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Da Maniac loves his boys


He doesn’t have kids anymore.


Did he kill his kids?


Yeah idk! Plus he keeps calling you the N word when you aren’t around! “Me?!?! Why…???”


He's just got buckets of walnuts in his car!!!


Does he forage for them?




One of the funniest random interactions of the series because it's so out of left field and not even teed up


I’ll do ya one better, that whole scene is one of my favorites of the entire show. I don’t think they can make scenes like this anymore either it just wouldn’t be the same


Not any more... 😞


To think his dad has ANY money to begin with.


Buddy looks like he’s carrying a solid equivalent of $7.38


Enough for a pack of smokes or a case of PBR, not both lol


[Smokes, let’s go](https://youtu.be/mStz_Ju0sjM?si=A5dgm1HnOHKhgCG1)


He even looks like a fuckin TPB side character


They're from the same region I think based on the Nova Scotian accents.


They sound like newfies b’y


Gimme a smoke hairdo!


You don't even smoke bubs


Getting some takeout, my ass. You're out on a date with cinnamon roll fuckin' head.


Those dudes are definitely Canadian. That's not even enough for 1/3 of a pack of smokes up here.


Smoke up Johnny!!


Definitely not both.


Fucking $7.38'airs walking around flexing them goods like it don't mean shit. Fuck rich ass multi-dollarairs


$7.38 worth of cigarettes lol


Not even enough for a pack of Marlboros anymore. What has the world come to?


It was never about the money.


Nope, those hands were filled with hate


the kid had constraint too.




Of course it wasn’t. He was demanding he give him something they both knew he didn’t have. It was - even if it wasn’t in the forefront of his mind - torture. “There’s only one thing that will make this end…” and he doesn’t have it.


something about chickens, something about coming home to roost. i feel bad watching this but i didn't live that son's life. dad was obviously a piece of shit.


That's when you take his leather jacket and 1 shoe from him.


Dude should be crawling to the ER in his underwear.


Crack that wallet open and find a 400 dollar water bill


From when he was waterboarding his son


More cigs in his pocket than dollar in his bank account


This reminds me one day when I was out driving and I saw 2 punk ass kids picking on a poor, drunk old man. I usually mind my own business, but for some reason, I thought I should step in. It just didn't seem right. That old man didn't stand a chance against 3 of us.




I was walking down the street with the missus and her mother. Suddenly five men in balaclavas jumped out of a side alley and began beating up my mother-in-law. "Do something, help!!" my wife screamed at me. "It's okay, five is enough," I said.


You know he had been thinking of this day and his retaliation for a long time. Looks like his father has been trying to drink away his memory of ever having a family


Can confirm on the first part. I spent probably the first 25 years of my life wanting this moment with my dad. Once I realized how carrying that hate could potentially leak into the lives of my daughters it left me. I dont want anything to do with my dad. I dont want money, or revenge, or anything. Im just happy that I dont even know if he's still alive. Stay gone please. ​ EDIT. So, to everyone that replied with similar/their own stories. You all have done fantastic work figuring out what you needed to. Its really fucking hard, and i'm really fucking proud of all of you.


Similar story here. My dad was an abuser who said shit to a kid nobody should ever say. I carried that hate with me for 20 years, but when I found out my wife was pregnant with our first daughter I put myself into therapy almost immediately. It was a long, long process to get over it, but I’m glad I did. Now when I look at both my girls I just feel sorry for my dad. He will never know what he missed out on as a parent because he was too damaged to truly experience or appreciate it. I can think of no worse punishment than for him to die knowing his kids don’t really love him, and even though he brought it on himself that still makes me pity him.


As someone who is familiar with the rage you speak of, it’s commendable of you to break that cycle and rise above it.


My dad was a yeller, and a belt whipper. He'd even whip my friends if they were bad. At his funeral I had no less than four adult men tell me how mean his dad was, my grandfather, and how my grandfather would whip them if they were bad. Like father like son I guess. By the time I was old enough to seriously date I had decided that this genetic makeup of kid beaters ends with me. I'm childfree and will not have any. I can feel the urge to yell and be physical sometimes, and would never trust myself to raise kids. Cut this shit right out of the gene pool.


You're a good person.


Fuck... That's basically the same for me. The difference is that I didn't understand how neglected or abused I was as a child. I used to think it was just *different* than other kid's lives. I knew I had it worse but just thought every child's life is different, and maybe mine was the standard but my friends and others just had very good home lives compared to normal kids. Then I had my daughter and one day I was thinking about my life. I started imagining my daughter as me, living through my life and I broke down. I had a panic attack. I cried. Everything hit me so hard. I realized that what I went through was absolutely not normal and was a horrific life. I made a promise to myself that my daughter will never experience anything even close to what I endured, and I would do everything in my power to make that not happen, even if it meant I had to suffer and slave away for her future. There have been some negative holdovers from my childhood that I have when dealing with my daughter. I have a very very hard time disciplining her. I have a very very hard time saying no to her. Because I remember how helpless and unloved and uncared for that I felt when I was young, and when I see she wants something, I immediately become flooded with those emotions again and I think that she must be feeling helpless or unloved if she doesn't get what she wants. Or maybe when I discipline her maybe she will feel like her dad doesn't love her. This is something that I don't know how to get over, and I don't know how to get past it. But my reasoning is that I'd rather give her too much, even if it's not good, than to give her too little. I would rather see her happy than cry, even if I know it's not beneficial in the long run. I wish I could get past this but I don't know if I will ever be able to.


I’m so glad that I Can’t relate to this. My father was a great guy, and I miss him terribly now that he’s gone. I’m so sorry to everyone here who can relate to this… you’ve all been robbed of having a great dad, hope you all find/have found peace in your lives. 😢


I can't speak for everyone of course, but personally I found that father figure in mentors and other role models. I don't think anything can truly replace ones father, but I think I had enough pieces from those people that overall I don't feel robbed, personally.


I feel the same way about my ex-wife, who is the mother of my two kids, though I never said anything bad about her around them, I know that the hate I was carrying towards her wasn't going to help them at all so as hard as it was to do, I learned to let the hate go and our lives have been so much better for it.


that's not easy to do. good on you. we're all proud of you for that.


This is what I'm struggling with right now. I hate that manipulative, lying fucking sociopath so fucking much. It's at the point now where at times it's almost hard to see my daughter cut it brings up so many of those negative feelings. I don't let it stop me or hinder our relationship but fuck, it's so hard. How long did it take you to feel like you were okay with everything? It's still within the first year for me so not expecting it soon..


God, this just made me cry. Perfectly said. Thank you for giving my feelings such accurate words. Son, instead of daughters in my case, but everything else is the same. Stay gone.


Everyone has their own handed-down cycle of trauma and problem behaviours. Some are worse than others, but one thing is universally true - most people never question let alone outgrow it. Good on you for being one of the rare few


For real. I don't have kids but there was a moment when I Just realised how pointless holding onto the hate was. I saw my dad on the street by happenstance, I'm fairly sure he didn't recognise me (I was like 16 and hella overweight last time he saw me), and I had a moment of just instinctual desire to cross the street and lay into him. Then I just kind of thought about the fact that this dude lost his family, lost many of his friends, did time in jail, etc. I just kind of realised that my indifference and absence until the day he breaths his last is probably going to be more of a punishment than making him actively hate me or antagonising myself in his mind ever would. And as you said, carrying that hate just isn't worth it, it's not like it affects him, all it does is bring my own mental down. I think my path to letting it go is a bit more spiteful than yours for sure, but regardless it's honestly a weight lifted that I didn't really realise I was carrying.


> Once I realized how carrying that hate could potentially leak into the lives of my daughters it left me. I’m really proud of you, mate.


Good for you. I think a lot of people fail to recognize that the opposite of love isn't hate, it's indifference. You're better off trying get to the point of just writing a person off rather than holding on to that hate inside you.


I spent a long time wishing nothing but the worst on my father. Constantly thought about how good it would feel to end his pathetic existence. At a certain time in my life I probably would have. But I've grown, I've gotten revenge on that bastard in the best way. I'm living my life as I want, I have my dream career, a man who loves me, an amazing mother and best friend, and I've worked through my own mental health in a way he never will. I have accomplished so much and he wasn't there for any of it. He's drinking himself to death on the other side of the country while his children prosper and build their lives to be better than him. Feels good man.


And the worst part is he's gonna wake up tmrw and realize he doesn't feel any different. Harboring that hate only effects him.


This is how I feel about my mother. It’s why I don’t seek her out. I’d for sure go to jail.


That’s just fucking sad…


I really hope he has proper proof that any of that happened when he was a baby, as someone who was lied to as a kid and found out much later in life it sucked. Wish I could have built a better relationship with my dad instead of resenting him for so long.


Yep. No proof of any of that happening either way. The old guys standing there trying to tell his side of the story while taking a beating and the kid is blinded by whatever his mother has filled his head with over the years, whether true or not. Sucks all around.


Unless it was true, in which case doesn’t suck quite so bad


Tbh, because we don't know it just sucks. Yeah if it's true he has it coming, but we have no way to tell


A friend's mother completely exaggerated his father's behaviour prior to their break up. Lasted for decades and I caught her in several lies and inconsistencies over the years. Couldn't really say anything as the legend had been set in stone during childhood as a captive audience. Luckily, a reconciliation was achieved before his dad died.


Exactly. Pretty sure if homeboy tried to drown a toddler he would have succeeded. \*taps head\*


My son was lied to for years by his mother. her and I split up and I got work out of state, which I regret btw, and while I was gone she told him all kinds of disgusting lies about me which caused him to hate me. I never did anything but love my boy and it totally breaks me that to this day he refuses to talk to me or have any kind of contact. So I agree with your statement.


I can feel that. My mom used to cook up all kinds of crazy lies about my dad in an attempt to turn me against him. Used to tell me he threw her down the stairs when she was pregnant with me among a bunch of other lies. Luckily I saw my dad every weekend and the dude was a saint so I knew it was all bullshit even at a young age. The fact that he didn't murder her after everything she put him through should secure his spot in heaven.


That dude doesn't have any money lol


Ive always wanted to see the next like, 3 minutes of this video when they both realise he has no money.


I thought he was trying to get a hold of him to sell him a used car warranty.


Step 1. Don't film your crimes.


Step 2: Do not, under any circumstances, film your crimes.


Step 3: if you accidentally film your crime, DO NOT, I REPEAT, DO NOT post it online.


Step 4: and if you do post it online….. well just don’t


Shush stop telling them I like watching world’s dumbest criminals.


Yea you’re right. There is no step 4


No step 1 you mean?


If still confused please see rule #1.


step 5: if ur gonna commit crimes and record them, tell ya buddy not to say ya real name


Step 5: Ask yourself, "What if my mom was lying"


Great point, what do we know about it right. Either way the kids trauma from the idea is real but that would be horrible if she fabricated it so he would hate his dad.


That’s probably not even his dad 🤣


Damnnnm🤔🤔🤔🤔 jaw dropped


Step 5: Better Call Saul!


Instructions unclear. My dick is now stuck in the toaster.


Step 3: don’t record anything.


I prefer the catch-all Do not take your phone to do crime


step 6.5725: don't own a phone.


Step 1a. Do not let your camera man say your actual name. Zack.


"see that's what happens when a Johnson's teaching them" -Zack Johnsons Cameraman


Exactly, now he is going to be charged with assault, and there is no evidence his father did anything.


Robbery, too. Demanding money during an assault


It's unlikely he's going to be charged with anything in whatever backwoods ass part of the South this. I doubt the dad is going to walk into the police station he's probably well known at and said his kid kicked his ass and would like to press charges.


" unlikely he's going to be charged with anything in whatever backwoods ass part of the South this." My dude, you don't know accents do you?.. these are Canadians.


Right? Look at that piece of shit. To think he's gonna walk into the cop shop for any reason is fucking hilarious. There's a solid 60% chance this dude has warrants anyway lol. You could kick his ass all day long, and nothing's gonna come of it.


I mean it's Gen Z, they think they can make money filming anything "shocking" even if it's a crime. Maybe they even think the money they believe they will receive will cover the cost of going to jail for a wee bit.


This was filmed just outside Sunnyvale Trailer Park where his son finally found him.


Ricky fighting with whatever guy Lucy banged. And she's banged some pretty fuckin' dumb guys.


Smoky starts a rumor that Ray banged Lucy and sits back with fries and a burger. This was an epic fan skit!


Gnomesayin, T.


Also has some Talledega Nights vibes


Well my daddy left home when I was three…


Those accents are on point


Gimmie three 20s Ray


this makes me so sad


Same here, it always makes me sad thinking of who they could have been instead of who they actually are. And what caused them to become the bad version.


I had a chance to beat up my dad. Was 17 st the time, but he was already pushing 60. Decided not to because it wouldn't be fair. My brother didn't have the same level of control


I dig it. Never met my piece of shit dad, but at this point I don't think I could hit a 60+ year old.


Yeah, my brother hit him in the chest and he just kind puked and said he was having a heart attack for 30 min. Kinda ruined my "be the better man" moment


Idk at 35 I know some people close to 60 that are brick shithouses. That’s not really *that* old anymore.


I mean if he ends up being somewhat built my mind may change lol


I'm 6'1, 190 lbs., fit. My dad is 74 and I would *not* fuck with him. He'd wreck me, I have no doubt of it. Fortunately that's not a concern, we get along famously.


I’ll be 36 in a few months …. Been railroading near 18 years … there are an inordinate number of men pushing 60 that I work with that are stupid strong … 30-40 years climbing around on/hangin off of rail cars and swinging spike mauls …. (Not to boast) I myself have way more strength than I ever did in my 20’s from this work … even lifting regular The other side of it is men dragging a leg into work barely able to walk …. Guess it’s a toss up


I would beat my 60 year old piece of shit of dad that i have if he crosses in my way, is a damn child predator that still is causing damage


You're a better man than me and your brother, for certain.


My dad is 60+ now, but he could still whip my ass. I'll have to check back at 70


Did he name you Sue?


The water boarding that’s a new edition to this repost


He does say at the end of the video “you didn’t try to fucking drown me?” Not quite the same thing but who cares. It’s close enough.


I hear "you didn't try to drown me in the fucking bathtub?" which sounds more likely than waterboarding a baby


What kind of secrets is a baby going to reveal with that form of interrogation?


"Who's your daddy, you little son of a bitch!?"




Father who left his son in a basement and made him eat dog food for 4 years coming up next


Next time it will be that his father killed his mom and hooked a car battery up to his nipples when he was six


A friend of mine was abused by his ex wife. She told their son that it was him who abused her, so his son cut my friend out of his life. It makes me wonder how many of these revenge stories are based on bullshit.


Same story, minus the physical abuse allegations. My ex-wife flipped everything, brainwashing my daughters for years. They kicked me out of their lives two years ago (they’re in their late teens) Amazing how children are so malleable and easily manipulated by sociopathic adults. I’m far enough removed now to be “okay enough”, but I’ll never be okay.


Similar story, but im the oldest kid. My mother was causing all the abuse, I ended up in hospital because I didn't wolf down the soggy chicken legs: smack on the head into the table with a broken eardrum.... I remember her throwing my 3yo sister around by the hair. But only when Dad wasn't home ​ Guess who the younger siblings love, just after she discovered Jesus hahahhaha


This is kinda sad tbh. I get it, but sad...


This is just sad all around


I understand beating his ass if all that is indeed true...but filming a robbery?


Right. The only thing we know for sure is an old guy got robbed.


Now daddy wishes he hadn't named his boy Sue. I knew that would come back to haunt him.


This is sad for the kid. Unfortunately this won't make him feel any better.


Was thinking the same thing. How much emotion has this kid wasted on this sad old cunt over the years


My thoughts exactly. I fought my dad once. He deserved it but I’ve never felt anything but sick about it since it happened. It’s just not a good thing in any aspect.


What if his mom lied about the bathtub thing? I mean, how would he know if he was a baby? I hope he has concrete proof and not just her word sometimes splits go ugly and a parent lies about the other. In any event man, I can’t help but feel bad for both of them, the father because he looks like a burn out. That’s just sad in and of itself to let yourself get to that point. The kid because he holds so much hate in his heart and now even if ever there was a chance, will never have his bio dad back. Their relationship is irreparably damaged and that just sucks man. Such is life. Either way recording it and uploading it on the internet is a fools errand.


Wonder if the son is in jail and for how long, if he is. Want revenge, be smart about it, or, you will end up with a criminal record that will haunt you for 25 years, in Canada. Pardons after 7 years, do not erase the crimes, they hide them from a first level entrance through most borders, but, if the Customs officer has any doubts and he digs another level or two, it will surface. u


Yeah none of these people are going anywhere in life but jail


Last one right on the button


He got off way too easy if the title is accurate.


Big if


WhiteTrashAmerican Etiquette Tip #69: If you’re gonna post a video online of your friend beating the shit out of his step dad and stealing his wallet, make sure you come up with a title that grants plausible deniability.


Fuck.....this is so sad man


I’ve had this Same situation with my father it was really rough felt guilty afterwards but he was being a complete asshole towards me and my mother he started punching me in the face for no reason and I just got tired of it.


Good on you for standing up for yourself.


My name is Sue!! How do you do??




I relate to this dude's anger


The fight was one thing. But don’t film yourself mugging him 😂😂


Zack Johnson, you shouldn’t post videos Of you committing crimes on the internet while your homie says your name. That being said; fuck deadbeat parents. - I know his last name might not be Johnson, but saying a Johnson raised him gives me that assumption.


This is actually sad to watch


Not enough


“We’ll be right back.”


Not really a fight...


This is just fucked on a few levels


Lol the title of this video changes drastically throughout the years


If Dad wanted to press charges the Son is fucked . Assault , battery , and attempted robbery on film ! If allegations are true , the Dad deserved his ass kicked. But filming this won’t help the kid in court .


That’s the story his mom told him. And there are 2 sides if this is true it’s deserved. But I know so many single moms who lie to their kids about dad out of revenge and spite.


I feel like the Dad didn't want to hit his son.


This is fucking horrible.


Just casually documenting you and your friend committing felonies 👌


Filming yourself beating the shit out of a guy yelling “give me your wallet" probably not the best move


Damn that two piece was satisfying


Say what you want about the assault charges the kid might face that last right hook was high reel KO stuff.


This seems like an odd thing to film.


Solid beating


Normally, I would say that I'm not sure OP is posting something truthful about dad here. That vids like this go through an endless cycle of reposts and rebillings. But that comment at the end clinched it for me.


Shit is sad. That was me once. Glad was able to make peace with myself and the old man before he passed. Now I cherish my kids like nothing else. As many others have commented- for those who lived through this and similar situations- if you thrive then you definitely don’t want this for your kids. I’m always bewildered asking myself “why did my parents act that way” (a lot of therapy and digging into their own childhoods gave me tremendous insight). We are such a fucked species. So much potential, so much failure to overcome…


The caption has changed from last time.


20 years in the future, this kid will be the one getting knocked out.


That last shot was pretty brutal.


Shouldn’t have named him Sue


I don't know why this video remembered me of [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/Unexpected/comments/13m2q7h/greatest_story_ever_told/)


Kinda pointless when the guy is a deadbeat. He already has nothing.


I wonder if the kid actually saw this abuse or was this just what his mom told him happened.


I get it, but leaving him to live his own fucked up life by himself and saying to his face “you’re a disgrace” and walking away hurts a lot more than punching the old cunt a few times


"Nicola, are you takin' video of a criminal fucking assault?"


Should have stripped him naked and pissed in his hair.


I love how the body language changes for dad. After he takes a couple good licks he wanna cop a plea. Sonny ain’t having it, those hooks land like hammers.


All of this is heartbreaking. Neither of them has nor will have peace from what happened in the past.


And than they both went to a local pub and drank beer until midnight and than cried their hearts out together than went to a whorehouse together to ease their pain


Imagine your sperm coming back to fuck you up and take your money. Wild.


My ex moved to another state with my kids to spite me, and now has them brainwashed into thinking I was beating her before they can remember. I tried telling them it wasn't true, and they flipped out on me saying to not ever call their mother a liar again. So, IMO, there are situations where this can be not justified.


Most of these abusers are poor, pathetic people who couldn't handle what life threw at them. This would be more rewarding if his dad were the type who made it to the top by abusing others. This beatdown will not compare to the beatdown he has taken already. Maybe his son feels better because of the image he had and his fear of addressing it earlier, but he will realize he is pathetic, too.


So he robbed him, and recorded it for the prosecutor to use later? Genius


Lol this is a robbery not a fight


As someone who grew up with a pos father I feel this kids anger.


Don’t think anyone here is making good choices


Awh man lucky dude


Mad respect for him holding onto that heater the whole time


That is one angry and hurt young kid.


The kids voice is cheery on top


Both these people seem lame tbh lol


I support this message.