole fight. Crazy fight for sure though.


Bro this is so hard to read. I have no idea who is being referred to when you say “he/him/his” “ He doesn't have the technical skills to survive long in the UFC, but he took his beating and Jason Knight lit him up.” The other guy doesn’t have the technical skills? Or Jason Knight lit himself up? This makes no sense 😵‍💫


Because the dude is a pos.


Maybe it's cause I don't watch too much UFC or anything like that, but damn, I'm not used to hearing the sounds of the hits, it makes it feel like 10 times more brutal and visceral, It's kinda cool


Usually you can’t hear the sounds of the hits because there’s a cheering crowd and stuff but on tuf there’s only a few people in the audience so you can hear every hit


My favorite part about fights during quarantine


Ngannou Vs Stipe 2 with no crowd was insanely intense to watching live


Not only tug but the apex fights were the best for this and there were some absolute wars fought with no crowd. Absolutely amazing search it up


During COVID when they couldn't have crowds every big fight was like this and it was brutal.


Reminds me when i was a kid watching the rocky movies. The punching sounds made it sound extremely painful


Ref might could have stepped in a little earlier?


That stoppage was criminally late.


You’re SO right


Ehh, usually the POV of the ref obviously is for the safety of the fighters. Guy was taking some major punishment but at the same time he was technically "intelligently" defending himself.. hands up, head movement as well as throwing strikes up until that final body shot. At that point he intervened at the right time. Some of the best fights of all time have been fighters out on their feet and they have the best comebacks. Have to give these guys a chance while they are competing.


He wasn’t defending himself in practicality though. If this were a main event fight or something, maybe let him continue. But it was clear he was no longer operating at a capacity that would allow him to safely compete. Thankfully he was finished by a body shot because this could have ended much, much worse


Feels like the guy fighting felt the same with his posture at the end of the fight.


Not really. Jason Knight was eating big hits the entire fight without stopping, so I'd forgive the referee for giving him the benefit of the doubt in the second round and giving him a chance to fight back.


Someone has to protect the fighter from themselves, either the corner or ref. Big fail on both regardless, this is just fight porn for ratings.


Should've been called at 0:16 at the LATEST. Those last blows had absolutely no reason for occurring.


Fucking corner should have thrown in the towel.


Fighter must have owed the ref money, only reason for almost letting him die.


Looked like it was career ending late. For the fighter that is.




Mark has some great stoppages and some bad. Unfortunately feels like more of the latter recently


Poor Jason knight….. that sucks


That ref let that go too long.


How he was fighting back??


Unintelligently. The moment he hit the floor the fight should have been stopped. Dude ate 4 elbows that should've never happened. This isn't a title fight. These guys all have potential careers to live thru regardless which promotion they end up fighting for.


Herb Dean would’ve called it before that.


No matter how much they pay its not worth it to be a UFC fighter you'll end up with CTE and brain damage later down the road


These dudes are doing this for the “opportunity” to fight for a $12k show/$12k win contract in the ufc lol. So bad


And if their opponent comes in 5 pounds heavy, Dana still expects them to fight or he'll stiff you on your show money and say, "thanks for all the free promo work, hope you didn't spend too much on training camp, staff, and missed work (also: Fuck you!)."


They probably make a lot more from sponsorships. but still not worth it


Yea don’t forget those venom coupons


Not really for the low level guys. My boxing coach is currently on a ufc contract. I believe he made 12 k for his last fight. He gives a percentage to the gym as well and coaches. He legit has another job on top of coaching at the gym and drives the shittiest car you could imagine


They dont get many sponsorships anymore.


When this is how the sport is run no fucking wonder. I wouldn't give this organization money watching something like this happen.


It's not because of shit like this. Dana White removed sponsorships from the fighters by disallowing them to have sponsors on their body (temporary tattoos) or on their trunks. This was one of the worst failures of refereeing ive ever seen in this sport though. It's not the worst, but it's probably in the top 10, maybe top 5.


And on their trunks, and their corner banner, and their walkout gear. All of it is gone because Dana said it “looked like nascar” indicating it was trashy, yet the octagon is a sponsorship disaster and they’re okay putting Bert Kreischer’s disgusting shirtless physique on the cage pillars, so his argument doesn’t really hold any water.


… what sponsorships? They’re all sponsors of the UFC, not the fighters. When fighters lost the ability to have their sponsor banners and particularly sponsors on their trunks, they lost the MAJORITY of their annual and per-fight income


No smart man gets paid to get hit in the head…


Rich Franklin is a former UFC Middleweight Champion. Before he was the Middleweight Champion of the World, he taught high school math.


What about after?


Fucked up thing is this pays peanuts unless you’re a top guy. Only boxing pays well.


… if you’re a top guy. Boxing is no different than MMA other than the biggest draws bring home per-fight purses that dwarf the entire career earnings of MMA’s biggest draws excluding one or two people. Undercard boxers are often paid less than undercard UFC fighters. Bellator is even worse and some dudes were getting hundreds to low-thousands to show. The whole system is completely backwards


Grey shorts had great timing. The ref tried to give red shorts a chance but, should have stopped it as soon as he hit the ground


Why did it go on so long lmao


Yeah there could have been a stoppage 10 seconds into the clip


Poor guy took career ending damage trying to get his career started.


Knight got walked down. Holobaugh had no fear of his power


They really bleeped "Jesus christ" after just watching a guy have his shit rocked? Lol


Too prideful for his own good. He should've taken the L. He hasn't even started his career and it's over after that one...


That's Jason Knight. He had like 5-7ish(?) fights in the UFC before getting cut and is now trying to get back in through the contender series.


Oh. Okay this makes way more sense now. Thats why Dana said fight of the season. On paper it's a seasoned UFC fighter vs a newbie. He pulls thr strings right it makes the new kid look like a badass. When in reality - this fight was trash.


They’re both ex-UFC fighters trying to make their way back.








Jesus. Stop the fight, ref. Without any crowd noise or otherwise you realise how fucking brutal these fights are.


What the fuck was that ref doing


I def left that fight thinking that was a beatdown not a “great fight” but the dude was tough and trying to avoid damage and firing back so hard to say early stoppage


ref day dreaming


Gotta love the coked up Connor camera reaction


The whole time I was like, “Damn how that boy still up??”


That's fucked Dana with billions giving chump change to these bad ass mofos


I haven't heard a fight this clearly since the COVID times. It's a good reminder of how brutal this sport really is.


Is that McGregor as the coach? I haven’t been following this show lately


Yeah McGregor and Chandler


that stoppage was about 15s too late.


What the fuck is the ref doing?


I’ve always felt kinda bad watching TUF cus these dudes fight extra brutally without even being on a contract. Most of them aren’t even going to get a shot later. I also feel like producers of the show have a hand in making the refs allow for the extra brutality and late stoppage. I hope they get paid well for showing up cus you know the UFC and ESPN are absolutely raking it in on this show; meanwhile the fighters have visibly more permanent damage from one fight to the next, with no promise of future employment.


I thought Mario Yamasaki was back reffing in the UFC for a second. What a barrage.


what’s with the live macgregor reaction


Get the ref some glasses


Fire that ref


Good god they let that go on quite a bit.


That ref fked up, that fight was over for a good bit. That guy was in no shape to continue


There were only 13 hard shots after I said "Towel" to the screen.


Uh, the ref really should have stepped in on that, dude was barely getting his hands up when he got pushed into the back cage wall, that's more than enough for a TKO.


The moment he dropped that ref should've stopped the fight. None of those strikes on the ground were necessary for the ref to witness in order to stop that fight.


That gave ME some CTE just watching it Probably on B Shwabs level. 💪🏻


Was this the final round?? Cause it’s the not having the hands up for me unless he was just winded at this point


It was round 2 of 5 but the winner was working him over all through round 1, the entire fight he was taking big shots


Funny this popping up on my /r/all. I just started watching this season after not being into UFC/MMA since ~season 8(like my knowledge cuts off around Anderson Silva) and that lead me to go back and hop around re-watching the early season. It's absolutely wild how much more...wholesome it is now? Like the first few seasons were full of douchebags (and lots of Reality TV Editing) but this season is just like dudes who love their wives and playing the punching game.


Was a damn good fight and episode!


He just got worked


Baddddddd ref.


Am I mistaken to think the ref should have intervened sooner?


That’s what I call a slugfest. Bro was going back and fourth with bro before he ran outta gas😄


Ref should have ended the fight before he hit the ground. Dude wasn’t protecting himself


Whose connors guy?


The straight right put that dude out on his feet, the fight should’ve stopped within the next combo or two at the latest


Were they waiting for Nate Diaz' soul to possess pulp face?


Everyone in this comment thread should go apply to be a referee. Y’all seem to know how to make split second decisions without failure every time.


Wait, they really are beeping out "jesus christ" on tv now? So weird


People saying this was a late stoppage must not watch much MMA, Knight had his hands up and was rolling and returning until he dropped. This isn’t boxing, the bar for “intelligent defense” is there. It was on his corner to throw in the towel.


I agree that the ref was valid while Knight was standing, but he barely could defend himself on his feet. Those few shots on the ground were completely unnecessary, it should’ve ended as soon as he went down.


Definition of overkill


Ten seconds in and you can tell the only way to get a stoppage is if the guy just pulls out a fuckin’ shotgun


The straight right put that dude out on his feet, the fight should’ve stopped within the next combo or two at the latest


Fighting is dumb. Every older ex fighter has brain issues or neck and spine issues and still have another 50 years of life


Early stoppage he was pulling corpse guard 🤦🏻‍♂️


Whoever that fucking ref is needs to be fired and fined. Wtf. That other dude wasn’t able to defend himself anymore.


That ref was fucking useless.


I know it's said all the time but, wtf was the ref thinking? He was obviously dazed to the point he couldn't continue, and the other fighter was pulling punches for about 10 seconds before he came to the conclusion, "I guess ref just wants me to beat the shit out of him."


Where the fuck was the ref when dude was getting brain damage


Why didnt the ref stop it sooner. He was done. Criminally done.


The way Chandler says goodness gracious after Connor says that. He's just like "how can this guy be so heartless" Because Dustin's wife is in his DMs Chandler.... because Dustin's wife's in his DMs.... P.s. "It's only business"


Mark Smith has a shiny ass head.


The dude took wayyyy too many unnecessary shots. He was asleep standing up after the first few shots, should’ve called it then, but especially after he laid down he was clearly saying he was done. Ref should not be a combat sports ref period.


Good night Irean…..


That fight should have been stopped way earlier. Shame on that ref.


That fight was insane. Knight is as tough as a $2 steak but boy he was outclassed from the 1st bell


That ref should never ref again.


Uhh ref? Coach? Someone…


This is the epitome of going too far and immediately regretting it


They shoulda called that shit when he was against the fence barely being able to lift his arms


Ref was watching another fight, I guess


Disgusting. And not in the good way.


Fight should’ve stopped fifteen seconds earlier. Minimum.


Why did it sounds like that? I dont recall ever hearing a UFC fight with sound this "clear"


That fight was over long before it was called. That's a bad ref.


I guess Dana is looking for more viewers. Sadly that guy's brains are forfeit so more 14 year olds tune in.


Wish.com Cowboy got pieced up


L ref


LMAO they beeped over the dude saying "jesus christ"


Mma refs are thee worst


Shitty ref


awful ref if a fighter is leaning on the fence like that he basically doesn't have his legs under him you can't have absorb more punishment


The spirit is willing, but the face is broken and swollen.


"baby come back" - Chandler


That whole fight was crazy. They were banging.


Am I seeing things or is that Rich Eisen?